-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `ibrand_category`
-- ----------------------------
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CREATE TABLE `ibrand_category` (
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KEY `ibrand_category__lft__rgt_parent_id_index` (`_lft`,`_rgt`,`parent_id`)
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of ibrand_category
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('1', '男童专区', null, '2', '1', '0', '1', '/1/', null, null, '2017-05-11 11:30:20', '2017-09-22 13:07:52', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('2', '女童专区', null, '3', '1', '0', '1', '/2/', null, null, '2017-05-11 11:45:26', '2017-09-22 13:07:52', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('3', '男童T恤/衬衫', null, '0', '1', '1', '2', '/1/3/', null, null, '2017-05-11 11:46:11', '2018-05-16 15:57:36', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('4', '休闲裤', null, '0', '1', '1', '2', '/1/4/', null, null, '2017-05-11 11:46:36', '2017-09-22 13:07:52', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('5', '套装', null, '0', '1', '1', '2', '/1/5/', null, null, '2017-05-11 11:46:54', '2017-09-22 13:07:52', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('6', '女童T恤/衬衫', null, '0', '1', '2', '2', '/2/6/', null, null, '2017-05-11 11:47:11', '2018-05-16 15:57:46', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('7', '裙装', null, '0', '1', '2', '2', '/2/7/', null, null, '2017-05-11 11:47:21', '2017-09-22 13:07:52', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('8', '裤装', null, '0', '1', '2', '2', '/2/8/', null, null, '2017-05-11 11:47:58', '2017-09-22 13:07:52', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('9', '外套', null, '0', '1', '2', '2', '/2/9/', null, null, '2017-05-11 11:48:05', '2017-09-22 13:07:52', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('10', '促销专区', null, '999', '1', '0', '1', '/10/', null, null, '2017-05-11 11:48:49', '2019-01-23 11:28:02', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('11', '热卖专区', null, '1', '1', '0', '1', '/11/', null, null, '2017-05-11 11:49:00', '2017-09-22 13:07:52', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('12', '套装', null, '0', '1', '2', '2', '/2/12/', null, null, '2017-05-11 11:50:52', '2017-09-22 13:07:52', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('13', '5.11伞', null, '0', '1', '0', '1', '/13/', null, null, '2017-09-22 13:13:18', '2017-09-22 13:13:18', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('14', '玩具', null, '0', '1', '0', '1', '/14/', null, null, '2017-10-16 15:02:28', '2017-10-16 15:02:28', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('15', '亲子装', null, '0', '1', '0', '1', '/15/', null, null, '2018-05-15 15:51:10', '2018-05-15 15:51:10', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('16', '母女亲子装', null, '0', '1', '15', '2', '/15/16/', null, null, '2018-05-15 15:51:49', '2018-05-15 15:51:49', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('17', '一家三口亲子装', null, '0', '1', '15', '2', '/15/17/', null, null, '2018-05-15 15:52:05', '2018-05-15 15:52:05', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('18', '新品', null, '1', '1', '0', '1', '/18/', null, null, '2018-05-21 11:20:08', '2018-08-10 16:52:40', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('19', '5.22上新第一波', null, '2', '1', '18', '2', '/18/19/', null, null, '2018-05-21 11:21:21', '2018-08-10 16:52:49', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('20', '家居服', null, '0', '1', '0', '1', '/20/', null, null, '2018-05-21 13:56:40', '2018-05-21 13:56:40', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('21', '防晒服', null, '0', '1', '0', '1', '/21/', null, null, '2018-05-21 13:56:48', '2018-05-21 13:56:48', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('23', '春夏款', null, '0', '1', '20', '2', '/20/23/', null, null, '2018-05-21 14:56:13', '2018-05-21 14:56:13', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('24', '秋冬款', null, '0', '1', '20', '2', '/20/24/', null, null, '2018-05-21 14:56:29', '2018-05-21 14:56:29', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('25', '背心', null, '0', '1', '1', '2', '/1/25/', null, null, '2018-05-25 14:06:41', '2018-05-25 14:07:09', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('26', '5.28上新第二波', null, '3', '1', '18', '2', '/18/26/', null, null, '2018-05-31 16:52:18', '2018-08-10 16:53:18', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('27', '防蚊防晒', null, '0', '1', '41', '2', '/41/27/', null, null, '2018-06-05 15:43:20', '2018-06-11 10:55:10', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('28', '午睡毯', null, '0', '1', '32', '3', '/41/32/28/', null, null, '2018-06-05 15:43:55', '2018-06-11 12:34:13', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('29', '防蚊', null, '0', '1', '27', '3', '/41/27/29/', null, null, '2018-06-07 11:08:49', '2018-06-11 10:55:10', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('31', '防晒', null, '0', '1', '27', '3', '/41/27/31/', null, null, '2018-06-07 11:09:18', '2018-06-11 10:55:10', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('32', '居家收纳', null, '0', '1', '41', '2', '/41/32/', null, null, '2018-06-07 14:51:39', '2018-06-11 10:55:01', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('33', '上装', null, '0', '1', '0', '1', '/33/', null, null, '2018-06-08 11:43:05', '2018-06-08 11:43:05', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('34', 'T恤', null, '0', '1', '33', '2', '/33/34/', null, null, '2018-06-08 11:43:16', '2018-06-08 11:43:16', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('35', '背心', null, '0', '1', '33', '2', '/33/35/', null, null, '2018-06-08 11:43:26', '2018-06-08 11:43:26', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('36', '上装', null, '0', '1', '0', '1', '/36/', null, null, '2018-06-08 11:43:44', '2018-06-08 11:43:44', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('37', 'T恤', null, '0', '1', '36', '2', '/36/37/', null, null, '2018-06-08 11:44:07', '2018-06-08 11:44:07', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('38', '背心', null, '0', '1', '36', '2', '/36/38/', null, null, '2018-06-08 11:44:17', '2018-06-08 11:44:26', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('39', '连衣裙', null, '0', '1', '7', '3', '/2/7/39/', null, null, '2018-06-11 10:21:47', '2018-06-11 10:21:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('40', '短裙', null, '0', '1', '7', '3', '/2/7/40/', null, null, '2018-06-11 10:22:05', '2018-06-11 10:22:05', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('41', '夏季爆款', null, '0', '1', '0', '1', '/41/', null, null, '2018-06-11 10:53:19', '2018-09-03 14:36:21', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('42', '6.8上新第三波', null, '3', '1', '18', '2', '/18/42/', null, null, '2018-06-11 12:37:16', '2018-06-11 12:37:16', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('43', '2018秋新品', null, '4', '1', '18', '2', '/18/43/', null, null, '2018-08-10 16:50:45', '2018-08-10 16:53:03', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('44', '外套', null, '0', '1', '1', '2', '/1/44/', null, null, '2018-08-10 16:51:05', '2018-08-10 16:51:05', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('45', '儿童配饰', null, '0', '1', '0', '1', '/45/', null, null, '2018-08-16 16:12:35', '2018-09-19 11:08:30', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('46', '渔夫帽', null, '0', '1', '45', '2', '/45/46/', null, null, '2018-08-16 16:12:45', '2018-08-16 16:12:45', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('47', '棒球帽', null, '0', '1', '45', '2', '/45/47/', null, null, '2018-08-16 16:12:58', '2018-08-16 16:12:58', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('48', '童鞋', null, '0', '1', '0', '1', '/48/', null, null, '2018-09-03 14:36:34', '2018-09-03 14:36:34', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('49', '帆布鞋', null, '1', '1', '48', '2', '/48/49/', null, null, '2018-09-03 14:37:07', '2018-09-03 14:37:07', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('50', '儿童内裤', null, '0', '1', '0', '1', '/50/', null, null, '2018-09-04 19:40:41', '2018-09-04 19:40:41', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('51', '女童内裤', null, '0', '1', '50', '2', '/50/51/', null, null, '2018-09-04 19:41:06', '2018-09-04 19:41:06', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('52', '男童内裤', null, '0', '1', '50', '2', '/50/52/', null, null, '2018-09-04 19:41:29', '2018-09-04 19:41:29', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('53', '儿童袜子', null, '0', '1', '0', '1', '/53/', null, null, '2018-09-05 09:13:20', '2018-09-05 09:13:20', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('54', '女童打底裤', null, '0', '1', '8', '3', '/2/8/54/', null, null, '2018-09-11 17:01:33', '2018-09-11 17:01:33', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('55', '围巾', null, '0', '1', '45', '2', '/45/55/', null, null, '2018-09-18 10:23:32', '2018-09-19 11:07:08', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('56', '儿童包包', null, '0', '1', '45', '2', '/45/56/', null, null, '2018-09-18 10:47:59', '2018-09-19 11:08:16', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_category` VALUES ('57', '水杯', null, '0', '1', '0', '1', '/57/', null, null, '2018-09-18 13:10:43', '2018-09-18 13:10:43', null);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for ibrand_goods
-- ----------------------------
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-- ----------------------------
-- Records of ibrand_goods
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('2', '2017新款夏季韩版儿童纯棉公主裙', 'YLY142', '1', '2', '99.00', '99.00', '99.00', '199.00', '199.00', null, null, '265', '', '
此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '4', '0', '潮范', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2017-05-11 16:06:19', '2017-09-22 12:55:00', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('3', '女童短裤夏季2017新款纯白韩版破洞女短裤宝宝沙滩短裤薄款', 'YDK42', '1', '1', '99.00', '99.00', '99.00', '199.00', '199.00', null, null, '147', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '8', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2017-05-15 15:22:03', '2017-09-22 12:55:00', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('4', '女童短裤2017夏季新款儿童中腰牛裤短裤', 'YDK43', '1', '1', '120.00', '120.00', '120.00', '239.00', '239.00', null, null, '154', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '4', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2017-05-15 15:29:10', '2017-09-22 12:55:00', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('5', '2017新款韩版儿童网纱连衣裙 吊带裙公主裙', 'YLY100', '1', '2', '135.00', '135.00', '135.00', '269.00', '269.00', null, null, '109', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2017-05-15 15:36:23', '2017-09-22 12:55:00', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('6', '女童连衣裙夏季新款2017韩版儿童公主无袖裙', 'YLY130', '1', '2', '135.00', '135.00', '135.00', '269.00', '269.00', null, null, '245', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '0', '潮范,公主,可爱', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2017-05-15 15:45:37', '2017-09-22 12:55:00', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('7', '2017新款夏季撞色拼接绣花纱裙', 'YLY104', '1', '2', '85.00', '85.00', '85.00', '169.00', '169.00', null, null, '225', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '5', '0', '公主,可爱', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2017-05-15 16:00:54', '2017-09-22 12:55:00', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('8', '女童连衣裙夏季2017新款韩版卡通无袖公主连衣裙', 'YLY103', '1', '2', '135.00', '135.00', '135.00', '269.00', '269.00', null, null, '178', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '8', '0', '卡通,公主', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2017-05-15 16:07:30', '2017-09-22 12:55:00', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('9', '女童夏季连衣裙2017新款儿童韩版女宝宝吊带裙', 'YLY125', '1', '2', '135.00', '135.00', '135.00', '269.00', '269.00', null, null, '228', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '4', '0', '潮范,花边', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2017-05-15 16:13:34', '2017-09-22 12:55:00', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('10', '女童短裙套装2017夏季新品韩版无袖卡通蓬蓬纱裙两件套', 'YTZ114', '1', '2', '125.00', '125.00', '125.00', '249.00', '249.00', null, null, '212', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '5', '0', '套装,公主', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2017-05-15 16:41:51', '2017-09-22 12:55:00', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('11', '夏装2017新款儿童纯棉公主裙背心裙吊带裙', 'YLY108', '1', '2', '99.00', '99.00', '99.00', '199.00', '199.00', null, null, '500', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '11', '0', '运动,公主,可爱', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2017-05-15 16:52:45', '2017-09-22 12:55:00', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('12', '夏季2017新款韩版卡通印花无袖小童公主连衣裙', 'YLY116', '1', '2', '99.00', '99.00', '99.00', '199.00', '199.00', null, null, '183', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '0', '卡通,印花,公主', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2017-05-15 17:24:01', '2017-09-22 12:55:00', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('13', '5.11网红伞', '77000', '2', '4', '298.00', '298.00', '298.00', '298.00', '298.00', null, null, '95', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '8', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2017-09-22 13:26:08', '2018-08-14 16:43:20', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('14', '迪士尼球拍小学生双拍亲子互动小孩宝宝玩具3-12岁儿童羽毛球拍', 'SD21001', '3', '5', '28.00', '28.00', '28.00', '37.00', '37.00', null, null, '5', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '6', '0', '', '', '', '0', '1', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2017-10-16 15:09:03', '2018-03-30 08:08:07', null);
