id; $bike = Bike::query()->filter($filter)->orderByDesc('id'); if (!Admin::isAdministrator()) { $area_ids = AdminUser::getAreaIdsByAdminId($admin_id); $area_id = AdminUserArea::query()->where('admin_id', $admin_id)->pluck('area_id')->toArray(); if (count($area_ids) !== 0) { $area_idss = array_merge($area_ids, $area_id); $bike = $bike->where(function ($q) use ($area_idss) { $q->whereIn('put_area_id', $area_idss); }); } else { $bike = $bike->where(function ($q) use ($area_id) { $q->whereIn('put_area_id', $area_id); }); } } $bike = $request->get('all') ? $bike->get() : $bike->paginate(); return $this->ok(BikeResource::collection($bike)); } /** * maps 渲染地图车 * * @param Request $request * @param BikeFilter $filter * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse * @author Fx * */ public function maps(Request $request, BikeFilter $filter) { // $admin_id = Admin::user()->id; $bike = Bike::query()->filter($filter)->orderByDesc('id'); if (!Admin::isAdministrator()) { $area_ids = AdminUser::getAreaIdsByAdminId($admin_id); if (count($area_ids) !== 0) { $bike = $bike->whereIn('put_area_id', $area_ids)->orWhere('put_area_id', 0); } else { $area = AdminUserArea::query()->where('admin_id', $admin_id)->first(); $area_id = $area->area_id ?? 0; $bike = $bike->where('put_area_id', $area_id)->orWhere('put_area_id', 0); } } $bike = $bike->get(); $data = []; foreach ($bike as $v) { // 此样式和前端海量点style数据相对应 $style = 1;// 样式1 未使用 正常 if ($v->is_low_battery_power == Bike::BATTERY_POWER_LOW) { $style = 0; // 样式0 低电量 } elseif ($v->is_riding == Bike::RIDING_YES) { $style = 2; // 样式2 骑行中 } if (app()->redis->hexists(BikeStatusInfoSyncHandler::REDIS_RIDE_BIKE_WORKER_ORDERS_TAG, $v->bike_no)) { $style = 3; // 样式3 运维骑行中 }; $data[] = [ 'lnglat' => $v->last_location ? [json_decode($v->last_location)->lng, json_decode($v->last_location)->lat] : [116.397546, 39.909153], 'name' => $v->bike_no, 'id' => $v->id, 'style' => $style ]; } return $this->ok($data); } /** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function create() { // } /** * store 添加车辆 * * @param BikeRequest $request * @param Bike $bike * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse * @author Fx * */ public function store(BikeRequest $request, Bike $bike) { // $inputs = $request->validated(); $inputs['put_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($inputs['put_time'])); $box_no = $inputs['box_no']; $box = BoxBinding::query()->where('box_no', $box_no)->first(); if (empty($box)) return $this->error('找不到此设备信息,请联系管理员'); if ($box->is_binding == BoxBinding::BINDING_YES) return $this->error('此设备已经绑定过'); // 蓝牙信息'TBIT_WA205-7HBLE'; $blu_key = config('systemConfig.blu_key'); try { $blu_ase_key = Aes128Handler::genKey($blu_key, $box_no); } catch (\Exception $e) { return $this->error($e->getMessage()); } $inputs['blu_key'] = $blu_key; $inputs['blu_ase_key'] = $blu_ase_key; try { DB::beginTransaction(); $bike->create($inputs); $box->is_binding = BoxBinding::BINDING_YES; $box->save(); DB::commit(); return $this->ok(BikeResource::make($bike)); } catch (\Exception $e) { DB::rollBack(); Log::error($e->getMessage()); return $this->error('添加失败,请联系管理员'); } } /** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function show($id) { // } /** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function edit(Bike $bike) { return $this->ok(BikeResource::make($bike)); // } /** * update 更新车辆 * * @param BikeRequest $request * @param Bike $bike * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse * @author Fx * */ public function update(BikeRequest $request, Bike $bike) { // $inputs = $request->validated(); $inputs['put_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($inputs['put_time'])); // 更新redis if ((int)$inputs['put_status'] === 0) { (new BikeStatusInfoSyncHandler())->toBikeOffLineStatus($bike->bike_no); } elseif ((int)$inputs['put_status'] === 1) { $lastLocation = LocationsLog::getNewestLocationByBikeNo($bike->bike_no); (new BikeStatusInfoSyncHandler())->toBikeOnLineStatus($bike->bike_no, $lastLocation['lng'] ?? 