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expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)\n/******/ \t__webpack_require__.m = modules;\n/******/\n/******/ \t// expose the module cache\n/******/ \t__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;\n/******/\n/******/ \t// define getter function for harmony exports\n/******/ \t__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {\n/******/ \t\tif(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {\n/******/ \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, name, {\n/******/ \t\t\t\tconfigurable: false,\n/******/ \t\t\t\tenumerable: true,\n/******/ \t\t\t\tget: getter\n/******/ \t\t\t});\n/******/ \t\t}\n/******/ \t};\n/******/\n/******/ \t// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n/******/ \t__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {\n/******/ \t\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n/******/ \t\t\tfunction getDefault() { return module['default']; } :\n/******/ \t\t\tfunction getModuleExports() { return module; };\n/******/ \t\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);\n/******/ \t\treturn getter;\n/******/ \t};\n/******/\n/******/ \t// Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call\n/******/ \t__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };\n/******/\n/******/ \t// __webpack_public_path__\n/******/ \t__webpack_require__.p = \"/dist/\";\n/******/\n/******/ \t// Load entry module and return exports\n/******/ \treturn __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);\n/******/ })\n/************************************************************************/\n/******/ ([\n/* 0 */\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\n~function () {\n var EOF = -1;\n var BITS = 12;\n var HSIZE = 5003;\n var masks = [0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255, 511, 1023, 2047, 4095, 8191, 16383, 32767, 65535];\n var remaining, curPixel, n_bits;\n function LZWEncoder(width, height, pixels, colorDepth) {\n var initCodeSize = Math.max(2, colorDepth);\n var accum = new Uint8Array(256);\n var htab = new Int32Array(HSIZE);\n var codetab = new Int32Array(HSIZE);\n var cur_accum,\n cur_bits = 0;\n var a_count;\n var free_ent = 0;\n var maxcode;\n var clear_flg = false;\n var g_init_bits, ClearCode, EOFCode;\n function char_out(c, outs) {\n accum[a_count++] = c;\n if (a_count >= 254) flush_char(outs);\n }\n function cl_block(outs) {\n cl_hash(HSIZE);\n free_ent = ClearCode + 2;\n clear_flg = true;\n output(ClearCode, outs);\n }\n function cl_hash(hsize) {\n for (var i = 0; i < hsize; ++i) {\n htab[i] = -1;\n }\n }\n function compress(init_bits, outs) {\n var fcode, c, i, ent, disp, hsize_reg, hshift;\n g_init_bits = init_bits;\n clear_flg = false;\n n_bits = g_init_bits;\n maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits);\n ClearCode = 1 << init_bits - 1;\n EOFCode = ClearCode + 1;\n free_ent = ClearCode + 2;\n a_count = 0;\n ent = nextPixel();\n hshift = 0;\n for (fcode = HSIZE; fcode < 65536; fcode *= 2) {\n ++hshift;\n }hshift = 8 - hshift;\n hsize_reg = HSIZE;\n cl_hash(hsize_reg);\n output(ClearCode, outs);\n outer_loop: while ((c = nextPixel()) != EOF) {\n fcode = (c << BITS) + ent;\n i = c << hshift ^ ent;\n if (htab[i] === fcode) {\n ent = codetab[i];\n continue;\n } else if (htab[i] >= 0) {\n disp = hsize_reg - i;\n if (i === 0) disp = 1;\n do {\n if ((i -= disp) < 0) i += hsize_reg;\n if (htab[i] === fcode) {\n ent = codetab[i];\n continue outer_loop;\n }\n } while (htab[i] >= 0);\n }\n output(ent, outs);\n ent = c;\n if (free_ent < 1 << BITS) {\n codetab[i] = free_ent++;\n htab[i] = fcode;\n } else {\n cl_block(outs);\n }\n }\n output(ent, outs);\n output(EOFCode, outs);\n }\n function encode(outs) {\n outs.writeByte(initCodeSize);\n remaining = width * height;\n curPixel = 0;\n compress(initCodeSize + 1, outs);\n outs.writeByte(0);\n }\n function flush_char(outs) {\n if (a_count > 0) {\n outs.writeByte(a_count);\n outs.writeBytes(accum, 0, a_count);\n a_count = 0;\n }\n }\n function MAXCODE(n_bits) {\n return (1 << n_bits) - 1;\n }\n function nextPixel() {\n if (remaining === 0) return EOF;\n --remaining;\n var pix = pixels[curPixel++];\n return pix & 255;\n }\n function output(code, outs) {\n cur_accum &= masks[cur_bits];\n if (cur_bits > 0) cur_accum |= code << cur_bits;else cur_accum = code;\n cur_bits += n_bits;\n while (cur_bits >= 8) {\n char_out(cur_accum & 255, outs);\n cur_accum >>= 8;\n cur_bits -= 8;\n }\n if (free_ent > maxcode || clear_flg) {\n if (clear_flg) {\n maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits = g_init_bits);\n clear_flg = false;\n } else {\n ++n_bits;\n if (n_bits == BITS) maxcode = 1 << BITS;else maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits);\n }\n }\n if (code == EOFCode) {\n while (cur_bits > 0) {\n char_out(cur_accum & 255, outs);\n cur_accum >>= 8;\n cur_bits -= 8;\n }\n flush_char(outs);\n }\n }\n this.encode = encode;\n }\n var ncycles = 100;\n var netsize = 256;\n var maxnetpos = netsize - 1;\n var netbiasshift = 4;\n var intbiasshift = 16;\n var intbias = 1 << intbiasshift;\n var gammashift = 10;\n var gamma = 1 << gammashift;\n var betashift = 10;\n var beta = intbias >> betashift;\n var betagamma = intbias << gammashift - betashift;\n var initrad = netsize >> 3;\n var radiusbiasshift = 6;\n var radiusbias = 1 << radiusbiasshift;\n var initradius = initrad * radiusbias;\n var radiusdec = 30;\n var alphabiasshift = 10;\n var initalpha = 1 << alphabiasshift;\n var alphadec;\n var radbiasshift = 8;\n var radbias = 1 << radbiasshift;\n var alpharadbshift = alphabiasshift + radbiasshift;\n var alpharadbias = 1 << alpharadbshift;\n var prime1 = 499;\n var prime2 = 491;\n var prime3 = 487;\n var prime4 = 503;\n var minpicturebytes = 3 * prime4;\n function NeuQuant(pixels, samplefac) {\n