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', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '9', '0', '', '', '', '0', '1', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2017-10-18 22:52:47', '2017-10-18 22:52:47', null);
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', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '9', '0', '', '', '', '0', '1', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2017-10-18 22:57:27', '2017-10-18 22:57:27', null);
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', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '8', '0', '', '', '', '2', '1', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2017-10-18 22:59:15', '2018-09-10 15:26:44', null);
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', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '5', '0', '', '', '', '0', '1', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2017-10-18 23:04:10', '2017-10-18 23:04:10', null);
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', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '12', '0', '', '', '', '0', '1', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2017-10-18 23:11:32', '2018-05-07 17:11:12', null);
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', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '0', '', '', '', '2', '1', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2017-10-18 23:16:49', '2018-09-10 15:29:25', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('42', '2018 夏季新款韩版儿童T恤', '9315', '6', '3', '29.00', '29.00', '29.00', '39.00', '39.00', null, null, '93', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '11', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-15 11:29:26', '2018-08-14 16:43:20', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('43', '2018夏季新款男童短袖T恤', '9053', '6', '3', '28.00', '28.00', '28.00', '38.00', '38.00', null, null, '2398', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '4', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-15 11:58:44', '2018-08-14 16:43:20', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('44', '2018男童动物可爱卡通印花短袖T恤儿', '9076', '6', '3', '29.00', '29.00', '29.00', '39.00', '39.00', null, null, '939', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '11', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-15 12:21:58', '2018-08-14 16:43:20', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('45', '2018夏季儿童纯棉短袖T恤', '9061', '6', '3', '28.00', '28.00', '28.00', '38.00', '38.00', null, null, '476', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '13', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-15 14:23:36', '2018-08-14 16:43:19', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('46', '2018夏款儿童短袖T恤', '9099', '6', '3', '29.00', '29.00', '29.00', '39.00', '39.00', null, null, '10', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '10', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-15 14:41:16', '2018-08-14 16:43:19', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('47', '2017夏季新品中小童棉质短袖T恤条纹字母卡通亲子装', 'KS364', '7', '7', '28.00', '28.00', '28.00', '38.00', '38.00', null, null, '0', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '5', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-15 14:53:04', '2018-05-28 09:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('48', '2018夏季童装爱心印花纯棉中袖T恤一家三口亲子装', 'KS1702', '7', '7', '68.00', '98.00', '68.00', '146.00', '99.00', null, null, '1799', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '6', '0', '0', '23', '30', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-15 15:37:43', '2018-08-14 16:43:19', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('49', '2018夏季新款韩版女童潮范字母短袖T恤', 'KS1602', '7', '3', '69.00', '69.00', '69.00', '99.00', '99.00', null, null, '799', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '9', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-15 15:47:55', '2018-08-14 16:43:19', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('50', '2018夏季新款纯棉男女宝宝卡通香蕉短袖t恤韩版亲子装', 'KS1705', '7', '7', '69.00', '69.00', '89.00', '99.00', '99.00', null, null, '600', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '10', '0', '0', '17', '50', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-15 16:07:11', '2018-08-14 16:43:19', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('52', '2018夏款童装韩版 纯棉儿童短袖T恤', '9097', '6', '3', '29.00', '29.00', '29.00', '39.00', '39.00', null, null, '560', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '10', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-15 16:21:01', '2018-08-14 16:43:19', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('53', '2018夏季新款韩版儿童棉麻短裙中小童裙子', 'KS496', '7', '2', '89.00', '89.00', '89.00', '139.00', '139.00', null, null, '799', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '8', '0', '0', '29', '40', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-15 16:40:20', '2018-08-14 16:43:19', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('54', '新款韩版童装一家三口亲子装春夏字母短袖T恤', 'KS580', '7', '7', '59.00', '88.00', '59.00', '136.00', '90.00', null, null, '25', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-15 16:42:45', '2018-08-14 16:43:19', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('55', '2018夏季新款棉质独特可爱口袋中小童撞色荷叶边短裙', 'KS342', '7', '2', '89.00', '89.00', '89.00', '149.00', '149.00', null, null, '15', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '5', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-15 16:57:14', '2018-08-14 16:43:19', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('56', '2018夏款韩版女童连衣裙中小童拼色俏皮可爱休闲裙', 'KS1681', '7', '2', '99.00', '99.00', '99.00', '169.00', '169.00', null, null, '1', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '12', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-15 17:13:24', '2018-08-14 16:44:16', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('57', '2018夏季新款童装波点印花棉质内衬三层网纱童裙', 'KS448', '7', '2', '89.00', '89.00', '89.00', '139.00', '139.00', null, null, '50', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '11', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-15 17:26:20', '2018-08-14 16:44:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('58', '2018夏季家庭亲子装时尚圆领T恤', 'KS1794', '7', '7', '68.00', '98.00', '68.00', '146.00', '99.00', null, null, '1593', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '15', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-15 17:30:56', '2018-08-14 16:44:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('59', '新款韩版休闲百搭假两件裤裙', 'KS1637', '7', '2', '69.00', '69.00', '69.00', '119.00', '119.00', null, null, '499', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '4', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-15 17:41:25', '2018-08-14 16:44:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('60', '2018夏装新款纯棉韩版中小童背心裙纯色拼接荷叶边女童裙子', 'KS1717', '7', '2', '79.00', '79.00', '79.00', '129.00', '129.00', null, null, '19', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '10', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-15 17:51:34', '2018-08-14 16:44:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('61', '2018夏季新款全棉儿童套装字母印花一家三口亲子装', 'KS1612', '7', '7', '79.00', '129.00', '129.00', '199.00', '125.00', null, null, '320', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '12', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-15 17:58:37', '2018-08-14 16:44:53', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('62', '2018夏季童装新款韩版半身儿童公主裙子', 'KS1581', '7', '2', '79.00', '79.00', '79.00', '129.00', '129.00', null, null, '0', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '10', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-15 18:01:29', '2018-08-14 16:44:53', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('63', '2018夏季新款童装海魂衫字母条纹T恤韩版母女亲子装', 'KS1729', '7', '7', '69.00', '88.00', '69.00', '136.00', '99.00', null, null, '700', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '3', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-16 09:41:38', '2018-08-14 16:44:53', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('64', '2018夏季新款欧美童装儿童套装', '9700', '6', '3', '49.00', '49.00', '49.00', '79.00', '79.00', null, null, '165', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '3', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-16 09:50:24', '2018-08-14 16:44:53', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('65', '2018新款纯色全棉一家三口童装中袖T恤', 'KS1636', '7', '7', '49.00', '79.00', '79.00', '120.00', '75.00', null, null, '3200', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '3', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-16 09:53:33', '2018-08-14 16:44:53', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('66', '2018夏季新款韩版洗水加软麻料纯色系带装饰中小童短裤', 'Ks1694', '7', '1', '78.00', '78.00', '78.00', '118.00', '118.00', null, null, '300', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '9', '0', '0', '12', '45', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-16 10:08:51', '2018-08-14 16:44:53', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('67', '2018夏季新款母女装全棉宽松潮范童T恤套头衫', 'KS1677', '7', '7', '68.00', '79.00', '68.00', '125.00', '98.00', null, null, '0', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '8', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-16 10:12:03', '2018-08-14 16:44:53', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('68', '潮爆韩版连帽波点印花男女两件套装', 'KS1610', '7', '3', '139.00', '139.00', '139.00', '219.00', '219.00', null, null, '50', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '12', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-16 10:21:53', '2018-08-14 16:44:53', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('69', '2018夏季新款韩版全棉拼接贴布绣拼色中小童套装', 'KS670', '7', '3', '98.00', '98.00', '98.00', '158.00', '158.00', null, null, '600', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '12', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-16 10:38:51', '2018-08-14 16:44:53', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('70', '新款韩版中性百搭宽松五分裤', 'KS1707', '7', '1', '79.00', '79.00', '79.00', '129.00', '129.00', null, null, '80', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '3', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-16 11:37:01', '2018-08-14 16:44:53', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('72', '20178夏季新款韩版纯色猫须边斜插袋男女童高弹短裤', 'KS316', '7', '1', '78.00', '78.00', '78.00', '128.00', '128.00', null, null, '0', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-16 