gpc = $_GPC; if ($_GPC['enabled'] != '') { $condition .= ' and enabled=' . intval($_GPC['enabled']); } if (!empty($_GPC['keyword'])) { $condition .= ' and name like "%'.$_GPC['keyword'].'%" '; } $list = M()->query('SELECT * FROM ' . C('DB_PREFIX') . 'lionfish_comshop_shipping WHERE 1 ' . $condition . ' ORDER BY sort_order DESC limit ' . (($pindex - 1) * $psize) . ',' . $psize); $total = M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->where( "1 ". $condition )->count(); $pager = pagination2($total, $pindex, $psize); $this->list = $list; $this->pager = $pager; $this->display(); } public function setdefault() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); if (empty($id)) { $id = (is_array($_GPC['ids']) ? implode(',', $_GPC['ids']) : 0); } if ($_GPC['isdefault'] == 1) { M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->where( 1 )->save( array('isdefault' => 0) ); } $items = M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->field('id,name')->where( 'id in( ' . $id . ' )' )->select(); foreach ($items as $item) { M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->where( array('id' => $item['id']) )->save( array('isdefault' => intval($_GPC['isdefault'])) ); } show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] )); } public function enabled() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); if (empty($id)) { $id = (is_array($_GPC['ids']) ? implode(',', $_GPC['ids']) : 0); } $items = M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->where( ' id in( ' . $id . ' ) ' )->select(); foreach ($items as $item) { M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->where( array('id' => $item['id']) )->save( array('enabled' => intval($_GPC['enabled'])) ); } show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] )); } public function deleteshipping() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); if (empty($id)) { $id = (is_array($_GPC['ids']) ? implode(',', $_GPC['ids']) : 0); } $items = M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->field('id,name')->where( 'id in( ' . $id . ' )' )->select(); foreach ($items as $item) { M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->where( array('id' => $item['id']) )->delete(); } show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] )); } public function editshipping() { $_GPC = I('request.'); if (IS_POST) { $data = array(); $data['id'] = $_GPC['data']['id']; $data['name'] = $_GPC['data']['name']; $data['sort_order'] = $_GPC['sort_order']; $data['isdefault'] = $_GPC['isdefault']; $data['isdefault'] = $_GPC['isdefault']; $data['type'] = $_GPC['type']; $data['default_firstweight'] = $_GPC['default_firstweight']; $data['default_firstprice'] = $_GPC['default_firstprice']; $data['default_secondweight'] = $_GPC['default_secondweight']; $data['default_secondprice'] = $_GPC['default_secondprice']; $data['default_firstnum'] = $_GPC['default_firstnum']; $data['default_firstnumprice'] = $_GPC['default_firstnumprice']; $data['default_secondnum'] = $_GPC['default_secondnum']; $data['default_secondnumprice'] = $_GPC['default_secondnumprice']; $data['default_freeprice'] = $_GPC['default_freeprice']; $areas = array(); $randoms = $_GPC['random']; $areas = array(); $randoms = $_GPC['random']; //detail[PU0fIwE9052ZqWAb][frist] if (is_array($randoms)) { foreach ($randoms as $random) { $citys = trim($_GPC['citys'][$random]); if (empty($citys)) { continue; } if ($_GPC['firstnum'][$random] < 1) { $_GPC['firstnum'][$random] = 1; } if ($_GPC['secondnum'][$random] < 1) { $_GPC['secondnum'][$random] = 1; } $areas[] = array('citys' => $_GPC['citys'][$random], 'citys_code' => $_GPC['citys_code'][$random], 'frist' => $_GPC['detail'][$random]['frist'], 'frist_price' => max(0, $_GPC['detail'][$random]['frist_price']), 'second' => $_GPC['detail'][$random]['second'],'second_price' => $_GPC['detail'][$random]['second_price'] ); } } $data['areas'] = $areas; D('Seller/Shipping')->update($data); show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] )); } $id = intval($_GPC['id']); $this->id =$id; $item = M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->where( array('id' => $id) )->find(); $this->item = $item; if (!empty($item)) { $dispatch_areas = unserialize($item['areas']); $this->dispatch_areas = $dispatch_areas; } //getAreas $areas = D('Seller/Area')->getAreas(); $this->areas = $areas; $this->display('Shipping/addshipping'); } public function addshipping() { $_GPC = I('request.'); //show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] )); if (IS_POST) { $data = array(); $data['id'] = $_GPC['data']['id']; $data['name'] = $_GPC['data']['name']; $data['sort_order'] = $_GPC['sort_order']; $data['isdefault'] = $_GPC['isdefault']; $data['isdefault'] = $_GPC['isdefault']; $data['type'] = $_GPC['type']; $data['default_firstweight'] = $_GPC['default_firstweight']; $data['default_firstprice'] = $_GPC['default_firstprice']; $data['default_secondweight'] = $_GPC['default_secondweight']; $data['default_secondprice'] = $_GPC['default_secondprice']; $data['default_firstnum'] = $_GPC['default_firstnum']; $data['default_firstnumprice'] = $_GPC['default_firstnumprice']; $data['default_secondnum'] = $_GPC['default_secondnum']; $data['default_secondnumprice'] = $_GPC['default_secondnumprice']; $data['default_freeprice'] = $_GPC['default_freeprice']; $areas = array(); $randoms = $_GPC['random']; $areas = array(); $randoms = $_GPC['random']; if (is_array($randoms)) { foreach ($randoms as $random) { $citys = trim($_GPC['citys'][$random]); if (empty($citys)) { continue; } if ($_GPC['firstnum'][$random] < 1) { $_GPC['firstnum'][$random] = 1; } if ($_GPC['secondnum'][$random] < 1) { $_GPC['secondnum'][$random] = 1; } //$areas[] = array('citys' => $_GPC['citys'][$random], 'citys_code' => $_GPC['citys_code'][$random], 'firstprice' => $_GPC['firstprice'][$random], 'firstweight' => max(0, $_GPC['firstweight'][$random]), 'secondprice' => $_GPC['secondprice'][$random], 'secondweight' => $_GPC['secondweight'][$random] <= 0 ? 1000 : $_GPC['secondweight'][$random], 'firstnumprice' => $_GPC['firstnumprice'][$random], 'firstnum' => $_GPC['firstnum'][$random], 'secondnumprice' => $_GPC['secondnumprice'][$random], 'secondnum' => $_GPC['secondnum'][$random], 'freeprice' => $_GPC['freeprice'][$random]); $areas[] = array('citys' => $_GPC['citys'][$random], 'citys_code' => $_GPC['citys_code'][$random], 'frist' => $_GPC['detail'][$random]['frist'], 'frist_price' => max(0, $_GPC['detail'][$random]['frist_price']), 'second' => $_GPC['detail'][$random]['second'],'second_price' => $_GPC['detail'][$random]['second_price'] ); } } $data['areas'] = $areas; D('Seller/Shipping')->update($data); show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] )); } $areas = D('Seller/Area')->getAreas(); $this->areas = $areas; $this->display(); } public function tpl() { global $_W; global $_GPC; $random = random(16); $this->random = $random; $contents = $this->fetch('Shipping:tpl'); exit(json_encode(array('random' => $random, 'html' => $contents))); } public function editexpress() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); if (!empty($id)) { $item = M('lionfish_comshop_express')->field('id,name,simplecode')->where( array('id' => $id ) )->find(); $this->item = $item; } if (IS_POST) { $data = $_GPC['data']; D('Seller/Express')->update($data); show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] )); } $this->display('Express/addexpress'); } public function delexpress() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); if (empty($id)) { $id = (is_array($_GPC['ids']) ? implode(',', $_GPC['ids']) : 0); } $items = M('lionfish_comshop_express')->field('id,name')->where( 'id in( ' . $id . ' )' )->select(); if (empty($item)) { $item = array(); } foreach ($items as $item) { M('lionfish_comshop_express')->where( array('id' => $item['id']) )->delete(); } show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] )); } } ?>