<?php namespace Home\Model; use Think\Model; /** * 优惠券模块 * @author fish * */ class VoucherModel { public function checkUserCanGetOneVoucher( $voucher_id,$user_id,$check_count =false , $is_admin = false) { if($user_id <= 0) { return 4; } $voucher_info = M('lionfish_comshop_coupon')->where( array('id' => $voucher_id) )->find(); if($voucher_info['total_count'] !=-1 && $voucher_info['total_count'] <= $voucher_info['send_count']){ return 1;//被抢光了 } if(!$is_admin) { if($check_count) { if($voucher_info['total_count'] !=-1 && $voucher_info['total_count'] <= $voucher_info['send_count']){ return 1;//被抢光了 }else { $get_count = M('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')->where( array('voucher_id' => $voucher_id , 'user_id' => $user_id ) )->count(); if($voucher_info['person_limit_count'] > 0 && $voucher_info['person_limit_count'] <= $get_count) { return 2;//已领过 } } } //判断是否是新人专享的优惠券 if( $voucher_info['is_new_man'] == 1 ) { //检测是否购买过 $od_status = "1,2,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14"; $buy_count = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(" order_status_id in ({$od_status}) and member_id=".$user_id )->count(); if( !empty($buy_count) && $buy_count >0 ) { return 4; } } } return 0; } public function send_user_voucher_byId($voucher_id,$user_id,$check_count =false, $is_admin = false) { if($user_id <= 0) { return 4; } $voucher_info = M('lionfish_comshop_coupon')->where( array('id' => $voucher_id) )->find(); if($voucher_info['total_count'] !=-1 && $voucher_info['total_count'] <= $voucher_info['send_count']){ return 1;//被抢光了 } if(!$is_admin) { if($check_count) { if($voucher_info['total_count'] !=-1 && $voucher_info['total_count'] <= $voucher_info['send_count']){ return 1;//被抢光了 }else { $get_count = M('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')->where( array('voucher_id' => $voucher_id , 'user_id' => $user_id ) )->count(); if($voucher_info['person_limit_count'] > 0 && $voucher_info['person_limit_count'] <= $get_count) { return 2;//已领过 } } } //判断是否是新人专享的优惠券 if( $voucher_info['is_new_man'] == 1 ) { //检测是否购买过 $od_status = "1,2,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14"; $buy_count = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(" order_status_id in ({$od_status}) and member_id=".$user_id )->count(); if( !empty($buy_count) && $buy_count >0 ) { return 4; } } } //开始生产优惠券 $begin_time = $voucher_info['begin_time']; $end_time = $voucher_info['end_time']; if( $voucher_info['timelimit'] == 0) { $begin_time = time(); $end_time = time() + 3600 * $voucher_info['get_over_hour']; } $voucher = array( 'voucher_id' => $voucher_id, 'voucher_title' => $voucher_info['voucher_title'], 'user_id' => $user_id, 'store_id' => 0, 'type' => $voucher_info['type'], 'credit' => $voucher_info['credit'], 'limit_money' => $voucher_info['limit_money'], 'is_limit_goods_buy' => $voucher_info['is_limit_goods_buy'], 'limit_goods_list' => $voucher_info['limit_goods_list'], 'goodscates' => $voucher_info['goodscates'], 'consume' => 'N', 'begin_time' => $begin_time, 'end_time' => $end_time, 'add_time'=>time(), ); //user_id $id = M('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')->add( $voucher ); if($id){ M()->execute("update ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_coupon set send_count=send_count+1 where id =".$voucher_id ); } return 3;//领取成功 } /** 优惠券活动页面领券 **/ public function send_user_voucher_byId_frombonus($voucher_id,$user_id,$check_count =false,$is_double = false) { $voucher_info = M('voucher')->where( array('id' => $voucher_id) )->find(); if($check_count) { if($voucher_info['total_count'] <= $voucher_info['send_count']){ return -1;//被抢光了 }else { $get_count = M('voucher_list')->where( "voucher_id={$voucher_id} and user_id={$user_id} " )->count(); if($voucher_info['person_limit_count'] > 0 && $voucher_info['person_limit_count'] <= $get_count) { return -2;//已领过 } } } $voucher_list_one = M('voucher_list')->where( array('voucher_id' =>$voucher_id,'user_id' =>0 ) )->order('id desc')->find(); if($voucher_list_one){ $credit = $voucher_list_one['credit']; //get_over_hour