11:55:31', '2018-08-14 16:44:53', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('73', '2018夏季新款纯色高弹赛络纺棉质磨破弹力韩版小童儿童短裤', 'KS174', '7', '1', '88.00', '88.00', '88.00', '158.00', '158.00', null, null, '0', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '4', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-16 12:11:45', '2018-08-14 16:44:53', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('74', '2018夏季新款童装三色棉短裤韩版男女童百搭童裤', 'KS1591', '7', '1', '49.00', '49.00', '49.00', '79.00', '79.00', null, null, '60', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-16 13:21:41', '2018-08-14 16:44:53', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('75', '2018夏季新款洗水固色加软牛仔棉男女童中性潮范儿童短裤', 'KS1607', '7', '1', '78.00', '78.00', '78.00', '128.00', '128.00', null, null, '10', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '11', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-16 13:30:20', '2018-08-14 16:46:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('76', '2018韩版夏季新款童装潮范插袋猫须边中小童牛仔裤', 'KS666', '7', '1', '89.00', '89.00', '89.00', '139.00', '139.00', null, null, '400', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '9', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '1', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-16 13:39:59', '2018-08-14 16:46:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('77', '测试商品勿下单-暴暴', 'test', '6', '3', '9.00', '9.00', '9.00', '29.00', '29.00', null, null, '4', '', null, null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '3', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-16 14:33:59', '2018-05-19 17:11:52', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('78', '2018夏季新款中小童宝宝T恤男童纯棉文艺时尚休闲短袖', '8172101193', '10', '3', '58.00', '58.00', '58.00', '79.00', '79.00', null, null, '60', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '3', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-21 15:34:49', '2018-08-14 16:46:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('79', '2018夏季新款洗水加软毛边韩版中性牛仔短裤', 'KS1781', '7', '1', '88.00', '88.00', '88.00', '134.00', '134.00', null, null, '500', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '12', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-21 15:35:37', '2018-08-14 16:46:25', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('80', '2018新款韩版中小女童纯色宽松九分牛仔裤', 'KS1582', '7', '1', '98.00', '98.00', '98.00', '150.00', '150.00', null, null, '500', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '11', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-21 15:53:00', '2018-08-14 16:45:52', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('81', '2018韩版新款纯色打孔轻薄透气防晒服外套', '17189打孔佩奇', '9', '9', '69.00', '69.00', '69.00', '99.00', '99.00', null, null, '2000', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '11', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-21 15:54:33', '2018-08-14 16:45:52', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('82', '2018韩版新款纯色打孔轻薄透气防晒服外套', '17078', '9', '9', '68.00', '68.00', '68.00', '98.00', '98.00', null, null, '1000', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '11', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-21 16:04:42', '2018-08-14 16:45:52', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('83', '2018夏新款女童韩版童装潮流纯色无袖T恤', 'KS1710', '7', '3', '59.00', '59.00', '59.00', '90.00', '90.00', null, null, '1000', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '11', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-21 16:06:29', '2018-08-14 21:08:59', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('84', '韩系范糖果色儿童防晒服可变背包', '17180', '9', '9', '59.00', '59.00', '59.00', '118.00', '118.00', null, null, '1000', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '6', '0', '0', '11', '30', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-21 16:14:34', '2018-08-14 21:08:59', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('87', '2018夏季韩版一家三口亲子装纯棉短袖T恤', 'KS1773', '7', '7', '59.00', '88.00', '88.00', '136.00', '90.00', null, null, '1400', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-21 16:19:54', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('88', '2018韩版夏季韩版字母短袖T恤家庭亲子装', 'KS1782', '7', '7', '59.00', '89.00', '89.00', '145.00', '95.00', null, null, '1800', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '10', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-21 16:33:38', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('89', '2018夏季新童装5分超薄短袖男女儿童卡通纯棉家居服', 'un8ssiw061501', '8', '8', '98.00', '98.00', '98.00', '158.00', '158.00', null, null, '600', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '8', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-21 16:39:49', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('90', '2018夏季新款欧美风儿童纯棉T恤', '9092', '6', '3', '28.00', '28.00', '28.00', '38.00', '38.00', null, null, '12', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '8', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-21 16:49:43', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('91', '2018夏款进口男女童短袖5分超薄竹节棉空调房家居服套装', 'un8sssw020501', '8', '8', '88.00', '88.00', '88.00', '138.00', '138.00', null, null, '620', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
![\"1526893339277901.png\" \"2.png\"/](\"\")
![\"1526893349505883.png\" \"1.png\"/](\"\")
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '11', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-21 17:03:06', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('92', '韩版童装夏季新款宝宝短袖男童T恤', '9075', '6', '3', '28.00', '28.00', '28.00', '38.00', '38.00', null, null, '389', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '13', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-21 17:03:14', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('93', '2018夏季新品 男童欧美风五分裤', '6205', '6', '1', '38.00', '38.00', '38.00', '55.00', '55.00', null, null, '563', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '11', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-21 17:17:38', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('94', '2018夏季新品童装背心男女宝宝儿童纯棉内衣套装', 'un8sssw060601', '8', '8', '79.00', '79.00', '79.00', '129.00', '129.00', null, null, '240', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '8', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-21 17:20:46', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('95', '本比小熊2018夏季新款韩版全棉短袖舒适百搭', '8172100283', '10', '3', '59.00', '59.00', '59.00', '79.00', '79.00', null, null, '90', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '4', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-25 13:03:56', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('96', '本比小熊2018新款中小童卡通动物印花纯棉衬衫', '8182100133', '10', '3', '99.00', '99.00', '99.00', '145.00', '145.00', null, null, '75', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '12', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-25 13:12:50', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('97', '本比小熊2018夏季新品韩版童装宝宝夏装短裤薄款', '8182101293', '10', '1', '89.00', '89.00', '89.00', '135.00', '135.00', null, null, '100', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '8', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-25 13:46:09', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
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', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '11', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-25 14:00:05', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('99', '本比小熊新品童装无袖背心中小童宝宝棉布衫', '8182101323', '10', '3', '69.00', '69.00', '69.00', '105.00', '105.00', null, null, '200', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '7', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-25 14:18:24', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('100', '本比小熊夏季宝宝背心2018新款休闲百搭夏装潮衣', '18172100373', '10', '3', '49.00', '49.00', '49.00', '75.00', '75.00', null, null, '50', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '11', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-25 14:35:24', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('101', '本比小熊2018新品韩版童装宝宝运动休闲套装两件套', '8182101223', '10', '3', '119.00', '119.00', '119.00', '190.00', '190.00', null, null, '16', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '12', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-25 14:57:19', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('102', '本比小熊2018夏季新品韩版宝宝运动套装中小男童夏装两件套', '8182101533', '10', '3', '119.00', '119.00', '119.00', '190.00', '190.00', null, null, '35', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '5', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-25 15:13:58', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('103', '2018夏季新款中小童宝宝棉背心套装', '18182101233', '10', '3', '139.00', '139.00', '139.00', '219.00', '219.00', null, null, '90', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-28 15:36:29', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('104', '2018夏季新品韩版中小童短袖T恤', '18172100073', '10', '3', '78.00', '78.00', '78.00', '118.00', '118.00', null, null, '19', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-28 15:55:08', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('105', '2018夏季新款全棉儿童短裤', '18182101553', '10', '1', '119.00', '119.00', '119.00', '179.00', '179.00', null, null, '27', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-28 17:52:26', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('106', '2018夏季新款中小童短袖T恤半袖衫', '8172100553', '10', '3', '59.00', '59.00', '59.00', '79.00', '79.00', null, null, '55', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-28 18:03:05', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('107', '2018夏季新款中小童全棉T恤圆领短袖', '8172101393', '10', '3', '49.00', '49.00', '49.00', '75.00', '75.00', null, null, '75', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-05-28 18:11:36', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('108', 'KINCHO日本金鸟儿童孕婴天然花草防蚊手环', '54080/54081', '11', '11', '79.00', '79.00', '79.00', '119.00', '119.00', null, null, '200', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-06-05 16:26:04', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('109', '爆款ins婴儿萌萌兔子午睡毯宝宝空调毛线毯子', '201865', '12', '8', '89.00', '89.00', '89.00', '139.00', '139.00', null, null, '3000', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
本品材质为 纯棉,不是晴纶的,请注意区分。
ins火爆滴针织毛线毯子 空调房~出门推车
超可爱立体兔兔造型 幼儿园拉风小毯子
可以当挂毯 婴儿推车毯 婴儿床盖毯或床单 在户外可以当地毯
重要的是可以当拍照的背景毯哈 装饰婴儿房儿童房也是非常的美丽
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-06-05 17:27:17', '2018-08-14 16:41:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('110', '韩国进口 新款宝露露儿童西瓜防晒霜60ml啵乐乐防晒SPF45正品', '0040000010', '13', '11', '89.00', '89.00', '89.00', '149.00', '149.00', null, null, '50', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-06-05 18:03:14', '2018-08-14 21:08:59', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('111', 'Kocotree新款儿童夏季男女童太阳帽亲子空顶防晒帽', 'KQ15431', '14', '11', '39.00', '39.00', '39.00', '98.00', '98.00', null, null, '1280', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
', null, '0', '21', '0', '0', '0', '105', '', '', '', '2', '0', '0', '0', null, '{\"video\":{\"status\":\"0\",\"url\":\"\"}}', '2018-06-06 12:43:28', '2018-08-14 21:08:58', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('112', '儿童时尚户外防晒遮阳鸭舌帽空顶帽', 'MR369', '15', '11', '35.00', '35.00', '35.00', '68.00', '68.00', null, null, '700', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
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使用方法:涂于患处。有止痒、镇定、保湿的作用 。
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('156', '儿童秋款棉麻衬衫 韩板有领娃娃衫 森系女童棉麻衬衫', '739#', '23', '3', '78.00', '78.00', '78.00', '129.00', '129.00', null, null, '40', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('157', '儿童牛仔裤秋款 韩板洗水九分牛仔裤男女童款', '742', '23', '1', '88.00', '88.00', '88.00', '139.00', '139.00', null, null, '18', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods` VALUES ('161', '儿童水洗棒球帽子宝宝鸭舌帽遮阳运动帽子秋季', '0265', '23', '12', '33.00', '33.00', '33.00', '33.00', '33.00', null, null, '4', '', '此商品仅用于交易流程测试,不退款,不发货!不小心拍了商品,请联系 ibrandshjchen 退款!
