yudandan 5 gadi atpakaļ
100 mainītis faili ar 17403 papildinājumiem un 0 dzēšanām
  1. 64 0
  2. 8 0
  3. 6 0
  4. 8 0
  5. 8 0
  6. 9 0
  7. 6 0
  8. 14 0
  9. 1 0
  10. 4 0
  11. 1 0
  12. 99 0
  13. 13 0
  14. 8 0
  15. 104 0
  16. 99 0
  17. 1 0
  18. 1 0
  19. 79 0
  20. 79 0
  21. 53 0
  22. 23 0
  23. 18 0
  24. 41 0
  25. 58 0
  26. 65 0
  27. 107 0
  28. 107 0
  29. 53 0
  30. 39 0
  31. 41 0
  32. 75 0
  33. 1 0
  34. 6358 0
  35. BIN
  36. 13 0
  37. BIN
  38. BIN
  39. 84 0
  40. BIN
  41. BIN
  42. 1 0
  43. 1 0
  44. 16 0
  45. 1 0
  46. 1 0
  47. 1 0
  48. 12 0
  49. 1 0
  50. 106 0
  51. 1 0
  52. 1 0
  53. 119 0
  54. 164 0
  55. 185 0
  56. 157 0
  57. 159 0
  58. 194 0
  59. 1 0
  60. 1 0
  61. 1 0
  62. 91 0
  63. 91 0
  64. 147 0
  65. 119 0
  66. 71 0
  67. 45 0
  68. 147 0
  69. 119 0
  70. 180 0
  71. 162 0
  72. 1 0
  73. 151 0
  74. 277 0
  75. 153 0
  76. 153 0
  77. 1 0
  78. 1 0
  79. 1 0
  80. 336 0
  81. 294 0
  82. 208 0
  83. 165 0
  84. 48 0
  85. 66 0
  86. 126 0
  87. 114 0
  88. 42 0
  89. 20 0
  90. 575 0
  91. 74 0
  92. 2165 0
  93. 1913 0
  94. 439 0
  95. 1 0
  96. 1 0
  97. 1 0
  98. 1 0
  99. 1 0
  100. 32 0

+ 64 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# ---> PhpStorm
+# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio and Webstorm
+# Reference: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544839
+# User-specific stuff:
+# Sensitive or high-churn files:
+# Gradle:
+# CMake
+# Mongo Explorer plugin:
+## File-based project format:
+## Plugin-specific files:
+# IntelliJ
+# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin
+# JIRA plugin
+# Cursive Clojure plugin
+# Ruby plugin and RubyMine
+# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ)
+### PhpStorm Patch ###
+# Comment Reason: https://github.com/joeblau/gitignore.io/issues/186#issuecomment-215987721
+# *.iml
+# modules.xml
+# .idea/misc.xml
+# *.ipr
+# Sonarlint plugin

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
+  Options +FollowSymlinks
+  RewriteEngine On
+  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
+  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
+  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [QSA,PT,L]

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project version="4">
+  <component name="JavaScriptSettings">
+    <option name="languageLevel" value="ES6" />
+  </component>

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project version="4">
+  <component name="ProjectModuleManager">
+    <modules>
+      <module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/myblog.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/myblog.iml" />
+    </modules>
+  </component>

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<module type="WEB_MODULE" version="4">
+  <component name="NewModuleRootManager">
+    <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$" />
+    <orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
+    <orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
+  </component>

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project version="4">
+  <component name="PhpIncludePathManager">
+    <include_path>
+      <path value="" />
+    </include_path>
+  </component>
+  <component name="PhpProjectSharedConfiguration" php_language_level="5.3.0" />

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project version="4">
+  <component name="VcsDirectoryMappings">
+    <mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$" vcs="Git" />
+  </component>

+ 14 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ * 验证码检查 
+ */  
+function check_verify($code, $id = ""){  
+    $verify = new \Think\Verify();  
+    return $verify->check($code, '');  

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+return array(

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 99 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+namespace Admin\Controller;
+use Think\Controller;
+use Think\Upload;
+class ArticleController extends Controller
+    public function lst()
+    {
+        $first = D('article');
+        $firsts = $first->select();
+        $this->assign('firsts', $firsts);
+        $this->display();
+    }
+    public function add()
+    {
+        $first = D('article');
+        if (IS_POST) {
+            $data = I("post.");
+            $data['time'] = time();
+            if ($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']!=''){
+                $upload=new Upload();//实例化上传类
+                $upload->maxSize= 553145728 ;//设置上传大小
+                $upload->exts=array('png','jpg','gif','jpeg');//设置文件上传类型
+                $upload->savePath  = '/./Uploads/'; // 设置附件上传(子)目录
+                $upload->rootPath='./';//上传根目录
+                $upload->saveName=array('uniqid','');//上传文件的保存规则,支持数组和字符串方式定义
+                $info=$upload->uploadOne($_FILES['file']);
+                if (!$info){
+                    $this->error($upload->getError());//上传错误提示信息
+                }else{
+                    $data['src']=$info['savepath'].$info['savename'];
+                    $data['name']=$_FILES['file']['name'];
+                    $data['rname']=$info['savename'];
+                }
+            }
+            if ($first->create($data)) {
+                if ($first->add()) {
+                    $this->success('新增文章成功', U('Article/lst'));
+                } else {
+                    $this->error('新增文章失败');
+                }
+            } else {
+                $this->error($first->getError());
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+        $this->display();
+    }
+    public function del()
+    {
+        $first = D('article');
+        if ($first->delete(I('id'))) {
+            $this->success("删除文章成功", U('Article/lst'));
+        } else {
+            $this->error('删除文章失败');
+        }
+    }
+    public function edit(){
+        header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
+        $first=D('article');
+        if(IS_POST){
+            $data=I('post.');
+            $data['id']=I('get.id');
+            $data['time']=time();
+            if ($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']!=''){
+                $upload=new Upload();//实例化上传类
+                $upload->maxSize= 553145728 ;//设置上传大小
+                $upload->exts=array('png','jpg','gif','jpeg');//设置文件上传类型
+                $upload->savePath  = './Uploads/'; // 设置附件上传(子)目录
+                $upload->rootPath='./';//上传根目录
+                $upload->saveName=array('uniqid','');//上传文件的保存规则,支持数组和字符串方式定义
+                $info=$upload->uploadOne($_FILES['file']);
+                if (!$info){
+                    $this->error($upload->getError());//上传错误提示信息
+                }else{
+                    $data['src']=$info['savepath'].$info['savename'];
+                    $data['name']=$_FILES['file']['name'];
+                    $data['rname']=$info['savename'];
+                }
+            }
+            if($first->save($data)){
+                $this->success('修改文章成功',U('Article/lst'));
+            }else{
+                $this->error('修改文章失败');
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+        $firstid['id']=I('get.id');
+        $firsts=$first->find($firstid);
+//        var_dump($firsts);
+        $this->assign('firsts',$firsts);
+        $this->display();
+    }

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+namespace Admin\Controller;
+use Think\Controller;
+class BaseController extends Controller {
+    public function _initialize(){
+		if (isset($_SESSION['user_name'])) {
+			//已登陆,不做任何操作
+		}else{
+			//  $this->redirect('Login/login');
+			$this->error('非法操作!',U('Login/login'));
+		}
+    }

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+namespace Admin\Controller;
+use Think\Controller;
+class IndexController extends Controller {
+    public function index(){
+        $this->display();
+     }

+ 104 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+namespace Admin\Controller;
+use Think\Controller;
+class LoginController extends Controller {
+ * msczhao
+ * 登陆
+ */
+public function check(){
+        $userd=D('user');
+        $username=$_POST['username'];
+        $password=$_POST['password'];
+        $code=$_POST['code'];
+        $user=M('user')->where('user_name="'.$username.'"')->find();
+        if(!$username){
+            return show(0,'用户名不能为空');
+        }
+        if(!$password){
+            return show(0,'密码不能为空');
+        }
+        if(!$code){
+            return show(0,'验证码不能为空'); 
+        }
+        if(check_verify($code)==false){
+            return show(0,'验证码错误');
+            verify();
+        }else{
+            if(!$user){
+                return show(0,'用户不存在');
+            }
+            if($user['user_password']!=$password){
+                return show(0,'密码错误'); 
+            }else{
+                $_SESSION=$user;
+                return show(1,'登陆成功');
+             }
+         }
+ * msczhao
+ * 修改
+ */
+public function edit(){
+        $user=D('user');
+        if (IS_POST) {
+            $data['user_id']=I('user_id');
+            $data['user_name']=I('user_name');
+            $data['oldpassword']=I('oldpassword');
+            $data['user_password']=I('user_password');
+            $data['cnewpassword']=I('cnewpassword');
+            // dump($data);die();
+            //c=查找数据库中用户
+            $where['user_name']=I('user_name');
+            $userdata=M('user')->where($where)->find();
+            // dump($userdata);
+            // echo "22";
+            // dump($data);
+            // die();
+            //开始验证密码
+            //原密码等于数据库中密码
+            if($data['oldpassword']==$userdata['user_password']) {//新密码=确认新密码
+                if($data['user_password']==$data['cnewpassword']) {//修改数据库中密码
+                    if($user->create($data)) {
+                        if($user->save()) {
+                            $this->success('修改密码成功',U('Index/index'));
+                         }else{
+                           $this->error('修改密码失败');
+                         }
+                    }else{
+                        $this->error($cate->getError());
+                    }
+                 }else{
+                        $this->error('新密码不相同,请重新输入!');
+                 }
+            }else{
+                    $this->error('原密码不正确,请重新输入原密码!');
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+        $userid=I('id');
+        $users=$user->find($userid);
+        // dump($users);die;
+        $this->assign('users',$users);
+        $this->display();
+ * msczhao
+ * 验证码
+ */
+public function verify(){
+        $Verify = new \Think\Verify();
+        $Verify->length = 4;
+        $Verify->entry();
+ * msczhao
+ * 退出
+ */
+public function logout(){
+        session_destroy();
+        $this->success('注销成功,并跳转至前台',U('Home/Index/index'));

+ 99 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+namespace Admin\Controller;
+use Think\Controller;
+use Think\Upload;
+class MkController extends Controller
+    public function lst()
+    {
+        $first = D('mk');
+        $firsts = $first->select();
+        $this->assign('firsts', $firsts);
+        $this->display();
+    }
+    public function add()
+    {
+        $first = D('mk');
+        if (IS_POST) {
+            $data = I("post.");
+            $data['time'] = time();
+            if ($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']!=''){
+                $upload=new Upload();//实例化上传类
+                $upload->maxSize= 553145728 ;//设置上传大小
+                $upload->exts=array('png','jpg','gif','jpeg');//设置文件上传类型
+                $upload->savePath  = '/./Uploads/'; // 设置附件上传(子)目录
+                $upload->rootPath='./';//上传根目录
+                $upload->saveName=array('uniqid','');//上传文件的保存规则,支持数组和字符串方式定义
+                $info=$upload->uploadOne($_FILES['file']);
+                if (!$info){
+                    $this->error($upload->getError());//上传错误提示信息
+                }else{
+                    $data['src']=$info['savepath'].$info['savename'];
+                    $data['name']=$_FILES['file']['name'];
+                    $data['rname']=$info['savename'];
+                }
+            }
+            if ($first->create($data)) {
+                if ($first->add()) {
+                    $this->success('新增文章成功', U('Mk/lst'));
+                } else {
+                    $this->error('新增文章失败');
+                }
+            } else {
+                $this->error($first->getError());
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+        $this->display();
+    }
+    public function del()
+    {
+        $first = D('mk');
+        if ($first->delete(I('id'))) {
+            $this->success("删除文章成功", U('Mk/lst'));
+        } else {
+            $this->error('删除文章失败');
+        }
+    }
+    public function edit(){
+        header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
+        $first=D('mk');
+        if(IS_POST){
+            $data=I('post.');
+            $data['id']=I('get.id');
+            $data['time']=time();
+            if ($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']!=''){
+                $upload=new Upload();//实例化上传类
+                $upload->maxSize= 553145728 ;//设置上传大小
+                $upload->exts=array('png','jpg','gif','jpeg');//设置文件上传类型
+                $upload->savePath  = './Uploads/'; // 设置附件上传(子)目录
+                $upload->rootPath='./';//上传根目录
+                $upload->saveName=array('uniqid','');//上传文件的保存规则,支持数组和字符串方式定义
+                $info=$upload->uploadOne($_FILES['file']);
+                if (!$info){
+                    $this->error($upload->getError());//上传错误提示信息
+                }else{
+                    $data['src']=$info['savepath'].$info['savename'];
+                    $data['name']=$_FILES['file']['name'];
+                    $data['rname']=$info['savename'];
+                }
+            }
+            if($first->save($data)){
+                $this->success('修改文章成功',U('Mk/lst'));
+            }else{
+                $this->error('修改文章失败');
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+        $firstid['id']=I('get.id');
+        $firsts=$first->find($firstid);
+//        var_dump($firsts);
+        $this->assign('firsts',$firsts);
+        $this->display();
+    }

