- name: "setValue" params: - name: "val" type: "String" description: | Set the body content of Simditor. Simditor would format the new content automatically. - name: "getValue" return: type: "String" description: | Get the body content of Simditor in HTML format. - name: "sync" return: type: "String" description: | Synchronize the body content of Simditor to the value attribute of the textarea. Return the HTML content of the editor. - name: "focus" return: type: "jQuery Object" description: | Focus the textarea and trigger 'focus' event. - name: "blur" return: type: "jQuery Object" description: | Blur the textarea and trigger 'blur' event. - name: "hidePopover" return: type: "jQuery Object" description: | Hide the popover dialog such as image editing and link dialog. - name: "destroy" description: | Destroy Simditor, unbind all event and remove all HTML elements created by Simditor.