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('17', '1', '面料工艺', '0', '0', '2018-05-15 09:57:59', '2018-05-15 10:21:14', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('27', '1', '主面料成分含量', '0', '0', '2018-05-15 10:12:35', '2018-06-08 14:47:16', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('29', '1', '套装件数', '0', '0', '2018-05-15 10:28:54', '2018-05-15 10:28:54', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('30', '1', '家居服类别', '0', '0', '2018-05-21 15:18:32', '2018-05-21 15:18:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('31', '1', '是否进口', '0', '0', '2018-06-05 15:45:11', '2018-06-05 15:45:11', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('34', '2', '进口口岸', '0', '0', '2018-06-05 15:46:20', '2018-06-05 15:46:20', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('35', '2', '形态', '0', '0', '2018-06-05 15:54:19', '2018-06-05 15:54:19', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('36', '2', '规格', '0', '0', '2018-06-05 15:54:29', '2018-06-05 15:54:29', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('37', '2', '报关单号', '0', '0', '2018-06-05 15:54:46', '2018-06-05 15:54:46', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('38', '2', '货物清关状态', '0', '0', '2018-06-05 15:56:28', '2018-06-05 15:56:28', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('39', '2', '适用肤质', '0', '0', '2018-06-05 17:45:47', '2018-06-05 17:45:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('40', '2', 'PA值', '0', '0', '2018-06-05 17:46:36', '2018-06-05 17:46:36', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('41', '2', '保质期', '0', '0', '2018-06-05 17:46:54', '2018-06-05 17:46:54', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('42', '2', '防晒指数', '0', '0', '2018-06-05 17:47:04', '2018-06-05 17:47:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('43', '2', '净含量', '0', '0', '2018-06-05 17:47:19', '2018-06-05 17:47:19', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('44', '2', '功效', '0', '0', '2018-06-05 17:47:41', '2018-06-05 17:47:41', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('45', '2', '防晒部位', '0', '0', '2018-06-05 17:48:03', '2018-06-05 17:48:03', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('46', '2', '编制方法', '0', '0', '2018-06-06 11:53:25', '2018-06-06 11:53:25', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('47', '2', '产品类别', '0', '0', '2018-06-06 11:53:47', '2018-06-06 11:53:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('48', '1', '鞋底材质', '0', '0', '2018-09-03 14:43:17', '2018-09-03 14:43:37', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('49', '1', '鞋帮高度', '0', '0', '2018-09-03 14:43:53', '2018-09-03 14:43:53', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('50', '1', '鞋帮高度', '0', '0', '2018-09-03 14:43:55', '2018-09-03 14:43:55', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('55', '1', '鞋底工艺', '0', '0', '2018-09-03 14:47:08', '2018-09-03 14:47:08', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute` VALUES ('56', '1', '内里材质', '0', '0', '2018-09-03 14:47:30', '2018-09-03 14:47:30', null);
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-- Table structure for ibrand_goods_attribute_relation
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-- Records of ibrand_goods_attribute_relation
-- ----------------------------
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('5', '2', '2', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('6', '2', '2', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('7', '2', '2', '5', '20', '纯棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('8', '2', '2', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('10', '2', '2', '9', '76', '无袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('11', '3', '1', '1', '2', '女', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('12', '3', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('13', '3', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('14', '3', '1', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('18', '4', '1', '1', '2', '女', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('19', '4', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('20', '4', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('21', '4', '1', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('22', '4', '1', '5', '20', '纯棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('23', '4', '1', '11', '63', '短裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('24', '4', '1', '13', '72', '中腰', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('26', '5', '2', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('27', '5', '2', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('28', '5', '2', '5', '20', '纯棉', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('32', '6', '2', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('33', '6', '2', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('35', '6', '2', '5', '20', '纯棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('36', '6', '2', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('37', '6', '2', '9', '76', '无袖', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('47', '8', '2', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('49', '8', '2', '5', '20', '纯棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('50', '8', '2', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('51', '8', '2', '9', '76', '无袖', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('55', '9', '2', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('56', '9', '2', '5', '20', '纯棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('57', '9', '2', '7', '39', '碎花', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('58', '9', '2', '9', '48', '吊带裙/背心裙', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('59', '9', '2', '10', '59', 'A字裙', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('60', '10', '2', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('61', '10', '2', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('62', '10', '2', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('63', '10', '2', '5', '30', '涤纶', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('64', '10', '2', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('65', '10', '2', '9', '76', '无袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('66', '10', '2', '10', '53', '蛋糕裙', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('68', '11', '2', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('69', '11', '2', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('70', '11', '2', '5', '20', '纯棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('71', '11', '2', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('72', '11', '2', '9', '48', '吊带裙/背心裙', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('73', '11', '2', '10', '61', '公主裙', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('74', '12', '2', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('75', '12', '2', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('76', '12', '2', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('77', '12', '2', '5', '20', '纯棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('78', '12', '2', '7', '38', '卡通动漫', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('79', '12', '2', '9', '52', '衬裙', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('80', '12', '2', '10', '61', '公主裙', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('81', '13', '4', '14', '79', '大型', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('82', '13', '4', '15', '82', '很强', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('83', '13', '4', '16', '84', '长柄', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('85', '41', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('86', '41', '3', '3', '14', 'A类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('87', '41', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('88', '41', '3', '5', '20', '纯棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('89', '41', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('90', '41', '3', '7', '38', '卡通动漫', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('91', '41', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('92', '42', '3', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('93', '42', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('94', '42', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('95', '42', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('96', '42', '3', '5', '20', '纯棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('97', '42', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('98', '42', '3', '7', '38', '卡通动漫', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('99', '42', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('100', '43', '3', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('101', '43', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('102', '43', '3', '3', '14', 'A类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('103', '43', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('104', '43', '3', '5', '20', '纯棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('105', '43', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('106', '43', '3', '7', '93', '条纹,字母', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('107', '43', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('109', '44', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('110', '44', '3', '3', '14', 'A类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('111', '44', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('112', '44', '3', '5', '20', '纯棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('113', '44', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('115', '44', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('117', '45', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('118', '45', '3', '3', '14', 'A类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('119', '45', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('120', '45', '3', '5', '20', '纯棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('121', '45', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('122', '45', '3', '7', '38', '卡通动漫', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('123', '45', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('126', '46', '3', '3', '14', 'A类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('127', '46', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('128', '46', '3', '5', '20', '纯棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('129', '46', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('130', '46', '3', '7', '38', '卡通动漫', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('131', '46', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('132', '47', '7', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('133', '47', '7', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('134', '47', '7', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('135', '47', '7', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('136', '47', '7', '5', '20', '纯棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('137', '47', '7', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('138', '48', '7', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('139', '48', '7', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('140', '48', '7', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('141', '48', '7', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('142', '48', '7', '5', '20', '纯棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('143', '48', '7', '6', '34', '五分袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('144', '48', '7', '22', '95', '家庭装', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('145', '49', '3', '1', '2', '女', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('146', '49', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('147', '49', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('148', '49', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('149', '49', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('150', '49', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('151', '49', '3', '7', '93', '字母', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('152', '49', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('153', '49', '3', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('154', '49', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('155', '49', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('156', '49', '3', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('157', '50', '7', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('158', '50', '7', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('159', '50', '7', '3', '14', 'A类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('160', '50', '7', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('161', '50', '7', '5', '20', '纯棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('162', '50', '7', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('163', '50', '7', '22', '95', '家庭装', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('164', '50', '7', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('165', '50', '7', '24', '94', 'T恤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('166', '50', '7', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('167', '50', '7', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('180', '52', '3', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('181', '52', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('182', '52', '3', '3', '14', 'A类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('183', '52', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('184', '52', '3', '5', '20', '纯棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('185', '52', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('186', '52', '3', '7', '111', '卡通动物', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('187', '52', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('188', '52', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('189', '52', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('190', '52', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('191', '52', '3', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('192', '48', '7', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('193', '48', '7', '24', '94', 'T恤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('194', '48', '7', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('195', '48', '7', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('196', '47', '7', '22', '90', '母女装', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('197', '47', '7', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('198', '47', '7', '24', '94', 'T恤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('199', '47', '7', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('200', '47', '7', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('201', '53', '2', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('202', '53', '2', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('203', '53', '2', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('204', '53', '2', '5', '110', '苎麻', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('205', '53', '2', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('206', '53', '2', '9', '112', '裙裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('207', '53', '2', '10', '59', 'A字裙', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('208', '53', '2', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('209', '53', '2', '26', '98', '苎麻', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('210', '53', '2', '27', '99', '55(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('211', '54', '7', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('212', '54', '7', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('213', '54', '7', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('214', '54', '7', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('215', '54', '7', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('216', '54', '7', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('217', '54', '7', '22', '95', '家庭装', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('218', '54', '7', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('219', '54', '7', '24', '94', 'T恤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('220', '54', '7', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('221', '54', '7', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('222', '55', '2', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('223', '55', '2', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('224', '55', '2', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('225', '55', '2', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('226', '55', '2', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('227', '55', '2', '9', '49', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('228', '55', '2', '10', '56', '荷叶边', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('229', '55', '2', '17', '106', '酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('230', '55', '2', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('231', '55', '2', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('232', '56', '2', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('233', '56', '2', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('234', '56', '2', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('235', '56', '2', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('236', '56', '2', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('237', '56', '2', '9', '49', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('238', '56', '2', '10', '75', '其他', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('239', '56', '2', '17', '106', '酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('240', '56', '2', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('241', '56', '2', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('242', '57', '2', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('243', '57', '2', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('244', '57', '2', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('245', '57', '2', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('246', '57', '2', '7', '37', '圆点', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('247', '57', '2', '9', '52', '衬裙', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('248', '57', '2', '10', '59', 'A字裙', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('249', '57', '2', '17', '104', '褶皱', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('250', '57', '2', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('251', '57', '2', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('252', '58', '7', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('253', '58', '7', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('254', '58', '7', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('255', '58', '7', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('256', '58', '7', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('257', '58', '7', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('258', '58', '7', '22', '95', '家庭装', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('259', '58', '7', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('260', '58', '7', '24', '94', 