/** @Name : jeDate v6.5.0 日期控件 @Author: chen guojun @Date: 2018-04-30 @QQ群:516754269 @官网:http://www.jemui.com/ 或 https://github.com/singod/jeDate */ ;(function(window, factory) { //amd if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { //umd module.exports = factory(); } else { window.jeDate = factory(); } })(this, function() { var doc = document, win = window; var jet = {}, doc = document, regymdzz = "YYYY|MM|DD|hh|mm|ss|zz", gr = /\-/g, regymd = "YYYY|MM|DD|hh|mm|ss|zz".replace("|zz",""), parseInt = function (n) { return window.parseInt(n, 10);}; var $Q = function (selector,content) { content = content || document; return selector.nodeType ? selector : content.querySelector(selector); }; var jeDate = function(elem,options){ var opts = typeof (options) === "function" ? options() : options; return new jeDatePick(elem,opts); }; //日期控件版本 jeDate.dateVer = "V6.5.0"; //用一个或多个其他对象来扩展一个对象,返回被扩展的对象 jeDate.extend = jet.extend = function () { var options, name, src, copy,deep = false, target = arguments[0], i = 1, length = arguments.length; if (typeof (target) === "boolean") deep = target, target = arguments[1] || {}, i = 2; if (typeof (target) !== "object" && typeof (target) !== "function") target = {}; if (length === i) target = this, --i; for (; i < length; i++) { if ((options = arguments[i]) != null) { for (name in options) { src = target[name], copy = options[name]; if (target === copy) continue; if (copy !== undefined) target[name] = copy; } } } return target; }; //返回指定日期 jeDate.nowDate = function (val,format) { format = format || 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'; if (!isNaN(val)) val = {DD: val}; return jet.parse(jet.getDateTime(val),format); }; //日期转换 jeDate.convert = function (obj) { obj.format = obj.format || 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'; obj.addval = obj.addval || []; var mats = jet.reMatch(obj.format),objVal = {}; jet.each(jet.reMatch(obj.val),function (i,cval) { objVal[mats[i]] = parseInt(cval); }); var result = new DateTime(obj.addval,objVal), redate = { YYYY:result.GetYear(), MM:result.GetMonth(), DD:result.GetDate(), hh:result.GetHours(), mm:result.GetMinutes(), ss:result.GetSeconds() }; return redate; }; jeDate.valText = function (elem,value) { return jet.valText(elem,value); }; //日期时间戳相互转换 jeDate.timeStampDate = function (date,format) { format = format || 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'; var dateTest = (/^(-)?\d{1,10}$/.test(date) || /^(-)?\d{1,13}$/.test(date)); if(/^[1-9]*[1-9][0-9]*$/.test(date) && dateTest){ var vdate = parseInt(date); if (/^(-)?\d{1,10}$/.test(vdate)) { vdate = vdate * 1000; } else if (/^(-)?\d{1,13}$/.test(vdate)) { vdate = vdate * 1000; } else if (/^(-)?\d{1,14}$/.test(vdate)) { vdate = vdate * 100; } else { alert("时间戳格式不正确"); return; } var setdate = new Date(vdate); return jet.parse({ YYYY:setdate.getFullYear(), MM:jet.digit(setdate.getMonth()+1), DD:jet.digit(setdate.getDate()) , hh:jet.digit(setdate.getHours()), mm:jet.digit(setdate.getMinutes()), ss:jet.digit(setdate.getSeconds()) }, format); }else { //将日期转换成时间戳 var arrs = jet.reMatch(date), newdate = new Date(arrs[0],arrs[1]-1,arrs[2],arrs[3]||0,arrs[4]||0,arrs[5]||0), timeStr = Math.round(newdate.getTime() / 1000); return timeStr; } }; //获取年月日星期 jeDate.getLunar = function(obj){ //如果为数字类型的日期对获取到日期的进行替换 var lunars = jeLunar(obj.YYYY, parseInt(obj.MM) - 1, obj.DD); return{ nM: lunars.lnongMonth, //农历月 nD: lunars.lnongDate, //农历日 cY: parseInt(lunars.solarYear), //阳历年 cM: parseInt(lunars.solarMonth), //阳历月 cD: parseInt(lunars.solarDate), //阳历日 cW: lunars.inWeekDays, //汉字星期几 nW: lunars.solarWeekDay //数字星期几 }; }; //转换日期格式 jeDate.parse = jet.parse = function(ymdhms, format) { return format.replace(new RegExp(regymdzz,"g"), function(str, index) { return str == "zz" ? "00":jet.digit(ymdhms[str]); }); }; //返回日期 function DateTime(arr,valObj) { var that = this,newdate = new Date(), narr = ["FullYear","Month","Date","Hours","Minutes","Seconds"]; var vb = jet.extend({YYYY:null,MM:null,DD:null,hh:newdate.getHours(),mm:newdate.getMinutes(),ss:newdate.getSeconds()},valObj); var ND = valObj == undefined ? newdate : new Date(vb.YYYY,vb.MM,vb.DD,vb.hh,vb.mm,vb.ss); if((arr||[]).length>0) jet.each(arr,function (i,par) { ND["set"+narr[i]](narr[i] == "Month" ? parseInt(par)-1:parseInt(par)); }); //返回一个数值相同的新DateTime对象 that.reDate = function () { return new DateTime(); }; //返回此实例的Date值 that.GetValue = function () { return ND; }; //获取此实例所表示日期的年份部分。 that.GetYear = function () { return ND.getFullYear(); }; //获取此实例所表示日期的月份部分。 that.GetMonth = function () { return ND.getMonth() + 1; }; //获取此实例所表示的日期为该月中的第几天。 that.GetDate = function () { return ND.getDate(); }; //获取此实例所表示日期的小时部分。 that.GetHours = function () { return ND.getHours(); }; //获取此实例所表示日期的分钟部分。 that.GetMinutes = function () { return ND.getMinutes(); }; //获取此实例所表示日期的秒部分。 that.GetSeconds = function () { return ND.getSeconds(); }; } jet.extend(jet,{ isType : function (obj,type) { var firstUper = function (str) { str = str.toLowerCase(); return str.replace(/\b(\w)|\s(\w)/g, function (m) { return m.toUpperCase(); }); }; return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) == "[object " + firstUper(type) + "]"; }, each : function (obj, callback, args) { var name, i = 0, length = obj.length, iselem = (length === undefined || obj === "function"); if (iselem) { for (name in obj) { if (callback.call(obj[name], name, obj[name]) === false) { break } } } else { for (; i < length;) { if (callback.call(obj[i], i, obj[i++]) === false) { break } } } return obj; }, on : function (elm, type, fn) { if (elm.addEventListener) { elm.addEventListener(type, fn, false);//DOM2.0 return true; }else if (elm.attachEvent) { return elm.attachEvent("on" + type, fn);//IE5+ }else { elm["on" + type] = fn;//DOM 0 } }, isObj : function (obj){ for(var i in obj){return true;} return false; }, trim : function (str){ return str.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ""); }, reMatch : function (str) { var smarr = [],maStr = "", parti = /(^\w{4}|\w{2}\B)/g; if(jet.isNum(str)){ maStr = str.replace(parti,"$1-"); }else{ maStr = /^[A-Za-z]+$/.test(str) ? str.replace(parti,"$1-") : str; } jet.each(maStr.match(/\w+|d+/g),function (i,val) { smarr.push(jet.isNum(val) ? parseInt(val):val); }); return smarr; }, equals : function (arrA,arrB) { if (!arrB) return false; if (arrA.length != arrB.length) return false; for (var i = 0, l = arrA.length; i < l; i++) { if (arrA[i] instanceof Array && arrB[i] instanceof Array) { if (!arrA[i].equals(arrB[i])) return false; } else if (arrA[i] != arrB[i]) { return false; } } return true; }, docScroll : function(type) { type = type ? "scrollLeft" :"scrollTop"; return document.body[type] | document.documentElement[type]; }, docArea : function(type) { return document.documentElement[type ? "clientWidth" :"clientHeight"]; }, //补齐数位 digit : function(num) { return num < 10 ? "0" + (num | 0) :num; }, //判断是否为数字 isNum : function(value){ return /^[+-]?\d*\.?\d*$/.test(value) ? true : false; }, //获取本月的总天数 getDaysNum : function(y, m) { var num = 31,isLeap = (y % 100 !== 0 && y % 4 === 0) || (y % 400 === 0); switch (parseInt(m)) { case 2: num = isLeap ? 29 : 28; break; case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: num = 30; break; } return num; }, //获取月与年 getYM : function(y, m, n) { var nd = new Date(y, m - 1); nd.setMonth(m - 1 + n); return { y: nd.getFullYear(), m: nd.getMonth() + 1 }; }, //获取上个月 prevMonth : function(y, m, n) { return jet.getYM(y, m, 0 - (n || 1)); }, //获取下个月 nextMonth : function(y, m, n) { return jet.getYM(y, m, n || 1); }, setCss:function(elem,obj) { for (var x in obj) elem.style[x] = obj[x]; }, html : function (elem,html) { return typeof html === "undefined" ? elem && elem.nodeType === 1 ? elem.innerHTML :undefined :typeof html !== "undefined" && html == true ? elem && elem.nodeType === 1 ? elem.outerHTML :undefined : elem.innerHTML = html; }, // 读取设置节点文本内容 text : function(elem,value) { var innText = document.all ? "innerText" :"textContent"; return typeof value === "undefined" ? elem && elem.nodeType === 1 ? elem[innText] :undefined : elem[innText] = value; }, //设置值 val : function (elem,value) { if (typeof value === "undefined") { return elem && elem.nodeType === 1 && typeof elem.value !== "undefined" ? elem.value :undefined; } // 将value转化为string value = value == null ? "" :value + ""; elem.value = value; }, attr : function(elem,value){ return elem.getAttribute(value); }, hasClass : function (obj, cls) { return obj.className.match(new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + cls + '(\\s|$)')); }, stopPropagation : function (ev) { (ev && ev.stopPropagation) ? ev.stopPropagation() : window.event.cancelBubble = true; }, template : function (str, data) { var strCell = !/[^\w\-\.:]/.test(str) ? document.getElementById(str).innerHTML : str; var keys = function (obj){ var arr = []; for(arr[arr.length] in obj); return arr ; }, dataVar = function (obj) { var vars = ''; for (var key in obj) { vars += 'var ' + key + '= $D["' + key + '"];'; } return vars; }, compile = function (source,data) { var code = "var $out='" + source.replace(/[\r\n]/g, '').replace(/^(.+?)\{\%|\%\}(.+?)\{\%|\%\}(.+?)