var network;\n var netindex;\n var bias;\n var freq;\n var radpower;\n function init() {\n network = [];\n netindex = new Int32Array(256);\n bias = new Int32Array(netsize);\n freq = new Int32Array(netsize);\n radpower = new Int32Array(netsize >> 3);\n var i, v;\n for (i = 0; i < netsize; i++) {\n v = (i << netbiasshift + 8) / netsize;\n network[i] = new Float64Array([v, v, v, 0]);\n freq[i] = intbias / netsize;\n bias[i] = 0;\n }\n }\n function unbiasnet() {\n for (var i = 0; i < netsize; i++) {\n network[i][0] >>= netbiasshift;\n network[i][1] >>= netbiasshift;\n network[i][2] >>= netbiasshift;\n network[i][3] = i;\n }\n }\n function altersingle(alpha, i, b, g, r) {\n network[i][0] -= alpha * (network[i][0] - b) / initalpha;\n network[i][1] -= alpha * (network[i][1] - g) / initalpha;\n network[i][2] -= alpha * (network[i][2] - r) / initalpha;\n }\n function alterneigh(radius, i, b, g, r) {\n var lo = Math.abs(i - radius);\n var hi = Math.min(i + radius, netsize);\n var j = i + 1;\n var k = i - 1;\n var m = 1;\n var p, a;\n while (j < hi || k > lo) {\n a = radpower[m++];\n if (j < hi) {\n p = network[j++];\n p[0] -= a * (p[0] - b) / alpharadbias;\n p[1] -= a * (p[1] - g) / alpharadbias;\n p[2] -= a * (p[2] - r) / alpharadbias;\n }\n if (k > lo) {\n p = network[k--];\n p[0] -= a * (p[0] - b) / alpharadbias;\n p[1] -= a * (p[1] - g) / alpharadbias;\n p[2] -= a * (p[2] - r) / alpharadbias;\n }\n }\n }\n function contest(b, g, r) {\n var bestd = ~(1 << 31);\n var bestbiasd = bestd;\n var bestpos = -1;\n var bestbiaspos = bestpos;\n var i, n, dist, biasdist, betafreq;\n for (i = 0; i < netsize; i++) {\n n = network[i];\n dist = Math.abs(n[0] - b) + Math.abs(n[1] - g) + Math.abs(n[2] - r);\n if (dist < bestd) {\n bestd = dist;\n bestpos = i;\n }\n biasdist = dist - (bias[i] >> intbiasshift - netbiasshift);\n if (biasdist < bestbiasd) {\n bestbiasd = biasdist;\n bestbiaspos = i;\n }\n betafreq = freq[i] >> betashift;\n freq[i] -= betafreq;\n bias[i] += betafreq << gammashift;\n }\n freq[bestpos] += beta;\n bias[bestpos] -= betagamma;\n return bestbiaspos;\n }\n function inxbuild() {\n var i,\n j,\n p,\n q,\n smallpos,\n smallval,\n previouscol = 0,\n startpos = 0;\n for (i = 0; i < netsize; i++) {\n p = network[i];\n smallpos = i;\n smallval = p[1];\n for (j = i + 1; j < netsize; j++) {\n q = network[j];\n if (q[1] < smallval) {\n smallpos = j;\n smallval = q[1];\n }\n }\n q = network[smallpos];\n if (i != smallpos) {\n j = q[0];\n q[0] = p[0];\n p[0] = j;\n j = q[1];\n q[1] = p[1];\n p[1] = j;\n j = q[2];\n q[2] = p[2];\n p[2] = j;\n j = q[3];\n q[3] = p[3];\n p[3] = j;\n }\n if (smallval != previouscol) {\n netindex[previouscol] = startpos + i >> 1;\n for (j = previouscol + 1; j < smallval; j++) {\n netindex[j] = i;\n }previouscol = smallval;\n startpos = i;\n }\n }\n netindex[previouscol] = startpos + maxnetpos >> 1;\n for (j = previouscol + 1; j < 256; j++) {\n netindex[j] = maxnetpos;\n }\n }\n function inxsearch(b, g, r) {\n var a, p, dist;\n var bestd = 1e3;\n var best = -1;\n var i = netindex[g];\n var j = i - 1;\n while (i < netsize || j >= 0) {\n if (i < netsize) {\n p = network[i];\n dist = p[1] - g;\n if (dist >= bestd) i = netsize;else {\n i++;\n if (dist < 0) dist = -dist;\n a = p[0] - b;\n if (a < 0) a = -a;\n dist += a;\n if (dist < bestd) {\n a = p[2] - r;\n if (a < 0) a = -a;\n dist += a;\n if (dist < bestd) {\n bestd = dist;\n best = p[3];\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (j >= 0) {\n p = network[j];\n dist = g - p[1];\n if (dist >= bestd) j = -1;else {\n j--;\n if (dist < 0) dist = -dist;\n a = p[0] - b;\n if (a < 0) a = -a;\n dist += a;\n if (dist < bestd) {\n a = p[2] - r;\n if (a < 0) a = -a;\n dist += a;\n if (dist < bestd) {\n bestd = dist;\n best = p[3];\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return best;\n }\n function learn() {\n var i;\n var lengthcount = pixels.length;\n var alphadec = 30 + (samplefac - 1) / 3;\n var samplepixels = lengthcount / (3 * samplefac);\n var delta = ~~(samplepixels / ncycles);\n var alpha = initalpha;\n var radius = initradius;\n var rad = radius >> radiusbiasshift;\n if (rad <= 1) rad = 0;\n for (i = 0; i < rad; i++) {\n radpower[i] = alpha * ((rad * rad - i * i) * radbias / (rad * rad));\n }var step;\n if (lengthcount < minpicturebytes) {\n samplefac = 1;\n step = 3;\n } else if (lengthcount % prime1 !== 0) {\n step = 3 * prime1;\n } else if (lengthcount % prime2 !== 0) {\n step = 3 * prime2;\n } else if (lengthcount % prime3 !== 0) {\n step = 3 * prime3;\n } else {\n step = 3 * prime4;\n }\n var b, g, r, j;\n var pix = 0;\n i = 0;\n while (i < samplepixels) {\n b = (pixels[pix] & 255) << netbiasshift;\n g = (pixels[pix + 1] & 255) << netbiasshift;\n r = (pixels[pix + 2] & 255) << netbiasshift;\n j = contest(b, g, r);\n altersingle(alpha, j, b, g, r);\n if (rad !== 0) alterneigh(rad, j, b, g, r);\n pix += step;\n if (pix >= lengthcount) pix -= lengthcount;\n i++;\n if (delta === 0) delta = 1;\n if (i % delta === 0) {\n alpha -= alpha / alphadec;\n radius -= radius / radiusdec;\n rad = radius >> radiusbiasshift;\n if (rad <= 1) rad = 0;\n for (j = 0; j < rad; j++) {\n radpower[j] = alpha * ((rad * rad - j * j) * radbias / (rad * rad));\n }\n }\n }\n }\n function buildColormap() {\n init();\n learn();\n unbiasnet();\n inxbuild();\n }\n this.buildColormap = buildColormap;\n function getColormap() {\n var map = [];\n var index = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < netsize; i++) {\n index[network[i][3]] = i;\n }var k = 0;\n for (var l = 0; l < netsize; l++) {\n var j = index[l];\n map[k++] = network[j][0];\n map[k++] = network[j][1];\n map[k++] = network[j][2];\n }\n return map;\n }\n this.getColormap = getColormap;\n this.lookupRGB = inxsearch;\n }\n var renderFrame;\n renderFrame = function renderFrame(frame) {\n