var app = getApp() var locat = require('../../utils/Location.js'); var util = require('../../utils/util.js'); var status = require('../../utils/index.js'); var wcache = require('../../utils/wcache.js'); Page({ mixins: [require('../../mixin/globalMixin.js')], data: { payBtnLoading: false, showConfirmModal: false, receiverAddress: "", //快递送货地址 tuan_send_address: "", //团长送货地址 showGetPhone: false, lou_meng_hao:'', pickUpAddress: "", disUserName: "", pickUpCommunityName: "", is_limit_distance_buy: 0, tabList: [ { id: 0, name: '社区自提', dispatching: 'pickup', enabled: false }, { id: 1, name: '团长配送', dispatching: 'tuanz_send', enabled: false }, { id: 2, name: '快递配送', dispatching: 'express', enabled: false }, { id: 3, name: '同城配送', dispatching: 'localtown_delivery', enabled: false}, { id: 4, name: '到店核销', dispatching: 'hexiao', enabled: false} ], originTabList: [ { id: 0, name: '社区自提', dispatching: 'pickup' }, { id: 1, name: '团长配送', dispatching: 'tuanz_send'}, { id: 2, name: '快递配送', dispatching: 'express'}, { id: 3, name: '同城配送', dispatching: 'localtown_delivery'}, { id: 4, name: '到店核销', dispatching: 'hexiao'} ], tabIdx: 0, region: ['选择地址', '', ''], tot_price: 0, needAuth: false, reduce_money: 0, hide_quan: true, tuan_region: ['选择地址','',''], groupInfo: { group_name: '社区', owner_name: '团长', placeorder_tuan_name: '配送费', placeorder_trans_name: '快递费' }, comment: '', is_yue_open: 0, can_yupay: 0, ck_yupay: 0, use_score: 0, commentArr: {}, note_content: '', showAlertTime: false, curAlertTime: -1, isAgreePresale: false, presale_info: '', presalePickup: ['自提','配送','发货','配送','核销'], allform: "" }, canPay: true, canPreSub: true, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function(options) { var that = this; status.setGroupInfo().then((groupInfo) => { that.setData({ groupInfo }) }); var token = wx.getStorageSync('token'); var community = wx.getStorageSync('community'); var community_id = community.communityId; util.check_login() ? this.setData({ needAuth: false }) : (this.setData({ needAuth: true })); // let is_limit = options.is_limit || 0; this.setData({ buy_type: options.type || '', soli_id: options.soli_id || '', pickUpAddress: community.fullAddress || '', pickUpCommunityName: community.communityName || '', disUserName: community.disUserName || '' }) wx.showLoading() app.util.request({ url: 'entry/wxapp/user', data: { controller: 'car.checkout', token: token, community_id, buy_type: options.type, soli_id: options.soli_id }, dataType: 'json', method: 'POST', success: function (res) { // wx.hideLoading(); setTimeout(function(){ wx.hideLoading(); },1000); let rdata =; // 提货方式 let tabIdx = -1; let tabLength = 0; let tabList = || {}; let sortTabList = []; let { delivery_express_name, delivery_tuanzshipping_name, delivery_ziti_name, delivery_diy_sort, delivery_type_express, delivery_type_tuanz, delivery_type_ziti, delivery_tuanz_money, is_vip_card_member, vipcard_save_money, level_save_money, is_open_vipcard_buy, is_member_level_buy, total_integral, is_need_subscript, need_subscript_template, delvery_type_hexiao, order_note_open, order_note_name, order_note_content, delivery_type_localtown, localtown_dispatchtime, //预计配送需要多少分钟 pickingup_fare, //订单包装费,只有在 同城快递的时 localtown_shipping_fare, //同城配送费 localtown_modifypickingname, localtown_shipping_fare_arr, localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney, localtown_makeup_delivery_money, localtown_expected_delivery, order_lou_meng_hao, order_lou_meng_hao_placeholder, presale_info, cashondelivery_data, allform } =; let { isopen_cashondelivery, isopen_cashondelivery_communityhead, isopen_cashondelivery_express, isopen_cashondelivery_hexiao, isopen_cashondelivery_localtown } = cashondelivery_data; presale_info = Object.keys(presale_info).length ? presale_info : ''; // 同城满免运费 if(localtown_shipping_fare_arr) { let shipping_fare = 0; shipping_fare = localtown_shipping_fare_arr.total_yl_shipping_fare*1 - localtown_shipping_fare_arr.total_shipping_fare*1; localtown_shipping_fare_arr.shipping_fare = shipping_fare.toFixed(2); } if (delivery_type_localtown == 1) tabList[3].enabled = true, tabLength++; if (delivery_type_express == 1) tabList[2].enabled = true, tabLength++; if (delivery_type_tuanz == 1) tabList[1].enabled = true, tabLength++; if (delivery_type_ziti == 1) tabList[0].enabled = true, tabLength++; if (delivery_diy_sort) { let sortArr = delivery_diy_sort.split(','); if (sortArr[2] && tabList[sortArr[2]] && tabList[sortArr[2]].enabled) tabIdx = sortArr[2]; if (sortArr[1] && tabList[sortArr[1]] && tabList[sortArr[1]].enabled) tabIdx = sortArr[1]; if (sortArr[0] && tabList[sortArr[0]] && tabList[sortArr[0]].enabled) tabIdx = sortArr[0]; sortArr.forEach(function(item){ sortTabList.push(tabList[item]); }) } delivery_express_name && (tabList[2].name = delivery_express_name); delivery_tuanzshipping_name && (tabList[1].name = delivery_tuanzshipping_name); delivery_ziti_name && (tabList[0].name = delivery_ziti_name); // 同城配送TODO... sortTabList.push({id: 3, name: '同城配送', dispatching: 'localtown_delivery', enabled: (delivery_type_localtown==1) }); if(tabIdx==-1&&delivery_type_localtown==1) tabIdx=3; let localtown_delivery_space_month = ''; if(localtown_expected_delivery&&localtown_expected_delivery.localtown_delivery_space_month) { localtown_delivery_space_month = localtown_expected_delivery.localtown_delivery_space_month; } // 到店核销 sortTabList.push({id: 4, name: '到店核销', dispatching: 'hexiao', enabled: (delvery_type_hexiao==1) }); if(tabIdx==-1&&delvery_type_hexiao) { tabIdx = 4; } var addres = 0; addres = 1; var seller_chose_id = 0; var seller_chose_store_id = 0; var seller_goods = rdata.seller_goodss; let commentArr = {}; for (let key in seller_goods) commentArr[key] = ''; let sel_chose_vouche = ''; let sgvKey = 0; let goodsTotNum = 0; for (var i in seller_goods) { if (seller_goods[i].show_voucher == 1) { if (seller_goods[i] seller_chose_id = seller_goods[i]; if (seller_goods[i].chose_vouche.store_id) seller_chose_store_id = seller_goods[i].chose_vouche.store_id; if ([i].chose_vouche) == '[object Object]'){ sel_chose_vouche = seller_goods[i].chose_vouche; } if(Object.keys(seller_goods[i].chose_vouche).length>0) sgvKey = i; } seller_goods[i].goodsnum = Object.keys(seller_goods[i].goods).length; for (var j in seller_goods[i].goods) { goodsTotNum += seller_goods[i].goods[j].quantity*1; if (seller_goods[i].goods[j].header_disc > 0 && seller_goods[i].goods[j].header_disc < 100) { seller_goods[i].goods[j].header_disc = (seller_goods[i].goods[j].header_disc / 10).toFixed(1); } } } let current_distance = rdata.current_distance || ''; let current_distance_str = that.changeDistance(current_distance); order_note_content = order_note_content!=null?order_note_content:''; if(presale_info&&presale_info.goods_price) { let deduction_money = presale_info.deduction_money; deduction_money = deduction_money>0?deduction_money:presale_info.presale_ding_money; let totDeduction = deduction_money*goodsTotNum; presale_info.balance = (presale_info.goods_price*1 - totDeduction).toFixed(2); presale_info.totdingMoney = (goodsTotNum*presale_info.presale_ding_money).toFixed(2); presale_info.totDeduction = totDeduction.toFixed(2); } let param = { sgvKey, is_hexiao: delvery_type_hexiao, loadover: true, commentArr, sel_chose_vouche, tabList: sortTabList, is_limit_distance_buy: rdata.is_limit_distance_buy || 0, tabIdx: tabIdx, tabLength: tabLength, tuan_send_address: rdata.tuan_send_address, is_open_order_message: rdata.is_open_order_message, is_yue_open: rdata.is_yue_open, can_yupay: rdata.can_yupay, show_voucher: rdata.show_voucher, current_distance, man_free_tuanzshipping: rdata.man_free_tuanzshipping*1 || 0, man_free_shipping: rdata.man_free_shipping*1 || 0, index_hide_headdetail_address: rdata.index_hide_headdetail_address || 0, open_score_buy_score: rdata.open_score_buy_score || 0, score: rdata.score || 0, score_for_money: rdata.score_for_money || 0, bue_use_score: rdata.bue_use_score || 0, is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare: rdata.is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare, //是否达到满xx减团长配送费 fare_man_delivery_tuanz_fare_money: rdata.fare_man_delivery_tuanz_fare_money, //达到满xx减团长配送费, 减了多少钱 is_man_shipping_fare: rdata.is_man_shipping_fare, //是否达到满xx减运费 fare_man_shipping_fare_money: rdata.fare_man_shipping_fare_money, //达到满xx减运费,司机减了多少运费 is_vip_card_member, vipcard_save_money, level_save_money, is_open_vipcard_buy, is_member_level_buy, // canLevelBuy, total_integral: total_integral || '', is_need_subscript, need_subscript_template, current_distance_str, order_note_open, order_note_name, order_note_content, note_content: order_note_content, localtown_dispatchtime, pickingup_fare, localtown_shipping_fare, localtown_modifypickingname: localtown_modifypickingname || '包装费', localtown_shipping_fare_arr, localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney, localtown_makeup_delivery_money, localtown_expected_delivery, localtown_delivery_space_month, order_lou_meng_hao: order_lou_meng_hao|| '楼号门牌', order_lou_meng_hao_placeholder: order_lou_meng_hao_placeholder || '例如:A座106室', presale_info, cashondelivery_data, allform } let addrObj = rdata.address || {}; let tuan_send_address_info = rdata.tuan_send_address_info || {}; let tuanAddress = tuan_send_address_info.address || '选择位置'; if(tuan_send_address_info.city_name == "" || tuan_send_address_info.city_id==3708 || tuan_send_address_info.country_name == "" || tuan_send_address_info.country_id==3708){ tuanAddress = '选择位置'; } // 20200710 TODO // addrObj = tuan_send_address_info; param.tabAddress = [ { name: rdata.ziti_name || '', mobile: rdata.ziti_mobile || '' }, { name: || '', mobile: tuan_send_address_info.telephone || '', receiverAddress: tuanAddress, lou_meng_hao: tuan_send_address_info.lou_meng_hao || '', region: [tuan_send_address_info.province_name || "", tuan_send_address_info.city_name || "", tuan_send_address_info.country_name || ""] }, { name: || '', mobile: addrObj.telephone || '', receiverAddress: addrObj.address || '', region: [addrObj.province_name || "选择地址", addrObj.city_name || "", addrObj.country_name || ""] }, { name: || '', mobile: addrObj.telephone || '', receiverAddress: addrObj.address || '', region: [addrObj.province_name || "选择地址", addrObj.city_name || "", addrObj.country_name || ""] }, { name: rdata.ziti_name || '', mobile: rdata.ziti_mobile || '' } ]; if(JSON.stringify(addrObj)!='[]') { if(addrObj.lon_lat=='') { if(tabIdx==3){ param.tabAddress[3] = { name: || '', mobile: addrObj.telephone || '', receiverAddress: '', region: ["选择地址", "", ""] } } } else if(addrObj.lon_lat) { let lat_lon = addrObj.lon_lat.split(','); wcache.put('latitude2', lat_lon[1]); wcache.put('longitude2', lat_lon[0]); } } if (addres == 1) { that.setData({ ...param, pick_up_time:, pick_up_type:, pick_up_weekday:, addressState: true, is_integer:, is_ziti:, pick_up_arr:, seller_goodss:, seller_chose_id: seller_chose_id, seller_chose_store_id: seller_chose_store_id, goods:, buy_type:, yupay:, is_yue_open:, yu_money:, total_free:, trans_free_toal:, delivery_tuanz_money:, reduce_money:, is_open_fullreduction:, cha_reduce_money: }, () => { that.calcPrice(); }) } else { that.setData({ ...param, is_integer:, addressState: false, goods:, is_ziti:, pick_up_arr:, seller_goodss:, seller_chose_id: seller_chose_id, seller_chose_store_id: seller_chose_store_id, buy_type:, yupay:, is_yue_open:, yu_money:, total_free:, trans_free_toal:, delivery_tuanz_money:, reduce_money:, is_open_fullreduction:, cha_reduce_money: },()=>{ that.calcPrice(); }) } } }) }, changeDistance: function(current_distance) { if(current_distance) { current_distance = parseFloat(current_distance); if(current_distance > 1000) { let current_distance_int = current_distance/1000; return current_distance_int.toFixed(2) + 'km'; } return current_distance + 'm'; } return current_distance; }, /** * 授权成功回调 */ authSuccess: function () { this.onLoad(); }, /** * 设置手机号 */ getReceiveMobile: function (e) { var num = e.detail; this.setData({ t_ziti_mobile: num, showGetPhone: false }); }, ck_wxpays: function () { this.setData({ ck_yupay: 0 }) }, ck_yupays: function () { this.setData({ ck_yupay: 1 }) }, ck_cash: function () { this.setData({ ck_yupay: 2 }) }, scoreChange: function (e) { console.log('是否使用', e.detail.value) let tdata =; let score_for_money = tdata.score_for_money*1; let tot_price = tdata.tot_price*1; let disAmount = tdata.disAmount*1; if (e.detail.value){ tot_price = tot_price - score_for_money; disAmount += score_for_money; } else { tot_price = tot_price + score_for_money; disAmount -= score_for_money; } this.setData({ use_score: e.detail.value?1:0, tot_price: tot_price.toFixed(2), disAmount: disAmount.toFixed(2) }) }, /** * 未登录 */ needAuth: function(){ this.setData({ needAuth: true }); }, /** * 关闭手机授权 */ close: function () { this.setData({ showGetPhone: false }); }, // 生成订单号 Step1 preOrderConfirm() { if( { this.selectComponent("#sForm").formSubmit(); return false; } else { this.goOrderfrom(); } }, // 生成订单号 Step2 goOrderfrom: function(formData={detail: {}}) { let that = this; let { tabAddress, tabIdx, note_content, order_note_open, order_note_name, isAgreePresale, buy_type, presale_info } =; this.setData({ formData: formData.detail }) var t_ziti_name = tabAddress[tabIdx].name; var t_ziti_mobile = tabAddress[tabIdx].mobile; var receiverAddress = tabAddress[tabIdx].receiverAddress; var region = tabAddress[tabIdx].region; var tuan_send_address = tabAddress[tabIdx].receiverAddress; var lou_meng_hao = tabAddress[tabIdx].lou_meng_hao; if (t_ziti_name == '') { this.setData({ focus_name: true }) let tip = '请填写收货人'; if (tabIdx == 0) tip = '请填写提货人'; wx.showToast({ title: tip, icon: 'none' }) return false; } if (t_ziti_mobile == '' || !