# Tools for creating Laravel packages
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This package contains a `PackageServiceProvider` that you can use in your packages to easily register config files,
migrations, and more.
Here's an example of how it can be used.
use Spatie\LaravelPackageTools\PackageServiceProvider;
use Spatie\LaravelPackageTools\Package;
use MyPackage\ViewComponents\Alert;
use Spatie\LaravelPackageTools\Commands\InstallCommand;
class YourPackageServiceProvider extends PackageServiceProvider
public function configurePackage(Package $package): void
->hasViewComponent('spatie', Alert::class)
->hasViewComposer('*', MyViewComposer::class)
->sharesDataWithAllViews('downloads', 3)
->hasInstallCommand(function(InstallCommand $command) {
Under the hood it will do the necessary work to register the necessary things and make all sorts of files publishable.
## Support us
We invest a lot of resources into creating [best in class open source packages](https://spatie.be/open-source). You can
support us by [buying one of our paid products](https://spatie.be/open-source/support-us).
We highly appreciate you sending us a postcard from your hometown, mentioning which of our package(s) you are using.
You'll find our address on [our contact page](https://spatie.be/about-us). We publish all received postcards
on [our virtual postcard wall](https://spatie.be/open-source/postcards).
## Getting started
This package is opinionated on how you should structure your package. To get started easily, consider
using [our package-skeleton repo](https://github.com/spatie/package-skeleton-laravel) to start your package. The
skeleton is structured perfectly to work perfectly with the `PackageServiceProvider` in this package.
## Usage
In your package you should let your service provider extend `Spatie\LaravelPackageTools\PackageServiceProvider`.
use Spatie\LaravelPackageTools\PackageServiceProvider;
use Spatie\LaravelPackageTools\Package;
class YourPackageServiceProvider extends PackageServiceProvider
public function configurePackage(Package $package) : void
Passing the package name to `name` is mandatory.
### Working with a config file
To register a config file, you should create a php file with your package name in the `config` directory of your
package. In this example it should be at `/config/your-package-name.php`.
If your package name starts with `laravel-`, we expect that your config file does not contain that prefix. So if your
package name is `laravel-cool-package`, the config file should be named `cool-package.php`.
To register that config file, call `hasConfigFile()` on `$package` in the `configurePackage` method.
The `hasConfigFile` method will also make the config file publishable. Users of your package will be able to publish the
config file with this command.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=your-package-name-config
Should your package have multiple config files, you can pass their names as an array to `hasConfigFile`
->hasConfigFile(['my-config-file', 'another-config-file']);
### Working with views
Any views your package provides, should be placed in the `/resources/views` directory.
You can register these views with the `hasViews` command.
This will register your views with Laravel.
If you have a view `/resources/views/myView.blade.php`, you can use it like
this: `view('your-package-name::myView')`. Of course, you can also use subdirectories to organise your views. A view
located at `/resources/views/subdirectory/myOtherView.blade.php` can be used
with `view('your-package-name::subdirectory.myOtherView')`.
#### Using a custom view namespace
You can pass a custom view namespace to the `hasViews` method.
You can now use the views of the package like this:
#### Publishing the views
Calling `hasViews` will also make views publishable. Users of your package will be able to publish the views with this
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=your-package-name-views
> **Note:**
> If you use custom view namespace then you should change your publish command like this:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=custom-view-namespace-views
### Sharing global data with views
You can share data with all views using the `sharesDataWithAllViews` method. This will make the shared variable
available to all views.
->sharesDataWithAllViews('companyName', 'Spatie');
### Working with Blade view components
Any Blade view components that your package provides should be placed in the `/src/Components` directory.
You can register these views with the `hasViewComponents` command.
->hasViewComponents('spatie', Alert::class);
This will register your view components with Laravel. In the case of `Alert::class`, it can be referenced in views
as ``, where `spatie` is the prefix you provided during registration.
Calling `hasViewComponents` will also make view components publishable, and will be published
to `app/Views/Components/vendor/`.
Users of your package will be able to publish the view components with this command:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=your-package-name-components
### Working with view composers
You can register any view composers that your project uses with the `hasViewComposers` method. You may also register a
callback that receives a `$view` argument instead of a classname.
To register a view composer with all views, use an asterisk as the view name `'*'`.
->hasViewComposer('viewName', MyViewComposer::class)
->hasViewComposer('*', function($view) {
$view->with('sharedVariable', 123);
### Working with translations
Any translations your package provides, should be placed in the `/resources/lang/`
You can register these translations with the `hasTranslations` command.
This will register the translations with Laravel.
Assuming you save this translation file at `/resources/lang/en/translations.php`...
return [
'translatable' => 'translation',
... your package and users will be able to retrieve the translation with:
trans('your-package-name::translations.translatable'); // returns 'translation'
If your package name starts with `laravel-` then you should leave that off in the example above.
Coding with translation strings as keys, you should create JSON files
in `/resources/lang/.json`.
For example, creating `/resources/lang/it.json` file like so:
"Hello!": "Ciao!"