var encoder, page, stream, transfer;\n encoder = new GIFEncoder(frame.width, frame.height);\n if (frame.index === 0) {\n encoder.writeHeader();\n } else {\n encoder.firstFrame = false;\n }\n encoder.setTransparent(frame.transparent);\n encoder.setRepeat(frame.repeat);\n encoder.setDelay(frame.delay);\n encoder.setQuality(frame.quality);\n encoder.setDither(frame.dither);\n encoder.setGlobalPalette(frame.globalPalette);\n encoder.addFrame(frame.data);\n if (frame.last) {\n encoder.finish();\n }\n if (frame.globalPalette === true) {\n frame.globalPalette = encoder.getGlobalPalette();\n }\n stream = encoder.stream();\n frame.data = stream.pages;\n frame.cursor = stream.cursor;\n frame.pageSize = stream.constructor.pageSize;\n if (frame.canTransfer) {\n transfer = function () {\n var i, len, ref, results;\n ref = frame.data;\n results = [];\n for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {\n page = ref[i];\n results.push(page.buffer);\n }\n return results;\n }();\n return self.postMessage(frame, transfer);\n } else {\n return self.postMessage(frame);\n }\n };\n self.onmessage = function (event) {\n return renderFrame(event.data);\n };\n function ByteArray() {\n this.page = -1;\n this.pages = [];\n this.newPage();\n }\n ByteArray.pageSize = 4096;\n ByteArray.charMap = {};\n for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {\n ByteArray.charMap[i] = String.fromCharCode(i);\n }ByteArray.prototype.newPage = function () {\n this.pages[++this.page] = new Uint8Array(ByteArray.pageSize);\n this.cursor = 0;\n };\n ByteArray.prototype.getData = function () {\n var rv = \"\";\n for (var p = 0; p < this.pages.length; p++) {\n for (var i = 0; i < ByteArray.pageSize; i++) {\n rv += ByteArray.charMap[this.pages[p][i]];\n }\n }\n return rv;\n };\n ByteArray.prototype.writeByte = function (val) {\n if (this.cursor >= ByteArray.pageSize) this.newPage();\n this.pages[this.page][this.cursor++] = val;\n };\n ByteArray.prototype.writeUTFBytes = function (string) {\n for (var l = string.length, i = 0; i < l; i++) {\n this.writeByte(string.charCodeAt(i));\n }\n };\n ByteArray.prototype.writeBytes = function (array, offset, length) {\n for (var l = length || array.length, i = offset || 0; i < l; i++) {\n this.writeByte(array[i]);\n }\n };\n function GIFEncoder(width, height) {\n this.width = ~~width;\n this.height = ~~height;\n this.transparent = null;\n this.transIndex = 0;\n this.repeat = -1;\n this.delay = 0;\n this.image = null;\n this.pixels = null;\n this.indexedPixels = null;\n this.colorDepth = null;\n this.colorTab = null;\n this.neuQuant = null;\n this.usedEntry = new Array();\n this.palSize = 7;\n this.dispose = -1;\n this.firstFrame = true;\n this.sample = 10;\n this.dither = false;\n this.globalPalette = false;\n this.out = new ByteArray();\n }\n GIFEncoder.prototype.setDelay = function (milliseconds) {\n this.delay = Math.round(milliseconds / 10);\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.setFrameRate = function (fps) {\n this.delay = Math.round(100 / fps);\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.setDispose = function (disposalCode) {\n if (disposalCode >= 0) this.dispose = disposalCode;\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.setRepeat = function (repeat) {\n this.repeat = repeat;\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.setTransparent = function (color) {\n this.transparent = color;\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.addFrame = function (imageData) {\n this.image = imageData;\n this.colorTab = this.globalPalette && this.globalPalette.slice ? this.globalPalette : null;\n this.getImagePixels();\n this.analyzePixels();\n if (this.globalPalette === true) this.globalPalette = this.colorTab;\n if (this.firstFrame) {\n this.writeLSD();\n this.writePalette();\n if (this.repeat >= 0) {\n this.writeNetscapeExt();\n }\n }\n this.writeGraphicCtrlExt();\n this.writeImageDesc();\n if (!this.firstFrame && !this.globalPalette) this.writePalette();\n this.writePixels();\n this.firstFrame = false;\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.finish = function () {\n this.out.writeByte(59);\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.setQuality = function (quality) {\n if (quality < 1) quality = 1;\n this.sample = quality;\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.setDither = function (dither) {\n if (dither === true) dither = \"FloydSteinberg\";\n this.dither = dither;\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.setGlobalPalette = function (palette) {\n this.globalPalette = palette;\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.getGlobalPalette = function () {\n return this.globalPalette && this.globalPalette.slice && this.globalPalette.slice(0) || this.globalPalette;\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.writeHeader = function () {\n this.out.writeUTFBytes(\"GIF89a\");\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.analyzePixels = function () {\n if (!this.colorTab) {\n this.neuQuant = new NeuQuant(this.pixels, this.sample);\n this.neuQuant.buildColormap();\n this.colorTab = this.neuQuant.getColormap();\n }\n if (this.dither) {\n this.ditherPixels(this.dither.replace(\"-serpentine\", \"\"), this.dither.match(/-serpentine/) !== null);\n } else {\n this.indexPixels();\n }\n this.pixels = null;\n this.colorDepth = 8;\n this.palSize = 7;\n if (this.transparent !