0, $lastLocation['lat'] ?? 0); } if ($bike->box_no != $inputs['box_no']) { $box_no = $inputs['box_no']; $box = BoxBinding::query()->where('box_no', $box_no)->first(); if (empty($box)) return $this->error('找不到此设备信息,请联系管理员'); if ($box->is_binding == BoxBinding::BINDING_YES) return $this->error('此设备已经绑定过'); // 蓝牙信息'TBIT_WA205-7HBLE'; $blu_key = config('systemConfig.blu_key'); try { $blu_ase_key = Aes128Handler::genKey($blu_key, $box_no); } catch (\Exception $e) { return $this->error($e->getMessage()); } $inputs['blu_key'] = $blu_key; $inputs['blu_ase_key'] = $blu_ase_key; try { DB::beginTransaction(); $bike->update($inputs); $box->is_binding = BoxBinding::BINDING_YES; $box->save(); DB::commit(); return $this->ok(BikeResource::make($bike)); } catch (\Exception $e) { DB::rollBack(); Log::error($e->getMessage()); return $this->error('添加失败,请联系管理员'); } } $bike->update($inputs); return $this->ok(BikeResource::make($bike)); } public function updateRemark(RemarkRequest $request, $id) { // $bike = Bike::find($id); $inputs = $request->validated(); // Log::info($id); $bike->update($inputs); return $this->ok(BikeResource::make($bike)); } /** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy(Bike $bike) { // $bike->delete(); return $this->noContent(); } /** * bikesUpdate 批量投放更新 * * @param Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse * @author Fx * */ public function bikesUpdate(Request $request) { $ids = $request->get('ids'); $bike_nos = $request->get('bike_nos'); $updated = $request->get('updated'); //参数校验 if (empty($ids)) return $this->error('请选择车辆'); if (empty($updated['put_time'])) return $this->error('参数错误'); if (empty($updated['put_area_id'])) return $this->error('参数错误'); if ($updated['put_status'] != '0' && $updated['put_status'] != '1') return $this->error('参数错误'); $updates['put_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($updated['put_time'])); $updates['put_area_id'] = $updated['put_area_id']; $updates['put_status'] = $updated['put_status']; $bool = Bike::query()->whereIn('id', $ids)->update($updates); // Log::info($bool); if ($bool) { // 更新redis if (!empty($bike_nos)) { if ($updated['put_status'] == 0) { foreach ($bike_nos as $v) { (new BikeStatusInfoSyncHandler())->toBikeOffLineStatus($v); } } elseif ($updated['put_status'] == 1) { foreach ($bike_nos as $v) { $lastLocation = LocationsLog::getNewestLocationByBikeNo($v); (new BikeStatusInfoSyncHandler())->toBikeOnLineStatus($v, $lastLocation['lng'] ?? 0, $lastLocation['lat'] ?? 0); } } } return $this->ok('操作成功'); } else { return $this->error('操作失败'); } } /** * import 导入excle * * @param Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse * @author Fx * */ public function import(Request $request) { try { Excel::import(new BikesImport, $request->file('bikes')); return $this->ok('导入成功'); } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error($e->getMessage()); return $this->error('导入失败'); } } /** * download 下载模板 * * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\BinaryFileResponse * @author Fx * */ public function download() { return response()->download(public_path('example_bike.xlsx')); } /** * QrCode 返回单个车辆二维码 * * @param Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse * @author Fx * */ public function QrCode(Request $request) { $bike_no = $request->get('bike_no') ?? ''; if (empty($bike_no)) return $this->error('参数错误'); $filename = storage_path('app/public/qcode/') . $bike_no . 