update($data); show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); } $data = D('Seller/Config')->get_all_config(); $this->data = $data; $this->display(); } public function changename() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); //ids if (empty($id)) { $id = ((is_array($_GPC['ids']) ? implode(',', $_GPC['ids']) : 0)); } if (empty($id)) { show_json(0, array('message' => '参数错误')); } $type = trim($_GPC['type']); $value = trim($_GPC['value']); $items = M('lionfish_community_head_tixian_order')->field('id')->where( 'id in( ' . $id . ' )' )->select(); foreach ($items as $item ) { M('lionfish_community_head_tixian_order')->where( array('id' => $item['id']) )->save( array('bankusername' => $value) ); } show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); } public function clear_user_member_qrcode() { M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where( "member_id > 0" )->save( array('wepro_qrcode' => '') ); echo json_encode( array('code' => 0) ); die(); } public function config() { if (IS_POST) { $data = I('request.data'); D('Seller/Config')->update($data); show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); } $data = D('Seller/Config')->get_all_config(); $this->data = $data; $this->display(); } public function qrcodeconfig() { if (IS_POST) { $_GPC = I('request.'); $data = array(); $data['distribution_avatar_left'] = $_GPC['avatar_left']; $data['distribution_avatar_top'] = $_GPC['avatar_top']; $data['distribution_qrcodes_left'] = $_GPC['qrcodes_left']; $data['distribution_qrcodes_top'] = $_GPC['qrcodes_top']; $data['distribution_username_left'] = $_GPC['username_left']; $data['distribution_username_top'] = $_GPC['username_top']; $data['distribution_img_src'] = $_GPC['img_src']; $data['commiss_avatar_rgb'] = $_GPC['commiss_avatar_rgb']; $data['commiss_nickname_rgb'] = $_GPC['commiss_nickname_rgb']; D('Seller/Config')->update($data); M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where( "1" )->save( array('commiss_qrcode' => '') ); show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); } $data = D('Seller/Config')->get_all_config(); $this->data = $data; $this->display(); } public function addForm() { if (IS_POST) { $data = I('request.data'); D('Seller/Config')->update(array('commiss_diy_form' => serialize( $data ) )); show_json(0, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); } $data = M('lionfish_comshop_config')->where( array('name' => 'commiss_diy_form') )->find(); $form_data = array(); if( !empty($data) ) { $form_data = unserialize( htmlspecialchars_decode( $data['value'] )); } $this->form_data = $form_data; include $this->display(); } public function withdraw_config() { if (IS_POST) { $data = I('request.data'); $data['commiss_tixianway_yuer'] = isset($data['commiss_tixianway_yuer']) ? $data['commiss_tixianway_yuer']:1; $data['commiss_tixianway_weixin'] = isset($data['commiss_tixianway_weixin']) ? $data['commiss_tixianway_weixin']:1; $data['commiss_tixianway_alipay'] = isset($data['commiss_tixianway_alipay']) ? $data['commiss_tixianway_alipay']:1; $data['commiss_tixianway_bank'] = isset($data['commiss_tixianway_bank']) ? $data['commiss_tixianway_bank']:1; $data['commiss_tixian_publish'] = isset($data['commiss_tixian_publish']) ? $data['commiss_tixian_publish']:''; D('Seller/Config')->update($data); show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); } $data = D('Seller/Config')->get_all_config(); $this->data = $data; $this->display(); } public function distributionorder() { $time = I('request.time'); $_GPC = I('request.'); $starttime = isset($time['start']) ? strtotime($time['start']) : strtotime(date('Y-m-d'.' 00:00:00')); $endtime = isset($time['end']) ? strtotime($time['end']) : strtotime(date('Y-m-d'.' 23:59:59')); $this->searchfield = I('request.searchfield',''); $this->keyword = I('request.keyword',''); $this->searchtime = I('request.searchtime',''); $this->delivery = I('request.delivery',''); $this->starttime = $starttime; $this->endtime = $endtime; $this->time = $time; $order_status_id = I('request.order_status_id',0); $starttime = isset($_GPC['time']['start']) ? strtotime($_GPC['time']['start']) : strtotime(date('Y-m-d'.' 00:00:00')); $endtime = isset($_GPC['time']['end']) ? strtotime($_GPC['time']['end']) : strtotime(date('Y-m-d'.' 