== null) {\n this.transIndex = this.findClosest(this.transparent, true);\n }\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.indexPixels = function (imgq) {\n var nPix = this.pixels.length / 3;\n this.indexedPixels = new Uint8Array(nPix);\n var k = 0;\n for (var j = 0; j < nPix; j++) {\n var index = this.findClosestRGB(this.pixels[k++] & 255, this.pixels[k++] & 255, this.pixels[k++] & 255);\n this.usedEntry[index] = true;\n this.indexedPixels[j] = index;\n }\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.ditherPixels = function (kernel, serpentine) {\n var kernels = {\n FalseFloydSteinberg: [[3 / 8, 1, 0], [3 / 8, 0, 1], [2 / 8, 1, 1]],\n FloydSteinberg: [[7 / 16, 1, 0], [3 / 16, -1, 1], [5 / 16, 0, 1], [1 / 16, 1, 1]],\n Stucki: [[8 / 42, 1, 0], [4 / 42, 2, 0], [2 / 42, -2, 1], [4 / 42, -1, 1], [8 / 42, 0, 1], [4 / 42, 1, 1], [2 / 42, 2, 1], [1 / 42, -2, 2], [2 / 42, -1, 2], [4 / 42, 0, 2], [2 / 42, 1, 2], [1 / 42, 2, 2]],\n Atkinson: [[1 / 8, 1, 0], [1 / 8, 2, 0], [1 / 8, -1, 1], [1 / 8, 0, 1], [1 / 8, 1, 1], [1 / 8, 0, 2]]\n };\n if (!kernel || !kernels[kernel]) {\n throw \"Unknown dithering kernel: \" + kernel;\n }\n var ds = kernels[kernel];\n var index = 0,\n height = this.height,\n width = this.width,\n data = this.pixels;\n var direction = serpentine ? -1 : 1;\n this.indexedPixels = new Uint8Array(this.pixels.length / 3);\n for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {\n if (serpentine) direction = direction * -1;\n for (var x = direction == 1 ? 0 : width - 1, xend = direction == 1 ? width : 0; x !== xend; x += direction) {\n index = y * width + x;\n var idx = index * 3;\n var r1 = data[idx];\n var g1 = data[idx + 1];\n var b1 = data[idx + 2];\n idx = this.findClosestRGB(r1, g1, b1);\n this.usedEntry[idx] = true;\n this.indexedPixels[index] = idx;\n idx *= 3;\n var r2 = this.colorTab[idx];\n var g2 = this.colorTab[idx + 1];\n var b2 = this.colorTab[idx + 2];\n var er = r1 - r2;\n var eg = g1 - g2;\n var eb = b1 - b2;\n for (var i = direction == 1 ? 0 : ds.length - 1, end = direction == 1 ? ds.length : 0; i !== end; i += direction) {\n var x1 = ds[i][1];\n var y1 = ds[i][2];\n if (x1 + x >= 0 && x1 + x < width && y1 + y >= 0 && y1 + y < height) {\n var d = ds[i][0];\n idx = index + x1 + y1 * width;\n idx *= 3;\n data[idx] = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, data[idx] + er * d));\n data[idx + 1] = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, data[idx + 1] + eg * d));\n data[idx + 2] = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, data[idx + 2] + eb * d));\n }\n }\n }\n }\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.findClosest = function (c, used) {\n return this.findClosestRGB((c & 16711680) >> 16, (c & 65280) >> 8, c & 255, used);\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.findClosestRGB = function (r, g, b, used) {\n if (this.colorTab === null) return -1;\n if (this.neuQuant && !used) {\n return this.neuQuant.lookupRGB(r, g, b);\n }\n var c = b | g << 8 | r << 16;\n var minpos = 0;\n var dmin = 256 * 256 * 256;\n var len = this.colorTab.length;\n for (var i = 0, index = 0; i < len; index++) {\n var dr = r - (this.colorTab[i++] & 255);\n var dg = g - (this.colorTab[i++] & 255);\n var db = b - (this.colorTab[i++] & 255);\n var d = dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db;\n if ((!used || this.usedEntry[index]) && d < dmin) {\n dmin = d;\n minpos = index;\n }\n }\n return minpos;\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.getImagePixels = function () {\n var w = this.width;\n var h = this.height;\n this.pixels = new Uint8Array(w * h * 3);\n var data = this.image;\n var srcPos = 0;\n var count = 0;\n for (var i = 0; i < h; i++) {\n for (var j = 0; j < w; j++) {\n this.pixels[count++] = data[srcPos++];\n this.pixels[count++] = data[srcPos++];\n this.pixels[count++] = data[srcPos++];\n srcPos++;\n }\n }\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.writeGraphicCtrlExt = function () {\n this.out.writeByte(33);\n this.out.writeByte(249);\n this.out.writeByte(4);\n var transp, disp;\n if (this.transparent === null) {\n transp = 0;\n disp = 0;\n } else {\n transp = 1;\n disp = 2;\n }\n if (this.dispose >= 0) {\n disp = dispose & 7;\n }\n disp <<= 2;\n this.out.writeByte(0 | disp | 0 | transp);\n this.writeShort(this.delay);\n this.out.writeByte(this.transIndex);\n this.out.writeByte(0);\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.writeImageDesc = function () {\n this.out.writeByte(44);\n this.writeShort(0);\n this.writeShort(0);\n this.writeShort(this.width);\n this.writeShort(this.height);\n if (this.firstFrame || this.globalPalette) {\n this.out.writeByte(0);\n } else {\n this.out.writeByte(128 | 0 | 0 | 0 | this.palSize);\n }\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.writeLSD = function () {\n this.writeShort(this.width);\n this.writeShort(this.height);\n this.out.writeByte(128 | 112 | 0 | this.palSize);\n this.out.writeByte(0);\n this.out.writeByte(0);\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.writeNetscapeExt = function () {\n this.out.writeByte(33);\n this.out.writeByte(255);\n this.out.writeByte(11);\n this.out.writeUTFBytes(\"NETSCAPE2.0\");\n this.out.writeByte(3);\n this.out.writeByte(1);\n this.writeShort(this.repeat);\n this.out.writeByte(0);\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.writePalette = function () {\n this.out.writeBytes(this.colorTab);\n var n = 3 * 256 - this.colorTab.length;\n for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {\n this.out.writeByte(0);\n }\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.writeShort = function (pValue) {\n this.out.writeByte(pValue & 255);\n this.out.writeByte(pValue >> 8 & 255);\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.writePixels = function () {\n var enc = new LZWEncoder(this.width, this.height, this.indexedPixels, this.colorDepth);\n enc.encode(this.out);\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.stream = function () {\n return this.out;\n };\n}();\n\n/***/ })\n/******/ ]);\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// 9ce638df9d8d3f921ad6.worker.js"," \t// The module cache\n \tvar installedModules = {};\n\n \t// The require function\n \tfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\n \t\t// Check if module is in cache\n \t\tif(installedModules[moduleId]) {\n \t\t\treturn installedModules[moduleId].exports;\n \t\t}\n \t\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n \t\tvar module = installedModules[moduleId] = {\n \t\t\ti: moduleId,\n \t\t\tl: false,\n \t\t\texports: {}\n \t\t};\n\n \t\t// Execute the module function\n \t\tmodules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n \t\t// Flag the module as loaded\n \t\tmodule.l = true;\n\n \t\t// Return the exports of the module\n \t\treturn module.exports;\n \t}\n\n\n \t// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)\n \t__webpack_require__.m = modules;\n\n \t// expose the module cache\n \t__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;\n\n \t// define getter function for harmony exports\n \t__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {\n \t\tif(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {\n \t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, name, {\n \t\t\t\tconfigurable: false,\n \t\t\t\tenumerable: true,\n \t\t\t\tget: getter\n \t\t\t});\n \t\t}\n \t};\n\n \t// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules\n \t__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {\n \t\tvar getter = module && module.__esModule ?\n \t\t\tfunction getDefault() { return module['default']; } :\n \t\t\tfunction getModuleExports() { return module; };\n \t\t__webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);\n \t\treturn getter;\n \t};\n\n \t// Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call\n \t__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };\n\n \t// __webpack_public_path__\n \t__webpack_require__.p = \"/dist/\";\n\n \t// Load entry module and return exports\n \treturn __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// webpack/bootstrap 9ce638df9d8d3f921ad6","~(function() {\n var EOF = -1;\n var BITS = 12;\n var HSIZE = 5003;\n var masks = [\n 0,\n 1,\n 3,\n 7,\n 15,\n 31,\n 63,\n 127,\n 255,\n 511,\n 1023,\n 2047,\n 4095,\n 8191,\n 16383,\n 32767,\n 65535\n ];\n var remaining, curPixel, n_bits;\n function LZWEncoder(width, height, pixels, colorDepth) {\n var initCodeSize = Math.max(2, colorDepth);\n var accum = new Uint8Array(256);\n var htab = new Int32Array(HSIZE);\n var codetab = new Int32Array(HSIZE);\n var cur_accum,\n cur_bits = 0;\n var a_count;\n var free_ent = 0;\n var maxcode;\n var clear_flg = false;\n var g_init_bits, ClearCode, EOFCode;\n function char_out(c, outs) {\n accum[a_count++] = c;\n if (a_count >= 254) flush_char(outs);\n }\n function cl_block(outs) {\n cl_hash(HSIZE);\n free_ent = ClearCode + 2;\n clear_flg = true;\n output(ClearCode, outs);\n }\n function cl_hash(hsize) {\n for (var i = 0; i < hsize; ++i) htab[i] = -1;\n }\n function compress(init_bits, outs) {\n var fcode, c, i, ent, disp, hsize_reg, hshift;\n g_init_bits = init_bits;\n clear_flg = false;\n n_bits = g_init_bits;\n maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits);\n ClearCode = 1 << (init_bits - 1);\n EOFCode = ClearCode + 1;\n free_ent = ClearCode + 2;\n a_count = 0;\n ent = nextPixel();\n hshift = 0;\n for (fcode = HSIZE; fcode < 65536; fcode *= 2) ++hshift;\n hshift = 8 - hshift;\n hsize_reg = HSIZE;\n cl_hash(hsize_reg);\n output(ClearCode, outs);\n outer_loop: while ((c = nextPixel()) != EOF) {\n fcode = (c << BITS) + ent;\n i = (c << hshift) ^ ent;\n if (htab[i] === fcode) {\n ent = codetab[i];\n continue;\n } else if (htab[i] >= 0) {\n disp = hsize_reg - i;\n if (i === 0) disp = 1;\n do {\n if ((i -= disp) < 0) i += hsize_reg;\n if (htab[i] === fcode) {\n ent = codetab[i];\n continue outer_loop;\n }\n } while (htab[i] >= 0);\n }\n output(ent, outs);\n ent = c;\n if (free_ent < 1 << BITS) {\n codetab[i] = free_ent++;\n htab[i] = fcode;\n } else {\n cl_block(outs);\n }\n }\n output(ent, outs);\n output(EOFCode, outs);\n }\n function encode(outs) {\n outs.writeByte(initCodeSize);\n remaining = width * height;\n curPixel = 0;\n compress(initCodeSize + 1, outs);\n outs.writeByte(0);\n }\n function flush_char(outs) {\n if (a_count > 0) {\n outs.writeByte(a_count);\n outs.writeBytes(accum, 0, a_count);\n a_count = 0;\n }\n }\n function MAXCODE(n_bits) {\n return (1 << n_bits) - 1;\n }\n function nextPixel() {\n if (remaining === 0) return EOF;\n --remaining;\n var pix = pixels[curPixel++];\n return pix & 255;\n }\n function output(code, outs) {\n cur_accum &= masks[cur_bits];\n if (cur_bits > 0) cur_accum |= code << cur_bits;\n else cur_accum = code;\n cur_bits += n_bits;\n while (cur_bits >= 8) {\n char_out(cur_accum & 255, outs);\n cur_accum >>= 8;\n cur_bits -= 8;\n }\n if (free_ent > maxcode || clear_flg) {\n if (clear_flg) {\n maxcode = MAXCODE((n_bits = g_init_bits));\n clear_flg = false;\n } else {\n ++n_bits;\n if (n_bits == BITS) maxcode = 1 << BITS;\n else maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits);\n }\n }\n if (code == EOFCode) {\n while (cur_bits > 0) {\n char_out(cur_accum & 255, outs);\n cur_accum >>= 8;\n cur_bits -= 8;\n }\n flush_char(outs);\n }\n }\n this.encode = encode;\n }\n var ncycles = 100;\n var netsize = 256;\n var maxnetpos = netsize - 1;\n var netbiasshift = 4;\n var intbiasshift = 16;\n var intbias = 1 << intbiasshift;\n var gammashift = 10;\n var gamma = 1 << gammashift;\n var betashift = 10;\n var beta = intbias >> betashift;\n var betagamma = intbias << (gammashift - betashift);\n var initrad = netsize >> 3;\n var radiusbiasshift = 6;\n var radiusbias = 1 << radiusbiasshift;\n var initradius = initrad * radiusbias;\n var radiusdec = 30;\n var alphabiasshift = 10;\n var initalpha = 1 << alphabiasshift;\n var alphadec;\n var radbiasshift = 8;\n var radbias = 1 << radbiasshift;\n var alpharadbshift = alphabiasshift + radbiasshift;\n var alpharadbias = 1 << alpharadbshift;\n var prime1 = 499;\n var prime2 = 491;\n var prime3 = 487;\n var prime4 = 503;\n var minpicturebytes = 3 * prime4;\n function NeuQuant(pixels, samplefac) {\n var network;\n var netindex;\n var bias;\n var freq;\n var radpower;\n function init() {\n network = [];\n netindex = new Int32Array(256);\n bias = new Int32Array(netsize);\n freq = new Int32Array(netsize);\n radpower = new Int32Array(netsize >> 3);\n var i, v;\n for (i = 0; i < netsize; i++) {\n v = (i << (netbiasshift + 8)) / netsize;\n network[i] = new Float64Array([v, v, v, 0]);\n freq[i] = intbias / netsize;\n bias[i] = 0;\n }\n }\n function unbiasnet() {\n for (var i = 0; i < netsize; i++) {\n network[i][0] >>= netbiasshift;\n network[i][1] >>= netbiasshift;\n network[i][2] >>= netbiasshift;\n network[i][3] = i;\n }\n }\n function altersingle(alpha, i, b, g, r) {\n network[i][0] -= (alpha * (network[i][0] - b)) / initalpha;\n network[i][1] -= (alpha * (network[i][1] - g)) / initalpha;\n network[i][2] -= (alpha * (network[i][2] - r)) / initalpha;\n }\n function alterneigh(radius, i, b, g, r) {\n var lo = Math.abs(i - radius);\n var hi = Math.min(i + radius, netsize);\n var j = i + 1;\n var k = i - 1;\n var m = 1;\n var p, a;\n while (j < hi || k > lo) {\n a = radpower[m++];\n if (j < hi) {\n p = network[j++];\n p[0] -= (a * (p[0] - b)) / alpharadbias;\n p[1] -= (a * (p[1] - g)) / alpharadbias;\n p[2] -= (a * (p[2] - r)) / alpharadbias;\n }\n if (k > lo) {\n p = network[k--];\n p[0] -= (a * (p[0] - b)) / alpharadbias;\n p[1] -= (a * (p[1] - g)) / alpharadbias;\n p[2] -= (a * (p[2] - r)) / alpharadbias;\n }\n }\n }\n function contest(b, g, r) {\n var bestd = ~(1 << 31);\n var bestbiasd = bestd;\n var bestpos = -1;\n var bestbiaspos = bestpos;\n var i, n, dist, biasdist, betafreq;\n for (i = 0; i < netsize; i++) {\n n = network[i];\n dist = Math.abs(n[0] - b) + Math.abs(n[1] - g) + Math.abs(n[2] - r);\n if (dist < bestd) {\n bestd = dist;\n bestpos = i;\n }\n biasdist = dist - (bias[i] >> (intbiasshift - netbiasshift));\n if (biasdist < bestbiasd) {\n bestbiasd = biasdist;\n bestbiaspos = i;\n }\n betafreq = freq[i] >> betashift;\n freq[i] -= betafreq;\n bias[i] += betafreq << gammashift;\n }\n freq[bestpos] += beta;\n bias[bestpos] -= betagamma;\n return bestbiaspos;\n }\n function inxbuild() {\n var i,\n j,\n p,\n q,\n smallpos,\n smallval,\n previouscol = 0,\n startpos = 0;\n for (i = 0; i < netsize; i++) {\n p = network[i];\n smallpos = i;\n smallval = p[1];\n for (j = i + 1; j < netsize; j++) {\n q = network[j];\n if (q[1] < smallval) {\n smallpos = j;\n smallval = q[1];\n }\n }\n q = network[smallpos];\n if (i != smallpos) {\n j = q[0];\n q[0] = p[0];\n p[0] = j;\n j = q[1];\n q[1] = p[1];\n p[1] = j;\n j = q[2];\n q[2] = p[2];\n p[2] = j;\n j = q[3];\n q[3] = p[3];\n p[3] = j;\n }\n if (smallval != previouscol) {\n netindex[previouscol] = (startpos + i) >> 1;\n for (j = previouscol + 1; j < smallval; j++) netindex[j] = i;\n previouscol = smallval;\n startpos = i;\n }\n }\n netindex[previouscol] = (startpos + maxnetpos) >> 1;\n for (j = previouscol + 1; j < 256; j++) netindex[j] = maxnetpos;\n }\n function inxsearch(b, g, r) {\n var a, p, dist;\n var bestd = 1e3;\n var best = -1;\n var i = netindex[g];\n var j = i - 1;\n while (i < netsize || j >= 0) {\n if (i < netsize) {\n p = network[i];\n dist = p[1] - g;\n if (dist >= bestd) i = netsize;\n else {\n i++;\n if (dist < 0) dist = -dist;\n a = p[0] - b;\n if (a < 0) a = -a;\n dist += a;\n if (dist < bestd) {\n a = p[2] - r;\n if (a < 0) a = -a;\n dist += a;\n if (dist < bestd) {\n bestd = dist;\n best = p[3];\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (j >= 0) {\n p = network[j];\n dist = g - p[1];\n if (dist >= bestd) j = -1;\n else {\n j--;\n if (dist < 0) dist = -dist;\n a = p[0] - b;\n if (a < 0) a = -a;\n dist += a;\n if (dist < bestd) {\n a = p[2] - r;\n if (a < 0) a = -a;\n dist += a;\n if (dist < bestd) {\n bestd = dist;\n best = p[3];\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return best;\n }\n function learn() {\n var i;\n var lengthcount = pixels.length;\n var alphadec = 30 + (samplefac - 1) / 3;\n var samplepixels = lengthcount / (3 * samplefac);\n var delta = ~~(samplepixels / ncycles);\n var alpha = initalpha;\n var radius = initradius;\n var rad = radius >> radiusbiasshift;\n if (rad <= 1) rad = 0;\n for (i = 0; i < rad; i++)\n radpower[i] = alpha * (((rad * rad - i * i) * radbias) / (rad * rad));\n var step;\n if (lengthcount < minpicturebytes) {\n samplefac = 1;\n step = 3;\n } else if (lengthcount % prime1 !== 0) {\n step = 3 * prime1;\n } else if (lengthcount % prime2 !== 0) {\n step = 3 * prime2;\n } else if (lengthcount % prime3 !== 0) {\n step = 3 * prime3;\n } else {\n step = 3 * prime4;\n }\n var b, g, r, j;\n var pix = 0;\n i = 0;\n while (i < samplepixels) {\n b = (pixels[pix] & 255) << netbiasshift;\n g = (pixels[pix + 1] & 255) << netbiasshift;\n r = (pixels[pix + 2] & 255) << netbiasshift;\n j = contest(b, g, r);\n altersingle(alpha, j, b, g, r);\n if (rad !