$/g, function (val) { return val.replace(/(['"])/g, '\\\$1'); }).replace(/\{\%\s*=\s*(.+?)\%\}/g, "';$out+=$1;$out+='").replace(/\{\%(.+?)\%\}/g, "';$1;$out+='") + "';return new String($out);"; var vars = dataVar(data), Render = new Function('$D',vars + code); return new Render(data) + ''; }; return compile(strCell,data); }, //判断元素类型 isValDiv : function(elem) { return /textarea|input/.test(elem.tagName.toLocaleLowerCase()); }, valText : function (elem,value) { var cell = $Q(elem) ,type = jet.isValDiv(cell) ? "val" : "text"; if(value != undefined){ jet[type](cell,value); }else{ return jet[type](cell); } }, isBool : function(obj){ return (obj == undefined || obj == true ? true : false); }, //获取返回的日期 getDateTime : function (obj) { var result = new DateTime(), objVal = jet.extend({YYYY:null,MM:null,DD:null,hh:0,mm:0,ss:0},obj), matArr = {YYYY:"FullYear",MM:"Month",DD:"Date",hh:"Hours",mm:"Minutes",ss:"Seconds"}; jet.each(["ss","mm","hh","DD","MM","YYYY"],function (i,mat) { if (!jet.isNum(parseInt(objVal[mat]))) return null; var reVal = result.GetValue(); if (parseInt(objVal[mat]) || parseInt(objVal[mat]) == 0){ reVal["set"+matArr[mat]](result["Get"+matArr[mat]]() + (mat == "MM" ? -1 : 0) + parseInt(objVal[mat])); } }); //获取格式化后的日期 var redate = { YYYY:result.GetYear(), MM:result.GetMonth(), DD:result.GetDate(), hh:result.GetHours(), mm:result.GetMinutes(), ss:result.GetSeconds() }; return redate; } }); function jeDatePick(elem, options){ var config = { language:{ name : "cn", month : ["01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12"], weeks : [ "日", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六" ], times : ["小时","分钟","秒数"], timetxt: ["时间选择","开始时间","结束时间"], backtxt:"返回日期", clear : "清空", today : "现在", yes : "确定" }, format:"YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss", //日期格式 minDate:"1900-01-01 00:00:00", //最小日期 maxDate:"2099-12-31 23:59:59", //最大日期 isShow:true, //是否显示为固定日历,为false的时候固定显示 multiPane:true, //是否为双面板,为false是展示双面板 onClose:true, //是否为选中日期后关闭弹层,为false时选中日期后关闭弹层 range:false, //如果不为空且不为false,则会进行区域选择,例如 " 至 "," ~ "," To " trigger:"click", //是否为内部触发事件,默认为内部触发事件 position:[], //自定义日期弹层的偏移位置,长度为0,弹层自动查找位置 valiDate:[], //有效日期与非有效日期,例如 ["0[4-7]$,1[1-5]$,2[58]$",true] isinitVal:false, //是否初始化时间,默认不初始化时间 initDate:{}, //初始化时间,加减 天 时 分 isTime:true, //是否开启时间选择 isClear:true, //是否显示清空按钮 isToday:true, //是否显示今天或本月按钮 isYes:true, //是否显示确定按钮 festival:false, //是否显示农历节日 fixed:true, //是否静止定位,为true时定位在输入框,为false时居中定位 zIndex:2099, //弹出层的层级高度 method:{}, //自定义方法 theme:{}, //自定义主题色 shortcut:[], //日期选择的快捷方式 donefun:null, //选中日期完成的回调 before:null, //在界面加载之前执行 succeed:null //在界面加载之后执行 }; this.$opts = jet.extend(config,options||{}); this.valCell = $Q(elem); this.format = this.$opts.format; this.valCell != null ? this.init() : alert(elem+" ID\u6216\u7C7B\u540D\u4E0D\u5B58\u5728!"); jet.extend(this,this.$opts.method); delete this.$opts.method; } var searandom = function (){ var str = "",arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]; for(var i=0; i<8; i++) str += arr[Math.round(Math.random() * (arr.length-1))]; return str; }; var jefix = "jefixed",ymdzArr = jet.reMatch(regymdzz),elx = "#jedate"; jet.extend(jeDatePick.prototype,{ init : function () { var that = this, opts = that.$opts, newDate = new Date(), shortArr = [], trigges = opts.trigger,ndate = opts.initDate || [], inVal, range = opts.range, zIndex = opts.zIndex == undefined ? 10000 : opts.zIndex,isShow = jet.isBool(opts.isShow), isinitVal = (opts.isinitVal == undefined || opts.isinitVal == false) ? false : true; that.setDatas(); opts.before && opts.before(that.valCell); //为开启初始化的时间设置值 if (isinitVal && trigges && isShow) { if (ndate[1]){ var addval = jet.getDateTime(ndate[0]); inVal = [{ YYYY:addval.YYYY, MM:jet.digit(addval.MM), DD:jet.digit(addval.DD) , hh:jet.digit(addval.hh), mm:jet.digit(addval.mm), ss:jet.digit(addval.ss) }]; }else { inVal = that.getValue(jet.isObj(ndate[0]) ? ndate[0] : {}); } if(!range) that.setValue([inVal[0]],opts.format,true); } var getCurrValue = function () { var mats = jet.reMatch(that.format), isEmpty = that.getValue() != "",curVal = [], parmat = that.dlen == 7 ? "hh:mm:ss" : "YYYY-MM"+ (that.dlen <= 2 ? "":"-DD"); that.selectValue = [jet.parse(jet.getDateTime({}), parmat)]; if(isEmpty && isShow){ var getVal = that.getValue().split(range); jet.each(new Array(range ? 