where( array('name' => 'supply_apply_page') )->find(); $supply_diy_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('supply_diy_name'); if(!empty($info['value'])){ echo json_encode( array('code' => 0, 'data' => htmlspecialchars_decode(htmlspecialchars_decode($info['value'])) , 'supply_diy_name' => $supply_diy_name ) ); die(); }else{ echo json_encode( array('code' => 1 , 'supply_diy_name' => $supply_diy_name)); die(); } } /** * 已申请信息 */ public function apply_info() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $token = $_GPC['token']; $weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where( array('token' => $token ) )->find(); if( empty($weprogram_token) || empty($weprogram_token['member_id']) ) { echo json_encode( array('code' => 1) ); die(); } $member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id']; $supp_info = M('lionfish_comshop_supply')->field('id,shopname,mobile,product,state')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id ) )->find(); $supply_diy_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('supply_diy_name'); if( !empty($supp_info) ) { echo json_encode( array('code' => 0,'data' => $supp_info , 'supply_diy_name' => $supply_diy_name) ); die(); } else { echo json_encode( array('code' => 2,'msg' => '未申请供应商' , 'supply_diy_name' => $supply_diy_name) ); die(); } echo json_encode( array('code' => 0 , 'supply_diy_name' => $supply_diy_name) ); die(); } /** * 供应商列表 */ public function get_list() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 10; $head_id = intval($_GPC['head_id']); $token = $_GPC['token']; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . C('DB_PREFIX'). 'lionfish_comshop_supply WHERE state=1 order by id desc limit ' . (($pindex - 1) * $psize) . ',' . $psize; $list = M()->query($sql); $total_arr = M()->query('SELECT count(1) as count FROM ' . C('DB_PREFIX'). 'lionfish_comshop_supply WHERE state=1 '); $total = $total_arr[0]['count']; foreach( $list as $key => &$val ) { $now_time = time(); $val['banner'] = tomedia($val['banner']); //$goods_count_arr = M()->query("SELECT count(gc.id) as count FROM ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_good_common gc , ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_goods as g WHERE gc.goods_id = g.id and gc.supply_id = {$val['id']} and g.grounding = 1 and gc.begin_time < {$now_time} and gc.end_time > {$now_time} "); //$goods_count = $goods_count_arr[0]['count']; //$val['goods_count'] = $goods_count; // 统计商品数量 $goods_supply_id_arr = $goods_supply_nolimit_arr = array(); $goods_supply_id_arr = M()->query("SELECT g.id FROM ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_good_common as gc , ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_goods as g, ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_community_head_goods as hg WHERE gc.goods_id = g.id and gc.goods_id = hg.goods_id and gc.supply_id = {$val['id']} and g.grounding = 1 and gc.begin_time < {$now_time} and gc.end_time > {$now_time} and hg.head_id = {$head_id} "); $goods_supply_nolimit_arr = M()->query("SELECT g.id FROM ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_goods as g, ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_good_common as gc WHERE gc.goods_id = g.id and gc.supply_id = {$val['id']} and g.is_all_sale=1 and g.grounding = 1 and gc.begin_time < {$now_time} and gc.end_time > {$now_time} "); $goods_all = $goods_all_arr = array(); $goods_all = array_merge($goods_supply_id_arr, $goods_supply_nolimit_arr); foreach($goods_all as $vv){ $goods_all_arr[] = $vv['id']; } $goods_all_arr = array_unique($goods_all_arr); $val['goods_count'] = count($goods_all_arr); $val['goods_supply_id_arr'] = $goods_supply_id_arr; $val['goods_supply_nolimit_arr'] = $goods_supply_nolimit_arr; if( !empty($val['logo']) ) $val['logo'] = tomedia($val['logo']); $goods_list = array(); $now_time = time(); $where = ' g.grounding = 1 '; $where .= " and gc.begin_time <={$now_time} and gc.end_time > {$now_time} "; $where .= " and gc.supply_id = " . $val['id']; $community_goods = D('Home/Pingoods')->get_community_index_goods('g.