(/^1(3|4|5|6|7|8|9)\d{9}$/.test(t_ziti_mobile))) { this.setData({ focus_mobile: true }) wx.showToast({ title: '手机号码有误', icon: 'none' }) return false; } if((tabIdx==0||tabIdx==1||tabIdx==3)&&!='virtualcard') { if(order_note_open==1 && note_content=='') { wx.showToast({ title: '请填写' + order_note_name, icon: 'none' }) return false; } } else { note_content = ''; } if(order_note_open==0) note_content = ''; if ((tabIdx == 2 || tabIdx == 3) && region[0] == '选择地址') { wx.showToast({ title: '请选择所在地区', icon: 'none' }) return false; } if ((tabIdx == 2 || tabIdx == 3) && receiverAddress == ''){ this.setData({ focus_addr: true }) wx.showToast({ title: '请填写详细地址', icon: 'none' }) return false; } if (tabIdx == 1) { if (tuan_send_address == '选择位置' || tuan_send_address == '') { wx.showToast({ title: '请选择位置', icon: 'none' }) return false; } if (lou_meng_hao == ''){ wx.showToast({ title: '输入楼号门牌', icon: 'none' }) return false; } } if(buy_type=='presale'&&!isAgreePresale) { wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '预售商品定金不支持退款,同意后可继续下单', showCancel: true, cancelText: '我再想想', cancelColor: '#ff5344', confirmText: '同意下单', success (res) { if (res.confirm) { that.setData({ isAgreePresale: true }); if (tabIdx == 2){ that.preSubscript(); } else { that.conformOrder(); } } else if (res.cancel) { console.log('用户点击取消') } } }) return; } if (tabIdx == 2||"virtualcard"){ this.preSubscript(); } else { this.conformOrder(); } }, /** * 支付防抖 */ preSubscript: function(event) { let that = this; if(!this.canPreSub) return; this.canPreSub = false; let is_need_subscript =; if(is_need_subscript==1) { //弹出订阅消息 this.subscriptionNotice().then(()=>{ that.prepay(); }).catch(()=>{ that.prepay(); }); } else { that.prepay(); } }, prepay: function() { this.canPreSub = true; let { tabAddress, tabIdx, is_limit_distance_buy, note_content, seller_goodss, commentArr, formData } =; let isVirtualcard = 0; if('virtualcard') isVirtualcard = 1; if (is_limit_distance_buy == 1 && (tabIdx == 1) && isVirtualcard==0){ wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '离团长太远了,暂不支持下单', showCancel: false, confirmColor: '#F75451' }) return false; } console.log('this.canPay', this.canPay) if(this.canPay){ this.setData({ payBtnLoading: true }) this.canPay = false; var that = this; var token = wx.getStorageSync('token'); let { seller_chose_id, seller_chose_store_id, ck_yupay, tabList } =; var voucher_id = seller_chose_id; var dispatching = ''; tabList.forEach(function(item){ if ( == tabIdx) dispatching = item.dispatching; }) let arr = []; for (let key in seller_goodss) { let goodsid = ''; let goods = seller_goodss[key].goods; Object.keys(goods).forEach(kk=>{ goodsid += goods[kk].goods_id+'_'; }) commentArr[key] = key+'_'+goodsid + commentArr[key]; } for (let key in commentArr) arr.push(commentArr[key]); let comment = arr.join('@EOF@'); var receiverAddress = tabAddress[tabIdx].receiverAddress || ''; var region = tabAddress[tabIdx].region || []; var t_ziti_name = tabAddress[tabIdx].name; var t_ziti_mobile = tabAddress[tabIdx].mobile; let lou_meng_hao = tabAddress[tabIdx].lou_meng_hao || ''; var quan_arr = []; if (voucher_id > 0) { var t_tmp = seller_chose_store_id + '_' + voucher_id; quan_arr.push(t_tmp); } let tuan_send_address = ''; let tuan_region = ''; let address_name = ''; let province_name = ''; let city_name = ''; let country_name = ''; if (tabIdx==1){ tuan_send_address = receiverAddress; tuan_region = region; province_name = tuan_region[0]; city_name = tuan_region[1]; country_name = tuan_region[2]; } else if (tabIdx == 2 || tabIdx == 3) { address_name = receiverAddress; province_name = region[0]; city_name = region[1]; country_name = region[2]; } var community = wx.getStorageSync('community'); var community_id = community.communityId; var pick_up_id = community_id; let latitude = wx.getStorageSync('latitude2'); let longitude = wx.getStorageSync('longitude2'); let { use_score, buy_type, soli_id } =; // 送达时间 let expected_delivery_time = ''; let localtown_delivery_space_month = ''; if(tabIdx==3){ let { localtown_expected_delivery, curAlertTime, localtown_dispatchtime, localtown_delivery_space_month } =; if(curAlertTime==-1) { expected_delivery_time = localtown_dispatchtime; } else { expected_delivery_time = localtown_expected_delivery.localtown_delivery_space_time_list[localtown_delivery_space_month][curAlertTime].time; } expected_delivery_time = localtown_delivery_space_month + ' ' + expected_delivery_time; } let cashon_delivery = (ck_yupay)==2?1:0 wx.showLoading(); app.util.request({ url: 'entry/wxapp/user', data: { controller: 'car.sub_order', token: token, pay_method: 'wxpay', buy_type, pick_up_id, dispatching, ziti_name: t_ziti_name, quan_arr, comment, ziti_mobile: t_ziti_mobile, latitude, longitude, ck_yupay, tuan_send_address, lou_meng_hao, address_name, province_name, city_name, country_name, use_score, soli_id, note_content, expected_delivery_time, scene: app.globalData.scene, cashon_delivery, ...formData }, dataType: 'json', method: 'POST', success: function (res) { wx.hideLoading(); let has_yupay = || 0; var order_id =; let h = {}; console.log('支付日志:', res); if ( == 0) { // 交易组件 if( { wx.requestOrderPayment({ "orderInfo":, "timeStamp":, "nonceStr":, "package":, "signType":, "paySign":, 'success': function (wxres) { that.canPay = true; if (buy_type == "dan" || buy_type == "pindan" || buy_type == "integral" || buy_type == "soitaire" || buy_type == "presale" || buy_type == "virtualcard") { if (<=1){ wx.redirectTo({ url: '/lionfish_comshop/pages/order/order?id=' + order_id + '&is_show=1&delivery=' + dispatching }) } else { wx.redirectTo({ url: '/lionfish_comshop/pages/order/index?is_show=1' }) } } else { wx.redirectTo({ url: `/lionfish_comshop/moduleA/pin/share?id=${order_id}` }) } }, 'fail': function (error) { if ( <= 1) { wx.redirectTo({ url: '/lionfish_comshop/pages/order/order?id=' + order_id + '&isfail=1&delivery=' + dispatching }) } else { wx.redirectTo({ url: '/lionfish_comshop/pages/order/index?isfail=1' }) } } }) } else { that.changeIndexList(); if (has_yupay == 1) { that.canPay = true; if (buy_type == "dan" || buy_type == "pindan" || buy_type == "integral" || buy_type == "soitaire" || buy_type == "presale" || buy_type == "virtualcard") { if ( <= 1) { wx.redirectTo({ url: '/lionfish_comshop/pages/order/order?id=' + order_id + '&is_show=1&delivery=' + dispatching }) } else { wx.redirectTo({ url: '/lionfish_comshop/pages/order/index?is_show=1' }) } } else { wx.redirectTo({ url: `/lionfish_comshop/moduleA/pin/share?id=${order_id}` }) } } else { wx.requestPayment({ "appId":, "timeStamp":, "nonceStr":, "package":, "signType":, "paySign":, 'success': function (wxres) { that.canPay = true; if (buy_type == "dan" || buy_type == "pindan" || buy_type == "integral" || buy_type == "soitaire" || buy_type == "presale" || buy_type == "virtualcard") { if (<=1){ wx.redirectTo({ url: '/lionfish_comshop/pages/order/order?id=' + order_id + '&is_show=1&delivery=' + dispatching }) } else { wx.redirectTo({ url: '/lionfish_comshop/pages/order/index?is_show=1' }) } } else { wx.redirectTo({ url: `/lionfish_comshop/moduleA/pin/share?id=${order_id}` }) } }, 'fail': function (error) { if ( <= 1) { wx.redirectTo({ url: '/lionfish_comshop/pages/order/order?id=' + order_id + '&isfail=1&delivery=' + dispatching }) } else { wx.redirectTo({ url: '/lionfish_comshop/pages/order/index?isfail=1' }) } } }) } } } else if ( == 1) { that.canPay = true; wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: || '支付失败', showCancel: false, confirmColor: '#F75451', success (ret) { if (ret.confirm) { if ( <= 1) { wx.redirectTo({ url: '/lionfish_comshop/pages/order/order?id=' + order_id + '&isfail=1&delivery=' + dispatching }) } else { wx.redirectTo({ url: '/lionfish_comshop/pages/order/index?is_show=1&isfail=1' }) } } } }) } else if ( == 2) { that.canPay = true; if( ==1 ){ h.btnDisable = true; h.btnText="已抢光"; } wx.showToast({ title:, icon: "none" }); } else { console.log(res); } that.setData({ btnLoading: false, payBtnLoading:false, ...h }) }, fail: function() { wx.redirectTo({ url: '/lionfish_comshop/pages/order/index?is_show=1&isfail=1' }) } }) } }, /** * 监听收货人 */ changeReceiverName: function(e) { let { tabAddress, tabIdx } =; let receiverName = e.detail.value.trim(); Object.keys(tabAddress).length && (tabAddress[tabIdx].name = receiverName); if (!receiverName) { let tip = '请填写收货人'; if (tabIdx == 0) tip = '请填写提货人'; wx.showToast({ title: tip, icon: "none" }); } this.setData({ tabAddress }) return { value: receiverName } }, /** * 监听备注 */ changeNoteName: function(e) { let noteName = e.detail.value.trim(); let order_note_name =; if (!noteName) { let tip = '请填写' + order_note_name; wx.showToast({ title: tip, icon: "none" }); } this.setData({ note_content: noteName }) return { value: noteName } }, /** * 监听手机号 */ bindReceiverMobile: function(e) { let { tabAddress, tabIdx } =; let mobile = e.detail.value.trim(); tabAddress[tabIdx].mobile = mobile; this.setData({ tabAddress }); return { value: mobile } }, /** * 监控快递地址变化 */ changeReceiverAddress: function(e){ let { tabAddress, tabIdx } =; tabAddress[tabIdx].receiverAddress = e.detail.value.trim(); this.setData({ tabAddress }); return { value: e.detail.value.trim() } }, /** * 监控团长送货地址变化 */ changeTuanAddress: function (e) { let { tabAddress, tabIdx } =; tabAddress[tabIdx].lou_meng_hao = e.detail.value.trim(); this.setData({ tabAddress }); return { value: e.detail.value.trim() } }, /** * 结算 */ conformOrder: function() { this.setData({ showConfirmModal: true }); }, /** * 关闭结算 */ closeConfirmModal: function() { this.canPay = true; this.setData({ showConfirmModal: false }); }, /** * 地区选择 */ bindRegionChange: function (e) { let region = e.detail.value; region && this.checkOut(region[1]); this.setData({ region }) }, checkOut: function (mb_city_name) { var that = this; var token = wx.getStorageSync('token'); var community = wx.getStorageSync('community'); var community_id = community.communityId; let latitude = wx.getStorageSync('latitude2'); let longitude = wx.getStorageSync('longitude2'); let buy_type =; let soli_id =; app.util.request({ url: 'entry/wxapp/user', data: { controller: 'car.checkout', token, community_id, mb_city_name, latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude, buy_type, soli_id }, dataType: 'json', method: 'POST', success: function (res) { if({ let rdata =; let { vipcard_save_money, shop_buy_distance, is_limit_distance_buy, current_distance, level_save_money, score, score_for_money, bue_use_score, localtown_shipping_fare_arr, localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney, localtown_makeup_delivery_money } = rdata; if ( == 1 && is_limit_distance_buy == 1 && (current_distance > shop_buy_distance)) { wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '超出配送范围,请重新选择', showCancel: false, confirmColor: '#F75451' }) } current_distance = current_distance || ''; let current_distance_str = that.changeDistance(current_distance); // 同城满免运费 if(localtown_shipping_fare_arr) { let shipping_fare = 0; shipping_fare = localtown_shipping_fare_arr.total_yl_shipping_fare*1 - localtown_shipping_fare_arr.total_shipping_fare*1; localtown_shipping_fare_arr.shipping_fare = shipping_fare.toFixed(2); } that.setData({ score: score || 0, score_for_money: score_for_money || 0, bue_use_score: bue_use_score || 0, vipcard_save_money, level_save_money, is_limit_distance_buy: is_limit_distance_buy || 0, current_distance, current_distance_str, trans_free_toal: rdata.trans_free_toal, is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare: rdata.is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare, //是否达到满xx减团长配送费 fare_man_delivery_tuanz_fare_money: rdata.fare_man_delivery_tuanz_fare_money, //达到满xx减团长配送费, 减了多少钱 is_man_shipping_fare: rdata.is_man_shipping_fare, //是否达到满xx减运费 fare_man_shipping_fare_money: rdata.fare_man_shipping_fare_money, //达到满xx减运费,司机减了多少运费 localtown_shipping_fare_arr, localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney, localtown_makeup_delivery_money }, () => { that.calcPrice() }) } } }) }, /** * 定位获取地址 */ choseLocation: function() { let { tabAddress, tabIdx } =; var that = this; wx.chooseLocation({ success: function (e) { console.log(e); var s_region =; var filename =; let addr = e.address || ''; var reg = /.+?(省|市|自治区|自治州|县|区|特别行政区)/g; // var result = addr.match(reg); var result = null; console.log('patt', result); if (result == null || filename=="") { locat.getGpsLocation(e.latitude, e.longitude).then((res) => { console.log('反推了', res); if (res) { s_region[0] = res.province; s_region[1] =; s_region[2] = res.district; filename || (filename = res.street); } setRes(); }); } else { s_region[0] = result[0]; s_region[1] = result[1]; s_region[2] = result[2] || ''; var dol_path = addr.replace(s_region.join(''), ''); filename = dol_path +; setRes(); } wcache.put('latitude2', e.latitude); wcache.put('longitude2', e.longitude); function setRes(){ console.log('setData'); s_region && (s_region[1] != "市") && that.checkOut(s_region[1]); tabAddress[tabIdx].region = s_region; tabAddress[tabIdx].receiverAddress = filename; that.setData({ tabAddress }) } }, fail: function (error) { console.log(error) if (error.errMsg =='chooseLocation:fail auth deny') { console.log('无权限') locat.checkGPS(app, locat.openSetting()) } } }) }, /** * 