'appcode.png'; if (!file_exists($filename)) { $filename = $this->wechatQrCode($bike_no); $path = config('app.url') . '/storage/qcode/' . $filename; return $this->ok($path); } $path = config('app.url') . '/storage/qcode/' . $bike_no . 'appcode.png'; return $this->ok($path); } /** * qrCodesDownload 批量下载二维码 * * @param Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse|\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\BinaryFileResponse * @author Fx * */ public function qrCodesDownload(Request $request) { $bike_nos = $request->get('bike_nos') ?? ''; if (empty($bike_nos)) return $this->error('参数错误'); $files = []; foreach ($bike_nos as $v) { $file = storage_path('app/public/qcode/') . $v . 'appcode.png'; if (!file_exists($file)) { $filename = $this->wechatQrCode($v); $files[$filename] = $file; } else { $filename = $v . 'appcode.png'; $files[$filename] = $file; } } $zip_file = ''; $zip = new \ZipArchive(); $zip->open($zip_file, \ZipArchive::CREATE | \ZipArchive::OVERWRITE); $path = storage_path('invoices'); // 这里边全是真实全绝对路径 不需要跳过目录 foreach ($files as $name => $file) { // 我们要跳过所有子目录 // if (!$file->isDir()) { // $filePath = $file->getRealPath(); // // // 用 substr/strlen 获取文件扩展名 // $relativePath = 'invoices/' . substr($filePath, strlen($path) + 1); // // $zip->addFile($filePath, $relativePath); // } //$file 为真实文件路径 $name为文件名 如果不写$name生成的压缩文件 将会包含目录 $zip->addFile($file, $name); } $zip->close(); return response()->download($zip_file); } /** * analysisPosition 解析车辆位置 * * @param Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse * @author Fx * */ public function analysisPosition(Request $request) { $bike_id = $request->get('bike_id'); $bike = Bike::find($bike_id); if (empty($bike)) return $this->ok(['position' => '']); $last_location = $bike->last_location; $lngLat = $last_location ? [json_decode($last_location)->lng, json_decode($last_location)->lat] : [116.397546, 39.909153]; $position = GaodeMaps::getAddress($lngLat); //最近订单 取最 $order = Order::query()->where('bike_id', $bike->id)->orderByDesc('id')->with('users')->first(); $orderRent = OrderRent::query()->where('bike_id', $bike->id)->orderByDesc('id')->with('users')->first(); $data2 = []; $data1 = []; if (!empty($order) && !empty($orderRent)) { if ($orderRent->start_use_bike_time > $order->start_use_bike_time) { // $user = User::query()->find($v->user_id); $data1['bike_no'] = $orderRent->bike_no; $data1['username'] = $orderRent->users->nickname ?? ''; $data1['truename'] = $orderRent->users->truename ?? ''; $data1['mobile'] = $orderRent->users->mobile ?? ''; $data1['order_status'] = OrderRent::$statusMaps[$orderRent->status]; $data1['start_use_bike_time'] = $orderRent->start_use_bike_time; $data1['end_use_bike_time'] = $orderRent->end_use_bike_time; $data1['start_use_bike_time_app'] = date('m-d H:i', strtotime($orderRent->start_use_bike_time)); $data1['end_use_bike_time_app'] = $orderRent->end_use_bike_time ? date('m-d H:i', strtotime($orderRent->end_use_bike_time)) : ''; } else { $data1['bike_no'] = $order->bike_no; $data1['username'] = $order->users->nickname ?? ''; $data1['truename'] = $order->users->truename ?? ''; $data1['mobile'] = $order->users->mobile ?? ''; $data1['order_status'] = Order::$statusMaps[$order->status]; $data1['start_use_bike_time'] = $order->start_use_bike_time; $data1['end_use_bike_time'] = $order->end_use_bike_time; $data1['start_use_bike_time_app'] = date('m-d H:i', strtotime($order->start_use_bike_time)); $data1['end_use_bike_time_app'] = $order->end_use_bike_time ? date('m-d H:i', strtotime($order->end_use_bike_time)) : ''; } $data2[] = $data1; } else if (!empty($order)) { $data1['bike_no'] = $order->bike_no; $data1['username'] = $order->users->nickname ?? ''; $data1['truename'] = $order->users->truename ?? ''; $data1['mobile'] = $order->users->mobile ?? ''; $data1['order_status'] = Order::$statusMaps[$order->status]; $data1['start_use_bike_time'] = $order->start_use_bike_time; $data1['end_use_bike_time'] = $order->end_use_bike_time; $data1['start_use_bike_time_app'] = date('m-d H:i', strtotime($order->start_use_bike_time)); $data1['end_use_bike_time_app'] = $order->end_use_bike_time ? date('m-d H:i', strtotime($order->end_use_bike_time)) : ''; $data2[] = $data1; } else if (!empty($orderRent)) { $data1['bike_no'] = $orderRent->bike_no; $data1['username'] = $orderRent->users->nickname ?? ''; $data1['truename'] = $orderRent->users->truename ?? ''; $data1['mobile'] = $orderRent->users->mobile ?? ''; $data1['order_status'] = OrderRent::$statusMaps[$orderRent->status]; $data1['start_use_bike_time'] = $orderRent->start_use_bike_time; $data1['end_use_bike_time'] = $orderRent->end_use_bike_time; $data1['start_use_bike_time_app'] = date('m-d H:i', strtotime($orderRent->start_use_bike_time)); $data1['end_use_bike_time_app'] = $orderRent->end_use_bike_time ? date('m-d H:i', strtotime($orderRent->end_use_bike_time)) : ''; $data2[] = $data1; } $workInfo = []; if (app()->redis->hexists(BikeStatusInfoSyncHandler::REDIS_RIDE_BIKE_WORKER_ORDERS_TAG, $bike->bike_no)) { $work_id = app()->redis->hget(BikeStatusInfoSyncHandler::REDIS_RIDE_BIKE_WORKER_ORDERS_TAG, $bike->bike_no); $work = AdminUser::find($work_id); $workInfo = [ 'name' => $work->name, 'phone' => $work->phone, ]; } return $this->ok(['position' => $position, 'bike' => BikeResource::make($bike), 'lately_order' => $data1, 'workInfo' => $workInfo]); } /** * wechatQrCode 本地插件生成二维码 * * @param $bike_no * @return string * @author Fx * */ private function wechatQrCode($bike_no) { $filename = $bike_no . 'appcode.png'; QrCode::format('png')->size(600)->generate(config('wechat.code_url') . $bike_no, storage_path('app/public/qcode/') . $filename); $file = storage_path('app/public/qcode/') . $filename; // 修改指定图片的大小 $img = Image::canvas(700, 700, '#fff'); $img->insert($file, 'top-left', 50, 20); $fontPath = public_path('fonts/msyhbd.ttc'); $img->text($bike_no, 350, 610, function ($font) use ($fontPath) { $font->file($fontPath); $font->size(60); $font->color('#000'); $font->align('center'); $font->valign('top'); }); // 将处理后的图片重新保存到其他路径 $img->save($file); return $filename; } /** * statistics 简要统计信息 * * @param BikeFilter $filter * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse * @author Fx * */ public function statistics(BikeFilter $filter) { $riding_yes_num = Bike::query()->filter($filter)->where('is_riding', Bike::RIDING_YES); //使用中的数量 $riding_no_num = Bike::query()->filter($filter)->where('is_riding', Bike::RIDING_NO); //未使用的数量 $low_power_num = Bike::query()->filter($filter)->where('is_low_battery_power', Bike::BATTERY_POWER_LOW); //低电量的数量 $admin_id = Admin::user()->id; if (!Admin::isAdministrator()) { $area_ids = AdminUser::getAreaIdsByAdminId($admin_id); if (count($area_ids) !== 0) { $riding_yes_num = $riding_yes_num->whereIn('put_area_id', $area_ids); $riding_no_num = $riding_no_num->whereIn('put_area_id', $area_ids); $low_power_num = $low_power_num->whereIn('put_area_id', $area_ids); } else { $area = AdminUserArea::query()->where('admin_id', $admin_id)->first(); $area_id = $area->area_id ?? 