* * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace App\Repositories\Enums\School; use Jiannei\Enum\Laravel\Contracts\LocalizedEnumContract; use Jiannei\Enum\Laravel\Enum; final class LessonScheduleApproveStatusEnum extends Enum implements LocalizedEnumContract { //申请关闭 const CLOSE = 0; //等待审批 const WAIT = 1; //院系审核成功 const YX_OK = 2; //院系审核失败 const YX_ERROR = 3; //实验中心审核成功 const SYZX_OK = 4; //实验中心审核失败 const STZX_ERROR = 5; //完成 const COMPLETE = 6; //操作失败 const OPERATION_ERROR = 7; }