id.js 14 KB

  1. tinymce.addI18n('id',{
  2. "Redo": "Ulang",
  3. "Undo": "Batalkan",
  4. "Cut": "Potong",
  5. "Copy": "Salin",
  6. "Paste": "Rekat",
  7. "Select all": "Pilih semua",
  8. "New document": "Dokumen baru",
  9. "Ok": "Ok",
  10. "Cancel": "Batal",
  11. "Visual aids": "Alat bantu visual",
  12. "Bold": "Tebal",
  13. "Italic": "Miring",
  14. "Underline": "Garis bawah",
  15. "Strikethrough": "Coret",
  16. "Superscript": "Superskrip",
  17. "Subscript": "Subskrip",
  18. "Clear formatting": "Kosongkan format",
  19. "Align left": "Rata kiri",
  20. "Align center": "Rata tengah",
  21. "Align right": "Rata kanan",
  22. "Justify": "Rata penuh",
  23. "Bullet list": "Daftar bersimbol",
  24. "Numbered list": "Daftar bernomor",
  25. "Decrease indent": "Kurangi inden",
  26. "Increase indent": "Tambah inden",
  27. "Close": "Tutup",
  28. "Formats": "Format",
  29. "Your browser doesn't support direct access to the clipboard. Please use the Ctrl+X\/C\/V keyboard shortcuts instead.": "Browser anda tidak mendukung akses langsung ke papan klip. Silakan gunakan pintasan Ctrl+X\/C\/V dari keyboard.",
  30. "Headers": "Judul",
  31. "Header 1": "Judul 1",
  32. "Header 2": "Judul 2",
  33. "Header 3": "Judul 3",
  34. "Header 4": "Judul 4",
  35. "Header 5": "Judul 5",
  36. "Header 6": "Judul 6",
  37. "Headings": "Kepala",
  38. "Heading 1": "Kepala 1",
  39. "Heading 2": "Kepala 2",
  40. "Heading 3": "Kepala 3",
  41. "Heading 4": "Kepala 4",
  42. "Heading 5": "Kepala 5",
  43. "Heading 6": "Kepala 6",
  44. "Preformatted": "Praformat",
  45. "Div": "Div",
  46. "Pre": "Pre",
  47. "Code": "Kode",
  48. "Paragraph": "Paragraf",
  49. "Blockquote": "Kutipan",
  50. "Inline": "Baris",
  51. "Blocks": "Blok",
  52. "Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text until you toggle this option off.": "Penempelan sekarang dalam modus teks biasa. Konten sekarang akan disisipkan sebagai teks biasa sampai Anda memadamkan pilihan ini.",
  53. "Fonts": "Huruf",
  54. "Font Sizes": "Ukuran Huruf",
  55. "Class": "Kelas",
  56. "Browse for an image": "Jelajahi gambar",
  57. "OR": "ATAU",
  58. "Drop an image here": "Simpan gambar di sini",
  59. "Upload": "Unggah",
  60. "Block": "Blok",
  61. "Align": "Sejajarkan",
  62. "Default": "Bawaan",
  63. "Circle": "Lingkaran",
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  65. "Square": "Kotak",
  66. "Lower Alpha": "Huruf Kecil",
  67. "Lower Greek": "Huruf Kecil Yunani",
  68. "Lower Roman": "Huruf Kecil Romawi",
  69. "Upper Alpha": "Huruf Besar",
  70. "Upper Roman": "Huruf Besar Romawi",
  71. "Anchor...": "Jangkar..",
  72. "Name": "Nama",
  73. "Id": "Id",
  74. "Id should start with a letter, followed only by letters, numbers, dashes, dots, colons or underscores.": "Id harus dimulai dengan huruf, dan hanya diikuti oleh huruf, angka, koma, titik, titik koma atau garis bawah.",
  75. "You have unsaved changes are you sure you want to navigate away?": "Anda memiliki perubahan yang belum disimpan, yakin ingin beralih ?",
  76. "Restore last draft": "Muat kembali draft sebelumnya",
  77. "Special character...": "Karakter khusus...",
  78. "Source code": "Kode sumber",
  79. "Insert\/Edit code sample": "Tambah\/Edit contoh kode",
  80. "Language": "Bahasa",
  81. "Code sample...": "Sampel kode...",
  82. "Color Picker": "Pemilih warna",
  83. "R": "M",
  84. "G": "H",
  85. "B": "B",
