xvying 1 year ago

+ 4 - 4

@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ export const asyncRoutes = [
         name: "videoIndex",
         component: () => import("@/views/video/index"),
         meta: {
-          title: "课程列表",
+          title: "视频列表",
           icon: "list",
           roles: ["Super admin", "Admin"],
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ export const asyncRoutes = [
     component: Layout,
     redirect: "/xuexi",
     meta: {
-      title: "课程学习",
+      title: "视频学习",
       icon: "videos",
       roles: ["Student", "Super admin", "Admin"],
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ export const asyncRoutes = [
         name: "courserindex",
         component: () => import("@/views/xuexi/index"),
         meta: {
-          title: "课程学习",
+          title: "视频学习",
           icon: "videos",
           roles: ["Super admin", "Admin"],
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ export const asyncRoutes = [
         name: "courseDetail",
         component: () => import("@/views/xuexi/course_detail"),
         meta: {
-          title: "课程详情",
+          title: "视频详情",
           icon: "form",
           roles: ["Super admin", "Admin", "Student"],

+ 32 - 5

@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
  * @Author: 旭颖
  * @Date: 2023-03-22 11:54:21
  * @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
- * @LastEditTime: 2023-03-26 18:08:19
+ * @LastEditTime: 2023-03-26 19:30:20
   <div class="tab-body" style="overflow: auto">
+    <el-page-header @back="goBack" content="文件详情"> </el-page-header>
     <div class="title">{{ name }}</div>
     <div class="tips">
       <span>姓名:{{ detail.staff ? detail.staff.true_name : "--" }}</span>
@@ -57,7 +58,7 @@
       <el-tab-pane label="证明材料" name="second">
-        <iframe :src="extraFile" height="900px" width="100%"
+        <iframe :src="extraFile.prove_files" height="900px" width="100%"
     <div v-else>
@@ -136,13 +137,22 @@ export default {
       let route = this.$route.query;
         type: this.fileType,
-        examine_id: this.examine_id,
+        examine_id: this.detail.id,
         point: this.point,
         examine_question_id: route.examine_question_id,
     handleClose() {
-      this.getDetail(this.examine_question_id);
+      let route = this.$route.query;
+      let role = route.role;
+      // this.type = 2;
+      if (role == "admin") {
+        this.examine_id = route.examine_id;
+        this.getDetailStu();
+      } else {
+        this.fileType = route.type;
+        this.getDetail(route.examine_question_id);
+      }
     async getDetail(id) {
       const { data } = await fileDetailStu({ examine_question_id: id });
@@ -174,7 +184,7 @@ export default {
       const { data } = await examineDetail(row);
       if (data.id) {
         this.detail = data;
-        this.examine_id = data.id;
+        // this.examine_id = data.id;
         let data1 = data.resources;
         this.point = data.point;
         let arr = [];
@@ -197,6 +207,23 @@ export default {
       this.type = 1;
+    //返回考核列表
+    goBack() {
+      let route = this.$route.query;
+      if (route.role == "admin") {
+        this.$router.push({
+          path: "/kaohe/uploadList",
+          query: {
+            type: 1,
+            id: route.examine_question_id,
+          },
+        });
+      } else {
+        this.$router.push({
+          path: "/kaohe/index",
+        });
+      }
+    },
     // //下一个
     // nextOne() {
     //   this.type = 1;

+ 9 - 2

@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
  * @Author: 旭颖
  * @Date: 2023-03-22 10:15:16
  * @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
- * @LastEditTime: 2023-03-25 18:26:25
+ * @LastEditTime: 2023-03-26 18:51:50
   <div class="index-home" v-loading.fullscreen.lock="loadingFull">
-    <el-page-header @back="goBack" content="文件详情"> </el-page-header>
+    <el-page-header @back="goBack" content="文件列表"> </el-page-header>
     <el-table :data="tableData" style="width: 100%" border>
       <el-table-column label="序号" width="50" type="index" />
@@ -68,6 +68,13 @@
+            type="warning"
+            v-if="row.check_status == 1"
+            size="mini"
+            @click="checkOutStu(row)"
+            >审核</el-button
+          >
+          <el-button
             v-if="is_student == true && is_open"