0; $riding_yes_num = $riding_yes_num->where('put_area_id', $area_id); $riding_no_num = $riding_no_num->where('put_area_id', $area_id); $low_power_num = $low_power_num->where('put_area_id', $area_id); } } $riding_yes_num = $riding_yes_num->count('id'); $riding_no_num = $riding_no_num->count('id'); $low_power_num = $low_power_num->count('id'); $worker_riding_num = app()->redis->hkeys(BikeStatusInfoSyncHandler::REDIS_RIDE_BIKE_WORKER_ORDERS_TAG); $data = [ 'riding_yes_num' => $riding_yes_num, 'riding_no_num' => $riding_no_num, 'low_power_num' => $low_power_num, 'worker_riding_num' => Bike::query()->filter($filter)->whereIn('bike_no', $worker_riding_num)->count('id') ]; return $this->ok($data); } /** * getTrajectory 车辆轨迹 普通订单 * * @param Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse * @author Fx * */ public function getTrajectory(Request $request) { $bike_no = $request->get('bike_no') ?? ''; $time_between = $request->get('time_between') ?? []; if (empty($bike_no) || empty($time_between)) return $this->error('参数错误'); $locationLog = LocationsLog::where('bike_no', $bike_no) ->where('created_at', '>=', Carbon::parse($time_between[0])->toDateTimeString()) ->where('created_at', '<=', Carbon::parse($time_between[1])->toDateTimeString()) ->where('is_rent', LocationsLog::RENT_NO) ->whereBetween('latitude', [3, 53])->whereBetween('longitude', [73, 136])->orderBy('created_at', 'asc') ->get(['longitude', 'latitude', 'created_at']); $order = Order::where('bike_no', $bike_no) ->where('created_at', '>=', Carbon::parse($time_between[0])->toDateTimeString()) ->where('created_at', '<=', Carbon::parse($time_between[1])->toDateTimeString()) ->get(['end_use_bike_location', 'start_use_bike_location', 'created_at']); $orders = Order::where('bike_no', $bike_no) ->where('created_at', '>=', Carbon::parse($time_between[0])->toDateTimeString()) ->where('created_at', '<=', Carbon::parse($time_between[1])->toDateTimeString()) ->get(); $data = []; $dataTime = []; $marks = []; if (empty($locationLog)) return $this->ok($data); if (empty($order)) return $this->ok($data); foreach ($order as $v) { $marks[] = [json_decode($v->start_use_bike_location)->longitude, json_decode($v->start_use_bike_location)->latitude]; $marks[] = [json_decode($v->end_use_bike_location)->longitude, json_decode($v->end_use_bike_location)->latitude]; } foreach ($locationLog as $v) { $data[] = [$v->longitude, $v->latitude]; $dataTime[] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($v->created_at)); } if (empty($data)) return $this->ok($data); $res = [ 'locations' => $data, 'locations_time' => $dataTime, 'marks' => $marks, 'start_location' => $data[0], 'end_location' => end($data), 'orders' => OrderResource::collection($orders) ]; return $this->ok($res); } /** * getOrderRentTrajectory 车辆轨迹 日租订单 * * @param Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse * @author Fx * */ public function getOrderRentTrajectory(Request $request) { $bike_no = $request->get('bike_no') ?? ''; $time_between = $request->get('time_between') ?? []; if (empty($bike_no) || empty($time_between)) return $this->error('参数错误'); $locationLog = LocationsLog::where('bike_no', $bike_no) ->where('created_at', '>=', Carbon::parse($time_between[0])->toDateTimeString()) ->where('created_at', '<=', Carbon::parse($time_between[1])->toDateTimeString()) ->where('is_rent', LocationsLog::RENT_YES) ->whereBetween('latitude', [3, 53])->whereBetween('longitude', [73, 136])->orderBy('created_at', 'asc') ->get(['longitude', 'latitude', 'created_at']); $order = OrderRent::where('bike_no', $bike_no) ->where('status', '!=', OrderRent::STATUS_WAIT_PAY_RENT_MONEY) ->where('created_at', '>=', Carbon::parse($time_between[0])->toDateTimeString()) ->where('created_at', '<=', Carbon::parse($time_between[1])->toDateTimeString()) ->get(['end_use_bike_location', 'start_use_bike_location', 'created_at']); $orders = OrderRent::where('bike_no', $bike_no) ->where('status', '!