'T恤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('261', '58', '7', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('262', '58', '7', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('263', '59', '2', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('264', '59', '2', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('265', '59', '2', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('266', '59', '2', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('267', '59', '2', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('268', '59', '2', '9', '112', '裙裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('269', '59', '2', '10', '54', '百褶裙', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('270', '59', '2', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('271', '59', '2', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('272', '59', '2', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('273', '60', '2', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('274', '60', '2', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('275', '60', '2', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('276', '60', '2', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('277', '60', '2', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('278', '60', '2', '9', '48', '吊带裙/背心裙', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('279', '60', '2', '10', '56', '荷叶边', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('280', '60', '2', '17', '106', '酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('281', '60', '2', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('282', '60', '2', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('283', '61', '7', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('284', '61', '7', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('285', '61', '7', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('286', '61', '7', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('287', '61', '7', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('288', '61', '7', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('289', '61', '7', '22', '95', '家庭装', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('290', '61', '7', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('291', '61', '7', '24', '94', 'T恤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('292', '61', '7', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('293', '61', '7', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('294', '62', '2', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('295', '62', '2', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('296', '62', '2', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('297', '62', '2', '5', '30', '涤纶', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('298', '62', '2', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('299', '62', '2', '10', '61', '公主裙', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('300', '62', '2', '17', '106', '酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('301', '62', '2', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('302', '62', '2', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('303', '63', '7', '1', '2', '女', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('304', '63', '7', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('305', '63', '7', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('306', '63', '7', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('307', '63', '7', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('308', '63', '7', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('309', '63', '7', '22', '90', '母女装', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('310', '63', '7', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('311', '63', '7', '24', '94', 'T恤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('312', '63', '7', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('313', '63', '7', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('314', '64', '3', '1', '1', '男', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('315', '64', '3', '2', '11', '欧美', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('316', '64', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('317', '64', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('318', '64', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('319', '64', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('320', '64', '3', '7', '38', '卡通动漫', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('321', '64', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('322', '64', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('323', '64', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('324', '64', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('325', '64', '3', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('326', '65', '7', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('327', '65', '7', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('328', '65', '7', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('329', '65', '7', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('330', '65', '7', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('331', '65', '7', '6', '34', '五分袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('332', '65', '7', '22', '95', '家庭装', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('333', '65', '7', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('334', '65', '7', '24', '94', 'T恤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('335', '65', '7', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('336', '65', '7', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('337', '66', '1', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('338', '66', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('339', '66', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('340', '66', '1', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('341', '66', '1', '5', '24', '亚麻', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('342', '66', '1', '11', '63', '短裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('343', '66', '1', '13', '72', '中腰', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('344', '66', '1', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('345', '66', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('347', '66', '1', '25', '97', '休闲裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('348', '66', '1', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('349', '67', '7', '1', '2', '女', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('350', '67', '7', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('351', '67', '7', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('352', '67', '7', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('353', '67', '7', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('354', '67', '7', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('355', '67', '7', '22', '90', '母女装', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('356', '67', '7', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('357', '67', '7', '24', '94', 'T恤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('358', '67', '7', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('359', '67', '7', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('360', '68', '3', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('361', '68', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('362', '68', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('363', '68', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('364', '68', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('365', '68', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('366', '68', '3', '7', '37', '圆点', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('367', '68', '3', '8', '47', '其他', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('368', '68', '3', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('369', '68', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('370', '68', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('371', '68', '3', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('372', '69', '3', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('373', '69', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('374', '69', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('375', '69', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('376', '69', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('377', '69', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('378', '69', '3', '7', '41', '其他', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('379', '69', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('380', '69', '3', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('381', '69', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('382', '69', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('383', '69', '3', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('384', '70', '1', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('385', '70', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('386', '70', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('387', '70', '1', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('388', '70', '1', '5', '110', '苎麻', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('389', '70', '1', '11', '64', '五分裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('390', '70', '1', '13', '72', '中腰', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('391', '70', '1', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('392', '70', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('393', '70', '1', '25', '97', '休闲裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('394', '70', '1', '26', '98', '苎麻', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('395', '70', '1', '27', '99', '55(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('408', '72', '1', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('409', '72', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('410', '72', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('411', '72', '1', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('412', '72', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('413', '72', '1', '11', '63', '短裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('414', '72', '1', '13', '72', '中腰', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('415', '72', '1', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('416', '72', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('417', '72', '1', '25', '97', '休闲裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('418', '72', '1', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('419', '72', '1', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('420', '73', '1', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('421', '73', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('422', '73', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('423', '73', '1', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('424', '73', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('425', '73', '1', '11', '63', '短裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('426', '73', '1', '13', '72', '中腰', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('427', '73', '1', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('428', '73', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('429', '73', '1', '25', '97', '休闲裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('430', '73', '1', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('431', '73', '1', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('432', '74', '1', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('433', '74', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('434', '74', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('435', '74', '1', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('436', '74', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('437', '74', '1', '11', '63', '短裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('438', '74', '1', '13', '72', '中腰', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('439', '74', '1', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('440', '74', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('441', '74', '1', '25', '97', '休闲裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('442', '74', '1', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('443', '74', '1', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('444', '75', '1', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('445', '75', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('446', '75', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('447', '75', '1', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('448', '75', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('449', '75', '1', '11', '63', '短裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('450', '75', '1', '13', '72', '中腰', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('451', '75', '1', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('452', '75', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('453', '75', '1', '25', '97', '休闲裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('454', '75', '1', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('455', '75', '1', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('456', '76', '1', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('457', '76', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('458', '76', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('459', '76', '1', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('460', '76', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('461', '76', '1', '11', '63', '短裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('462', '76', '1', '13', '72', '中腰', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('463', '76', '1', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('464', '76', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('465', '76', '1', '25', '97', '休闲裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('466', '76', '1', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('467', '76', '1', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('468', '78', '3', '1', '1', '男', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('469', '78', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('470', '78', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('471', '78', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('472', '78', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('473', '78', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('474', '78', '3', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('475', '78', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('476', '78', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('477', '78', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('478', '78', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('479', '78', '3', '27', '115', '92%', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('480', '79', '1', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('481', '79', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('482', '79', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('483', '79', '1', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('484', '79', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('485', '79', '1', '11', '63', '短裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('486', '79', '1', '13', '72', '中腰', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('487', '79', '1', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('488', '79', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('489', '79', '1', '25', '97', '休闲裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('490', '79', '1', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('491', '79', '1', '27', '116', '85(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('492', '80', '1', '1', '2', '女', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('493', '80', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('494', '80', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('495', '80', '1', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('496', '80', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('497', '80', '1', '11', '66', '九分裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('498', '80', '1', '13', '72', '中腰', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('499', '80', '1', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('500', '80', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('501', '80', '1', '25', '97', '休闲裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('502', '80', '1', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('503', '80', '1', '27', '116', '85(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('504', '81', '9', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('505', '81', '9', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('506', '81', '9', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('507', '81', '9', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('508', '81', '9', '5', '30', '涤纶', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('509', '81', '9', '6', '32', '长袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('510', '81', '9', '7', '38', '卡通动漫', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('511', '81', '9', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('512', '81', '9', '19', '119', '连帽', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('513', '82', '9', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('514', '82', '9', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('515', '82', '9', '3', '14', 'A类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('516', '82', '9', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('517', '82', '9', '5', '30', '涤纶', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('518', '82', '9', '6', '32', '长袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('519', '82', '9', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('520', '82', '9', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('521', '82', '9', '19', '119', '连帽', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('522', '83', '3', '1', '2', '女', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('523', '83', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('524', '83', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('525', '83', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('526', '83', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('527', '83', '3', '6', '117', '无袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('528', '83', '3', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('529', '83', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('530', '83', '3', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('531', '83', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('532', '83', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('533', '83', '3', '27', '118', '97(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('534', '84', '9', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('535', '84', '9', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('536', '84', '9', '3', '14', 'A类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('537', '84', '9', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('538', '84', '9', '5', '30', '涤纶', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('539', '84', '9', '6', '32', '长袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('540', '84', '9', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('541', '84', '9', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('542', '84', '9', '19', '119', '连帽', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('561', '87', '7', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('562', '87', '7', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('563', '87', '7', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('564', '87', '7', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('565', '87', '7', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('566', '87', '7', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('567', '87', '7', '22', '95', '家庭装', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('568', '87', '7', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('569', '87', '7', '24', '94', 'T恤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('570', '87', '7', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('571', '87', '7', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('572', '88', '7', '1', '1', '男', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('573', '88', '7', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('574', '88', '7', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('575', '88', '7', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('576', '88', '7', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('577', '88', '7', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('578', '88', '7', '22', '95', '家庭装', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('579', '88', '7', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('580', '88', '7', '24', '94', 