+ 7 - 5

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
  * @Author: 旭颖
  * @Date: 2023-03-22 10:15:16
  * @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors
- * @LastEditTime: 2023-03-26 18:13:21
+ * @LastEditTime: 2023-03-26 19:21:05
   <div class="index-home" v-loading.fullscreen.lock="loadingFull">
@@ -100,7 +100,12 @@
       <el-table-column prop="point" label="分值" min-width="100" align="center">
         <template #default="{ row }">
-          {{ row.point ? row.point : row.xm_point }}
+          <span v-if="row.check_status == 1">
+            {{ row.point }}
+          </span>
+          <span v-else>
+            {{ row.check_point }}
+          </span>
@@ -134,7 +139,6 @@
             v-if="type == 1"
-            plain
@@ -142,7 +146,6 @@
             v-if="type == 2"
-            plain
@@ -150,7 +153,6 @@
             v-if="row.check_status == 1"
-            plain

+ 1 - 1

@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@
         :title="formType == 0 ? '新增支部活动' : '编辑支部活动'"
-        width="50%"
+        width="700px"

+ 14 - 13

@@ -6,35 +6,36 @@
  * @LastEditors: king
  * @LastEditTime: 2023-03-25 18:16:04
-import request from '@/utils/request'
+import request from "@/utils/request";
 export function chapterList(params) {
   return request({
-    url: '/course/chapters',
-    method: 'get',
+    url: "/course/chapters",
+    method: "get",
-  })
+  });
 // 章节添加 ?????????
 export function chapterAdd(data) {
   return request({
-    url: '/course/chapter',
-    method: 'post',
+    url: "/course/chapter",
+    method: "post",
-  })
+  });
 //章节修改 -->此处data需要穿一个id
 export function chapterEdit(data) {
   return request({
-    url: '/course/chapter',
-    method: 'put',
+    url: "/course/chapter",
+    method: "put",
-  })
+  });
 // 章节删除 --》此处data需要穿一个id
 export function chapterDelete(data) {
   return request({
-    url: '/course/chapter/' + data.id,
-    method: 'delete',
-  })
+    url: "/course/chapter",
+    method: "delete",
+    data,
+  });

+ 1 - 1

@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ export default {
     handleDelete(row) {
       if (row.id) {
-        this.$confirm("你确定要删除当前项吗, 是否继续?", "提示", {
+        this.$confirm("你确定要删除当前章节?, 是否继续?", "提示", {
           confirmButtonText: "确定",
           cancelButtonText: "取消",
           type: "warning",

+ 2 - 2

@@ -446,8 +446,8 @@ export default {
     margin: 0;
     padding: 0;
-  position: fixed;
-  top: 145px;
+  // position: fixed;
+  // top: 145px;
   width: 100%;
   background-color: #e5e5e5;
   height: 100%;