2 : 1),function (a) { curVal[a] = {}; jet.each(jet.reMatch(getVal[a]),function (i,val) { curVal[a][mats[i]] = parseInt(val); }); }); if(range) that.selectValue = getVal; }else{ var parr = that.getValue({})[0], nmVal = jet.nextMonth(parr.YYYY,parr.MM||jet.getDateTime({}).MM), narr = (that.dlen>2 && that.dlen <=6) ? {YYYY:nmVal.y,MM:nmVal.m} : {}; curVal = [parr]; } that.selectDate = curVal; return curVal; },ymarr = []; that.minDate = ""; that.maxDate = ""; if(!isShow || !trigges) ymarr = getCurrValue(); if(!isShow || !trigges){ that.minDate = jet.isType(opts.minDate,"function") ? opts.minDate(that) : opts.minDate; that.maxDate = jet.isType(opts.maxDate,"function") ? opts.maxDate(that) : opts.maxDate; that.storeData(ymarr[0],ymarr[1]); that.renderDate(); opts.succeed && opts.succeed(that.dateCell); }else{ if (trigges) { jet.on(that.valCell,trigges,function(){ if (document.querySelectorAll(elx).length > 0) return; var gvarr = getCurrValue(); that.minDate = jet.isType(opts.minDate,"function") ? opts.minDate(that) : opts.minDate; that.maxDate = jet.isType(opts.maxDate,"function") ? opts.maxDate(that) : opts.maxDate; that.storeData(gvarr[0],gvarr[1]); that.renderDate(); }); } } }, setDatas : function(){ var that = this, opts = that.$opts,range = opts.range,shortArr = [],isShow = jet.isBool(opts.isShow),multi = opts.multiPane; that.$data = jet.extend({year:false,month:false,day:true,time:false,timebtn:false},{ shortcut:[],lang:opts.language,yaerlist:[],monthlist:[[],[]],ymlist:[[],[]], daylist:[[],[]], clear:opts.isClear,today:range ? false:opts.isToday,yes:opts.isYes,pane:multi ? 1:2 }); if(opts.shortcut.length>0){ jet.each(opts.shortcut,function (i,short) { var tarr = [], shval = jet.isType(short.val,"function") ? short.val() : short.val; if(jet.isType(shval,"object")){ for (var s in shval) tarr.push(s + ':' + shval[s]); shortArr.push(jet.extend({},{name:short.name,val:"{" + tarr.join('#') + "}"})); } }); that.$data.shortcut = shortArr; } that.dlen = (function () { var mats = jet.reMatch(that.format),marr = []; jet.each(ymdzArr,function(i,val){ jet.each(mats,function(m,mval){ if(val == mval) marr.push(mval); }); }); var matlen = marr.length, lens = (marr[0] == "hh")&&matlen<=3 ? 7 : matlen; return lens; })(); that.$data.dlen = that.dlen; that.timeInspect = false; if(that.dlen == 1){ jet.extend(that.$data,{year:true,day:false}); }else if(that.dlen == 2){ jet.extend(that.$data,{month:true,day:false}); }else if(that.dlen>3 && that.dlen <=6){ that.$data.timebtn = true; }else if(that.dlen == 7){ jet.extend(that.$data,{day:false,time:true}); } if(!isShow){ that.$data.clear = false; that.$data.yes = false; } }, renderDate : function () { var that= this, opts = that.$opts,isShow = jet.isBool(opts.isShow), elxID = !isShow ? elx+searandom() : elx, setzin = {"zIndex": (opts.zIndex == undefined ? 10000 : opts.zIndex)}; if(that.dateCell == undefined){ that.dateCell = document.createElement("div"); that.dateCell.id = elxID.replace(/\#/g,""); that.dateCell.className = elx.replace(/\#/g,"")+" "+(opts.shortcut.length>0?" leftmenu":""); that.dateCell.setAttribute("author","chen guojun"); } jet.html(that.dateCell,jet.template(that.dateTemplate(),that.$data)); //自定义主题色 if(jet.isObj(opts.theme)){ var styleDiv = document.createElement("style"),stCell = ".jedate"+searandom(), t = opts.theme, BG = "background-color:"+t.bgcolor, WC = "color:"+(t.color == undefined ? "#FFFFFF":t.color), OTH = (t.pnColor == undefined ? "":"color:"+t.pnColor+";"); that.dateCell.className = that.dateCell.className+" "+stCell.replace(/^./g,""); styleDiv.setAttribute("type","text/css"); styleDiv.innerHTML = stCell+" .jedate-menu p:hover{"+BG+";"+WC+";}"+stCell+" .jedate-header em{"+WC+";}"+ stCell+" .jedate-content .yeartable td.action span,"+stCell+" .jedate-content .monthtable td.action span,"+ stCell+" .jedate-content .yeartable td.action span:hover,"+stCell+" .jedate-content .monthtable td.action span:hover{"+BG+";border:1px "+t.bgcolor+" solid;"+WC+";}"+stCell+" .jedate-content .daystable td.action,"+stCell+" .jedate-content .daystable td.action:hover,"+ stCell+" .jedate-content .daystable td.action .lunar,"+stCell+" .jedate-header,"+stCell+" .jedate-time .timeheader,"+ stCell+" .jedate-time .hmslist ul li.action,"+stCell+" .jedate-time .hmslist ul li.action:hover,"+ stCell+" .jedate-time .hmslist ul li.disabled.action,"+stCell+" .jedate-footbtn .timecon,"+stCell+" .jedate-footbtn .btnscon span{"+BG+";"+WC+";}"+ stCell+" .jedate-content .daystable td.other,"+stCell+" .jedate-content .daystable td.other .nolunar,"+stCell+" .jedate-content .daystable td.other .lunar{"+OTH+"}"+stCell+" .jedate-content .daystable td.contain,"+stCell+" .jedate-content .daystable td.contain:hover{background-"+OTH+"}"; that.dateCell.appendChild(styleDiv); } that.compileBindNode(that.dateCell); if (document.querySelectorAll(elxID).length > 0) document.body.removeChild($Q(elxID)); !isShow ? that.valCell.appendChild(that.dateCell) : document.body.appendChild(that.dateCell); jet.setCss(that.dateCell,jet.extend({position:(!isShow ? "relative" : (opts.fixed == true ? "absolute" :"fixed"))},isShow ? setzin:{})); that.methodEventBind(); if(that.dlen == 7 || (that.dlen>3 && that.dlen <=6)) that.locateScroll(); if(opts.festival && opts.language.name == "cn") that.showFestival(); if(isShow){ that.dateOrien(that.dateCell,that.valCell); that.blankArea(); } }, //设置日期值 setValue : function (fnStr,matStr,bool) { var that = this, valCell = that.valCell,strVal; matStr = matStr || that.format; if((typeof fnStr=='string')&&fnStr!