query("select from_unixtime( date_added, '%Y-%m-%d' ) as date, count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$thisweek['egt']." and date_added < ".$thisweek['lt']." ".$condition." group by date order by date asc"); //总单数和下单金额 $zongdanshu = 0; $zongxiadan = 0; foreach($day_info as $val1) { $zongdanshu += $val1['count']; $zongxiadan += $val1['total']+$val1['shipping_fare']-$val1['voucher_credit']-$val1['fullreduction_money']; } //有订单的所有日期 $day_info2 = M()->query("select from_unixtime( date_added, '%Y-%m-%d' ) as date from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$thisweek['egt']." and date_added < ".$thisweek['lt']." ".$condition." group by date order by date asc"); foreach($day_info2 as $key =>$day) { $day["egt"]=strtotime(date($day["date"],time())); $day["lt"]=$day["egt"]+(60*60*24)-1; //每天退款单数 $day_info3 = M()->query("select count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$day['egt']." and date_added < ".$day['lt']." ".$condition." and (order_status_id in (7,8,9,10,12,13))"); if($day_info3){ $daytui = 0; $daytuikuan =0; } //退款单数 $daytui = $day_info3[0]['count']; //退款金额 $daytuikuan = $day_info3[0]['total']+$day_info3[0]['shipping_fare']-$day_info3[0]['voucher_credit']-$day_info3[0]['fullreduction_money']; //每天取消单数 $day_info4 = M()->query("select count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$day['egt']." and date_added < ".$day['lt']." ".$condition." and (order_status_id = 5)"); if($day_info4){ $dayqu = 0; $dayquxiao =0; } //取消单数 $dayqu = $day_info4[0]['count']; //取消金额 $dayquxiao = $day_info4[0]['total']+$day_info4[0]['shipping_fare']-$day_info4[0]['voucher_credit']-$day_info4[0]['fullreduction_money']; $daylist[$key] = array( 'daytui' => $daytui, 'daytuikuan' => $daytuikuan, 'dayqu' => $dayqu, 'dayquxiao' => $dayquxiao, ); } $list = array(); $list['day_info'] = $day_info; //合并两个数组 $list2 = array(); foreach($list['day_info'] as $k=>$v){ $list2[] = array_merge($v,$daylist[$k]); } //退款 $cancel_info = M()->query("select from_unixtime( date_added, '%Y-%m-%d' ) as date, count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$thisweek['egt']." and date_added < ".$thisweek['lt']." ".$condition." and (order_status_id in (7,8,9,10,12,13)) group by date order by date asc"); $zongtuishu =0; $tuikuan =0; foreach($cancel_info as $val2) { $zongtuishu += $val2['count']; $tuikuan += $val2['total']+$val2['shipping_fare']-$val2['voucher_credit']-$val2['fullreduction_money']; } //小计 $subtotal_info = M()->query("select from_unixtime( date_added, '%Y-%m-%d' ) as date, count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$thisweek['egt']." and date_added < ".$thisweek['lt']." ".$condition." and (order_status_id in (1,2,3,4,6,11,14)) group by date order by date asc" ); $xaiojishu =0; $xaioji =0; foreach($subtotal_info as $val3) { $xaiojishu += $val3['count']; $xaioji += $val3['total']+$val3['shipping_fare']-$val3['voucher_credit']-$val3['fullreduction_money']; } //取消订单 $quxiao_info = M()->query("select from_unixtime( date_added, '%Y-%m-%d' ) as date, count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$thisweek['egt']." and date_added < ".$thisweek['lt']." ".$condition." and (order_status_id = 5) group by date order by date asc"); $quxiaoshu =0; $quxiao =0; foreach($quxiao_info as $val4) { $quxiaoshu += $val4['count']; $quxiao += $val4['total']+$val4['shipping_fare']-$val4['voucher_credit']-$val4['fullreduction_money']; } $tabid = 0; } //上周时间 if($_GPC['reports_index'] == 1){ $lastweek['egt'] = $thisweek['egt']-7*24*60*60; $lastweek['lt'] = $thisweek['egt']-1; //每天所以订单 $day_info = M()->query("select from_unixtime( date_added, '%Y-%m-%d' ) as date, count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$lastweek['egt']." and date_added < ".$lastweek['lt']." ".$condition." group by date order by date asc"); //总单数和下单金额 $zongdanshu = 0; $zongxiadan = 0; foreach($day_info as $val1) { $zongdanshu += $val1['count']; $zongxiadan += $val1['total']+$val1['shipping_fare']-$val1['voucher_credit']-$val1['fullreduction_money']; } //有订单的所有日期 $day_info2 = M()->query("select from_unixtime( date_added, '%Y-%m-%d' ) as date from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$lastweek['egt']." and date_added < ".$lastweek['lt']." ".$condition." group by date order by date asc" ); foreach($day_info2 as $key =>$day) { $day["egt"]=strtotime(date($day["date"],time())); $day["lt"]=$day["egt"]+(60*60*24)-1; //每天退款单数 $day_info3 = M()->query("select count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$day['egt']." and date_added < ".$day['lt']." ".$condition." and (order_status_id in (7,8,9,10,12,13))" ); if($day_info3){ $daytui = 0; $daytuikuan =0; } //退款单数 $daytui = $day_info3[0]['count']; //退款金额 $daytuikuan = $day_info3[0]['total']+$day_info3[0]['shipping_fare']-$day_info3[0]['voucher_credit']-$day_info3[0]['fullreduction_money']; //每天取消单数 $day_info4 = M()->query("select count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$day['egt']." and date_added < ".$day['lt']." ".$condition." and (order_status_id = 5)" ); if($day_info4){ $dayqu = 0; $dayquxiao =0; } //取消单数 $dayqu = $day_info4[0]['count']; //取消金额 $dayquxiao = $day_info4[0]['total']+$day_info4[0]['shipping_fare']-$day_info4[0]['voucher_credit']-$day_info4[0]['fullreduction_money']; $daylist[$key] = array( 'daytui' => $daytui, 'daytuikuan' => $daytuikuan, 'dayqu' => $dayqu, 'dayquxiao' => $dayquxiao, ); } $list = array(); $list['day_info'] = $day_info; //合并两个数组 $list2 = array(); foreach($list['day_info'] as $k=>$v){ $list2[] = array_merge($v,$daylist[$k]); } //退款 $cancel_info = M()->query("select from_unixtime( date_added, '%Y-%m-%d' ) as date, count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$lastweek['egt']." and date_added < ".$lastweek['lt']." ".