composer.json 1.2 KB

  1. {
  2. "name": "box/spout",
  3. "description": "PHP Library to read and write spreadsheet files (CSV, XLSX and ODS), in a fast and scalable way",
  4. "type": "library",
  5. "keywords": ["php","read","write","csv","xlsx","ods","odf","open","office","excel","spreadsheet","scale","memory","stream","ooxml"],
  6. "license": "Apache-2.0",
  7. "homepage": "",
  8. "authors": [
  9. {
  10. "name": "Adrien Loison",
  11. "email": ""
  12. }
  13. ],
  14. "require": {
  15. "php": ">=7.2.0",
  16. "ext-zip": "*",
  17. "ext-xmlreader": "*",
  18. "ext-dom": "*"
  19. },
  20. "require-dev": {
  21. "phpunit/phpunit": "^8",
  22. "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^2"
  23. },
  24. "suggest": {
  25. "ext-iconv": "To handle non UTF-8 CSV files (if \"php-intl\" is not already installed or is too limited)",
  26. "ext-intl": "To handle non UTF-8 CSV files (if \"iconv\" is not already installed)"
  27. },
  28. "autoload": {
  29. "psr-4": {
  30. "Box\\Spout\\": "src/Spout"
  31. }
  32. },
  33. "extra": {
  34. "branch-alias": {
  35. "dev-master": "3.1.x-dev"
  36. }
  37. },
  38. "config": {
  39. "platform": {
  40. "php": "7.2"
  41. }
  42. }
  43. }