=''){ var sprange = fnStr.split(that.$opts.range), inArr=[]; jet.each(sprange,function (i,sval) { var reVal = jet.reMatch(sval), inObj={}; jet.each(jet.reMatch(matStr),function (r,val) { inObj[val] = reVal[r]; }); inArr.push(inObj); }); strVal = inArr; }else { strVal = fnStr; } var vals = that.parseValue(strVal,matStr); if (bool != false) jet.valText(valCell,vals); return vals; }, //获取日期值 getValue : function (valobj) { var that = this, valCell = that.valCell, opts = that.$opts, reObj, result = new DateTime().reDate(), dateY = result.GetYear(),dateM = result.GetMonth(),dateD = result.GetDate(), timeh = result.GetHours(),timem = result.GetMinutes(),times = result.GetSeconds(); if (valobj == undefined && jet.isBool(opts.isShow)){ reObj = jet.valText(valCell); }else { var isValShow = jet.isBool(opts.isShow) ? (jet.valText(valCell) == "") : !jet.isBool(opts.isShow), objarr = jet.extend({YYYY:null,MM:null,DD:null},valobj||{}), ranMat = [],newArr = new Array(2),unObj = function (obj) { return [(objarr[obj] == undefined || objarr[obj] == null),objarr[obj]]; }, defObj = [{ YYYY:dateY,MM:dateM,DD:dateD, hh:timeh,mm:timem,ss:times,zz:00}, { YYYY:dateY,MM:dateM,DD:dateD, hh:timeh,mm:timem,ss:times,zz:00}]; if (isValShow) { //目标为空值则获取当前日期时间 jet.each(newArr,function (i) { var inObj = {}; jet.each(ymdzArr, function (r, val) { inObj[val] = parseInt(unObj(val)[0] ? defObj[i][val] : unObj(val)[1]); }); ranMat.push(jet.extend(defObj[i], inObj)); }); } else { var isunRange = opts.range != false, initVal = that.getValue(), spVal = initVal.split(opts.range), reMat = jet.reMatch(that.format); jet.each(newArr,function (i) { var inObj = {}, reVal = isunRange ? jet.reMatch(spVal[i]) : jet.reMatch(initVal); jet.each(reMat,function (r,val) { inObj[val] = reVal[r]; }); var exVal = jet.extend(inObj,valobj||{}); ranMat.push(jet.extend(defObj[i],exVal)); }); } reObj = ranMat; } return reObj; }, storeData:function (curr,next) { next = next || {}; var that = this, opts = that.$opts,multi = opts.multiPane,valCell = that.valCell, days = new Date().getDate(), DTS = that.$data,isnext = jet.isObj(next), RES = {yearlist:[],monthlist:[[],[]],daylist:[],daytit:[],timelist:[]},seltime, cday = curr.DD == null ? days : curr.DD, nday = next.DD == null ? days : next.DD, timeA = {hh:curr.hh,mm:curr.mm,ss:curr.ss}, timeB = {hh:next.hh||0,mm:next.mm||0,ss:next.ss||0}; //设置年的数据 RES.yearlist.push(that.eachYear(parseInt(curr.YYYY),1)); if(multi == false){ var yearNext = isnext ? next.YYYY : curr.YYYY; RES.yearlist.push(that.eachYear(parseInt(yearNext),2)); } //设置月的数据 RES.monthlist[0] = that.eachMonth(curr.YYYY,0); if(multi == false){ var monthNext = isnext ? next.YYYY : curr.YYYY+1; RES.monthlist[1] = that.eachMonth(curr.YYYY+1,1); } //设置天的数据 RES.daylist.push(that.eachDays(curr.YYYY,curr.MM,cday,0)); RES.daytit.push({YYYY:curr.YYYY,MM:curr.MM}); if(multi == false){ var dayNext = jet.nextMonth(curr.YYYY,curr.MM); RES.daylist.push(that.eachDays(dayNext.y,dayNext.m,nday,1)); RES.daytit.push({YYYY:dayNext.y,MM:dayNext.m}); } //设置时间数据 that.selectTime = [timeA,timeB]; RES.timelist.push(that.eachTime(timeA,1)); if(multi == false){ seltime = that.dlen == 7 && opts.range && !isnext ? timeA : timeB; if(that.dlen == 7 && opts.range && jet.valText(valCell) == ""){ that.selectTime[1] = jet.extend(timeB,timeA); } RES.timelist.push(that.eachTime(seltime,2)); } //最后将数据合并于总数据中 jet.extend(that.$data,RES); }, dateTemplate : function() { var that = this, opts = that.$opts, multi = opts.multiPane,YMDStr = "",hmsStr = "",lang = opts.language, ytxt = lang.name == "cn" ? "年":"", mtxt = lang.name == "cn" ? "月":""; var ymvals = multi ? '{%=ymlist[0].YYYY%}-{%=ymlist[0].MM%}':'{%=ymlist[0].YYYY%}-{%=ymlist[0].MM%}#{%=ymlist[ynidx].YYYY%}-{%=ymlist[ynidx].MM%}'; var aowArr = (function () { var butArr = [], ismu = multi ? "11":"23"; if(that.dlen == 1){ butArr = ['{%=yearlist[i][0].y-'+ismu+'%}','{%=yearlist[i][yearlist[i].length-1].y%}']; }else if(that.dlen == 2){ butArr = multi ? ['{%=yearlist[0][0].y-1%}','{%=yearlist[0][0].y+1%}']:['{%=yearlist[i][0].y-'+ismu+'%}','{%=yearlist[i][yearlist[i].length-1].y%}']; }else if(that.dlen>2 && that.dlen <=6){ butArr = ['{%=yearlist[0][0].y-1%}','{%=yearlist[0][0].y+1%}']; } return butArr; })(); var lyPrev = '', lyNext = '', ryPrev = '', ryNext = '', mPrev = '{% if(dlen>2){ %}{% } %}', mNext = '{% if(dlen>2){ %}{% } %}'; //循环年的模板 var yaerHtml = '
