123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248 |
- <html>
- <head>
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- <link rel="stylesheet" href="lib/reset.css">
- </head>
- <body>
- <style>
- body {
- background: #333;
- }
- #main {
- height: 1000px;
- }
- </style>
- <div id="main"></div>
- <script>
- var echarts;
- var colorTool;
- var chart;
- var myChart;
- var groupCategories = [];
- var groupColors = [];
- require([
- 'echarts'
- // 'zrender/tool/color',
- // 'echarts/chart/parallel',
- // 'echarts/component/legend',
- // 'echarts/component/tooltip',
- // 'echarts/component/toolbox',
- // 'echarts/component/visualMap'
- ], function (ec) {
- $.getJSON('./data/nutrients.json', function (data) {
- echarts = ec;
- colorTool = echarts.color;
- normalizeData(data);
- chart = myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main'));
- console.time('render');
- chart.setOption(getOption(data));
- console.timeEnd('render');
- chart.on('axisAreaSelected', function (event) {
- // var indices = chart.getModel().getSeries()[0].getRawIndicesByActiveState('active');
- // console.log('北京: ', indices);
- });
- });
- var indices = {
- name: 0,
- group: 1,
- id: 16
- };
- var schema = [
- {name: 'name', index: 0},
- {name: 'group', index: 1},
- {name: 'protein', index: 2},
- {name: 'calcium', index: 3},
- {name: 'sodium', index: 4},
- {name: 'fiber', index: 5},
- {name: 'vitaminc', index: 6},
- {name: 'potassium', index: 7},
- {name: 'carbohydrate', index: 8},
- {name: 'sugars', index: 9},
- {name: 'fat', index: 10},
- {name: 'water', index: 11},
- {name: 'calories', index: 12},
- {name: 'saturated', index: 13},
- {name: 'monounsat', index: 14},
- {name: 'polyunsat', index: 15},
- {name: 'id', index: 16}
- ];
- function normalizeData(originData) {
- var groupMap = {};
- originData.forEach(row => {
- var groupName = row[indices.group];
- if (!groupMap.hasOwnProperty(groupName)) {
- groupMap[groupName] = 1;
- }
- });
- originData.forEach(row => {
- row.forEach((item, index) => {
- if (index !== indices.name
- && index !== indices.group
- && index !== indices.id
- ) {
- // Convert null to zero, as all of them under unit "g".
- row[index] = parseFloat(item) || 0;
- }
- });
- });
- for (var groupName in groupMap) {
- if (groupMap.hasOwnProperty(groupName)) {
- groupCategories.push(groupName);
- }
- }
- var hStep = Math.round(300 / (groupCategories.length - 1));
- for (var i = 0; i < groupCategories.length; i++) {
- groupColors.push(colorTool.modifyHSL('#5A94DF', hStep * i));
- }
- }
- function getOption(data) {
- var lineStyle = {
- normal: {
- width: 0.5,
- opacity: 0.05
- // shadowBlur: 10,
- // shadowOffsetX: 0,
- // shadowOffsetY: 0,
- // shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'
- }
- };
- return {
- backgroundColor: '#333',
- tooltip: {
- padding: 10,
- backgroundColor: '#222',
- borderColor: '#777',
- borderWidth: 1,
- formatter: function (obj) {
- var value = obj[0].value;
- return '<div style="border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.3); font-size: 18px;padding-bottom: 7px;margin-bottom: 7px">'
- + schema[1].name + ':' + value[1] + '<br>'
- + schema[2].name + ':' + value[2] + '<br>'
- + schema[3].name + ':' + value[3] + '<br>'
- + schema[4].name + ':' + value[4] + '<br>'
- + schema[5].name + ':' + value[5] + '<br>'
- + schema[6].name + ':' + value[6] + '<br>';
- }
- },
- title: [
- {
- text: 'Groups',
- top: 0,
- left: 0,
- textStyle: {
- color: '#fff'
- }
- }
- ],
- visualMap: {
- show: true,
- type: 'piecewise',
- categories: groupCategories,
- dimension: indices.group,
- inRange: {
- color: groupColors //['#d94e5d','#eac736','#50a3ba']
- },
- outOfRange: {
- color: ['#ccc'] //['#d94e5d','#eac736','#50a3ba']
- },
- top: 20,
- textStyle: {
- color: '#fff'
- },
- realtime: false
- },
- parallelAxis: [
- {dim: 16, name: schema[16].name, scale: true, nameLocation: 'end'},
- {dim: 2, name: schema[2].name, nameLocation: 'end'},
- {dim: 4, name: schema[4].name, nameLocation: 'end'},
- {dim: 3, name: schema[3].name, nameLocation: 'end'},
- {dim: 5, name: schema[5].name, nameLocation: 'end'},
- {dim: 6, name: schema[6].name, nameLocation: 'end'},
- {dim: 7, name: schema[7].name, nameLocation: 'end'},
- {dim: 8, name: schema[8].name, nameLocation: 'end'},
- {dim: 9, name: schema[9].name, nameLocation: 'end'},
- {dim: 10, name: schema[10].name, nameLocation: 'end'},
- {dim: 11, name: schema[11].name, nameLocation: 'end'},
- {dim: 12, name: schema[12].name, nameLocation: 'end'},
- {dim: 13, name: schema[13].name, nameLocation: 'end'},
- {dim: 14, name: schema[14].name, nameLocation: 'end'},
- {dim: 15, name: schema[15].name, nameLocation: 'end'}
- ],
- parallel: {
- left: 280,
- top: 20,
- // top: 150,
- // height: 300,
- width: 400,
- layout: 'vertical',
- parallelAxisDefault: {
- type: 'value',
- name: 'nutrients',
- nameLocation: 'end',
- nameGap: 20,
- nameTextStyle: {
- color: '#fff',
- fontSize: 14
- },
- axisLine: {
- lineStyle: {
- color: '#aaa'
- }
- },
- axisTick: {
- lineStyle: {
- color: '#777'
- }
- },
- splitLine: {
- show: false
- },
- axisLabel: {
- textStyle: {
- color: '#fff'
- }
- },
- realtime: false
- }
- },
- animation: false,
- series: [
- {
- name: 'nutrients',
- type: 'parallel',
- lineStyle: lineStyle,
- inactiveOpacity: 0,
- activeOpacity: 0.01,
- progressive: 500,
- smooth: true,
- data: data
- }
- ]
- };
- }
- });
- </script>
- </body>
- </html>