=', OrderRent::STATUS_WAIT_PAY_RENT_MONEY) ->where('created_at', '>=', Carbon::parse($time_between[0])->toDateTimeString()) ->where('created_at', '<=', Carbon::parse($time_between[1])->toDateTimeString()) ->get(); $data = []; $dataTime = []; $marks = []; if (empty($locationLog)) return $this->ok($data); if (empty($order)) return $this->ok($data); foreach ($order as $v) { $marks[] = [json_decode($v->start_use_bike_location)->longitude, json_decode($v->start_use_bike_location)->latitude]; $marks[] = [json_decode($v->end_use_bike_location)->longitude, json_decode($v->end_use_bike_location)->latitude]; } foreach ($locationLog as $v) { $data[] = [$v->longitude, $v->latitude]; $dataTime[] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($v->created_at)); } if (empty($data)) return $this->ok($data); $res = [ 'locations' => $data, 'locations_time' => $dataTime, 'marks' => $marks, 'start_location' => $data[0], 'end_location' => end($data), 'orders' => OrderRentResource::collection($orders) ]; return $this->ok($res); } /** * mulBikesContro 车辆批量操作 * * @param Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse * @author Fx * */ public function mulBikesContro(Request $request) { $admin_id = Admin::user()->id; $bikeIds = $request->get('bikeIds') ?? []; $type = $request->get('type') ?? ''; if (empty($bikeIds) || empty($type)) return $this->error('参数错误'); try { $bikes = Bike::query()->whereIn('id', $bikeIds)->get(['id', 'box_no', 'bike_no', 'last_location', 'put_status']); if (count($bikes) == 0) return $this->error('找不到车辆相关信息,请检查参数'); switch ($type) { case 'bell': //寻铃 foreach ($bikes as $v) { if (!empty($v->box_no)) { BikeControl::bellBike($v->box_no); } } break; case 'openLock': // 开锁 foreach ($bikes as $v) { if (!empty($v->box_no)) { BikeControl::openLock($v->box_no); (new BikeStatusInfoSyncHandler())->toBikeRideStatus(BikeStatusInfoSyncHandler::ROLE_SERVER, $v->bike_no, ['id' => $admin_id, 'area_id' => $v->put_area_id, 'bike_id' => $v->id]); } } break; case 'closeLock': // 关电车锁 foreach ($bikes as $v) { if (!empty($v->box_no)) { BikeControl::openLock($v->box_no); $location = json_decode($v->last_location); // 此处取mysql得位置信息 (new BikeStatusInfoSyncHandler())->toBikeWaitRideStatus($v->bike_no, $location->lng, $location->lat, $v->put_status); } } break; case 'openBatteryLock': //开电池锁 foreach ($bikes as $v) { if (!empty($v->box_no)) { BikeControl::openBatteryLock($v->box_no); } } break; case 'rebootBox': //重启中控 foreach ($bikes as $v) { if (!empty($v->box_no)) { BikeControl::rebootBox($v->box_no); } } break; case 'nowBikeLocation': //立即定位 foreach ($bikes as $v) { if (!empty($v->box_no)) { BikeControl::nowBikeLocation($v->box_no); } } break; case 'nowBikeBatteryMSG': //立即上传电池信息 foreach ($bikes as $v) { if (!empty($v->box_no)) { BikeControl::nowBikeBatteryMSG($v->box_no); } } break; case 'outLoseElectric': //失能 foreach ($bikes as $v) { if (!empty($v->box_no)) { BikeControl::outAreaLoseElectric($v->box_no); } } break; case 'outGetElectric': //获能 foreach ($bikes as $v) { if (!empty($v->box_no)) { BikeControl::outAreaGetElectric($v->box_no); } } break; case 'repair': //恢复正常 foreach ($bikes as $v) { if (!empty($v->id)) { $update = [ 'is_low_battery_power' => Bike::BATTERY_POWER_OK, // 电量正常 'is_link' => Bike::LINK_OFFLINE, // 离线 'is_in_parking' => Bike::IN_PARKING_YES, // 在停车区 'is_trouble' => Bike::TROUBLE_NO, // 无故障 'battery_power' => 0, // 电量设为0 ]; Bike::where('id', $v->id)->update($update); } } break; default : return $this->error('参数错误'); } return $this->ok('操作成功'); } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error($e->getMessage()); return $this->error('出现错误,请联系管理员'); } } /** * bikeStatusValueLabel 返回车辆状态码 * * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse * @author Fx * */ public function bikeStatusValueLabel() { $bikeStateMaps = Bike::$bikeStatesMaps; $bikeStates = []; foreach ($bikeStateMaps as $k => $v) { $bikeStates[] = ['id' => $k, 'name' => $v]; } return $this->ok($bikeStates); } }