{%=yearlist[i][y].y%}'+ytxt+' | {% if((y+1)%3==0){ %}
{%=monthlist[i][m].m%}'+mtxt+' | {% if((m+1)%3==0){ %}
{%=daylist[i][d].day%} | {% if((d+1)%7==0){ %}
' + d + '' + lunartext + '
'; }else{ festivalStr = '' + d + '
'; } return festivalStr; }; //判断是否在限制的日期之中 var dateLimit = function(Y, M, D, isMonth){ var thatNum = parseInt(Y + "" + jet.digit(M) + "" + jet.digit(D)); if(isMonth){ if (thatNum >= minNum && thatNum <= maxNum) return true; }else { if (minNum > thatNum || maxNum < thatNum) return true; } }; var regExpDate = function (date,cls) { var inArray = function (search,array){ for(var i in array) if(array[i]==search) return true; return false; }; if(endval.length > 0 && endval[0]!=""){ if(/\%/g.test(endval[0])){ var reval = endval[0].replace(/\%/g,"").split(","), enArr = []; jet.each(reval,function (r,rel) { enArr.push(jet.digit(parseInt(rel))); }); var isfind = inArray(jet.digit(date), enArr) == false; cls = jet.isBool(endval[1]) ? (isfind ? " disabled" :cls) : (isfind ? cls :" disabled"); }else { var valreg = that.dateRegExp(endval[0]), regday = valreg.test(jet.digit(date)); cls = jet.isBool(endval[1]) ? (regday ? " disabled" : cls) : (regday ? cls : " disabled"); } } return cls; }; //var ymds = ymdarr[1] //上一月剩余天数 for (var p = prevDaysNum - firstWeek + 1; p <= prevDaysNum; p++, count++) { var pmark = setMark(prevM.y,prevM.m,p), pcls = dateLimit(prevM.y, prevM.m, p, false) ? "disabled" : "other"; pcls = regExpDate(p,pcls); daysArr.push({style:pcls,ymd:prevM.y+'-'+jet.digit(prevM.m)+'-'+jet.digit(p),day:(isfestival(prevM.y,prevM.m,p) + pmark)}); } //本月的天数 for(var b = 1; b <= daysNum; b++, count++){ var bmark = setMark(yd,md,b), bcls = ""; var dateval = parseInt(yd+""+jet.digit(md)+""+jet.digit(b)), parsdate = dateval > startDate, rangdate = dateval < endDate; if(dateLimit(yd, md, b, true)){ if(dateval == startDate || dateval == endDate){ bcls = " action"; }else if(parsdate&&rangdate){ bcls = " contain"; }else { bcls = ""; } }else { bcls = " disabled"; } bcls = regExpDate(b,bcls); daysArr.push({style:"normal"+bcls,ymd:yd+'-'+jet.digit(md)+'-'+jet.digit(b),day:(isfestival(yd,md,b) + bmark)}); } //下一月开始天数 for(var n = 1, nlen = 42 - count; n <= nlen; n++){ var nmark = setMark(nextM.y,nextM.m,n); var ncls = dateLimit(nextM.y, nextM.m, n, false) ? "disabled" : "other"; ncls = regExpDate(n,ncls); daysArr.push({style:ncls,ymd:nextM.y+'-'+jet.digit(nextM.m)+'-'+jet.digit(n),day:(isfestival(nextM.y,nextM.m,n) + nmark)}); } //将星期与日期拼接起来 return daysArr; }, eachTime : function (hmsArr,type) { var that = this,opts = that.$opts, range = opts.range,multi = opts.multiPane, minVal = [], maxVal = [], mhms = ["hh","mm","ss"], timeArr = [],hmsCls = '',format = that.format, ntVal = jet.trim(that.minDate).replace(/\s+/g," "), xtVal = jet.trim(that.maxDate).replace(/\s+/g," "), nVal = ntVal.split(" "), xVal = xtVal.split(" "); if(that.dlen>3 && /\:/.test(nVal) && /\:/.test(xVal)){ minVal = jet.reMatch(/\s/.test(ntVal)&&that.dlen>3 ? nVal[1] : ntVal); maxVal = jet.reMatch(/\s/.test(xtVal)&&that.dlen>3 ? xVal[1] : xtVal); } jet.each([24,60,60],function (s,lens) { timeArr[s] = []; var unhmsVal = minVal[s] == undefined || minVal[s] == 0 ? hmsArr[mhms[s]] : minVal[s], currVal = that.getValue() == "" ? unhmsVal : hmsArr[mhms[s]]; if(that.dlen>3 && /\:/.test(nVal) && type==1){ that.selectTime[0][mhms[s]] = currVal; } for (var h = 0; h < lens; h++) { var exists = new RegExp(mhms[s],"g").test(format); if(h == currVal){ hmsCls = exists ? "action" : "disabled"; }else if(!exists || !range && multi &&(h' + lunar.solarYear + '\u5E74' + lunar.solarMonth + '\u6708' + lunar.solarDate + '\u65E5 ' + lunar.inWeekDays + '
\u519C\u5386:' + lunar.shengxiao + '\u5E74 ' + lunar.lnongMonth + '\u6708' + lunar.lnongDate + '
' + lunar.ganzhiYear + '\u5E74 ' + lunar.ganzhiMonth + '\u6708 ' + lunar.ganzhiDate + '\u65E5
'; var Fesjieri = (lunar.solarFestival || lunar.lunarFestival) != "" ? '' + ("\u8282\u65E5:"+lunar.solarFestival + lunar.lunarFestival) + '
' : ""; var Fesjieqi = lunar.jieqi != "" ? ''+(lunar.jieqi != "" ? "\u8282\u6C14:"+lunar.jieqi : "") + '
