methods.yml 986 B

  1. - name: "setValue"
  2. params:
  3. - name: "val"
  4. type: "String"
  5. description: |
  6. Set the body content of Simditor. Simditor would format the new content automatically.
  7. - name: "getValue"
  8. return:
  9. type: "String"
  10. description: |
  11. Get the body content of Simditor in HTML format.
  12. - name: "sync"
  13. return:
  14. type: "String"
  15. description: |
  16. Synchronize the body content of Simditor to the value attribute of the textarea. Return the HTML content of the editor.
  17. - name: "focus"
  18. return:
  19. type: "jQuery Object"
  20. description: |
  21. Focus the textarea and trigger 'focus' event.
  22. - name: "blur"
  23. return:
  24. type: "jQuery Object"
  25. description: |
  26. Blur the textarea and trigger 'blur' event.
  27. - name: "hidePopover"
  28. return:
  29. type: "jQuery Object"
  30. description: |
  31. Hide the popover dialog such as image editing and link dialog.
  32. - name: "destroy"
  33. description: |
  34. Destroy Simditor, unbind all event and remove all HTML elements created by Simditor.