var app = getApp(); Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { tabs: [{ id: 0, name: '社区商品' }, { id: 1, name: '仅快递' } ], currentIdx: 0, list: [], loadText: "加载中...", noData: 0, loadMore: true, checkedAll: false, checkedCount: 0 }, page: 1, keyword: '', /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function(options) { let currentIdx = options.type || 0; let that = this; this.setData({ currentIdx }, ()=>{ that.getData(); }) }, initFn: function() { = 1; this.setData({ list: [], loadText: "加载中...", noData: 0, loadMore: true, checkedAll: false, checkedCount: 0 },()=>{ this.getData(); }) }, /** * 切换导航 */ changeTabs: function(e) { let that = this; let currentIdx = e.currentTarget.dataset.type || 0; = 1; this.setData({ currentIdx, list: [], noData: 0, showEmpty: false, loadMore: true, loadOver: false }, () => { that.getData(); }) }, /** * 获取列表 */ getData: function() { let that = this; let keyword = this.keyword || ''; const token = wx.getStorageSync('token'); app.util.request({ url: 'entry/wxapp/index', data: { controller: 'solitaire.search_head_goodslist', token: token, page:, is_only_express:, keyword, is_soli: 1 }, dataType: 'json', success: function(res) { wx.hideLoading(); if ( == 0) { let h = {}; let list =; if (list.length < 20) h.noMore = true; let oldList =; list = oldList.concat(list);; that.setData({ list, ...h, checkedAll: false }) } else if ( == 1) { // 无数据 if ( == 1) that.setData({ noData: 1 }) that.setData({ loadMore: false, noMore: false, loadText: "没有更多记录了~" }) } else if ( == 2) { app.util.message('您还未登录', 'switchTo:/lionfish_comshop/pages/index/index', 'error'); return; } else { app.util.message(, 'switchTo:/lionfish_comshop/pages/index/index', 'error'); return; } } }) }, /** * selType: 0单选 1多选 */ selectGoods: function(t){ let selType = t.currentTarget.dataset.type || 0; let currentIdx =; var pages = getCurrentPages(); var prevPage = pages[pages.length - 2]; //上一个页面 let goods = || []; let goodsItem = t.detail; if (selType==0) { if(goods.length>0) { let idx = goods.findIndex(item => { return (item.gid == goodsItem.gid) }) if (idx === -1) goods.push(goodsItem); } else { goods.push(goodsItem); } } else { let list = || []; let selGoods = list.filter(item => item.checked==1 ); let newGoods = goods.concat(selGoods); let uniq = new Map() // 去重合并 for (let i = 0; i < newGoods.length; i++) { let gid = newGoods[i].gid, val = newGoods[i]; if (uniq.has(gid)) uniq.set(gid, val) else uniq.set(gid, val) } let res = []; // 放入数组 for (let comb of uniq) { console.log(comb[1]) res.push(comb[1]) } goods = res; } prevPage.setData({ goods, type: currentIdx }) wx.navigateBack({ delta: 1 }) }, /** * 勾选 */ checkboxChange: function (e) { var type = e.currentTarget.dataset.type, idx = e.currentTarget.dataset.index, list =, checkedAll =; if ("all" === type) { let ck = 0; if (checkedAll) { list.forEach(function (item) { item.checked = 0; }) } else { list.forEach(function (item) { item.checked = 1; }) ck = list.length; } this.setData({ checkedCount: ck, list, checkedAll: !checkedAll }) } else if ("item" === type) { list.forEach(function (item, t) { if (idx == t) { if (item.checked) { item.checked = 0 } else { item.checked = 1 } } }) var ck = 0; list.forEach(function (item) { if (item.checked) { ck++; } }) this.setData({ checkedCount: ck, list, checkedAll: ck == list.length ? true : false }) } }, goResult: function(e){ let keyword = e.detail.value || ''; (this.keyword = keyword), this.initFn(); }, /** * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 */ onPullDownRefresh: function() { }, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom: function() { if (! return false; this.getData(); } })