field('format_data')->where( " token='{$token}' and carkey like '%{$key}%' " )->select(); $quantity = 0; foreach($s_arr as $val) { $tmp_format_data = unserialize($val['format_data']); $quantity += $tmp_format_data['quantity']; } return $quantity; } public function get_wecart_goods_solicount($goods_id, $community_id,$token,$soli_id = '') { $key = (int)$goods_id . ':'.$community_id.':'.$soli_id.':' ; $key = 'soitairecart.'.$key; $car_sql = "select format_data from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_car where token ='{$token}' and carkey like '{$key}%' "; $s_arr = M()->query($car_sql); if( !empty($s_arr) ) { $s_count = 0; foreach( $s_arr as $val ) { $tmp_format_data = unserialize($val['format_data']); $s_count += $tmp_format_data['quantity']; } return $s_count; }else{ return 0; } } public function get_wecart_goods($goods_id, $sku_str, $community_id,$token,$car_prefix='cart.',$soli_id = '') { if( $community_id <=0 ) { return 0; } $key = (int)$goods_id . ':'.$community_id.':'; if( !empty($soli_id) ) { $key .= $soli_id.':'; } if ($sku_str) { $key.= base64_encode($sku_str) . ':'; } else { $key.= ':';//xx } $key = $car_prefix . $key; $car_param = array(); $car_param[':uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid']; $car_param[':token'] = $token; $car_param[':carkey'] = $key; //C('DB_PREFIX') $s_arr = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->field('format_data')->where( array('carkey' => $key,'token' => $token) )->find(); $tmp_format_data = unserialize($s_arr['format_data']); return $tmp_format_data['quantity']; } //得到商品数量 public function get_goods_quantity($goods_id) { $quantity = D('Seller/Redisorder')->get_goods_total_quantity($goods_id); if($quantity <= 0) { $info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('total as quantity')->where(array('id' =>$goods_id))->find(); $quantity = $info['quantity']; } return $quantity; } public function addwecar($token, $goods_id, $format_data = array() , $option, $community_id,$car_prefix='cart.',$soli_id='') { $key = (int)$goods_id . ':'.$community_id.':'; if( !empty($soli_id) ) { $key .= $soli_id.':'; } $qty = $format_data['quantity']; if ($option) { $key.= base64_encode($option) . ':'; } else { $key.= ':'; } if( $format_data['is_just_addcar'] == 0 ) { $cart_sql = "select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_car where token='{$token}' and carkey like '".$car_prefix."%' "; $all_cart = M()->query($cart_sql); if(!empty($all_cart)) { foreach($all_cart as $val) { $tmp_format_data = unserialize($val['format_data']); $tmp_format_data['singledel'] = 0; $tmp_format_data_new = array('format_data' => serialize($tmp_format_data) ); M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('id' => $val['id']) )->save( $tmp_format_data_new ); } } } $carkey = $car_prefix.$key; $s_arr = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->field('format_data')->where( array('carkey' => $carkey,'token' => $token) )->find(); if ((int)$qty && ((int)$qty > 0)) { $key = $car_prefix . $key; $s = array(); if (!empty($s_arr)) { $s = unserialize($s_arr['format_data']); } if (!empty($s)) { if( $format_data['is_just_addcar'] == 1 ) { $format_data['quantity']+= $s['quantity']; } } } if (!empty($s_arr)) { $car_data = array(); $car_data['format_data'] = serialize($format_data); $car_data['modifytime'] = time(); M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('token' => $token,'carkey' => $key) )->save( $car_data ); } else { $car_data = array(); $car_data['token'] = $token; $car_data['community_id'] = $community_id; $car_data['carkey'] = $key; $car_data['modifytime'] = time(); $car_data['format_data'] = serialize($format_data); M('lionfish_comshop_car')->add( $car_data ); } $this->data = array(); } public function add_activitycar($token, $goods_id, $format_data = array() , $option) { global $_W; global $_GPC; $this->removeActivityAllcar($token); $key = (int)$goods_id . ':'; $qty = $format_data['quantity']; if ($option) { $key.= base64_encode($option) . ':'; } else { $key.= ':'; } $key.= "buy_type:" ; if ((int)$qty && ((int)$qty > 0)) { $key = 'cart_activity.' . $key; $carkey = 'cart.'.$key; $s_arr = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('token' => $token, 'carkey' => $carkey) )->find(); $s = array(); if (!empty($s_arr)) { $s = unserialize($s_arr['format_data']); } if (!empty($s)) { $format_data['quantity']+= $s['quantity']; } if (!empty($s_arr)) { $car_data = array(); $car_data['format_data'] = serialize($format_data); M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('token' => $token,'carkey' => $key) )->save( $car_data ); } else { $car_data = array(); $car_data['token'] = $token; $car_data['carkey'] = $key; $car_data['format_data'] = serialize($format_data); M('lionfish_comshop_car')->add($car_data); } } $this->data = array(); } public function get_all_goodswecar($buy_type = 'dan', $token,$is_pay_need = 1, $community_id,$soli_id='') { if (!