mead преди 2 месеца
променени са 3 файла, в които са добавени 614 реда и са изтрити 54 реда
  1. 263 54
  2. 200 0
  3. 151 0

+ 263 - 54

@@ -69,91 +69,300 @@ class InitCourseCommand extends Command
     public function handle()
+//        $data = [
+//            //推拿
+//            [
+//                'url' => 'tuina',
+//                'lang' => 'zh_CN',
+//                'course_id' => 0,
+//                'is_close_chapter' => 1,
+//                'title' => '推拿',
+//            ],
+//            [
+//                'url' => 'tuina',
+//                'lang' => 'en',
+//                'course_id' => 0,
+//                'is_close_chapter' => 1,
+//                'title' => 'Tuina',
+//            ],
+//            //中医诊断
+//            [
+//                'url' => 'zhenduanxue',
+//                'lang' => 'zh_CN',
+//                'course_id' => 0,
+//                'is_close_chapter' => 0,
+//                'title' => '中医诊断学',
+//            ],
+//            [
+//                'url' => 'zhenduanxue',
+//                'lang' => 'en',
+//                'course_id' => 0,
+//                'is_close_chapter' => 0,
+//                'title' => 'TCM Diagnostic ',
+//            ],
+//            //针灸学
+//            [
+//                'url' => 'zhenjiuxue',
+//                'lang' => 'zh_CN',
+//                'course_id' => 0,
+//                'is_close_chapter' => 0,
+//                'title' => '针灸临床学',
+//            ],
+//            [
+//                'url' => 'zhenjiuxue',
+//                'lang' => 'en',
+//                'course_id' => 0,
+//                'is_close_chapter' => 1,
+//                'title' => 'Clinical Acupuncture',
+//            ],
+//            //中药鉴定
+//            [
+//                'url' => 'zhongyaojianding',
+//                'lang' => 'zh_CN',
+//                'course_id' => 0,
+//                'is_close_chapter' => 0,
+//                'title' => '中药鉴定',
+//            ],
+//            [
+//                'url' => 'zhongyaojianding',
+//                'lang' => 'en',
+//                'course_id' => 0,
+//                'is_close_chapter' => 0,
+//                'title' => 'Herbal medicine identification',
+//            ],
+//            //中医基础理论
+//            [
+//                'url' => 'zhongji-zh',
+//                'lang' => 'zh_CN',
+//                'course_id' => 1,
+//                'is_close_chapter' => 0,
+//                'title' => '',
+//            ],
+//            [
+//                'url' => 'zhongji-en',
+//                'lang' => 'en',
+//                'course_id' => 2,
+//                'is_close_chapter' => 0,
+//                'title' => '',
+//            ],
+//        ];
         $data = [
-                'url' => 'tuina',
+                'url' => 'youjihuaxueshuangyu',
                 'lang' => 'zh_CN',
                 'course_id' => 0,
                 'is_close_chapter' => 1,
-                'title' => '推拿',
+                'title' => '有机化学双语',
-                'url' => 'tuina',
+                'url' => 'youjihuaxueshuangyu',
                 'lang' => 'en',
                 'course_id' => 0,
                 'is_close_chapter' => 1,
-                'title' => 'Tuina',
+                'title' => '有机化学双语',
-                'url' => 'zhenduanxue',
-                'lang' => 'zh_CN',
-                'course_id' => 0,
-                'is_close_chapter' => 0,
-                'title' => '中医诊断学',
-            ],
-            [
-                'url' => 'zhenduanxue',
-                'lang' => 'en',
-                'course_id' => 0,
-                'is_close_chapter' => 0,
-                'title' => 'TCM Diagnostic ',
-            ],
-            //针灸学
-            [
-                'url' => 'zhenjiuxue',
+                'url' => 'zhongyiwenhua-jingluoshuxuanxue',
                 'lang' => 'zh_CN',
                 'course_id' => 0,
                 'is_close_chapter' => 0,
-                'title' => '针灸临床学',
+                'title' => '中医文化《经络腧穴学》',
-                'url' => 'zhenjiuxue',
+                'url' => 'zhongyiwenhua-jingluoshuxuanxue',
                 'lang' => 'en',
                 'course_id' => 0,
-                'is_close_chapter' => 1,
-                'title' => 'Clinical Acupuncture',
-            ],
-            //中药鉴定
-            [
-                'url' => 'zhongyaojianding',
-                'lang' => 'zh_CN',
-                'course_id' => 0,
-                'is_close_chapter' => 0,
-                'title' => '中药鉴定',
-            ],
-            [
-                'url' => 'zhongyaojianding',
-                'lang' => 'en',
-                'course_id' => 0,
-                'is_close_chapter' => 0,
-                'title' => 'Herbal medicine identification',
-            ],
-            //中医基础理论
-            [
-                'url' => 'zhongji-zh',
-                'lang' => 'zh_CN',
-                'course_id' => 1,
                 'is_close_chapter' => 0,
-                'title' => '',
-            ],
-            [
-                'url' => 'zhongji-en',
-                'lang' => 'en',
-                'course_id' => 2,
-                'is_close_chapter' => 0,
