//获取应用实例 const app = getApp(); var token = wx.getStorageSync('token'); const util = require('../../utils/utils.js'); var mytime = null; var arr = []; import { BluetoothManager, CMD } from '../../service/BluWkm'; const bluM = new BluetoothManager; Page({ data: { markers: [], //显示单车、停车的P polygons: [], //区域 longitude: '113.786111', //113.786111 latitude: '34.78304', //34.78304 height1: '', //兼容自定义导航栏的高度 show: false, //车子详情的布尔值 id: '', //停车区域的ID stopP: false, //判断是否显示停车区域 polygons1: [], //可骑行区域 先用这个变量代表 controls: [], //地图上当前定位的箭头 background: false, //弹窗的背景颜色 realname: false, //当前是否已经实名 deposit: false, //当前是否交押金 userStatus: '', //用户的一些状态 是否交押金等 0 scanfail: false, //扫码失败弹窗 is_pay_order: '', //检测当前是否有订单未支付 code: '', //点击立即用车 把编号赋值给code over: false, //关闭图标 over1: false, //扫码失败关闭图标 location: '', //是否有位置权限 screenHeight: '', //屏幕可视高度 bluetooth: false, //是否开启蓝牙 false开始 true未开启 box_no: '', //中控编号 abnormal: '', //提示账号异常 ads: [], mid: [], currentSwiper: 0, center_currentSwiper: 0, bike_no: undefined, stopShow: false, stop_info: [], notice: [], //公告内容 animationData: {}, tabbar_index: 0, zoom: 18, versions: false, //版本过低弹窗 chooseSize: false, animationData1: {}, arrowDown: '', stop_type: '', marqueePace: 0.6, //滚动速度 marqueeDistance: 520, //初始滚动距离 用到 size: 26, //用到 marqueeWidth: 520, //用到 length: '', swiperCurrent: 0, midbolear: '', per_money: '', img: app.globalData.imgUrl, new_user_coupons: [] }, chooseSezi: function (e) { //底部广告动画效果 // 用that取代this,防止不必要的情况发生 var that = this; // 创建一个动画实例 var animation = wx.createAnimation({ // 动画持续时间 duration: 600, // 定义动画效果,当前是匀速 timingFunction: 'linear' }) // 将该变量赋值给当前动画 that.animation = animation // 先在y轴偏移,然后用step()完成一个动画 animation.translateY(300).step() // 用setData改变当前动画 that.setData({ // 通过export()方法导出数据 animationData1: animation.export(), // 改变view里面的Wx:if chooseSize: true }) // 设置setTimeout来改变y轴偏移量,实现有感觉的滑动 setTimeout(function () { animation.translateY(0).step() that.setData({ animationData1: animation.export() }) }, 100) var query = wx.createSelectorQuery(); query.select('.choose').boundingClientRect(); query.exec(function (res) { console.log(res) that.setData({ arrowDown: res[0].height + 40 }) }) var query = wx.createSelectorQuery(); query.select('.bottomAd').boundingClientRect(); query.exec(function (res) { console.log(res) }) }, hideModal: function (e) { var that = this; var animation = wx.createAnimation({ duration: 800, timingFunction: 'linear' }) that.animation = animation animation.translateY(300).step() that.setData({ animationData1: animation.export() }) setTimeout(function () { animation.translateY(0).step() that.setData({ animationData1: animation.export(), chooseSize: false }) }, 700) }, onLoad: function (query) { var that = this; console.log(query) wx.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: app.globalData.title }) if (query.q) { var code1 = decodeURIComponent(query.q) var index = code1.lastIndexOf("\="); var code = code1.substring(index + 1, code1.length); console.log(code,'Mead') that.setData({ bike_no: code }) } if (query.scene) { app.globalData.id = query.scene } this.setData({ height1: app.globalData.statusBarHeight, screenHeight: app.globalData.screenHeight }) }, detail: function () { var that = this; if (that.data.mid[0].type == 'url') { wx.navigateTo({ url: '/' + that.data.mid[0].detail }) } }, guanbi() { this.setData({ mid: [] }) var timestamp = Date.parse(new Date()) / 1000 + 43200; // 缓存过期时间 wx.setStorageSync('midTimes', timestamp) }, tabbar_top: util.throttle(function (e) { this.setData({ stopP: !this.data.stopP, tabbar_index: !this.data.stopP ? '1' : '0', show: false, stopShow: false }), this.stop() var polygons = this.data.polygons; if (this.data.stopP == true) { this.setData({ polygons, zoom: 14 }) } else { this.setData({ polygons, zoom: 18 }) } }, 2000), stop1: util.throttle(function () { this.setData({ stopP: !this.data.stopP, tabbar_index: !this.data.stopP ? '1' : '0', show: false, stopShow: false }), this.stop() var polygons = this.data.polygons; if (this.data.stopP == true) { this.setData({ polygons, }) } else { this.setData({ polygons, }) } }, 2000), swiper: util.throttle(function (e) { //点击广告页 console.log(e,'点击广告页') var type = e.currentTarget.dataset.type; var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index; var name = e.currentTarget.dataset.name; var detail = e.currentTarget.dataset.detail; var id = e.currentTarget.dataset.id; if (type != 'clilk_null') { if (type == 'wxUrl') { wx.navigateTo({ url: '/' + detail, }) } else if (type == 'phone') { wx.makePhoneCall({ phoneNumber: detail, }) } else if (type == 'toMiniProgram') { wx.navigateToMiniProgram({ appId: detail, path:'pages/wjxqList/wjxqList?activityId=QSraSaM', extraData: { foo: 'bar' }, // envVersion: 'develop', success(res) { // 打开成功 } }) }else { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../swiper/swiper?type=' + type + '&url=' + id + '&name=' + name + '&detail=' + detail, }) } } }, 1000), swiperChange: function (e) { if (this.data.currentSwiper == 0 && this.data.swiperCurrent > 1) { //卡死时,重置current为正确索引 this.setData({ currentSwiper: this.data.swiperCurrent }); } else { //正常轮转时,记录正确页码索引 this.setData({ swiperCurrent: e.detail.current }); } }, center_swiperChange: function (e) { this.setData({ center_currentSwiper: e.detail.current }) }, ads: function (id) { var that = this; var area_id = '' if (id != undefined) { area_id = id } else { area_id = 0 } app.request("/ads?area_id=" + area_id + "&position[]=mid&position[]=header&position[]=footer", '', "GET").then(res => { console.log(res) if (res.statusCode == 200 && res.data != '') { if (res.data.header != undefined || res.data.header != 'undefined') { that.setData({ ads: res.data.header }) } if (res.data.mid != undefined || res.data.mid != 'undefined') { that.setData({ mid: res.data.mid }) } if (res.data.footer != undefined || res.data.footer != 'undefined') { that.setData({ footer: res.data.footer }) } } }).catch(err => { console.log(err) }) }, run1: function () { var that = this; mytime = setInterval(function () { if (-that.data.marqueeDistance < that.data.length) { that.setData({ marqueeDistance: that.data.marqueeDistance - that.data.marqueePace, }) } else { clearInterval(mytime); that.setData({ marqueeDistance: that.data.marqueeWidth }); that.run1(); } }, 6) }, notice: function () { var that = this; var area_id = '' if (wx.getStorageSync('home').id != undefined) { area_id = wx.getStorageSync('home').id } var data = { 'area_id': area_id, } app.request("/index/an", data, "GET").then(res => { if (res.statusCode == 200) { console.log(res); if (res.data != '') { that.setData({ notice: res.data }); var length = res.data.description.length * that.data.size; //计算文字的长度 that.setData({ length: length }) if (that.data.length > that.data.marqueeWidth) { that.run1(); } else { that.setData({ marqueeDistance: 0 }) } } } }) }, tap_notice: util.throttle(function (e) { // console.log(e) var id = e.currentTarget.dataset.id; wx.navigateTo({ url: '../public_details/public_details?id=' + id, }) }, 1000), posi: util.throttle(function () { //点击定位 //这是一段注释 this.map() var that = this; wx.getLocation({ type: 'gcj02', success: (res) => { // console.log('经纬度为:+++++++++++++++++++++' + res.latitude + '++++++++' + res.longitude) var latitude = res.latitude var longitude = res.longitude that.setData({ longitude: longitude, latitude: latitude }) }, // fail: function (err) { // that.setData({ // location: true // }) // } }) }, 1500), search: util.throttle(function () { //点击首页的搜索框 console.log('11') wx.navigateTo({ url: '../navigation/navigation', }) }, 1500), bindregionchange: function (e) { //实现大头针移动选点 var that = this // console.log(e) // if (e.type == "end" && e.causedBy == 'drag') { // //停止 // console.log('end') // var mapCtx = wx.createMapContext("map") // mapCtx.getCenterLocation({ // success: function (res) { // var latitude = res.latitude // var longitude = res.longitude // that.setData({ latitude, longitude }) // if(that.data.stopP==false){ // that.nearbyCars(), that.map() // } // } // }) // } }, sweepcode: util.throttle(function () { this.setData({ background: false, scanfail: false, over1: false }) this.sweep_code() }, 1500), gocode: util.throttle(function () { //点击去试试看、使用车牌号开锁 this.setData({ background: false, scanfail: false, over1: false }) wx.navigateTo({ url: '../input_number/input_number', }) }, 1500), home: function () { //请求首页接口和一些设置。 var that = this; var data = { 'lat': that.data.latitude, 'lng': that.data.longitude, // 'bike_no': that.data.bike_no 'bike_no': '41140070116' } let mead_area_id = wx.getStorageSync('mead_area_id') let mead_time = wx.getStorageSync('mead_time') let now = Date.now() if(!that.data.bike_no && mead_area_id && now < mead_time){ console.log('mead',mead_area_id) let data = wx.getStorageSync('home') if (data.points != []) { that.setData({ id: data.id, polygons1: that.data.polygons.concat(data), setting: data.setting, per_money: Number(data.setting.starting_price), polygons: [] }) if (!data.id) return that.ads(data.id), that.ban_stop(data.id), that.setData({ polygons: that.data.polygons.concat(data) }) } clearInterval(mytime) console.log(123123) setTimeout(function () { that.notice(); }, 500) return } console.log(123123) app.request("/pages/home?include=setting", data, "POST").then(res => { console.log(res) if (res.statusCode == 200) { var data = res.data; console.log(data) if (data.points != []) { that.setData({ id: data.id, polygons1: that.data.polygons.concat(data), setting: data.setting, per_money: Number(data.setting.starting_price), polygons: [] }) if (!data.id) return that.ads(data.id), that.ban_stop(data.id), that.setData({ polygons: that.data.polygons.concat(data) }) } clearInterval(mytime) setTimeout(function () { that.notice(); }, 500) if (res.data.status_code == 423) { wx.getLocation({ success: function (res) { wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '您附近暂无运营区域~', showCancel: false }) var setting = { is_deposit: 1 } that.setData({ setting }) }, // fail: function (err) { // that.setData({ // location: true // }) // } }) }else{ wx.setStorageSync('setting', data.setting) wx.setStorageSync('home', data) wx.setStorageSync('mead_area_id', data.id) wx.setStorageSync('mead_time', Date.now() + 24*60*60*1000) } } }) }, ban_stop: function (id) { var that = this; var data1 = { 'area_id': id } app.request('/parking/ban-stop-sites', data1, 'GET').then(res => { console.log(res) if (res.statusCode == 200) { var data = res.data console.log(data) that.setData({ polygons2: data.polygons, markers: that.data.markers.concat(data.centres), polygons: that.data.polygons1.concat(data.polygons) }) } }) }, nearbyCars: function () { //附近的车 var that = this; that.setData({ markers: [] }) var data = { "lat": that.data.latitude, "lng": that.data.longitude } app.request("/bikes", data, "POST").then(res => { // console.log(res) if (res.statusCode == 200) { var makers = res.data if (makers == '') { wx.showToast({ title: '附近暂无车辆', icon: 'none' }) that.setData({ markers: [] }) } else { that.setData({ markers: makers }) } } }).catch(err => { console.log(err) }) }, use: util.throttle(function () { //点击车辆详情的立即用车按钮 this.jiance('use') }, 1000), map: function () { //点击地图使车子变回原来颜色 并且隐藏车子信息 if (this.data.stopP == false) { var markers = this.data.markers; for (let item of markers) { if (item.type == 1) { item.iconPath = 'http://resource.bike.hanyiyun.com/weapp/ban-stop.png' } else { item.iconPath = 'http://resource.bike.hanyiyun.com/weapp/bluebike.png' } } this.setData({ show: false, markers, stopShow: false }) } else { var markers = this.data.markers; for (let item of markers) { if (item.type == 2) { item.iconPath = 'http://resource.bike.hanyiyun.com/weapp/stop1.png' } if (item.type == 1) { item.iconPath = 'http://resource.bike.hanyiyun.com/weapp/ban-stop.png' } } this.setData({ stopShow: false, markers, show: false }) } }, stop: util.throttle(function () { //点击P显示停车区域并隐藏所有车子 var that = this; that.setData({ markers: [] }) that.map() // console.log(that.data.stopP) if (that.data.stopP == true) { that.stopP() // console.log('显示停车') } else { // console.log('隐藏停车') that.nearbyCars(), that.setData({ polygons: that.data.polygons1 }), that.ban_stop(that.data.id) } }, 1500), marker: function (e) { //点击地图上每一辆车子 使点击的车子变色并且显示车子详情 var that = this; var markers = that.data.markers; var bolear = '' for (let item of markers) { if (item.id == e.markerId) { if (item.type == undefined) { item.iconPath = 'http://resource.bike.hanyiyun.com/weapp/yellowbike.png'; wx.showLoading({ title: '获取中...', }) that.setData({ code: e.markerId, bike: [] }) app.request('/bike/' + e.markerId, '', 'GET').then(res => { // console.log(res) wx.hideLoading() if (res.statusCode == 200) { that.setData({ bike: res.data, show: true, box_no: res.data.box_no }) } }) } else { item.iconPath = 'http://resource.bike.hanyiyun.com/weapp/ban-stop.png'; } } else { if (item.type == undefined) { item.iconPath = 'http://resource.bike.hanyiyun.com/weapp/bluebike.png'; } else { item.iconPath = 'http://resource.bike.hanyiyun.com/weapp/ban-stop.png'; } } } that.setData({ markers, stopShow: true }) }, mine: function () { //点击左上角我的图标 跳到我的页面 this.map() //如果缓存里的avatar_url 不等于空 或者 uese 不等于空 if (wx.getStorageSync('userInfo').avatar_url != null && wx.getStorageSync('userInfo') != '') { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../personal/mine/mine', }) } else { wx.reLaunch({ url: '../authentication/authentication', }) } }, stop_marker: function (e) { console.log(e) var that = this; var markers = e.currentTarget.dataset.markers; for (let item of markers) { if (item.id == e.markerId) { if (item.type == 2) { item.iconPath = 'http://resource.bike.hanyiyun.com/weapp/orange-stop.png' that.setData({ stop_info: item, stop_type: 2 }) } if (item.type == 1) { item.iconPath = 'http://resource.bike.hanyiyun.com/weapp/ban-stop.png' that.setData({ stop_info: item, stop_type: 1 }) } } else { if (item.type == 2) { item.iconPath = 'http://resource.bike.hanyiyun.com/weapp/stop1.png' } if (item.type == 1) { item.iconPath = 'http://resource.bike.hanyiyun.com/weapp/ban-stop.png' } } } // console.log(markers) this.setData({ stopShow: true, markers }) }, stopP: function () { var that = this; var data1 = { 'area_id': that.data.id } that.setData({ markers: [] }) app.request('/parking/stop-sites', data1, 'GET').then(res => { console.log(res) if (res.statusCode == 200) { var data = res.data that.setData({ polygons: that.data.polygons1.concat(data.polygons), markers: data.centres }) } }) }, refresh: util.throttle(function () { //点击刷新 var that = this; that.setData({ polygons: [] }) if (this.data.stopP == true) { that.stopP(), wx.showToast({ title: '刷新成功', icon: 'none' }) } else { this.location(), wx.showToast({ title: '刷新成功', icon: 'none' }) } }, 1500), authentication: util.throttle(function () { //点击去实名认证 var state = wx.getStorageSync('userState') if (state.is_bind_mobile == 0) { wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/real_name/real_name?state1=1&index=0', }) } else if (state.is_bind_mobile == 1) { wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/real_name/real_name?state2=2&index=1', }) } this.setData({ background: false, realname: false, over: false }) }, 1500), sweep_code: util.throttle(function () { //点击扫码开锁 var that = this; wx.getLocation({ success: function (res) { that.map() // console.log(that.data.userStatus.is_pay_order) if (wx.getStorageSync('setting') == '') { wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '您附近暂无运营区域~', showCancel: false }) return; } that.jiance('scan') }, // fail: function (err) { // that.setData({ // location: true // }) // } }) }, 1500), jiance: function (source) { var that = this; if (that.data.userStatus.is_punishment) { wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '您当前有违章订单需要处理,请处理后再来用车吧!', confirmText: '去处理', success: function (res) { if (res.confirm) { wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/fine/fine', }) } } }) return; } var userStatus = that.data.userStatus; if (userStatus.is_pay_order != false && userStatus.is_pay_order != undefined) { this.setData({ is_pay_order: 1, background: true }) return; } else if (userStatus.is_pay_rent_order != false && userStatus.is_pay_rent_order != undefined) { this.setData({ is_pay_order: 1, background: true }) return; } else { // if (that.data.setting.is_card == 1) { // if (userStatus.is_card_certified == 0) { // that.setData({ // realname: true, // background: true, // over: true // }) // return; // } // } // if (userStatus.is_deposit == 0 && that.data.setting.is_deposit != 0 && userStatus.is_coupon_deposit_free == false) { // console.log('else===>else===>else if') // that.setData({ // deposit: true, // background: true // }) // return; // } else { if (source == 'use') { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../sweep_code/sweep_code?code=' + that.data.code, }) } else { wx.scanCode({ onlyFromCamera: true, success: function (res) { // console.log(res) var index = res.result.lastIndexOf("\="); var code = res.result.substring(index + 1, res.result.length); console.log(code.length) if (code.length == 11) { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../sweep_code/sweep_code?code=' + code, }) } else { wx.showToast({ title: '请扫描正确的二维码!', icon: 'none' }) } }, fail: function (err) { console.log(err) that.setData({ background: true, scanfail: true, over1: true }) } }) } // } } }, think: util.throttle(function () { //点击我再想想 关闭弹窗和背景 this.setData({ background: false, deposit: false, over: false }) }, 1500), deposit: util.throttle(function () { //点击现在就去 跳到交押金页面 this.setData({ background: false, deposit: false, over: false }) wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/personal/deposit/deposit?home=index', }) }, 1500), cancel: util.throttle(function () { //点击取消,下次吧 this.setData({ is_pay_order: false, background: false }) }, 1500), go_pay: util.throttle(function () { //点击去支付 this.setData({ is_pay_order: false, background: false }) var pay_order = '' var rent = '' if (this.data.userStatus.is_pay_order != false && this.data.userStatus.is_pay_order != undefined) { pay_order = this.data.userStatus.is_pay_order } if (this.data.userStatus.is_pay_rent_order != false && this.data.userStatus.is_pay_rent_order != undefined) { pay_order = this.data.userStatus.is_pay_rent_order; rent = 'rent' } // console.log(rent) wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/payment/payment?order=' + pay_order + '&rent=' + rent, }) }, 1500), over: function () { //如果当前未实名 弹窗显示后 点击关闭按钮 this.setData({ realname: false, background: false, scanfail: false, over1: false, over: false, }) }, onShow: function () { var that = this; var time = wx.getStorageSync('token_time'); var timestamp = Date.parse(new Date())/1000; var token = wx.getStorageSync('token') if(time<=timestamp && !token){ wx.login({ success: function (res) { wx.getSystemInfo({ success(res) { console.log(arr) arr = [{ label: '品牌', type: 'brand', value: res.brand }, { label: '型号', type: 'model', value: res.model }, { label: '系统平台', type: 