23:59:59')); $order_status_arr = D('Seller/Order')->get_order_status_name(); $this->order_status_arr = $order_status_arr; $_GPC['is_fenxiao'] = 1;//分销订单 $this->_GPC = $_GPC; $this->is_fenxiao = 1; $cur_controller = 'distribution/distributionorder'; $need_data = D('Seller/Order')->load_order_list(0,1); $total = $need_data['total']; $total_money = $need_data['total_money']; $list = $need_data['list']; $pager = $need_data['pager']; $all_count = $need_data['all_count']; $count_status_1 = $need_data['count_status_1']; $count_status_3 = $need_data['count_status_3']; $count_status_4 = $need_data['count_status_4']; $count_status_5 = $need_data['count_status_5']; $count_status_7 = $need_data['count_status_7']; $count_status_11 = $need_data['count_status_11']; $count_status_14 = $need_data['count_status_14']; $this->cur_controller = $cur_controller; $this->total = $total; $this->total_money = $total_money; $this->list = $list; $this->pager = $pager; $this->all_count = $all_count; $this->count_status_1 = $count_status_1; $this->count_status_3 = $count_status_3; $this->count_status_4 = $count_status_4; $this->count_status_5 = $count_status_5; $this->count_status_7 = $count_status_7; $this->count_status_11 = $count_status_11; $this->count_status_14 = $count_status_14; $this->order_status_id = $order_status_id; $this->is_community = I('request.is_community', 0); $this->headid = I('request.headid', 0); $open_feier_print = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('open_feier_print'); if( empty($open_feier_print) ) { $open_feier_print = 0; } $this->open_feier_print = $open_feier_print; $this->display('Order/index'); } public function communityorder() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $member_id = $_GPC['member_id']; $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 20; $where = " and co.member_id = {$member_id} "; $starttime = strtotime( date('Y-m-d')." 00:00:00" ); $endtime = $starttime + 86400; if( isset($_GPC['searchtime']) && $_GPC['searchtime'] == 'create_time' ) { if (!empty($_GPC['time']['start']) && !empty($_GPC['time']['end'])) { $starttime = strtotime($_GPC['time']['start']); $endtime = strtotime($_GPC['time']['end']); $where .= ' AND co.addtime >= '.$starttime.' AND co.addtime <= '.$endtime.' '; } } $this->member_id = $member_id; $this->starttime = $starttime; $this->endtime = $endtime; if ($_GPC['order_status'] != '') { $where .= ' and co.state=' . intval($_GPC['order_status']); } $sql = "select co.order_id,co.state,co.money,co.level,co.addtime ,og.total,og.name,og.total from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_member_commiss_order as co , ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order_goods as og where co.order_goods_id = og.order_goods_id {$where} order by co.id desc ".' limit ' . (($pindex - 1) * $psize) . ',' . $psize; $list = M()->query($sql); if( !empty($list) ) { foreach($list as $key => $val) { $val['total'] = sprintf("%.2f",$val['total']); $val['money'] = sprintf("%.2f",$val['money']); $val['addtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$val['addtime']); $order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->field('order_num_alias')->where( array('order_id' => $val['order_id'] ) )->find(); $val['order_num_alias'] = $order_info['order_num_alias']; $list[$key] = $val; } } $sql_count = "select count(1) as count from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_member_commiss_order as co , ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order_goods as og where co.order_goods_id = og.order_goods_id {$where} "; $total_arr = M()->query($sql_count); $total = $total_arr[0]['count']; if ($_GPC['export'] == '1') { $export_sql = "select co.order_id,co.state,co.money,co.level,co.addtime ,og.total,og.name,og.total from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_member_commiss_order as co , ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order_goods as og where co.order_goods_id = og.order_goods_id {$where} order by co.id desc "; $export_list = M()->query($export_sql); if( !empty($export_list) ) { foreach($export_list as $key => $val) { $val['total'] = sprintf("%.2f",$val['total']); $val['money'] = sprintf("%.2f",$val['money']); $val['addtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$val['addtime']); $order_info= M('lionfish_comshop_order')->field('order_num_alias')->where( array('order_id' => $val['order_id'] ) )->find(); $val['order_num_alias'] = $order_info['order_num_alias']; $export_list[$key] = $val; } } foreach($export_list as $key =>&$row) { $row['order_num_alias'] = "\t".