2.2 KB

The Basics

Lets get down to the basics. This guide will help you get a quick understanding of using Adldap2 and cover some use cases you might want to learn how to perform before trying to work it out on your own.


Querying for your Base DN

If you're not sure what your base distinguished name should be, you can use the query builder to locate it for you if you're making a successful connection to the server:

$base = Adldap::search()->findBaseDn();

echo $base; // Returns 'dc=corp,dc=acme,dc=org'

Querying for Enabled / Disabled Users

To locate enabled / disabled users in your directory, call the whereEnabled() and whereDisabled() methods on a query:

$enabledUsers = Adldap:search()->users()->whereEnabled()->get();

$disabledUsers = Adldap:search()->users()->whereDisabled()->get();

Querying for Group Membership

To locate records in your directory that are apart of a group, use the whereMemberOf() query method:

// First, locate the group we want to retrieve the members for:
$accounting = Adldap::search()->groups()->find('Accounting');

// Retrieve the members that belong to the above group.
$results = Adldap::search()->whereMemberOf($accounting)->get();

// Iterate through the results:
foreach ($results as $model) {
    $model->getCommonName(); // etc.

Escaping Input Manually

If you'd like to execute raw filters, it's best practice to escape any input you receive from a user.

You can do this in a couple ways, so use whichever feels best to you.

Each escape method below will escape all characters inputted unless an ignore parameter or flag parameter have been given (such as LDAP_ESCAPE_FITLER or LDAP_ESCAPE_DN).

// Escaping using the query builder:
$escaped = Adldap::search()->escape($input, $ignore = '', $flags = 0);

// Escaping using the `Utilities` class:
$escaped = \Adldap\Utilities::escape($input, $ignore = '', $flags = 0);

// Escaping with the native PHP:
$escaped = ldap_escape($input, $ignore = '', $flags = 0);

$rawFilter = `(samaccountname=$escaped)`

$results = Adldap::search()->rawFilter($rawFilter)->get();