== 0) alterneigh(rad, j, b, g, r);\n pix += step;\n if (pix >= lengthcount) pix -= lengthcount;\n i++;\n if (delta === 0) delta = 1;\n if (i % delta === 0) {\n alpha -= alpha / alphadec;\n radius -= radius / radiusdec;\n rad = radius >> radiusbiasshift;\n if (rad <= 1) rad = 0;\n for (j = 0; j < rad; j++)\n radpower[j] =\n alpha * (((rad * rad - j * j) * radbias) / (rad * rad));\n }\n }\n }\n function buildColormap() {\n init();\n learn();\n unbiasnet();\n inxbuild();\n }\n this.buildColormap = buildColormap;\n function getColormap() {\n var map = [];\n var index = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < netsize; i++) index[network[i][3]] = i;\n var k = 0;\n for (var l = 0; l < netsize; l++) {\n var j = index[l];\n map[k++] = network[j][0];\n map[k++] = network[j][1];\n map[k++] = network[j][2];\n }\n return map;\n }\n this.getColormap = getColormap;\n this.lookupRGB = inxsearch;\n }\n var renderFrame;\n renderFrame = function(frame) {\n var encoder, page, stream, transfer;\n encoder = new GIFEncoder(frame.width, frame.height);\n if (frame.index === 0) {\n encoder.writeHeader();\n } else {\n encoder.firstFrame = false;\n }\n encoder.setTransparent(frame.transparent);\n encoder.setRepeat(frame.repeat);\n encoder.setDelay(frame.delay);\n encoder.setQuality(frame.quality);\n encoder.setDither(frame.dither);\n encoder.setGlobalPalette(frame.globalPalette);\n encoder.addFrame(frame.data);\n if (frame.last) {\n encoder.finish();\n }\n if (frame.globalPalette === true) {\n frame.globalPalette = encoder.getGlobalPalette();\n }\n stream = encoder.stream();\n frame.data = stream.pages;\n frame.cursor = stream.cursor;\n frame.pageSize = stream.constructor.pageSize;\n if (frame.canTransfer) {\n transfer = (function() {\n var i, len, ref, results;\n ref = frame.data;\n results = [];\n for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {\n page = ref[i];\n results.push(page.buffer);\n }\n return results;\n })();\n return self.postMessage(frame, transfer);\n } else {\n return self.postMessage(frame);\n }\n };\n self.onmessage = function(event) {\n return renderFrame(event.data);\n };\n function ByteArray() {\n this.page = -1;\n this.pages = [];\n this.newPage();\n }\n ByteArray.pageSize = 4096;\n ByteArray.charMap = {};\n for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) ByteArray.charMap[i] = String.fromCharCode(i);\n ByteArray.prototype.newPage = function() {\n this.pages[++this.page] = new Uint8Array(ByteArray.pageSize);\n this.cursor = 0;\n };\n ByteArray.prototype.getData = function() {\n var rv = \"\";\n for (var p = 0; p < this.pages.length; p++) {\n for (var i = 0; i < ByteArray.pageSize; i++) {\n rv += ByteArray.charMap[this.pages[p][i]];\n }\n }\n return rv;\n };\n ByteArray.prototype.writeByte = function(val) {\n if (this.cursor >= ByteArray.pageSize) this.newPage();\n this.pages[this.page][this.cursor++] = val;\n };\n ByteArray.prototype.writeUTFBytes = function(string) {\n for (var l = string.length, i = 0; i < l; i++)\n this.writeByte(string.charCodeAt(i));\n };\n ByteArray.prototype.writeBytes = function(array, offset, length) {\n for (var l = length || array.length, i = offset || 0; i < l; i++)\n this.writeByte(array[i]);\n };\n function GIFEncoder(width, height) {\n this.width = ~~width;\n this.height = ~~height;\n this.transparent = null;\n this.transIndex = 0;\n this.repeat = -1;\n this.delay = 0;\n this.image = null;\n this.pixels = null;\n this.indexedPixels = null;\n this.colorDepth = null;\n this.colorTab = null;\n this.neuQuant = null;\n this.usedEntry = new Array();\n this.palSize = 7;\n this.dispose = -1;\n this.firstFrame = true;\n this.sample = 10;\n this.dither = false;\n this.globalPalette = false;\n this.out = new ByteArray();\n }\n GIFEncoder.prototype.setDelay = function(milliseconds) {\n this.delay = Math.round(milliseconds / 10);\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.setFrameRate = function(fps) {\n this.delay = Math.round(100 / fps);\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.setDispose = function(disposalCode) {\n if (disposalCode >= 0) this.dispose = disposalCode;\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.setRepeat = function(repeat) {\n this.repeat = repeat;\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.setTransparent = function(color) {\n this.transparent = color;\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.addFrame = function(imageData) {\n this.image = imageData;\n this.colorTab =\n this.globalPalette && this.globalPalette.slice\n ? this.globalPalette\n : null;\n this.getImagePixels();\n this.analyzePixels();\n if (this.globalPalette === true) this.globalPalette = this.colorTab;\n if (this.firstFrame) {\n this.writeLSD();\n this.writePalette();\n if (this.repeat >= 0) {\n this.writeNetscapeExt();\n }\n }\n this.writeGraphicCtrlExt();\n this.writeImageDesc();\n if (!this.firstFrame && !this.globalPalette) this.writePalette();\n this.writePixels();\n this.firstFrame = false;\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.finish = function() {\n this.out.writeByte(59);\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.setQuality = function(quality) {\n if (quality < 1) quality = 1;\n this.sample = quality;\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.setDither = function(dither) {\n if (dither === true) dither = \"FloydSteinberg\";\n this.dither = dither;\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.setGlobalPalette = function(palette) {\n this.globalPalette = palette;\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.getGlobalPalette = function() {\n return (\n (this.globalPalette &&\n this.globalPalette.slice &&\n this.globalPalette.slice(0)) ||\n this.globalPalette\n );\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.writeHeader = function() {\n this.out.writeUTFBytes(\"GIF89a\");\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.analyzePixels = function() {\n if (!this.colorTab) {\n this.neuQuant = new NeuQuant(this.pixels, this.sample);\n this.neuQuant.buildColormap();\n this.colorTab = this.neuQuant.getColormap();\n }\n if (this.dither) {\n this.ditherPixels(\n this.dither.replace(\"-serpentine\", \"\"),\n this.dither.match(/-serpentine/) !== null\n );\n } else {\n this.indexPixels();\n }\n this.pixels = null;\n this.colorDepth = 8;\n this.palSize = 7;\n if (this.transparent !== null) {\n this.transIndex = this.findClosest(this.transparent, true);\n }\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.indexPixels = function(imgq) {\n var nPix = this.pixels.length / 3;\n this.indexedPixels = new Uint8Array(nPix);\n var k = 0;\n for (var j = 0; j < nPix; j++) {\n var index = this.findClosestRGB(\n this.pixels[k++] & 255,\n this.pixels[k++] & 255,\n this.pixels[k++] & 255\n );\n this.usedEntry[index] = true;\n this.indexedPixels[j] = index;\n }\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.ditherPixels = function(kernel, serpentine) {\n var kernels = {\n FalseFloydSteinberg: [[3 / 8, 1, 0], [3 / 8, 0, 1], [2 / 8, 1, 1]],\n FloydSteinberg: [\n [7 / 16, 1, 0],\n [3 / 16, -1, 1],\n [5 / 16, 0, 1],\n [1 / 16, 1, 1]\n ],\n Stucki: [\n [8 / 42, 1, 0],\n [4 / 42, 2, 0],\n [2 / 42, -2, 1],\n [4 / 42, -1, 1],\n [8 / 42, 0, 1],\n [4 / 42, 1, 1],\n [2 / 42, 2, 1],\n [1 / 42, -2, 2],\n [2 / 42, -1, 2],\n [4 / 42, 0, 2],\n [2 / 42, 1, 2],\n [1 / 42, 2, 2]\n ],\n Atkinson: [\n [1 / 8, 1, 0],\n [1 / 8, 2, 0],\n [1 / 8, -1, 1],\n [1 / 8, 0, 1],\n [1 / 8, 1, 1],\n [1 / 8, 0, 2]\n ]\n };\n if (!kernel || !kernels[kernel]) {\n throw \"Unknown dithering kernel: \" + kernel;\n }\n var ds = kernels[kernel];\n var index = 0,\n height = this.height,\n width = this.width,\n data = this.pixels;\n var direction = serpentine ? -1 : 1;\n this.indexedPixels = new Uint8Array(this.pixels.length / 3);\n for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {\n if (serpentine) direction = direction * -1;\n for (\n var x = direction == 1 ? 0 : width - 1,\n xend = direction == 1 ? width : 0;\n x !== xend;\n x += direction\n ) {\n index = y * width + x;\n var idx = index * 3;\n var r1 = data[idx];\n var g1 = data[idx + 1];\n var b1 = data[idx + 2];\n idx = this.findClosestRGB(r1, g1, b1);\n this.usedEntry[idx] = true;\n this.indexedPixels[index] = idx;\n idx *= 3;\n var r2 = this.colorTab[idx];\n var g2 = this.colorTab[idx + 1];\n var b2 = this.colorTab[idx + 2];\n var er = r1 - r2;\n var eg = g1 - g2;\n var eb = b1 - b2;\n for (\n var i = direction == 1 ? 0 : ds.length - 1,\n end = direction == 1 ? ds.length : 0;\n i !== end;\n i += direction\n ) {\n var x1 = ds[i][1];\n var y1 = ds[i][2];\n if (x1 + x >= 0 && x1 + x < width && y1 + y >= 0 && y1 + y < height) {\n var d = ds[i][0];\n idx = index + x1 + y1 * width;\n idx *= 3;\n data[idx] = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, data[idx] + er * d));\n data[idx + 1] = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, data[idx + 1] + eg * d));\n data[idx + 2] = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, data[idx + 2] + eb * d));\n }\n }\n }\n }\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.findClosest = function(c, used) {\n return this.findClosestRGB(\n (c & 16711680) >> 16,\n (c & 65280) >> 8,\n c & 255,\n used\n );\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.findClosestRGB = function(r, g, b, used) {\n if (this.colorTab === null) return -1;\n if (this.neuQuant && !used) {\n return this.neuQuant.lookupRGB(r, g, b);\n }\n var c = b | (g << 8) | (r << 16);\n var minpos = 0;\n var dmin = 256 * 256 * 256;\n var len = this.colorTab.length;\n for (var i = 0, index = 0; i < len; index++) {\n var dr = r - (this.colorTab[i++] & 255);\n var dg = g - (this.colorTab[i++] & 255);\n var db = b - (this.colorTab[i++] & 255);\n var d = dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db;\n if ((!used || this.usedEntry[index]) && d < dmin) {\n dmin = d;\n minpos = index;\n }\n }\n return minpos;\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.getImagePixels = function() {\n var w = this.width;\n var h = this.height;\n this.pixels = new Uint8Array(w * h * 3);\n var data = this.image;\n var srcPos = 0;\n var count = 0;\n for (var i = 0; i < h; i++) {\n for (var j = 0; j < w; j++) {\n this.pixels[count++] = data[srcPos++];\n this.pixels[count++] = data[srcPos++];\n this.pixels[count++] = data[srcPos++];\n srcPos++;\n }\n }\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.writeGraphicCtrlExt = function() {\n this.out.writeByte(33);\n this.out.writeByte(249);\n this.out.writeByte(4);\n var transp, disp;\n if (this.transparent === null) {\n transp = 0;\n disp = 0;\n } else {\n transp = 1;\n disp = 2;\n }\n if (this.dispose >= 0) {\n disp = dispose & 7;\n }\n disp <<= 2;\n this.out.writeByte(0 | disp | 0 | transp);\n this.writeShort(this.delay);\n this.out.writeByte(this.transIndex);\n this.out.writeByte(0);\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.writeImageDesc = function() {\n this.out.writeByte(44);\n this.writeShort(0);\n this.writeShort(0);\n this.writeShort(this.width);\n this.writeShort(this.height);\n if (this.firstFrame || this.globalPalette) {\n this.out.writeByte(0);\n } else {\n this.out.writeByte(128 | 0 | 0 | 0 | this.palSize);\n }\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.writeLSD = function() {\n this.writeShort(this.width);\n this.writeShort(this.height);\n this.out.writeByte(128 | 112 | 0 | this.palSize);\n this.out.writeByte(0);\n this.out.writeByte(0);\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.writeNetscapeExt = function() {\n this.out.writeByte(33);\n this.out.writeByte(255);\n this.out.writeByte(11);\n this.out.writeUTFBytes(\"NETSCAPE2.0\");\n this.out.writeByte(3);\n this.out.writeByte(1);\n this.writeShort(this.repeat);\n this.out.writeByte(0);\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.writePalette = function() {\n this.out.writeBytes(this.colorTab);\n var n = 3 * 256 - this.colorTab.length;\n for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) this.out.writeByte(0);\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.writeShort = function(pValue) {\n this.out.writeByte(pValue & 255);\n this.out.writeByte((pValue >> 8) & 255);\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.writePixels = function() {\n var enc = new LZWEncoder(\n this.width,\n this.height,\n this.indexedPixels,\n this.colorDepth\n );\n enc.encode(this.out);\n };\n GIFEncoder.prototype.stream = function() {\n return this.out;\n };\n})();\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/packages/gif.worker.js"],"sourceRoot":""}