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layout: doc title: Installation - Simditor id: doc-dev-env

root: ../

#Install Source Code

If you want to install the source code and build the project locally, simply follow the steps below.

First, fork Simditor and clone it from Github

Fork Simditor

$ git clone[your username]/simditor.git

#Install Gem Dependencies

We use Bundler to manage the gem dependencies:

Make sure that you have ruby installed in your computer first.

Install Bundler:

$ gem install bundler

Change to Simditor directory, install gems:

$ cd simditor
$ bundle install

#Install Grunt

Simditor uses Grunt as the task runner to run tasks such as auto-compiling and watching files.

Grunt needs to be installed by npm. To have npm working, first need to install Node.js.

Install Grunt's command line interface (CLI) globally:

$ sudo npm install -g grunt-cli

Install grunt:

$ npm install

#Install Bower Dependencies

Simditor uses Bower to manage front-end libraries:

Install bower:

npm install -g bower

Install bower dependencies:

bower install

#Run Project

Run project with grunt:

$ grunt

Now you can visit the homepage in http://localhost:3000/demo.html. Every time you change the source code of Simditor, Grunt will automatically re-compile the project, so you can simply test your code by refreshing the page.

To test the uploading feature, add a upload param to the url: http://localhost:3000/demo.html?upload