$condition." and (order_status_id in (7,8,9,10,12,13)) group by date order by date asc"); $zongtuishu =0; $tuikuan =0; foreach($cancel_info as $val2) { $zongtuishu += $val2['count']; $tuikuan += $val2['total']+$val2['shipping_fare']-$val2['voucher_credit']-$val2['fullreduction_money']; } //小计 $subtotal_info = M()->query("select from_unixtime( date_added, '%Y-%m-%d' ) as date, count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$lastweek['egt']." and date_added < ".$lastweek['lt']." ".$condition." and (order_status_id in (1,2,3,4,6,11,14)) group by date order by date asc"); $xaiojishu =0; $xaioji =0; foreach($subtotal_info as $val3) { $xaiojishu += $val3['count']; $xaioji += $val3['total']+$val3['shipping_fare']-$val3['voucher_credit']-$val3['fullreduction_money']; } //取消订单 $quxiao_info = M()->query("select from_unixtime( date_added, '%Y-%m-%d' ) as date, count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$lastweek['egt']." and date_added < ".$lastweek['lt']." ".$condition." and (order_status_id = 5) group by date order by date asc"); $quxiaoshu =0; $quxiao =0; foreach($quxiao_info as $val4) { $quxiaoshu += $val4['count']; $quxiao += $val4['total']+$val4['shipping_fare']-$val4['voucher_credit']-$val4['fullreduction_money']; } $tabid = 1; } //本月时间 if($_GPC['reports_index'] == 2){ $thismonth = array(); $thismonth['egt']=strtotime(date('Y-m-01 00:00:00')); $thismonth['lt'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); //每天所以订单 $day_info = M()->query("select from_unixtime( date_added, '%Y-%m-%d' ) as date, count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$thismonth['egt']." and date_added < ".$thismonth['lt']." ".$condition." group by date order by date asc"); //总单数和下单金额 $zongdanshu = 0; $zongxiadan = 0; foreach($day_info as $val1) { $zongdanshu += $val1['count']; $zongxiadan += $val1['total']+$val1['shipping_fare']-$val1['voucher_credit']-$val1['fullreduction_money']; } //有订单的所有日期 $day_info2 = M()->query("select from_unixtime( date_added, '%Y-%m-%d' ) as date from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$thismonth['egt']." and date_added < ".$thismonth['lt']." ".$condition." group by date order by date asc"); foreach($day_info2 as $key =>$day) { $day["egt"]=strtotime(date($day["date"],time())); $day["lt"]=$day["egt"]+(60*60*24)-1; //每天退款单数 $day_info3 = M()->query("select count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$day['egt']." and date_added < ".$day['lt']." ".$condition." and (order_status_id in (7,8,9,10,12,13))"); if($day_info3){ $daytui = 0; $daytuikuan =0; } //退款单数 $daytui = $day_info3[0]['count']; //退款金额 $daytuikuan = $day_info3[0]['total']+$day_info3[0]['shipping_fare']-$day_info3[0]['voucher_credit']-$day_info3[0]['fullreduction_money']; //每天取消单数 $day_info4 = M()->query("select count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$day['egt']." and date_added < ".$day['lt']." ".$condition." and (order_status_id = 5)"); if($day_info4){ $dayqu = 0; $dayquxiao =0; } //取消单数 $dayqu = $day_info4[0]['count']; //取消金额 $dayquxiao = $day_info4[0]['total']+$day_info4[0]['shipping_fare']-$day_info4[0]['voucher_credit']-$day_info4[0]['fullreduction_money']; $daylist[$key] = array( 'daytui' => $daytui, 'daytuikuan' => $daytuikuan, 'dayqu' => $dayqu, 'dayquxiao' => $dayquxiao, ); } $list = array(); $list['day_info'] = $day_info; //合并两个数组 $list2 = array(); foreach($list['day_info'] as $k=>$v){ $list2[] = array_merge($v,$daylist[$k]); } //退款 $cancel_info = M()->query("select from_unixtime( date_added, '%Y-%m-%d' ) as date, count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$thismonth['egt']." and date_added < ".$thismonth['lt']." ".$condition." and (order_status_id in (7,8,9,10,12,13)) group by date order by date asc"); $zongtuishu =0; $tuikuan =0; foreach($cancel_info as $val2) { $zongtuishu += $val2['count']; $tuikuan += $val2['total']+$val2['shipping_fare']-$val2['voucher_credit']-$val2['fullreduction_money']; } //小计 $subtotal_info = M()->query("select from_unixtime( date_added, '%Y-%m-%d' ) as date, count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$thismonth['egt']." and date_added < ".$thismonth['lt']." ".$condition." and (order_status_id in (1,2,3,4,6,11,14)) group by date order by date asc"); $xaiojishu =0; $xaioji =0; foreach($subtotal_info as $val3) { $xaiojishu += $val3['count']; $xaioji += $val3['total']+$val3['shipping_fare']-$val3['voucher_credit']-$val3['fullreduction_money']; } //取消订单 $quxiao_info = M()->query("select from_unixtime( date_added, '%Y-%m-%d' ) as date, count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$thismonth['egt']." and date_added < ".$thismonth['lt']." ".$condition." and (order_status_id = 5) group by date order by date asc"); $quxiaoshu =0; $quxiao =0; foreach($quxiao_info as $val4) { $quxiaoshu += $val4['count']; $quxiao += $val4['total']+$val4['shipping_fare']-$val4['voucher_credit']-$val4['fullreduction_money']; } $tabid = 2; } //上月时间 if($_GPC['reports_index'] == 3){ $lastmonth['lt'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-01 00:00:00')) - 1; $month=date('m') - 1; $year=date('Y'); if($month==1 || $month==3 || $month==5|| $month==7 ||$month==8 || $month==10 ||$month==12 ){ //31天 $lastmonth['egt'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-01 00:00:00')) - 31*24*60*60; }elseif($month==4 || $month==6 ||$month==9 ||$month==11){ //30天 $lastmonth['egt'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-01 00:00:00')) - 30*24*60*60; }else{ if($year % 4){ //29天 $lastmonth['egt'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-01 00:00:00')) - 29*24*60*60; }else{ //28天 $lastmonth['egt'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-01 00:00:00')) - 28*24*60*60; } } //每天所以订单 $day_info = M()->query("select from_unixtime( date_added, '%Y-%m-%d' ) as date, count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$lastmonth['egt']." and date_added < ".