微信获取地址 */ getWxAddress: function() { let { tabAddress, tabIdx } =; let region = tabAddress[tabIdx].region || []; let that = this; wx.getSetting({ success(res) { if (res.authSetting['scope.address']) { wx.chooseAddress({ success(res) { console.log("step1") region[0] = res.provinceName || "选择地址"; region[1] = res.cityName || ""; region[2] = res.countyName || ""; let receiverAddress = res.detailInfo; tabAddress[tabIdx].name = res.userName; tabAddress[tabIdx].mobile = res.telNumber; tabAddress[tabIdx].region = region; tabAddress[tabIdx].receiverAddress = receiverAddress; that.setData({ tabAddress }) region && (region[1] != "市") && that.checkOut(region[1]); }, fail(res){ console.log("step4") console.log(res) } }) } else { if (res.authSetting['scope.address'] == false) { wx.openSetting({ success(res) { console.log(res.authSetting) } }) } else { console.log("step2") wx.chooseAddress({ success(res) { console.log("step3") region[0] = res.provinceName || "选择地址"; region[1] = res.cityName || ""; region[2] = res.countyName || ""; let receiverAddress = res.detailInfo; region && (region[1] != "市") && that.checkOut(region[1]); tabAddress[tabIdx].name = res.userName; tabAddress[tabIdx].mobile = res.telNumber; tabAddress[tabIdx].region = region; tabAddress[tabIdx].receiverAddress = receiverAddress; that.setData({ tabAddress }) } }) } } } }) }, /** * tab切换 */ tabSwitch: function (t) { let idx = 1 * t.currentTarget.dataset.idx; (idx != 0) && wx.showToast({ title: '配送变更,费用已变化', icon: "none"}); this.setData({ tabIdx: idx },function(){ this.calcPrice(1); }) }, /** * 打开优惠券 */ show_voucher: function (event) { var that = this; var serller_id = event.currentTarget.dataset.seller_id; var voucher_list = []; var seller_chose_id =; var seller_chose_store_id =; var seller_goods =; for (var i in seller_goods) { var s_id = seller_goods[i].store_info.s_id; if (s_id == serller_id) { voucher_list = seller_goods[i].voucher_list; if (seller_chose_id == 0) { seller_chose_id = seller_goods[i] || 0; seller_chose_store_id = seller_goods[i].chose_vouche.store_id || 0; } } } that.setData({ ssvoucher_list: voucher_list, voucher_serller_id: serller_id, seller_chose_id: seller_chose_id, seller_chose_store_id: seller_chose_store_id, hide_quan: false }) }, // 选择优惠券 chose_voucher_id: function (event) { wx.showLoading(); var voucher_id = event.currentTarget.dataset.voucher_id; var seller_id = event.currentTarget.dataset.seller_id; var that = this; var token = wx.getStorageSync('token'); var use_quan_str = seller_id + "_" + voucher_id; let latitude = wx.getStorageSync('latitude2'); let longitude = wx.getStorageSync('longitude2'); var buy_type =; let soli_id =; var community_id = wx.getStorageSync('community').communityId || ''; app.util.request({ url: 'entry/wxapp/user', data: { controller: 'car.checkout', token, community_id, voucher_id, use_quan_str, buy_type, latitude, longitude, soli_id }, dataType: 'json', method: 'POST', success: function (res) { wx.hideLoading(); if( ==1){ let seller_goodss =; let sel_chose_vouche = ''; for (var i in seller_goodss) { seller_goodss[i].goodsnum = Object.keys(seller_goodss[i].goods).length; if ([i].chose_vouche) == '[object Object]') { sel_chose_vouche = seller_goodss[i].chose_vouche; } } const rdata =; let current_distance = rdata.current_distance || ''; let current_distance_str = that.changeDistance(current_distance); let {score,score_for_money,bue_use_score} = rdata; let h = {}; if(bue_use_score*1<=0) h.use_score = ''; that.setData({ ...h, score: score || 0, score_for_money: score_for_money || 0, bue_use_score: bue_use_score || 0, seller_goodss: seller_goodss, seller_chose_id: voucher_id, seller_chose_store_id: seller_id, hide_quan: true, goods: rdata.goods, buy_type: rdata.buy_type || 'dan', yupay: rdata.can_yupay, is_yue_open: rdata.is_yue_open, total_free: rdata.total_free, sel_chose_vouche: sel_chose_vouche, current_distance, current_distance_str },()=>{ that.calcPrice(1); }) } } }) }, //关闭优惠券 closeCouponModal: function(){ this.setData({ hide_quan: true }) }, /** * 计算总额 */ calcPrice: function(isTabSwitch = 0){ let tdata =; let { total_free, delivery_tuanz_money, fare_man_shipping_fare_money, trans_free_toal, tabIdx, goods, is_open_vipcard_buy, is_vip_card_member, fare_man_delivery_tuanz_fare_money, pickingup_fare, localtown_makeup_delivery_money, buy_type } = tdata; total_free *= 1; //合计金额(扣除满减、优惠券,不含运费) delivery_tuanz_money *= 1; //配送费 fare_man_shipping_fare_money *= 1; //免多少运费 