...the output of...
...will be `Ciao!` if the application uses the Italian language.
Calling `hasTranslations` will also make translations publishable. Users of your package will be able to publish the
translations with this command:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=your-package-name-translations
### Working with assets
Any assets your package provides, should be placed in the `/resources/dist/` directory.
You can make these assets publishable the `hasAssets` method.
Users of your package will be able to publish the assets with this command:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=your-package-name-assets
This will copy over the assets to the `public/vendor/` directory in the app where your package is
installed in.
### Working with migrations
The `PackageServiceProvider` assumes that any migrations are placed in this
directory: `/database/migrations`. Inside that directory you can put any migrations.
To register your migration, you should pass its name without the extension to the `hasMigration` table.
If your migration file is called `create_my_package_tables.php.stub` you can register them like this:
Should your package contain multiple migration files, you can just call `hasMigration` multiple times or
use `hasMigrations`.
->hasMigrations(['my_package_tables', 'some_other_migration']);
Calling `hasMigration` will also make migrations publishable. Users of your package will be able to publish the
migrations with this command:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=your-package-name-migrations
Like you might expect, published migration files will be prefixed with the current datetime.
You can also enable the migrations to be registered without needing the users of your package to publish them:
->hasMigrations(['my_package_tables', 'some_other_migration'])
### Working with a publishable service provider
Some packages need an example service provider to be copied into the `app\Providers` directory of the Laravel app. Think
of for instance, the `laravel/horizon` package that copies an `HorizonServiceProvider` into your app with some sensible
The file that will be copied to the app should be stored in your package
in `/resources/stubs/{$nameOfYourServiceProvider}.php.stub`.
When your package is installed into an app, running this command...
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=your-package-name-provider
... will copy `/resources/stubs/{$nameOfYourServiceProvider}.php` in your package
to `app/Providers/{$nameOfYourServiceProvider}.php` in the app of the user.
### Registering commands
You can register any command you package provides with the `hasCommand` function.
If your package provides multiple commands, you can either use `hasCommand` multiple times, or pass an array
to `hasCommands`
### Adding an installer command
Instead of letting your users manually publishing config files, migrations, and other files manually, you could opt to
add an install command that does all this work in one go. Packages like Laravel Horizon and Livewire provide such
When using Laravel Package Tools, you don't have to write an `InstallCommand` yourself. Instead, you can simply
call, `hasInstallCommand` and configure it using a closure. Here's an example.
use Spatie\LaravelPackageTools\PackageServiceProvider;
use Spatie\LaravelPackageTools\Package;
use Spatie\LaravelPackageTools\Commands\InstallCommand;
class YourPackageServiceProvider extends PackageServiceProvider
public function configurePackage(Package $package): void
->hasInstallCommand(function(InstallCommand $command) {
With this in place, the package user can call this command:
php artisan your-package-name:install
Using the code above, that command will:
- publish the config file
- publish the migrations
- copy the `/resources/stubs/MyProviderName.php.stub` from your package to `app/Providers/MyServiceProviderName.php`, and also register that
provider in `config/app.php`
- ask if migrations should be run now
- prompt the user to open up `https://github.com/'your-vendor/your-repo-name'` in the browser in order to star it
You can also call `startWith` and `endWith` on the `InstallCommand`. They will respectively be executed at the start and
end when running `php artisan your-package-name:install`. You can use this to perform extra work or display extra
use use Spatie\LaravelPackageTools\Commands\InstallCommand;
public function configurePackage(Package $package): void
// ... configure package
->hasInstallCommand(function(InstallCommand $command) {
->startWith(function(InstallCommand $command) {
$command->info('Hello, and welcome to my great new package!')
->endWith(function(InstallCommand $command) {
$command->info('Have a great day!');
### Working with routes
The `PackageServiceProvider` assumes that any route files are placed in this directory: `/routes`. Inside
that directory you can put any route files.
To register your route, you should pass its name without the extension to the `hasRoute` method.
If your route file is called `web.php` you can register them like this:
Should your package contain multiple route files, you can just call `hasRoute` multiple times or use `hasRoutes`.
->hasRoutes(['web', 'admin']);
### Using lifecycle hooks
You can put any custom logic your package needs while starting up in one of these methods:
- `registeringPackage`: will be called at the start of the `register` method of `PackageServiceProvider`
- `packageRegistered`: will be called at the end of the `register` method of `PackageServiceProvider`
- `bootingPackage`: will be called at the start of the `boot` method of `PackageServiceProvider`
- `packageBooted`: will be called at the end of the `boot` method of `PackageServiceProvider`
## Testing
composer test
## Changelog
Please see [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) for more information on what has changed recently.
## Contributing
Please see [CONTRIBUTING](https://github.com/spatie/.github/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) for details.
## Security Vulnerabilities
Please review [our security policy](../../security/policy) on how to report security vulnerabilities.
## Credits
- [Freek Van der Herten](https://github.com/freekmurze)
- [All Contributors](../../contributors)
## License
The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File](LICENSE.md) for more information.