+ 663 - 668

@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
   <div class="video_container">
     <div :class="['left_video', isNav ? 'all' : '']">
@@ -23,9 +22,7 @@
       <div class="nav">
-          <li>
-            目录
-          </li>
+          <li>目录</li>
       <div v-if="index == 1" class="nav_item">
@@ -86,120 +83,117 @@
-  import {
-    videoList,
-    lookRecord,
-  } from './api/video'
-  import { chapterList ,showDetail} from './api/course_detail'
+import { videoList, lookRecord } from "./api/video";
+import { chapterList, showDetail } from "./api/course_detail";
-  var myPlayer = ''
-  var playTimeInterval = '' //播放事件定时器
-  export default {
-    data() {
-      return {
-        index: 1,
-        isNav: true,
-        course_zhangjie: [],
-        video_slug: '',
-        current_zhedie: [],
+var myPlayer = "";
+var playTimeInterval = ""; //播放事件定时器
+export default {
+  data() {
+    return {
+      index: 1,
+      isNav: true,
+      course_zhangjie: [],
+      video_slug: "",
+      current_zhedie: [],
-        ban_drag: 0, //当前播放视频是否禁止拖动
-        time: 3, //倒计时
-        isFull: false, //是否全屏
-        loading: true,
-        vIndex: 0, //当前播放视频索引
-        cIndex: 0, //当前播放视频所属章节索引
-        zhUrl: '', //中文字幕地址
-        enUrl: '', //英文字幕地址
-        nextVideo: false,
-        dialogVisible: false,
-        activeName: 'zero',
+      ban_drag: 0, //当前播放视频是否禁止拖动
+      time: 3, //倒计时
+      isFull: false, //是否全屏
+      loading: true,
+      vIndex: 0, //当前播放视频索引
+      cIndex: 0, //当前播放视频所属章节索引
+      zhUrl: "", //中文字幕地址
+      enUrl: "", //英文字幕地址
+      nextVideo: false,
+      dialogVisible: false,
+      activeName: "zero",
-        directory: [], //章节视频列表
-        videoList: [], //当前章节的视频列表
-        isLearn: '', //是否正在学习中
-        courseId: '', //课程id
-        videoId: '', //正在学习的视频id
-        isWatch: 0, //是否完成学习
-        videoTitle: '', //正在播放的视频名称
-        playTime: 0, //视频播放秒数
-        queryForm: {
-          page: 1,
-          per_page: 15,
-        },
-        show: false,
-        form: {
-          danmu: 'admin-pro',
-        },
-        player: null,
-        videoIndex:0
-      }
-    },
-    watch: {
-      $route: 'getCourseDetail',
-    },
-    // computed: {
-    //   ...mapGetters({
-    //     token: 'user/token',
-    //   }),
-    // },
-    mounted() {
-      // this.player = this.$refs.player.dp
-      this.nextVideo = false
-      console.log('测试')
-      this.initVideo()
-      // clearInterval(this.playTimeInterval)
-      // console.log(this.player.video.paused, 'ppppp')
-    },
-    beforeDestroy() {
-      //  组件销毁时,清除播放器
-      myPlayer.dispose() // 该方法会重置videojs的内部状态并移除dom
-      clearInterval(playTimeInterval)
+      directory: [], //章节视频列表
+      videoList: [], //当前章节的视频列表
+      isLearn: "", //是否正在学习中
+      courseId: "", //课程id
+      videoId: "", //正在学习的视频id
+      isWatch: 0, //是否完成学习
+      videoTitle: "", //正在播放的视频名称
+      playTime: 0, //视频播放秒数
+      queryForm: {
+        page: 1,
+        per_page: 15,
+      },
+      show: false,
+      form: {
+        danmu: "admin-pro",
+      },
+      player: null,
+      videoIndex: 0,
+    };
+  },
+  watch: {
+    $route: "getCourseDetail",
+  },
+  // computed: {
+  //   ...mapGetters({
+  //     token: 'user/token',
+  //   }),
+  // },
+  mounted() {
+    // this.player = this.$refs.player.dp
+    this.nextVideo = false;
+    console.log("测试");
+    this.initVideo();
+    // clearInterval(this.playTimeInterval)
+    // console.log(this.player.video.paused, 'ppppp')
+  },
+  beforeDestroy() {
+    //  组件销毁时,清除播放器
+    myPlayer.dispose(); // 该方法会重置videojs的内部状态并移除dom
+    clearInterval(playTimeInterval);
-      if (myPlayer) {
-        console.log('清除视频播放组件')
-        myPlayer.dispose() // 该方法会重置videojs的内部状态并移除dom
-      }
-    },
-    destroyed() {
-      clearInterval(playTimeInterval)
+    if (myPlayer) {
+      console.log("清除视频播放组件");
+      myPlayer.dispose(); // 该方法会重置videojs的内部状态并移除dom
+    }
+  },
+  destroyed() {