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 79 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+<!doctype html>
+    <meta charset="UTF-8">
+    <title>后台管理</title>
+    <include file="Common:header"/>
+    <include file="Common:left"/>
+    <div class="main-wrap">
+        <div class="crumb-wrap">
+            <div class="crumb-list"><i class="icon-font"></i><a href="#">首页</a><span class="crumb-step">&gt;</span><a class="crumb-name" href="#">通知管理</a><span class="crumb-step">&gt;</span><span>新增通知</span></div>
+        </div>
+        <div class="result-wrap">
+            <div class="result-content">
+                <form action="{:U('Article/add')}" method="post" id="myform" name="myform" enctype="multipart/form-data">
+                    <table class="insert-tab" width="100%">
+                        <tbody>
+                            <tr>
+                                <th><i class="require-red">*</i>首页标题:</th>
+                                <td>
+                                    <input class="common-text required" id="title" name="title" size="50" value="" type="text">
+                                </td>
+                            </tr>
+                            <tr>
+                                <th><i class="require-red">*</i>作者</th>
+                                <td>
+                                    <input class="common-text required" id="auth" name="auth" size="50" value="" type="text">
+                                </td>
+                            </tr>
+                            <tr>
+                                <th>类别</th>
+                                <td>
+                                    <input type="radio" name="category" value="php">php
+                                    <input type="radio" name="category" value="js">is
+                                    <input type="radio" name="category" value="technology">技术
+                                    <input type="radio" name="category" value="share">分享
+                                    <input type="radio" name="category" value="study">学习
+                                </td>
+                            </tr>
+                            <tr>
+                                <th>摘要:</th>
+                                <td><textarea name="summary" class="common-textarea" id="summary" cols="30" style="width: 98%;" rows="10"></textarea></td>
+                            </tr>
+                            <tr>
+                                <th><i class="require-red">*</i>缩略图:</th>
+                                <td><input name="file" id="" type="file"></td>
+                            </tr>
+                            <tr>
+                                <th>内容:</th>
+                                <td><textarea name="content" class="common-textarea" id="content" cols="30" style="width: 98%;" rows="10"></textarea></td>
+                            </tr>
+                            <tr>
+                                <th></th>
+                                <td>
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+ 79 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+<!doctype html>
+    <meta charset="UTF-8">
+    <title>后台管理</title>
+    <include file="Common:header"/>
+    <include file="Common:left"/>
+    <div class="main-wrap">
+                    <div class="crumb-wrap">
+                        <div class="crumb-list"><i class="icon-font"></i><a href="#">首页</a><span class="crumb-step">&gt;</span><a class="crumb-name" href="#">通知管理</a><span class="crumb-step">&gt;</span><span>新增通知</span></div>
+                    </div>
+                    <div class="result-wrap">
+                        <div class="result-content">
+                            <form action="" method="post" id="myform" name="myform" enctype="multipart/form-data">
+                                <table class="insert-tab" width="100%">
+                                    <tbody>
+                                    <tr>
+                                        <th><i class="require-red">*</i>首页标题:</th>
+                                        <td>
+                                            <input class="common-text required" id="title" name="title" size="50" value="{$firsts.title}" type="text">
+                                        </td>
+                                    </tr>
+                                    <tr>
+                                        <th><i class="require-red">*</i>作者</th>
+                                        <td>
+                                            <input class="common-text required" id="auth" name="auth" size="50" value="{$firsts.auth}" type="text">
+                                        </td>
+                                    </tr>
+                                    <tr>
+                                        <th>类别</th>
+                                        <td>
+                                            <input type="radio" name="category" value="php">php
+                                            <input type="radio" name="category" value="js">is
+                                            <input type="radio" name="category" value="technology">技术
+                                            <input type="radio" name="category" value="share">分享
+                                            <input type="radio" name="category" value="study">学习
+                                        </td>
+                                    </tr>
+                                    <tr>
+                                        <th>摘要:</th>
+                                        <td><textarea name="summary" class="common-textarea" id="summary" cols="30" value="{$firsts.summary}" style="width: 98%;" rows="10"></textarea></td>
+                                    </tr>
+                                    <tr>
+                                        <th><i class="require-red">*</i>缩略图:</th>
+                                        <td><input name="file" id="" type="file"></td>
+                                    </tr>
+                                    <tr>
+                                        <th>内容:</th>
+                                        <td><textarea name="content" class="common-textarea" id="content" value="{$firsts.content}" cols="30" style="width: 100%;" rows="10"></textarea></td>
+                                    </tr>
+                                    <tr>
+                                        <th></th>
+                                        <td>
+                                            <input class="btn btn-primary btn6 mr10" value="提交" type="submit">
+                                            <input class="btn btn6" onclick="history.go(-1)" value="返回" type="button">
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+ 53 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
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+    <meta charset="UTF-8">
+    <title>后台管理</title>
+    <include file="Common:header"/>
+    <include file="Common:left"/>
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+            <div class="crumb-list"><i class="icon-font"></i><a href="#">首页</a><span class="crumb-step">&gt;</span><span class="crumb-name">通知管理</span></div>
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+                            <th>标号</th>
+                            <th>标题</th>
+                            <th>时间</th>
+                            <!--<th>摘要</th>-->
+                            <th>操作</th>
+                        </tr>  
+                        <volist name="firsts"  id="vo">   
+                        <tr>
+                            <td>{$vo.id}</td>
+                            <td>{$vo.title}</td>
+                            <td>{$vo.time|date="Y-m-d",###}</td>
+                            <!--<td>{$vo.summary}</td>-->
+                            <td>
+                                <a class="link-update" href="__CONTROLLER__/edit/id/{$vo.id}">修改</a>
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+ 23 - 0

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+            <li><a href=""><?php echo $_SESSION['user_name'];?></a></li>
+            <li><a href="__MODULE__/Login/edit/id/<?php echo $_SESSION['user_id'];?>">修改密码</a></li>
+            <li><a href="__MODULE__/Login/logout">退出</a></li>
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+                        <li><a href="{:U('Mk/lst')}"><i class="icon-font">&#xe017;</i>markdown管理</a></li>
+                        <li><a href="{:U('Pinglun/lst')}"><i class="icon-font">&#xe017;</i>评论管理</a></li>
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+                <h1>欢迎余丹丹的博客后台</h1>
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+           你当前登陆的IP:<?php
+           if(getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP') && strcasecmp(getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP'), 'unknown')) {
+               $ip = getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP');
+           } elseif(getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') && strcasecmp(getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'), 'unknown')) {
+               $ip = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR');
+           } elseif(getenv('REMOTE_ADDR') && strcasecmp(getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'), 'unknown')) {
+               $ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
+           } elseif(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] && strcasecmp($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'unknown')) {
+               $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
+           }
+           $res =  preg_match ( '/[\d\.]{7,15}/', $ip, $matches ) ? $matches [0] : '';
+           echo $res;?>
+        </div>
+        <div class="result-wrap">
+            <div class="result-title">
+                <h1>使用帮助说明</h1>
+            </div>
+            <p>1.文章管理:对文章进行添加,修改</p>
+            <p>2.评论管理:可对评论进行删除</p>
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+                        <tbody>
+                            <tr>
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+                                <td>
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+                                </td>
+                            </tr>
+                            <tr>
+                                <th><i class="require-red">*</i>新密码:</th>
+                                <td>
+                                    <input class="common-text required" id="title" name="user_password" size="50"  type="password">
+                                </td>
+                            </tr>
+                            <tr>
+                                <th><i class="require-red">*</i>确认密码:</th>
+                                <td>
+                                    <input class="common-text required" id="title" name="cnewpassword" size="50" type="password">
+                                </td>
+                            </tr>
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+                        <volist name="firsts"  id="vo">   
+                        <tr>
+                            <td>{$vo.id}</td>
+                            <td>{$vo.title}</td>
+                            <td>{$vo.time|date="Y-m-d",###}</td>
+                            <!--<td>{$vo.summary}</td>-->
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+ 41 - 0

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+                            <form action="" method="post" id="myform" name="myform" enctype="multipart/form-data">
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+                                                <td><input name="t_pic" id="" type="file"><!--<input type="submit" onclick="submitForm('/jscss/admin/design/upload')" value="上传图片"/>-->
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+                                                </td>
+                                            </tr>
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+ 75 - 0