$row['order_num_alias']; $row['name'] = $row['name']; $row['total'] = $row['total']; $row['money'] = $row['money']; if($row['state'] == 0) { $row['state'] = '待结算'; }else if($row[state] == 1) { $row['state'] = '已结算'; }else if($row[state] == 2){ $row['state'] = '订单取消或退款'; } $row['addtime'] = $row['addtime']; } unset($row); $columns = array( array('title' => '订单编号', 'field' => 'order_num_alias', 'width' => 24), array('title' => '商品标题', 'field' => 'name', 'width' => 24), array('title' => '订单金额', 'field' => 'total', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '佣金金额', 'field' => 'money', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '几级分佣', 'field' => 'level', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '状态', 'field' => 'state', 'width' => 24), array('title' => '下单时间', 'field' => 'addtime', 'width' => 24), ); D('Seller/Excel')->export($export_list, array('title' => '会员分销收益明细-' . date('Y-m-d-H-i', time()), 'columns' => $columns)); } $pager = pagination2($total, $pindex, $psize); $this->pager = $pager; $this->list = $list; $this->_GPC = $_GPC; $this->display(); } public function changecommission() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $order_id = $_GPC['order_id']; $order_goods_id = $_GPC['order_goods_id']; $commiss_level = D('Seller/Front')->get_config_by_name('commiss_level'); $commission_info = D('Home/Commission')->get_order_goods_commission( $order_id, $order_goods_id); if (empty($commission_info)) { if (IS_POST) { show_json(0, array('message' => '未找到订单!')); } exit('fail'); } if (IS_POST) { $cm1 = $_GPC['cm1']; if (!is_array($cm1) ) { show_json(0, array('message' => '未找到修改数据!')); } foreach ($cm1 as $id => $money) { M('lionfish_comshop_member_commiss_order')->where( array('id' => $id) )->save( array('money' => $money) ); } show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); } foreach( $commission_info as $key => $val ) { $mb_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('username,avatar')->where( array('member_id' => $val['member_id'] ) )->find(); $val['member_info'] = $mb_info; $commission_info[$key] = $val; } $this->order_id = $order_id; $this->order_goods_id = $order_goods_id; $this->commiss_level = $commiss_level; $this->commission_info = $commission_info; $this->display(); } public function level() { $data = D('Seller/Config')->get_all_config(); $default = array('id' => 'default', 'levelname' => empty($data['commission_levelname']) ? '默认等级' : $data['commission_levelname'], 'commission1' => $data['commission1'], 'commission2' => $data['commission2'], 'commission3' => $data['commission3']); $others = M('lionfish_comshop_commission_level')->order('commission1 asc')->select(); $list = array_merge(array($default), $others); $this->data = $data; $this->list = $list; $this->display(); } public function addlevel() { $this->modifylevel(); } public function editlevel() { $this->modifylevel(); } public function become_agent_check() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $member_id = $_GPC['id']; $state = $_GPC['state']; $member = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('member_id,openid,we_openid,comsiss_state')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id) )->find(); if( $state == 1 ) { $time = time(); M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where( array('member_id' => $member['member_id']) )->save( array('comsiss_state' => 1,'comsiss_flag' => 1, 'comsiss_time' => $time) ); //检测是否存在账户,没有就新建 D('Home/Commission')->commission_account($member['member_id']); //TODO....sendmsg 发送成为分销商的信息 }else{ M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id) )->save( array('comsiss_state' => 0,'comsiss_flag' => 1, 'comsiss_time' => 0) ); } show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); } public function agent_check() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); if (empty($id)) { $id = (is_array($_GPC['ids']) ? implode(',', $_GPC['ids']) : 0); } $comsiss_state = intval($_GPC['comsiss_state']); $members = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('member_id,openid,we_openid,comsiss_state')->where( 'member_id in( ' . $id . ' )' )->select(); $time = time(); foreach ($members as $member) { if ($member['comsiss_state'] === $status) { continue; } if ($comsiss_state == 1) { //M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where( array('member_id' => $member['member_id'] ) )->save( array('comsiss_state' => 1, 'comsiss_time' => $time) ); //检测是否存在账户,没有就新建 D('Home/Commission')->become_commiss_member($member['member_id']); //TODO....sendmsg 发送成为分销商的信息 } else { M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where( array('member_id' => $member['member_id']) )->save( array('comsiss_state' => 0, 'comsiss_time' => 0) ); } } show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); } public function nextchild_list() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $member_id = $_GPC['id']; $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 20; $size = 20; $offset = ($pindex - 1) * $size; $keyword = $_GPC['keyword']; $this->keyword = $keyword; $this->member_id = $member_id; $where = ''; if( !empty($keyword) ) { $where .