+    clearInterval(playTimeInterval);
-      console.log('清除视频播放组件')
+    console.log("清除视频播放组件");
+  },
+  created() {
+    let route = this.$route;
+    this.courseId = route.query.course_id;
+    this.video_slug = route.query.video_slug;
+    this.course_slug = route.query.slug;
+    this.isLearn = this.videoId = route.query.video_id;
+    console.log(this.videoId, this.courseId, this.video_slug, "123");
+    this.getCourse_detail();
+    this.nextVideo = false;
+    console.log(this.vIndex, "YYYYYYYYYYYYYY");
+    clearInterval(playTimeInterval);
+    this.getCourseDetail();
+    this.showDetail();
+    this.show = false;
+    this.$nextTick(() => {
+      this.show = true;
+    });
+  },
+  methods: {
+    //获取课程章节
+    async getCourse_detail() {
+      const { data } = await chapterList({ course_id: this.courseId });
+      console.log(data, "xaingqing");
+      // this.course_zhangjie = data.data
+      // this.course_fenlei = data
-    created() {
-      let route = this.$route
-      this.courseId = route.query.course_id
-      this.video_slug = route.query.video_slug
-      this.course_slug = route.query.slug
-      this.isLearn = this.videoId = route.query.video_id
-      console.log(this.videoId, this.courseId, this.video_slug, '123')
-      this.getCourse_detail()
-      this.nextVideo = false
-      console.log(this.vIndex, 'YYYYYYYYYYYYYY')
-      clearInterval(playTimeInterval)
-      this.getCourseDetail()
-      this.showDetail()
-      this.show = false
-      this.$nextTick(() => {
-        this.show = true
-      })
-    },
-    methods: {
-      //获取课程章节
-      async getCourse_detail() {
-        const { data } = await chapterList({course_id:this.courseId})
-        console.log(data, 'xaingqing')
-        // this.course_zhangjie = data.data
-        // this.course_fenlei = data
-      },
-      // 获取课程
+    // 获取课程
     async showDetail() {
       this.loading = true;
       const { data } = await showDetail({ slug: this.course_slug });
       this.loading = false;
       this.course_zhangjie = data.directory;
-      this.lookVideo()
+      this.lookVideo();
       // if (this.videoId) {
       //   this.isLearn = this.videoId;
       //   //this.isLearn = this.video_slug
@@ -213,626 +207,627 @@
       //   this.videoList = this.directory[0].children;
       // }
-      //章节折叠
-      zhedie(e) {
-        // if (this.current_zhedie.includes(e)) {
-        //   this.current_zhedie = this.current_zhedie.filter((item) => {
-        //     return item != e
-        //   })
-        // } else {
-        //   this.current_zhedie.push(e)
-        // }
-        this.videoIndex = e
-        this.lookVideo()
-      },
-      //点击重新播放
-      refLook() {
-        this.cIndex = 0
-        this.vIndex = 0
-        this.videoList = this.directory[this.cIndex].children
-        console.log(this.video_list, 'list')
-        //let video_list = this.directory[this.cIndex].children
-        this.isLearn = this.videoId = this.videoList[this.vIndex].id
-        // this.isLearn = this.video_slug = this.videoList[this.vIndex].slug
-        this.lookVideo()
-        //this.videoComments()
-      },
-      initVideo() {
-        let that = this
-        //初始化视频方法
-        myPlayer = this.$video(document.getElementById('myVideo'), {
-          language: 'zh-CN',
-          //确定播放器是否具有用户可以与之交互的控件。没有控件,启动视频播放的唯一方法是使用autoplay属性或通过Player API。
-          controls: true,
-          //自动播放属性,muted:静音播放
-          autoplay: 'autoplay',
-          //建议浏览器是否应在<video>加载元素后立即开始下载视频数据。
-          preload: 'auto',
-        })
+    //章节折叠
+    zhedie(e) {
+      // if (this.current_zhedie.includes(e)) {
+      //   this.current_zhedie = this.current_zhedie.filter((item) => {
+      //     return item != e
+      //   })
+      // } else {
+      //   this.current_zhedie.push(e)
+      // }
+      this.videoIndex = e;
+      this.lookVideo();
+    },
+    //点击重新播放
+    refLook() {
+      this.cIndex = 0;
+      this.vIndex = 0;