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+                    <div class="result-list">
+                        <a href="__CONTROLLER__/add"><i class="icon-font"></i>添加实验指导书</a>
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+                            <th>ID</th>
+                            <th>名称</th>
+                            <th>时间</th>
+                            <th>操作</th>
+                        </tr>  
+                        <volist name="abouts"  id="vo">   
+                        <tr>
+                            <!-- <td class="tc"><input name="id[]" value="58" type="checkbox"></td>  -->  
+                            <td>{$vo.s_id}</td>
+                            <td>{$vo.s_name}</td>
+                            <td>{$vo.s_time|date="Y-m-d",###}</td>
+                            <td>
+                                <a class="link-update" href="__CONTROLLER__/edit/id/{$vo.s_id}">修改</a>
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+.has-error .radio-inline,
+.has-error .checkbox-inline,
+.has-error.radio label,
+.has-error.checkbox label,
+.has-error.radio-inline label,
+.has-error.checkbox-inline label {
+  color: #a94442;
+.has-error .form-control {
+  border-color: #a94442;
+  -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .075);
+          box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .075);
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+  border-color: #843534;
+  -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .075), 0 0 6px #ce8483;
+          box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .075), 0 0 6px #ce8483;
+.has-error .input-group-addon {
+  color: #a94442;
+  background-color: #f2dede;
+  border-color: #a94442;
+.has-error .form-control-feedback {
+  color: #a94442;
+.has-feedback label ~ .form-control-feedback {
+  top: 25px;
+.has-feedback label.sr-only ~ .form-control-feedback {
+  top: 0;
+.help-block {
+  display: block;
+  margin-top: 5px;
+  margin-bottom: 10px;
+  color: #737373;
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+  .form-inline .form-group {
+    display: inline-block;
+    margin-bottom: 0;
+    vertical-align: middle;
+  }
+  .form-inline .form-control {
+    display: inline-block;
+    width: auto;
+    vertical-align: middle;
+  }
+  .form-inline .form-control-static {
+    display: inline-block;
+  }
+  .form-inline .input-group {
+    display: inline-table;
+    vertical-align: middle;
+  }
+  .form-inline .input-group .input-group-addon,
+  .form-inline .input-group .input-group-btn,
+  .form-inline .input-group .form-control {
+    width: auto;
+  }
+  .form-inline .input-group > .form-control {
+    width: 100%;
+  }
+  .form-inline .control-label {
+    margin-bottom: 0;
+    vertical-align: middle;
+  }
+  .form-inline .radio,
+  .form-inline .checkbox {
+    display: inline-block;
+    margin-top: 0;
+    margin-bottom: 0;
+    vertical-align: middle;
+  }
+  .form-inline .radio label,
+  .form-inline .checkbox label {
+    padding-left: 0;
+  }
+  .form-inline .radio input[type="radio"],
+  .form-inline .checkbox input[type="checkbox"] {
+    position: relative;
+    margin-left: 0;
+  }
+  .form-inline .has-feedback .form-control-feedback {
+    top: 0;
+  }
+.form-horizontal .radio,
+.form-horizontal .checkbox,
+.form-horizontal .radio-inline,
+.form-horizontal .checkbox-inline {
+  padding-top: 7px;
+  margin-top: 0;
+  margin-bottom: 0;
+.form-horizontal .radio,
+.form-horizontal .checkbox {
+  min-height: 27px;
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+  margin-right: -15px;
+  margin-left: -15px;
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+  .form-horizontal .control-label {
+    padding-top: 7px;
+    margin-bottom: 0;
+    text-align: right;
+  }
+.form-horizontal .has-feedback .form-control-feedback {
+  right: 15px;
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+  .form-horizontal .form-group-lg .control-label {
+    padding-top: 14.3px;
+  }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+  .form-horizontal .form-group-sm .control-label {
+    padding-top: 6px;
+  }
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+      touch-action: manipulation;
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+  border-color: #adadad;
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+  color: #fff;
+  background-color: #333;
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+  color: #fff;
+  background-color: #428bca;
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+  background-color: #fff;
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+  color: #fff;
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+  border-color: #398439;
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+  background-color: #fff;
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+  color: #fff;
+  background-color: #5bc0de;
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+  border-color: #46b8da;
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+  color: #5bc0de;
+  background-color: #fff;
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+  background-color: #f0ad4e;
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+  background-color: #ec971f;
+  border-color: #d58512;
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+  border-color: #eea236;
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+  color: #f0ad4e;
+  background-color: #fff;
+.btn-danger {
+  color: #fff;
+  background-color: #d9534f;
+  border-color: #d43f3a;
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+  background-color: #c9302c;
+  border-color: #ac2925;
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+fieldset[disabled] .btn-danger:focus,
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+  border-color: #d43f3a;
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+  color: #d9534f;
+  background-color: #fff;
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+  color: #2a6496;
+  text-decoration: underline;
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+  color: #777;
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+  padding: 5px 10px;
+  font-size: 12px;
+  line-height: 1.5;
+  border-radius: 3px;
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+  padding: 1px 5px;
+  font-size: 12px;
+  line-height: 1.5;
+  border-radius: 3px;
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+  width: 100%;
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+  width: 100%;
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+  opacity: 1;
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+          transition-duration: .35s;
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+          transition-property: height, visibility;
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+  content: "";
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+  border-bottom: 4px solid;
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+  top: auto;
+  bottom: 100%;
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+  vertical-align: middle;
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+  position: relative;
+  float: left;
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+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:focus,
+.btn-group > .btn:active,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:active,
+.btn-group > .btn.active,
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+  z-index: 2;
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+  outline: 0;
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+  margin-left: -1px;
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+  margin-left: -5px;
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+  float: left;
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+  margin-left: 5px;
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+  margin-left: 0;
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+  border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
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+  float: left;
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+  border-radius: 0;
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+  border-top-right-radius: 0;
+  border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
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+  border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
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+  padding-left: 8px;
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+  padding-right: 12px;
+  padding-left: 12px;
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+  -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .125);
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+          box-shadow: none;
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+  border-width: 5px 5px 0;
+  border-bottom-width: 0;
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+  border-width: 0 5px 5px;
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+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group,
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+  display: block;
+  float: none;
+  width: 100%;
+  max-width: 100%;
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+  float: none;
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+.btn-group-vertical > .btn + .btn-group,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group + .btn,
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+  margin-top: -1px;
+  margin-left: 0;
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+  border-radius: 0;
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+  border-top-right-radius: 4px;
+  border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+  border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
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+  border-top-left-radius: 0;
+  border-top-right-radius: 0;
+  border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
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+  border-radius: 0;
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+  border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+  border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
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+  border-top-right-radius: 0;
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+  display: table;
+  width: 100%;
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+  border-collapse: separate;
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+  display: table-cell;
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+  width: 1%;
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+  width: 100%;
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+  left: auto;
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+[data-toggle="buttons"] > .btn-group > .btn input[type="radio"],
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+[data-toggle="buttons"] > .btn-group > .btn input[type="checkbox"] {
+  position: absolute;
+  clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+  pointer-events: none;
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+  position: relative;
+  display: table;
+  border-collapse: separate;
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+  padding-left: 0;
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+  position: relative;
+  z-index: 2;
+  float: left;
+  width: 100%;
+  margin-bottom: 0;
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+  height: 46px;
+  padding: 10px 16px;
+  font-size: 18px;
+  line-height: 1.33;
+  border-radius: 6px;
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+select.input-group-lg > .input-group-addon,
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+  height: 46px;
+  line-height: 46px;
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+textarea.input-group-lg > .input-group-addon,
+textarea.input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > .btn,
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+select[multiple].input-group-lg > .input-group-addon,
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+  height: auto;
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+  height: 30px;
+  padding: 5px 10px;
+  font-size: 12px;
+  line-height: 1.5;
+  border-radius: 3px;
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+select.input-group-sm > .input-group-addon,
+select.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > .btn {
+  height: 30px;
+  line-height: 30px;
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+textarea.input-group-sm > .input-group-addon,
+textarea.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > .btn,
+select[multiple].input-group-sm > .form-control,
+select[multiple].input-group-sm > .input-group-addon,
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+  height: auto;
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+  padding: 6px 12px;
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+  font-weight: normal;
+  line-height: 1;
+  color: #555;
+  text-align: center;
+  background-color: #eee;
+  border: 1px solid #ccc;
+  border-radius: 4px;
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+  padding: 5px 10px;
+  font-size: 12px;
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Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 13 - 0



+ 84 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
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+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 16 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+return array(
+    //'配置项'=>'配置值'
+    //数据库配置信息
+    'DB_TYPE'   => 'mysql', // 数据库类型
+    'DB_HOST'   => 'localhost', // 服务器地址
+    'DB_NAME'   => 'myblog', // 数据库名
+    'DB_USER'   => 'root', // 用户名
+    'DB_PWD'    => 'root', // 密码
+    'DB_PORT'   => 3306, // 端口
+    'DB_CHARSET'=> 'utf8', // 字符集
+    'DB_DEBUG'  =>  TRUE, // 数据库调试模式 开启后可以记录SQL日志 3.2.3新增
+    'TMPL_PARSE_STRING'=>array(
+        '__UPLOAD__'=>__ROOT__.'/Uploads',
+    ),

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+return array(
+	//'配置项'=>'配置值'
+    'DB_TYPE'   => 'mysql', // 数据库类型
+    'DB_HOST'   => 'localhost', // 服务器地址
+    'DB_NAME'   => 'myblog', // 数据库名
+    'DB_USER'   => 'root', // 用户名
+    'DB_PWD'    => 'root', // 密码
+    'DB_PORT'   => 3306, // 端口
+    'DB_CHARSET'=> 'utf8', // 字符集
+    'DB_DEBUG'  =>  TRUE, // 数据库调试模式 开启后可以记录SQL日志 3.2.3新增

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 106 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+namespace Home\Controller;
+use Think\Controller;
+use Think\Page;
+class IndexController extends Controller {
+    public function index(){
+        $Article=D('article');
+        $article=$Article->select();
+        $count=count($article);
+        $Page=new Page($count,3);
+        $art=$Article->limit($Page->firstRow.','.$Page->listRows)->select();
+        $show=$Page->show();
+        $tag=$this->gettags();
+        $this->assign('art',$art);
+        $this->assign('tag',$tag);
+        $this->assign('page',$show);
+        $this->display();
+    }
+    public function parse($text){
+        import('Vendor.Parsedown.Parsedown');
+        $pas=new \Parsedown();
+        return $pas->text($text);
+    }
+    public function indexmk(){
+        $Article=D('mk');
+        $article=$Article->select();
+        $count=count($article);
+        $Page=new Page($count,3);
+        $art=$Article->limit($Page->firstRow.','.$Page->listRows)->select();
+        $show=$Page->show();
+        $tag=$this->gettags();
+        $this->assign('art',$art);
+        $this->assign('tag',$tag);
+        $this->assign('page',$show);
+        $this->display();
+    }
+    public function detail(){
+        $t1=D('article');
+        $t['id']=I('get.id');
+        $art=$t1->where($t)->find();
+        $tag=$this->gettags();
+        $this->assign('art',$art);
+        $this->assign('tag',$tag);
+        $this->display();
+    }
+    public function detailmk(){
+        $t1=D('mk');
+        $t['id']=I('get.id');
+        $da['aid']=I('get.id');
+        $art=$t1->where($t)->find();
+        $art['content']=$this->parse($art['content']);
+        $tag=$this->gettags();
+        $repl=D('reply')->where($da)->select();
+        $this->assign('art',$art);
+        $this->assign('repl',$repl);
+        $this->assign('tag',$tag);
+        $this->display();
+    }
+    public function mkfile(){
+        $first=D('mk');
+        $firsts1=$first->select();
+        $count=count($firsts1);
+        $Page=new Page($count,6);
+        $firsts=$first->limit($Page->firstRow.','.$Page->listRows)->select();
+        $show=$Page->show();
+        $tag=$this->gettags();
+        $this->assign('page',$show);
+        $this->assign('vo',$firsts);
+        $this->assign('tag',$tag);
+        $this->display();
+    }
+    public function gettags(){
+        //计算类型数量
+        $tag=M('article')->field('category')->select();
+        foreach ($tag as $key => $value) {
+            $tags[$key]=$value['category'];
+        }
+        for ($i=0; $i <count($tags) ; $i++) {
+            $tags[$i]=explode(',', $tags[$i]);
+        }
+        foreach ($tags as $k => $v) {
+            foreach ($v as $key => $value) {
+                $Tag[].=$value;
+            }
+        }
+//            var_dump($Tag);die();
+        $Tags=array_count_values($Tag);
+        return $Tags;
+    }
+    public function reply(){
+        $data=I('get.');
+        $data['time']=time();
+        $rep=M('reply')->add($data);
+        if ($rep){
+            $this->redirect("detailmk",array('id'=>$data['aid']));
+        }else{
+            $this->redirect("detailmk");
+        }
+    }