($this->data)) { if ($buy_type == 'dan') { $cart_sql = "select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_car where token='{$token}' and community_id='{$community_id}' and carkey like 'cart.%' order by modifytime desc "; $cart = M()->query($cart_sql); } else if( $buy_type == 'pindan' ) { $cart_sql = "select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_car where token='{$token}' and community_id={$community_id} and carkey like 'pindancart.%' order by modifytime desc "; $cart = M()->query($cart_sql); }else if( $buy_type == 'pintuan' ) { $cart_sql = "select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_car where token='{$token}' and community_id={$community_id} and carkey like 'pintuancart.%' order by modifytime desc "; $cart = M()->query($cart_sql); } else if( $buy_type == 'soitaire' ) { $cart_sql = "select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_car where token='{$token}' and community_id={$community_id} and carkey like 'soitairecart.%' order by modifytime desc "; $cart_arr = M()->query($cart_sql); $cart = array(); if( !empty($cart_arr) ) { foreach( $cart_arr as $key => $val ) { $key_arr = explode(':', $val['carkey']); if( $key_arr[2] == $soli_id ) { $cart[$key] = $val; } } } } else if( $buy_type == 'integral' ) { $cart_sql = "select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_car where token='{$token}' and community_id={$community_id} and carkey like 'integralcart.%' order by modifytime desc "; $cart = M()->query($cart_sql); } else { $cart_sql = "select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_car where token='{$token}' and community_id='{$community_id}' and carkey like 'cart_activity.%' order by modifytime desc "; $cart = M()->query($cart_sql); } $is_open_vipcard_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_vipcard_buy'); $is_open_vipcard_buy = !empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy ==1 ? 1:0; $weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where( array('token' => $token) )->find(); $member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id']; //$goods_model = D('Home/Goods'); foreach ($cart as $key => $val_uns) { $val = unserialize( $val_uns['format_data'] ); if($buy_type =='dan' && $is_pay_need == 1) { if(isset($val['singledel']) && $val['singledel'] == 0) { continue; } }else if($buy_type == 'dan' && $is_pay_need == 0) { //判断是否支持自提,如果支持自提,那么就不要剔除购物车列表 //$val['goods_id'] pick_just pick_just $goods_common_info = D('Seller/Front')->get_goods_common_field($val['goods_id'] , 'pick_just'); $pick_just = $goods_common_info['pick_just']; if(!empty($pick_just) && isset($pick_just['pick_just']) && $pick_just['pick_just'] > 0) { //continue; }else { } } //$pin_type = $val['pin_type']; $quantity = $val['quantity']; //$quantity $goods = explode(':', $key); $goods_id = $val['goods_id']; $stock = true; // Options sku_str $options = $val['sku_str']; $goods_query_sql = "select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_goods as p left join ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_good_commiss as pd on = pd.goods_id where ={$goods_id} and p.grounding = 1 "; $goods_query_arr = M()->query($goods_query_sql); $goods_query = $goods_query_arr[0]; $goods_query['model'] = $goods_query['codes']; if ($goods_query) { $option_price = null; $option_weight = $goods_query['weight']; $option_data = array(); $max_quantity = $goods_query['total']; if (!empty($options)) { $goods_option_mult_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id,'option_item_ids' => $options) )->find(); $goods_option_mult_value['pin_price'] = $goods_option_mult_value['pinprice']; $goods_option_mult_value['dan_price'] = $goods_option_mult_value['marketprice']; $goods_query['card_price'] = $goods_option_mult_value['card_price']; $goods_query['model'] = $goods_option_mult_value['goodssn']; $options_arr = array(); $option_value_id_arr = explode('_', $options); foreach ($option_value_id_arr as $id_val) { $goods_option_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id,'id' => $id_val) )->find(); $options_arr[$goods_option_value['goods_option_id']] = $goods_option_value['id']; } } $option_value_image = ''; if($options_arr){ foreach ($options_arr as $goods_option_id => $goods_option_item_id ) { //option_value $option_query = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id,'id' => $goods_option_id) )->find(); if ($option_query) { $option_value_query = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item')->where( array('id' => $goods_option_item_id,'goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if ($option_value_query) { if( !empty($option_value_query['thumb']) ) { $option_value_image = $option_value_query['thumb']; } $max_quantity = $goods_option_mult_value['stock']; //根据商品类型获取不同价格 begin pinprice pin_price productprice dan_price if ($buy_type == 'pintuan' && $goods_query['type'] != 'spike') { $option_price = $goods_option_mult_value['pin_price']; }else if($goods_query['type'] == 'spike') { $option_price = $goods_option_mult_value['dan_price']; } else { $option_price = $goods_option_mult_value['dan_price']; } //根据商品类型获取不同价格 begin $option_weight = $goods_option_mult_value['weight']; $option_data[] = array( 'goods_option_id' => $goods_option_id, 'goods_option_value_id' => $goods_option_item_id, 'option_id' => $goods_option_id, 'option_value_id' => $goods_option_item_id, 'name' => $option_query['title'], 'value' => $option_value_query['title'], 'quantity' => $quantity, 'price' => $option_price, 'card_price' => $goods_option_mult_value['card_price'], 'weight' => $option_weight, ); } } } } $header_disc = 100; $shop_price = $goods_query['productprice']; $goods_query['price'] = $goods_query['price']; $thumb_image = D('Home/Pingoods')->get_goods_images($goods_id); if( !empty($thumb_image) ) { $thumb_image = tomedia($thumb_image['image']); } if(!empty($option_value_image)) { $thumb_image = tomedia($option_value_image); } $store_info = array('s_true_name' => ''); $s_logo = D('Seller/Front')->get_config_by_name('shoplogo'); if( !empty($s_logo) ) { $s_logo = tomedia($s_logo); } //$goods_query['price'] if ( !is_null($option_price)) { $goods_query['price'] = $option_price; } else { //根据商品类型获取不同价格 begin if ($buy_type == 'pintuan') {//判断类型是否是积分商品 if($goods_query['type'] == 'integral') { //TODO....等待打开积分 //$intgral_goods_info = M('intgral_goods')->field('score')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); //$goods_query['price'] = $intgral_goods_info['score']; } else if($goods_query['type'] == 'spike') { } else{ if($goods_query['type'] == 'pin') { //ims_ $pin_goods = M('lionfish_comshop_good_pin')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); $goods_query['price'] = $pin_goods['pinprice']; } } } //根据商品类型获取不同价格 begin } if (!empty($option_weight)) { $goods_query['weight'] = $option_weight; } //拼团才会有pin_id $pin_id = 0; if ($buy_type == 'pintuan' && isset($val['pin_id'])) { $pin_id = $val['pin_id']; } $price = $goods_query['price']; //判断是否有团长折扣 暂时屏蔽 TODO..... /** if( $buy_type == 'pin' && $pin_id == 0 && $goods_query['head_disc'] != 100) { $price = round(( $price * intval($goods_query['head_disc']) )/100,2); $header_disc = intval($goods_query['head_disc']); } **/ //判断是否会员折扣 TODO。。。先关闭 $level_info = array('member_discount' => 100,'level_name' =>''); $member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('level_id')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id) )->find(); $goods_common = M('lionfish_comshop_good_common')->field('is_mb_level_buy')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id ) )->find(); $goods_query['is_mb_level_buy'] = 0; $goods_query['levelprice'] = 0; if( $buy_type == 'dan' ) { if($member_info['level_id'] > 0 && $goods_common['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1) { $member_level_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member_level')->where( array('id' => $member_info['level_id'] ) )->find(); $level_info['member_discount'] = $member_level_info['discount'] ; $level_info['level_name'] = $member_level_info['levelname']; $price2 = round(( $price * $member_level_info['discount'] )/100,2); $goods_query['is_mb_level_buy'] = 1; $goods_query['levelprice'] = $price2; //$goods_query['price'] = $price ; } } //判断商品能否参与满减活动 fullreduction_money $is_open_fullreduction = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fullreduction'); $can_man_jian = 0; if( $buy_type == 'dan' || $buy_type == 'soitaire') { if( !empty($is_open_fullreduction) && $is_open_fullreduction == 1) { $gd_full_info = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id , 'is_take_fullreduction,supply_id,is_new_buy'); $is_take_fullreduction = $gd_full_info['is_take_fullreduction']; //supply_id if( $gd_full_info['supply_id'] > 0) { $supply_info = M('lionfish_comshop_supply')->field('type')->where( array('id' => $gd_full_info['supply_id'] ) )->find(); if(!empty($supply_info) && $supply_info['type'] == 1) { $can_man_jian = 0; }else{ if( $is_take_fullreduction == 1 ) { $can_man_jian = 1; } } }else{ if( $is_take_fullreduction == 1 ) { $can_man_jian = 1; } } $is_new_buy = $gd_full_info['is_new_buy']; } } $is_open_only_express = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_only_express'); $is_only_express = 0; if( !empty($is_open_only_express) && $is_open_only_express == 1) { $gd_s_info = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id , 'is_only_express'); $is_only_express = $gd_s_info['is_only_express']; } // $is_open_vipcard_buy if( $is_open_vipcard_buy == 1 && $goods_query['is_take_vipcard'] == 1 ) { }else{ $goods_query['is_take_vipcard'] == 0; } //拼团 end $this->data[$key] = array( 'key' => $val_uns['carkey'], 'goods_id' => $goods_id , 'is_only_express' => $is_only_express, 'name' => $goods_query['goodsname'], 'seller_name' => $store_info['s_true_name'], 'seller_logo' => $s_logo, 'weight' => $option_weight, 'singledel' => $val['singledel'], //$val['singledel'] 'can_man_jian' => $can_man_jian, 'header_disc' => $header_disc, 'member_disc' => $level_info['member_discount'], 'level_name' => $level_info['level_name'], 'pin_id' => $pin_id, 'shipping' => $goods_query['dispatchtype'], 'goods_freight' => $goods_query['dispatchprice'], 'transport_id' => $goods_query['dispatchid'], 'image' => $thumb_image, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'max_quantity' => $max_quantity, 'shop_price' => $shop_price, 'price' => $goods_query['price'], 'levelprice' => $goods_query['levelprice'], 'card_price' => $goods_query['card_price'], 'total' => round( ($price) * $quantity , 2), 'level_total' => round( $goods_query['levelprice'] * $quantity , 2), 'card_total' => round($goods_query['card_price'] * $quantity ,2), 'is_take_vipcard' => $goods_query['is_take_vipcard'], 'is_mb_level_buy' => $goods_query['is_mb_level_buy'], 'model' => $goods_query['model'], 'option' => $option_data, 'sku_str' => $val['sku_str'], 'soli_id' => isset($val['soli_id']) ? intval($val['soli_id']) : 0, 'is_new_buy' => $is_new_buy ); } else { $this->removecar($key,$token); } } } return $this->data; } //删除商品 public function removecar($key,$token) { $key = $key; //重新给$key赋值 M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('token' => $token,'carkey' => $key) )->delete(); } //购物车是否为空 public function has_goodswecar($buy_type = 'dan', $token, $community_id) { if ($buy_type == 'dan') { $cart_sql = "select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_car where token='{$token}' and community_id='{$community_id}' and carkey like 'cart.%' "; $s = M()->query($cart_sql); } else if( $buy_type == 'pindan' ) { $cart_sql = "select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_car where token='{$token}' and carkey like 'pindancart.%' "; $s = M()->query($cart_sql); }else if( $buy_type == 'pintuan' ) { $cart_sql = "select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_car where token='{$token}' and carkey like 'pintuancart.%' "; $s = M()->query($cart_sql); } else if( $buy_type == 'soitaire' ) { $cart_sql = "select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_car where token='{$token}' and carkey like 'soitairecart.%' "; $s = M()->query($cart_sql); } else if( $buy_type == 'integral' ) { $cart_sql = "select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_car where token='{$token}' and carkey like 'integralcart.%' "; $s = M()->query($cart_sql); } else if ($buy_type == 'pin') { $cart_sql = "select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_car where token='{$token}' and carkey like 'cart_activity.%' "; $s = M()->query($cart_sql); } return count($s); } public function count_activitycar($token) { $quantity = 0; $cart_sql = "select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_car where token='{$token}' and carkey like 'cart_activity.%' "; $cart = M()->query($cart_sql); foreach ($cart as $key => $val) { $format_data = unserialize($val['format_data']); $quantity += $format_data['quantity']; } return $quantity; } public function removeActivityAllcar($token ,$car_prefix='pindancart.') { M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where(" token = '{$token}' and carkey like '".$car_prefix."%' ")->delete(); } public function count_goodscar($token, $community_id) { $quantity = 0; $cart_sql = "select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_car where token='{$token}' and community_id='{$community_id}' and carkey like 'cart.%' "; $cart = M()->query($cart_sql); foreach ($cart as $key => $val) { $format_data = unserialize($val['format_data']); if(isset($format_data['quantity'])) $quantity += $format_data['quantity']; } return $quantity; } }