+      this.videoList = this.directory[this.cIndex].children;
+      console.log(this.video_list, "list");
+      //let video_list = this.directory[this.cIndex].children
+      this.isLearn = this.videoId = this.videoList[this.vIndex].id;
+      // this.isLearn = this.video_slug = this.videoList[this.vIndex].slug
+      this.lookVideo();
+      //this.videoComments()
+    },
+    initVideo() {
+      let that = this;
+      //初始化视频方法
+      myPlayer = this.$video(document.getElementById("myVideo"), {
+        language: "zh-CN",
+        //确定播放器是否具有用户可以与之交互的控件。没有控件,启动视频播放的唯一方法是使用autoplay属性或通过Player API。
+        controls: true,
+        //自动播放属性,muted:静音播放
+        autoplay: "autoplay",
+        //建议浏览器是否应在<video>加载元素后立即开始下载视频数据。
+        preload: "auto",
+      });
-        myPlayer.ready(function () {
-          myPlayer.volume(0.5)
-          myPlayer.play()
-        })
-        console.log(myPlayer, 'document.getElementById')
-        //监听视频播放完成
-        myPlayer.on('ended', function () {
-          console.log(this.course_slug, 'YYYYYYYYYYYYYY---视频播放结束')
-          clearInterval(playTimeInterval)
-          that.isWatch = 1
-          that.playTime = parseInt(myPlayer.currentTime())
-          that.lookRecord()
-          that.playTime = 0
-          // let params = {
-          //   course_id: that.courseId,
-          // }
-          // debugger
-          // getCourseDetail(params).then((res) => {
-          //   console.log(res, '刷新章节列表')
-          //   that.directory = res.data.directory
-          // })
-          myPlayer.exitFullscreen()
-          // that.getCourseDetail()
-          setTimeout(function () {
-            that.autoPlayNext()
-          }, 3000)
+      myPlayer.ready(function () {
+        myPlayer.volume(0.5);
+        myPlayer.play();
+      });
+      console.log(myPlayer, "document.getElementById");
+      //监听视频播放完成
+      myPlayer.on("ended", function () {
+        console.log(this.course_slug, "YYYYYYYYYYYYYY---视频播放结束");
+        clearInterval(playTimeInterval);
+        that.isWatch = 1;
+        that.playTime = parseInt(myPlayer.currentTime());
+        that.lookRecord();
+        that.playTime = 0;
+        // let params = {
+        //   course_id: that.courseId,
+        // }
+        // debugger
+        // getCourseDetail(params).then((res) => {
+        //   console.log(res, '刷新章节列表')
+        //   that.directory = res.data.directory
+        // })
+        myPlayer.exitFullscreen();
+        // that.getCourseDetail()
+        setTimeout(function () {
+          that.autoPlayNext();
+        }, 3000);
-          console.log('视频播放结束')
-        })
-        //监听视频暂停
-        myPlayer.on('pause', function () {
-          console.log('YYYYYYYYYYYYYY---视频播放暂停')
-          clearInterval(playTimeInterval)
-          console.log(parseInt(myPlayer.currentTime()), '视频播放进度暂停')
-          if (this.ban_drag == 0) {
-            let time = parseInt(myPlayer.currentTime())
-            if (time - this.playTime > 10) {
-              myPlayer.currentTime(this.playTime)
-            }
+        console.log("视频播放结束");
+      });
+      //监听视频暂停
+      myPlayer.on("pause", function () {
+        console.log("YYYYYYYYYYYYYY---视频播放暂停");
+        clearInterval(playTimeInterval);
+        console.log(parseInt(myPlayer.currentTime()), "视频播放进度暂停");
+        if (this.ban_drag == 0) {
+          let time = parseInt(myPlayer.currentTime());
+          if (time - this.playTime > 10) {
+            myPlayer.currentTime(this.playTime);
-          console.log(that.playTime, '视频播放时长')
-          console.log('用户点击了暂停')
-        })
-        //监听视频播放
-        myPlayer.on('play', function () {
-          that.time = 0
-          that.nextVideo = false
-          console.log('YYYYYYYYYYYYYY---视频播放')
-          that.getPlayTime()
-          console.log('视频播放')
-        })
-      },
-      //获取视频播放事件每秒加一
-      //自动播放下一章节事件
-      autoPlayNext() {
-        //获取视频判断当前视频是不是本章节的最后一条
-        console.log(this.directory, this.cIndex, 'this.directory')