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 1 - 0

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+ 119 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
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+                                 <h4 class="media-heading">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h4>
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+                                     Donec sit amet ligula enim. Duis vel condimentum massa.
+                                     Maecenas eget congue dui. Vestibulum et eros consectetur,
+                                     interdum nibh et, volutpat dolor.
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+                            The security is main concern while developing applications
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+                            <span class="label label-primary">Posted on 26th November 2014</span>
+                            <span class="label label-success">In Technology</span>
+                            <span class="label label-danger">By Jhon</span>
+                            <span class="label label-info">
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+                             Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
+                        Fusce nec tellus non diam feugiat commodo. Sed auctor mauris a tristique imperdiet. 
+                        Nullam egestas sapien non lectus suscipit, <i> tincidunt eget faucibus eget, vestibulum venenatis metus.
+                        Praesent efficitur quam aliquam mauris sagittis, vel lacinia</i>quis tristique odio imperdiet.
+                         Nullam elit lacus, tincidunt<strong>dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
+                        Fusce nec tellus non diam</strong> eget faucibus eget, vestibulum venenatis metus.
+                        Praesent efficitur quam aliquam mauris sagittis, vel lacinia risus luctus. Ut vitae bibendum ipsum.
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+                        Lorem ipsum<strong>dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
+                        Fusce nec tellus non diam</strong>  feugiat commodo. Sed auctor mauris a tristique imperdiet. 
+                        Nullam egestas sapien non lectus suscipit, quis tristique odio imperdiet.
+                         Nullam elit lacus,<i> tincidunt eget faucibus eget, vestibulum venenatis metus.
+                        Praesent efficitur quam aliquam mauris sagittis, vel lacinia</i> risus luctus. Ut vitae bibendum ipsum.
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+                           Lorem ipsum<strong>dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
+                        Fusce nec tellus non diam</strong>  feugiat commodo. Sed auctor mauris a tristique imperdiet. 
+                        Nullam egestas sapien non lectus suscipit, quis tristique odio imperdiet.
+                         Nullam elit lacus,<i> tincidunt eget faucibus eget, vestibulum venenatis metus.
+                        Praesent efficitur quam aliquam mauris sagittis, vel lacinia</i> risus luctus. Ut vitae bibendum ipsum.
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+               Maecenas eget congue dui. Vestibulum et eros consectetur,
+               interdum nibh et, volutpat dolor.
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+                     Donec sit amet ligula enim. Duis vel condimentum massa.
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+               interdum nibh et, volutpat dolor.
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+               Donec sit amet ligula enim. Duis vel condimentum massa.
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+               Maecenas eget congue dui. Vestibulum et eros consectetur,
+               interdum nibh et, volutpat dolor.
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+[ 2019-05-27T15:43:55+08:00 ] /Admin/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000040s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000886s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000673s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000806s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000097s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000313s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_name C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\b595b808c2ebeeeb0478ffc30bb4e87a.php 第 22 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\b595b808c2ebeeeb0478ffc30bb4e87a.php 第 23 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.011834s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.011985s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000502s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000622s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000703s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000887s ]
+[ 2019-05-27T15:45:12+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000380s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000544s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000674s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000133s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000364s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_name C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\b595b808c2ebeeeb0478ffc30bb4e87a.php 第 22 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\b595b808c2ebeeeb0478ffc30bb4e87a.php 第 23 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.013083s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.013335s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000361s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000477s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000529s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000648s ]
+[ 2019-05-27T15:45:13+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Login/edit/id/
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000028s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000560s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000786s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000925s ]
+ERR: 无法加载数据库驱动: Think\Db\Driver\
+[ 2019-05-27T15:45:19+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Login/logout
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000457s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000645s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000914s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000089s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000217s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.008390s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.008564s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000562s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000734s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000649s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000775s ]
+[ 2019-05-27T15:47:51+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Tongzhi/lst
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000424s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000694s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000849s ]
+ERR: 无法加载数据库驱动: Think\Db\Driver\
+[ 2019-05-27T16:32:26+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000475s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000527s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000673s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000095s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000274s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_name C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\b595b808c2ebeeeb0478ffc30bb4e87a.php 第 27 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\b595b808c2ebeeeb0478ffc30bb4e87a.php 第 28 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.010401s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.010625s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000352s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000500s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000531s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000657s ]
+[ 2019-05-27T16:35:23+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Article/lst
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000418s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000584s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000750s ]
+ERR: 无法加载控制器:Article
+[ 2019-05-27T16:36:46+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000474s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000598s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000737s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000123s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000302s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_name C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\b595b808c2ebeeeb0478ffc30bb4e87a.php 第 23 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\b595b808c2ebeeeb0478ffc30bb4e87a.php 第 24 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.009908s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.010088s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000434s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000554s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000620s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000752s ]
+[ 2019-05-27T16:52:03+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000029s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000518s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000769s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000958s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000096s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000320s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_name C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\b595b808c2ebeeeb0478ffc30bb4e87a.php 第 22 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\b595b808c2ebeeeb0478ffc30bb4e87a.php 第 23 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.009048s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.009197s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000395s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000516s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001134s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001346s ]
+[ 2019-05-27T16:52:18+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Article/lst
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000415s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000600s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000730s ]
+ERR: 无法加载控制器:Article
+[ 2019-05-27T16:52:20+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000028s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000432s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000580s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000709s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000092s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000241s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_name C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\b595b808c2ebeeeb0478ffc30bb4e87a.php 第 22 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\b595b808c2ebeeeb0478ffc30bb4e87a.php 第 23 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.009476s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.009619s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000463s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000582s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000584s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000704s ]
+[ 2019-05-27T16:52:22+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Article/lst
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000420s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001114s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001507s ]
+ERR: 无法加载控制器:Article
+[ 2019-05-27T18:10:27+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Article/lst
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000033s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000613s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000542s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000689s ]
+ERR: 无法加载控制器:Article
+[ 2019-05-27T18:10:28+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Article/lst
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000033s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000464s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000666s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001025s ]
+ERR: 无法加载控制器:Article
+[ 2019-05-27T18:30:00+08:00 ] /Admin/Article/lst
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000037s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.004705s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000781s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001214s ]
+ERR: 无法加载控制器:Article
+[ 2019-05-27T18:45:33+08:00 ] /Admin/Article/lst
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000456s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000530s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000670s ]
+ERR: 无法加载控制器:Article
+[ 2019-05-27T19:04:33+08:00 ] /Admin/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000028s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000617s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000571s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000702s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000087s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000222s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_name C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\b595b808c2ebeeeb0478ffc30bb4e87a.php 第 22 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\b595b808c2ebeeeb0478ffc30bb4e87a.php 第 23 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.009363s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.009670s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000442s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000560s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000490s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000634s ]
+[ 2019-05-27T21:09:30+08:00 ] /Admin/Article/lst
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000102s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003052s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002152s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002752s ]
+ERR: 无法加载控制器:Article
+[ 2019-05-27T21:12:23+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Article/lst
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000053s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001753s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000905s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001116s ]
+ERR: 无法加载控制器:Article
+[ 2019-05-27T21:12:29+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Article/lst
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000092s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001121s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000821s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001027s ]
+ERR: 无法加载控制器:Article
+[ 2019-05-27T21:12:50+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Article/lst
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000042s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000598s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000648s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000852s ]
+ERR: 无法加载控制器:Article
+[ 2019-05-27T21:12:51+08:00 ] /Admin/Article/lst
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000040s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000581s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001406s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001735s ]
+ERR: 无法加载控制器:Article
+[ 2019-05-27T21:16:33+08:00 ] /Admin/Article/lst
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000040s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000660s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000818s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001024s ]
+ERR: 无法加载数据库驱动: Think\Db\Driver\
+[ 2019-05-27T21:54:26+08:00 ] /Admin/Article/add
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000044s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000686s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000818s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001027s ]
+ERR: 无法加载数据库驱动: Think\Db\Driver\
+[ 2019-05-27T21:56:18+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Article/add
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000045s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000735s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001460s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001859s ]
+ERR: 无法加载数据库驱动: Think\Db\Driver\
+[ 2019-05-27T21:56:30+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Article/add
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000072s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001012s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000689s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000895s ]
+ERR: 无法加载数据库驱动: Think\Db\Driver\

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 294 - 0

+ 208 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+[ 2019-05-29T17:13:46+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Mk/lst.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000446s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000556s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000684s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0133s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000223s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000503s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_name C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\069b081f810e362d5ad3d43ff4984beb.php 第 22 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\069b081f810e362d5ad3d43ff4984beb.php 第 23 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.045347s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.045739s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001264s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001531s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001314s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001744s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T17:13:52+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Mk/lst.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000388s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000489s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000710s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0115s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000377s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000853s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_name C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\069b081f810e362d5ad3d43ff4984beb.php 第 22 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\069b081f810e362d5ad3d43ff4984beb.php 第 23 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.040808s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.041312s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000455s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000792s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000653s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000895s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T17:13:59+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Mk/add
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000437s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000548s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000678s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0118s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000361s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000778s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_name C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\c4c2e0e836d53af13639c6d6e2827276.php 第 23 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\c4c2e0e836d53af13639c6d6e2827276.php 第 24 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.029510s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.030204s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000708s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000927s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000921s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001135s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T17:19:47+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Mk/add.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000433s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000839s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001097s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0124s ]
+NOTIC: [2] call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, no array or string given C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Upload.class.php 第 170 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: validate C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 1185 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: auto C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 1128 行.
+SQL: INSERT INTO `mk` (`title`,`auth`,`category`,`summary`,`content`,`time`,`src`,`name`,`rname`) VALUES ('PHP框架相关','YUDANDAN','share','关于自己学习PHP时,从中摘抄的重点','- 闭包
+- 命名空间--- 
+  #### 路由解析
+  &gt; 通过url地址get参数找到指定的控制器,并进行对应方法调用请求
+  &gt;
+  &gt; 1. http://网址/index.php?m=XX&amp;c=XX&amp;a=XX    基本get
+  &gt; 2. http://网址/index.php/模块/控制器/操作方法    路径模式pathinfo
+  &gt; 3. http://网址/模块/控制器/操作方法                     rewrite重写模式 
+  &gt; 4. http://index.php?s=/模块/控制器/方法                兼容模式
+  &gt;
+  &gt; 具体url地址模式设置(配置文件ThinkPHP/Conf/convention.php--\'URL_MODEL\'=&gt;0,1,2,3)可修改自己项目的配置文件,项目/Common/Conf/下进行修改
+###### 多级控制器
+namespace Home\\Controller\\Admin;
+use Think\\Controller;
+class IndexController extends Controller {
+    public function hello(){
+        echo \'hello\';
+    }
+    public function test(){
+        echo \'test\';
+    }
+&gt; 可以通过url访问  http://serverName/Home/Admin/Usesr
+// 实例化Home模块的User控制器
+$User = new \\Home\\Controller\\UserController();
+###### 模型的实例化
+&gt; D方法实例化模型类的时候通常是实例化某个具体的模型类,如果你仅仅是对数据表进行基本的CURD操作的话,使用M方法实例化的话,由于不需要加载具体的模型类,所以性能会更高
+###### 请求
+&gt; get:传送的参数是有长度限制,只接受ASCII字符,通过URL传递,请求一次
+&gt; post:放在Request body中,请求两次。
+###### PHP会话管理
+&gt; Cookie 数据存储浏览器端;方便与J互数据,方便获取用户信息;
+&gt; Session:数据存储在服务器上;高效,安全,不依赖浏览器端环境,服务器端会为每一个用户一个ID
+###### M方法和D方法
+&gt; M方法就是一个原生态的new Model()
+&gt; D方法可以调用验证机制,会查询到同名Model类,自动验证,自动填充,关联查询。','1559121587','/./Uploads/2019-05-29/5cee4eb333e89.png','thinkphp3.2截图.png','5cee4eb333e89.png') [ RunTime:0.0014s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000182s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000452s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.027599s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.027818s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000601s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000724s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000967s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001139s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T17:19:49+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Mk/lst.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000043s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000699s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000899s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001047s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0122s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000268s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001085s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_name C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\069b081f810e362d5ad3d43ff4984beb.php 第 22 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\069b081f810e362d5ad3d43ff4984beb.php 第 23 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.031330s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.031683s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001290s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001566s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001437s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001682s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T17:20:10+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Mk/edit/id/6
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000028s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000459s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000559s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000688s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0126s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000190s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000410s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_name C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\3cb2abac57c2b4a372dd3f7e222cf820.php 第 23 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\3cb2abac57c2b4a372dd3f7e222cf820.php 第 24 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.022586s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.022933s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000715s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000931s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000997s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001215s ]

+ 165 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+[ 2019-05-30T11:34:46+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000396s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002032s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002233s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000231s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000401s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_name C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\b595b808c2ebeeeb0478ffc30bb4e87a.php 第 22 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\b595b808c2ebeeeb0478ffc30bb4e87a.php 第 23 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.008914s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.009071s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000283s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000399s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000514s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000644s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T11:34:51+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Mk/lst.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000029s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000433s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000432s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000582s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0081s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000184s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000422s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_name C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\069b081f810e362d5ad3d43ff4984beb.php 第 22 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\069b081f810e362d5ad3d43ff4984beb.php 第 23 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.021966s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.022181s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000292s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000420s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000689s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000958s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T11:34:55+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Mk/add
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000028s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000433s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000993s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001287s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0056s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000203s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000464s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_name C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\c4c2e0e836d53af13639c6d6e2827276.php 第 23 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\c4c2e0e836d53af13639c6d6e2827276.php 第 24 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.016145s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.016390s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000565s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000789s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000811s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001036s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T12:01:21+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Mk/lst.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000043s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000503s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000619s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000880s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0076s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000107s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000247s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_name C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\069b081f810e362d5ad3d43ff4984beb.php 第 22 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\069b081f810e362d5ad3d43ff4984beb.php 第 23 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.018868s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.019099s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000467s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000676s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001325s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001506s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T12:01:24+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Mk/edit/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000423s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000544s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000674s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0106s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000227s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000463s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_name C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\3cb2abac57c2b4a372dd3f7e222cf820.php 第 23 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\3cb2abac57c2b4a372dd3f7e222cf820.php 第 24 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.026809s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.027165s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000650s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000867s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000914s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001144s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T12:02:54+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Mk/edit/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000400s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000578s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000773s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0080s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000250s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000535s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_name C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\3cb2abac57c2b4a372dd3f7e222cf820.php 第 23 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\3cb2abac57c2b4a372dd3f7e222cf820.php 第 24 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.020256s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.020714s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000924s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001387s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001625s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002259s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T12:03:39+08:00 ] /index.php/Admin/Mk/edit/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000036s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000465s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000538s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000682s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0102s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0011s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000271s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000582s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_name C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\3cb2abac57c2b4a372dd3f7e222cf820.php 第 23 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: user_id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Admin\3cb2abac57c2b4a372dd3f7e222cf820.php 第 24 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.031368s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.031774s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000843s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001111s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001153s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001439s ]