'T恤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('581', '88', '7', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('582', '88', '7', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('583', '89', '8', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('584', '89', '8', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('585', '89', '8', '3', '14', 'A类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('586', '89', '8', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('587', '89', '8', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('588', '89', '8', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('589', '89', '8', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('590', '89', '8', '19', '87', '不连帽', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('591', '89', '8', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('592', '89', '8', '30', '114', '套装', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('593', '90', '3', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('594', '90', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('595', '90', '3', '3', '14', 'A类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('596', '90', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('597', '90', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('598', '90', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('599', '90', '3', '7', '120', '植物', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('600', '90', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('601', '90', '3', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('602', '90', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('603', '90', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('604', '90', '3', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('605', '91', '8', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('606', '91', '8', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('607', '91', '8', '3', '14', 'A类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('608', '91', '8', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('609', '91', '8', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('610', '91', '8', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('611', '91', '8', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('612', '91', '8', '19', '87', '不连帽', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('613', '91', '8', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('614', '91', '8', '30', '114', '套装', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('615', '92', '3', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('616', '92', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('617', '92', '3', '3', '14', 'A类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('618', '92', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('619', '92', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('620', '92', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('621', '92', '3', '7', '111', '卡通动物', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('622', '92', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('623', '92', '3', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('624', '92', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('625', '92', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('626', '92', '3', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('627', '93', '1', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('628', '93', '1', '2', '11', '欧美', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('629', '93', '1', '3', '14', 'A类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('630', '93', '1', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('631', '93', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('632', '93', '1', '11', '64', '五分裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('633', '93', '1', '13', '72', '中腰', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('634', '93', '1', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('635', '93', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('636', '93', '1', '25', '97', '休闲裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('637', '93', '1', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('638', '93', '1', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('639', '94', '8', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('640', '94', '8', '2', '5', '休闲', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('641', '94', '8', '3', '14', 'A类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('642', '94', '8', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('643', '94', '8', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('644', '94', '8', '6', '117', '无袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('645', '94', '8', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('646', '94', '8', '19', '87', '不连帽', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('647', '94', '8', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('648', '94', '8', '30', '114', '套装', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('649', '95', '3', '1', '1', '男', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('650', '95', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('651', '95', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('652', '95', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('653', '95', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('654', '95', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('655', '95', '3', '7', '93', '字母', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('656', '95', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('657', '95', '3', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('658', '95', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('659', '95', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('660', '95', '3', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('661', '96', '3', '1', '1', '男', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('662', '96', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('663', '96', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('664', '96', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('665', '96', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('666', '96', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('667', '96', '3', '7', '111', '卡通动物', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('668', '96', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('669', '96', '3', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('670', '96', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('671', '96', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('672', '96', '3', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('673', '97', '1', '1', '1', '男', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('674', '97', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('675', '97', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('676', '97', '1', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('677', '97', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('678', '97', '1', '11', '63', '短裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('679', '97', '1', '13', '72', '中腰', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('680', '97', '1', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('681', '97', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('682', '97', '1', '25', '97', '休闲裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('683', '97', '1', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('684', '97', '1', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('685', '98', '1', '1', '1', '男', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('686', '98', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('687', '98', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('688', '98', '1', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('689', '98', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('690', '98', '1', '11', '63', '短裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('691', '98', '1', '13', '72', '中腰', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('692', '98', '1', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('693', '98', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('694', '98', '1', '25', '97', '休闲裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('695', '98', '1', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('696', '98', '1', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('697', '99', '3', '1', '1', '男', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('698', '99', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('699', '99', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('700', '99', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('701', '99', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('702', '99', '3', '6', '117', '无袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('703', '99', '3', '7', '38', '卡通动漫', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('704', '99', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('705', '99', '3', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('706', '99', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('707', '99', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('708', '99', '3', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('709', '100', '3', '1', '1', '男', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('710', '100', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('711', '100', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('712', '100', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('713', '100', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('714', '100', '3', '6', '117', '无袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('715', '100', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('716', '100', '3', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('717', '100', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('718', '100', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('719', '100', '3', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('720', '101', '3', '1', '1', '男', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('721', '101', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('722', '101', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('723', '101', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('724', '101', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('725', '101', '3', '6', '117', '无袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('726', '101', '3', '7', '38', '卡通动漫', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('727', '101', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('728', '101', '3', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('729', '101', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('730', '101', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('731', '101', '3', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('732', '102', '3', '1', '1', '男', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('733', '102', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('734', '102', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('735', '102', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('736', '102', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('737', '102', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('738', '102', '3', '7', '93', '字母', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('739', '102', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('740', '102', '3', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('741', '102', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('742', '102', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('743', '102', '3', '27', '99', '55(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('744', '103', '3', '1', '1', '男', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('745', '103', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('746', '103', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('747', '103', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('748', '103', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('749', '103', '3', '6', '117', '无袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('750', '103', '3', '7', '93', '字母', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('751', '103', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('752', '103', '3', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('753', '103', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('754', '103', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('755', '103', '3', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('756', '104', '3', '1', '1', '男', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('757', '104', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('758', '104', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('759', '104', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('760', '104', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('761', '104', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('762', '104', '3', '7', '35', '条纹', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('763', '104', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('764', '104', '3', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('765', '104', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('766', '104', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('767', '104', '3', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('768', '105', '1', '1', '1', '男', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('769', '105', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('770', '105', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('771', '105', '1', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('772', '105', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('773', '105', '1', '11', '63', '短裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('774', '105', '1', '13', '72', '中腰', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('775', '105', '1', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('776', '105', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('777', '105', '1', '25', '97', '休闲裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('778', '105', '1', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('779', '105', '1', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('780', '106', '3', '1', '1', '男', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('781', '106', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('782', '106', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('783', '106', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('784', '106', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('785', '106', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('786', '106', '3', '7', '93', '字母', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('787', '106', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('788', '106', '3', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('789', '106', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('790', '106', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('791', '106', '3', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('792', '107', '3', '1', '1', '男', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('793', '107', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('794', '107', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('795', '107', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('796', '107', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('797', '107', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('798', '107', '3', '7', '38', '卡通动漫', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('799', '107', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('800', '107', '3', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('801', '107', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('802', '107', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('803', '107', '3', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('804', '108', '11', '31', '121', '是', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('805', '108', '11', '32', '123', '日本', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('806', '108', '11', '33', '124', '有', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('807', '108', '11', '34', '0', '新生圩关', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('809', '108', '11', '36', '0', '30个/袋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('811', '108', '11', '38', '0', '已清关-中国大陆境内', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('812', '109', '8', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('813', '109', '8', '2', '13', '日系', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('814', '109', '8', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('815', '109', '8', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('816', '109', '8', '36', '0', '450g', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('817', '110', '11', '31', '121', '是', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('818', '110', '11', '32', '126', '韩国', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('819', '110', '11', '33', '124', '有', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('820', '110', '11', '34', '0', '威海海关', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('821', '110', '11', '35', '0', '固态', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('822', '110', '11', '36', '0', '正常规格', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('823', '110', '11', '37', '0', '420420151047183081', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('824', '110', '11', '38', '0', '已清关-中国大陆境内', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('825', '110', '11', '39', '0', '通用', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('826', '110', '11', '40', '0', 'PA+++', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('827', '110', '11', '41', '0', '三年', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('828', '110', '11', '42', '0', 'SPF45', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('829', '110', '11', '43', '0', '60(g/ml)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('830', '110', '11', '44', '0', '防晒', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('831', '110', '11', '45', '0', '面部/全身皆可', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('832', '111', '11', '32', '128', '中国', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('833', '111', '11', '36', '0', '产品净重0.11 kg', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('834', '111', '11', '44', '0', '防晒', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('839', '111', '11', '47', '0', '空顶帽', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('840', '112', '11', '32', '128', '中国', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('841', '112', '11', '36', '0', '48-52cm', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('842', '112', '11', '44', '0', '防晒', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('843', '112', '11', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('844', '112', '11', '2', '8', '百搭', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('845', '112', '11', '7', '93', '字母', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('846', '112', '11', '46', '0', '草编', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('847', '112', '11', '47', '0', '空顶帽', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('848', '113', '11', '32', '129', '美国', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('849', '113', '11', '36', '0', '237ml', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('850', '113', '11', '44', '0', '防晒', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('851', '113', '11', '31', '121', '是', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('853', '113', '11', '34', '0', '深圳海关', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('854', '113', '11', '38', '0', '已清关-中国大陆境内', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('855', '113', '11', '39', '0', '多种肤质', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('859', '114', '11', '36', '0', '4*3.5cm', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('860', '114', '11', '44', '0', '防蚊', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('861', '114', '11', '31', '122', '否', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('862', '114', '11', '39', '0', '多种肤质', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('863', '114', '11', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('864', '114', '11', '35', '0', '固态', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('865', '115', '8', '2', '131', '欧式', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('866', '115', '8', '5', '130', '帆布', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('867', '115', '8', '36', '0', ' 