123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210 |
- <?php
- /*
- * This file is part of ibrand/laravel-sms.
- *
- * (c) iBrand <https://www.ibrand.cc>
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- namespace iBrand\Sms\Test;
- use DB;
- use iBrand\Sms\Sms as SmsClass;
- use iBrand\Sms\Storage\CacheStorage;
- use Overtrue\EasySms\EasySms;
- use Overtrue\EasySms\Gateways\YuntongxunGateway;
- use Overtrue\EasySms\PhoneNumber;
- use Overtrue\EasySms\Support\Config;
- use Sms;
- trait SmsTestTrait
- {
- public function testStorage()
- {
- Sms::setStorage(new CacheStorage());
- $storage = Sms::getStorage();
- $this->assertEquals(CacheStorage::class, get_class($storage));
- }
- /**
- * Test key.
- */
- public function testKey()
- {
- $key = md5('ibrand.sms.18988888888');
- Sms::setKey('18988888888');
- $this->assertEquals($key, Sms::getKey());
- }
- /**
- * Test send method.
- */
- public function testSend()
- {
- //1. test send.
- $result = Sms::send('18988888888');
- $this->assertTrue($result);
- //2. test need create new code.
- $result = Sms::send('18988888888');
- $this->assertTrue($result);
- //3. test use old code.
- $this->app['config']->set('ibrand.sms.code.maxAttempts', 1);
- $result = Sms::send('18988888888');
- $this->assertTrue($result);
- }
- /**
- * Test canSend method.
- */
- public function testCanSend()
- {
- $result = Sms::canSend('18999999999');
- $this->assertTrue($result);
- Sms::send('18999999999');
- $result = Sms::canSend('18999999999');
- $this->assertFalse($result);
- }
- /**
- * Test checkCode method.
- */
- public function testCheckCode()
- {
- Sms::send('1897777777');
- $code = Sms::getCodeFromStorage();
- $result = Sms::checkCode('1897777777', $code->code);
- $this->assertTrue($result);
- Sms::send('1897777776');
- $code = Sms::getCodeFromStorage();
- $result = Sms::checkCode('1897777776', '12345');
- $this->assertFalse($result);
- }
- public function testBadGateway()
- {
- //1. test does not exist gateway.
- $storage = config('ibrand.sms.storage', CacheStorage::class);
- $this->app['config']->set('ibrand.sms.easy_sms.default.gateways', ['bad_gateway']);
- $sms = new SmsClass(new EasySms(config('ibrand.sms.easy_sms')), new $storage());
- $result = $sms->send('18988888888');
- $this->assertFalse($result);
- }
- public function testSendUseDbLog()
- {
- $this->app['config']->set('ibrand.sms.dblog', true);
- $result = Sms::send('18988888888');
- $this->assertTrue($result);
- //check database
- $result = DB::table('laravel_sms_log')->where('mobile', '18988888888')->first();
- $this->assertNotNull($result);
- $this->assertEquals('18988888888', $result->mobile);
- $this->assertEquals(1, $result->is_sent);
- }
- public function testSendByUserDefined()
- {
- $data = [
- 'content' => '【your app signature】亲爱的用户,您的验证码是%s。有效期为%s分钟,请尽快验证。',
- 'template' => 'SMS_802xxx',
- 'data' => [
- 'code' => mt_rand(10000, 99999),
- ],
- ];
- $result = Sms::send('18988888888', $data);
- $this->assertTrue($result);
- $gateways = ['xxx'];
- $result = Sms::send('18988888888', $data, $gateways);
- $this->assertFalse($result);
- $gateways = ['errorlog'];
- $result = Sms::send('18988888888', $data, $gateways);
- $this->assertTrue($result);
- }
- public function testYunTongXun()
- {
- $yuntongxun = [
- 'is_sub_account' => false,
- 'account_sid' => 'mock-account-sid',
- 'account_token' => 'mock-account-token',
- 'app_id' => 'mock-app-id',
- ];
- $gateways = config('ibrand.sms.easy_sms.gateways');
- $gateways = array_merge($gateways, ['yuntongxun' => $yuntongxun]);
- config(['ibrand.sms.easy_sms.gateways' => $gateways]);
- $storage = config('ibrand.sms.storage', CacheStorage::class);
- $storage = new $storage();
- $easySms = new EasySms(config('ibrand.sms.easy_sms'));
- $sms = new SmsClass($easySms, $storage);
- $code = $sms->getNewCode('18188888888');
- $config = [
- 'debug' => false,
- 'is_sub_account' => false,
- 'account_sid' => 'mock-account-sid',
- 'account_token' => 'mock-account-token',
- 'app_id' => 'mock-app-id',
- ];
- $gateway = \Mockery::mock(YuntongxunGateway::class . '[request]', [$config])->shouldAllowMockingProtectedMethods();
- $gateway->shouldReceive('request')->with(
- 'post',
- \Mockery::on(function ($api) {
- return 0 === strpos($api, 'https://app.cloopen.com:8883/2013-12-26/Accounts/mock-account-sid/SMS/TemplateSMS?sig=');
- }),
- \Mockery::on(function ($params) use ($code) {
- return $params['json'] == [
- 'to' => '18188888888',
- 'templateId' => 5589,
- 'appId' => 'mock-app-id',
- 'datas' => [$code->code, 'mock-data-2'],
- ] && 'application/json' == $params['headers']['Accept']
- && 'application/json;charset=utf-8' == $params['headers']['Content-Type'];
- })
- )->andReturn([
- 'statusCode' => YuntongxunGateway::SUCCESS_CODE,
- ], [
- 'statusCode' => 100,
- ])->once();
- $config = new Config($config);
- $message = new CustomMessage($code->code);
- $this->assertSame([
- 'statusCode' => YuntongxunGateway::SUCCESS_CODE,
- ], $gateway->send(new PhoneNumber(18188888888), $message, $config));
- $smsMockery = \Mockery::mock(SmsClass::class . '[send]', [$easySms, $storage]);
- $smsMockery->shouldReceive('send')->with('18188888888', $message, ['yuntongxun'])->andReturn(
- true
- )->once();
- $result = $smsMockery->send('18188888888', $message, ['yuntongxun']);
- $this->assertTrue($result);
- }
- }