*,gc.begin_time,gc.end_time,gc.big_img,gc.is_take_fullreduction,gc.labelname ', $where, 0, 10); foreach ($community_goods as $key => $value) { if($value['is_all_sale']==1){ $goods_list[] = $this->change_goods_form($value, $head_id, $token); } else { $is_head_shop = M('lionfish_community_head_goods')->field('id')->where( array('goods_id' => $value['id'],'head_id' => $head_id) )->order('id desc')->select(); if(!empty($is_head_shop)) $goods_list[] = $this->change_goods_form($value, $head_id, $token); } } $val['goods_list'] = $goods_list; //$list[$key] = $val; } $supply_diy_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('supply_diy_name'); if(!empty($list)){ echo json_encode( array('code' => 0, 'data' => $list, 'supply_diy_name' => $supply_diy_name) ); die(); }else{ echo json_encode( array('code' => 1 , 'supply_diy_name' => $supply_diy_name)); die(); } } /** * 供应商主页 */ public function get_details() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $id = max(0, intval($_GPC['id'])); $psize = 20; $head_id = intval($_GPC['head_id']); $token = $_GPC['token']; $per_page = 20; $offset = ($pindex - 1) * $per_page; $limit = "{$offset},{$per_page}"; $item = M('lionfish_comshop_supply')->where( array('state' => 1, 'id' => $id) )->order('id desc')->find(); $goods_list = array(); if(!empty($item)) { if(!empty($item['banner'])) $item['banner'] = tomedia($item['banner']); $now_time = time(); $where = ' g.grounding = 1 '; $where .= " and gc.begin_time <={$now_time} and gc.end_time > {$now_time} "; $where .= " and gc.supply_id = " . $item['id']; $community_goods = D('Home/Pingoods')->get_community_index_goods('g.*,gc.begin_time,gc.end_time,gc.big_img,gc.is_take_fullreduction,gc.labelname ', $where, $offset, $per_page); foreach ($community_goods as $key => $value) { if($value['is_all_sale']==1){ $goods_list[] = $this->change_goods_form($value, $head_id, $token); } else { $is_head_shop = M('lionfish_community_head_goods')->field('id')->where( array('head_id' => $head_id,'goods_id' => $value['id'] ) )->order('id desc')->select(); if(!empty($is_head_shop)) $goods_list[] = $this->change_goods_form($value, $head_id, $token); } } } if(!empty($item)){ echo json_encode( array('code' => 0, 'data' => $item, 'list' => $goods_list) ); die(); }else{ echo json_encode( array('code' => 1 )); die(); } } private function change_goods_form ($val, $head_id="", $token=""){ $tmp_data = array(); $tmp_data['actId'] = $val['id']; $tmp_data['spuName'] = $val['goodsname']; $tmp_data['spuCanBuyNum'] = $val['total']; $tmp_data['spuDescribe'] = $val['subtitle']; $tmp_data['end_time'] = $val['end_time']; $tmp_data['soldNum'] = $val['seller_count'] + $val['sales']; $productprice = $val['productprice']; $tmp_data['marketPrice'] = explode('.', $productprice); if( !empty($val['big_img']) ) { $tmp_data['bigImg'] = tomedia($val['big_img']); } $good_image = D('Home/Pingoods')->get_goods_images($val['id']); if( !empty($good_image) ) { $tmp_data['skuImage'] = tomedia($good_image['image']); } $price_arr = D('Home/Pingoods')->get_goods_price($val['id'], $member_id); $price = $price_arr['price']; $tmp_data['actPrice'] = explode('.', $price); $tmp_data['skuList']= D('Home/Pingoods')->get_goods_options($val['id'],$member_id); if( !empty($tmp_data['skuList']) ) { $tmp_data['car_count'] = 0; }else{ $car_count = D('Home/Car')->get_wecart_goods($val['id'],"",$head_id ,$token); if( empty($car_count) ) { $tmp_data['car_count'] = 0; }else{ $tmp_data['car_count'] = $car_count; } } if($is_open_fullreduction == 0) { $tmp_data['is_take_fullreduction'] = 0; }else if($is_open_fullreduction == 1){ $tmp_data['is_take_fullreduction'] = $val['is_take_fullreduction']; } // 商品角标 $label_id = unserialize($val['labelname']); if($label_id){ $label_info = D('Home/Pingoods')->get_goods_tags($label_id); if($label_info){ if($label_info['type'] == 1){ $label_info['tagcontent'] = tomedia($label_info['tagcontent']); } else { $label_info['len'] = mb_strlen($label_info['tagcontent'], 'utf-8'); } } $tmp_data['label_info'] = $label_info; } return $tmp_data; } }