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Adldap2-Laravel leverages the core Adldap2 package.

When you insert the Adldap\Laravel\AdldapServiceProvider into your config/app.php, an instance of the Adldap\Adldap class is created and bound as a singleton into your application.

This means, upon calling the included facade (Adldap\Laravel\Facades\Adldap) or interface (Adldap\AdldapInterface), the same instance will be returned.

This is extremely useful to know, because the Adldap\Adldap class is a container that stores each of your LDAP connections.

For example:

use Adldap\Laravel\Facades\Adldap;

// Returns instance of `Adldap\Adldap`
$adldap = Adldap::getFacadeRoot();

For brevity, please take a look at the core Adldap2 documentation for usage.