$lastmonth['lt']." ".$condition." group by date order by date asc"); //总单数和下单金额 $zongdanshu = 0; $zongxiadan = 0; foreach($day_info as $val1) { $zongdanshu += $val1['count']; $zongxiadan += $val1['total']+$val1['shipping_fare']-$val1['voucher_credit']-$val1['fullreduction_money']; } //有订单的所有日期 $day_info2 = M()->query("select from_unixtime( date_added, '%Y-%m-%d' ) as date from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$lastmonth['egt']." and date_added < ".$lastmonth['lt']." ".$condition." group by date order by date asc"); foreach($day_info2 as $key =>$day) { $day["egt"]=strtotime(date($day["date"],time())); $day["lt"]=$day["egt"]+(60*60*24)-1; //每天退款单数 $day_info3 = M()->query("select count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$day['egt']." and date_added < ".$day['lt']." ".$condition." and (order_status_id in (7,8,9,10,12,13))"); if($day_info3){ $daytui = 0; $daytuikuan =0; } //退款单数 $daytui = $day_info3[0]['count']; //退款金额 $daytuikuan = $day_info3[0]['total']+$day_info3[0]['shipping_fare']-$day_info3[0]['voucher_credit']-$day_info3[0]['fullreduction_money']; //每天取消单数 $day_info4 = M()->query("select count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$day['egt']." and date_added < ".$day['lt']." ".$condition." and (order_status_id = 5)"); if($day_info4){ $dayqu = 0; $dayquxiao =0; } //取消单数 $dayqu = $day_info4[0]['count']; //取消金额 $dayquxiao = $day_info4[0]['total']+$day_info4[0]['shipping_fare']-$day_info4[0]['voucher_credit']-$day_info4[0]['fullreduction_money']; $daylist[$key] = array( 'daytui' => $daytui, 'daytuikuan' => $daytuikuan, 'dayqu' => $dayqu, 'dayquxiao' => $dayquxiao, ); } $list = array(); $list['day_info'] = $day_info; //合并两个数组 $list2 = array(); foreach($list['day_info'] as $k=>$v){ $list2[] = array_merge($v,$daylist[$k]); } //退款 $cancel_info = M()->query("select from_unixtime( date_added, '%Y-%m-%d' ) as date, count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$lastmonth['egt']." and date_added < ".$lastmonth['lt']." ".$condition." and (order_status_id in (7,8,9,10,12,13)) group by date order by date asc"); $zongtuishu =0; $tuikuan =0; foreach($cancel_info as $val2) { $zongtuishu += $val2['count']; $tuikuan += $val2['total']+$val2['shipping_fare']-$val2['voucher_credit']-$val2['fullreduction_money']; } //小计 $subtotal_info = M()->query("select from_unixtime( date_added, '%Y-%m-%d' ) as date, count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$lastmonth['egt']." and date_added < ".$lastmonth['lt']." ".$condition." and (order_status_id in (1,2,3,4,6,11,14)) group by date order by date asc"); $xaiojishu =0; $xaioji =0; foreach($subtotal_info as $val3) { $xaiojishu += $val3['count']; $xaioji += $val3['total']+$val3['shipping_fare']-$val3['voucher_credit']-$val3['fullreduction_money']; } //取消订单 $quxiao_info = M()->query("select from_unixtime( date_added, '%Y-%m-%d' ) as date, count( * ) as count,sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money,sum(score_for_money) as score_for_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$lastmonth['egt']." and date_added < ".$lastmonth['lt']." ".$condition." and (order_status_id = 5) group by date order by date asc"); $quxiaoshu =0; $quxiao =0; foreach($quxiao_info as $val4) { $quxiaoshu += $val4['count']; $quxiao += $val4['total']+$val4['shipping_fare']-$val4['voucher_credit']-$val4['fullreduction_money']; } $tabid = 3; } if( isset($_GPC['is_export']) && $_GPC['is_export'] == 1 ) { $columns = array( array('title' => '下单日期', 'field' => 'date', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '订单数', 'field' => 'count', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '下单金额', 'field' => 'order_amount', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '退款笔数', 'field' => 'daytui', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '退款金额', 'field' => 'daytuikuan', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '取消笔数', 'field' => 'dayqu', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '取消金额', 'field' => 'dayquxiao', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '小计', 'field' => 'order_ji', 'width' => 32), ); $exportlist = array(); foreach($list2 as $k => $w){ $tmp_exval = array(); $tmp_exval['date'] = $w['date']; $tmp_exval['count'] = $w["count"]; $order_amount = $w['total']+$w['shipping_fare']-$w['voucher_credit']-$w['fullreduction_money']-$W['score_for_money']; $order_amount = sprintf("%.2f",$order_amount); $tmp_exval['order_amount'] = $order_amount; $tmp_exval['daytui'] = $w['daytui']; $tmp_exval['daytuikuan'] = $w['daytuikuan']; $tmp_exval['dayqu'] = $w['dayqu']; $w["dayquxiao"] = sprintf("%.2f",$w["dayquxiao"]); $tmp_exval['dayquxiao'] = $w['dayquxiao']; $order_ji = $order_amount - $w["daytuikuan"]-$w["dayquxiao"]; $order_ji = sprintf("%.2f",$order_ji); $tmp_exval['order_ji'] = $order_ji; $exportlist[] = $tmp_exval; } $title = '本周营业数据'; if( isset($_GPC['reports_index']) && $_GPC['reports_index'] == 0) { $title = '本周营业数据'; }else if( isset($_GPC['reports_index']) && $_GPC['reports_index'] == 1 ){ $title = '上周营业数据'; }else if( isset($_GPC['reports_index']) && $_GPC['reports_index'] == 2 ){ $title = '本月营业数据'; }else if( isset($_GPC['reports_index']) && $_GPC['reports_index'] == 3 ){ $title = '上月营业数据'; } D('Seller/Excel')->export($exportlist, array('title' => $title, 'columns' => $columns)); } $this->lastmonth = $lastmonth; $this->zongdanshu = $zongdanshu; $this->zongxiadan = $zongxiadan; $this->day_info = $day_info; $this->day_info2 = $day_info2; $this->list = $list; $this->list2 = $list2; $this->zongtuishu = $zongtuishu; $this->tuikuan = $tuikuan; $this->cancel_info = $cancel_info; $this->subtotal_info = $subtotal_info; $this->xaiojishu = $xaiojishu; $this->xaioji = $xaioji; $this->quxiao_info = $quxiao_info; $this->quxiaoshu = $quxiaoshu; $this->quxiao = $quxiao; $this->tabid = $tabid; $this->_GPC = $_GPC; $this->display(); } public function datastatics() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $condition = ' 1 '; //$pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); //$psize = 10; //下单金额(元) sum_money //下单会员数 sum_member //下单量 sum_order //下单商品数 sum_goods //平均价格 ave_money //新增会员 add_member //会员数量 member_num //新增供货商 add_supplier //新增团长 add_head //新增商品 add_goods //今天开始时间 $today = array(); $today['egt'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')); $today['lt'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59')); //今天所以订单 $day_info = M()->query("select count( * ) as count from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$today['egt']." and date_added < ".$today['lt']." and ".$condition ); $day_info2 = M()->query("select total as total,member_id as member_id,shipping_fare as shipping_fare,voucher_credit as voucher_credit,fullreduction_money as fullreduction_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$today['egt']." and date_added < ".$today['lt']." and ".$condition); $list = array(); $sum_money = 0; foreach($day_info2 as $key =>$val1) { //下单金额(元)sum_money $sum_money += $val1['total']+$val1['shipping_fare']-$val1['voucher_credit']-$val1['fullreduction_money']; $list[$key] = array( 'member_id' => $val1['member_id'], ); } //下单量sum_order $sum_order = $day_info[0]['count']; //下单会员数sum_member $result = array_unique($list, SORT_REGULAR); $sum_member = sizeof($result,0); //下单商品数sum_goods $goods = M()->query("select goods_id as goods_id from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order_goods where addtime > ".$today['egt']." and addtime < ".$today['lt']." and ".$condition); $list1 = array_unique($goods, SORT_REGULAR); $sum_goods = sizeof($list1,0); //平均价格 ave_money 下单金额/下单量 if(empty($sum_order)){ $ave_money = 0; }else{ $ave_money =($sum_money)/($sum_order); $ave_money = sprintf("%.3f",$ave_money); } //新增会员add_member $add_member = M()->query("select count( * ) as count from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_member where create_time > ".$today['egt']." and create_time < ".$today['lt']." and ".$condition); $add_member = $add_member[0]['count']; //会员数量member_num $member_num = M()->query("select count( * ) as count from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_member where ".$condition, array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'] )); $member_num = $member_num[0]['count']; //新增供货商add_supplier $add_supplier = M()->query("select count( * ) as count from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_supply where addtime > ".$today['egt']." and addtime < ".$today['lt']." and ".$condition ); $add_supplier = $add_supplier[0]['count']; //新增团长add_head $add_head = M()->query("select count( * ) as count from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_community_head where addtime > ".$today['egt']." and addtime < ".$today['lt']." and ".$condition ); $add_head = $add_head[0]['count']; //新增商品add_goods $add_goods = M()->query("select count( * ) as count from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_goods where addtime > ".$today['egt']." and addtime < ".$today['lt']." and ".$condition ); $add_goods = $add_goods[0]['count']; //今日销售走势 $todaytime = array(); $todaytime['egt'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')); $todaytime['lt'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59')); $today_sales = array(); for($i = 0;$i <= 23; $i++){ $todaytime['egt'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')); $todaytime['egt'] = $todaytime['egt']+$i*60*60; $todaytime['lt'] = $todaytime['egt']+60*60-1; //有效销售额 $list = M()->query("select sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$todaytime['egt']." and date_added < ".$todaytime['lt']." and ".$condition." and (order_status_id in (1,2,3,4,6,11,14))" ); if(empty($list[0]['total'])){ $val = 0; }else{ $val = $list[0]['total']+$list[0]['shipping_fare']-$list[0]['voucher_credit']-$list[0]['fullreduction_money']; } $today_sales[$i] = $val; } //昨日销售走势 $yestertime = array(); $yestertime['egt'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')) - 24*60*60; $yestertime['lt'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')) - 1; $yesterday_sales = array(); for($i = 0;$i <= 23; $i++){ $yestertime['egt'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')) - 24*60*60; $yestertime['egt'] = $yestertime['egt']+$i*60*60; $yestertime['lt'] = $yestertime['egt']+60*60-1; //有效销售额 $list1 = M()->query("select sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$yestertime['egt']." and date_added < ".$yestertime['lt']." and ".$condition." and (order_status_id in (1,2,3,4,6,11,14))" ); if(empty($list1[0]['total'])){ $val1 = 0; }else{ $val1 = $list1[0]['total']+$list1[0]['shipping_fare']-$list1[0]['voucher_credit']-$list1[0]['fullreduction_money']; } $yesterday_sales[$i] = $val1; } //七天的时间 $sevenday = array(); $sevenday['egt'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00'))-6*24*60*60; $sevenday['lt'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59')); //7日内团长销量top10 $sevenday_sale = M()->query("select head_id as head_id from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where date_added > ".$sevenday['egt']." and date_added < ".$sevenday['lt']." and ".$condition); //所有团长id $sale = array(); foreach($sevenday_sale as $key =>$v) { $sale[$key] = array( 'head_id' => $v['head_id'], ); } //合并数据,唯一团长id $sale = array_unique($sale, SORT_REGULAR); //var_dump($sale); //var_dump($sale); //获取供应信息 $sale_list = array(); foreach($sale as $key =>$v) { //社区店名称 $sale1 = M()->query("select community_name as community_name ,head_name as head_name from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_community_head where id = ".