import { toPx, isNumber, getImageInfo } from './utils' import { GD } from './gradient' import QR from './qrcode' export class Draw { constructor(context, canvas, use2dCanvas = false, isH5PathToBase64 = false, sleep) { this.ctx = context this.canvas = canvas || null this.use2dCanvas = use2dCanvas this.isH5PathToBase64 = isH5PathToBase64 this.sleep = sleep } roundRect(x, y, w, h, r, fill = false, stroke = false, ) { if (r < 0) return const {ctx} = this ctx.beginPath() if(!r) { ctx.rect(x, y, w, h) } else if(typeof r === 'number' && [0,1,-1].includes(w - r * 2) && [0, 1, -1].includes(h - r * 2)) { ctx.arc(x + w - r, y + h - r, r, 0, Math.PI * 2) } else { let { borderTopLeftRadius: tl = r || 0, borderTopRightRadius: tr = r || 0, borderBottomRightRadius: br = r || 0, borderBottomLeftRadius: bl = r || 0 } = r || {r,r,r,r} // 右下角 ctx.arc(x + w - br, y + h - br, br, 0, Math.PI * 0.5) ctx.lineTo(x + bl, y + h) // 左下角 ctx.arc(x + bl, y + h - bl, bl, Math.PI * 0.5, Math.PI) ctx.lineTo(x, y + tl) // 左上角 ctx.arc(x + tl, y + tl, tl, Math.PI, Math.PI * 1.5) ctx.lineTo(x + w - tr, y) // 右上角 ctx.arc(x + w - tr, y + tr, tr, Math.PI * 1.5, Math.PI * 2) ctx.lineTo(x + w, y + h - br) } ctx.closePath() if (stroke) ctx.stroke() if (fill) ctx.fill() } setTransform(box, {transform}) { const {ctx} = this let { scaleX = 1, scaleY = 1, translateX = 0, translateY = 0, rotate = 0, skewX = 0, skewY = 0 } = transform || {} let { left: x, top: y, width: w, height: h } = box translateX = toPx(translateX, w) || 0 translateY = toPx(translateY, h) || 0 ctx.scale(scaleX, scaleY) ctx.translate( w * (scaleX > 0 ? 1 : -1) / 2 + (x + translateX) / scaleX, h * (scaleY > 0 ? 1 : -1) / 2 + (y + translateY) / scaleY) if(rotate) { ctx.rotate(rotate * Math.PI / 180) } if(skewX || skewY) { ctx.transform(1, Math.tan(skewY * Math.PI/180), Math.tan(skewX * Math.PI/180), 1 , 0, 0) } } setBackground(bg , w, h) { const {ctx} = this if (!bg) { // #ifndef MP-TOUTIAO || MP-BAIDU ctx.setFillStyle('transparent') // #endif // #ifdef MP-TOUTIAO || MP-BAIDU ctx.setFillStyle('rgba(0,0,0,0)') // #endif } else if(GD.isGradient(bg)) { GD.doGradient(bg, w, h, ctx); } else { ctx.setFillStyle(bg) } } setShadow({boxShadow: bs = []}) { const {ctx} = this if (bs.length) { const [x, y, b, c] = bs ctx.setShadow(x, y, b, c) } } setBorder(box, style) { const {ctx} = this let { left: x, top: y, width: w, height: h } = box const {border, borderBottom, borderTop, borderRight, borderLeft, borderRadius: r, opacity = 1} = style; const { borderWidth : bw = 0, borderStyle : bs, borderColor : bc, } = border || {} const { borderBottomWidth : bbw = bw, borderBottomStyle : bbs = bs, borderBottomColor : bbc= bc, } = borderBottom || {} const { borderTopWidth: btw = bw, borderTopStyle: bts = bs, borderTopColor: btc = bc, } = borderTop || {} const { borderRightWidth: brw = bw, borderRightStyle: brs = bs, borderRightColor: brc = bc, } = borderRight || {} const { borderLeftWidth: blw = bw, borderLeftStyle: bls = bs, borderLeftColor: blc = bc, } = borderLeft || {} let { borderTopLeftRadius: tl = r || 0, borderTopRightRadius: tr = r || 0, borderBottomRightRadius: br = r || 0, borderBottomLeftRadius: bl = r || 0 } = r || {r,r,r,r} if(!borderBottom && !borderLeft && !borderTop && !borderRight && !border) return; const _borderType = (w, s, c) => { // #ifndef APP-NVUE if (s == 'dashed') { // #ifdef MP ctx.setLineDash([Math.ceil(w * 4 / 3), Math.ceil(w * 4 / 3)]) // #endif // #ifndef MP ctx.setLineDash([Math.ceil(w * 6), Math.ceil(w * 6)]) // #endif } else if (s == 'dotted') { ctx.setLineDash([w, w]) } // #endif ctx.setStrokeStyle(c) } const _setBorder = (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, r1, r2, p1, p2, p3, bw, bs, bc) => { this.setOpacity(style) this.setTransform(box, style) ctx.setLineWidth(bw) _borderType(bw, bs, bc) ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(x1, y1, r1, Math.PI * p1, Math.PI * p2) ctx.lineTo(x2, y2) ctx.arc(x3, y3, r2, Math.PI * p2, Math.PI * p3) ctx.stroke() ctx.restore() } if(border) { this.setOpacity(style) this.setTransform(box, style) ctx.setLineWidth(bw) _borderType(bw, bs, bc) this.roundRect(-w/2, -h/2, w, h, r, false, bc ? true : false) ctx.restore() } x = -w/2 y = -h/2 if(borderBottom) { _setBorder(x + w - br, y + h - br, x + bl, y + h, x + bl, y + h - bl, br, bl, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, bbw, bbs, bbc) } if(borderLeft) { // 左下角 _setBorder(x + bl, y + h - bl, x, y + tl, x + tl, y + tl, bl, tl, 0.75, 1, 1.25, blw, bls, blc) } if(borderTop) { // 左上角 _setBorder(x + tl, y + tl, x + w - tr, y, x + w - tr, y + tr, tl, tr, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, btw, bts, btc) } if(borderRight) { // 右上角 _setBorder(x + w - tr, y + tr, x + w, y + h - br, x + w - br, y + h - br, tr, br, 1.75, 2, 0.25, btw, bts, btc) } } setOpacity({opacity = 1}) { this.ctx.setGlobalAlpha(opacity) } drawView(box, style) { const {ctx} = this const { left: x, top: y, width: w, height: h } = box let { borderRadius = 0, border, borderTop, borderBottom, borderLeft, borderRight, color = '#000000', backgroundColor: bg, rotate, shadow } = style || {} this.setOpacity(style) this.setTransform(box, style) this.setShadow(style) this.setBackground(bg, w, h) this.roundRect(-w/2, -h/2, w, h, borderRadius, true, false) ctx.restore() this.setBorder(box, style) } async drawImage(img, box = {}, style = {}, custom = true) { await new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const {ctx} = this const canvas = this.canvas let { borderRadius = 0, mode, padding = {}, backgroundColor: bg, } = style const {paddingTop: pt = 0, paddingLeft: pl= 0, paddingRight: pr= 0, paddingBottom: pb = 0} = padding let { left: x, top: y, width: w, height: h } = box if(!custom) { this.setOpacity(style) this.setTransform(box, style) if(bg) { this.setBackground(bg, w, h) } this.setShadow(style) x = -w/2 y = -h/2 this.roundRect(x, y, w, h, borderRadius, borderRadius ? true : false, false) } ctx.clip() const _modeImage = (img) => { x += pl y += pt w = w - pl - pr h = h - pt - pb // 获得图片原始大小 let rWidth = img.width let rHeight = img.height let startX = 0 let startY = 0 // 绘画区域比例 const cp = w / h // 原图比例 const op = rWidth / rHeight if(!img.width) { mode = 'scaleToFill' } switch(mode) { case 'scaleToFill': ctx.drawImage(img.src, x, y, w, h); break; case 'aspectFit': if(cp >= op) { rWidth = h * op; rHeight = h startX = x + Math.round(w - rWidth) / 2 startY = y } else { rWidth = w rHeight = w / op; startX = x startY = y + Math.round(h - rHeight) / 2 } ctx.drawImage(img.src, startX, startY, rWidth, rHeight); break; case 'aspectFill': if (cp >= op) { rHeight = rWidth / cp; // startY = Math.round((h - rHeight) / 2) } else { rWidth = rHeight * cp; startX = Math.round(((img.width || w) - rWidth) / 2) } // 百度小程序 开发工具 顺序有问题 暂不知晓真机 // #ifdef MP-BAIDU ctx.drawImage(img.src, x, y, w, h, startX, startY, rWidth, rHeight) // #endif // #ifndef MP-BAIDU ctx.drawImage(img.src, startX, startY, rWidth, rHeight, x, y, w, h) // #endif break; default: ctx.drawImage(img.src, x, y, w, h); } } const _restore = () => { ctx.restore() this.setBorder(box, style) setTimeout(() => { resolve(true) }, this.sleep) } const _drawImage = (img) => { if (this.use2dCanvas) { const Image = canvas.createImage() Image.onload = () => { img.src = Image _modeImage(img) _restore() } Image.onerror = () => { console.error(`createImage fail: ${JSON.stringify(img)}`) reject(new Error(`createImage fail: ${JSON.stringify(img)}`)) } Image.src = img.src } else { _modeImage(img) _restore() } } if(typeof img === 'string') { const {path: src, width, height} = await getImageInfo(img, this.isH5PathToBase64) _drawImage({src, width, height}) } else { _drawImage(img) } }) } drawText(text, box, style, rules) { const {ctx} = this let { left: x, top: y, width: w, height: h, offsetLeft: ol = 0 } = box let { color = '#000000', lineHeight = '1.4em', fontSize = 14, fontWeight, fontFamily, textStyle, textAlign = 'left', verticalAlign: va = 'top', backgroundColor: bg, maxLines, display, padding = {}, borderRadius = 0, textDecoration: td } = style const {paddingTop: pt = 0, paddingLeft: pl = 0} = padding lineHeight = toPx(lineHeight, fontSize) if (!text) return this.setOpacity(style) this.setTransform(box, style) x = -w/2 y = -h/2 ctx.setTextBaseline(va) ctx.setFonts({fontFamily, fontSize, fontWeight, textStyle}) ctx.setTextAlign(textAlign) if(bg) { this.setBackground(bg, w, h) this.roundRect(x, y, w, h, borderRadius, 1, 0) } if(display && display.includes('lock')) { x += pl y += pt } this.setShadow(style) ctx.setFillStyle(color) let rulesObj = {}; if(rules) { if (rules.word.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < rules.word.length; i++) { let startIndex = 0, index; while ((index = text.indexOf(rules.word[i], startIndex)) > -1) { rulesObj[index] = { reset: true }; for (let j = 0; j < rules.word[i].length; j++) { rulesObj[index + j] = { reset: true }; } startIndex = index + 1; } } } } // 水平布局 switch (textAlign) { case 'left': break case 'center': x += 0.5 * w break case 'right': x += w break default: break } const textWidth = ctx.measureText(text, fontSize).width const actualHeight = Math.ceil(textWidth / w) * lineHeight let paddingTop = Math.ceil((h - actualHeight) / 2) if (paddingTop < 0) paddingTop = 0 // 垂直布局 switch (va) { case 'top': break case 'middle': y += fontSize / 2 break case 'bottom': y += fontSize break default: break } // 绘线 const _drawLine = (x, y, textWidth) => { const { system } = uni.getSystemInfoSync() if(/win|mac/.test(system)){ y += (fontSize / 3) } // 垂直布局 switch (va) { case 'top': break case 'middle': y -= fontSize / 2 break case 'bottom': y -= fontSize break default: break } let to = x switch (textAlign) { case 'left': x = x to+= textWidth break case 'center': x = x - textWidth / 2 to = x + textWidth break case 'right': to = x x = x - textWidth break default: break } if(td) { ctx.setLineWidth(fontSize / 13); ctx.beginPath(); if (/\bunderline\b/.test(td)) { y -= inlinePaddingTop * 0.8 ctx.moveTo(x, y); ctx.lineTo(to, y); } if (/\boverline\b/.test(td)) { y += inlinePaddingTop ctx.moveTo(x, y - lineHeight); ctx.lineTo(to, y - lineHeight); } if (/\bline-through\b/.test(td)) { ctx.moveTo(x , y - lineHeight / 2 ); ctx.lineTo(to, y - lineHeight /2 ); } ctx.closePath(); ctx.setStrokeStyle(color); ctx.stroke(); } } const _reset = (text, x, y) => { const rs = Object.keys(rulesObj) for (let i = 0; i < rs.length; i++) { const item = rulesObj[rs[i]] // ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out";; ctx.setFillStyle(rules.color); if(item.char) { ctx.fillText(item.char, item.x , item.y) } ctx.restore(); } } const _setText = (isReset, char) => { if(isReset) { const t1 = Math.round(ctx.measureText('\u0020', fontSize).width) const t2 = Math.round(ctx.measureText('\u3000', fontSize).width) const width = Math.round(ctx.measureText(char, fontSize).width) let _char = '' let _num = 1 if(width == t2){ _char ='\u3000' _num = 1 } else { _char = '\u0020' _num = Math.ceil(width / t1) } return {char: new Array(_num).fill(_char).join(''), width} } else { return {char} } } const _setRulesObj = (text, index, x, y) => { rulesObj[index].x = x rulesObj[index].y = y rulesObj[index].char = text } const _setRules = (x, rs, text, textWidth, {startIndex = 0, endIndex}) => { let clonetext = text if(/·/.test(text)) { clonetext = clonetext.replace(/·/g, '.') textWidth = ctx.measureText(clonetext, fontSize).width } let _text = text.split('') let _x = x let first = true for (let i = 0; i < rs.length; i++) { const index = rs[i] const key = index - startIndex const t = _text[key] if(t) { let {char, width} = _setText(rulesObj[index], t) _text[key] = char if(first) { first = false let dot = 0 let dot2 = 0 let num = 0 if(textAlign == 'center') { _x = x - 0.5 * (textWidth - width - (dot2 - dot) * num) } if(textAlign == 'right') { _x = x - textWidth + width + (dot2 - dot) * num } } _setRulesObj(t, index, _x + ctx.measureText(clonetext.substring(0, key), fontSize).width, y + inlinePaddingTop) } else { continue } } return _text } const inlinePaddingTop = Math.ceil((lineHeight - fontSize) / 2) // 不超过一行 if (textWidth + ol <= w && !text.includes('\n')) { x = x + ol const rs = Object.keys(rulesObj) let _text = '' if(rs) { _text = _setRules(x, rs, text, textWidth, {}) _reset() } ctx.fillText(_text.join(''), x, y + inlinePaddingTop) y += lineHeight _drawLine(x, y, textWidth) ctx.restore() this.setBorder(box, style) return } // 多行文本 const chars = text.split('') const _y = y let _x = x // 逐行绘制 let line = '' let lineIndex = 0 let startIndex = 0 for(let index = 0 ; index <= chars.length; index++){ let ch = chars[index] || '' const isLine = ch === '\n' const isRight = ch == ''// index == chars.length ch = isLine ? '' : ch; let textline = line + ch let textWidth = ctx.measureText(textline, fontSize).width // 绘制行数大于最大行数,则直接跳出循环 if (lineIndex >= maxLines) { break; } if(lineIndex == 0) { textWidth = textWidth + ol _x = x + ol } else { textWidth = textWidth _x = x } if (textWidth > w || isLine || isRight) { let endIndex = index lineIndex++ line = isRight && textWidth <= w ? textline : line if(lineIndex === maxLines && textWidth > w) { while( ctx.measureText(`${line}...`, fontSize).width > w) { if (line.length <= 1) { // 如果只有一个字符时,直接跳出循环 break; } line = line.substring(0, line.length - 1); } line += '...' } const rs = Object.keys(rulesObj) let _text = '' if(rs) { _text = _setRules(x, rs, line, textWidth, {startIndex, endIndex}) _reset() } ctx.fillText(_text.join(''), _x, y + inlinePaddingTop) y += lineHeight _drawLine(_x, y, textWidth) line = ch startIndex = endIndex + (isLine ? 1 : 0) if ((y + lineHeight) > (_y + h)) break } else { line = textline } } // const rs = Object.keys(rulesObj) // if(rs) { // _reset() // } ctx.restore() this.setBorder(box, style) } async drawNode(element) { const { layoutBox, computedStyle, name, rules } = element const { src, text } = element.attributes if (name === 'view') { this.drawView(layoutBox, computedStyle) } else if (name === 'image' && src) { await this.drawImage(element.attributes, layoutBox, computedStyle, false) } else if (name === 'text') { this.drawText(text, layoutBox, computedStyle, rules) } else if (name === 'qrcode') { QR.api.draw(text, this, layoutBox, computedStyle) } if (!element.children) return const childs = Object.values ? Object.values(element.children) : Object.keys(element.children).map((key) => element.children[key]); for (const child of childs) { await this.drawNode(child) } } }