'platform', value: res.platform }, { label: '系统版本', type: 'system', value: res.system }, { label: '微信版本', type: 'version', value: res.version }, { label: '小程序版本', type: 'SDKVersion', value: res.SDKVersion }, { label: '定位状态', type: 'locationEnabled', value: res.locationEnabled ? '开' : '关' }, { label: '定位授权', type: 'locationAuthorized', value: res.locationAuthorized ? '已授权' : '未授权' } ] } }) // 发送 res.code 到后台换取 openId, sessionKey, unionId console.log(res.code) var data = { 'code': res.code, 'appid': app.globalData.appid, 'phone_detail': JSON.stringify(arr), 'invite_user_id': app.globalData.id, 'language':'zh' }; app.request("/auth/weapp-login", data, "POST").then(res => { console.log(res) wx.setStorageSync('token', res.data.token); wx.setStorageSync('session_key', res.data.session_key); wx.setStorageSync('token_time', res.data.exp); wx.setStorageSync('user_ID', res.data.user.id); that.setData({ token: res.data.token, }) that.home() that.getUser() that.userState(); }) } }) }else{ that.setData({token}) that.home() that.getUser() that.userState(); } this.setData({ show: false, midbolear: wx.getStorageSync('midTimes'), polygons: [] }) this.location(); wx.hideHomeButton(); }, onReady: function () { }, kefu: util.throttle(function () { wx.makePhoneCall({ phoneNumber: wx.getStorageSync('home').customer_service_phone, }) }, 1500), userState: function () { var that = this; var data = { 'area_id': that.data.id } app.request("/user/status", data, "GET").then(res => { console.log(res) if (res.statusCode == 200) { that.setData({ userStatus: res.data, is_pay_order: res.data.is_pay_order }), wx.setStorageSync('userState', res.data) if (res.data.status == 0) { that.setData({ abnormal: true, background: true }) return; } if (res.data.is_ride_order != false) { wx.reLaunch({ url: '/pages/riding/riding?order=' + res.data.is_ride_order, }) return; } if (res.data.is_rent_order != false) { wx.reLaunch({ url: '/pages/daily_riding/daily_riding?order=' + res.data.is_rent_order, }) return; } if (res.data.is_pay_order != false) { that.setData({ background: true, is_pay_order: true }) return; } if (res.data.is_pay_rent_order != false) { that.setData({ background: true, is_pay_order: true }) return; } if (res.data.is_punishment) { wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '您当前有违章订单需要处理,请处理后再来用车吧!', confirmText: '去处理', success: function (res) { if (res.confirm) { wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/fine/fine', }) } } }) return; } var setting = that.data.setting console.log(setting) if (setting == '' || setting == undefined) return; if (setting.is_card == 1 && setting.is_deposit == 1) { if (res.data.is_ride_order == false && res.data.is_pay_order == false && that.data.bike_no != undefined && res.data.is_pay_rent_order == false) { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../sweep_code/sweep_code?code=' + that.data.bike_no, }) return; } } else if (setting.is_card == 0 && setting.is_deposit == 0) { if (res.data.is_ride_order == false && res.data.is_pay_order == false && that.data.bike_no != undefined && res.data.is_pay_rent_order == false) { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../sweep_code/sweep_code?code=' + that.data.bike_no, }) return; } } else { console.log('else') if (setting.is_card == 1) { if (res.data.is_ride_order == false && res.data.is_pay_order == false && that.data.bike_no != undefined && res.data.is_pay_rent_order == false) { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../sweep_code/sweep_code?code=' + that.data.bike_no, }) return; } } else if (setting.is_deposit == 1) { if (res.data.is_ride_order == false && res.data.is_pay_order == false && that.data.bike_no != undefined && res.data.is_pay_rent_order == false) { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../sweep_code/sweep_code?code=' + that.data.bike_no, }) return; } } } if (res.data.is_new_user_coupons == 1) { app.request("/coupon/getNewUserCoupons", '', "GET").then(res => { console.log(res) that.setData({ new_user_coupons: res.data }) // 200 == res.statusCode && wx.setStorageSync("userInfo", res.data) }) } } }).catch(err => { console.log(err) }) }, getUser() { app.request("/me", '', "GET").then(res => { console.log(res) 200 == res.statusCode && wx.setStorageSync("userInfo", res.data) }).catch(err => { console.log(err) }) }, bulingqu: function () { var userStatus = this.data.userStatus; userStatus.is_new_user_coupons = 0 this.setData({ userStatus }) console.log(this.data.userStatus) }, lingqu: function () { var status = this.data.new_user_coupons; var arr = [] for (var i = 0; i < status.length; i++) { arr.push(status[i].id) } console.log(arr) var data = { ids: arr } app.request('/user/newUserCoupons', data, 'POST').then(res => { console.log(res) this.setData({ new_user_coupons: [] }) wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/newUser/newUser', }) console.log(this.data.userStatus) }) }, lookCar: util.throttle(function (e) { console.log(e) wx.showLoading({ title: '找车中...', mask: true }) bluM.connectDeivece(e.currentTarget.dataset.box_no, CMD.bell) app.request('/bike/find/' + e.currentTarget.dataset.id, '', 'GET').then(res => { // console.log(res) if (res.statusCode == 200) { res.data.is_ok == true && wx.showToast({ title: '找车成功', icon: 'none', duration: 2000 }) res.data.is_ok == false && wx.showToast({ title: '找车失败请重试', icon: 'none', duration: 2000 }) } else { wx.showToast({ title: res.data.message, icon: 'none', duration: 2000, mask: true }) } }) }, 1000), usage: util.throttle(function () { this.map() wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/accounting_rules/accounting_rules', }) }, 1500), help: util.throttle(function () { //点击如何用车 跳到如何用车页面 this.map() wx.navigateTo({ url: '../personal/help/help', }) }, 1500), go_setting: util.throttle(function () { //点击去设置位置权限 this.setData({ background: false, location: false }) wx.openSetting({ success: function (res) { // console.log(res) // console.log(res.authSetting) } }) }, 1500), open: util.throttle(function () { //点击已打开 this.setData({ background: false, location: false }) }, 1500), navgiate: util.throttle(function (e) { console.log(e) if (this.data.stop_type == 1) return; var latitude = this.data.stop_info.latitude; var longitude = this.data.stop_info.longitude; var name = this.data.stop_info.name; wx.openLocation({ //​使用微信内置地图查看位置。 latitude: latitude, //要去的纬度-地址 longitude: longitude, //要去的经度-地址 name: name }) }, 1000), location: function () { //获取当前经纬度 如果未授权让用户去授权 var that = this; wx.showLoading({ title: '定位中...', mask: true }) wx.getLocation({ type: 'gcj02', success: (res) => { console.log('经纬度为:+++++++++++++++++++++' + res.latitude + '++++++++' + res.longitude) var latitude = res.latitude var longitude = res.longitude that.setData({ longitude: longitude, latitude: latitude, show: false }) if (that.data.stopP == false) { console.log('false') that.nearbyCars() } else { that.stop() } wx.hideLoading() }, fail: function () { wx.hideLoading() wx.getSetting({ success: function (res) { // console.log(res) var statu = res.authSetting; if (statu['scope.userLocation'] == false) { that.setData({ background: true, location: true }) } } }) } }) }, onHide: function () { console.log('onHide') this.setData({ bike_no: undefined, background: false, bluetooth: false, location: false, scanfail: false, over1: false }) // clearInterval(mytime) }, //用户隐私协议 // 同意 agree(e) { // this.posi() var that = this; this.location() }, //不同意 disagree(e) { console.log("用户拒绝隐私授权, 未同意过的隐私协议中的接口将不能调用") // wx.exitMiniProgram() }, onUnload: function () { console.log('onUnload') }, onShareAppMessage: function () { } })