= " and ( username like '%{$keyword}%' or telephone like '%{$keyword}%' ) "; } $level = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('commiss_level'); $level_1_ids = array(); $level_2_ids = array(); $level_3_ids = array(); $member_id_arr = array($member_id); if( $level == 1 ) { $list = array(); $sql = "select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_member where 1 {$where} and agentid in (".implode(',', $member_id_arr).") order by member_id desc limit {$offset},{$size}"; $list = M()->query($sql); foreach( $list as $vv ) { $level_1_ids[$vv['id']] = $vv['id']; } $total_arr = M()->query('SELECT count(1) as count FROM ' . C('DB_PREFIX') . 'lionfish_comshop_member WHERE 1 ' . "{$where} and agentid in (".implode(',', $member_id_arr).") " ); $total = $total_arr[0]['count']; }else if( $level == 2 ) { $list = array(); $sql = "select member_id from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_member where 1 and agentid in (".implode(',', $member_id_arr).") order by member_id desc "; $list1 = M()->query($sql); if( !empty($list1) ) { foreach( $list1 as $vv ) { $level_1_ids[$vv['member_id']] = $vv['member_id']; } $level_sql2 =" select member_id from ".C('DB_PREFIX'). "lionfish_comshop_member where 1 and agentid in (select member_id from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_member where agentid ={$member_id} order by member_id desc ) order by member_id desc "; $list2 = M()->query($level_sql2); if( !empty($list2) || !empty($list1) ) { foreach( $list2 as $vv ) { $level_2_ids[$vv['member_id']] = $vv['member_id']; } $need_ids = empty($level_1_ids) ? array() : $level_1_ids; if(!empty($level_2_ids)) { foreach($level_2_ids as $vv) { $need_ids[] = $vv; } } $sql =" select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX'). "lionfish_comshop_member where 1 {$where} and member_id in (".implode(',', $need_ids ).") order by member_id desc limit {$offset},{$size}"; $list = M()->query($sql); $total_arr = M()->query('SELECT count(1) as count FROM ' . C('DB_PREFIX'). 'lionfish_comshop_member WHERE 1 ' . "{$where} and member_id in (".implode(',', $need_ids).") " ); $total = $total_arr[0]['count']; } } }else if( $level == 3 ){ $sql = "select member_id from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_member where agentid in (".implode(',', $member_id_arr).") order by member_id desc "; $list1 = M()->query($sql); if( !empty($list1) ) { foreach( $list1 as $vv ) { $level_1_ids[$vv['member_id']] = $vv['member_id']; } $need_ids = empty($level_1_ids) ? array() : $level_1_ids; $level_sql2 =" select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX'). "lionfish_comshop_member where agentid in (select member_id from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_member where agentid ={$member_id} order by member_id desc ) order by member_id desc "; $list2 = M()->query($level_sql2); if( !empty($list2) ) { foreach( $list2 as $vv ) { $level_2_ids[$vv['member_id']] = $vv['member_id']; } if(!empty($level_2_ids)) { foreach($level_2_ids as $vv) { $need_ids[] = $vv; } } } $level_sql3 =" select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX'). "lionfish_comshop_member where agentid in (".implode(',', $need_ids).") order by member_id desc "; $list3 = M()->query($level_sql3 ); if( !empty($list3) ) { foreach( $list3 as $vv ) { $level_3_ids[$vv['member_id']] = $vv['member_id']; } if(!empty($level_3_ids)) { foreach($level_3_ids as $vv) { $need_ids[] = $vv; } } } $level_sql3 =" select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX'). "lionfish_comshop_member where 1 {$where} and member_id in (".implode(',',$need_ids).") order by member_id desc limit {$offset},{$size}"; $list = M()->query($level_sql3); $total_arr = M()->query('SELECT count(1) as count FROM ' . C('DB_PREFIX') . 