40*50cm', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('868', '116', '8', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('869', '116', '8', '5', '21', '棉麻', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('870', '116', '8', '36', '0', '14*12.5cm', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('871', '117', '11', '36', '0', '50ml', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('872', '117', '11', '44', '0', '驱蚊止痒', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('873', '117', '11', '31', '121', '是', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('874', '117', '11', '39', '0', '多种肤质', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('875', '117', '11', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('876', '117', '11', '35', '0', '液态', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('877', '117', '11', '32', '126', '韩国', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('878', '117', '11', '34', '0', '青岛海关', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('879', '117', '11', '37', '0', '420920151097014328', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('880', '117', '11', '38', '0', '已清关-中国大陆境内', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('881', '117', '11', '47', '0', '蚊香/蚊片/蚊香液', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('882', '118', '3', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('883', '118', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('884', '118', '3', '3', '14', 'A类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('885', '118', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('886', '118', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('887', '118', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('888', '118', '3', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('889', '118', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('890', '118', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('891', '118', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('892', '118', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('893', '118', '3', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('894', '118', '3', '20', '132', '山东', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('947', '123', '3', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('948', '123', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('949', '123', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('950', '123', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('951', '123', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('952', '123', '3', '6', '117', '无袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('953', '123', '3', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('954', '123', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('955', '123', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('956', '123', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('957', '123', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('958', '123', '3', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('959', '123', '3', '20', '132', '山东', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('960', '124', '3', '1', '2', '女', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('961', '124', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('962', '124', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('963', '124', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('964', '124', '3', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('965', '124', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('966', '124', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('967', '124', '3', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('968', '124', '3', '20', '132', '山东', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('969', '125', '3', '1', '2', '女', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('970', '125', '3', '2', '133', 'OL通勤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('971', '125', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('972', '125', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('973', '125', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('974', '125', '3', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('975', '125', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('976', '125', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('977', '125', '3', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('978', '125', '3', '20', '132', '山东', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('979', '124', '3', '2', '133', 'OL通勤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('980', '124', '3', '2', '133', 'OL通勤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('981', '125', '3', '5', '134', '粘纤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('982', '125', '3', '18', '136', '不限', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('983', '125', '3', '26', '135', '粘纤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('984', '124', '3', '5', '134', '粘纤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('985', '124', '3', '18', '136', '不限', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('986', '124', '3', '26', '135', '粘纤', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('988', '126', '3', '2', '5', '休闲', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('989', '126', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('990', '126', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('991', '126', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('992', '126', '3', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('993', '126', '3', '8', '45', 'V字领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('994', '126', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('995', '126', '3', '18', '136', '不限', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('996', '126', '3', '27', '139', '93.7(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('997', '126', '3', '20', '132', '山东', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('998', '126', '3', '5', '137', '莫代尔', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('999', '126', '3', '26', '138', '莫代尔', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1000', '127', '3', '1', '1', '男', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1001', '127', '3', '2', '5', '休闲', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1002', '127', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1003', '127', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1004', '127', '3', '5', '137', '莫代尔', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1005', '127', '3', '6', '117', '无袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1006', '127', '3', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1007', '127', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1008', '127', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1009', '127', '3', '18', '136', '不限', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1010', '127', '3', '26', '138', '莫代尔', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1011', '127', '3', '27', '139', '93.7(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1012', '127', '3', '20', '132', '山东', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1037', '130', '3', '1', '1', '男', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1038', '130', '3', '2', '5', '休闲', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1039', '130', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1040', '130', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1041', '130', '3', '5', '137', '莫代尔', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1042', '130', '3', '6', '117', '无袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1043', '130', '3', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1044', '130', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1045', '130', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1046', '130', '3', '26', '138', '莫代尔', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1047', '130', '3', '27', '139', '93.7(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1048', '130', '3', '20', '132', '山东', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1049', '131', '3', '1', '1', '男', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1050', '131', '3', '2', '5', '休闲', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1051', '131', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1052', '131', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1053', '131', '3', '5', '137', '莫代尔', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1054', '131', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1055', '131', '3', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1056', '131', '3', '8', '45', 'V字领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1057', '131', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1058', '131', '3', '26', '138', '莫代尔', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1059', '131', '3', '27', '139', '93.7(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1060', '131', '3', '20', '132', '山东', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1061', '132', '3', '1', '2', '女', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1062', '132', '3', '2', '133', 'OL通勤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1063', '132', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1064', '132', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1065', '132', '3', '5', '134', '粘纤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1066', '132', '3', '6', '117', '无袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1067', '132', '3', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1068', '132', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1069', '132', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1070', '132', '3', '26', '135', '粘纤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1071', '132', '3', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1072', '132', '3', '20', '132', '山东', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1073', '133', '3', '1', '2', '女', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1074', '133', '3', '2', '133', 'OL通勤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1075', '133', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1076', '133', '3', '4', '18', '夏季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1077', '133', '3', '5', '134', '粘纤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1078', '133', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1079', '133', '3', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1080', '133', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1081', '133', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1082', '133', '3', '26', '135', '粘纤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1083', '133', '3', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1084', '133', '3', '20', '132', '山东', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1085', '134', '3', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1086', '134', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1087', '134', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1088', '134', '3', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1089', '134', '3', '5', '21', '棉麻', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1090', '134', '3', '6', '34', '五分袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1091', '134', '3', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1092', '134', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1093', '134', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1094', '134', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1095', '134', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1096', '135', '1', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1097', '135', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1098', '135', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1099', '135', '1', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1100', '135', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1101', '135', '1', '11', '66', '九分裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1102', '135', '1', '13', '72', '中腰', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1103', '135', '1', '17', '106', '酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1104', '135', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1105', '135', '1', '25', '97', '休闲裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1106', '135', '1', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1107', '136', '1', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1108', '136', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1109', '136', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1110', '136', '1', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1111', '136', '1', '5', '21', '棉麻', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1112', '136', '1', '11', '62', '长裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1113', '136', '1', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1114', '136', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1115', '136', '1', '25', '97', '休闲裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1116', '136', '1', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1117', '137', '3', '1', '2', '女', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1118', '137', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1119', '137', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1120', '137', '3', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1121', '137', '3', '5', '21', '棉麻', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1122', '137', '3', '6', '32', '长袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1123', '137', '3', '7', '35', '条纹', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1124', '137', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1125', '137', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1126', '137', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1127', '138', '3', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1128', '138', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1129', '138', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1130', '138', '3', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1131', '138', '3', '5', '113', '竹节棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1132', '138', '3', '6', '32', '长袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1133', '138', '3', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1134', '138', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1135', '138', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1136', '138', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1137', '138', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1138', '139', '3', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1139', '139', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1140', '139', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1141', '139', '3', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1142', '139', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1143', '139', '3', '6', '32', '长袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1144', '139', '3', '7', '36', '格子', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1145', '139', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1146', '139', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1147', '139', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1148', '140', '1', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1149', '140', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1150', '140', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1151', '140', '1', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1152', '140', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1153', '140', '1', '11', '62', '长裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1154', '140', '1', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1155', '140', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1156', '140', '1', '25', '97', '休闲裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1157', '140', '1', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1158', '141', '1', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1159', '141', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1160', '141', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1161', '141', '1', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1162', '141', '1', '5', '24', '亚麻', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1163', '141', '1', '11', '62', '长裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1164', '141', '1', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1165', '141', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1166', '141', '1', '25', '97', '休闲裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1167', '142', '3', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1168', '142', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1169', '142', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1170', '142', '3', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1171', '142', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1172', '142', '3', '6', '32', '长袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1173', '142', '3', '7', '37', '圆点', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1174', '142', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1175', '142', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1177', '142', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1179', '143', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1180', '143', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1181', '143', '3', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1183', '143', '3', '6', '31', '短袖', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1188', '143', '3', '27', '101', '100(%)', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1193', '144', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1195', '144', '1', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1202', '145', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1203', '145', '1', '11', '66', '九分裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1204', '145', '1', '17', '106', '酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1205', '145', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1206', '145', '1', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1207', '146', '3', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1208', '146', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1209', '146', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1210', '146', '3', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1211', '146', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1212', '146', '3', '6', '32', '长袖', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1214', '146', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1215', '146', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1216', '146', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1217', '147