+ 48 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+[ 2019-05-23T10:29:21+08:00 ] /Public/assets/css/style.css
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000162s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.010838s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-23T10:29:21+08:00 ] /Public/assets/css/font-awesome.css
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000125s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002065s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-23T10:29:21+08:00 ] /Public/assets/css/bootstrap.css
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000145s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002409s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-23T10:29:21+08:00 ] /Public/assets/img/person.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000134s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003911s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-23T10:29:51+08:00 ] /Public/assets/css/font-awesome.css
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000177s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.005978s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-23T10:29:51+08:00 ] /Public/assets/css/style.css
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000139s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002039s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-23T10:29:51+08:00 ] /Public/assets/css/bootstrap.css
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000141s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.005131s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-23T10:32:32+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000141s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002753s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public

+ 66 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+[ 2019-05-27T10:35:29+08:00 ] /favicon.ico
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000047s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000675s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Favicon
+[ 2019-05-27T14:57:20+08:00 ] /singlepost.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000432s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Singlepost
+[ 2019-05-27T15:43:55+08:00 ] /Public/Admin/css/common.css
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000049s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001489s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-27T15:43:55+08:00 ] /Public/Admin/js/libs/modernizr.min.js
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000049s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001297s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-27T15:43:55+08:00 ] /Public/jquery-3.2.1.js
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000052s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000759s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-27T15:45:12+08:00 ] /Public/Admin/css/common.css
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000049s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000650s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-27T15:45:12+08:00 ] /Public/Admin/js/libs/modernizr.min.js
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000057s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001100s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-27T15:45:12+08:00 ] /Public/jquery-3.2.1.js
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000126s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001502s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-27T15:45:17+08:00 ] /Public/jquery-3.2.1.js
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000058s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000630s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-27T15:45:17+08:00 ] /Public/Admin/js/libs/modernizr.min.js
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000030s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000473s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-27T21:09:30+08:00 ] /favicon.ico
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000155s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001977s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Favicon

+ 126 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+[ 2019-05-28T10:05:33+08:00 ] /favicon.ico
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000201s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002476s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Favicon
+[ 2019-05-28T10:19:50+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000054s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000774s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-28T10:20:43+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000196s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001914s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-28T10:21:15+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000084s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001652s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-28T11:36:00+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000605s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-28T11:40:17+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000120s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001813s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-28T11:40:19+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000115s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001337s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-28T11:40:22+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000075s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001858s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-28T11:40:25+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000082s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001268s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-28T12:04:44+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000075s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001203s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-28T14:32:16+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000077s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001116s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-28T14:41:36+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000076s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001171s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-28T18:08:23+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000044s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000687s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-28T18:08:55+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000100s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001258s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-28T18:16:34+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000093s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001362s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-28T19:35:01+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000043s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000989s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-28T19:36:20+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000114s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001774s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-28T19:53:39+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000658s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-28T19:54:30+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000109s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001396s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-28T19:55:08+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000106s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002013s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-28T19:56:11+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000123s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001716s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public

+ 114 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+[ 2019-05-29T08:27:35+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000074s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001321s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-29T08:27:40+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000047s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001084s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-29T08:29:00+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000732s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-29T08:30:00+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000068s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001068s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-29T16:19:42+08:00 ] /favicon.ico
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000054s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000845s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Favicon
+[ 2019-05-29T17:00:24+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000071s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000996s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-29T17:25:23+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000449s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-29T17:25:58+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000031s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000555s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-29T17:28:14+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000046s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000746s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-29T18:00:32+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000078s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000821s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-29T18:00:49+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000198s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001351s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-29T18:00:52+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000061s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000965s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-29T18:00:55+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000030s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000595s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-29T18:00:59+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000100s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001394s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-29T18:20:55+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000051s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000785s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-29T18:21:47+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000051s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000886s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-29T18:22:09+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000061s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001030s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-29T18:23:14+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000053s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000878s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-29T18:23:29+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000028s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000475s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public

+ 42 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+[ 2019-05-30T10:50:02+08:00 ] /favicon.ico
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000052s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000881s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Favicon
+[ 2019-05-30T11:01:10+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000032s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000603s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-30T11:03:03+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000032s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000562s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-30T11:03:36+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000060s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000970s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-30T11:05:25+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000064s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001078s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-30T11:33:35+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000028s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000419s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public
+[ 2019-05-30T11:54:56+08:00 ] /Public/css/bootstrap.css.map
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000040s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001044s ]
+ERR: 无法加载模块:Public

+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+[ 2019-05-22T17:40:12+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000028s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000202s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000750s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000900s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000072s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000214s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.005798s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.005935s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000402s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000523s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000945s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001078s ]

+ 575 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+[ 2019-05-23T10:28:11+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000083s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002056s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.003665s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.004386s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.001886s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002371s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001523s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001884s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.002903s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003280s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:28:23+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000308s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.004691s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.005024s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.012518s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.001352s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001825s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002708s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003090s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001761s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002128s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:29:21+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000079s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001623s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.003998s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.005195s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000875s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001445s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.041852s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.042555s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001313s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001880s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.003006s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.004133s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:29:21+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000137s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001823s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:29:21+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000136s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002106s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:29:21+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/ad2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000162s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.005214s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:29:21+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000138s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002152s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:29:21+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/3.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000342s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.004478s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:29:21+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/ad1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000134s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001900s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:29:53+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000154s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.012641s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.027178s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.027984s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001795s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002692s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.059957s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.060749s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.014851s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.015682s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.003042s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003896s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:32:31+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000079s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001869s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.003817s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.004628s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000507s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001164s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.037369s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.038175s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001616s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002249s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.002970s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.005287s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:32:31+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000212s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003696s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.003363s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.004079s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000519s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001258s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.040112s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.040923s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001660s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002144s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.004178s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.149703s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:32:31+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000138s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.007321s ]
+ ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:32:31+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/ad1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000140s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002183s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:32:31+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/3.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000208s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002550s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:32:32+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/ad2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.010544s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.013148s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:32:32+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000143s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.004292s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:37:44+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000122s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002540s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002261s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002667s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000345s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001070s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.037670s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.038273s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002393s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002968s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.143191s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.145955s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:37:44+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/ad1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000131s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.004657s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:37:44+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000151s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002946s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:37:45+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000141s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002344s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:37:45+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000130s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002090s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:37:45+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/ad2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.002315s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.004147s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:37:45+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/3.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000125s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002039s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:52:29+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000079s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001386s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002314s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002986s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000295s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000692s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.032950s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.033410s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001348s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001725s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.003653s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.004045s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:52:30+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000146s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002019s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:52:30+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000136s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002126s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:52:30+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000141s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.007608s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:52:30+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/3.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000147s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002985s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:56:45+08:00 ] /Home/Index/singlepost.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000081s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002183s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002804s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003212s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000283s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000663s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.035302s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.035725s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001547s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001901s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.027813s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.028823s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:56:46+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/person.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000174s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.011139s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:56:46+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000142s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003399s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:56:46+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000154s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002081s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:56:46+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000145s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002141s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:56:46+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/ad1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000147s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.032038s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:56:46+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/css/font-awesome.css
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000143s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001969s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.003723s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.004456s ]
+ERR: 非法操作:assets
+[ 2019-05-23T10:56:46+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000159s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.013220s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:56:46+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/css/bootstrap.css
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000253s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002974s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.003729s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.004532s ]
+ERR: 非法操作:assets
+[ 2019-05-23T10:56:46+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/css/style.css
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000120s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003477s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.003819s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.004583s ]
+ERR: 非法操作:assets
+[ 2019-05-23T10:56:46+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/ad2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000149s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001842s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:56:52+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000137s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002148s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:56:52+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/3.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000144s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001927s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:56:52+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000149s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002214s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T10:56:52+08:00 ] /Home/Index/assets/img/2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000142s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002557s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T11:12:48+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000200s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003222s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001938s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002338s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000274s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000654s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T11:13:04+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000297s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003144s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002744s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003621s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000271s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000660s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T11:13:07+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000078s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001217s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001933s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002324s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000604s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001376s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T11:13:10+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000146s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.004254s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.003415s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.004178s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000330s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000877s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T11:13:29+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000077s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001216s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.003169s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003709s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000266s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000639s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T11:13:57+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000079s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001565s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002475s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002921s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000267s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000640s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T11:13:58+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000080s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001614s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001932s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002320s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000265s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000799s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T11:14:03+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000077s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001187s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002880s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.004139s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000383s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000891s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T11:14:04+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000107s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001172s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001962s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002401s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000451s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001095s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T11:14:04+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000077s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001134s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002360s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003016s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000269s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000690s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T11:14:05+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000079s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001173s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001940s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002325s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000266s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000637s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T11:14:05+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000078s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001163s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001993s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002414s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000267s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000663s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T11:15:26+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000172s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002263s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002665s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003425s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000529s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001379s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T11:15:29+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000088s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001292s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002994s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003708s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000701s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001332s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T11:15:30+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000076s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001159s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002067s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002459s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000275s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000659s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T11:15:32+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000115s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001188s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001941s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002327s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000273s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000669s ]
+[ 2019-05-23T11:16:28+08:00 ] /Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000077s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001152s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002386s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002915s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000338s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000749s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.027079s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.027528s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002158s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002899s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.020311s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.022055s ]

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+[ 2019-05-27T10:35:29+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001113s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001309s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001680s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0031s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0002s ]
+[ 2019-05-27T11:42:33+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000028s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.006864s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000583s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000711s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0069s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,8   [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000171s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000411s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.016208s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.016464s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001170s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001408s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.002034s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002374s ]
+[ 2019-05-27T15:45:21+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/index.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000067s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001187s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000900s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001103s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0111s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,8   [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Template\TagLib\Cx.class.php 第 70 行.
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000086s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000224s ]
+[ 2019-05-27T18:59:28+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000043s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000750s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000535s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000663s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0113s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,8   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Template\TagLib\Cx.class.php 第 70 行.
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000183s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000449s ]
+[ 2019-05-27T19:04:22+08:00 ] /Home/Admin/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000033s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000499s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000546s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000720s ]
+ERR: 无法加载控制器:Admin