'lionfish_comshop_member WHERE 1 ' . "{$where} and member_id in (".implode(',', $need_ids).") " ); $total = $total_arr[0]['count']; } } if( !empty($list) ) { foreach($list as $key => $val) { //member_id $val['child_level'] = 1; if( isset($level_2_ids[$val['member_id']]) ) { $val['child_level'] = 2; } else if( isset($level_3_ids[$val['member_id']]) ) { $val['child_level'] = 3; } //$val['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $val['create_time']); $list[$key] = $val; } } $this->_GPC = $_GPC; $pager = pagination2($total, $pindex, $psize); $this->list = $list; $this->pager = $pager; $this->display(); } public function clear_haibao() { M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where( "member_id > 0" )->save( array('commiss_qrcode' => '') ); show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); } public function sharedetail() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $id = $_GPC['id']; $keyword = $_GPC['keyword']; $condition = ' and share_id = '.$id." and (agentid=0 or agentid = {$id}) "; $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 20; if (!empty($_GPC['keyword'])) { $_GPC['keyword'] = trim($_GPC['keyword']); $condition .= ' and ( username like "%'.$_GPC['keyword'].'%" or realname like "%'.$_GPC['keyword'].'%" or telephone like "%'.$_GPC['keyword'].'%") '; } if ($_GPC['comsiss_state'] != '') { $condition .= ' and comsiss_state=' . intval($_GPC['comsiss_state']); } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . C('DB_PREFIX'). "lionfish_comshop_member WHERE 1 " . $condition . ' order by member_id desc '; if (empty($_GPC['export'])) { $sql .= ' limit ' . (($pindex - 1) * $psize) . ',' . $psize; } $list = M()->query($sql); $total_arr = M()->query('SELECT count(1) as count FROM ' . C('DB_PREFIX'). 'lionfish_comshop_member WHERE 1 ' . $condition); $total = $total_arr[0]['count']; if ($_GPC['export'] == '1') { foreach ($list as &$row) { $row['sharename'] = empty($val['share_parent_info']) ? '总店' : $val['share_parent_info']['username']; $row['parentname'] = empty($val['parent_info']) ? '总店' : $val['parent_info']['username']; $next_member_count_arr = D('Home/Commission')->get_member_all_next_count($val['member_id']); $row['level1'] = $next_member_count_arr['level_1_count']; $row['level2'] = $next_member_count_arr['level_2_count']; $row['level3'] = $next_member_count_arr['level_3_count']; //commission_info $row['commission_total'] = $row['commission_info']['commission_total']; $row['getmoney'] = $row['commission_info']['getmoney']; $row['createtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $row['create_time']); $row['comsiss_time'] = empty($row['comsiss_time']) ? '': date('Y-m-d H:i', $row['comsiss_time']); $row['groupname'] = empty($row['groupname']) ? '无分组' : $row['groupname']; $row['levelname'] = empty($row['levelname']) ? '普通等级' : $row['levelname']; $row['parentname'] = empty($row['parentname']) ? '总店' : '[' . $row['agentid'] . ']' . $row['parentname']; $row['statusstr'] = empty($row['status']) ? '' : '通过'; $row['followstr'] = empty($row['followed']) ? '' : '已关注'; } unset($row); $columns = array( array('title' => 'ID', 'field' => 'member_id', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '用户名', 'field' => 'username', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '手机号', 'field' => 'telephone', 'width' => 12), array('title' => 'openid', 'field' => 'we_openid', 'width' => 24), array('title' => '推荐人', 'field' => 'sharename', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '上级', 'field' => 'parentname', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '分销商等级', 'field' => 'commission_level_name', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '下线分销商总数', 'field' => 'next_member_count', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '一级下线分销商数', 'field' => 'level1', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '二级下线分销商数', 'field' => 'level2', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '三级下线分销商数', 'field' => 'level3', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '累计佣金', 'field' => 'commission_total', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '打款佣金', 'field' => 'getmoney', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '注册时间', 'field' => 'createtime', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '成为分销商时间', 'field' => 'comsiss_time', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '审核状态', 'field' => 'comsiss_time', 'width' => 12) ); D('Seller/Excel')->export($list, array('title' => $id.'