-                'title' => '',
+                'title' => '中医文化《经络腧穴学》 ',
         foreach ($data as $da) {
-            $this->loadFiles($da['url'], $da['lang'], $da['course_id'], $da['is_close_chapter'], $da['title']);
+//            $this->loadLocalFiles($da['url'], $da['lang'], $da['course_id'], $da['is_close_chapter'], $da['title']);
+//            $this->loadLocalFiles('/Users/mead/Downloads/2024-12-16 中马上传视频', $da['url'], $da['lang'], $da['course_id'], $da['is_close_chapter'], $da['title']);
+            $this->readJson('/Users/mead/Downloads/2024-12-16 中马上传视频', $da['url'], $da['lang'], $da['course_id'], $da['is_close_chapter'], $da['title']);
+    public function loadLocalFiles($localPath, $url_path, $lang, $course_id, $is_close_chapter, $title)
+    {
+        $base_lang = $lang;
+        $base_url = '' . $url_path;
+        $base_course_id = $course_id;
+        $videos = [];
+        $sections = [];
+        $i = 0;
+        $files = [];
+        //读取文件
+        foreach (glob("{$localPath}/{$url_path}/*") as $file) {
+            $files[] = pathinfo($file);
+        }
+        //处理章节
+        foreach ($files as $file) {
+            $video = [
+                'section' => 0,
+                'video' => false,
+                'video_path' => false,
+                'srt' => false,
+            ];
+            if (array_key_exists('extension', $file)) {
+                $this->line($file['filename']);
+                switch (strtolower($file['extension'])) {
+                    case 'txt':
+                        $file_data = str2arr0($file['filename'], '-');
+                        $name = $file_data[1];
+                        if ($base_lang == 'en') $name = $file_data[2];
+                        $sections[$file_data[0]] = [
+                            'name' => $name,
+                            'en_name' => $file_data[2],
+                        ];
+                        break;
+                    case 'mp4':
+//                        $file_data = str2arr0($file['filename'], '-');
+//                        if (count($file_data) == 2) {
+//                            list($index, $name
+//                                ) = str2arr0($file['filename'], '-');
+//                            $s = str2arr0($index, '.');
+//                            $en_name = $name;
+//                        } else {
+//                            list($index, $name, $en_name) = str2arr0($file['filename'], '-');
+//                            $s = str2arr0($index, '.');
+//                            if ($base_lang == 'en') $name = $en_name;
+//                        }
+                        $name = $file['filename'];
+                        $s[0] = 'Videos';
+                        $videos[$s[0]][] = [
+                            'section' => $s[0],
+                            'name' => $name,
+                            'en_name' => $name,
+                            'path' => "{$base_url}/" . $file['filename'] . '.mp4',
+                            'srt' => false
+                        ];
+                        break;
+                    case 'srt':
+                        break;
+                }
+            } else {
+                $file_data = str2arr0($file['filename'], '-');
+                $name = $file_data[1];
+                if (count($file_data) == 2) {
+                    $sections[$file_data[0]] = [
+                        'name' => $name,
+                        'en_name' => $file_data[1],
+                    ];
+                } else {
+                    if ($base_lang == 'en') $name = $file_data[2];
+                    $sections[$file_data[0]] = [
+                        'name' => $name,
+                        'en_name' => $file_data[2],
+                    ];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        file_put_contents(base_path('data/' . $url_path . '.json'), json_encode($videos, true));
+        return;
+    }
+    public function readJson($localPath, $url_path, $lang, $course_id, $is_close_chapter, $title)
+    {
+        $base_lang = $lang;
+        $base_course_id = $course_id;
+        $videos = [];
+        $data = file_get_contents(base_path('data/' . $url_path . '.json'));
+        $data = json_decode($data, true);
+        $videos = $data;
+        //保存数据
+        if ($base_course_id) {
+            $course = Course::query()->find($base_course_id);
+        } else {
+            $course = Course::query()->create([
+                'title' => $title,
+                'language' => $base_lang,
+                'admin_id' => 1,
+                'status' => 1,
+                'slug' => Str::random(8),
+                'published_at' => Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(),
+            ]);
+        }
+        Chapter::query()->where('course_id', $course->id)->delete();
+        Video::query()->where('course_id', $course->id)->delete();
+        DB::beginTransaction();
+        try {
+            foreach ($videos as $s => $vs) {
+                $section['name'] = $s;
+                $chapter = Chapter::query()->updateOrCreate([
+                    'course_id' => $course->id,
+                    'title' => $section['name'],