-        this.videoList = this.directory[this.cIndex].children
-        this.vIndex = Number(this.vIndex)
-        console.log(typeof this.vIndex + 1, 'vIndex')
-        let vIndexnum = this.vIndex + 1
-        console.log(vIndexnum == this.videoList.length, 'length')
-        if (vIndexnum == this.videoList.length) {
-          //是---判断章节是不是最后一张
-          this.cIndex = Number(this.cIndex)
-          let cIndexnum = this.cIndex + 1
-          if (cIndexnum == this.directory.length) {
-            clearInterval(playTimeInterval)
-            this.nextVideo = true
-            return
-            //是最后一张-----提示用户本课程视频已学完
-          } else {
-            //不是最后一张---播放下一章节的第一条视频
-            console.log(' //不是最后一张---播放下一章节的第一条视频')
-            this.cIndex = this.cIndex + 1
-            this.vIndex = 0
-            let video_list = this.directory[this.cIndex].children
-            this.isLearn = this.videoId = video_list[this.vIndex].id
-            this.video_slug = video_list[this.vIndex].slug
+        }
+        console.log(that.playTime, "视频播放时长");
+        console.log("用户点击了暂停");
+      });
+      //监听视频播放
+      myPlayer.on("play", function () {
+        that.time = 0;
+        that.nextVideo = false;
+        console.log("YYYYYYYYYYYYYY---视频播放");
+        that.getPlayTime();
+        console.log("视频播放");
+      });
+    },
+    //获取视频播放事件每秒加一
+    //自动播放下一章节事件
+    autoPlayNext() {
+      //获取视频判断当前视频是不是本章节的最后一条
+      console.log(this.directory, this.cIndex, "this.directory");
-            this.lookVideo()
-            /// this.videoComments()
-          }
+      this.videoList = this.directory[this.cIndex].children;
+      this.vIndex = Number(this.vIndex);
+      console.log(typeof this.vIndex + 1, "vIndex");
+      let vIndexnum = this.vIndex + 1;
+      console.log(vIndexnum == this.videoList.length, "length");
+      if (vIndexnum == this.videoList.length) {
+        //是---判断章节是不是最后一张
+        this.cIndex = Number(this.cIndex);
+        let cIndexnum = this.cIndex + 1;
+        if (cIndexnum == this.directory.length) {
+          clearInterval(playTimeInterval);
+          this.nextVideo = true;
+          return;
+          //是最后一张-----提示用户本课程视频已学完
         } else {
-          //不是---视频索引+1播放下一条
-          console.log(' // //不是---视频索引+1播放下一条')
-          this.vIndex = this.vIndex + 1
-          let video_list = this.directory[this.cIndex].children
-          console.log(video_list, 'video_list')
-          this.isLearn = this.videoId = video_list[this.vIndex].id
-          this.video_slug = video_list[this.vIndex].slug
-          console.log(this.videoId, 'this.videoId')
-          this.lookVideo()
-          //  this.videoComments()
+          //不是最后一张---播放下一章节的第一条视频
+          console.log(" //不是最后一张---播放下一章节的第一条视频");
+          this.cIndex = this.cIndex + 1;
+          this.vIndex = 0;
+          let video_list = this.directory[this.cIndex].children;
+          this.isLearn = this.videoId = video_list[this.vIndex].id;
+          this.video_slug = video_list[this.vIndex].slug;
+          this.lookVideo();
+          /// this.videoComments()
-      },
-      getPlayTime() {
-        clearInterval(playTimeInterval)
-        let that = this
-        playTimeInterval = setInterval(function () {
-          that.playTime = parseInt(myPlayer.currentTime())
-          if (Math.floor(that.playTime / 10) > 0 && that.playTime % 10 == 0) {
-            that.lookRecord()
-            console.log(that.playTime, 'that.playTime')
-          }
-        }, 1000)
-      },
-      //定时发送视频播放记录
-      async lookRecord() {
-        let data = {
-          video_id: this.course_zhangjie[this.videoIndex].id,
-          //video_slug: this.video_slug,
-          watch_seconds: this.playTime,
-          is_watched: this.isWatch,
-          course_id: this.courseId,
+      } else {
+        //不是---视频索引+1播放下一条
+        console.log(" // //不是---视频索引+1播放下一条");
+        this.vIndex = this.vIndex + 1;
+        let video_list = this.directory[this.cIndex].children;