if($is_double) { $credit = 2 * $voucher_list_one['credit']; } $end_time = $voucher_list_one['end_time']; if( $voucher_info['get_over_hour'] > 0) { $end_time = time() + intval(3600 * $voucher_info['get_over_hour']); } M('voucher')->where( array('id' => $voucher_id) )->setInc('send_count'); M('voucher_list')->where( array('id' => $voucher_list_one['id']) )->save( array('user_id' => $user_id,'end_time' => $end_time ,'credit' => $credit) ); } return $voucher_list_one['id'];//领取成功 } /** * 获取用户可用给当前店铺商品支付的优惠券 * @param unknown $user_id * @param unknown $store_id * @param unknown $total_money */ public function get_user_canpay_voucher($user_id,$store_id,$total_money, $uniacid = '',$goods_ids = array()) { //ims_ $voucher_list = M()->query("select * from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_coupon_list where (is_limit_goods_buy = 0 and (limit_money = 0 or (limit_money<=".$total_money.") ) ) and (store_id=".$store_id." or store_id=0) and user_id=".$user_id." and consume='N' and begin_time<".time().' and end_time >'.time() ); //----------- //var_dump( $voucher_list ); //die(); if( empty($voucher_list) ) { $voucher_list = array(); } //判断是否有限制商品的券 $voucher_list_goods = M('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')->where( "is_limit_goods_buy = 1 and (store_id={$store_id} or store_id=0) and user_id={$user_id} and consume='N' and begin_time<".time().' and end_time >'.time() )->select(); if( !empty($voucher_list_goods) ) { foreach($voucher_list_goods as $gd_quan) { if( empty($gd_quan['limit_goods_list']) ) { //(limit_money = 0 or (limit_money<=:total_money) ) if($gd_quan['limit_money'] ==0 || $gd_quan['limit_money'] <= $total_money) { $voucher_list[] = $gd_quan; } }else{ $voucher_goods_ids = explode(',', $gd_quan['limit_goods_list']); $voucher_goods_ids_total_money = 0; $is_in = false; foreach($goods_ids as $key_goods_id => $money_goods_id) { if( in_array($key_goods_id, $voucher_goods_ids ) ) { $voucher_goods_ids_total_money += $money_goods_id; $is_in = true; } } if( $is_in && $voucher_goods_ids_total_money >= $gd_quan['limit_money'] ) { $voucher_list[] = $gd_quan; } } } } //判断是否有限制商品分类的券 $voucher_list_cate = M('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')->where( "is_limit_goods_buy = 2 and (store_id={$store_id} or store_id=0) and user_id={$user_id} and consume='N' and begin_time<".time().' and end_time >'.time() )->select(); if( !empty($voucher_list_cate) ) { foreach($voucher_list_cate as $gd_quan) { if( empty($gd_quan['goodscates']) ) { if($gd_quan['limit_money'] ==0 || $gd_quan['limit_money'] <= $total_money) { $voucher_list[] = $gd_quan; } }else{ $voucher_goods_cate = $gd_quan['goodscates']; $voucher_goods_ids_total_money = 0; $is_in = false ; foreach($goods_ids as $key_goods_id => $money_goods_id) { $cate_gd_arr = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_to_category')->field('cate_id')->where( array('goods_id' => $key_goods_id) )->select(); if( !empty($cate_gd_arr) ) { foreach($cate_gd_arr as $cate_val) { if( $cate_val['cate_id'] == $voucher_goods_cate ) { $is_in = true; $voucher_goods_ids_total_money += $money_goods_id; } } } } if($is_in && $voucher_goods_ids_total_money >= $gd_quan['limit_money'] ) { $voucher_list[] = $gd_quan; } } } } //--------------- if( !empty($voucher_list) ) { foreach($voucher_list as $key => $val) { $val['begin_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $val['begin_time']); $val['end_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $val['end_time']); //---begin $coupon_info = M('lionfish_comshop_coupon')->where( array('id' =>$val['voucher_id'] ) )->find(); if( $coupon_info['catid'] > 0 ) { $cate_info = M('lionfish_comshop_coupon_category')->where( array('id' => $coupon_info['catid']) )->find(); $val['cate_name'] = $cate_info['name']; }else{ $val['cate_name'] = ''; } //--end $voucher_list[$key] = $val; } } //credit $last_index_sort = array_column($voucher_list, 'credit'); array_multisort($last_index_sort, SORT_DESC, $voucher_list); return $voucher_list; } /** * @author cy 2021-01-03 * @desc 获取优惠券最大可以优惠金额 * @param unknown $vouche_list 优惠券列表 * @param unknown $goods 购买商品列表 * @param unknown $reduce_money 满级金额 * @return number */ public function get_voucher_amout_bygoods($vouche_list, $goods, $reduce_money){ $order_total = 0; foreach($goods as $k=>$v){ $order_total = $order_total + round($v['price']*$v['quantity'],2); } if(!empty($vouche_list)){ foreach($vouche_list as $vk=>$vv){ $vouche_amount = 0;//优惠券优惠总金额 $limit_money = $vv['limit_money']; if(empty($limit_money)){ $limit_money = 0; } $goods_amount = 0; if($vv['is_limit_goods_buy'] == 0){//所有商品 foreach($goods as $k=>$v){ if($v['level_total'] > 0){ $goods_amount = $goods_amount + $v['level_total']; }else{ $goods_amount = $goods_amount + $v['total']; } } }else if($vv['is_limit_goods_buy'] == 1){//指定商品 $goods_array = explode(',', $vv['limit_goods_list']); foreach($goods as $k=>$v){ if(in_array($v['goods_id'], $goods_array)){ if($v['level_total'] > 0){ $goods_amount = $goods_amount + $v['level_total']; }else{ $goods_amount = $goods_amount + $v['total']; } } } }else if($vv['is_limit_goods_buy'] == 2){//指定商品分类 $goodscates = $vv['goodscates']; foreach($goods as $k=>$v){ $goods_id = $v['goods_id']; $cate_gd_arr = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_to_category')->field('cate_id')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->select(); if( !empty($cate_gd_arr) ) { foreach($cate_gd_arr as $cate_val) { if( $cate_val['cate_id'] == $goodscates ) { if($v['level_total'] > 0){ $goods_amount = $goods_amount + $v['level_total']; }else{ $goods_amount = $goods_amount + $v['total']; } } } } } } if($goods_amount >= $limit_money){ if($goods_amount >= $vv['credit']){ $vouche_amount = $vv['credit']; }else{ $vouche_amount = $goods_amount; } if($vouche_amount > $order_total - $reduce_money){ $vouche_amount = $order_total - $reduce_money; } } $vouche_list[$vk]['can_vouche_amount'] = $vouche_amount; } } return $vouche_list; } /** * @author cy 2021-03-12 * @desc 邀新有礼送优惠券 * @param $voucher_id * @param $user_id * @param $invite_id * @param $receive_type * @return int */ public function send_invitegift_coupon_byId($voucher_id ,$user_id, $invite_id ,$receive_type) { if($user_id <= 0) { return ['code'=>4]; } $voucher_info = M('lionfish_comshop_coupon')->where( array('id' => $voucher_id) )->find(); if($voucher_info['total_count'] !=-1 && $voucher_info['total_count'] <= $voucher_info['send_count']){ return ['code'=>1];//被抢光了 }else { $get_count = M('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')->where( array('voucher_id' => $voucher_id , 'user_id' => $user_id ) )->count(); if($voucher_info['person_limit_count'] > 0 && $voucher_info['person_limit_count'] <= $get_count) { return ['code'=>2];//已领过 } } //判断是否是新人专享的优惠券 if( $voucher_info['is_new_man'] == 1 ) { //检测是否购买过 $od_status = "1,2,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14"; $buy_count = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(" order_status_id in ({$od_status}) and member_id=".$user_id )->count(); if( !empty($buy_count) && $buy_count >0 ) { return ['code'=>3];//不是新人 } } //开始生产优惠券 $begin_time = $voucher_info['begin_time']; $end_time = $voucher_info['end_time']; if( $voucher_info['timelimit'] == 0) { $begin_time = time(); $end_time = time() + 3600 * $voucher_info['get_over_hour']; } $voucher = array( 'voucher_id' => $voucher_id, 'voucher_title' => $voucher_info['voucher_title'], 'user_id' => $user_id, 'store_id' => 0, 'type' => $voucher_info['type'], 'credit' => $voucher_info['credit'], 'limit_money' => $voucher_info['limit_money'], 'is_limit_goods_buy' => $voucher_info['is_limit_goods_buy'], 'limit_goods_list' => $voucher_info['limit_goods_list'], 'goodscates' => $voucher_info['goodscates'], 'consume' => 'N', 'begin_time' => $begin_time, 'end_time' => $end_time, 'receive_type' => $receive_type, 'receive_id' => $invite_id, 'add_time'=>time(), ); //user_id $id = M('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')->add( $voucher ); if($id){ M()->execute("update ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_coupon set send_count=send_count+1 where id =".$voucher_id ); } return ['code' => 0, 'id'=> $id];//领取成功 } }