$v['head_id']." and ".$condition); //var_dump($sale1); //团长 //订单数量 $sale2 = M()->query("select count( * ) as count from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where(head_id = ".$v['head_id'].") and date_added > ".$sevenday['egt']." and date_added < ".$sevenday['lt']." and ".$condition); //var_dump($sale2); //有效订单金额(元) $sale3 = M()->query("select sum(total) as total,sum(shipping_fare) as shipping_fare,sum(voucher_credit) as voucher_credit,sum(fullreduction_money) as fullreduction_money from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where (head_id = ".$v['head_id'].") and date_added > ".$sevenday['egt']." and date_added < ".$sevenday['lt']." and ".$condition ); //有效订单金额(元)sum_money $sale_money = $sale3[0]['total']+$sale3[0]['shipping_fare']-$sale3[0]['voucher_credit']-$sale3[0]['fullreduction_money']; $sale_list[$key] = array( 'community_name' => $sale1[0]['community_name'], 'head_name' => $sale1[0]['head_name'], 'count' => $sale2[0]['count'], 'sale_money' => $sale_money, ); } //数组重新排序 $count = array_column($sale_list,'count'); array_multisort($count,SORT_DESC,$sale_list); $this->sale_list = $sale_list; //7日内商品销量top10 $sevenday_info = M()->query("select goods_id as goods_id,name as name,quantity as quantity from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order_goods where addtime > ".$sevenday['egt']." and addtime < ".$sevenday['lt']." and ".$condition." order by quantity desc "); //所有商品id $info = array(); foreach($sevenday_info as $key =>$v) { $info[$key] = array( 'goods_id' => $v['goods_id'], //'quantity' => $v['quantity'], ); } //合并数据,唯一商品id $info = array_unique($info, SORT_REGULAR); //唯一商品id获取对应信息 $goods_statistic = array(); foreach($info as $key =>$v) { $info2 = M()->query("select sum(quantity) as quantity ,name as name from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order_goods where( goods_id = ".$v['goods_id'].") and addtime > ".$sevenday['egt']." and addtime < ".$sevenday['lt']." and ".$condition); $goods_statistic[$key]=array( 'goods_id' => $v['goods_id'], 'name' => $info2[0]['name'], 'quantity' => $info2[0]['quantity'], ); } //序号 $gid = 0; //数组重新排序 $quantity = array_column($goods_statistic,'quantity'); array_multisort($quantity,SORT_DESC,$goods_statistic); $this->day_info = $day_info; $this->day_info2 = $day_info2; $this->sum_money = $sum_money; $this->sum_order = $sum_order; $this->sum_member = $sum_member; $this->list1 = $list1; $this->sum_goods = $sum_goods; $this->ave_money = $ave_money; $this->add_member = $add_member; $this->member_num = $member_num; $this->add_supplier = $add_supplier; $this->add_head = $add_head; $this->add_goods = $add_goods; $this->todaytime = $todaytime; $this->today_sales = $today_sales; $this->yestertime = $yestertime; $this->yesterday_sales = $yesterday_sales; $this->sevenday = $sevenday; $this->sevenday_sale = $sevenday_sale; $this->sale = $sale; $this->count = $count; $this->sevenday_info = $sevenday_info; $this->info = $info; $this->goods_statistic = $goods_statistic; $this->_GPC = $_GPC; include $this->display(); } public function communitystatics() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $starttime = strtotime( date('Y-m-d').' 00:00:00' ); $endtime = $starttime + 86400; $searchtime = $_GPC['searchtime']; $keyword = $_GPC['keyword']; if( !empty($searchtime) ) { $starttime = isset($_GPC['time']['start']) ? strtotime($_GPC['time']['start']) : strtotime(date('Y-m-d'.' 00:00:00')); $endtime = isset($_GPC['time']['end']) ? strtotime($_GPC['time']['end']) : strtotime(date('Y-m-d'.' 23:59:59')); } $this->starttime = $starttime; $this->endtime = $endtime; $this->searchtime = $searchtime; $this->keyword = $keyword; //0 3 $type = isset($_GPC['type']) ? $_GPC['type'] : 0; $data = array(); $data = $this->head_sale_analys($keyword,$searchtime , $starttime , $endtime ); $this->type = $type; $this->data = $data; $this->_GPC = $_GPC; $this->display(); } public function communitystatics_commiss() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $starttime = strtotime( date('Y-m-d').' 00:00:00' ); $endtime = $starttime + 86400; $searchtime = $_GPC['searchtime']; $keyword = $_GPC['keyword']; if( !empty($searchtime) ) { $starttime = isset($_GPC['time']['start']) ? strtotime($_GPC['time']['start']) : strtotime(date('Y-m-d'.' 00:00:00')); $endtime = isset($_GPC['time']['end']) ? strtotime($_GPC['time']['end']) : strtotime(date('Y-m-d'.' 23:59:59')); } //0 3 $type = isset($_GPC['type']) ? $_GPC['type'] : 0; $data = array(); $data = $this->head_commiss_analys($keyword,$searchtime , $starttime , $endtime ); $this->starttime = $starttime; $this->endtime = $endtime; $this->searchtime = $searchtime; $this->keyword = $keyword; $this->type = $type; $this->data = $data; $this->_GPC = $_GPC; include $this->display(); } public function communitystatics_order() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $starttime = strtotime( date('Y-m-d').' 00:00:00' ); $endtime = $starttime + 86400; $searchtime = $_GPC['searchtime']; $keyword = $_GPC['keyword']; if( !empty($searchtime) ) { $starttime = isset($_GPC['time']['start']) ? strtotime($_GPC['time']['start']) : strtotime(date('Y-m-d'.' 00:00:00')); $endtime = isset($_GPC['time']['end']) ? strtotime($_GPC['time']['end']) : strtotime(date('Y-m-d'.' 23:59:59')); } //0 3 $type = isset($_GPC['type']) ? $_GPC['type'] : 0; $data = array(); $data = $this->head_order_analys($keyword,$searchtime , $starttime , $endtime ); $this->starttime = $starttime; $this->endtime = $endtime; $this->searchtime = $searchtime; $this->keyword = $keyword; $this->type = $type; $this->data = $data; $this->_GPC = $_GPC; include $this->display(); } private function head_order_analys() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $data = array(); //1、寻找团长 $where = " "; if( !empty($searchtime) ) { $where .= " and date_added >= {$starttime} and date_added <= {$endtime} "; } $sql = "select head_id from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where 1 {$where} group by head_id "; $order_ids_all = M()->query($sql); $head_ids_arr = array(); if( !empty($order_ids_all) ) { foreach( $order_ids_all as $val ) { $head_ids_arr[] = $val['head_id']; } } $search_head_list = array(); if( !empty($keyword) ) { $sql = " SELECT ch.id FROM " . C('DB_PREFIX') . "lionfish_community_head as ch left join ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_member as m on ch.member_id = m.member_id WHERE (m.username like '%{$keyword}%' or ch.head_name like '%{$keyword}%' or ch.community_name like '%{$keyword}%' ) "; $community_head_list = M()->query( $sql ); if( !empty($community_head_list) ) { foreach( $community_head_list as $val ) { $search_head_list[] = $val['id']; } } //交集 $head_ids_arr = array_intersect($head_ids_arr, $search_head_list); } //----------------以上是搜索团长的代码 //---------------团长等级begin------------- $level_sql = "select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_commission_level where 1 "; $level_list = M()->query($level_sql); $level_arr = array(0 => '默认等级'); foreach( $level_list as $vv ) { $level_arr[ $v['id'] ] = $vv['levelname']; } //---------------团长等级end--------------- if( empty($head_ids_arr) ) { return $data; }else{ foreach($head_ids_arr as $head_id) { $tmp = array(); $head_info = M('lionfish_community_head')->where( array('id' => $head_id ) )->find(); if( empty($head_info['member_id']) ) { continue; } $mb_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('username')->where( array('member_id' => $head_info['member_id'] ) )->find(); $tmp['head_id'] = $head_id; $tmp['username'] = $mb_info['username']; $tmp['community_name'] = $head_info['community_name']; $tmp['head_name'] = $head_info['head_name']; $tmp['head_mobile'] = $head_info['head_mobile']; $tmp['head_levelname'] = $level_arr[ $head_info['level_id'] ]; //总订单量 in(1,4,6,11,14) 退款: 7, $all_order_count = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( "head_id = {$head_id} {$where}" )->count(); $tmp['all_order_count'] = $all_order_count; //有效订单量 $effect_order_count = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( " head_id = {$head_id} and order_status_id in (1,4,6,11,14) {$where}" )->count(); $tmp['effect_order_count'] = $effect_order_count; //已关闭订单量 $close_order_count = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( " head_id = {$head_id} and order_status_id =5 {$where} " )->count(); $tmp['close_order_count'] = $close_order_count; //订单总金额(元) $all_order_paymoney = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where("head_id = {$head_id} {$where}")->sum("total+shipping_fare-voucher_credit-fullreduction_money"); $tmp['all_order_paymoney'] = $all_order_paymoney; //有效订单金额(元) $effect_order_paymoney = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where("head_id = {$head_id} and order_status_id in(1,4,6,11,14) {$where}")->sum("total+shipping_fare-voucher_credit-fullreduction_money"); $tmp['effect_order_paymoney'] = $effect_order_paymoney; //待付款量 $pending_order_count = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( " head_id = {$head_id} and order_status_id =3 {$where} " )->count(); $tmp['pending_order_count'] = $pending_order_count; //退款量 $refund_order_count = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(" head_id = {$head_id} and order_status_id =7 {$where} ")->count(); $tmp['refund_order_count'] = $refund_order_count; //退款总金额(元) $refund_order_paymoney = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(" head_id = {$head_id} and order_status_id =7 {$where} ")->sum("total+shipping_fare-voucher_credit-fullreduction_money"); $tmp['refund_order_paymoney'] = $refund_order_paymoney; $data[] = $tmp; } if( isset($_GPC['export']) && $_GPC['export'] == 1 ) { $columns = array( array('title' => 'ID', 'field' => 'head_id', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '团长昵称', 'field' => 'username', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '团长姓名', 'field' => 'head_name', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '团长手机号', 'field' => 'head_mobile', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '小区信息', 'field' => 'community_name', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '总订单量', 'field' => 'all_order_count', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '有效订单量', 'field' => 'effect_order_count', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '已关闭订单量', 'field' => 'close_order_count', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '订单总金额(元)', 'field' => 'all_order_paymoney', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '有效订单金额(元)', 'field' => 'effect_order_paymoney', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '待付款量', 'field' => 'pending_order_count', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '退款量', 'field' => 'refund_order_count', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '退款总金额(元)', 'field' => 'refund_order_paymoney', 'width' => 32), ); $title = '团长销售额统计'; D('Seller/Excel')->export($data, array('title' => $title, 'columns' => $columns)); } } return $data; } private function head_commiss_analys( $keyword,$searchtime , $starttime , $endtime ) { $_GPC = I('request.'); $data = array(); //1、寻找团长 $where = " 1 "; $tj_where = " "; if( !empty($searchtime) ) { $where .= " and date_added >= {$starttime} and date_added <= {$endtime} "; $tj_where .= " and addtime >= {$starttime} and addtime <= {$endtime} "; } $sql = "select head_id from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where {$where} group by head_id "; $order_ids_all = M()->query($sql); $head_ids_arr = array(); if( !empty($order_ids_all) ) { foreach( $order_ids_all as $val ) { $head_ids_arr[] = $val['head_id']; } } $search_head_list = array(); if( !empty($keyword) ) { $sql = " SELECT ch.id FROM " . C('DB_PREFIX'). "lionfish_community_head as ch left join ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_member as m on ch.member_id = m.member_id WHERE (m.username like '%{$keyword}%' or ch.head_name like '%{$keyword}%' or ch.community_name like '%{$keyword}%' ) "; $community_head_list = M()->query( $sql ); //var_dump($community_head_list,$sql);die(); if( !empty($community_head_list) ) { foreach( $community_head_list as $val ) { $search_head_list[] = $val['id']; } } //交集 $head_ids_arr = array_intersect($head_ids_arr, $search_head_list); } //----------------以上是搜索团长的代码 //---------------团长等级begin------------- $level_sql = "select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_commission_level "; $level_list = M()->query($level_sql); $level_arr = array(0 => '默认等级'); foreach( $level_list as $vv ) { $level_arr[ $v['id'] ] = $vv['levelname']; } //---------------团长等级end--------------- if( empty($head_ids_arr) ) { return $data; }else{ foreach($head_ids_arr as $head_id) { $tmp = array(); $head_info = M('lionfish_community_head')->where( array('id' => $head_id ) )->find(); if( empty($head_info['member_id']) ) { continue; } //ims_lionfish_comshop_member $mb_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('username')->where( array('member_id' => $head_info['member_id'] ) )->find(); $tmp['head_id'] = $head_id; $tmp['username'] = $mb_info['username']; $tmp['community_name'] = $head_info['community_name']; $tmp['head_name'] = $head_info['head_name']; $tmp['head_mobile'] = $head_info['head_mobile']; $tmp['head_levelname'] = $level_arr[ $head_info['level_id'] ]; $head_commiss = M('lionfish_community_head_commiss')->where( array('head_id' =>$head_id ) )->find(); //下单佣金(元) orderbuy (1,2) $sum_order_commiss = M('lionfish_community_head_commiss_order')->where("head_id = {$head_id} and state in (1,2) and type = 'orderbuy' {$tj_where}")->sum('money'); $tmp['sum_order_commiss'] = $sum_order_commiss; //退款佣金(元) orderbuy(2) $sum_order_refundcommiss = M('lionfish_community_head_commiss_order')->where(" head_id = {$head_id} and state = 2 and type = 'orderbuy' {$tj_where} ")->sum('money'); $tmp['sum_order_refundcommiss'] = $sum_order_refundcommiss; //下级下单佣金(元) commiss tuijian (1,2) $childsum_order_commiss = M('lionfish_community_head_commiss_order')->where(" head_id = {$head_id} and state in (1,2) and type in('commiss', 'tuijian') {$tj_where} ")->sum('money'); $tmp['childsum_order_commiss'] = $childsum_order_commiss; //下级退款佣金(元) commiss tuijian (2) $childsum_order_refundcommiss = M('lionfish_community_head_commiss_order')->where("head_id = {$head_id} and state = 2 and type in('commiss', 'tuijian') {$tj_where}")->sum('money'); $tmp['childsum_order_refundcommiss'] = $childsum_order_refundcommiss; //净佣金(元) $real_commiss_money = $sum_order_commiss + $childsum_order_commiss - $sum_order_refundcommiss - $childsum_order_refundcommiss; $tmp['real_commiss_money'] = $real_commiss_money; //申请提现佣金(元) $tmp['dongmoney'] = $head_commiss['dongmoney']; //提现到帐佣金(元) $tmp['getmoney'] = $head_commiss['getmoney']; $data[] = $tmp; } if( isset($_GPC['export']) && $_GPC['export'] == 1 ) { $columns = array( array('title' => 'ID', 'field' => 'head_id', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '团长昵称', 'field' => 'username', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '团长姓名', 'field' => 'head_name', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '团长手机号', 'field' => 'head_mobile', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '小区信息', 'field' => 'community_name', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '团长等级', 'field' => 'head_levelname', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '下单佣金(元)', 'field' => 'sum_order_commiss', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '退款佣金(元)', 'field' => 'sum_order_refundcommiss', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '下级下单佣金(元)', 'field' => 'childsum_order_commiss', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '下级退款佣金(元)', 'field' => 'childsum_order_refundcommiss', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '净佣金(元)', 'field' => 'real_commiss_money', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '申请提现佣金(元)', 'field' => 'dongmoney', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '提现到帐佣金(元)', 'field' => 'getmoney', 'width' => 32), ); $title = '团长佣金金额统计'; D('Seller/Excel')->export($data, array('title' => $title, 'columns' => $columns)); } return $data; } } //团长销售额统计 private function head_sale_analys( $keyword,$searchtime , $starttime , $endtime ) { $_GPC = I('request.'); $data = array(); //1、寻找团长 $where = " "; $refund_where = " "; if( !empty($searchtime) ) { $where .= " and date_added >= {$starttime} and date_added <= {$endtime} "; $refund_where .= " and addtime >= {$starttime} and addtime <= {$endtime} "; } $sql = "select head_id from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where 1 {$where} group by head_id "; $order_ids_all = M()->query($sql); $head_ids_arr = array(); if( !empty($order_ids_all) ) { foreach( $order_ids_all as $val ) { $head_ids_arr[] = $val['head_id']; } } $search_head_list = array(); if( !empty($keyword) ) { $sql = " SELECT ch.id FROM " . C('DB_PREFIX'). "lionfish_community_head as ch left join ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_member as m on ch.member_id = m.member_id WHERE (m.username like '%{$keyword}%' or ch.head_name like '%{$keyword}%' or ch.community_name like '%{$keyword}%' ) "; $community_head_list = M()->query( $sql ); if( !empty($community_head_list) ) { foreach( $community_head_list as $val ) { $search_head_list[] = $val['id']; } } //交集 $head_ids_arr = array_intersect($head_ids_arr, $search_head_list); } //----------------以上是搜索团长的代码 //---------------团长等级begin------------- $level_sql = "select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_commission_level "; $level_list = M()->query($level_sql ); $level_arr = array(0 => '默认等级'); foreach( $level_list as $vv ) { $level_arr[ $v['id'] ] = $vv['levelname']; } //---------------团长等级end--------------- if( empty($head_ids_arr) ) { return $data; }else{ foreach($head_ids_arr as $head_id) { $tmp = array(); $head_info = M('lionfish_community_head')->where( array('id' => $head_id ) )->find(); if( empty($head_info['member_id']) ) { continue; } $mb_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('username')->where( array('member_id' => $head_info['member_id'] ) )->find(); $tmp['head_id'] = $head_id; $tmp['username'] = $mb_info['username']; $tmp['community_name'] = $head_info['community_name']; $tmp['head_name'] = $head_info['head_name']; $tmp['head_mobile'] = $head_info['head_mobile']; $tmp['head_levelname'] = $level_arr[ $head_info['level_id'] ]; //下单会员数(支付的+退款的) $buy_mb_count_arr = M()->query("SELECT count( DISTINCT(member_id) ) as count FROM ".C('DB_PREFIX'). "lionfish_comshop_order WHERE 1 and head_id = {$head_id} and order_status_id in(1,4,6,7,11,14) {$where} "); $buy_mb_count = $buy_mb_count_arr[0]['count']; $tmp['buy_mb_count'] = $buy_mb_count; //下单数量(支付的+退款的) $buy_order_count = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(" head_id = {$head_id} and order_status_id in(1,4,6,7,11,14) {$where} ")->count(); $tmp['buy_order_count'] = $buy_order_count; //销售额(支付的+退款的) $sum_order_paymoney = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where("head_id = {$head_id} and order_status_id in(1,4,6,7,11,14) {$where}")->sum('total+shipping_fare-voucher_credit-fullreduction_money'); $tmp['sum_order_paymoney'] = $sum_order_paymoney; //退款量(退款成功的) $refund_order_count_arr = M()->query("SELECT count( DISTINCT(ref_id) ) as count FROM ".C('DB_PREFIX'). "lionfish_comshop_order_refund WHERE head_id = {$head_id} and state = 3 {$refund_where} "); $refund_order_count = $refund_order_count_arr[0]['count']; $tmp['refund_order_count'] = $refund_order_count; //退款额(元) $refund_order_money = M('lionfish_comshop_order_refund')->where("head_id = {$head_id} and state = 3 {$refund_where}")->sum('ref_money'); $tmp['refund_order_money'] = $refund_order_money; //净销售额(元) 销售额 - 退款额 = 净销售额 $real_sale_money = round($sum_order_paymoney - $refund_order_money,2); $tmp['real_sale_money'] = $real_sale_money; $data[] = $tmp; } if( isset($_GPC['export']) && $_GPC['export'] == 1 ) { $columns = array( array('title' => 'ID', 'field' => 'head_id', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '团长昵称', 'field' => 'username', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '团长姓名', 'field' => 'head_name', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '团长手机号', 'field' => 'head_mobile', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '小区信息', 'field' => 'community_name', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '团长等级', 'field' => 'head_levelname', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '下单会员数', 'field' => 'buy_mb_count', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '下单数量', 'field' => 'buy_order_count', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '销售额(元)', 'field' => 'sum_order_paymoney', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '退款量', 'field' => 'refund_order_count', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '退款额(元)', 'field' => 'refund_order_money', 'width' => 32), array('title' => '净销售额(元)', 'field' => 'real_sale_money', 'width' => 32), ); $title = '团长销售额统计'; D('Seller/Excel')->export($data, array('title' => $title, 'columns' => $columns)); } } return $data; } //找出这段时间团长的方法 private function head_sale_analys_back( $keyword,$searchtime , $starttime , $endtime ) { $_GPC = I('request.'); $data = array(); //1、寻找团长 $where = " "; if( !empty($searchtime) ) { $where .= " and date_added >= {$starttime} and date_added <= {$endtime} "; } $sql = "select head_id from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order where 1 {$where} group by head_id "; $order_ids_all = M()->query($sql ); $head_ids_arr = array(); if( !empty($order_ids_all) ) { foreach( $order_ids_all as $val ) { $head_ids_arr[] = $val['head_id']; } } $search_head_list = array(); if( !empty($keyword) ) { $sql = "select id from ".C('DB_PREFIX'). "lionfish_community_head where (head_name like '%{$keyword}%' or community_name like '%{$keyword}%' ) "; $community_head_list = M()->query( $sql ); if( !empty($community_head_list) ) { foreach( $community_head_list as $val ) { $search_head_list[] = $val['id']; } } //交集 $head_ids_arr = array_intersect($head_ids_arr, $search_head_list); } //----------------以上是搜索团长的代码 //---------------团长等级begin------------- $level_sql = "select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_commission_level "; $level_list = M()->query($level_sql); $level_arr = array(0 => '默认等级'); foreach( $level_list as $vv ) { $level_arr[ $v['id'] ] = $vv['levelname']; } //---------------团长等级end--------------- if( empty($head_ids_arr) ) { return $data; }else{ foreach($head_ids_arr as $head_id) { $tmp = array(); $head_info = M('lionfish_community_head')->where( array('id' => $head_id ) )->find(); $tmp['community_name'] = $head_info['community_name']; $tmp['head_name'] = $head_info['head_name']; $tmp['head_mobile'] = $head_info['head_mobile']; $tmp['head_levelname'] = $level_arr[ $head_info['level_id'] ]; //下单会员数 //下单数量 //销售额 //level_id $data[] = $tmp; } } return $data; } } ?>