+        console.log(video_list, "video_list");
+        this.isLearn = this.videoId = video_list[this.vIndex].id;
+        this.video_slug = video_list[this.vIndex].slug;
+        console.log(this.videoId, "this.videoId");
+        this.lookVideo();
+        //  this.videoComments()
+      }
+    },
+    getPlayTime() {
+      clearInterval(playTimeInterval);
+      let that = this;
+      playTimeInterval = setInterval(function () {
+        that.playTime = parseInt(myPlayer.currentTime());
+        if (Math.floor(that.playTime / 10) > 0 && that.playTime % 10 == 0) {
+          that.lookRecord();
+          console.log(that.playTime, "that.playTime");
-        const { message } = await lookRecord(data)
-        console.log(message, 'ooooooooo')
-      },
-      //获取课程详情章节列表和视频列表
-      async getCourseDetail() {
-        const { data } = await videoList({course_id:this.courseId})
-        console.log(data)
-        // this.course_zhangjie = data.data
-        // if (this.videoId) {
-        //   this.isLearn = this.videoId
-        //   //this.isLearn = this.video_slug
-        //   let route = this.$route
-        //   this.vIndex = route.query.v_index
-        //   this.cIndex = route.query.c_index
-        // } else {
-        //   console.log(data, 'YYYYY YYY')
-        //   this.isLearn = this.videoId = data.directory[0].children[0].id
-        //   //this.isLearn = this.video_slug = data.directory[0].children[0].slug
-        //   this.videoList = this.directory[0].children
-        // }
+      }, 1000);
+    },
+    //定时发送视频播放记录
+    async lookRecord() {
+      let data = {
+        video_id: this.course_zhangjie[this.videoIndex].id,
+        //video_slug: this.video_slug,
+        watch_seconds: this.playTime,
+        is_watched: this.isWatch,
+        course_id: this.courseId,
+      };
+      const { message } = await lookRecord(data);
+      console.log(message, "ooooooooo");
+    },
+    //获取课程详情章节列表和视频列表
+    async getCourseDetail() {
+      const { data } = await videoList({ course_id: this.courseId });
+      console.log(data);
+      // this.course_zhangjie = data.data
+      // if (this.videoId) {
+      //   this.isLearn = this.videoId
+      //   //this.isLearn = this.video_slug
+      //   let route = this.$route
+      //   this.vIndex = route.query.v_index
+      //   this.cIndex = route.query.c_index
+      // } else {
+      //   console.log(data, 'YYYYY YYY')
+      //   this.isLearn = this.videoId = data.directory[0].children[0].id
+      //   //this.isLearn = this.video_slug = data.directory[0].children[0].slug
+      //   this.videoList = this.directory[0].children
+      // }
-        //   this.videoComments()
-        console.log(data.directory, '课程详情')
-      },
-      //选择需要播放的视频
-      async clickVideo(item, vIndex, cIndex) {
-        this.vIndex = vIndex
-        this.cIndex = cIndex
-        clearInterval(playTimeInterval)
-        console.log(vIndex, 'vIndex, cIndex')
-        console.log(cIndex, 'vIndex, cIndex')
-        this.nextVideo = false
-        this.isWatch = 0
-        console.log(item, '点击时间点')
-        this.isLearn = item.id
-        this.videoTitle = item.title
-        this.videoId = item.id
-        this.video_slug = item.slug
-        this.playTime = 0
-        this.lookVideo()
-        //  this.videoComments()
-      },
-      async lookVideo() {
-        var oldTracks = myPlayer.remoteTextTracks()
-        var i = oldTracks.length
-        while (i--) {
-          myPlayer.removeRemoteTextTrack(oldTracks[i])
-        }
-        // const { data } = await videoDetail({ id: this.videoId })
-        // const { data } = await videoDetail(this.video_slug)
-        console.log(this.video_slug, 'this.video_slug')
-        // this.videoTitle = data.video.title
-        console.log(this.course_zhangjie)
-        myPlayer.src(this.course_zhangjie[this.videoIndex].children[0].url_resource.url)
+      //   this.videoComments()
+      console.log(data.directory, "课程详情");
+    },
