doctrine/cache will no longer be maintained and all cache implementations have been marked as deprecated. These implementations will be removed in 2.0, which will only contain interfaces to provide a lightweight package for backward compatibility.
There are two new classes to use in the Doctrine\Common\Cache\Psr6
class allows using any Doctrine Cache as PSR-6 cache. This
is useful to provide a forward compatibility layer in libraries that accept
Doctrine cache implementations and switch to PSR-6.DoctrineProvider
class allows using any PSR-6 cache as Doctrine cache.
This implementation is designed for libraries that leak the cache and want to
switch to allowing PSR-6 implementations. This class is design to be used
during the transition phase of sunsetting doctrine/cache support.A full example to setup a filesystem based PSR-6 cache with symfony/cache
using the DoctrineProvider
to convert back to Doctrine's Cache
use Doctrine\Common\Cache\Psr6\DoctrineProvider;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;
$cachePool = new FilesystemAdapter();
$cache = DoctrineProvider::wrap($cachePool);
// $cache instanceof \Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache