breadcrumb1='商品管理'; $this->breadcrumb2='普通商品信息'; $this->sellerid = SELLERUID; } public function index(){ $pindex = I('', 1); $psize = 20; $starttime_arr = I('get.time'); $starttime = isset($starttime_arr['start']) ? strtotime($starttime_arr['start']) : strtotime(date('Y-m-d'.' 00:00:00')); $endtime = isset($starttime_arr['end']) ? strtotime($starttime_arr['end']) : strtotime(date('Y-m-d'.' 23:59:59')); $this->starttime = $starttime; $this->endtime = $endtime; $searchtime = I('get.searchtime',''); $this->searchtime = $searchtime; $shop_data = array(); $type = I('get.type','all'); //---begin $count_common_where =""; if (defined('ROLE') && ROLE == 'agenter' ) { $supper_info = get_agent_logininfo(); $supper_goods_list = M('lionfish_comshop_good_common')->field('goods_id')->where( array('supply_id' =>$supper_info['id'] ) )->select(); $gids_list = array(); foreach($supper_goods_list as $vv) { $gids_list[] = $vv['goods_id']; } if( !empty($gids_list) ) { $count_common_where = " and id in ( ".implode(',', $gids_list )." )"; }else{ $count_common_where = " and id in (0)"; } } $all_count = D('Seller/Goods')->get_goods_count(" and type = 'normal' {$count_common_where}");//全部商品数量 $onsale_count = D('Seller/Goods')->get_goods_count(" and grounding = 1 and type = 'normal' {$count_common_where}");//出售中商品数量 $getdown_count = D('Seller/Goods')->get_goods_count(" and grounding = 0 and type = 'normal' {$count_common_where}");//已下架商品数量 $warehouse_count = D('Seller/Goods')->get_goods_count(" and grounding = 2 and type = 'normal' {$count_common_where}");//仓库商品数量 $recycle_count = D('Seller/Goods')->get_goods_count(" and grounding = 3 and type = 'normal' {$count_common_where}");//回收站商品数量 $waishen_count = D('Seller/Goods')->get_goods_count(" and grounding = 4 and type = 'normal' {$count_common_where}");//审核商品数量 $unsuccshen_count = D('Seller/Goods')->get_goods_count(" and grounding = 5 and type = 'normal' {$count_common_where}");//拒绝审核商品数量 $this->assign('waishen_count',$waishen_count); $this->assign('unsuccshen_count',$unsuccshen_count); //recycle 仓库 //--end //recycle 仓库 get_config_by_name($name) $goods_stock_notice = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('goods_stock_notice'); $goods_stock_notice = intval($goods_stock_notice); if( empty($goods_stock_notice) ) { $goods_stock_notice = 0; } $stock_notice_count = D('Admin/Goods')->get_goods_count(" and grounding = 1 and total<= {$goods_stock_notice} and type = 'normal' {$count_common_where} ");//回收站商品数量 //goods_stock_notice //grounding 1 //type all 全部 //saleon 1 出售中 //getdown 0 已下架 //warehouse 2 仓库中 //recycle 3 回收站 $psize = 20; $condition = ' WHERE g.type = "normal" '; $sqlcondition = ""; if( !empty($type) && $type != 'all') { switch($type) { case 'saleon': $condition .= " and g.grounding = 1"; break; case 'getdown': $condition .= " and g.grounding = 0"; break; case 'warehouse': $condition .= " and g.grounding = 2"; break; case 'wait_shen': $condition .= " and g.grounding = 4"; break; case 'refuse': $condition .= " and g.grounding = 5"; break; case 'recycle': $condition .= " and g.grounding = 3"; break; case 'stock_notice': $condition .= " and g.grounding = 1 and<= {$goods_stock_notice} "; break; } }else{ $condition .= " and g.grounding != 3 "; } $keyword = I('get.keyword',''); $this->keyword = $keyword; if (!(empty($keyword))) { $condition .= " AND (g.`id` = '{$keyword}' or g.`goodsname` LIKE '%{$keyword}%' or g.`codes` LIKE '%{$keyword}%' ) "; } if (defined('ROLE') && ROLE == 'agenter' ) { $supper_info = get_agent_logininfo(); $sqlcondition .= ' , ' . C('DB_PREFIX'). 'lionfish_comshop_good_common as gm '; $condition .= ' and gm.goods_id AND gm.supply_id ='.$supper_info['id'].' '; } if( !empty($searchtime) ) { switch( $searchtime ) { case 'create': $condition .= ' AND (gm.begin_time >='.$starttime.' and gm.end_time <= '.$endtime.' )'; if (!defined('ROLE') && ROLE != 'agenter' ) { $sqlcondition .= ' left join ' . C('DB_PREFIX'). 'lionfish_comshop_good_common as gm on gm.goods_id = '; } break; } } $cate = I('get.cate', ''); $this->cate = $cate; if( !empty($cate) ) { $cate_list = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_to_category')->field('goods_id')->where(array('cate_id' => $cate))->select(); $catids_arr = array(); foreach($cate_list as $val) { $catids_arr[] = $val['goods_id']; } if( !empty($catids_arr) ) { $catids_str = implode(',', $catids_arr); $condition .= ' and in ('.$catids_str.')'; }else{ $condition .= " and 1=0 "; } } $sql = 'SELECT COUNT( as count FROM ' .C('DB_PREFIX'). 'lionfish_comshop_goods g ' .$sqlcondition. $condition ; $total_arr = M()->query($sql); $total = $total_arr[0]['count']; $pager = pagination2($total, $pindex, $psize); if (!(empty($total))) { $index_sort_method = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('index_sort_method'); if( empty($index_sort_method) || $index_sort_method == 0 ) { $sql = 'SELECT g.* FROM ' .C('DB_PREFIX'). 'lionfish_comshop_goods g ' .$sqlcondition . $condition . ' ORDER BY g.istop DESC, g.settoptime DESC, g.`id` DESC '; }else{ $sql = 'SELECT g.* FROM ' .C('DB_PREFIX'). 'lionfish_comshop_goods g ' .$sqlcondition . $condition . ' ORDER BY g.index_sort DESC, g.`id` DESC '; } if(I('export') != 1) { // 如果导出excel 就显示全部 $sql .= ' limit ' . (($pindex - 1) * $psize) . ',' . $psize; } //$sql .= ' limit ' . (($pindex - 1) * $psize) . ',' . $psize; $list = M()->query($sql); foreach ($list as $key => &$value ) { $price_arr = D('Home/pingoods')->get_goods_price($value['id']); $value['price_arr'] = $price_arr; $thumb = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_images')->where( array('goods_id' => $value['id']) )->order('id asc')->find(); if( empty($thumb['thumb']) ) { $value['thumb'] = $thumb['image']; }else{ $value['thumb'] = $thumb['thumb']; } //is_take_fullreduction print_sub_title $gd_common = M('lionfish_comshop_good_common')->field('is_take_fullreduction,supply_id,is_only_hexiao,print_sub_title')->where( array('goods_id' => $value['id']) )->find(); //print_sub_title $value['print_sub_title'] = $gd_common['print_sub_title']; $value['is_take_fullreduction'] = $gd_common['is_take_fullreduction']; $value['is_only_hexiao'] = $gd_common['is_only_hexiao']; $value['supply_name'] = ''; $value['supply_type'] = '0'; if( empty($gd_common['supply_id']) || $gd_common['supply_id'] ==0 ) { $value['supply_id'] = 0; }else{ $value['supply_id'] = $gd_common['supply_id']; $sub_info = M('lionfish_comshop_supply')->field('name,type')->where( array('id' => $gd_common['supply_id'] ) )->find(); $value['supply_name'] = $sub_info['name']; $value['supply_type'] = $sub_info['type']; } $categorys = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_to_category')->where( array('goods_id' => $value['id']) )->order('id asc')->select(); $value['cate'] = $categorys; $time_info = D('home/front')->get_goods_common_field($value['id'] , 'begin_time,end_time'); $value['begin_time'] = $time_info['begin_time']; $value['end_time'] = $time_info['end_time']; //团长数量 $head_count = 0; if( $value['is_all_sale'] == 1 ) { $head_count = M('lionfish_community_head')->count(); }else{ $head_count = M('lionfish_community_head_goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $value['id'] ) )->count(); } $value['head_count'] = $head_count; $value['option'] = []; if(I('get.export') > 0) {// 商品列表到处excel时要导出规格 $value['option'] = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->where('goods_id = "'.$value['id'].'"')->field('id,title,productprice,marketprice,card_price,stock,title,goodssn,costprice,weight')->select(); if($value['option'] === null){ $value['option'] = []; } foreach($categorys as $categorysKey => $categorysVal){ $categorysInfo = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_category')->where( array('id' => $categorysVal['cate_id']) )->find(); $value['cate'.($categorysKey+1).'_id'] = $categorysVal['cate_id']; $value['cate'.($categorysKey+1).'_name'] = $categorysInfo['name']; } $goodsCommon = M('lionfish_comshop_good_common')->where('goods_id = "'.$value['id'].'"')->field('is_spike_buy,is_new_buy,one_limit_count,total_limit_count,begin_time,end_time')->find(); $value['one_limit_count'] = $goodsCommon['one_limit_count']; $value['total_limit_count'] = $goodsCommon['total_limit_count']; $value['is_spike_buy'] = $goodsCommon['is_spike_buy']; $value['is_new_buy'] = $goodsCommon['is_new_buy']; $goodsPin = M('lionfish_comshop_good_pin')->where('goods_id = "'.$value['id'].'"')->field('begin_time,end_time')->find(); if($goodsPin){ $value['pin_begin_time'] = $goodsPin['begin_time']; $value['pin_end_time'] = $goodsPin['end_time']; } if($value['is_all_sale'] == 1){ $value['is_all_sale_str'] = '[所有团长'.$head_count.']'; }else if($head_count == 0){ $value['is_all_sale_str'] = '[无团长0]'; }else if($head_count > 0){ $value['is_all_sale_str'] = '[部分团长'.$head_count.']'; } } } } unset($value); $categorys = D('Seller/GoodsCategory')->getFullCategory(true); $category = array(); foreach ($categorys as $cate ) { $category[$cate['id']] = $cate; } $this->category =$category; $this->type = $type; $this->all_count = $all_count; $this->onsale_count = $onsale_count; $this->getdown_count = $getdown_count; $this->warehouse_count = $warehouse_count; $this->recycle_count = $recycle_count; $this->stock_notice_count = $stock_notice_count; $this->assign('list',$list);// 赋值数据集 $this->assign('pager',$pager);// 赋值分页输出 $is_open_fullreduction = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fullreduction'); $this->assign('is_open_fullreduction',$is_open_fullreduction); $index_sort_method = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('index_sort_method'); if( empty($index_sort_method) || $index_sort_method == 0 ) { $index_sort_method = 0; } $this->index_sort_method = $index_sort_method; //--- $supply_add_goods_shenhe = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('supply_add_goods_shenhe'); $supply_edit_goods_shenhe = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('supply_edit_goods_shenhe'); if(empty($supply_add_goods_shenhe)) { $supply_add_goods_shenhe = 0; } if(empty($supply_edit_goods_shenhe)) { $supply_edit_goods_shenhe = 0; } $is_open_shenhe = 0; if($supply_add_goods_shenhe ==1 || $supply_edit_goods_shenhe == 1) { $is_open_shenhe = 1; } $this->supply_add_goods_shenhe = $supply_add_goods_shenhe; $this->supply_edit_goods_shenhe = $supply_edit_goods_shenhe; $this->assign('is_open_shenhe',$is_open_shenhe); //-- //团长分组 $group_default_list = array( array('id' => 'default', 'groupname' => '默认分组') ); $group_list = M('lionfish_community_head_group')->field('id,groupname')->order('id asc')->select(); $group_list = array_merge($group_default_list, $group_list); $this->group_list = $group_list; $config_data = D('Seller/Config')->get_all_config(); $is_index = true; $is_top = true; $is_updown = true; $is_fullreduce = true; $is_vir_count = true; $is_newbuy = true; $is_goodsspike = true; if (defined('ROLE') && ROLE == 'agenter' ) { $is_fullreduce = false; if( isset($config_data['supply_can_goods_isindex']) && $config_data['supply_can_goods_isindex'] == 2 ) { $is_index = false; } if( isset($config_data['supply_can_goods_istop']) && $config_data['supply_can_goods_istop'] == 2 ) { $is_top = false; } if( isset($config_data['supply_can_goods_updown']) && $config_data['supply_can_goods_updown'] == 2 ) { $is_updown = false; } if( isset($config_data['supply_can_vir_count']) && $config_data['supply_can_vir_count'] == 2 ) { $is_vir_count = false; } if( isset($config_data['supply_can_goods_newbuy']) && $config_data['supply_can_goods_newbuy'] == 2 ) { $is_newbuy = false; } if( isset($config_data['supply_can_goods_spike']) && $config_data['supply_can_goods_spike'] == 2 ) { $is_goodsspike = false; } } if(I('get.export') > 0) {// 商品列表到处excel $this->goods_listexcel($list); } $this->config_data = $config_data; $this->is_index = $is_index; $this->is_top = $is_top; $this->is_updown = $is_updown; $this->is_fullreduce = $is_fullreduce; $this->is_vir_count = $is_vir_count; $this->is_newbuy = $is_newbuy; $this->is_goodsspike = $is_goodsspike; $this->display(); } /** * 商品列表到处excel * @author 刘鑫芮 2020-03-02 * @param $list 商品列表集合数据 全部-根据where 条件搜索的 * */ public function goods_listexcel($list) { // dump($list);die; $printList = $list; foreach($list as $key => $value) { $printList[$key] = array( 'id' => $value['id'] ); } $columns = array( array( 'title' => '商品ID(禁止修改)', 'field' => 'id', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '商品名称', 'field' => 'goodsname', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '商品简称', 'field' => 'print_sub_title', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '一级分类ID', 'field' => 'cate1_id', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '一级分类名称', 'field' => 'cate1_name', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '二级分类ID', 'field' => 'cate2_id', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '二级分类名称', 'field' => 'cate2_name', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '商品价格', 'field' => 'price', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '商品成本价', 'field' => 'costprice', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '会员卡价格', 'field' => 'card_price', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '商品原价', 'field' => 'productprice', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '商品库存', 'field' => 'total', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '1上架/0下架', 'field' => 'grounding', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '首页推荐(0:取消/1:是)', 'field' => 'is_index_show', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '限时秒杀(0:取消/1:是)', 'field' => 'is_spike_buy', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '所有团长', 'field' => 'is_all_sale_str', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '新人专享', 'field' => 'is_new_buy', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '商品排序(数字)', 'field' => 'index_sort', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '单次限购', 'field' => 'one_limit_count', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '历史限购', 'field' => 'total_limit_count', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '开始时间', 'field' => 'pin_begin_time', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '结束时间', 'field' => 'pin_end_time', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '商品重量(单位:g)', 'field' => 'weight', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '规格(1:开启/0:关闭)', 'field' => 'hasoption', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '规格id(禁止修改)', 'field' => 'option_id', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '规格名称(禁止修改)', 'field' => 'option_title', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '规格库存', 'field' => 'option_stock', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '规格现价', 'field' => 'option_marketprice', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '规格原价', 'field' => 'option_productprice', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '规格会员价', 'field' => 'option_card_price', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '规格成本价', 'field' => 'option_costprice', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '规格编码', 'field' => 'option_goodssn', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '规格重量(单位:g)', 'field' => 'option_weight', 'width' => 24 ) ); sellerLog('导出商品excel', 3); D('Seller/Excel')->export_goods_list_pi(array( 'title' => '商品列表', 'columns' => $columns ), $list); } public function edittags() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); if (!empty($id)) { $item = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_tags')->field('id,tagname,tagcontent,state,sort_order')->where( array('id' =>$id ) )->find(); if (json_decode($item['tagcontent'], true)) { $labelname = json_decode($item['tagcontent'], true); } else { $labelname = unserialize($item['tagcontent']); } $this->item = $item; $this->labelname = $labelname; } if (IS_POST) { $data = $_GPC['data']; D('Seller/Tags')->update($data); show_json(1, array('url' => U('goods/goodstag') )); } $this->display('Goods/addtags'); } public function addtags() { $_GPC = I('request.'); if (IS_POST) { $data = $_GPC['data']; D('Seller/Tags')->update($data); show_json(1, array('url' => U('goods/goodstag'))); } $this->display(); } public function tagsstate() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); if (empty($id)) { $id = $_GPC['ids']; } if( is_array($id) ) { $items = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_tags')->field('id,tagname')->where( array('id' => array('in', $id)) )->select(); }else{ $items = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_tags')->field('id,tagname')->where( array('id' =>$id ) )->select(); } if (empty($item)) { $item = array(); } foreach ($items as $item) { M('lionfish_comshop_goods_tags')->where( array('id' => $item['id']) )->save( array('state' => intval($_GPC['state'])) ); } show_json(1, array('url' => U('goods/goodstag'))); } public function deletetags() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); if (empty($id)) { $id = $_GPC['ids']; } if( is_array($id) ) { $items = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_tags')->field('id,tagname')->where( array('id' => array('in', $id)) )->select(); }else{ $items = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_tags')->field('id,tagname')->where( array('id' =>$id ) )->select(); } //$items = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_tags')->field('id,tagname')->where( array('id' => array('in', $id )) )->select(); if (empty($item)) { $item = array(); } foreach ($items as $item) { M('lionfish_comshop_goods_tags')->where( array('id' => $item['id']) )->delete(); } show_json(1, array('url' => U('goods/goodstag'))); } public function labelquery() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $kwd = trim($_GPC['keyword']); $type = isset($_GPC['type']) ? $_GPC['type'] : 'normal'; $condition = ' and state = 1 and tag_type="'.$type.'" '; if (!empty($kwd)) { $condition .= ' AND tagname LIKE "%'.$kwd.'%" '; } $labels = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_tags')->field('id,tagname,tagcontent')->where( '1 '. $condition )->order('id desc')->select(); if (empty($labels)) { $labels = array(); } $html = ''; foreach ($labels as $key => $value) { if (json_decode($value['tagcontent'], true)) { $labels[$key]['tagcontent'] = json_decode($value['tagcontent'], true); } else { $labels[$key]['tagcontent'] = unserialize($value['tagcontent']); } $html .= ''; } if( isset($_GPC['is_ajax']) ) { echo json_encode( array('code' => 0, 'html' => $html) ); die(); } $this->labels = $labels; $this->display(); } public function deletecomment() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); if (empty($id)) { $id = (is_array($_GPC['ids']) ? implode(',', $_GPC['ids']) : 0); } $items = M()->query('SELECT comment_id FROM ' . C('DB_PREFIX') . 'lionfish_comshop_order_comment WHERE comment_id in( ' . $id . ' ) '); if (empty($item)) { $item = array(); } foreach ($items as $item) { M('lionfish_comshop_order_comment')->where( array('comment_id' => $item['comment_id']) )->delete(); } show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] )); } public function addvircomment() { $_GPC = I('request.'); if (IS_POST) { $data = $_GPC['data']; $jia_id = $_GPC['jiaid']; $goods_id = $_GPC['goods_id']; if( empty($goods_id) ) { show_json(0, array('message' => '请选择评价商品!')); } if( empty($jia_id) ) { show_json(0, array('message' => '请选择机器人!')); } $goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('goodsname')->where( array('id' => $goods_id) )->find(); $goods_image = isset($_GPC['goods_image']) && !empty($_GPC['goods_image']) ? $_GPC['goods_image'] : array(); $time = empty($_GPC['time']) ? time() : $_GPC['time']; $jia_info = M('lionfish_comshop_jiauser')->where( array('id' => $jia_id ) )->find(); $commen_data = array(); $commen_data['order_id'] = 0; $commen_data['state'] = 1; $commen_data['type'] = 1; $commen_data['member_id'] = $jia_id; $commen_data['avatar'] = $jia_info['avatar']; $commen_data['user_name'] = $jia_info['username']; $commen_data['order_num_alias'] = 1; $commen_data['star'] = $data['star']; $commen_data['star3'] = $data['star3']; $commen_data['star2'] = $data['star2']; $commen_data['is_picture'] = !empty($goods_image) ? 1: 0; $commen_data['content'] = $data['content']; $commen_data['images'] = serialize(implode(',', $goods_image)); $image = D('Home/Pingoods')->get_goods_images($goods_id); $seller_id = 1; if(!empty($image)) { $commen_data['goods_image'] = $image['image']; }else{ $commen_data['goods_image'] = ''; } $commen_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $commen_data['goods_name'] = $goods_info['goodsname']; $commen_data['add_time'] = strtotime($time); M('lionfish_comshop_order_comment')->add($commen_data); show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] )); } $this->display(); } public function change_cm() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); //ids if (empty($id)) { $id = ((is_array($_GPC['ids']) ? implode(',', $_GPC['ids']) : 0)); } if (empty($id)) { show_json(0, array('message' => '参数错误')); } $type = trim($_GPC['type']); $value = trim($_GPC['value']); if (!(in_array($type, array('is_take_fullreduction')))) { show_json(0, array('message' => '参数错误')); } $items = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('id')->where( 'id in( ' . $id . ' )' )->select(); foreach ($items as $item ) { //-- if($type == 'is_take_fullreduction' && $value == 1) { $gd_common = M('lionfish_comshop_good_common')->field('supply_id')->where( array('goods_id' => $item['id'] ) )->find(); if( !empty($gd_common['supply_id']) && $gd_common['supply_id'] > 0) { $supply_info = M('lionfish_comshop_supply')->field('type')->where( array('id' => $gd_common['supply_id'] ) )->find(); if( !empty($supply_info) && $supply_info['type'] == 1 ) { continue; } } } //--- M('lionfish_comshop_good_common')->where( array('goods_id' => $item['id']) )->save( array($type => $value) ); } show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] )); } public function commentstate() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); if (empty($id)) { $id = (is_array($_GPC['ids']) ? implode(',', $_GPC['ids']) : 0); } $items = M('lionfish_comshop_order_comment')->field('comment_id')->where( "comment_id in ({$id})")->select(); if (empty($item)) { $item = array(); } foreach ($items as $item) { M('lionfish_comshop_order_comment')->where( array('comment_id' => $item['comment_id']) )->save( array('state' => intval($_GPC['state'])) ); } show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] )); } /** * 一键设置商品时间 */ public function settime() { if (IS_POST) { $data = I('request.time', array()); $param = array(); $param['goods_same_starttime'] = strtotime(trim($data['start'])) ? strtotime(trim($data['start'])) : time(); $param['goods_same_endtime'] = strtotime(trim($data['end'])) ? strtotime(trim($data['end'])) : time(); // lionfish_comshop_good_common begin_time end_time D('Seller/Config')->update($param); $param1 = array(); $param1['begin_time'] = $param['goods_same_starttime']; $param1['end_time'] = $param['goods_same_endtime']; //--begin if (defined('ROLE') && ROLE == 'agenter' ) { $supper_info = get_agent_logininfo(); $sql = " update ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_good_common set end_time = ".$param['goods_same_endtime'].", begin_time=".$param['goods_same_starttime']." where ".'goods_id in (select id from '.C('DB_PREFIX').'lionfish_comshop_goods where `grounding` =1 and type != "pin") and supply_id='.$supper_info['id']; M()->execute($sql); //array('end_time' => $param['goods_same_endtime'],'begin_time' =>$param['goods_same_starttime'] ) //M('lionfish_comshop_good_common')->where( 'goods_id in (select id from '.C('DB_PREFIX').'lionfish_comshop_goods where `grounding` =1) and supply_id='.$supper_info['id'] )->save( ); }else{ $sql = " update ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_good_common set end_time = ".$param['goods_same_endtime'].", begin_time=".$param['goods_same_starttime']." where ".'goods_id in (select id from '.C('DB_PREFIX').'lionfish_comshop_goods where `grounding` =1 and type != "pin") '; M()->execute($sql); $sql = 'UPDATE '.C('DB_PREFIX'). 'lionfish_comshop_good_pin SET begin_time = '.$param['goods_same_starttime']. ',end_time='.$param['goods_same_endtime'].' where goods_id in (select id from '.C('DB_PREFIX').'lionfish_comshop_goods where `grounding` =1) '; M()->execute($sql); } //--end //M('lionfish_comshop_good_common')->where("1")->save($param1); show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] )); } $data = D('Seller/Config')->get_all_config(); if(empty($data['goods_same_starttime'])) { $data['goods_same_starttime'] = time(); } if(empty($data['goods_same_endtime'])) { $data['goods_same_endtime'] = time()+86400; } $this->data = $data; $this->display(); } public function addgoods() { if (IS_POST) { $_GPC = I('request.'); if( !isset($_GPC['thumbs']) || empty($_GPC['thumbs']) ) { show_json(0, array('message' => '商品图片必须上传' ,'url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ); die(); } D('Seller/Goods')->addgoods(); $http_refer = S('HTTP_REFERER'); $http_refer = empty($http_refer) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : $http_refer; sellerLog('添加新增商品', 3); show_json(1, array('message' => '添加商品成功!','url' => $http_refer )); } S('HTTP_REFERER', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); $category = D('Seller/GoodsCategory')->getFullCategory(true, true); $this->category = $category; $spec_list = D('Seller/Spec')->get_all_spec(); $this->spec_list = $spec_list; $dispatch_data = M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->where( array('enabled' => 1,'isdefault' =>1) )->order('sort_order desc')->select(); $this->dispatch_data = $dispatch_data; $set = D('Seller/Config')->get_all_config(); $this->set = $set; $commission_level = array(); $config_data = $set; $this->config_data = $config_data; $default = array('id' => 'default', 'levelname' => empty($config_data['commission_levelname']) ? '默认等级' : $config_data['commission_levelname'], 'commission1' => $config_data['commission1'], 'commission2' => $config_data['commission2'], 'commission3' => $config_data['commission3']); $others = M('lionfish_comshop_commission_level')->order('commission1 asc')->select(); $commission_level = array_merge(array($default), $others); $communityhead_commission = $config_data['default_comunity_money']; $this->communityhead_commission = $communityhead_commission; //$level['key'] foreach($commission_level as $key => $val) { $val['key'] = $val['id']; $commission_level[$key] = $val; } $this->commission_level = $commission_level; $shopset_level = empty($set['commiss_level']) ? 0: $set['commiss_level']; $this->shopset_level = $shopset_level; $open_buy_send_score = empty($set['open_buy_send_score']) ? 0: $set['open_buy_send_score']; $this->open_buy_send_score = $open_buy_send_score; $item = array(); $item['begin_time'] = time(); $item['community_head_commission'] = $communityhead_commission; $item['end_time'] = time() + 86400; $item['hexiao_effect_begin_time'] = time(); $item['hexiao_effect_end_time'] = time() + 86400; $delivery_type_express = $config_data['delivery_type_express']; if( empty($delivery_type_express) ) { $delivery_type_express = 2; } $this->delivery_type_express = $delivery_type_express; $is_open_fullreduction = $config_data['is_open_fullreduction']; $this->is_open_fullreduction = $is_open_fullreduction; $community_head_level = M('lionfish_comshop_community_head_level')->order('id asc')->select(); $head_commission_levelname = $config_data['head_commission_levelname']; $default_comunity_money = $config_data['default_comunity_money']; $list_default = array( array('id' => '0','level'=>0,'levelname' => empty($head_commission_levelname) ? '默认等级' : $head_commission_levelname, 'commission' => $default_comunity_money, ) ); $community_head_level = array_merge($list_default, $community_head_level); if( !empty($community_head_level) ) { foreach( $community_head_level as $head_level) { $item['head_level'.$head_level['id']] = $head_level['commission']; } } $this->item = $item; $this->community_head_level = $community_head_level; $community_money_type = $config_data['community_money_type']; $this->community_money_type = $community_money_type; $mb_level = M('lionfish_comshop_member_level')->count(); $this->mb_level = $mb_level; $is_open_only_express = $config_data['is_open_only_express']; $this->is_open_only_express = $is_open_only_express; $is_open_goods_relative_goods = $config_data['is_open_goods_relative_goods']; $this->is_open_goods_relative_goods = $is_open_goods_relative_goods; //供应商权限begin $is_index = true; $is_top = true; $is_updown = true; $is_fullreduce = true; $is_vir_count = true; $is_newbuy = true; $is_goodsspike = true; $supply_can_goods_sendscore = true; //核销 $sales_supply_id = 0; if (defined('ROLE') && ROLE == 'agenter' ) { $supply_can_goods_sendscore = empty($set['supply_can_goods_sendscore']) ? 0: $set['supply_can_goods_sendscore']; $is_fullreduce = false; if( isset($config_data['supply_can_goods_isindex']) && $config_data['supply_can_goods_isindex'] == 2 ) { $is_index = false; } if( isset($config_data['supply_can_goods_istop']) && $config_data['supply_can_goods_istop'] == 2 ) { $is_top = false; } if( isset($config_data['supply_can_goods_updown']) && $config_data['supply_can_goods_updown'] == 2 ) { $is_updown = false; } if( isset($config_data['supply_can_vir_count']) && $config_data['supply_can_vir_count'] == 2 ) { $is_vir_count = false; } if( isset($config_data['supply_can_goods_newbuy']) && $config_data['supply_can_goods_newbuy'] == 2 ) { $is_newbuy = false; } if( isset($config_data['supply_can_goods_spike']) && $config_data['supply_can_goods_spike'] == 2 ) { $is_goodsspike = false; } } //查看是否有 ims_ $salesroom_count = 0; $this->salesroom_count = $salesroom_count; $is_open_vipcard_buy = $config_data['is_open_vipcard_buy']; //供应商权限end $this->is_index = $is_index; $this->supply_can_goods_sendscore = $supply_can_goods_sendscore; $this->is_top = $is_top; $this->is_updown = $is_updown; $this->is_fullreduce = $is_fullreduce; $this->is_vir_count = $is_vir_count; $this->is_newbuy = $is_newbuy; $this->is_goodsspike = $is_goodsspike; $this->is_open_vipcard_buy = $is_open_vipcard_buy; $seckill_is_open = $config_data['seckill_is_open']; $this->seckill_is_open = $seckill_is_open; // $is_head_takegoods $is_head_takegoods = isset($config_data['is_head_takegoods']) && $config_data['is_head_takegoods'] == 1 ? 1 : 0; $this->is_head_takegoods = $is_head_takegoods; //$is_default_levellimit_buy = isset($config_data['is_default_levellimit_buy']) && $config_data['is_default_levellimit_buy'] == 1 ? 1 : 0; //$this->is_default_levellimit_buy = $is_default_levellimit_buy; //$is_default_vipmember_buy = isset($config_data['is_default_vipmember_buy']) && $config_data['is_default_vipmember_buy'] == 1 ? 1 : 0; //$this->is_default_vipmember_buy = $is_default_vipmember_buy; $this->display(); } public function category_enabled() { $id = I(''); if (empty($id)) { $ids = I('request.ids'); $id = (is_array($ids) ? implode(',', $ids) : 0); } $items = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_category')->field('id,name')->where( 'id in( ' . $id . ' )' )->select(); $enabled = I('request.enabled'); foreach ($items as $item) { M('lionfish_comshop_goods_category')->where( array('id' => $item['id']) )->save( array('is_show' => intval($enabled)) ); } show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); } public function category_typeenabled() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); if (empty($id)) { $id = (is_array($_GPC['ids']) ? implode(',', $_GPC['ids']) : 0); } $items = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_category')->field('id,name')->where( 'id in( ' . $id . ' )' )->select(); foreach ($items as $item) { M('lionfish_comshop_goods_category')->where( array('id' => $item['id']) )->save( array('is_type_show' => intval($_GPC['enabled'])) ); } show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); } public function mult_tpl() { $tpl = I('get.tpl','','trim'); $spec_str = I('post.spec_str', '', 'trim'); $options_name = I('post.options_name','','trim'); $cur_cate_id = I('post.cur_cate_id',0); if ($tpl == 'spec') { $spec = array('id' => random(32), 'title' => $options_name); $need_items = array(); $spec_list = explode('@', $spec_str); foreach($spec_list as $itemname) { $tmp_item = array('id' =>random(32),'title' => $itemname, 'show' => 1); $need_items[] = $tmp_item; } $spec['items'] = $need_items; $this->spec = $spec; $this->tmp_item = $tmp_item; $this->tpl = $tpl; $this->spec_str = $spec_str; $this->options_name = $options_name; $this->cur_cate_id = $cur_cate_id; $this->display('Goods/tpl/spec'); } } public function ajax_batchtime() { $begin_time = I('request.begin_time'); $goodsids = I('request.goodsids'); $end_time = I('request.end_time'); foreach ($goodsids as $goods_id ) { if($begin_time && $end_time){ $param = array(); $param['begin_time'] = strtotime($begin_time); $param['end_time'] = strtotime($end_time); M('lionfish_comshop_good_common')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( $param ); } } show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); } public function tpl() { $tpl = I('get.tpl'); $title = I('get.title',''); if ($tpl == 'spec') { $spec = array('id' => random(32), 'title' => $title); $this->title = $title; $this->spec = $spec; $this->display('Goods/tpl/spec'); }else if($tpl == 'specitem') { $specid = I('get.specid'); $spec = array('id' => $specid); $specitem = array('id' => random(32), 'title' => $title, 'show' => 1); $this->specid = $specid; $this->spec = $spec; $this->specitem = $specitem; $this->display('Goods/tpl/spec_item'); } } public function config() { if (IS_POST) { $data = I('post.parameter', array()); $data['goods_stock_notice'] = trim($data['goods_stock_notice']); $data['instructions'] = trim($data['instructions']); $data['is_show_buy_record'] = trim($data['is_show_buy_record']); $data['is_show_list_timer'] = intval($data['is_show_list_timer']); $data['is_show_list_count'] = intval($data['is_show_list_count']); $data['is_show_comment_list'] = intval($data['is_show_comment_list']); $data['is_show_new_buy'] = intval($data['is_show_new_buy']); $data['is_show_ziti_time'] = intval($data['is_show_ziti_time']); $data['is_show_spike_buy'] = intval($data['is_show_spike_buy']); $data['goodsdetails_addcart_bg_color'] = $data['goodsdetails_addcart_bg_color']; $data['goodsdetails_buy_bg_color'] = $data['goodsdetails_buy_bg_color']; $data['is_show_guess_like'] = $data['is_show_guess_like']; $data['show_goods_guess_like'] = $data['show_goods_guess_like']; if(!empty($data['num_guess_like'])){ $data['num_guess_like'] = $data['num_guess_like']; }else{ $data['num_guess_like'] = 8; } $data['isopen_community_group_share'] = intval($data['isopen_community_group_share']); $data['group_share_avatar'] = save_media($data['group_share_avatar']); $data['group_share_title'] = trim($data['group_share_title']); $data['group_share_desc'] = trim($data['group_share_desc']); $data['is_close_details_time'] = intval($data['is_close_details_time']); D('Seller/Config')->update($data); //旧的的域名 $present_realm_name = I('post.present_realm_name'); //修改商品详情域名 $new_realm_name = I('post.new_realm_name'); if(!empty($new_realm_name)){ $str="/^http(s?):\/\/(?:[A-za-z0-9-]+\.)+[A-za-z]{2,4}(?:[\/\?#][\/=\?%\-&~`@[\]\':+!\.#\w]*)?$/"; if (!preg_match($str,$present_realm_name)){ show_json(0, array('message' => '旧的域名格式不正确')); } if (!preg_match($str,$new_realm_name)){ show_json(0, array('message' => '新的域名格式不正确')); } $sql = " update ". C('DB_PREFIX') ."lionfish_comshop_good_common set content = replace( content , '".$present_realm_name."' , '".$new_realm_name."' ) "; $list = M()->execute($sql); if(empty($list)){ show_json(0, array('message' => '商品详情中不存在该域名,或者不能填写相同的域名,请检查后重新填写')); } } show_json(1, array('url'=> U('goods/config'))); } $data = D('Seller/Config')->get_all_config(); $this->data = $data; $this->display(); } function addspec() { global $_W; global $_GPC; if (IS_POST) { $data = I(''); D('Seller/Spec')->update($data); show_json(1, array('url' => U('goods/goodsspec'))); } $this->display(); } public function editspec() { $id = I(''); if (!empty($id)) { $item = M('lionfish_comshop_spec')->where( array('id' => $id) )->find(); if (json_decode($item['value'], true)) { $labelname = json_decode($item['value'], true); } else { $labelname = unserialize($item['value']); } } if (IS_POST) { $data = I(''); D('Seller/Spec')->update($data); show_json(1, array('url' => U('goods/goodsspec'))); } $this->item = $item; $this->labelname = $labelname; $this->display('Goods/addspec'); } public function deletespec() { $id = I(''); if (empty($id)) { $ids = I('post.ids'); $id = (is_array($ids) ? implode(',', $ids) : 0); } $items = M('lionfish_comshop_spec')->field('id,name')->where( array('id' => array('in', $id)) )->select(); if (empty($item)) { $item = array(); } foreach ($items as $item) { M('lionfish_comshop_spec')->where( array('id' => $item['id']) )->delete(); } show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); } public function addcategory() { $data = array(); $pid = I('', 0); $id = I('', 0); if (IS_POST) { $data = I(''); D('Seller/GoodsCategory')->update($data); show_json(1, array('url' => U('goods/goodscategory'))); } if($id >0 ) { $data = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_category')->where( array('id' => $id) )->find(); $this->data = $data; } $this->pid = $pid; $this->id = $id; $this->display(); } public function category_delete() { $id = I(''); $item = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_category')->field('id, name, pid')->where( array('id' => $id) )->find(); M('lionfish_comshop_goods_category')->where( "id={$id} or pid={$id}" )->delete(); //m('shop')->getCategory(true); show_json(1, array('url' => U('goods/goodscategory'))); } public function goodscategory() { if (IS_POST) { $datas = I('post.datas'); if (!empty($datas)) { D('Seller/GoodsCategory')->goodscategory_modify($datas); show_json(1 , array('url' => U('goods/goodscategory') )); } $parameter = I('post.parameter'); if (!empty($parameter)) { $data = ((is_array($parameter) ? $parameter : array())); D('Seller/Config')->update($data); show_json(1); } } $children = array(); $category = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_category')->where(' cate_type="normal" ')->order('pid ASC, sort_order DESC')->select(); foreach ($category as $index => $row) { if (!empty($row['pid'])) { $children[$row['pid']][] = $row; unset($category[$index]); } } $data = D('Seller/Config')->get_all_config(); $this->data = $data; $this->children = $children; $this->category = $category; $this->display(); } public function goodsspec() { $condition = ' 1=1 and spec_type="normal" '; $pindex = I('',1); $psize = 20; $enabled = I('get.enabled'); if ($enabled != '') { $condition .= ' and state=' . intval($enabled); } $keyword = I('get.keyword','','trim'); if (!empty($keyword)) { $condition .= ' and name like "%'.$keyword.'%" '; } $offset = ($pindex - 1) * $psize; $label = M('lionfish_comshop_spec')->field('id,name,value')->where($condition)->order(' id desc ')->limit($offset, $psize)->select(); $total = M('lionfish_comshop_spec')->where( $condition )->count(); $cur_url = U('goods/goodsspec', array('enabled' => $enabled,'keyword' => $keyword)); $pager = pagination2($total, $pindex, $psize); foreach( $label as &$val ) { $val['value'] = unserialize($val['value']); $val['value_str'] = !empty($val['value']) ? implode(',', $val['value']) : ''; } $this->keyword = $keyword; $this->label = $label; $this->total = $total; $this->pager = $pager; $this->display(); } /** 搜索全部商品,可添加虚拟评价 **/ public function goods_search_all() { $goods_name = I('post.goods_name',''); $where = " status=1 and quantity>0 and store_id = " . $this->sellerid; if(!empty($goods_name)) { $where .= " and name like '%".$goods_name."%' "; } $goods_list = M('goods')->where($where)->limit(20)->select(); $this->goods_list = $goods_list; $result = array(); $result['html'] = $this->fetch('Goods:goods_list_fetch'); echo json_encode($result); die(); } function toggle_statues_show() { $goods_id = I('post.gid',0); $goods_info =M('Goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); $status = $goods_info['status'] == 1 ? 0: 1; $res = M('Goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('status' => $status) ); echo json_encode( array('code' => 1) ); die(); } /** 搜索可报名的商品 **/ public function goods_search_voucher() { $goods_name = I('post.goods_name',''); $where = " (type='normal' or type ='pintuan') and status=1 and quantity>0 and store_id = " . $this->sellerid; if(!empty($goods_name)) { $where .= " and ( name like '%".$goods_name."%' or goods_id like '%".$goods_name."%') "; } $goods_list = M('goods')->where($where)->limit(10)->select(); $this->goods_list = $goods_list; $result = array(); $result['html'] = $this->fetch('Goods:goods_list_fetch'); echo json_encode($result); die(); } /** 搜索可报名的商品 **/ public function goods_search() { $goods_name = I('post.goods_name',''); $where = " type='normal' and status=1 and quantity>0 and store_id = " . $this->sellerid; if(!empty($goods_name)) { $where .= " and name like '%".$goods_name."%' "; } $goods_list = M('goods')->where($where)->limit(20)->select(); $this->goods_list = $goods_list; $result = array(); $result['html'] = $this->fetch('Goods:goods_list_fetch'); echo json_encode($result); die(); } public function query_normal() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $kwd = trim($_GPC['keyword']); $is_recipe = isset($_GPC['is_recipe']) ? intval($_GPC['is_recipe']) : 0 ; $is_soli = isset($_GPC['is_soli']) ? intval($_GPC['is_soli']) : 0 ; $params = array(); $type = isset($_GPC['type']) ? $_GPC['type']:'normal'; $condition = ' type = "'.$type.'" and grounding = 1 and is_seckill =0 '; if (!empty($kwd)) { $condition .= ' AND `goodsname` LIKE "%' . $kwd . '%" '; } if( isset($_GPC['unselect_goodsid']) && $_GPC['unselect_goodsid'] > 0 ) { $condition .= ' AND `id` != '.$_GPC['unselect_goodsid']; } if( $is_soli == 1 ) { $head_id = $_GPC['head_id']; $goods_ids_arr = M('lionfish_community_head_goods')->field('goods_id')->where( array('head_id' =>$head_id ) )->order('id desc')->select(); $ids_arr = array(); foreach($goods_ids_arr as $val){ $ids_arr[] = $val['goods_id']; } if( !empty($ids_arr) ) { $ids_str = implode(',',$ids_arr); $condition .= " and ( is_all_sale = 1 or id in ({$ids_str}) ) "; }else{ $condition .= " and ( is_all_sale = 1 ) "; } //is_all_sale } //todo.... $ds = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('id as gid,goodsname,subtitle,price,productprice')->where( $condition )->select(); $s_html = ""; foreach ($ds as &$d) { //thumb $thumb = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_images')->where( array('goods_id' =>$d['gid'] ) )->order('id asc')->find(); $d['thumb'] = tomedia($thumb['image']); $s_html.= ''; $s_html.=" ".$d['goodsname'].""; if ( isset($_GPC['template']) && $_GPC['template'] == 'mult' ) { if( $is_recipe == 1 ) { $s_html.=' 选择'; }else{ $s_html.=' 选择'; } }else{ $s_html.=' 选择'; } $s_html.=""; } unset($d); if( isset($_GPC['is_ajax']) ) { echo json_encode( array('code' => 0, 'html' =>$s_html ) ); die(); } $this->ds = $ds; $this->_GPC = $_GPC; if ( isset($_GPC['template']) && $_GPC['template'] == 'mult' ) { if( $is_recipe == 1 ) { $this->display('Goods/query_normal_mult_recipe'); }else{ $this->display('Goods/query_normal_mult'); } }else{ $this->display(); } } /** * 获取商品规格情况 */ function get_ajax_search_goods_info() { $goods_id = I('get.goods_id'); $is_hide = I('get.is_hide',0); $type = I('get.type','pin'); //'type' => 'bargain' $this->is_hide = $is_hide; $goods_info = M('goods')->field('name,goods_id,price,danprice')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); $model=new GoodsModel(); $this->goods_options=$model->get_goods_options($goods_id, UID); $goods_option_mult_value = M('goods_option_mult_value')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id ) )->select(); $goods_option_mult_str = ''; if( !empty($goods_option_mult_value) ) { $goods_option_mult_arr = array(); foreach($goods_option_mult_value as $key => $val) { $goods_option_mult_arr[] = 'mult_id:'.$val['rela_goodsoption_valueid'].'@@mult_qu:'.$val['quantity'].'@@mult_image:'.$val['image']; //option_value option_value_id value_name $option_name_arr = explode('_', $val['rela_goodsoption_valueid']); $option_name_list = array(); foreach($option_name_arr as $option_value_id_tp) { $tp_op_val_info =M('option_value')->where( array('option_value_id' => $option_value_id_tp) )->find(); $option_name_list[] = $tp_op_val_info['value_name']; } $val['option_name_list'] = $option_name_list; $goods_option_mult_value[$key] = $val; } $goods_option_mult_str = implode(',', $goods_option_mult_arr); } $this->goods_option_mult_value = $goods_option_mult_value; $this->goods_option_mult_str = $goods_option_mult_str; $this->goods_info = $goods_info; $result = array(); if($type == 'bargain') { $result['html'] = $this->fetch('Goods:goods_option_fetch_bargain'); } else if($type == 'integral'){ $result['html'] = $this->fetch('Goods:goods_option_fetch_integral'); }else{ $result['html'] = $this->fetch('Goods:goods_option_fetch'); } echo json_encode($result); die(); } function toggle_index_sort() { $goods_id = I('post.gid',0); $index_sort = I('post.index_sort',0,'intval'); $res = M('Goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('index_sort' => $index_sort) ); echo json_encode( array('code' => 1) ); die(); } function toggle_index_show() { $goods_id = I('post.gid',0); $goods_info =M('Goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); $is_index_show = $goods_info['is_index_show'] == 1 ? 0: 1; $res = M('Goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('is_index_show' => $is_index_show) ); echo json_encode( array('code' => 1) ); die(); } /** * 活动商品 */ public function activity() { $this->breadcrumb2='活动商品信息'; $model=new GoodsModel(); $filter=I('get.'); $search=array('store_id' => SELLERUID); if(isset($filter['name'])){ $search['name']=$filter['name']; } if(isset($filter['category'])){ $search['category']=$filter['category']; $this->get_category=$search['category']; } if(isset($filter['status'])){ $search['status']=$filter['status']; $this->get_status=$search['status']; } if(isset($filter['type'])){ $search['type']=$filter['type']; $this->type=$search['type']; }else { $search['type']='activity'; $this->type=$search['type']; } //type $data=$model->show_goods_page($search); $store_bind_class = M('store_bind_class')->where( array('seller_id' => SELLERUID) )->select(); $cate_ids = array(); foreach($store_bind_class as $val) { if( !empty($val['class_1'])) { $cate_ids[] = $val['class_1']; } if( !empty($val['class_2'])) { $cate_ids[] = $val['class_2']; } if( !empty($val['class_3'])) { $cate_ids[] = $val['class_3']; } } if(empty($cate_ids)) { $this->category = array(); } else { $cate_ids_str = implode(',', $cate_ids); $category=M('goods_category')->where( array('id' => array('in',$cate_ids_str)) )->select(); $category_tree =list_to_tree($category); $this->category = $category_tree; } foreach($data['list'] as $key => $goods) { $all_comment = M('order_comment')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods['goods_id']) )->count(); $wait_comment = M('order_comment')->where( array('state' => 0 ,'goods_id' => $goods['goods_id']) )->count(); $goods['all_comment'] = $all_comment; $goods['wait_comment'] = $wait_comment; $data['list'][$key] = $goods; } $this->assign('empty',$data['empty']);// 赋值数据集 $this->assign('list',$data['list']);// 赋值数据集 $this->assign('page',$data['page']);// 赋值分页输出 $this->display(); } /** 回收站商品重新上架 **/ public function goback() { $goods_id = I('',0,'intval'); $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id, 'store_id' => SELLERUID) )->find(); if(empty($goods_info)) { $result['msg'] = '非法操作'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $up_data = array(); $up_data['lock_type'] = 'normal'; $up_data['status'] = 2;//下架 M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id, 'store_id' => SELLERUID) )->save($up_data); $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } public function get_weshare_image() { $goods_id = I('',0,'intval'); //400*400 fan_image //get_goods_price($goods_id) $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); $goods_img = ROOT_PATH.'Uploads/image/'.$goods_info['image']; if( !empty($goods_info['fan_image']) ) { $goods_img = ROOT_PATH.'Uploads/image/'.$goods_info['fan_image']; } $goods_model = D('Home/Goods'); $goods_price = $goods_model->get_goods_price($goods_id); $goods_price['market_price'] = $goods_info['price']; //price $goods_title = $goods_info['name']; $need_img = $goods_model->_get_compare_zan_img($goods_img,$goods_title,$goods_price); //贴上二维码图 //$rocede_path = $goods_model->_get_goods_user_wxqrcode($goods_id,$member_id); //$res = $goods_model->_get_compare_qrcode_bgimg($need_img['need_path'], $rocede_path); M('goods_description')->where( array('goods_id' =>$goods_id) )->save( array('wepro_qrcode_image' =>$need_img['need_path']) ); echo json_encode(array('code' =>1)); die(); } /** 加入回车站 **/ public function backhuiche() { $goods_id = I('',0,'intval'); $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id, 'store_id' => SELLERUID) )->find(); if(empty($goods_info)) { $result['msg'] = '非法操作'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $lock_type = $goods_info['lock_type']; switch($lock_type) { case 'lottery': M('lottery_goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->delete(); break; case 'super_spike': M('super_spike_goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->delete(); break; case 'spike': M('spike_goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->delete(); break; case 'subject': case 'free_trial': case 'niyuan': case 'oneyuan': case 'haitao': M('subject_goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->delete(); break; } $up_data = array(); $up_data['type'] = 'normal'; $up_data['lock_type'] = 'normal'; $up_data['status'] = 4;//下架 M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id, 'store_id' => SELLERUID) )->save($up_data); $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } /** 撤回活动申请 **/ public function backshenqing() { $goods_id = I('',0,'intval'); $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id, 'store_id' => SELLERUID) )->find(); if(empty($goods_info)) { $result['msg'] = '非法操作'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $lock_type = $goods_info['lock_type']; switch($lock_type) { case 'lottery': M('lottery_goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->delete(); break; case 'super_spike': M('super_spike_goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->delete(); break; case 'spike': M('spike_goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->delete(); break; case 'subject': case 'free_trial': case 'niyuan': case 'oneyuan': case 'haitao': M('subject_goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->delete(); break; } $up_data = array(); $up_data['lock_type'] = 'normal'; $up_data['status'] = 0;//下架 M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id, 'store_id' => SELLERUID) )->save($up_data); $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } ///Goods/delcomment/id/1 /** * 删除评论 */ public function delcomment() { $id = I(''); $goods_id = I('get.goods_id'); M('order_comment')->where( array('comment_id' => $id) )->delete(); //echo $result = array( 'status'=>'success', 'message'=>'删除成功', 'jump'=>U('Goods/comment_info', array('id' => $goods_id)) ); $this->osc_alert($result); } /** * 审核评论 */ public function toggle_comment_state() { $comment_id = I('post.comment_id'); $order_comment = M('order_comment')->where( array('comment_id' => $comment_id) )->find(); //state $state = $order_comment['state'] == 1 ? 0: 1; M('order_comment')->where( array('comment_id' => $comment_id) )->save( array('state' => $state) ); echo json_encode( array('code' => 1) ); die(); } /** * 商品评论信息 */ public function comment_info() { $goods_id = I(''); $model=new GoodsModel(); $search = array(); $search['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $data=$model->show_comment_page($search); $this->assign('empty',$data['empty']);// 赋值数据集 $this->assign('list',$data['list']);// 赋值数据集 $this->assign('page',$data['page']);// 赋值分页输出 $this->display(); } public function ajax_batchheads() { $goodsids = I('request.goodsids'); $head_id_arr = I('request.head_id_arr'); $is_clear_old = I('request.is_clear_old'); if( $is_clear_old == 1 ) { foreach($goodsids as $goods_id) { M('lionfish_community_head_goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->delete(); } } foreach($head_id_arr as $head_id) { foreach($goodsids as $goods_id) { D('Seller/Communityhead')->insert_head_goods($goods_id, $head_id); } } show_json(1); } public function ajax_batchcates_headgroup() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $goodsids = $_GPC['goodsids']; $groupid = $_GPC['groupid']; if( $groupid == 'default') { $groupid = 0; } $head_list = M('lionfish_community_head')->field('id')->where( array("groupid" => $groupid, 'state' => 1 ) )->select(); $is_clear_old = $_GPC['is_clear_old']; if( $is_clear_old == 1 ) { foreach($goodsids as $goods_id) { M('lionfish_community_head_goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id ) )->delete(); } } if( !empty($head_list) ) { foreach($head_list as $val) { foreach($goodsids as $goods_id) { D('Seller/Communityhead')->insert_head_goods($goods_id, $val['id']); } } } show_json(1); } public function ajax_batchcates() { $iscover = I('request.iscover'); $goodsids = I('request.goodsids'); $cates = I('request.cates'); if( !is_array($cates) ) { $cates = array($cates); } foreach ($goodsids as $goods_id ) { if( $iscover == 1) { //覆盖,即删除原有的分类 M('lionfish_comshop_goods_to_category')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->delete(); foreach($cates as $cate_id) { $post_data_cate = array(); $post_data_cate['cate_id'] = $cate_id; $post_data_cate['goods_id'] = $goods_id; M('lionfish_comshop_goods_to_category')->add($post_data_cate); } }else{ foreach($cates as $cate_id) { //仅更新 $item = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_to_category')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id,'cate_id' => $cate_id) )->find(); if(empty($item)) { $post_data_cate = array(); $post_data_cate['cate_id'] = $cate_id; $post_data_cate['goods_id'] = $goods_id; M('lionfish_comshop_goods_to_category')->add($post_data_cate); } } } } show_json(1); } public function lotteryinfo() { $goods_id = I('',0); $lottery_goods = M('lottery_goods')->where( array('goods_id' =>$goods_id) )->find(); if(empty($lottery_goods)){ die('非法操作'); }//store_id $page = I('',1); $per_page = 4; $offset = ($page - 1) * $per_page; $sql = "select m.uname,m.avatar,p.pin_id,p.lottery_state,o.lottery_win,o.order_id,o.pay_time from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."pin as p,".C('DB_PREFIX')."pin_order as po, ".C('DB_PREFIX')."order as o,".C('DB_PREFIX')."order_goods as og,".C('DB_PREFIX')."member as m where p.state = 1 and p.pin_id = po.pin_id and po.order_id = o.order_id and o.order_id = og.order_id and og.goods_id and o.member_id = m.member_id and og.store_id =".SELLERUID." and og.goods_id = {$goods_id} and o.date_added >= ".$lottery_goods['begin_time']." order by p.pin_id asc limit {$offset},{$per_page}"; //begin_time date_added $list=M()->query($sql); $this->list = $list; $this->goods_id = $goods_id; $this->lottery_goods = $lottery_goods; if($page>1){ $result = array(); $result['code'] = 0; if(!empty($list)) { $content = $this->fetch('Goods:lottery_info_fetch'); $result['code'] = 1; $result['html'] = $content; } echo json_encode($result); die(); } $this->display(); } public function openlottery() { $goods_id = I('',0); $oids = I('post.oids'); $order_model = D('Home/Order'); $order_model->open_goods_lottery_order($goods_id,$oids,false); //$order_model->open_goods_lottery_order($goods_id,'',true); //$map['id'] = array('in','1,3,8') echo json_encode( array('code' => 1) ); die(); } public function lottery_shenqing() { $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $spike_data = array(); $spike_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $spike_data['state'] = 0; $spike_data['quantity'] = $goods_info['quantity']; $spike_data['begin_time'] = 0; $spike_data['end_time'] = 0; $spike_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('lottery_goods')->add($spike_data); if($rs) { M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('lock_type' =>'lottery') ); } $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else{ $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function xianshimiaosha_shenqing() { $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $spike_data = array(); $spike_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $spike_data['state'] = 0; $spike_data['quantity'] = $goods_info['quantity']; $spike_data['begin_time'] = 0; $spike_data['end_time'] = 0; $spike_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('spike_goods')->add($spike_data); if($rs) { M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('lock_type' =>'spike') ); } $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else{ $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function spike_sub() { $spike_id = I('post.spike',0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); $spike_info = M('spike')->where( array('id' => $spike_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $super_data = array(); $super_data['spike_id'] = $spike_id; $super_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $super_data['state'] = 0; $super_data['begin_time'] = $spike_info['begin_time']; $super_data['end_time'] = $spike_info['end_time']; $super_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('spike_goods')->add($super_data); if($rs) { M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('lock_type' =>'spike') ); } $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function chaozhidapai_sub() { $super_spike_id = I('post.super_spike',0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $super_data = array(); $super_data['super_spike_id'] = $super_spike_id; $super_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $super_data['state'] = 0; $super_data['begin_time'] = 0; $super_data['end_time'] = 0; $super_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('super_spike_goods')->add($super_data); if($rs) { M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('lock_type' =>'super_spike') ); } $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function oneyuansubject_sub() { $subject_id = I('post.subject',0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $super_data = array(); $super_data['subject_id'] = $subject_id; $super_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $super_data['state'] = 0; $super_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('subject_goods')->add($super_data); if($rs) { M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('lock_type' =>'oneyuan') ); } $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function niyuansubject_sub() { $subject_id = I('post.subject',0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $super_data = array(); $super_data['subject_id'] = $subject_id; $super_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $super_data['state'] = 0; $super_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('subject_goods')->add($super_data); if($rs) { M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('lock_type' =>'niyuan') ); } $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function mianfei_sub() { $subject_id = I('post.subject',0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $super_data = array(); $super_data['subject_id'] = $subject_id; $super_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $super_data['state'] = 0; $super_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('subject_goods')->add($super_data); if($rs) { M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('lock_type' =>'zeyuan') ); } $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function putongsubject_sub() { $subject_id = I('post.subject',0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $super_data = array(); $super_data['subject_id'] = $subject_id; $super_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $super_data['state'] = 0; $super_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('subject_goods')->add($super_data); if($rs) { M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('lock_type' =>'subject') ); } $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function haitaosubject_sub() { $subject_id = I('post.subject',0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $super_data = array(); $super_data['subject_id'] = $subject_id; $super_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $super_data['state'] = 0; $super_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('subject_goods')->add($super_data); if($rs) { M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('lock_type' =>'haitao') ); } $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function yiyuan_form() { $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $subject = M('subject')->where('can_shenqing=1 and type="oneyuan"')->select(); $this->subject = $subject; $this->goods_id = $goods_id; $content = $this->fetch('Goods:goods_oneyuansubject_fetch'); $result['code'] = 1; $result['html'] = $content; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function jiukuaijiu_form() { $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $subject = M('subject')->where('can_shenqing=1 and type="niyuan"')->select(); $this->subject = $subject; $this->goods_id = $goods_id; $content = $this->fetch('Goods:goods_niyuansubject_fetch'); $result['code'] = 1; $result['html'] = $content; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function lottery_form() { $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $voucher_list = M('voucher')->where( "store_id=".SELLERUID." and begin_time>".time() )->select(); $this->voucher_list = $voucher_list; $this->goods_id = $goods_id; $content = $this->fetch('Goods:goods_lottery_fetch'); $result['code'] = 1; $result['html'] = $content; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function lottery_sub() { $voucher_id = I('post.voucher_id',0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); $win_quantity = I('post.win_quantity',0); $is_auto_open = I('post.is_auto_open',0); $real_win_quantity = I('post.real_win_quantity',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } if($voucher_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '请选择退款时赠送的优惠券'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $spike_data = array(); $spike_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $spike_data['state'] = 0; $spike_data['is_open_lottery'] = 0; $spike_data['voucher_id'] = $voucher_id; $spike_data['win_quantity'] = $win_quantity; $spike_data['is_auto_open'] = $is_auto_open; $spike_data['real_win_quantity'] = $real_win_quantity; $spike_data['quantity'] = $goods_info['quantity']; $spike_data['begin_time'] = 0; $spike_data['end_time'] = 0; $spike_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('lottery_goods')->add($spike_data); if($rs) { M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('lock_type' =>'lottery') ); } $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function putongsubject_form() { $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $subject = M('subject')->where('can_shenqing=1 and type="normal"')->select(); $this->subject = $subject; $this->goods_id = $goods_id; $content = $this->fetch('Goods:goods_putongsubject_fetch'); $result['code'] = 1; $result['html'] = $content; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function haitaosubject_form() { $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $subject = M('subject')->where('can_shenqing=1 and type="haitao"')->select(); $this->subject = $subject; $this->goods_id = $goods_id; $content = $this->fetch('Goods:goods_haitaosubject_fetch'); $result['code'] = 1; $result['html'] = $content; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function mianfeishiyong_form() { $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $subject = M('subject')->where('can_shenqing=1 and type="zeyuan"')->select(); $this->subject = $subject; $this->goods_id = $goods_id; $content = $this->fetch('Goods:goods_mianfeishiyong_fetch'); $result['code'] = 1; $result['html'] = $content; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function chaozhidapai_form() { $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $super_spike_list = M('super_spike')->where('begin_time>'.time())->select(); $this->super_spike_list = $super_spike_list; $this->goods_id = $goods_id; $content = $this->fetch('Goods:goods_chaozhidapai_fetch'); $result['code'] = 1; $result['html'] = $content; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function spike_form() { $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $spike_list = M('spike')->where()->select(); //$spike_list = M('spike')->where('begin_time>'.time())->select(); $this->spike_list = $spike_list; $this->goods_id = $goods_id; $content = $this->fetch('Goods:goods_spike_fetch'); $result['code'] = 1; $result['html'] = $content; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function get_json_category_tree($pid,$is_ajax=0) { // {pid:pid,is_ajax:1} $pid = empty($_GET['pid']) ? 0: intval($_GET['pid']); $is_ajax = empty($_GET['is_ajax']) ? 0:intval($_GET['is_ajax']); $goods_cate_model = D('Seller/GoodsCategory'); //$list = $goods_cate_model->get_parent_cateory($pid,SELLERUID); $list = M('goods_category')->field('id,pid,name')->where( array('pid'=>$pid) )->order('sort_order asc')->select(); if($pid > 0) { $list = M('goods_category')->field('id,pid,name')->where( array('pid'=>$pid) )->order('sort_order asc')->select(); } $result = array(); if($is_ajax ==0) { return $list; } else { if(empty($list)){ $result['code'] = 0; } else { $result['code'] = 1; $result['list'] = $list; } echo json_encode($result); die(); } } function add(){ $model=new GoodsModel(); if(IS_POST){ $data=I('post.'); $data['goods_description']['tag'] = str_replace(',', ',', $data['goods_description']['tag']); $data['store_id']=SELLERUID; if($this->goods_is_shenhe()) { $data['status'] = 2; } $return=$model->add_goods($data); $this->osc_alert($return); } $m=new \Admin\Model\OptionModel(); //getOptions $options_list = $m->getOptions('',SELLERUID); $this->options_list = $options_list; $pick_list = M('pick_up')->where( array('store_id' => SELLERUID) )->select(); $this->pick_list = $pick_list; $member_model= D('Admin/Member'); $level_list = $member_model->show_member_level(); $member_default_levelname_info = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('member_default_levelname'); $member_defualt_discount_info = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('member_defualt_discount'); $default = array('id'=>'default', 'level' => 0,'levelname' => $member_default_levelname_info,'discount' => $member_defualt_discount_info); array_unshift($level_list['list'], $default ); $need_level_list = $level_list['list']; $set = D('Seller/Config')->get_all_config(); $this->set = $set; /*** 是否开启 分享等级佣金 begin **/ $index_sort_method = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('index_sort_method'); if( empty($index_sort_method) || $index_sort_method == 0 ) { $index_sort_method = 0; } $this->index_sort_method = $index_sort_method; $show_fissionsharing_level = 1; $is_open_sharing = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fissionsharing'); $show_fissionsharing_level = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('show_fissionsharing_level'); $this->show_fissionsharing_level = $show_fissionsharing_level; $this->is_open_sharing = $is_open_sharing; /*** 是否开启 分享等级佣金 end **/ $this->member_level_is_open_info = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('member_level_is_open'); $this->need_level_list = $need_level_list; $this->cate_data = $this->get_json_category_tree(0); $this->action=U('Goods/add'); $this->crumbs='新增'; $this->display('edit'); } /** 商品是否需要审核 **/ function goods_is_shenhe() { $shenhegoods = M('config')->where( array('name' => 'shenhegoods') )->find(); $is_need_shen = 0; if(!empty($shenhegoods)) { $is_need_shen = $shenhegoods['value']; } return $is_need_shen; } public function change() { $id = I('',0); //ids if (empty($id)) { $ids = I('request.ids'); $id = ((is_array($ids) ? implode(',', $ids) : 0)); } if (empty($id)) { show_json(0, array('message' => '参数错误')); } $type = I('request.type'); $value = I('request.value'); //type/grounding/ $is_can_do = D('Seller/Supply')->checksupply_pri( $type ); if( !$is_can_do ) { show_json(0, array('message' => '无此操作权限','url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] )); } if (!(in_array($type, array('goodsname', 'price','index_sort','is_index_show', 'total','grounding', 'goodssn', 'productsn', 'displayorder')))) { show_json(0, array('message' => '参数错误')); } $items = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('id')->where( array('id' => array('in', $id)) )->select(); foreach ($items as $item ) { M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->where( array('id' => $item['id']) )->save( array($type => $value) ); if($type == 'total') { D('Seller/Redisorder')->sysnc_goods_total($item['id']); } } show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); } public function delete() { $id = I(''); //ids if (empty($id)) { $ids = I('post.ids'); $id = ((is_array($ids) ? implode(',', $ids) : 0)); } if (empty($id)) { show_json(0, array('message' => '参数错误')); } $items = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('id,goodsname')->where( array('id' => array('in', $id)) )->select(); foreach ($items as $item ) { //pdo_update('lionfish_comshop_goods', array($type => $value), array('id' => $item['id'])); //ims_lionfish_comshop_goods M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->where( array('id' => $item['id']) )->delete(); M('lionfish_comshop_goods_images')->where( array('goods_id' => $item['id']) )->delete(); M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option')->where( array('goods_id' => $item['id']) )->delete(); M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item')->where( array('goods_id' => $item['id']) )->delete(); M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->where( array('goods_id' => $item['id']) )->delete(); M('lionfish_comshop_goods_to_category')->where( array('goods_id' => $item['id']) )->delete(); M('lionfish_comshop_good_common')->where( array('goods_id' => $item['id']) )->delete(); } sellerLog('删除了['.$items['goodsname'].']商品', 3); show_json(1); } function edit(){ $id = I(''); if (IS_POST) { $_GPC = I('post.'); if( !isset($_GPC['thumbs']) || empty($_GPC['thumbs']) ) { show_json(0, array('message' => '商品图片必须上传' ,'url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ); die(); } D('Seller/Goods')->modify_goods(); $http_refer = S('HTTP_REFERER'); $http_refer = empty($http_refer) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : $http_refer; $goods = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->where('id = "'.I('').'"')->field('goodsname')->find(); sellerLog('编辑了['.$goods['goodsname'].']商品', 3); show_json(1, array('message'=>'修改商品成功!','url' => $http_refer )); } //sss S('HTTP_REFERER', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); $this->id = $id; $item = D('Seller/Goods')->get_edit_goods_info($id); //-------------------------以上是获取资料 $limit_goods = array(); //limit_goods_list if( !empty($item['relative_goods_list']) ) { $item['relative_goods_list'] = unserialize($item['relative_goods_list']); if( !empty($item['relative_goods_list']) ) { $relative_goods_list_str = implode(',', $item['relative_goods_list']); $limit_goods = M()->query("SELECT id as gid,goodsname,subtitle FROM " . C('DB_PREFIX') . 'lionfish_comshop_goods WHERE id in('.$relative_goods_list_str.') order by id desc' ); foreach($limit_goods as $kk => $vv) { $thumb = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_images')->where( array('goods_id' => $vv['gid'] ) )->order('id asc')->find(); $vv['image'] = tomedia($thumb['image']); $limit_goods[$kk] = $vv; } } } $this->limit_goods = $limit_goods; $category = D('Seller/GoodsCategory')->getFullCategory(true, true); $this->category = $category; $spec_list = D('Seller/Spec')->get_all_spec(); $this->spec_list = $spec_list; $dispatch_data = M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->where( array('enabled' => 1, 'isdefault' => 1) )->order('sort_order desc')->select(); $this->dispatch_data = $dispatch_data; $set = D('Seller/Config')->get_all_config(); $this->set = $set; $commission_level = array(); $config_data = $set; $this->config_data = $config_data; $default = array('id' => 'default', 'levelname' => empty($config_data['commission_levelname']) ? '默认等级' : $config_data['commission_levelname'], 'commission1' => $config_data['commission1'], 'commission2' => $config_data['commission2'], 'commission3' => $config_data['commission3']); //$others = pdo_fetchall('SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('lionfish_comshop_commission_level') . ' WHERE uniacid = \'' . $_W['uniacid'] . '\' ORDER BY commission1 asc'); //$commission_level = array_merge(array($default), $others); $commission_level = array(); //$level['key'] foreach($commission_level as $key => $val) { $val['key'] = $val['id']; $commission_level[$key] = $val; } $shopset_level = empty($set['commiss_level']) ? 0: $set['commiss_level']; $this->shopset_level = $shopset_level; $open_buy_send_score = empty($set['open_buy_send_score']) ? 0: $set['open_buy_send_score']; $this->open_buy_send_score = $open_buy_send_score; $delivery_type_express = $config_data['delivery_type_express']; if( empty($delivery_type_express) ) { $delivery_type_express = 2; } $this->delivery_type_express = $delivery_type_express; $is_open_fullreduction = $config_data['is_open_fullreduction']; $this->is_open_fullreduction = $is_open_fullreduction; $community_head_level = M('lionfish_comshop_community_head_level')->order('id asc')->select(); $head_commission_levelname = $config_data['head_commission_levelname']; $default_comunity_money = $config_data['default_comunity_money']; $list_default = array( array('id' => '0','level'=>0,'levelname' => empty($head_commission_levelname) ? '默认等级' : $head_commission_levelname, 'commission' => $default_comunity_money, ) ); $community_head_level = array_merge($list_default, $community_head_level); $community_head_commission_info = D('Seller/Communityhead')->get_goods_head_level_bili( $id ); $mb_level = M('lionfish_comshop_member_level')->count(); $this->mb_level = $mb_level; if( !empty($community_head_commission_info) ) { foreach( $community_head_commission_info as $kk => $vv) { $item[$kk] = $vv; } } $this->community_head_commission_info = $community_head_commission_info; $this->item = $item; $this->community_head_level = $community_head_level; //end $community_money_type = $config_data['community_money_type']; $this->community_money_type = $community_money_type; $index_sort_method = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('index_sort_method'); if( empty($index_sort_method) || $index_sort_method == 0 ) { $index_sort_method = 0; } $this->index_sort_method = $index_sort_method; $is_open_only_express = $config_data['is_open_only_express']; $this->is_open_only_express = $is_open_only_express; $is_open_goods_relative_goods = $config_data['is_open_goods_relative_goods']; $this->is_open_goods_relative_goods = $is_open_goods_relative_goods; //供应商权限begin $is_index = true; $is_top = true; $is_updown = true; $is_fullreduce = true; $is_vir_count = true; $is_newbuy = true; $is_goodsspike = true; $supply_can_goods_sendscore = true; $sales_supply_id = 0; if (defined('ROLE') && ROLE == 'agenter' ) { $supply_can_goods_sendscore = empty($config_data['supply_can_goods_sendscore']) ? 