+                    'language' => $base_lang,
+                ], [
+                    'status' => ModelStatusEnum::OK
+                ]);
+                foreach ($vs as $video) {
+                    $resource = Resource::query()->updateOrCreate([
+                        'name' => $video['name'],
+                        'original_name' => $video['name'],
+                        'path' => $video['path'],
+                    ], [
+                        'disk' => 'qiniu',
+                        'url' => $video['path'],
+                        'size' => 0,
+                        'language' => $base_lang,
+                        'status' => ModelStatusEnum::OK,
+                    ]);
+                    $subtitle_resource = null;
+                    if ($video['srt']) {
+                        $subtitle_resource = Resource::query()->updateOrCreate([
+                            'path' => $video['srt']['path'],
+                        ], [
+                            'name' => Str::random(8) . '.srt',
+                            'original_name' => $video['srt']['name'],
+                            'disk' => 'public',
+                            'url' => $video['srt']['path'],
+                            'size' => 0,
+                            'language' => $base_lang,
+                            'status' => ModelStatusEnum::OK,
+                        ]);
+                    }
+                    Video::query()->updateOrCreate([
+                        'course_id' => $course->id,
+                        'course_chapter_id' => $chapter->id,
+                        'title' => $video['name'],
+                    ], [
+                        'slug' => Str::random(),
+                        'language' => $base_lang,
+                        'url' => $resource->id,
+                        'published_at' => Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(),
+                        'subtitle_zh_path' => $subtitle_resource ? $subtitle_resource->id : '',
+                        'subtitle_en_path' => $subtitle_resource ? $subtitle_resource->id : '',
+                        'status' => ModelStatusEnum::OK
+                    ]);
+                }
+            }
+            DB::commit();
+        } catch (\Exception $exception) {
+            DB::rollBack();
+            dd($exception);
+        }
+    }
     public function loadFiles($url_path, $lang, $course_id, $is_close_chapter, $title)
         $base_lang = $lang;

+ 200 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+    "Videos": [
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "1-3 Based on Nomenclature 1",
+            "en_name": "1-3 Based on Nomenclature 1",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/1-3 Based on Nomenclature 1.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "1-3 Based on Nomenclature 2",
+            "en_name": "1-3 Based on Nomenclature 2",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/1-3 Based on Nomenclature 2.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "10 Alcohols, Ethers, and Phenols 1",
+            "en_name": "10 Alcohols, Ethers, and Phenols 1",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/10 Alcohols, Ethers, and Phenols 1.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "10 Alcohols, Ethers, and Phenols 2",
+            "en_name": "10 Alcohols, Ethers, and Phenols 2",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/10 Alcohols, Ethers, and Phenols 2.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "10 Alcohols, Ethers, and Phenols 3",
+            "en_name": "10 Alcohols, Ethers, and Phenols 3",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/10 Alcohols, Ethers, and Phenols 3.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "11 Aldehydes and Ketones 1",
+            "en_name": "11 Aldehydes and Ketones 1",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/11 Aldehydes and Ketones 1.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "11 Aldehydes and Ketones 2",
+            "en_name": "11 Aldehydes and Ketones 2",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/11 Aldehydes and Ketones 2.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "11 Aldehydes and Ketones 3",
+            "en_name": "11 Aldehydes and Ketones 3",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/11 Aldehydes and Ketones 3.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "11 Aldehydes and Ketones 4",
+            "en_name": "11 Aldehydes and Ketones 4",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/11 Aldehydes and Ketones 4.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "11 Aldehydes and Ketones 5",
+            "en_name": "11 Aldehydes and Ketones 5",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/11 Aldehydes and Ketones 5.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "11 Aldehydes and Ketones 6",
+            "en_name": "11 Aldehydes and Ketones 6",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/11 Aldehydes and Ketones 6.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "11 Aldehydes and Ketones 7",