下级分享人数据-' . date('Y-m-d-H-i', time()), 'columns' => $columns)); } $pager = pagination2($total, $pindex, $psize); $this->_GPC = $_GPC; $this->pager = $pager; $this->list = $list; $this->keyword = $keyword; $this->display(); } public function distribution() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $condition = ' and comsiss_flag = 1 '; $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 20; $type = 0; if( isset($_GPC['type']) && !empty($_GPC['type']) ) { $type = $_GPC['type']; } switch( $type ) { case 0: break; case 1: $condition .= " and comsiss_state=1 "; break; case 2: $condition .= " and comsiss_state=0 "; break; } if (!empty($_GPC['keyword'])) { $_GPC['keyword'] = trim($_GPC['keyword']); $condition .= ' and ( username like "%'.$_GPC['keyword'].'%" or realname like "%'.$_GPC['keyword'].'%" or telephone like "%'.$_GPC['keyword'].'%") '; } $starttime = strtotime( date('Y-m-d')." 00:00:00" ); $endtime = $starttime + 86400; if( isset($_GPC['searchtime']) && $_GPC['searchtime'] == 'create_time' ) { if (!empty($_GPC['time']['start']) && !empty($_GPC['time']['end'])) { $starttime = strtotime($_GPC['time']['start']); $endtime = strtotime($_GPC['time']['end']); $condition .= ' AND comsiss_time >= '.$starttime.' AND comsiss_time <= '.$endtime.' '; } } $this->starttime = $starttime; $this->endtime = $endtime; /** if (!empty($_GPC['time']['start']) && !empty($_GPC['time']['end'])) { $starttime = strtotime($_GPC['time']['start']); $endtime = strtotime($_GPC['time']['end']); $condition .= ' AND comsiss_time >= '.$starttime.' AND comsiss_time <= '.$endtime; } **/ if ($_GPC['comsiss_state'] != '') { $condition .= ' and comsiss_state=' . intval($_GPC['comsiss_state']); } if ($_GPC['commission_level_id'] != '') { $condition .= ' and commission_level_id =' . intval($_GPC['commission_level_id']); } if( isset($_GPC['groupid']) && !empty($_GPC['groupid']) ) { $condition .= ' and groupid = '.$_GPC['groupid']; } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . C('DB_PREFIX'). "lionfish_comshop_member WHERE 1 " . $condition . ' order by member_id desc '; if (empty($_GPC['export'])) { $sql .= ' limit ' . (($pindex - 1) * $psize) . ',' . $psize; } $list = M()->query($sql); $total_arr = M()->query('SELECT count(1) as count FROM ' . C('DB_PREFIX'). 'lionfish_comshop_member WHERE 1 ' . $condition); $total = $total_arr[0]['count']; $level_list = M()->query("select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX'). 'lionfish_comshop_commission_level order by id asc '); $keys_level = array(); $keys_level[0] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('commission_levelname'); if( empty($keys_level[0]) ) { $keys_level[0] = '普通等级'; } foreach($level_list as $vv) { $keys_level[$vv['id']] = $vv['levelname']; } foreach( $list as $key => $val ) { //普通等级 $val['share_parent_info'] = D('Home/Commission')->get_share_name($val['share_id']); $val['parent_info'] = D('Home/Commission')->get_parent_info($val['agentid']); $next_member_count_arr = D('Home/Commission')->get_member_all_next_count($val['member_id']); $val['next_member_count'] = $next_member_count_arr['total']; $val['commission_level_name'] = $keys_level[$val['commission_level_id']]; $val['commission_info'] = D('Home/Commission')->get_commission_info( $val['member_id'] ); $list[$key] = $val; } if ($_GPC['export'] == '1') { foreach ($list as &$row) { $row['sharename'] = empty($val['share_parent_info']) ? '总店' : $val['share_parent_info']['username']; $row['parentname'] = empty($val['parent_info']) ? '总店' : $val['parent_info']['username']; $next_member_count_arr = D('Home/Commission')->get_member_all_next_count($val['member_id']); $row['level1'] = $next_member_count_arr['level_1_count']; $row['level2'] = $next_member_count_arr['level_2_count']; $row['level3'] = $next_member_count_arr['level_3_count']; //commission_info $row['commission_total'] = $row['commission_info']['commission_total']; $row['getmoney'] = $row['commission_info']['getmoney']; $row['createtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $row['create_time']); $row['comsiss_time'] = empty($row['comsiss_time']) ? '': date('Y-m-d H:i', $row['comsiss_time']); $row['groupname'] = empty($row['groupname']) ? '无分组' : $row['groupname']; $row['levelname'] = empty($row['levelname']) ? '普通等级' : $row['levelname']; $row['parentname'] = empty($row['parentname']) ? '总店' : '[' . $row['agentid'] . ']' . $row['parentname']; $row['statusstr'] = empty($row['status']) ? '' : '通过'; $row['followstr'] = empty($row['followed']) ? '' : '已关注'; } unset($row); $columns = array( array('title' => 'ID', 'field' => 'member_id', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '用户名', 'field' => 'username', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '手机号', 'field' => 'telephone', 'width' => 12), array('title' => 'openid', 'field' => 'we_openid', 'width' => 24), array('title' => '推荐人', 'field' => 'sharename', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '上级', 'field' => 'parentname', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '分销商等级', 'field' => 'commission_level_name', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '下线分销商总数', 'field' => 'next_member_count', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '一级下线分销商数', 'field' => 'level1', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '二级下线分销商数', 'field' => 'level2', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '三级下线分销商数', 'field' => 'level3', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '累计佣金', 'field' => 'commission_total', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '打款佣金', 'field' => 'getmoney', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '注册时间', 'field' => 'createtime', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '成为分销商时间', 'field' => 'comsiss_time', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '审核状态', 'field' => 'comsiss_time', 'width' => 12) ); D('Seller/Excel')->export($list, array('title' => '分销商数据-' . date('Y-m-d-H-i', time()), 'columns' => $columns)); } $pager = pagination2($total, $pindex, $psize); $this->pager = $pager; $this->_GPC = $_GPC; $this->list =$list; $this->display(); } private function modifylevel() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $id = trim($_GPC['id']); $set = D('Seller/Config')->get_all_config(); if ($id == 'default') { $level = array('id' => 'default', 'levelname' => empty($set['commission_levelname']) ? '默认等级' : $set['commission_levelname'], 'commission1' => $set['commission1'], 'commission2' => $set['commission2'], 'commission3' => $set['commission3']); } else { $level = M('lionfish_comshop_commission_level')->where( array('id' => intval($id) ) )->find(); } if (IS_POST) { $data = array( 'levelname' => trim($_GPC['levelname']), 'commission1' => trim(trim($_GPC['commission1']), '%'), 'commission2' => trim(trim($_GPC['commission2']), '%'), 'commission3' => trim(trim($_GPC['commission3']), '%'), 'ordermoney' => $_GPC['ordermoney'] ); if (!empty($id)) { if ($id == 'default') { $updatecontent = '
等级名称: ' . $set['levelname'] . '->' . $data['levelname'] . '
一级佣金比例: ' . $set['commission1'] . '->' . $data['commission1'] . '
二级佣金比例: ' . $set['commission2'] . '->' . $data['commission2'] . '
三级佣金比例: ' . $set['commission3'] . '->' . $data['commission3']; $set_data = array(); $set_data['commission_levelname'] = $data['levelname']; $set_data['commission1'] = $data['commission1']; $set_data['commission2'] = $data['commission2']; $set_data['commission3'] = $data['commission3']; D('Seller/Config')->update($set_data); } else { $updatecontent = '
等级名称: ' . $level['levelname'] . '->' . $data['levelname'] . '
一级佣金比例: ' . $level['commission1'] . '->' . $data['commission1'] . '
二级佣金比例: ' . $level['commission2'] . '->' . $data['commission2'] . '
三级佣金比例: ' . $level['commission3'] . '->' . $data['commission3']; M('lionfish_comshop_commission_level')->where( array('id' => $id) )->save( $data ); } } else { M('lionfish_comshop_commission_level')->add($data); } show_json(1, array('url' => U('distribution/level'))); } $this->level = $level; $this->display('Distribution/modifylevel'); } public function withdrawallist() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $condition = ' '; $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 20; if (!empty($_GPC['keyword'])) { $_GPC['keyword'] = trim($_GPC['keyword']); $condition .= ' and ( id = '.intval($_GPC['keyword']).') '; } $starttime = strtotime( date('Y-m-d')." 00:00:00" ); $endtime = $starttime + 86400; if (!empty($_GPC['time']['start']) && !empty($_GPC['time']['end'])) { $starttime = strtotime($_GPC['time']['start']); $endtime = strtotime($_GPC['time']['end']); $condition .= ' AND addtime >= '.$starttime.' AND addtime <= '.$endtime; } $this->starttime = $starttime; $this->endtime = $endtime; if ($_GPC['comsiss_state'] != '') { $condition .= ' and state=' . intval($_GPC['comsiss_state']); } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . C('DB_PREFIX'). "lionfish_comshop_member_tixian_order WHERE 1 " . $condition . ' order by id desc '; if (empty($_GPC['export'])) { $sql .