//index.js var util = require('../../utils/util.js'); var status = require('../../utils/index.js'); var wcache = require('../../utils/wcache.js'); var app = getApp() Page({ mixins: [require('../../mixin/globalMixin.js')], data: { tablebar: 4, canIUse: wx.canIUse("getUserProfile"), theme_type: '', add_mo: 0, is_show_on: 0, level_name: '', member_level_is_open: 0, is_yue_open: 0, needAuth: false, opencommiss: 0, inputValue: 0, getfocus: false, showguess: true, items: [], auditStatus: 5, isShowCoder: false, myCoderList: [], qrcodebase64: "", setInter: null, copyright: '', common_header_backgroundimage: '', enabled_front_supply: 0, cartNum: 0, is_show_about_us: 0, groupInfo: { group_name: '社区', owner_name: '团长' }, is_show_score: 0, showGetPhone: false, user_tool_icons: {}, community: '' }, isCalling: false, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function(options) { wx.hideTabBar(); let that = this; status.setNavBgColor(); status.setGroupInfo().then((groupInfo) => { that.setData({ groupInfo }) }); wx.showLoading(); }, getMemberInfo: function() { var token = wx.getStorageSync('token'); this.getCommunityInfo(); let that = this; app.util.request({ url: 'entry/wxapp/user', data: { controller: 'user.get_user_info', token: token }, dataType: 'json', success: function(res) { // wx.hideLoading(); setTimeout(function(){ wx.hideLoading(); },1000); if (res.data.code == 0) { let showGetPhone = false; if (res.data.is_show_auth_mobile == 1 && !res.data.data.telephone) showGetPhone = true; let member_info = res.data.data || ''; let params = {}; if (member_info){ member_info.member_level_info && (member_info.member_level_info.discount = (member_info.member_level_info.discount/10).toFixed(1)); //开启分销 if (res.data.commiss_level > 0) { //还差多少人升级 let commiss_share_member_update = res.data.commiss_share_member_update * 1; let share_member_count = res.data.share_member_count * 1; let need_num_update = res.data.commiss_share_member_update * 1 - res.data.share_member_count * 1; //判断表单状态状态 let formStatus = 0; //未填写 1 已填写未审核 2 已审核 if (member_info.is_writecommiss_form == 1) { formStatus = 1; //已填写 if (member_info.comsiss_flag == 1) { member_info.comsiss_state == 0 ? formStatus = 1 : formStatus = 2; } } params = { formStatus, commiss_level: res.data.commiss_level, commiss_sharemember_need: res.data.commiss_sharemember_need, commiss_share_member_update, commiss_biaodan_need: res.data.commiss_biaodan_need, share_member_count, today_share_member_count: res.data.today_share_member_count, yestoday_share_member_count: res.data.yestoday_share_member_count, need_num_update }; } } else { params.needAuth = true; } let { is_supply, is_open_vipcard_buy, modify_vipcard_name, is_vip_card_member, modify_vipcard_logo, isopen_signinreward, show_signinreward_icon, is_open_supplymobile, needAuth, show_user_tuan_mobile, is_localtown_distributionman, user_tool_showtype, isopen_presale, is_open_invite_invitation, virtualcard_name_modify, is_open_virtualcard_show, isopen_admin_managefront, isopen_virtualcard } = res.data; that.setData({ ...params, member_info, is_supply: is_supply || 0, showGetPhone: showGetPhone, is_open_vipcard_buy: is_open_vipcard_buy || 0, modify_vipcard_name: modify_vipcard_name || "会员", is_vip_card_member: is_vip_card_member || 0, modify_vipcard_logo, show_signinreward_icon, isopen_signinreward, is_open_supplymobile, needAuth, show_user_tuan_mobile, is_localtown_distributionman, user_tool_showtype: user_tool_showtype || 0, isopen_presale, is_open_invite_invitation, virtualcard_name_modify, is_open_virtualcard_show, isopen_admin_managefront, isopen_virtualcard }); } else { //needAuth that.setData({ needAuth: true }) wx.setStorage({ key: "member_id", data: null }) } } }) }, getCommunityInfo: function(){ let that = this; let community = wx.getStorageSync('community'); if (community&&community.headDoorphoto) { if(!community.head_mobile) { util.getCommunityById(community.communityId).then(res=>{ let head_mobile = res.data.disUserMobile || res.data.head_mobile; head_mobile && (res.data.hideTel = util.filterTel(head_mobile)); that.setData({ community: res.data }) }) } else { let head_mobile = community.disUserMobile || community.head_mobile; head_mobile && (community.hideTel = util.filterTel(head_mobile)); that.setData({ community }) } } else { var token = wx.getStorageSync('token'); token && util.getCommunityInfo().then(res => { let head_mobile = res.disUserMobile || res.head_mobile; head_mobile && (res.hideTel = util.filterTel(head_mobile)); that.setData({ community: res }) }) } }, getCopyright: function() { let that = this; app.util.request({ 'url': 'entry/wxapp/user', 'data': { controller: 'user.get_copyright' }, dataType: 'json', success: function(res) { if (res.data.code == 0) { let rdata = res.data; let { enabled_front_supply, is_open_yue_pay, is_show_score, user_order_menu_icons, close_community_apply_enter, user_tool_icons, ishow_user_loginout_btn, commiss_diy_name, supply_diy_name, user_service_switch, fetch_coder_type, show_user_pin, common_header_backgroundimage, is_show_about_us, show_user_change_comunity, show_user_change_comunity_map, open_danhead_model, default_head_info, is_open_solitaire, user_top_font_color, excharge_nav_name, hide_community_change_btn, hide_community_change_word, close_community_index } = rdata; let h = {}; if (open_danhead_model==1) { let hideTel = (default_head_info.head_mobile && util.filterTel(default_head_info.head_mobile)) || ''; default_head_info.hideTel = hideTel; h.community = default_head_info; wx.setStorageSync('community', default_head_info); } commiss_diy_name = commiss_diy_name || '分销'; supply_diy_name = supply_diy_name || '供应商'; wcache.put('commiss_diy_name', commiss_diy_name); wcache.put('supply_diy_name', supply_diy_name); that.setData({ copyright: rdata.data || '', common_header_backgroundimage: common_header_backgroundimage || '', is_show_about_us: is_show_about_us || 0, enabled_front_supply, is_open_yue_pay, is_show_score, user_order_menu_icons: user_order_menu_icons || {}, commiss_diy_name, close_community_apply_enter: close_community_apply_enter || 0, user_tool_icons: user_tool_icons || {}, ishow_user_loginout_btn: ishow_user_loginout_btn || 0, supply_diy_name, user_service_switch, fetch_coder_type: fetch_coder_type || 0, show_user_pin, show_user_change_comunity, show_user_change_comunity_map, open_danhead_model, is_open_solitaire, user_top_font_color, excharge_nav_name: excharge_nav_name || '查看', hide_community_change_btn: hide_community_change_btn || 0, hide_community_change_word: hide_community_change_word || 0, close_community_index, ...h }) } } }) }, /** * 授权成功回调 */ authSuccess: function() { let that = this; wx.showLoading(); that.setData({ needAuth: false, showAuthModal: false, tabbarRefresh: true }); (0, status.cartNum)('', true).then((res) => { res.code == 0 && that.setData({ cartNum: res.data }) }); that.getMemberInfo(); }, authModal: function(){ if(this.data.needAuth) { this.setData({ showAuthModal: !this.data.showAuthModal }); return false; } return true; }, /** * 跳转团长中心 */ goToGroup: function() { 5 === this.data.auditStatus ? wx.navigateTo({ url: "/lionfish_comshop/moduleA/groupCenter/index" }) : wx.navigateTo({ url: "/lionfish_comshop/moduleA/groupCenter/apply" }); }, /** * 更新资料 */ bindGetUserInfo: function(e) { this.authModal() }, /** * 预览图片 */ previewImage: function(e) { var current = e.currentTarget.dataset.src; current && wx.previewImage({ current: current, urls: [current] }) }, goLink2: function(event) { if(!this.authModal()) return; let link = event.currentTarget.dataset.link; var pages_all = getCurrentPages(); if (pages_all.length > 