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Adldap2-Laravel comes with a command that allows you to import users from your LDAP server automatically.

Note: Make sure you're able to connect to your LDAP server and have configured the ldap auth driver correctly before running the command.

Running the Command

To import all users from your LDAP connection simply run php artisan adldap:import.

Note: The import command will utilize all scopes and sync all attributes you have configured in your config/ldap_auth.php configuration file.


php artisan adldap:import

Found 2 user(s).

You will then be asked:

 Would you like to display the user(s) to be imported / synchronized? (yes/no) [no]:
 > y

Confirming the display of users to will show a table of users that will be imported:

| Name                         | Account Name         | UPN                                          |
| John Doe                     | johndoe              |                            |
| Jane Doe                     | janedoe              |                            |

After it has displayed all users, you will then be asked:

 Would you like these users to be imported / synchronized? (yes/no) [no]:
 > y
  2/2 [============================] 100%
Successfully imported / synchronized 2 user(s).

Scheduling the Command

To run the import as a scheduled job, place the following in your app/Console/Kernel.php in the command scheduler:

 * Define the application's command schedule.
 * @param \Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule $schedule
 * @return void
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
    // Import LDAP users hourly.
    $schedule->command('adldap:import', [
        '--filter' => '(objectclass=user)',

The above scheduled import command will:

  • Run without interaction and import new users as well as synchronize already imported users
  • Restore user models who have been re-activated in your LDAP directory (if you're using SoftDeletes)
  • Soft-Delete user models who have been deactived in your LDAP directory (if you're using SoftDeletes)
  • Only import users that have an objectclass equal to user

Importing a Single User

To import a single user, insert one of their attributes and Adldap2 will try to locate the user for you:

php artisan adldap:import

Found user 'John Doe'.

Import Scope

Note: This feature was added in v6.0.2.

To customize the query that locates the LDAP users local database model, you may use the useScope method on the Import command in your AppServiceProvider:

use App\Scopes\LdapUserImportScope;
use Adldap\Laravel\Commands\Import;

public function boot()

The custom scope:

Note: It's recommended that your custom scope extend the default UserImportScope. Otherwise, it must implement the Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Scope interface.

namespace App\Scopes;

use Adldap\Laravel\Facades\Resolver;
use Adldap\Laravel\Commands\UserImportScope as BaseScope;

class LdapUserImportScope extends BaseScope
     * Apply the scope to a given Eloquent query builder.
     * @param Builder $query
     * @param Model   $model
     * @return void
    public function apply(Builder $query, Model $model)
            ->where(Resolver::getDatabaseIdColumn(), '=', $this->getGuid())
            ->orWhere(Resolver::getDatabaseUsernameColumn(), '=', $this->getUsername());

Command Options


The --filter (or -f) option allows you to enter in a raw filter in combination with your scopes inside your config/ldap_auth.php file:

php artisan adldap:import --filter "(cn=John Doe)"

Found user 'John Doe'.


The --model (or -m) option allows you to change the model to use for importing users. By default your configured model from your ldap_auth.php file will be used.

php artisan adldap:import --model "\App\Models\User"

No Logging

The --no-log option allows you to disable logging during the command.

By default, this is enabled.

php artisan adldap:import --no-log


The --delete (or -d) option allows you to soft-delete deactivated LDAP users. No users will be deleted if your User model does not have soft-deletes enabled.

php artisan adldap:import --delete


The --restore (or -r) option allows you to restore soft-deleted re-activated LDAP users.

php artisan adldap:import --restore

Note: Usually the --restore and --delete options are used in tandem to allow full synchronization.

No Interaction

To run the import command via a schedule, use the --no-interaction flag:

php artisan adldap:import --no-interaction

Users will be imported automatically with no prompts.

You can also call the command from the Laravel Scheduler, or other commands:

// Importing one user
$schedule->command('adldap:import sbauman', ['--no-interaction'])
// Importing all users
$schedule->command('adldap:import', ['--no-interaction'])
// Importing users with a filter
$dn = 'CN=Accounting,OU=SecurityGroups,DC=Acme,DC=Org';

$filter = sprintf('(memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=%s)', $dn);

$schedule->command('adldap:import', ['--no-interaction', '--filter' => $filter])


  • Users who already exist inside your database will be updated with your configured sync_attributes
  • Users are never deleted from the import command, you will need to delete users regularly through your model
  • Successfully imported (new) users are reported in your log files with:
    • [2016-06-29 14:51:51] local.INFO: Imported user johndoe
  • Unsuccessful imported users are also reported in your log files, with the message of the exception:
    • [2016-06-29 14:51:51] local.ERROR: Unable to import user janedoe. SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048
  • Specifying a username uses ambiguous naming resolution, so you're able to specify attributes other than their username, such as their email (php artisan adldap:import
  • If you have a password mutator (setter) on your User model, it will not override it. This way, you can hash the random 16 characters any way you please.