middleware.md 2.3 KB


SSO authentication allows you to authenticate your domain users automatically in your application by the pre-populated $_SERVER['AUTH_USER'] (or $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) that is filled when users visit your site when SSO is enabled on your server. This is configurable in your ldap_auth.phpconfiguration file in the identifiers array.

Requirements: This feature assumes that you have enabled Windows Authentication in IIS, or have enabled it in some other means with Apache. Adldap2 does not set this up for you. To enable Windows Authentication, visit: https://www.iis.net/configreference/system.webserver/security/authentication/windowsauthentication/providers/add

Note: The WindowsAuthenticate middleware utilizes the scopes inside your config/ldap.php file. A user may successfully authenticate against your LDAP server when visiting your site, but depending on your scopes, may not be imported or logged in.

To use the middleware, insert it on your middleware stack inside your app/Http/Kernel.php file:

protected $middlewareGroups = [
    'web' => [
        \Adldap\Laravel\Middleware\WindowsAuthenticate::class, // Inserted here.

Now when you visit your site, a user account will be created (if one does not exist already) with a random 16 character string password and then automatically logged in. Neat huh?


You can configure the attributes users are logged in by in your configuration:

'usernames' => [

    'windows' => [
        'locate_users_by' => 'samaccountname',
        'server_key' => 'AUTH_USER',

If a user is logged into a domain joined computer and is visiting your website with windows authentication enabled, IIS will set the PHP server variable AUTH_USER. This variable is usually equal to the currently logged in users samaccountname.

The configuration array represents this mapping. The WindowsAuthenticate middleware will check if the server variable is set, and try to locate the user in your LDAP server by their samaccountname.