0: $config_data['supply_can_goods_sendscore']; $is_fullreduce = false; if( isset($config_data['supply_can_goods_isindex']) && $config_data['supply_can_goods_isindex'] == 2 ) { $is_index = false; } if( isset($config_data['supply_can_goods_istop']) && $config_data['supply_can_goods_istop'] == 2 ) { $is_top = false; } if( isset($config_data['supply_can_goods_updown']) && $config_data['supply_can_goods_updown'] == 2 ) { $is_updown = false; } if( isset($config_data['supply_can_vir_count']) && $config_data['supply_can_vir_count'] == 2 ) { $is_vir_count = false; } if( isset($config_data['supply_can_goods_newbuy']) && $config_data['supply_can_goods_newbuy'] == 2 ) { $is_newbuy = false; } if( isset($config_data['supply_can_goods_spike']) && $config_data['supply_can_goods_spike'] == 2 ) { $is_goodsspike = false; } } $is_open_vipcard_buy = $config_data['is_open_vipcard_buy']; $seckill_is_open = $config_data['seckill_is_open']; $is_head_takegoods = isset($config_data['is_head_takegoods']) && $config_data['is_head_takegoods'] == 1 ? 1 : 0; $salesroom_count = 0; $this->salesroom_count = $salesroom_count; //供应商权限end $this->supply_can_goods_sendscore = $supply_can_goods_sendscore; $this->is_index = $is_index; $this->is_top = $is_top; $this->is_updown = $is_updown; $this->is_fullreduce = $is_fullreduce; $this->is_vir_count = $is_vir_count; $this->is_newbuy = $is_newbuy; $this->is_goodsspike = $is_goodsspike; $this->is_open_vipcard_buy = $is_open_vipcard_buy; $this->seckill_is_open = $seckill_is_open; $this->is_head_takegoods = $is_head_takegoods; $this->member_level_is_open_info = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('member_level_is_open'); //$is_default_levellimit_buy = isset($config_data['is_default_levellimit_buy']) && $config_data['is_default_levellimit_buy'] == 1 ? 1 : 0; //$this->is_default_levellimit_buy = $is_default_levellimit_buy; //$is_default_vipmember_buy = isset($config_data['is_default_vipmember_buy']) && $config_data['is_default_vipmember_buy'] == 1 ? 1 : 0; //$this->is_default_vipmember_buy = $is_default_vipmember_buy; $this->display('Goods/addgoods'); } public function labelfile() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); if (empty($id)) { show_json(0, array() ); die(); } $condition = ' id = '.$id.' and state = 1 '; $labels = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_tags')->field('id,tagname,type,tagcontent')->where($condition)->find(); if (empty($labels)) { $labels = array(); show_json(0, array('msg' => '您查找的标签不存在或已删除!') ); die(); } show_json(1, array('label' => $labels['tagname'], 'id' => $labels['id'])); } public function goodstag() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $this->gpc = $_GPC; $condition = ' 1 and tag_type="normal" '; $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 20; if ($_GPC['enabled'] != '') { $condition .= ' and state=' . intval($_GPC['enabled']); } if (!empty($_GPC['keyword'])) { $_GPC['keyword'] = trim($_GPC['keyword']); $condition .= ' and tagname like "%'.$_GPC['keyword'].'%" '; } $label = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_tags')->where( $condition )->order(' id asc ')->limit( (($pindex - 1) * $psize) . ',' . $psize )->select(); $total = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_tags')->where( $condition )->count(); $pager = pagination2($total, $pindex, $psize); $this->label = $label; $this->pager = $pager; $this->display(); } function copy_goods(){ $id =I('id'); $model=new GoodsModel(); if($id){ foreach ($id as $k => $v) { $model->copy_goods($v); } $data['redirect']=U('Goods/index'); $this->ajaxReturn($data); die; } } function del(){ $model=new GoodsModel(); $return=$model->del_goods(I('')); $this->osc_alert($return); } /** * 置顶 * @return [json] 0 失败 1 成功 */ public function settop() { $id = I(''); //ids if (empty($id)) { $ids = I('request.ids'); $id = ((is_array($ids) ? implode(',', $ids) : 0)); } if (empty($id)) { show_json(0, array('message' => '参数错误')); } $type = I('request.type'); $value = I('request.value'); if ($type != 'istop') { show_json(0, array('message' => '参数错误')); } $items = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('id')->where( 'id in( ' . $id . ' )' )->select(); foreach ($items as $item ) { $settoptime = $value ? time() : ''; M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->where( array('id' => $item['id']) )->save( array($type => $value, 'settoptime' => $settoptime) ); } show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] )); } public function industrial() { $_GPC = I('request.'); if ( IS_POST ) { $data = ((is_array($_GPC['parameter']) ? $_GPC['parameter'] : array())); $data['goods_industrial'] = serialize($data['goods_industrial']); D('Seller/Config')->update($data); show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] )); } $data = D('Seller/Config')->get_all_config(); $data['goods_industrial'] = unserialize($data['goods_industrial']); $piclist = array(); if( !empty($data['goods_industrial']) ) { foreach($data['goods_industrial'] as $val) { $piclist[] = array('image' =>$val, 'thumb' => tomedia($val) ); //$val['image']; } } $this->piclist = $piclist; $this->data = $data; $this->display(); } /** * excel商品导入编辑 * @author liu 2020-03-03 * */ public function excel_goodslist_edit() { $columns = array( array( 'title' => '商品ID(禁止修改)', 'field' => 'id', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '商品名称', 'field' => 'goodsname', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '一级分类ID', 'field' => 'cate1_id', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '一级分类名称', 'field' => 'cate1_name', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '二级分类ID', 'field' => 'cate2_id', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '二级分类名称', 'field' => 'cate2_name', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '商品价格', 'field' => 'price', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '商品成本价', 'field' => 'costprice', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '会员卡价格', 'field' => 'card_price', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '商品原价', 'field' => 'productprice', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '商品库存', 'field' => 'total', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '1上架/0下架', 'field' => 'grounding', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '首页推荐(0:取消/1:是)', 'field' => 'is_index_show', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '限时秒杀(0:取消/1:是)', 'field' => 'is_spike_buy', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '所有团长', 'field' => 'is_all_sale_str', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '新人专享', 'field' => 'is_new_buy', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '商品排序(数字)', 'field' => 'index_sort', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '单次限购', 'field' => 'one_limit_count', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '历史限购', 'field' => 'total_limit_count', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '开始时间', 'field' => 'pin_begin_time', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '结束时间', 'field' => 'pin_end_time', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '商品重量(单位:g)', 'field' => 'weight', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '规格(1:开启/0:关闭)', 'field' => 'hasoption', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '规格id(禁止修改)', 'field' => 'option_id', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '规格名称(禁止修改)', 'field' => 'option_title', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '规格库存', 'field' => 'option_stock', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '规格现价', 'field' => 'option_marketprice', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '规格原价', 'field' => 'option_productprice', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '规格会员价', 'field' => 'option_card_price', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '规格成本价', 'field' => 'option_costprice', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '规格编码', 'field' => 'option_goodssn', 'width' => 24 ) , array( 'title' => '规格重量(单位:g)', 'field' => 'option_weight', 'width' => 24 ) ); sellerLog('导入商品excel编辑', 3); $rows = D('Seller/Excel')->import('excel'); $row_count = count($rows); $field_arr = []; if($row_count <= 1){ $this->error('失败','goods/index'); die; } foreach($rows[0] as $key => $value) { foreach($columns as $k => $val) { if($val['title'] == $value){ $field_arr[$key]= $val['field']; } } } unset($rows[0]); foreach($rows as $key => $value){ $this->excelGoodsUpdate($value, $field_arr); } $this->success('成功','goods/index'); } public function excelGoodsUpdate($data, $field_arr) { $optionId = 0; $goodsId = 0; $goodsData = []; $optionData = []; foreach($data as $key => $value){ $field = $field_arr[$key]; if(strstr($field, 'option_') > -1 && $value){// 规格 if($field == 'option_id'){// 规格id $optionId = $value; $goodsData = []; } $optionData[str_replace('option_','',$field)] = $value; $goodsId = 0; }else{ // 普通商品数据 if(strstr($field, 'option_') > -1 ) {// 规格 continue; } if($field == 'id'){// 规格id $goodsId = $value; $optionData = []; } $optionId = 0; $goodsData[$field] = $value; } } if($optionId > 0 && count($optionData) > 0){ unset($optionData['title']); unset($optionData['id']); M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->where('id = "'.$optionId.'"')->save($optionData); unset($optionData); }else if($goodsId > 0 && count($goodsData) > 0){ unset($goodsData['is_all_sale_str']); unset($goodsData['cate1_id']); unset($goodsData['cate1_name']); unset($goodsData['cate2_id']); unset($goodsData['cate2_name']); unset($goodsData['id']); $goodsCommon = M('lionfish_comshop_good_common')->where('goods_id = "'.$goodsId.'"')->field('id')->find(); if($goodsCommon['id']){ M('lionfish_comshop_good_common') ->where('id = "'.$goodsCommon['id'].'"') ->save([ 'one_limit_count' => $goodsData['one_limit_count'], 'total_limit_count' => $goodsData['total_limit_count'], 'is_spike_buy' => $goodsData['is_spike_buy'], 'is_new_buy' => $goodsData['is_new_buy'], ]); unset($goodsData['one_limit_count']); unset($goodsData['total_limit_count']); unset($goodsData['is_spike_buy']); unset($goodsData['is_new_buy']); } $goodsPin = M('lionfish_comshop_good_pin')->where('goods_id = "'.$goodsId.'"')->field('id')->find(); if($goodsPin['id']){ M('lionfish_comshop_good_pin') ->where('id = "'.$goodsPin['id'].'"') ->save([ 'begin_time' => $goodsData['begin_time'], 'end_time' => $goodsData['end_time'], ]); unset($goodsData['begin_time']); unset($goodsData['end_time']); } M('lionfish_comshop_goods') ->where('id = "'.$goodsId.'"') ->save($goodsData); unset($goodsData); } } } ?>