// @ts-check export default class WxCanvas { ctx; type; canvasId; canvasNode; stepList = []; canvasPrototype = {}; constructor(type, ctx, canvasId, isNew, canvasNode) { this.ctx = ctx; this.canvasId = canvasId; this.type = type; if (isNew) { this.canvasNode = canvasNode || {}; } } set width(w) { if (this.canvasNode) this.canvasNode.width = w; } get width() { if (this.canvasNode) return this.canvasNode.width; return 0; } set height(h) { if (this.canvasNode) this.canvasNode.height = h; } get height() { if (this.canvasNode) return this.canvasNode.height; return 0; } set lineWidth(args) { this.canvasPrototype.lineWidth = args; this.stepList.push({ action: "lineWidth", args, actionType: "set", }); } get lineWidth() { return this.canvasPrototype.lineWidth; } set lineCap(args) { this.canvasPrototype.lineCap = args; this.stepList.push({ action: "lineCap", args, actionType: "set", }); } get lineCap() { return this.canvasPrototype.lineCap; } set lineJoin(args) { this.canvasPrototype.lineJoin = args; this.stepList.push({ action: "lineJoin", args, actionType: "set", }); } get lineJoin() { return this.canvasPrototype.lineJoin; } set miterLimit(args) { this.canvasPrototype.miterLimit = args; this.stepList.push({ action: "miterLimit", args, actionType: "set", }); } get miterLimit() { return this.canvasPrototype.miterLimit; } set lineDashOffset(args) { this.canvasPrototype.lineDashOffset = args; this.stepList.push({ action: "lineDashOffset", args, actionType: "set", }); } get lineDashOffset() { return this.canvasPrototype.lineDashOffset; } set font(args) { this.canvasPrototype.font = args; this.ctx.font = args; this.stepList.push({ action: "font", args, actionType: "set", }); } get font() { return this.canvasPrototype.font; } set textAlign(args) { this.canvasPrototype.textAlign = args; this.stepList.push({ action: "textAlign", args, actionType: "set", }); } get textAlign() { return this.canvasPrototype.textAlign; } set textBaseline(args) { this.canvasPrototype.textBaseline = args; this.stepList.push({ action: "textBaseline", args, actionType: "set", }); } get textBaseline() { return this.canvasPrototype.textBaseline; } set fillStyle(args) { this.canvasPrototype.fillStyle = args; this.stepList.push({ action: "fillStyle", args, actionType: "set", }); } get fillStyle() { return this.canvasPrototype.fillStyle; } set strokeStyle(args) { this.canvasPrototype.strokeStyle = args; this.stepList.push({ action: "strokeStyle", args, actionType: "set", }); } get strokeStyle() { return this.canvasPrototype.strokeStyle; } set globalAlpha(args) { this.canvasPrototype.globalAlpha = args; this.stepList.push({ action: "globalAlpha", args, actionType: "set", }); } get globalAlpha() { return this.canvasPrototype.globalAlpha; } set globalCompositeOperation(args) { this.canvasPrototype.globalCompositeOperation = args; this.stepList.push({ action: "globalCompositeOperation", args, actionType: "set", }); } get globalCompositeOperation() { return this.canvasPrototype.globalCompositeOperation; } set shadowColor(args) { this.canvasPrototype.shadowColor = args; this.stepList.push({ action: "shadowColor", args, actionType: "set", }); } get shadowColor() { return this.canvasPrototype.shadowColor; } set shadowOffsetX(args) { this.canvasPrototype.shadowOffsetX = args; this.stepList.push({ action: "shadowOffsetX", args, actionType: "set", }); } get shadowOffsetX() { return this.canvasPrototype.shadowOffsetX; } set shadowOffsetY(args) { this.canvasPrototype.shadowOffsetY = args; this.stepList.push({ action: "shadowOffsetY", args, actionType: "set", }); } get shadowOffsetY() { return this.canvasPrototype.shadowOffsetY; } set shadowBlur(args) { this.canvasPrototype.shadowBlur = args; this.stepList.push({ action: "shadowBlur", args, actionType: "set", }); } get shadowBlur() { return this.canvasPrototype.shadowBlur; } save() { this.stepList.push({ action: "save", args: null, actionType: "func", }); } restore() { this.stepList.push({ action: "restore", args: null, actionType: "func", }); } setLineDash(...args) { this.canvasPrototype.lineDash = args; this.stepList.push({ action: "setLineDash", args, actionType: "func", }); } moveTo(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "moveTo", args, actionType: "func", }); } closePath() { this.stepList.push({ action: "closePath", args: null, actionType: "func", }); } lineTo(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "lineTo", args, actionType: "func", }); } quadraticCurveTo(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "quadraticCurveTo", args, actionType: "func", }); } bezierCurveTo(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "bezierCurveTo", args, actionType: "func", }); } arcTo(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "arcTo", args, actionType: "func", }); } arc(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "arc", args, actionType: "func", }); } rect(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "rect", args, actionType: "func", }); } scale(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "scale", args, actionType: "func", }); } rotate(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "rotate", args, actionType: "func", }); } translate(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "translate", args, actionType: "func", }); } transform(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "transform", args, actionType: "func", }); } setTransform(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "setTransform", args, actionType: "func", }); } clearRect(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "clearRect", args, actionType: "func", }); } fillRect(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "fillRect", args, actionType: "func", }); } strokeRect(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "strokeRect", args, actionType: "func", }); } fillText(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "fillText", args, actionType: "func", }); } strokeText(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "strokeText", args, actionType: "func", }); } beginPath() { this.stepList.push({ action: "beginPath", args: null, actionType: "func", }); } fill() { this.stepList.push({ action: "fill", args: null, actionType: "func", }); } stroke() { this.stepList.push({ action: "stroke", args: null, actionType: "func", }); } drawFocusIfNeeded(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "drawFocusIfNeeded", args, actionType: "func", }); } clip() { this.stepList.push({ action: "clip", args: null, actionType: "func", }); } isPointInPath(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "isPointInPath", args, actionType: "func", }); } drawImage(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "drawImage", args, actionType: "func", }); } addHitRegion(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "addHitRegion", args, actionType: "func", }); } removeHitRegion(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "removeHitRegion", args, actionType: "func", }); } clearHitRegions(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "clearHitRegions", args, actionType: "func", }); } putImageData(...args) { this.stepList.push({ action: "putImageData", args, actionType: "func", }); } getLineDash() { return this.canvasPrototype.lineDash; } createLinearGradient(...args) { return this.ctx.createLinearGradient(...args); } createRadialGradient(...args) { if (this.type === "2d") { return this.ctx.createRadialGradient(...args); } else { return this.ctx.createCircularGradient(...args.slice(3, 6)); } } createPattern(...args) { return this.ctx.createPattern(...args); } measureText(...args) { return this.ctx.measureText(...args); } createImageData(...args) { return this.ctx.createImageData(...args); } getImageData(...args) { return this.ctx.getImageData(...args); } async draw(reserve, func) { const realstepList = this.stepList.slice(); this.stepList.length = 0; if (this.type === "mina") { if (realstepList.length > 0) { for (const step of realstepList) { this.implementMinaStep(step); } this.ctx.draw(reserve, func); realstepList.length = 0; } } else if (this.type === "2d") { if (!reserve) { this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvasNode.width, this.canvasNode.height); } if (realstepList.length > 0) { for (const step of realstepList) { await this.implement2DStep(step); } realstepList.length = 0; } if (func) { func(); } } realstepList.length = 0; } implementMinaStep(step) { switch (step.action) { case "textAlign": { this.ctx.setTextAlign(step.args); break; } case "textBaseline": { this.ctx.setTextBaseline(step.args); break; } default: { if (step.actionType === "set") { this.ctx[step.action] = step.args; } else if (step.actionType === "func") { if (step.args) { this.ctx[step.action](...step.args); } else { this.ctx[step.action](); } } break; } } } implement2DStep(step) { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (step.action === "drawImage") { const img = this.canvasNode.createImage(); img.src = step.args[0]; img.onload = () => { this.ctx.drawImage(img, ...step.args.slice(1)); resolve(); }; } else { if (step.actionType === "set") { this.ctx[step.action] = step.args; } else if (step.actionType === "func") { if (step.args) { this.ctx[step.action](...step.args); } else { this.ctx[step.action](); } } resolve(); } }); } }