+ 2165 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2165 @@
+[ 2019-05-28T10:12:02+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000105s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001767s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000918s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001327s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0060s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,8   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Template\TagLib\Cx.class.php 第 70 行.
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000161s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000357s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:19:35+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000080s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001121s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001554s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002067s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0061s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000171s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000372s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: detail C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Home\2a94b8bda04ff446dcedd42276fc99ee.php 第 81 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: detail C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Home\2a94b8bda04ff446dcedd42276fc99ee.php 第 81 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.013475s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.013713s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000604s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000785s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000785s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001178s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:20:43+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000652s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000789s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000988s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0058s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000162s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000406s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: detail C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Home\2a94b8bda04ff446dcedd42276fc99ee.php 第 77 行.
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: detail C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Home\2a94b8bda04ff446dcedd42276fc99ee.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.014373s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.014574s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000615s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000800s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000844s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001067s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:21:15+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000613s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000835s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001042s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0059s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000169s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000359s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.012773s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.012991s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000641s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000827s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000770s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000960s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:21:28+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/tzdetail/id/3
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000630s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000812s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001011s ]
+ERR: 非法操作:tzdetail
+[ 2019-05-28T10:40:25+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000662s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001201s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001433s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0057s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000160s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000356s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.013400s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.013611s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000627s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000817s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001119s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001315s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:40:27+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/3
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000588s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000643s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000855s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0063s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 3 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000166s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000361s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.011105s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.011319s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000627s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000857s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001231s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001619s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:40:27+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000073s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001087s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:40:27+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000073s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001024s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:40:28+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000072s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001056s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:40:28+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000074s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001241s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:40:28+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000400s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.004812s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:40:28+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000045s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001065s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:42:03+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/3
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000639s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001135s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001362s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0061s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 3 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000178s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000386s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.012413s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.012625s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000526s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000709s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000966s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001180s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:42:04+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000076s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001761s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:42:04+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000115s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001532s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:42:04+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000103s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001022s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:42:04+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000072s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.022184s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:42:04+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000088s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.024247s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:42:04+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000080s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002023s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:42:29+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/3
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000042s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000696s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000828s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001035s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0056s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 3 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000165s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000367s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.013404s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.013698s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000524s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000719s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001139s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001423s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:42:29+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000145s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.005275s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:42:29+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000151s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001900s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:42:29+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000082s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001266s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:42:29+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000095s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001497s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:42:29+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000169s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.004098s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:42:29+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000080s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001245s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:43:11+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/3
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000145s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001626s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000673s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000906s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0057s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 3 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000159s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000366s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.010510s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.010726s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000738s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001094s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000744s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000970s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:43:12+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000077s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001069s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:43:12+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000073s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000948s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:43:12+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000084s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000955s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:43:12+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000160s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001926s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:43:12+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000128s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001350s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:43:31+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/3
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000042s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000681s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000652s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000854s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0061s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 3 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000168s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000376s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.011641s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.011853s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000399s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000581s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001786s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002153s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:43:31+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000092s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001589s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:43:31+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000091s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001161s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:43:31+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000102s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001344s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:43:31+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000074s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001316s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:43:31+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000077s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001038s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T10:43:31+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000094s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.005395s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:01:45+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/3
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000042s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000659s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000944s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001292s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0080s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 3 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000267s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000576s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.019060s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.019330s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000525s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000713s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001026s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001230s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:01:45+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000071s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000992s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:01:45+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000067s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000938s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:01:45+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000071s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001066s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:01:45+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000076s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001540s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:01:45+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000075s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001467s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:01:45+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000080s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001656s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:01:48+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/3
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000589s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001222s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001561s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0062s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 3 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000165s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000371s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.020673s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.020901s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000623s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000808s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.002553s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002855s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:01:48+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000075s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001999s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:01:48+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000067s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002388s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:01:48+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000076s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003034s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:01:48+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000085s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001857s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:01:48+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000087s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001163s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:01:48+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000079s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001596s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:35:37+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/3
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000596s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000647s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000852s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0115s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 3 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000230s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000518s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.019895s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.020298s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000846s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001115s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001257s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001530s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:35:37+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000166s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001490s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:35:37+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000078s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001241s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:35:37+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000223s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003468s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:35:37+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000079s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003676s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:35:37+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000080s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001182s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:35:37+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000078s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001257s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:35:42+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000044s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000809s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000831s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001038s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0080s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000332s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000744s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.031721s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.032172s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001660s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002169s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.002552s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002966s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:35:47+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/4
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000608s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000716s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000932s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0093s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 4 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000334s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000740s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.023605s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.024088s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002078s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003288s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.002123s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002543s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:35:47+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000067s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001012s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:35:47+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000076s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000970s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:35:47+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000088s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001197s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:35:47+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000090s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001291s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:35:47+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000091s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.008815s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:35:47+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000072s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001357s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:40:17+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000040s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000659s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001852s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002226s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0099s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000175s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000389s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.021383s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.021706s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000953s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001173s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000973s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001187s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:40:19+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/4
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000039s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000586s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001941s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002170s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0123s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 4 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000212s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000494s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.023698s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.024160s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001038s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001432s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001427s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001878s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:40:19+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000075s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000960s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:40:19+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000103s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001322s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:40:19+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000082s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001194s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:40:19+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000071s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000946s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:40:19+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000075s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002332s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:40:19+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000069s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001154s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:40:21+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000078s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000963s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000861s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001092s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0121s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000187s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000419s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.017190s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.017553s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000808s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001037s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001534s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001988s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:40:24+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/2
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000045s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001228s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001236s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001521s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0065s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 2 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000159s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000364s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.020742s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.020952s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000857s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001045s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001929s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002238s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:40:24+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000074s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001273s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:40:24+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000071s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000924s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:40:25+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000074s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001825s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:40:25+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000076s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001274s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:40:25+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000117s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001204s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T11:40:25+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000077s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001096s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T12:04:43+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000592s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000678s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000890s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0069s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000381s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000865s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.023759s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.024386s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001077s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001608s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000944s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001201s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T12:04:47+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000040s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000588s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000793s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000998s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0118s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000407s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000901s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.032929s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.033515s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000835s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001088s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001055s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001314s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T12:04:55+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/4
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000060s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000800s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000824s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001149s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0106s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 4 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000189s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000421s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.025115s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.025496s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000775s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001041s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000980s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001219s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T12:04:55+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000071s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001066s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T12:04:55+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000077s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001911s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T12:04:55+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000467s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.004637s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T12:04:55+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000079s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001138s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T12:04:55+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000384s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001593s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T12:04:55+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000096s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001402s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T12:05:06+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/2
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000043s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000634s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000652s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000852s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0118s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 2 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000249s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000581s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.019939s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.020351s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000832s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001103s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.002807s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003681s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T12:05:06+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000068s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000920s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T12:05:06+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000072s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001103s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T12:05:06+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000072s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000959s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T12:05:06+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000079s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001234s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T12:05:06+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000085s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001550s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T12:05:06+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000090s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001286s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T13:22:47+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000120s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001995s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001012s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001327s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0066s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000293s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000765s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.018338s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.018731s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001334s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001796s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001444s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001813s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T13:23:05+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000075s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.015498s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001444s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001817s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0056s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000193s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000431s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.025632s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.025916s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000821s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001055s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000910s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001106s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T13:24:35+08:00 ] /?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=19659
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000144s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001984s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001364s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002000s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0068s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T13:25:26+08:00 ] /?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=19659
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000076s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001005s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001316s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002187s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T13:25:27+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000042s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000683s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000871s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001087s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0066s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000465s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000945s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.023669s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.023992s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000633s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000820s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001234s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001526s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T17:17:42+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000056s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000704s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001971s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002522s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0067s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0035s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 52 行.
+[ 2019-05-28T17:18:22+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000081s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000824s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000824s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001031s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0058s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0039s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 52 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000185s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000380s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.015348s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.015714s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000948s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001171s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000836s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001079s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T17:18:22+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000080s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001397s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T17:24:50+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000666s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000806s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001014s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0057s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0037s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 52 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000162s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000363s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.017450s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.017670s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000631s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000817s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001778s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001994s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T17:24:50+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000083s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001442s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T17:25:14+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000044s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000820s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000817s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001021s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0057s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0037s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 52 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000182s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000379s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.014854s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.015112s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000629s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000842s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000780s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000972s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T17:25:14+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000077s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001170s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T17:25:28+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/2
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000047s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001280s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000650s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000849s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0057s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 2 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000170s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000378s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.011285s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.011487s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000567s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000758s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000936s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001137s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T17:25:28+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000078s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001111s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T17:25:28+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000079s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001036s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T17:25:28+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000101s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001718s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T17:25:28+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000073s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001166s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T17:25:28+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000075s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001726s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T17:25:28+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/ad2.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000042s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000703s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T17:44:11+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/2
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000051s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000717s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000817s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001022s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0043s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 2 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0034s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 55 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000210s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000404s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.015319s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.015551s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000900s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001152s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.002188s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002619s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T17:44:12+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/clients.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000080s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001054s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T17:44:12+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000076s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001125s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T17:44:12+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000072s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002366s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T17:44:12+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000642s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002182s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:01:18+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/2
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000040s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000751s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001712s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002167s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0065s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 2 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0034s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 55 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000157s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000401s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.016814s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.017147s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001643s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001947s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001924s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002263s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:01:18+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000072s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001008s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:01:18+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/1.jpg
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000044s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000844s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:01:18+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000078s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001184s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:04:01+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/2
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000042s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000659s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000805s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0059s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 2 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0036s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 55 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000155s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000359s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.019010s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.019237s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000623s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000811s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001004s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001212s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:04:01+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000071s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000948s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:04:01+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000128s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001584s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:04:54+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/2
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000113s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001785s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001096s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001302s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0057s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 2 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0037s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 55 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000153s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000394s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.014174s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.014448s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000851s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001062s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.002047s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002421s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:04:55+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000107s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001222s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:04:55+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/Uploads/2019-05-28/5ced06d516896.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000075s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001047s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:04:55+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000082s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001828s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:05:18+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/2
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000591s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000812s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001014s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0059s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 2 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0035s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 55 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000175s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000374s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.012804s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.013243s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000615s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000813s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000901s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001116s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:05:18+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/5ced06d516896.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000065s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000939s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:05:18+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000079s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001106s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:05:18+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000080s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.006934s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:05:54+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/2
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000143s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001955s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000680s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000887s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0056s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 2 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0034s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 55 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000157s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000366s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.013689s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.013911s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000575s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000763s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000942s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001228s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:05:54+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000070s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001001s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:05:54+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000072s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001064s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:05:54+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/13277284-8280946b515f336b.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000074s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000964s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:08:55+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/2
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000040s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000584s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000813s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001017s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0043s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 2 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0036s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 55 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000321s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000614s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.014305s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.014533s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001150s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001362s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000986s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001276s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:08:55+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/Uploads/2019-05-28/5ced06d516896.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000107s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001730s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:08:55+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000079s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001150s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:08:55+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000079s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001367s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:16:33+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/2
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000046s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001206s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000835s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001074s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0059s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 2 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0035s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 55 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000175s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000392s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.014303s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.014533s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000630s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000815s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000943s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001212s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:16:34+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000071s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001060s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:16:34+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000161s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.005534s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:19:04+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000042s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000681s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000806s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001010s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0061s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0035s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 55 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000173s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000375s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.019459s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.019683s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000687s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000873s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000864s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001053s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:20:06+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000642s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000856s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001065s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0059s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0037s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 55 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000194s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000395s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.018120s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.018343s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000623s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000826s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000867s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001058s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:35:32+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/2
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000064s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001014s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001236s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001694s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0055s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 2 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0051s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 55 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000176s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000374s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.013253s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.013500s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000637s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000836s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000900s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001103s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:35:32+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000076s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001362s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:35:32+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000085s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001782s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:36:31+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000591s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000810s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001022s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0056s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0049s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 55 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000261s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000564s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.019474s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.019692s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000770s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001029s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000933s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001123s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:37:25+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/2
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000040s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000698s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001460s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001690s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0055s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 2 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0034s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 55 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000359s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000869s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.014992s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.015287s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000836s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001022s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001524s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001864s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:37:25+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000073s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001038s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:37:25+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000067s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001159s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:59:25+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/2
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000705s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001594s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002206s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0071s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 2 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0039s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 55 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000153s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000357s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.014072s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.014281s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000817s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001002s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001452s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001741s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:59:25+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000077s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001037s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:59:25+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000077s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001672s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T18:59:35+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000043s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000722s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000693s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000909s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0053s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0042s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 55 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000177s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000378s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.018891s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.019099s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000566s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000748s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000809s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000998s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:01:27+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/indexmk
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000055s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000922s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000906s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001140s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0043s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0036s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 67 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000165s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000364s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.026521s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.026733s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000926s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001141s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000918s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001110s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:01:35+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000040s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000692s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001138s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001391s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0057s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0033s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 67 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000153s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000347s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.014550s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.014823s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001608s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001942s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001097s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001291s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:01:35+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000080s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000974s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:01:35+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000043s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001049s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:29:22+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000044s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001370s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001091s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001305s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0064s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0033s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000165s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000375s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.015145s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.015392s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000870s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001173s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001101s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001298s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:29:22+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000084s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001628s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:29:22+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000318s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001636s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:29:30+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/index
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000070s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000949s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002829s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003162s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0056s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0035s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000180s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000396s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.020668s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.020900s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000845s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001032s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001111s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001299s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:31:05+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/indexmk
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000040s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000592s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000797s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000998s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0060s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0036s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000178s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000377s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.026560s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.026985s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000717s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000962s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000865s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001057s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:31:35+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000079s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001112s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001094s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001318s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0057s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0035s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000164s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000376s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.015480s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.015688s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000847s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001035s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001069s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001257s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:31:35+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000072s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001161s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:31:35+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000079s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001092s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:34:02+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/indexmk
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000043s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000757s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001079s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001293s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0057s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0036s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000181s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000400s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.020949s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.021156s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000842s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001028s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001078s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001270s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:34:35+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/indexmk
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000046s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000705s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001369s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001831s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0056s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0039s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000174s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000380s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.019124s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.019342s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000654s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000895s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000943s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001135s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:34:52+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/indexmk
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000040s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000724s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001062s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001273s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0056s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0045s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000179s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000397s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.019115s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.019324s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001253s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001596s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001785s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002087s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:35:57+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/index.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000117s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001415s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002403s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002861s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0065s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0050s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000177s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000373s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.019976s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.020200s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000583s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000766s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000895s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001237s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:36:20+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/indexmk
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000043s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000630s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001008s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001214s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0058s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0037s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000182s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000387s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.019593s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.019795s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000578s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000763s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000850s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001040s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:47:49+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000690s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000799s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001027s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0065s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0042s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000157s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000352s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.014779s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.015000s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000911s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001245s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000938s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001131s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:47:49+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000098s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001497s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:47:49+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000080s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001003s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:47:52+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000040s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000586s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000647s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000846s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0057s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0034s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000317s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000585s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.013495s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.013786s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000564s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000756s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000858s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001048s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:47:52+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000643s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:47:52+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000080s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001068s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:54:30+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000601s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000819s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001022s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0054s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0035s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000155s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000349s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.014066s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.014288s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000622s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000808s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000857s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001044s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:54:30+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000097s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.006215s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:54:30+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000079s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001241s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:55:07+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000595s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000928s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001131s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0069s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0034s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000158s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000354s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.013276s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.013483s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000610s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000795s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000854s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001042s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:55:08+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000155s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002149s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:55:08+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000265s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001878s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:56:11+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000159s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001603s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000722s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000936s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0057s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0036s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000154s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000354s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.014217s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.014423s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000567s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000753s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000850s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001037s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:56:11+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000075s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001119s ]
+[ 2019-05-28T19:56:11+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000116s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001987s ]