': ""; var tiptext = (lunar.solarFestival || lunar.lunarFestival || lunar.jieqi) != "" ? (Fesjieri + Fesjieqi) : ""; jet.html(tipDiv,tiphtml + tiptext); document.body.appendChild(tipDiv); //获取并设置农历提示框出现的位置 var tipPos = that.lunarOrien(tipDiv, this); jet.setCss(tipDiv,{"zIndex": (opts.zIndex == undefined ? 10000 + 5 : opts.zIndex + 5),top:tipPos.top,left:tipPos.left,position:"absolute",display:"block"}); }); //鼠标移除提示框消失 jet.on(node,"mouseout",function () { document.body.removeChild($Q("#jedatetipscon")); }); }); if (that.dateCell.nodeType === 1 && !jet.hasClass(that.dateCell,"grid")) that.dateCell.className = that.dateCell.className + " grid"; }, //农历方位辨别 lunarOrien : function(obj, self, pos) { var tops, leris, ortop, orleri, rect =self.getBoundingClientRect(), boxW = obj.offsetWidth, boxH = obj.offsetHeight; leris = rect.right + boxW / 1.5 >= jet.docArea(true) ? rect.right - boxW : rect.left + (pos ? 0 : jet.docScroll(true)); tops = rect.bottom + boxH / 1 <= jet.docArea() ? rect.bottom - 1 : rect.top > boxH / 1.5 ? rect.top - boxH - 1 : jet.docArea() - boxH; if(leris + boxW > jet.docArea(true)) leris = rect.left - (boxW - rect.width); ortop = Math.max(tops + (pos ? 0 :jet.docScroll()) + 1, 1) + "px", orleri = leris + "px"; return {top: ortop, left: orleri } }, //辨别控件的方位 dateOrien : function(elbox, valCls, pos) { var that = this, tops, leris, ortop, orleri, rect = that.$opts.fixed ? valCls.getBoundingClientRect() : elbox.getBoundingClientRect(), leris = rect.left, tops = rect.bottom; if(that.$opts.fixed) { var boxW = elbox.offsetWidth, boxH = elbox.offsetHeight; //如果右侧超出边界 if(leris + boxW > jet.docArea(true)){ leris = leris - (boxW - rect.width); } //如果底部超出边界 if(tops + boxH > jet.docArea()){ tops = rect.top > boxH ? rect.top - boxH -2 : jet.docArea() - boxH -1; } //根据目标元素计算弹层位置 ortop = Math.max(tops + (pos ? 0 :jet.docScroll())+1, 1) + "px"; orleri = leris + "px"; }else{ //弹层位置位于页面上下左右居中 ortop = "50%"; orleri = "50%"; elbox.style.cssText = "marginTop:"+-(rect.height / 2)+";marginLeft:"+-(rect.width / 2); } jet.setCss(elbox,{top:ortop,left:orleri}); }, tips : function (text, time) { var that = this, tipCls = $Q(".jedate-tips",that.dateCell),tipTime; jet.html(tipCls,text||""); jet.setCss(tipCls,{display:"block"}); clearTimeout(tipTime); tipTime = setTimeout(function(){ jet.html(tipCls,""); jet.setCss(tipCls,{display:"none"}); }, (time||2.5)*1000); }, locateScroll : function () { var that = this, ulCell = $Q(".jedate-time",that.dateCell).querySelectorAll("ul"); jet.each(ulCell, function(i,cell) { var hmsCls = cell.querySelector(".action"); cell.scrollTop = hmsCls ? (hmsCls.offsetTop-145):0; }); if(that.dlen != 7) jet.setCss($Q(".jedate-time",that.dateCell),{display:'none'}); } }); //农历数据 function jeLunar(ly,lm,ld) { var lunarInfo=[19416,19168,42352,21717,53856,55632,91476,22176,39632,21970,19168,42422,42192,53840,119381,46400,54944,44450,38320,84343,18800,42160,46261,27216,27968,109396,11104,38256,21234,18800,25958,54432,59984,28309,23248,11104,100067,37600,116951,51536,54432,120998,46416,22176,107956,9680,37584,53938,43344,46423,27808,46416,86869,19872,42448,83315,21200,43432,59728,27296,44710,43856,19296,43748,42352,21088,62051,55632,23383,22176,38608,19925,19152,42192,54484,53840,54616,46400,46496,103846,38320,18864,43380,42160,45690,27216,27968,44870,43872,38256,19189,18800,25776,29859,59984,27480,21952,43872,38613,37600,51552,55636,54432,55888,30034,22176,43959,9680,37584,51893,43344,46240,47780,44368,21977,19360,42416,86390,21168,43312,31060,27296,44368,23378,19296,42726,42208,53856,60005,54576,23200,30371,38608,19415,19152,42192,118966,53840,54560,56645,46496,22224,21938,18864,42359,42160,43600,111189,27936,44448], sTermInfo = [ 0, 21208, 43467, 63836, 85337, 107014, 128867, 150921, 173149, 195551, 218072, 240693, 263343, 285989, 308563, 331033, 353350, 375494, 397447, 419210, 440795, 462224, 483532, 504758 ]; var Gan = "甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸", Zhi = "子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥", Animals = "鼠牛虎兔龙蛇马羊猴鸡狗猪"; var solarTerm = [ "小寒", "大寒", "立春", "雨水", "惊蛰", "春分", "清明", "谷雨", "立夏", "小满", "芒种", "夏至", "小暑", "大暑", "立秋", "处暑", "白露", "秋分", "寒露", "霜降", "立冬", "小雪", "大雪", "冬至" ]; var nStr1 = "日一二三四五六七八九十", nStr2 = "初十廿卅", nStr3 = [ "正", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九", "十", "十一", "腊"], sFtv1 = { "0101" : "*1元旦节", "0202" : "湿地日", "0214" : "情人节", "0308" : "妇女节", "0312" : "植树节", "0315" : "消费者权益日", "0401" : "愚人节", "0422" : "地球日", "0501" : "*1劳动节", "0504" : "青年节", "0512" : "护士节", "0518" : "博物馆日", "0520" : "母亲节", "0601" : "儿童节", "0623" : "奥林匹克日", "0630" : "父亲节", "0701" : "建党节", "0801" : "建军节", "0903" : "抗战胜利日", "0910" : "教师节", "1001" : "*3国庆节", "1201" : "艾滋病日", "1224" : "平安夜", "1225" : "圣诞节" }, sFtv2 = { "0100" : "除夕", "0101" : "*2春节", "0115" : "元宵节", "0505" : "*1端午节", "0707" : "七夕节", "0715" : "中元节", "0815" : "*1中秋节", "0909" : "*1重阳节", "1015" : "下元节", "1208" : "腊八节", "1223" : "小年" }; function flunar(Y) { var sTerm = function (j, i) { var h = new Date((31556925974.7 * (j - 1900) + sTermInfo[i] * 60000) + Date.UTC(1900, 0, 6, 2, 5)); return (h.getUTCDate()); }, d = function (k) { var h, j = 348; for (h = 32768; h > 8; h >>= 1) j += (lunarInfo[k - 1900] & h) ? 