+            "en_name": "11 Aldehydes and Ketones 7",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/11 Aldehydes and Ketones 7.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "12 Carboxylic Acid and Derivatives 1",
+            "en_name": "12 Carboxylic Acid and Derivatives 1",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/12 Carboxylic Acid and Derivatives 1.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "12 Carboxylic Acid and Derivatives 2",
+            "en_name": "12 Carboxylic Acid and Derivatives 2",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/12 Carboxylic Acid and Derivatives 2.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "12 Carboxylic Acid and Derivatives 3",
+            "en_name": "12 Carboxylic Acid and Derivatives 3",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/12 Carboxylic Acid and Derivatives 3.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "12 Carboxylic Acid and Derivatives 4",
+            "en_name": "12 Carboxylic Acid and Derivatives 4",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/12 Carboxylic Acid and Derivatives 4.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "3 Alkanes 1",
+            "en_name": "3 Alkanes 1",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/3 Alkanes 1.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "4 Alkanes 1",
+            "en_name": "4 Alkanes 1",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/4 Alkanes 1.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "4 Alkanes 2",
+            "en_name": "4 Alkanes 2",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/4 Alkanes 2.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "4 Alkanes 3",
+            "en_name": "4 Alkanes 3",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/4 Alkanes 3.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "4 Alkanes 4",
+            "en_name": "4 Alkanes 4",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/4 Alkanes 4.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "6 Acyclic Hydrocarbon",
+            "en_name": "6 Acyclic Hydrocarbon",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/6 Acyclic Hydrocarbon.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "7 Aromatic Hydrocarbon1",
+            "en_name": "7 Aromatic Hydrocarbon1",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/7 Aromatic Hydrocarbon1.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "7 Aromatic Hydrocarbon2",
+            "en_name": "7 Aromatic Hydrocarbon2",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/7 Aromatic Hydrocarbon2.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "7 Aromatic Hydrocarbon3",
+            "en_name": "7 Aromatic Hydrocarbon3",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/7 Aromatic Hydrocarbon3.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "8 Stereochemistry 1",
+            "en_name": "8 Stereochemistry 1",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/8 Stereochemistry 1.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "8 Stereochemistry 2",
+            "en_name": "8 Stereochemistry 2",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/8 Stereochemistry 2.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "8 Stereochemistry 3",
+            "en_name": "8 Stereochemistry 3",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/youjihuaxueshuangyu\/8 Stereochemistry 3.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        }
+    ]

+ 151 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+    "Videos": [
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "0-1\u7ecf\u5916\u5947\u7a74",
+            "en_name": "0-1\u7ecf\u5916\u5947\u7a74",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/zhongyiwenhua-jingluoshuxuanxue\/0-1\u7ecf\u5916\u5947\u7a74.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "0-2\u7ecf\u7edc\u8167\u7a74\u603b\u8bba",
+            "en_name": "0-2\u7ecf\u7edc\u8167\u7a74\u603b\u8bba",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/zhongyiwenhua-jingluoshuxuanxue\/0-2\u7ecf\u7edc\u8167\u7a74\u603b\u8bba.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "0-3\u8167\u7a74\u603b\u8bba1",
+            "en_name": "0-3\u8167\u7a74\u603b\u8bba1",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/zhongyiwenhua-jingluoshuxuanxue\/0-3\u8167\u7a74\u603b\u8bba1.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "0-3\u8167\u7a74\u603b\u8bba2",
+            "en_name": "0-3\u8167\u7a74\u603b\u8bba2",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/zhongyiwenhua-jingluoshuxuanxue\/0-3\u8167\u7a74\u603b\u8bba2.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "0-3\u8167\u7a74\u603b\u8bba3",
+            "en_name": "0-3\u8167\u7a74\u603b\u8bba3",
+            "path": "http:\/\/\/zhongyiwenhua-jingluoshuxuanxue\/0-3\u8167\u7a74\u603b\u8bba3.mp4",
+            "srt": false
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+        {
+            "section": "Videos",
+            "name": "1-\u624b\u592a\u9634\u80ba\u7ecf\u53ca\u5176\u8167\u7a74",
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+            "path": "http:\/\/\/zhongyiwenhua-jingluoshuxuanxue\/1-\u624b\u592a\u9634\u80ba\u7ecf\u53ca\u5176\u8167\u7a74.mp4",
+            "srt": false
+        },
+        {
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