+ 1913 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1913 @@
+[ 2019-05-29T08:27:35+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/indexmk
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000042s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001239s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001380s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001585s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0139s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0059s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000233s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000800s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.028220s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.028463s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001184s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001373s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001413s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001606s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T08:27:35+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/editor.md-master/css/editormd.min.css
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000079s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001236s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002805s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003232s ]
+ERR: 非法操作:editor.md-master
+[ 2019-05-29T08:27:40+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000111s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002197s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001074s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001281s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0100s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0097s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000857s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001606s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.033110s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.033448s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000840s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001033s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001095s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001287s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T08:27:40+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000073s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001083s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T08:27:40+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000076s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001130s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T08:29:00+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/indexmk
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000040s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000599s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001185s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001492s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0061s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0039s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000482s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001006s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.031954s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.032241s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000755s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000954s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000968s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001369s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T08:29:00+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/editor.md-master/css/editormd.min.css
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000090s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001306s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001067s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001286s ]
+ERR: 非法操作:editor.md-master
+[ 2019-05-29T08:30:00+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/indexmk
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000039s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000586s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001447s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001904s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0066s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0042s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000323s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000715s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.026882s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.027156s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000734s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001015s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001144s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001519s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T08:30:02+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000042s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000631s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000659s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000891s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0102s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0089s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Template\TagLib\Cx.class.php 第 70 行.
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000392s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000746s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T08:35:01+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000649s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000894s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001134s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0106s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0012s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0079s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000243s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000655s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.022159s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.022482s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000916s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001212s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001269s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001543s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T08:41:08+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000042s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000663s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001048s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001258s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0094s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0075s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000211s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000472s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: content C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Home\020dbcd4d129847e08a33cdb299d9d6f.php 第 70 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.026739s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.027103s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001116s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001365s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001442s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001703s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T08:41:19+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000043s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000657s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002422s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002875s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0054s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0037s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000286s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000685s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.019016s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.019386s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000926s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001264s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001265s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001595s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:04:32+08:00 ] /Home/Index/Indexmk'
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000030s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001364s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000712s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000866s ]
+ERR: 非法操作:Indexmk'
+[ 2019-05-29T16:04:38+08:00 ] /Home/Index/Indexmk
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000034s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000796s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001069s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001349s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0229s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0071s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0012s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000944s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001185s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.025336s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.025595s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000721s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000942s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001026s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001248s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:04:42+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000444s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000572s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000700s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0117s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0026s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0063s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Template\TagLib\Cx.class.php 第 70 行.
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000473s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000781s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:08:31+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000034s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001010s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001130s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001353s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0112s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0092s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Template\TagLib\Cx.class.php 第 70 行.
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000188s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000556s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:11:13+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000424s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000670s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000818s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0132s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0115s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`id`) VALUES ('5') [ RunTime:0.0026s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: aid C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 92 行.
+[ 2019-05-29T16:11:14+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000388s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000438s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000564s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0097s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0070s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` () VALUES () [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: aid C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 92 行.
+[ 2019-05-29T16:11:16+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000432s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000798s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001047s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0089s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0054s ]
+ERR: 1062:Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY'
+ [ SQL语句 ] : INSERT INTO `reply` () VALUES ()
+ERR: 1062:Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY'
+ [ SQL语句 ] : INSERT INTO `reply` () VALUES ()
+[ 2019-05-29T16:19:42+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000051s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000996s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001612s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002109s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0164s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0055s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 79 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000144s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000313s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.017719s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.017916s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000369s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000493s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000522s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000643s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:19:58+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000053s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000840s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001464s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001861s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0119s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0091s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 79 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000216s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000456s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.030707s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.031439s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000731s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000952s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000989s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001264s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:20:34+08:00 ] /Home/Index/indexmk
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000400s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000443s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000571s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0052s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0027s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0002s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 79 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000111s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000239s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.019804s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.019984s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000288s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000405s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000437s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000557s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:20:37+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000416s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000515s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000730s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0120s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0055s ]
+ERR: 1062:Duplicate entry '5' for key 'PRIMARY'
+ [ SQL语句 ] : INSERT INTO `reply` (`id`) VALUES ('5')
+ERR: 1062:Duplicate entry '5' for key 'PRIMARY'
+ [ SQL语句 ] : INSERT INTO `reply` (`id`) VALUES ('5')
+[ 2019-05-29T16:22:27+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000028s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000470s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000765s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000894s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0109s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0083s ]
+ERR: 1062:Duplicate entry '5' for key 'PRIMARY'
+ [ SQL语句 ] : INSERT INTO `reply` (`id`) VALUES ('5')
+ERR: 1062:Duplicate entry '5' for key 'PRIMARY'
+ [ SQL语句 ] : INSERT INTO `reply` (`id`) VALUES ('5')
+[ 2019-05-29T16:27:59+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000028s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000484s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000584s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000713s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0123s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0089s ]
+ERR: 1062:Duplicate entry '5' for key 'PRIMARY'
+ [ SQL语句 ] : INSERT INTO `reply` (`id`) VALUES ('5')
+ERR: 1062:Duplicate entry '5' for key 'PRIMARY'
+ [ SQL语句 ] : INSERT INTO `reply` (`id`) VALUES ('5')
+[ 2019-05-29T16:28:05+08:00 ] /Home/Index/indexmk
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000384s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000688s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000876s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0149s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0106s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000190s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000409s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.023980s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.024214s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000716s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000931s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000916s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001129s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:28:10+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000397s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000434s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000578s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0127s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0094s ]
+ERR: 1062:Duplicate entry '5' for key 'PRIMARY'
+ [ SQL语句 ] : INSERT INTO `reply` (`id`) VALUES ('5')
+ERR: 1062:Duplicate entry '5' for key 'PRIMARY'
+ [ SQL语句 ] : INSERT INTO `reply` (`id`) VALUES ('5')
+[ 2019-05-29T16:37:26+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000032s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000503s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000589s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000770s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0118s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0075s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`id`) VALUES ('5') [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:37:27+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000055s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000688s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000764s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000987s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0132s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0087s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` () VALUES () [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:37:29+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000079s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001027s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000726s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000948s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0117s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0079s ]
+ERR: 1062:Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY'
+ [ SQL语句 ] : INSERT INTO `reply` () VALUES ()
+ERR: 1062:Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY'
+ [ SQL语句 ] : INSERT INTO `reply` () VALUES ()
+[ 2019-05-29T16:42:01+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000051s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000772s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000997s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001256s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0139s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0114s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119321') [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:42:02+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000083s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001053s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000479s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000619s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0075s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0058s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119322') [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:42:03+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000058s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000952s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000591s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000761s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0102s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0104s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119323') [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:42:04+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000049s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000767s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000803s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001050s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0074s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0079s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119324') [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:42:05+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000048s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000751s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000835s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001079s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0126s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0011s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0092s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119325') [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:42:06+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000050s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000778s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000792s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001007s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0045s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0002s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0026s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119326') [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:42:09+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000036s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000465s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000780s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000970s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0137s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0101s ]
+ERR: 1062:Duplicate entry '5' for key 'PRIMARY'
+ [ SQL语句 ] : INSERT INTO `reply` (`id`,`time`) VALUES ('5','1559119329')
+ERR: 1062:Duplicate entry '5' for key 'PRIMARY'
+ [ SQL语句 ] : INSERT INTO `reply` (`id`,`time`) VALUES ('5','1559119329')
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:12+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000028s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000580s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000567s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000699s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0127s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0106s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`id`,`time`) VALUES ('5','1559119692') [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:13+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000388s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000459s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000621s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0125s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0102s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119693') [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:14+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000414s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000438s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000565s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0123s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0103s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119694') [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:15+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000036s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000793s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000468s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000599s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0113s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0095s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119695') [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:16+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000035s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000503s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000623s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000917s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0095s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0058s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119696') [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:17+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000038s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000622s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000473s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000610s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0084s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0052s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119697') [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:18+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000107s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000876s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001051s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001248s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0115s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0103s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119698') [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:19+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000055s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000823s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000618s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000842s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0110s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0073s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119699') [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:20+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000048s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001236s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000803s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001025s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0088s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0056s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119700') [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:21+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000059s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000588s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000534s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000684s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0131s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0114s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119701') [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:23+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000628s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000670s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000843s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0107s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0099s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119703') [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:24+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000035s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000808s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000462s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000639s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0050s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0031s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119704') [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:25+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000494s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000476s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000603s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0055s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0034s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119705') [ RunTime:0.0002s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:26+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000028s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000428s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000468s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000599s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0110s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0012s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0103s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119706') [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:27+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000040s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000591s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000684s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000892s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0110s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0095s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119707') [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:28+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000048s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000709s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000808s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001044s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0114s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0012s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0101s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119708') [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:29+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000395s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000439s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000567s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0126s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0115s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119709') [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:30+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000037s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000478s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000480s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000614s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0051s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0029s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119710') [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:31+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000028s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000412s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000838s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001020s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0087s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0073s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119711') [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:32+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000035s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000581s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000583s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000751s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0118s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0012s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0124s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119712') [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:34+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000056s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000771s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000807s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001066s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0053s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0037s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119714') [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:35+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000047s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000850s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000879s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001176s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0134s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0067s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119715') [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:36+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000040s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001059s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000623s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000804s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0121s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0086s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119716') [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:37+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000051s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000746s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000881s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001131s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0109s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0068s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119717') [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:38+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000101s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001337s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000825s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001063s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0120s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0102s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119718') [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:39+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000048s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000716s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000837s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001072s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0034s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0032s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119719') [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:40+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000029s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000438s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000514s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000651s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0124s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0012s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0091s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119720') [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:41+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000749s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000471s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000615s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0113s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0016s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0089s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119721') [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:42+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000058s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000721s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001209s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001519s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0049s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0044s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119722') [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:43+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000409s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000500s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000684s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0049s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0034s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119723') [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:44+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000030s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000663s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000866s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001062s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0139s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0054s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119724') [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:45+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000028s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000401s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000552s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000686s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0050s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0030s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119725') [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:46+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000044s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000601s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000653s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000871s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0123s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0087s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119726') [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:47+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000037s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000525s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000472s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000642s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0116s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0011s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0093s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119727') [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:49+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000390s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001273s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001425s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0121s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0099s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119729') [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:50+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000048s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000765s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000827s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001076s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0083s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0047s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119730') [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:51+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000028s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000476s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000545s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000690s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0349s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0033s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0167s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119731') [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:52+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000052s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000734s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000818s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001092s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0089s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0063s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119732') [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:53+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000041s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000610s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000698s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000898s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0129s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0110s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119733') [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:48:54+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000386s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000435s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000571s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0107s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0081s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119734') [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:49:00+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000030s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000714s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000895s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001444s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0141s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0050s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119740') [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:49:01+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000030s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000467s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000463s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000590s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0070s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0049s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119741') [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:49:02+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000381s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000440s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000567s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0066s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0049s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119742') [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:49:03+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000388s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000468s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000610s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0081s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0043s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119743') [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:49:04+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000056s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001409s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000475s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000629s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0136s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0091s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119744') [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:49:06+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000050s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000806s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000824s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001062s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0070s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0048s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119746') [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:49:07+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000048s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000715s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000814s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001051s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0132s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0086s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119747') [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:49:08+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000387s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000717s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000851s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0121s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0137s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119748') [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:49:09+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000081s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000881s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000665s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000857s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0137s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0101s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119749') [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:49:10+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000064s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000816s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001447s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001754s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0076s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0055s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119750') [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:49:11+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000058s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000906s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002284s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002732s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0130s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0113s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119751') [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:49:12+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000032s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000685s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000463s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000604s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0078s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0050s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119752') [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:49:13+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000422s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000457s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000592s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0106s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0122s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119753') [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:49:14+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000132s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000972s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000673s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000866s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0110s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0014s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0114s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119754') [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:49:15+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000040s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000601s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000706s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000906s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0246s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0055s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119755') [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:49:16+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000390s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000461s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000587s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0051s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0002s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0028s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119756') [ RunTime:0.0002s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:49:17+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000053s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000765s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000824s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001248s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0117s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0013s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0116s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119757') [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:49:19+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000051s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000735s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001730s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002556s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0128s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0082s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119759') [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:49:20+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000383s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000737s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000898s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0053s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0036s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119760') [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:49:21+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000050s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000611s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000667s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000878s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0127s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0011s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0107s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`time`) VALUES ('1559119761') [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:49:52+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000052s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000850s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000671s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000858s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0050s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0028s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0035s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Template\TagLib\Cx.class.php 第 70 行.
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000111s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000289s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:49:59+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000050s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001001s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000594s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000756s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0073s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0064s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0061s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Template\TagLib\Cx.class.php 第 70 行.
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000131s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000318s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:51:00+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000028s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000433s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001256s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001715s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0051s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0034s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `reply`  [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0002s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0029s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0002s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 81 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Template\TagLib\Cx.class.php 第 70 行.
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000101s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000242s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:51:40+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000415s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000434s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000587s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0115s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0084s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `reply`  [ RunTime:0.0014s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0011s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0058s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 81 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000221s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000549s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Home\020dbcd4d129847e08a33cdb299d9d6f.php 第 85 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.019100s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.019425s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000677s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000874s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000650s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000805s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:52:30+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000241s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.005119s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000639s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000779s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0124s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0112s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 82 行.
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0090s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `reply`  [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000174s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000416s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Home\020dbcd4d129847e08a33cdb299d9d6f.php 第 85 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.016339s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.016586s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000681s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000893s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001149s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001366s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T16:58:51+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000459s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000558s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000706s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0129s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0112s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 82 行.
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0042s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `reply`  [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000188s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000451s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Home\020dbcd4d129847e08a33cdb299d9d6f.php 第 85 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.018711s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.019158s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000756s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001032s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001265s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001644s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T17:00:20+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000437s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000554s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000684s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0134s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0013s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0059s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000222s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000555s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Runtime\Cache\Home\020dbcd4d129847e08a33cdb299d9d6f.php 第 85 行.
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.021885s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.022323s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000748s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001014s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000746s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000917s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T17:25:13+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/indexmk
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000470s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000730s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000870s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0119s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0012s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0111s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0011s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000298s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000677s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.032446s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.033161s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000887s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001156s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001338s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001619s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T17:25:58+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/indexmk
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000043s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000538s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000482s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000620s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0088s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0011s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0098s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000240s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000526s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.028911s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.029151s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000414s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000588s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000650s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000829s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T17:28:14+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/indexmk
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000453s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000564s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000708s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0057s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0026s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000109s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000241s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.012584s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.012719s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000397s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000516s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000529s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000660s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T18:00:32+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/6
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000028s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000527s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000838s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001009s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0148s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 6 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0080s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000180s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000408s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.017303s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.017716s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000856s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001183s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001013s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001257s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T18:00:49+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/indexmk
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000028s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000413s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000849s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001094s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0088s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0066s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000151s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000329s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.028846s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.029235s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000543s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000747s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000717s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000899s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T18:00:52+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/6
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000394s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000558s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000686s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0088s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 6 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0063s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000156s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000380s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.018424s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.018907s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000571s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000756s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000801s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000995s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T18:00:55+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/indexmk
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000405s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000564s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000695s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0109s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0015s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0015s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0115s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000181s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000383s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.019948s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.020159s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000603s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000789s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000879s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001069s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T18:00:58+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000412s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000577s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000705s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0108s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0014s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0090s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 77 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000223s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000492s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.019685s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.020078s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001519s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001939s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001743s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002234s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T18:17:18+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000048s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000836s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000804s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000960s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0149s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0126s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0056s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `reply` WHERE `aid` = 5  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: id C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Template\TagLib\Cx.class.php 第 70 行.
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000201s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000442s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T18:17:55+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000436s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000563s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000701s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0128s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0089s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0041s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `reply` WHERE `aid` = 5  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000202s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000439s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.020964s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.021229s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000736s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001027s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000658s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000802s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T18:20:52+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000465s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.003371s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003557s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0050s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0030s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0002s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0035s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `reply` WHERE `aid` = 5  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000111s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000242s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.011105s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.011254s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000594s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000728s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000738s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000888s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T18:21:47+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000436s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000551s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000719s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0084s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0077s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0042s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `reply` WHERE `aid` = 5  [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000163s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000354s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.015633s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.015842s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000590s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000794s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000811s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000998s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T18:22:07+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/reply.html?rname=demo&rmain=%0D%0A+++++++++++%E4%BD%99%E4%B8%B9%E4%B8%B9%E6%98%AF+++++++++&aid=5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000029s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000586s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000807s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001113s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0056s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`aid`,`time`) VALUES ('5','1559125326') [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T18:22:08+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000388s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000455s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000581s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0125s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0090s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0049s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `reply` WHERE `aid` = 5  [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000135s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000293s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.021697s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.021919s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001050s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001213s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000602s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000730s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T18:23:14+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000059s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000964s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000562s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000703s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0128s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0081s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0042s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `reply` WHERE `aid` = 5  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000202s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000438s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.019265s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.019474s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000453s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000591s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000564s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000705s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T18:23:27+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/reply.html?name=demo&content=%E4%BD%A0%0D%0A++++++++++++++++++++&aid=5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000029s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000496s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000693s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000908s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0052s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`name`,`content`,`aid`,`time`) VALUES ('demo','你
+                    ','5','1559125406') [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+[ 2019-05-29T18:23:29+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000029s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000418s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000481s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000618s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0111s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0125s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0092s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `reply` WHERE `aid` = 5  [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000253s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000499s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.020621s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.021129s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000740s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001110s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001660s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001985s ]