3) { wx.redirectTo({ url: link }) } else { wx.navigateTo({ url: link }) } }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow: function() { let that = this; util.check_login_new().then((res)=>{ console.log(res) if (res) { that.setData({ tabbarRefresh: true }); (0, status.cartNum)('', true).then((res) => { res.code == 0 && that.setData({ cartNum: res.data }) }); } else { that.setData({ needAuth: true }); wx.hideLoading(); } }) that.getCopyright(); that.getMemberInfo(); }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏 */ onHide: function() { this.setData({ tabbarRefresh: false }) }, /** * 设置手机号 */ getReceiveMobile: function(e) { wx.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: '授权成功', }) this.setData({ showGetPhone: false }); }, /** * 关闭手机授权 */ close: function() { this.setData({ showGetPhone: false }); }, /** * 关闭分销 */ closeDistribution: function() { this.setData({ showDistribution: false }) }, /** * 分销下一步 */ goDistribution: function() { let member_info = this.data.member_info; //判断是不是分销商 if (member_info.comsiss_flag == 0) { this.distributionNext(); } else { if (member_info.comsiss_state == 0) { //分销商未审核 this.distributionNext(); } else { //分销商已审核 wx.navigateTo({ url: '/lionfish_comshop/distributionCenter/pages/me', }) } } }, distributionNext: function() { if (this.data.commiss_sharemember_need == 1) { console.log('需要分享'); let url = '/lionfish_comshop/distributionCenter/pages/recruit'; wx.navigateTo({ url }) } else if (this.data.commiss_biaodan_need == 1) { console.log('需要表单'); // let url = '/lionfish_comshop/pages/distribution/apply'; wx.navigateTo({ url: '/lionfish_comshop/distributionCenter/pages/recruit', }) } else { // 跳转表单自动审核 let status = 0; let member_info = this.data.member_info; if (member_info.comsiss_flag == 1) { member_info.comsiss_state == 0 ? status = 1 : status = 2; } let url = '/lionfish_comshop/distributionCenter/pages/recruit'; if (status == 2) { url = '/lionfish_comshop/distributionCenter/pages/me'; } wx.navigateTo({ url }) } }, goNext: function(e) { console.log(e) let status = 0; let member_info = this.data.member_info; if (member_info.comsiss_flag == 1) { member_info.comsiss_state == 0 ? status = 1 : status = 2; } let type = e.currentTarget.dataset.type; if (type == 'share') { wx.navigateTo({ url: '/lionfish_comshop/distributionCenter/pages/share', }) } else if (type == 'commiss') { if (status == 2) { wx.navigateTo({ url: '/lionfish_comshop/distributionCenter/pages/me', }) } else { wx.navigateTo({ url: '/lionfish_comshop/distributionCenter/pages/recruit', }) } } else if (type == 'form') { if (status == 2) { wx.navigateTo({ url: '/lionfish_comshop/distributionCenter/pages/me', }) } else { // let url = '/lionfish_comshop/pages/distribution/apply'; wx.navigateTo({ url: '/lionfish_comshop/distributionCenter/pages/recruit', }) } } }, loginOut: function() { wx.removeStorageSync('community'); wx.removeStorage({ key: 'token', success(res) { wx.reLaunch({ url: '/lionfish_comshop/pages/user/me', }) } }) }, toggleFetchCoder: function() { if (!this.authModal()) return; this.setData({ isShowCoder: !this.data.isShowCoder }) }, /** * 拨打电话 */ callTelphone: function (e) { var that = this; var phoneNumber = e.currentTarget.dataset.phone; if (phoneNumber) { this.isCalling || (this.isCalling = true, wx.makePhoneCall({ phoneNumber: phoneNumber, complete: function () { that.isCalling = false; } })); } }, /** * 查看地图 */ gotoMap: function () { let community = this.data.community; let postion = {lat: community.lat, lon: community.lon}; let longitude = parseFloat(postion.lon), latitude = parseFloat(postion.lat), name = community.disUserName, address = `${community.fullAddress}(${community.communityName})`; wx.openLocation({ latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude, name: name, address: address, scale: 28 }) }, })