trans_free_toal = trans_free_toal*1; let tot_price = 0; //计算后合计+运费 // 商品总额 let total_goods_price = 0; let levelAmount = 0; //等级优惠 for (let gidx of Object.keys(goods)) { let item = goods[gidx]; total_goods_price +=; if(is_open_vipcard_buy==1&&item.is_take_vipcard==1&&is_vip_card_member==1) { // 会员优惠 } else if (item.is_mb_level_buy) { levelAmount += * 1 - item.level_total * 1; } } let total_all = total_goods_price; //总额 // 商品总额+配送费 if(tabIdx==0){ tot_price = total_free; } else if (tabIdx==1){ // 满免运费 let is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare = tdata.is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare; //是否达到满xx减团长配送费 if (is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare==0) { tot_price = delivery_tuanz_money + total_free; } else { tot_price = total_free + delivery_tuanz_money - fare_man_delivery_tuanz_fare_money*1; } total_all += delivery_tuanz_money; } else if(tabIdx==2) { // 满免快递费 let is_man_shipping_fare = tdata.is_man_shipping_fare; //是否达到满xx减运费 total_all += trans_free_toal; if (is_man_shipping_fare == 0) { tot_price = trans_free_toal + total_free; } else { if(buy_type=="pintuan") { tot_price = trans_free_toal + total_free; } else { tot_price = trans_free_toal + total_free - fare_man_shipping_fare_money*1; } } } else if(tabIdx==3) { // 同城配送 let localtown_shipping_fare_arr =; let total_yl_shipping_fare = localtown_shipping_fare_arr.total_yl_shipping_fare*1 || 0; let total_shipping_fare = localtown_shipping_fare_arr.total_shipping_fare*1 || 0; total_all += total_yl_shipping_fare; //包装费 total_all += pickingup_fare*1 + localtown_makeup_delivery_money*1; tot_price = total_free + localtown_makeup_delivery_money*1; tot_price += pickingup_fare*1+total_shipping_fare*1; } else if (tabIdx==4) { tot_price = total_free; } //使用积分 let use_score = tdata.use_score; if (isTabSwitch && use_score) { let score_for_money = tdata.score_for_money * 1; tot_price = tot_price - score_for_money; } let disAmount = 0; //优惠金额 disAmount = (total_all - tot_price*1).toFixed(2); this.setData({ total_all: total_all.toFixed(2), disAmount, tot_price: tot_price.toFixed(2), total_goods_price: total_goods_price.toFixed(2), levelAmount: levelAmount.toFixed(2) }) }, /** * 订单留言 20190219 */ bindInputMessage: function (event) { let commentArr =; let idx = event.currentTarget.dataset.idx; var val = event.detail.value; commentArr[idx] = val; this.setData({ commentArr }) }, /** * 修改首页列表商品购物车数量 */ changeIndexList: function(){ let goods = || []; if(goods.length>0){ goods.forEach((item)=>{ item.option.length == 0 && status.indexListCarCount(item.goods_id, 0); }) } }, /** * 订阅消息 */ subscriptionNotice: function() { let that = this; return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ let obj =; let tmplIds = Object.keys(obj).map(key => obj[key]); // 订阅消息模版id if (wx.requestSubscribeMessage) { tmplIds.length && wx.requestSubscribeMessage({ tmplIds: tmplIds, success(res) { let is_need_subscript = 1; let acceptId = []; Object.keys(obj).forEach(item=>{ if (res[obj[item]] == 'accept') { //用户同意了订阅,添加进数据库 acceptId.push(item); } else { //用户拒绝了订阅或当前游戏被禁用订阅消息 is_need_subscript = 0; } }) if(acceptId.length) { that.addAccept(acceptId); } that.setData({ is_need_subscript }) resolve(); }, fail(err) { console.log(err) reject(); } }) } else { // 兼容处理 reject(); } }) }, // 用户点击订阅添加到数据库 addAccept: function (acceptId) { let token = wx.getStorageSync('token'); let type = acceptId.join(','); app.util.request({ url: 'entry/wxapp/user', data: { controller: 'user.collect_subscriptmsg', token, type }, dataType: 'json', method: 'POST', success: function () {} }) }, handleTimeModal: function(){ let localtown_expected_delivery =; if(localtown_expected_delivery.localtown_expected_delivery_status&&localtown_expected_delivery.localtown_delivery_space_month) { this.setData({ showAlertTime: ! }) } }, selectAlertTime: function(event){ let idx = event.currentTarget.dataset.idx; console.log(idx) this.setData({ curAlertTime: idx }) }, selectAlertDate: function(event){ let idx = event.currentTarget.dataset.idx; console.log(idx) let curAlertTime = 0; if( curAlertTime = -1; this.setData({ localtown_delivery_space_month: idx, curAlertTime }) }, agreePresaleChange: function(e) { let state = e.detail.value; console.log('统一支付定金', state); this.setData({ isAgreePresale: state }) }, hanlePresaleModal: function(e) { this.setData({ showPresaleDesc: ! }) }, showPresaleAmoutDesc: function(){ wx.showModal({ title: '优惠说明', content: '优惠金额将在支付尾款时使用', showCancel: false }) } })