+ 439 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+[ 2019-05-30T10:50:02+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/indexmk
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000032s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001663s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000752s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000983s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0198s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0018s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0176s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0019s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001336s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001588s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.027158s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.027444s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000689s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000892s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000800s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000978s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T10:50:08+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000416s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000779s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000933s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0113s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0016s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0103s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0165s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `reply` WHERE `aid` = 5  [ RunTime:0.0013s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000188s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000444s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.023884s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.024272s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000685s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000925s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000930s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001163s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T10:50:57+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000049s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000462s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000686s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000892s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0108s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0089s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0081s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `reply` WHERE `aid` = 5  [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000332s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000795s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.020232s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.020514s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000521s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000758s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000807s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001046s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T10:59:09+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000042s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000570s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000562s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000695s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0110s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0012s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0089s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0066s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `reply` WHERE `aid` = 5  [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000239s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000559s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.023752s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.024047s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000454s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000582s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000542s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000663s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T11:00:26+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000029s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000519s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000559s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000686s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0084s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0076s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0083s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `reply` WHERE `aid` = 5  [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000104s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000236s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.018861s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.019080s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000372s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000505s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000506s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000632s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T11:00:58+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000032s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000498s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000482s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000617s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0048s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0043s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0040s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `reply` WHERE `aid` = 5  [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000232s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000491s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.017940s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.018305s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000714s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000949s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000785s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001058s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T11:03:03+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000456s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000524s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000652s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0112s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0100s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0073s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `reply` WHERE `aid` = 5  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000218s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000487s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.022122s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.022404s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000800s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001059s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001130s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001336s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T11:03:36+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000027s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000401s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000424s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000563s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0112s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0064s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0063s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `reply` WHERE `aid` = 5  [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000147s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000439s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.014306s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.014631s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000421s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000573s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000557s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000716s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T11:05:24+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/reply.html?name=yudandan&content=%0D%0A+++++++++++++++%E9%80%9A%E8%BF%87%E8%AF%A5%E6%96%87%E7%AB%A0%E5%8F%97%E7%9B%8A%E9%A2%87%E5%A4%9A&aid=5
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000058s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000578s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.001525s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001707s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0111s ]
+SQL: INSERT INTO `reply` (`name`,`content`,`aid`,`time`) VALUES ('yudandan','
+               通过该文章受益颇多','5','1559185523') [ RunTime:0.0025s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T11:05:25+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/5.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000043s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000944s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000716s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000910s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0110s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0080s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0047s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `reply` WHERE `aid` = 5  [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000131s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000303s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.022023s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.022484s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000635s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000872s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000750s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000895s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T11:32:56+08:00 ] /
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000096s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001214s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.002258s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002662s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0127s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0081s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000150s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000315s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.025934s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.026267s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000371s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000496s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000538s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000664s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T11:33:04+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/4
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000029s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000435s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000551s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000681s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0093s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` WHERE `id` = 4 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0013s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0083s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000155s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000362s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.022661s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.023227s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000700s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000891s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001765s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002268s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T11:33:04+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user2.png
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000028s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000561s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T11:33:04+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detail/id/assets/img/user.gif
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000050s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000671s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T11:33:25+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/indexmk
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000059s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000769s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000486s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000636s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0145s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0011s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0015s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0051s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000127s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000286s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.030798s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.030987s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000300s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000419s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000469s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000596s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T11:33:52+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/index.html
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000060s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000690s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000868s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001171s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0077s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `article` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0050s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 80 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000383s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001001s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.029098s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.029437s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000731s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001002s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.001099s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001391s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T11:55:05+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/indexmk
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000437s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000573s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000729s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0143s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk`  [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` LIMIT 0,3   [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0100s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0006s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 86 行.
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000122s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000269s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.017905s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.018127s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000355s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000472s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000568s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000687s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T11:55:13+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/6
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000026s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000417s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000519s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000646s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0121s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 6 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0010s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T11:58:33+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/6
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000029s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000499s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000552s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000683s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0055s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 6 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+[ 2019-05-30T12:00:52+08:00 ] /index.php/Home/Index/detailmk/id/6
+INFO: [ app_init ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000025s ]
+INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000446s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000555s ]
+INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000684s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mk` [ RunTime:0.0098s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `mk` WHERE `id` = 6 LIMIT 1   [ RunTime:0.0011s ]
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `article` [ RunTime:0.0041s ]
+SQL: SELECT `category` FROM `article`  [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
+NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: Tag C:\phpStudy\PHPTutorial\WWW\myblog\Application\Home\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 87 行.
+SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `reply` [ RunTime:0.0046s ]
+SQL: SELECT * FROM `reply` WHERE `aid` = 6  [ RunTime:0.0004s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --START--
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000105s ]
+INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000231s ]
+INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.014540s ]
+INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.014739s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000383s ]
+INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000507s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --START--
+INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000740s ]
+INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000891s ]

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 32 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+@charset "utf-8";
+ * @autor:  haoqing           
+ * @time :  2011-03
+ * @link :  jikeytang@gmail.com
+ * @info :  admin-css
+ *******************************/
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Daži faili netika attēloti, jo izmaiņu fails ir pārāk liels