= ' limit ' . (($pindex - 1) * $psize) . ',' . $psize; } $community_tixian_fee = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('community_tixian_fee'); $list = M()->query($sql); $total_arr = M()->query('SELECT count(1) as count FROM ' . C('DB_PREFIX'). 'lionfish_comshop_member_tixian_order WHERE 1 ' . $condition); $total = $total_arr[0]['count']; $this->_GPC = $_GPC; //ims_lionfish_community_head_commiss foreach( $list as $key => $val ) { //普通等级 $member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('username,avatar,we_openid,telephone')->where( array('member_id' => $val['member_id'] ) )->find(); $val['member_info'] = $member_info; $list[$key] = $val; } if ($_GPC['export'] == '1') { foreach($list as $key =>&$row) { $row['username'] = $row['member_info']['username']; $row['telephone'] = $row['member_info']['telephone']; $row['bankname'] = $row['bankname']; if( $row['type'] == 1 ) { $row['bankname'] = '余额'; }elseif( $row['type'] == 2 ){ $row['bankname'] = '微信零钱'; }elseif($row['type'] == 3){ $row['bankname'] = '支付宝'; } $row['bankaccount'] = "\t".$row['bankaccount']; $row['bankusername'] = $row['bankusername']; $row['get_money'] = $row['money']-$row['service_charge_money']; $row['addtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row['addtime']); if(!empty($row['shentime'])) { $row['shentime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row['shentime']); } if($row['state'] ==0) { $row['state'] = '待审核'; }else if($row[state] ==1) { $row['state'] = '已审核,打款'; }else if($row[state] ==2){ $row['state'] = '已拒绝'; } } unset($row); $columns = array( array('title' => 'ID', 'field' => 'id', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '用户名', 'field' => 'username', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '联系方式', 'field' => 'telephone', 'width' => 12), array('title' => '打款银行', 'field' => 'bankname', 'width' => 24), array('title' => '打款账户', 'field' => 'bankaccount', 'width' => 24), array('title' => '真实姓名', 'field' => 'bankusername', 'width' => 24), array('title' => '申请提现金额', 'field' => 'money', 'width' => 24), array('title' => '手续费', 'field' => 'service_charge_money', 'width' => 24), array('title' => '到账金额', 'field' => 'get_money', 'width' => 24), array('title' => '申请时间', 'field' => 'addtime', 'width' => 24), array('title' => '审核时间', 'field' => 'shentime', 'width' => 24), array('title' => '状态', 'field' => 'state', 'width' => 24) ); D('Seller/Excel')->export($list, array('title' => '会员分销提现数据-' . date('Y-m-d-H-i', time()), 'columns' => $columns)); } $pager = pagination2($total, $pindex, $psize); $this->pager = $pager; $this->list = $list; $this->display(); } public function agent_check_apply() { $_GPC = I('request.'); $commission_model = D('Home/Commission'); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); if (empty($id)) { $id = (is_array($_GPC['ids']) ? implode(',', $_GPC['ids']) : 0); } $comsiss_state = intval($_GPC['state']); $apply_list = M()->query('SELECT * FROM ' . C('DB_PREFIX'). 'lionfish_comshop_member_tixian_order WHERE id in( ' . $id . ' ) '); $time = time(); foreach ($apply_list as $apply) { if ($apply['state'] == $comsiss_state || $apply['state'] == 1 || $apply['state'] == 2) { continue; } $money = $apply['money']; if ($comsiss_state == 1) { switch( $apply['type'] ) { case 1: $result = $commission_model->send_apply_yuer( $apply['id'] ); break; case 2: $result = $commission_model->send_apply_weixin_yuer( $apply['id'] ); break; case 3: $result = $commission_model->send_apply_alipay_bank( $apply['id'] ); break; case 4: $result = $commission_model->send_apply_alipay_bank( $apply['id'] ); break; } if( $result['code'] == 1) { show_json(0, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],'message'=>$result['msg']) ); } //检测是否存在账户,没有就新建 //TODO....检测是否微信提现到零钱,如果是,那么就准备打款吧 $commission_model->send_apply_success_msg($apply['id']); } else if ($comsiss_state == 2) { M('lionfish_comshop_member_tixian_order')->where( array('id' => $apply['id'] ) )->save( array('state' => 2, 'shentime' => $time) ); //退回冻结的货款 M()->execute("update ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_member_commiss set money=money+{$money},dongmoney=dongmoney-{$money} where member_id=".$apply['member_id']); } else { M('lionfish_comshop_member_tixian_order')->where( array('id' => $apply['id']) )->save( array('state' => 0, 'shentime' => 0) ); } } show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])); } } ?>