  86. "Left to right": "Kiri ke kanan",
  87. "Right to left": "Kanan ke kiri",
  88. "Emoticons...": "Emotikon...",
  89. "Metadata and Document Properties": "Metadata dan Properti Dokumen",
  90. "Title": "Judul",
  91. "Keywords": "Kata kunci",
  92. "Description": "Deskripsi",
  93. "Robots": "Robot",
  94. "Author": "Penulis",
  95. "Encoding": "Enkoding",
  96. "Fullscreen": "Layar penuh",
  97. "Action": "Tindakan",
  98. "Shortcut": "Pintasan",
  99. "Help": "Bantuan",
  100. "Address": "Alamat",
  101. "Focus to menubar": "Fokus ke menubar",
  102. "Focus to toolbar": "Fokus ke toolbar",
  103. "Focus to element path": "Fokus ke jalur elemen",
  104. "Focus to contextual toolbar": "Fokus ke toolbar kontekstual",
  105. "Insert link (if link plugin activated)": "Masukan link (jika plugin diaktifkan)",
  106. "Save (if save plugin activated)": "Simpan (jika plugin simpan diaktifkan)",
  107. "Find (if searchreplace plugin activated)": "Cari (jika plugin searchplace diaktifkan)",
  108. "Plugins installed ({0}):": "Plugin terpasang ({0})",
  109. "Premium plugins:": "Plugin premium:",
  110. "Learn more...": "Pelajari selengkapnya...",
  111. "You are using {0}": "Anda menggunakan {0}",
  112. "Plugins": "Plugin",
  113. "Handy Shortcuts": "Pintasan Praktis",
  114. "Horizontal line": "Garis horisontal",
  115. "Insert\/edit image": "Sisip\/sunting gambar",
  116. "Image description": "Deskripsi gambar",
  117. "Source": "Sumber",
  118. "Dimensions": "Dimensi",
  119. "Constrain proportions": "Samakan proporsi",
  120. "General": "Umum",
  121. "Advanced": "Lanjutan",
  122. "Style": "Gaya",
  123. "Vertical space": "Spasi vertikal",
  124. "Horizontal space": "Spasi horisontal",
  125. "Border": "Batas",
  126. "Insert image": "Sisipkan gambar",
  127. "Image...": "Gambar...",
  128. "Image list": "Daftar gambar",
  129. "Rotate counterclockwise": "Putar berlawananjarumjam",
  130. "Rotate clockwise": "Putar searahjarumjam",
  131. "Flip vertically": "Balik vertikal",
  132. "Flip horizontally": "Balik horisontal",
  133. "Edit image": "Sunting gambar",
  134. "Image options": "Opsi gambar",
  135. "Zoom in": "Perbesar",
  136. "Zoom out": "Perkecil",
  137. "Crop": "Krop",
  138. "Resize": "Ubah ukuran",
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  140. "Brightness": "Kecerahan",
  141. "Sharpen": "Ketajaman",
  142. "Contrast": "Kontras",
  143. "Color levels": "Tingakt warna",
  144. "Gamma": "Gamma",
  145. "Invert": "Kebalikan",
  146. "Apply": "Terapkan",
  147. "Back": "Kembali",
  148. "Insert date\/time": "Sisipkan tanggal\/waktu",
  149. "Date\/time": "Tanggal\/waktu",
  150. "Insert\/Edit Link": "Masukkan\/Edit Tautan",
  151. "Insert\/edit link": "Sisip\/sunting tautan",
  152. "Text to display": "Teks yang ditampilkan",
  153. "Url": "Tautan",
  154. "Open link in...": "Buka tautan dalam...",
  155. "Current window": "Jendela saat ini",
  156. "None": "Tidak ada",
  157. "New window": "Jendela baru",
  158. "Remove link": "Buang tautan",
  159. "Anchors": "Jangkar",
  160. "Link...": "Tautan...",
  161. "Paste or type a link": "Tempel atau ketik sebuah tautan",
  162. "The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?": "Tautan yang anda masukkan sepertinya adalah alamat email. Apakah Anda ingin menambahkan prefiks mailto: yang dibutuhkan?",
  163. "The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:\/\/ prefix?": "Tautan yang anda masukkan sepertinya adalah tautan eksternal. Apakah Anda ingin menambahkan prefiks http:\/\/ yang dibutuhkan?",
  164. "Link list": "Daftar tautan",
  165. "Insert video": "Sisipkan video",
  166. "Insert\/edit video": "Sisip\/sunting video",
  167. "Insert\/edit media": "Sisip\/sunting media",
  168. "Alternative source": "Sumber alternatif",
  169. "Alternative source URL": "URL Sumber alternatif",
  170. "Media poster (Image URL)": "Poster media (URL gambar)",
  171. "Paste your embed code below:": "Tempel kode yang diembed dibawah ini:",
  172. "Embed": "Embed",
  173. "Media...": "Media...",
  174. "Nonbreaking space": "Spasi",
  175. "Page break": "Baris baru",
  176. "Paste as text": "Tempel sebagai teks biasa",
  177. "Preview": "Pratinjau",
  178. "Print...": "Cetak...",
  179. "Save": "Simpan",
  180. "Find": "Cari",
  181. "Replace with": "Ganti dengan",
  182. "Replace": "Ganti",
  183. "Replace all": "Ganti semua",
  184. "Previous": "Sebelumnya",
  185. "Next": "Berikutnya",
  186. "Find and replace...": "Cari dan ganti...",
  187. "Could not find the specified string.": "Tidak dapat menemukan string yang dimaksud.",
  188. "Match case": "Samakan besar kecil huruf",
  189. "Find whole words only": "Cari hanya kata utuh",
  190. "Spell check": "Periksa ejaan",
  191. "Ignore": "Abaikan",
  192. "Ignore all": "Abaikan semua",
  193. "Finish": "Selesai",
  194. "Add to Dictionary": "Tambahkan ke kamus",
  195. "Insert table": "Sisipkan tabel",
  196. "Table properties": "Properti tabel",
  197. "Delete table": "Hapus tabel",
  198. "Cell": "Sel",
  199. "Row": "Baris",
  200. "Column": "Kolom",
  201. "Cell properties": "Properti sel",
  202. "Merge cells": "Gabung sel",
  203. "Split cell": "Bagi sel",
  204. "Insert row before": "Sisipkan baris sebelum",
  205. "Insert row after": "Sisipkan baris setelah",
  206. "Delete row": "Hapus baris",
  207. "Row properties": "Properti baris",
  208. "Cut row": "Penggal baris",
  209. "Copy row": "Salin baris",
  210. "Paste row before": "Tempel baris sebelum",
  211. "Paste row after": "Tempel baris setelah",
  212. "Insert column before": "Sisipkan kolom sebelum",
  213. "Insert column after": "Sisipkan kolom setelah",
  214. "Delete column": "Hapus kolom",
  215. "Cols": "Kolom",
  216. "Rows": "Baris",
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  218. "Height": "Tinggi",
  219. "Cell spacing": "Spasi sel ",
  220. "Cell padding": "Lapisan sel",
  221. "Show caption": "Perlihatkan keterangan",
  222. "Left": "Kiri",
  223. "Center": "Tengah",
  224. "Right": "Kanan",
  225. "Cell type": "Tipe sel",
  226. "Scope": "Skup",
  227. "Alignment": "Penjajaran",
  228. "H Align": "Rata Samping",
  229. "V Align": "Rata Atas",
  230. "Top": "Atas",
  231. "Middle": "Tengah",
  232. "Bottom": "Bawah",
  233. "Header cell": "Judul sel",
  234. "Row group": "Kelompok baris",
  235. "Column group": "Kelompok kolom",
  236. "Row type": "Tipe baris",
  237. "Header": "Judul",
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  239. "Footer": "Footer",
  240. "Border color": "Warna batas",
  241. "Insert template...": "Masukkan template...",
  242. "Templates": "Templat",
  243. "Template": "Templat",
  244. "Text color": "Warna teks",
  245. "Background color": "Warna latar",
  246. "Custom...": "Atur sendiri...",
  247. "Custom color": "Warna sendiri",
  248. "No color": "Tidak berwarna",
  249. "Remove color": "Hapus warna",
  250. "Table of Contents": "Daftar Isi",
  251. "Show blocks": "Tampilkan blok",
  252. "Show invisible characters": "Tampilkan karakter tak tampak",
  253. "Word count": "Hitungan kata",
  254. "Count": "Hitungan",
  255. "Document": "Dokumen",
  256. "Selection": "Pemilihan",
  257. "Words": "Kata",
  258. "Words: {0}": "Kata: {0}",
  259. "{0} words": "{0} kata",
  260. "File": "Berkas",
  261. "Edit": "Sunting",
  262. "Insert": "Sisip",
  263. "View": "Tampilan",
  264. "Format": "Format",
  265. "Table": "Tabel",
  266. "Tools": "Alat",
  267. "Powered by {0}": "Didukung oleh {0}",
  268. "Rich Text Area. Press ALT-F9 for menu. Press ALT-F10 for toolbar. Press ALT-0 for help": "Area teks kaya. Tekan ALT-F9 untuk menu. Tekan ALT-F10 untuk toolbar. Tekan ALT-0 untuk bantuan",
  269. "Image title": "Judul gambar",
  270. "Border width": "Lebar pinggiran",
  271. "Border style": "Gaya pinggiran",
  272. "Error": "Kesalahan",
  273. "Warn": "Peringatkan",
  274. "Valid": "Valid",
  275. "To open the popup, press Shift+Enter": "Untuk membuka popup, tekan Shift+Enter",
  276. "Rich Text Area. Press ALT-0 for help.": "Area Teks Kaya. Tekan ALT-0 untuk bantuan.",
  277. "System Font": "Huruf Sistem",
  278. "Failed to upload image: {0}": "Gagal mengunggah gambar: {0}",
  279. "Failed to load plugin: {0} from url {1}": "Gagal memuat plugin: {0} dari url {1}",
  280. "Failed to load plugin url: {0}": "Gagal memuat url plugin: {0}",
  281. "Failed to initialize plugin: {0}": "Gagal memulai plugin: {0}",
  282. "example": "contoh",
  283. "Search": "Cari",
  284. "All": "Semua",
  285. "Currency": "Mata Uang",
  286. "Text": "Teks",
  287. "Quotations": "Kutipan",
  288. "Mathematical": "Matematis",
  289. "Extended Latin": "Latin Diperluas",
  290. "Symbols": "Simbol",
  291. "Arrows": "Panah",
  292. "User Defined": "Ditentukan Pengguna",
  293. "dollar sign": "tanda dolar",
  294. "currency sign": "tanda mata uang",
  295. "euro-currency sign": "tanda mata uang eropa",
  296. "colon sign": "tanda titik dua",
  297. "cruzeiro sign": "tanda cruzeiro",
  298. "french franc sign": "tanda franc prancis",
  299. "lira sign": "tanda lira",
  300. "mill sign": "tanda mill",
  301. "naira sign": "tanda naira",
  302. "peseta sign": "tanda peseta",
  303. "rupee sign": "tanda rupee",
  304. "won sign": "tanda won",
  305. "new sheqel sign": "tanda sheqel baru",
  306. "dong sign": "tanda dong",
  307. "kip sign": "tanda kip",
  308. "tugrik sign": "tanda tugrik",
  309. "drachma sign": "tanda drachma",
  310. "german penny symbol": "simbol penny jerman",
  311. "peso sign": "tanda peso",
  312. "guarani sign": "tanda guarani",
  313. "austral sign": "tanda austral",
  314. "hryvnia sign": "tanda hryvnia",
  315. "cedi sign": "tanda cedi",
  316. "livre tournois sign": "tanda livre tournois",
  317. "spesmilo sign": "tanda spesmilo",
  318. "tenge sign": "tanda tenge",
  319. "indian rupee sign": "tanda rupee india",
  320. "turkish lira sign": "tanda lira turki",
  321. "nordic mark sign": "tanda mark nordik",
  322. "manat sign": "tanda manat",
  323. "ruble sign": "tanda ruble",
  324. "yen character": "karakter yen",
  325. "yuan character": "karakter yuan",
  326. "yuan character, in hong kong and taiwan": "karakter yuan, di hong kong dan taiwan",
  327. "yen\/yuan character variant one": "varian satu karakter yen\/yuan",
  328. "Loading emoticons...": "Memuat emotikon...",
  329. "Could not load emoticons": "Tidak dapat memuat emotikon",
  330. "People": "Orang",
  331. "Animals and Nature": "Hewan dan Alam",
  332. "Food and Drink": "Makanan dan Minuman",
  333. "Activity": "Aktivitas",
  334. "Travel and Places": "Perjalanan dan Lokasi",
  335. "Objects": "Objek",
  336. "Flags": "Bendera",
  337. "Characters": "Karakter",
  338. "Characters (no spaces)": "Karakter (tanpa spasi)",
  339. "{0} characters": "{0} karakter",
  340. "Error: Form submit field collision.": "Kesalahan: Benturan bidang pengiriman bentuk.",
  341. "Error: No form element found.": "Kesalahan: tidak ditemukan elemen bentuk.",
  342. "Update": "Perbarui",
  343. "Color swatch": "Contoh warna",
  344. "Turquoise": "Turquoise",
  345. "Green": "Hijau",
  346. "Blue": "Biru",
  347. "Purple": "Ungu",
  348. "Navy Blue": "Biru Navy",
  349. "Dark Turquoise": "Turquoise Gelap",
  350. "Dark Green": "Hijau Gelap",
  351. "Medium Blue": "Biru Medium",
  352. "Medium Purple": "Ungu Medium",
  353. "Midnight Blue": "Biru Midnight",
  354. "Yellow": "Kuning",
  355. "Orange": "Jingga",
  356. "Red": "Merah",
  357. "Light Gray": "Abu Muda",
  358. "Gray": "Abu-abu",
  359. "Dark Yellow": "Kuning Gelap",
  360. "Dark Orange": "Jingga Gelap",
  361. "Dark Red": "Merah Gelap",
  362. "Medium Gray": "Abu Medium",
  363. "Dark Gray": "Abu Gelap",
  364. "Light Green": "Hijau Muda",
  365. "Light Yellow": "Kuning Muda",
  366. "Light Red": "Merah Muda",
  367. "Light Purple": "Ungu Muda",
  368. "Light Blue": "Biru Muda",
  369. "Dark Purple": "Ungu Gelap",
  370. "Dark Blue": "Biru Gelap",
  371. "Black": "Hitam",
  372. "White": "Putih",
  373. "Switch to or from fullscreen mode": "Alihkan ke atau dari mode layar penuh",
  374. "Open help dialog": "Buka dialog bantuan",
  375. "history": "riwayat",
  376. "styles": "gaya",
  377. "formatting": "pemformatan",
  378. "alignment": "penyejajaran",
  379. "indentation": "indentasi",
  380. "permanent pen": "pena permanen",
  381. "comments": "komentar",
  382. "Format Painter": "Format Pelukis",
  383. "Insert\/edit iframe": "Masukkan\/edit iframe",
  384. "Capitalization": "Kapitalisasi",
  385. "lowercase": "huruf kecil",
  387. "Title Case": "Huruf Judul",
  388. "Permanent Pen Properties": "Properti Pena Permanen",
  389. "Permanent pen properties...": "Properti pena permanen...",
  390. "Font": "Huruf",
  391. "Size": "Ukuran",
  392. "More...": "Lainnya...",
  393. "Spellcheck Language": "Periksa Ejaan Bahasa",
  394. "Select...": "Pilih...",
  395. "Preferences": "Preferensi",
  396. "Yes": "Ya",
  397. "No": "Tidak",
  398. "Keyboard Navigation": "Navigasi Keyboard",
  399. "Version": "Versi",
  400. "Anchor": "Jangkar",
  401. "Special character": "Spesial karakter",
  402. "Code sample": "Contoh kode",
  403. "Color": "Warna",
  404. "Emoticons": "Emotikon",
  405. "Document properties": "Properti dokumwn",
  406. "Image": "Gambar",
  407. "Insert link": "Sisipkan tautan",
  408. "Target": "Jendela tujuan",
  409. "Link": "Tautan",
  410. "Poster": "Penulis",
  411. "Media": "Media",
  412. "Print": "Cetak",
  413. "Prev": "Sebelumnya",
  414. "Find and replace": "Cari dan ganti",
  415. "Whole words": "Semua kata",
  416. "Spellcheck": "Periksa ejaan",
  417. "Caption": "Caption",
  418. "Insert template": "Sisipkan templat"
  419. });