+    //选择需要播放的视频
+    async clickVideo(item, vIndex, cIndex) {
+      this.vIndex = vIndex;
+      this.cIndex = cIndex;
+      clearInterval(playTimeInterval);
+      console.log(vIndex, "vIndex, cIndex");
+      console.log(cIndex, "vIndex, cIndex");
+      this.nextVideo = false;
+      this.isWatch = 0;
+      console.log(item, "点击时间点");
+      this.isLearn = item.id;
+      this.videoTitle = item.title;
+      this.videoId = item.id;
+      this.video_slug = item.slug;
+      this.playTime = 0;
+      this.lookVideo();
+      //  this.videoComments()
+    },
+    async lookVideo() {
+      var oldTracks = myPlayer.remoteTextTracks();
+      var i = oldTracks.length;
+      while (i--) {
+        myPlayer.removeRemoteTextTrack(oldTracks[i]);
+      }
+      // const { data } = await videoDetail({ id: this.videoId })
+      // const { data } = await videoDetail(this.video_slug)
+      console.log(this.video_slug, "this.video_slug");
+      // this.videoTitle = data.video.title
+      console.log(this.course_zhangjie);
+      myPlayer.src(
+        this.course_zhangjie[this.videoIndex].children[0].url_resource.url
+      );
-        this.attaches = data.attaches
-        this.videoDescription = data.video.description
-        this.loading = false
-        this.ban_drag = data.video.ban_drag
-        let enurl = data.video.subtitle_en_path_resource.url
-        let url = data.video.subtitle_zh_path_resource.url
-        var zhurl = {
-          kind: 'subtitles',
-          label: '中文简体',
-          src: url,
-          default: 'true',
-        }
-        //https://platform.site.ximengnaikang.com/storage/course_video/hKy5X404wDrRAuAS8gZxfZIDbx6sFkAW.webvtt
-        // this.enUrl = data.video.subtitle_en_path_resource
-        myPlayer.addRemoteTextTrack(zhurl, true)
-        console.log(myPlayer, 'myPlayer')
-        console.log(data.video.subtitle_zh_path_resource, 'myPlayer')
-        if (enurl) {
-          var enUrl = {
-            kind: 'subtitles',
-            label: 'English',
-            src: enurl,
-            default: 'true',
-          }
-          myPlayer.addRemoteTextTrack(enUrl, true)
-        }
+      this.attaches = data.attaches;
+      this.videoDescription = data.video.description;
+      this.loading = false;
+      this.ban_drag = data.video.ban_drag;
+      let enurl = data.video.subtitle_en_path_resource.url;
+      let url = data.video.subtitle_zh_path_resource.url;
+      var zhurl = {
+        kind: "subtitles",
+        label: "中文简体",
+        src: url,
+        default: "true",
+      };
+      //https://platform.site.ximengnaikang.com/storage/course_video/hKy5X404wDrRAuAS8gZxfZIDbx6sFkAW.webvtt
+      // this.enUrl = data.video.subtitle_en_path_resource
+      myPlayer.addRemoteTextTrack(zhurl, true);
+      console.log(myPlayer, "myPlayer");
+      console.log(data.video.subtitle_zh_path_resource, "myPlayer");
+      if (enurl) {
+        var enUrl = {
+          kind: "subtitles",
+          label: "English",
+          src: enurl,
+          default: "true",
+        };
+        myPlayer.addRemoteTextTrack(enUrl, true);
+      }
-        console.log(data.video.subtitle_en_path_resource, '视频详情')
-      },
+      console.log(data.video.subtitle_en_path_resource, "视频详情");
+    },
-      change(e) {
-        this.index = e
-      },
-      change_nav() {
-        this.isNav = !this.isNav
-      },
-      back() {
-        // this.$router.go(-1)
-        this.$router.push({
-          path: 'courseDetail',
-          query: {
-            slug: this.course_slug,
-            id: this.courseId,
-          },
-        })
-      },
+    change(e) {
+      this.index = e;
-  }
+    change_nav() {
+      this.isNav = !this.isNav;
+    },
+    back() {
+      // this.$router.go(-1)
+      this.$router.push({
+        path: "courseDetail",
+        query: {
+          slug: this.course_slug,
+          id: this.courseId,
+        },
+      });
+    },
+  },
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