1 : 0; return (j + b(k)); }, ymdCyl = function (h) { return (Gan.charAt(h % 10) + Zhi.charAt(h % 12)); }, b = function (h) { var islp = (g(h)) ? ((lunarInfo[h - 1900] & 65536) ? 30 : 29) : (0); return islp; }, g = function (h) { return (lunarInfo[h - 1900] & 15) }, e = function (i, h) { return ((lunarInfo[i - 1900] & (65536 >> h)) ? 30 : 29); }, newymd = function (m) { var k, j = 0, h = 0, l = new Date(1900, 0, 31), n = (m - l) / 86400000; this.dayCyl = n + 40; this.monCyl = 14; for (k = 1900; k < 2050 && n > 0; k++) { h = d(k); n -= h; this.monCyl += 12; } if (n < 0) { n += h; k--; this.monCyl -= 12; } this.year = k; this.yearCyl = k - 1864; j = g(k); this.isLeap = false; for (k = 1; k < 13 && n > 0; k++) { if (j > 0 && k == (j + 1) && this.isLeap == false) { --k; this.isLeap = true; h = b(this.year); } else { h = e(this.year, k); } if (this.isLeap == true && k == (j + 1)) { this.isLeap = false; } n -= h; if (this.isLeap == false) this.monCyl++; } if (n == 0 && j > 0 && k == j + 1) { if (this.isLeap) { this.isLeap = false; } else { this.isLeap = true; --k; --this.monCyl; } } if (n < 0) { n += h; --k; --this.monCyl; } this.month = k; this.day = n + 1; }, digit = function (num) { return num < 10 ? "0" + (num | 0) : num; }, reymd = function (i, j) { var h = i; return j.replace(/dd?d?d?|MM?M?M?|yy?y?y?/g, function (k) { switch (k) { case "yyyy": var l = "000" + h.getFullYear(); return l.substring(l.length - 4); case "dd": return digit(h.getDate()); case "d": return h.getDate().toString(); case "MM": return digit((h.getMonth() + 1)); case "M": return h.getMonth() + 1; } }); }, lunarMD = function (i, h) { var j; switch (i, h) { case 10: j = "初十"; break; case 20: j = "二十"; break; case 30: j = "三十"; break; default: j = nStr2.charAt(Math.floor(h / 10)); j += nStr1.charAt(h % 10); } return j; }; this.isToday = false; this.isRestDay = false; this.solarYear = reymd(Y, "yyyy"); this.solarMonth = reymd(Y, "M"); this.solarDate = reymd(Y, "d"); this.solarWeekDay = Y.getDay(); this.inWeekDays = "星期" + nStr1.charAt(this.solarWeekDay); var X = new newymd(Y); this.lunarYear = X.year; this.shengxiao = Animals.charAt((this.lunarYear - 4) % 12); this.lunarMonth = X.month; this.lunarIsLeapMonth = X.isLeap; this.lnongMonth = this.lunarIsLeapMonth ? "闰" + nStr3[X.month - 1] : nStr3[X.month - 1]; this.lunarDate = X.day; this.showInLunar = this.lnongDate = lunarMD(this.lunarMonth, this.lunarDate); if (this.lunarDate == 1) { this.showInLunar = this.lnongMonth + "月"; } this.ganzhiYear = ymdCyl(X.yearCyl); this.ganzhiMonth = ymdCyl(X.monCyl); this.ganzhiDate = ymdCyl(X.dayCyl++); this.jieqi = ""; this.restDays = 0; if (sTerm(this.solarYear, (this.solarMonth - 1) * 2) == reymd(Y, "d")) { this.showInLunar = this.jieqi = solarTerm[(this.solarMonth - 1) * 2]; } if (sTerm(this.solarYear, (this.solarMonth - 1) * 2 + 1) == reymd(Y, "d")) { this.showInLunar = this.jieqi = solarTerm[(this.solarMonth - 1) * 2 + 1]; } if (this.showInLunar == "清明") { this.showInLunar = "清明节"; this.restDays = 1; } this.solarFestival = sFtv1[reymd(Y, "MM") + reymd(Y, "dd")]; if (typeof this.solarFestival == "undefined") { this.solarFestival = ""; } else { if (/\*(\d)/.test(this.solarFestival)) { this.restDays = parseInt(RegExp.$1); this.solarFestival = this.solarFestival.replace(/\*\d/, ""); } } this.showInLunar = (this.solarFestival == "") ? this.showInLunar : this.solarFestival; this.lunarFestival = sFtv2[this.lunarIsLeapMonth ? "00" : digit(this.lunarMonth) + digit(this.lunarDate)]; if (typeof this.lunarFestival == "undefined") { this.lunarFestival = ""; } else { if (/\*(\d)/.test(this.lunarFestival)) { this.restDays = (this.restDays > parseInt(RegExp.$1)) ? this.restDays : parseInt(RegExp.$1); this.lunarFestival = this.lunarFestival.replace(/\*\d/, ""); } } if (this.lunarMonth == 12 && this.lunarDate == e(this.lunarYear, 12)) { this.lunarFestival = sFtv2["0100"]; this.restDays = 1; } this.showInLunar = (this.lunarFestival == "") ? this.showInLunar : this.lunarFestival; } return new flunar(new Date(ly, lm, ld)); } return jeDate; });