', '1', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1218', '147', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1219', '147', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1220', '147', '1', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1221', '147', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1222', '147', '1', '11', '65', '七分裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1223', '147', '1', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1224', '147', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1225', '147', '1', '25', '97', '休闲裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1226', '147', '1', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1227', '148', '1', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1228', '148', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1229', '148', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1230', '148', '1', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1231', '148', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1232', '148', '1', '11', '66', '九分裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1233', '148', '1', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1234', '148', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1235', '148', '1', '25', '97', '休闲裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1236', '148', '1', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1237', '149', '3', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1238', '149', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1239', '149', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1240', '149', '3', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1241', '149', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1242', '149', '3', '6', '32', '长袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1243', '149', '3', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1244', '149', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1245', '149', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1246', '149', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1247', '149', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1248', '150', '1', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1249', '150', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1250', '150', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1251', '150', '1', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1252', '150', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1253', '150', '1', '11', '66', '九分裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1254', '150', '1', '17', '106', '酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1255', '150', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1256', '150', '1', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1257', '151', '3', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1258', '151', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1259', '151', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1260', '151', '3', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1261', '151', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1262', '151', '3', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1263', '151', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1264', '151', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1265', '151', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1266', '152', '1', '1', '2', '女', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1267', '152', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1268', '152', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1269', '152', '1', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1270', '152', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1271', '152', '1', '11', '62', '长裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1272', '152', '1', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1273', '152', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1274', '152', '1', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1275', '153', '3', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1276', '153', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1277', '153', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1278', '153', '3', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1279', '153', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1280', '153', '3', '6', '32', '长袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1281', '153', '3', '7', '35', '条纹', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1282', '153', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1283', '153', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1284', '153', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1285', '154', '3', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1286', '154', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1287', '154', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1288', '154', '3', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1289', '154', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1290', '154', '3', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1291', '154', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1292', '154', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1293', '154', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1294', '155', '1', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1295', '155', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1296', '155', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1297', '155', '1', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1298', '155', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1299', '155', '1', '11', '66', '九分裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1300', '155', '1', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1301', '155', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1302', '155', '1', '25', '97', '休闲裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1303', '156', '3', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1304', '156', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1305', '156', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1306', '156', '3', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1307', '156', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1308', '156', '3', '6', '32', '长袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1309', '156', '3', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1310', '156', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1311', '156', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1312', '156', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1313', '157', '1', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1314', '157', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1315', '157', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1316', '157', '1', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1317', '157', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1318', '157', '1', '11', '66', '九分裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1319', '157', '1', '17', '106', '酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1320', '157', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1321', '157', '1', '25', '97', '休闲裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1322', '157', '1', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1323', '158', '11', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1324', '159', '12', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1325', '159', '12', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1326', '159', '12', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1327', '159', '12', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1328', '159', '12', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1329', '160', '12', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1330', '160', '12', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1331', '160', '12', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1332', '160', '12', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1333', '160', '12', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1334', '161', '12', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1335', '161', '12', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1336', '161', '12', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1337', '161', '12', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1338', '161', '12', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1339', '162', '12', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1340', '162', '12', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1341', '162', '12', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1342', '162', '12', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1343', '162', '12', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1344', '163', '1', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1345', '163', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1346', '163', '1', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1347', '163', '1', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1348', '163', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1349', '163', '1', '11', '66', '九分裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1350', '163', '1', '17', '92', '柔软处理,酵素洗', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1351', '163', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1353', '163', '1', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1354', '164', '3', '1', '2', '女', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1355', '164', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1356', '164', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1357', '164', '3', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1358', '164', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1359', '164', '3', '6', '32', '长袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1360', '164', '3', '7', '93', '字母', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1361', '164', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1362', '164', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1363', '164', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1364', '164', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1365', '165', '3', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1366', '165', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1367', '165', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1368', '165', '3', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1369', '165', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1370', '165', '3', '6', '32', '长袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1371', '165', '3', '7', '36', '格子', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1372', '165', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1373', '165', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1374', '165', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1375', '166', '13', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1376', '166', '13', '2', '5', '休闲', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1377', '166', '13', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1378', '166', '13', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1379', '166', '13', '12', '145', '普通厚', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1380', '166', '13', '18', '140', '幼儿装(1-3岁),小童装(4-6岁)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1381', '166', '13', '48', '141', '橡胶', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1382', '166', '13', '49', '142', '低帮', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1383', '166', '13', '50', '143', '低帮', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1384', '166', '13', '51', '144', '帆布', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1385', '166', '13', '52', '146', '通用', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1386', '166', '13', '53', '147', '透气,耐磨,防滑', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1387', '166', '13', '54', '148', '车缝线', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1388', '166', '13', '55', '149', '注塑鞋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1389', '166', '13', '56', '150', '棉质', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1390', '167', '13', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1391', '167', '13', '2', '5', '休闲', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1392', '167', '13', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1393', '167', '13', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1394', '167', '13', '12', '145', '普通厚', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1395', '167', '13', '18', '140', '幼儿装(1-3岁),小童装(4-6岁)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1396', '167', '13', '48', '141', '橡胶', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1397', '167', '13', '49', '142', '低帮', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1398', '167', '13', '50', '143', '低帮', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1399', '167', '13', '51', '144', '帆布', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1400', '167', '13', '52', '146', '通用', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1401', '167', '13', '53', '147', '透气,耐磨,防滑', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1402', '167', '13', '54', '148', '车缝线', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1403', '167', '13', '55', '149', '注塑鞋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1404', '167', '13', '56', '150', '棉质', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1405', '168', '2', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1406', '168', '2', '4', '19', '冬季', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1407', '168', '2', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1408', '168', '2', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1409', '168', '2', '9', '48', '吊带裙/背心裙', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1410', '168', '2', '10', '59', 'A字裙', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1411', '168', '2', '17', '104', '褶皱', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1412', '168', '2', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1413', '168', '2', '27', '102', '95(%)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1414', '169', '13', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1415', '169', '13', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1416', '169', '13', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1417', '169', '13', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1418', '169', '13', '12', '145', '普通厚', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1419', '169', '13', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1420', '170', '3', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1421', '170', '3', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1422', '170', '3', '3', '15', 'B类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1423', '170', '3', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1424', '170', '3', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1425', '170', '3', '6', '32', '长袖', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1426', '170', '3', '7', '40', '纯色', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1427', '170', '3', '8', '42', '圆领', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1428', '170', '3', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1429', '170', '3', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1430', '170', '3', '26', '100', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1431', '171', '1', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1432', '171', '1', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1433', '171', '1', '3', '14', 'A类', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1434', '171', '1', '5', '109', '棉', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1435', '171', '1', '11', '63', '短裤', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1436', '171', '1', '17', '85', '柔软处理', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1437', '171', '1', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1438', '172', '13', '1', '3', '中性', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1439', '172', '13', '2', '12', '韩版', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1440', '172', '13', '4', '17', '春秋', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1441', '172', '13', '12', '145', '普通厚', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_relation` VALUES ('1442', '172', '13', '18', '86', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', null, null, null);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for ibrand_goods_attribute_value
-- ----------------------------
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CREATE TABLE `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`attribute_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`name` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`created_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
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`deleted_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=151 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of ibrand_goods_attribute_value
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('1', '1', '男', '2017-05-03 12:24:17', '2017-05-03 12:24:17', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('2', '1', '女', '2017-05-03 12:24:17', '2017-05-03 12:24:17', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('3', '1', '中性', '2017-05-03 12:24:17', '2017-05-03 12:24:17', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('4', '2', '运动', '2017-05-03 12:25:49', '2017-05-03 12:25:49', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('5', '2', '休闲', '2017-05-03 12:25:49', '2017-05-03 12:25:49', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('6', '2', '学院', '2017-05-03 12:25:49', '2017-05-03 12:25:49', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('7', '2', '名族风', '2017-05-03 12:25:49', '2017-05-03 12:25:49', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('8', '2', '百搭', '2017-05-03 12:25:49', '2017-05-03 12:25:49', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('9', '2', '英伦', '2017-05-03 12:25:49', '2017-05-03 12:25:49', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('10', '2', '公主', '2017-05-03 12:25:49', '2017-05-03 12:25:49', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('11', '2', '欧美', '2017-05-03 12:25:49', '2017-05-03 12:25:49', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('12', '2', '韩版', '2017-05-03 12:25:49', '2017-05-03 12:25:49', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('13', '2', '日系', '2017-05-03 12:25:49', '2017-05-03 12:25:49', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('14', '3', 'A类', '2017-05-03 12:28:41', '2017-05-03 12:28:41', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('15', '3', 'B类', '2017-05-03 12:28:41', '2017-05-03 12:28:41', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('16', '3', 'C类', '2017-05-03 12:28:41', '2017-05-03 12:28:41', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('17', '4', '春秋', '2017-05-03 12:29:17', '2017-05-03 12:29:17', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('18', '4', '夏季', '2017-05-03 12:29:17', '2017-05-03 12:29:17', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('19', '4', '冬季', '2017-05-03 12:29:17', '2017-05-03 12:29:17', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('20', '5', '纯棉', '2017-05-03 12:32:45', '2017-05-03 12:32:45', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('21', '5', '棉麻', '2017-05-03 12:32:45', '2017-05-03 12:32:45', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('22', '5', '全棉牛仔布', '2017-05-03 12:32:45', '2017-05-03 12:32:45', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('23', '5', '天然彩棉', '2017-05-03 12:32:45', '2017-05-03 12:32:45', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('24', '5', '亚麻', '2017-05-03 12:32:45', '2017-05-03 12:32:45', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('25', '5', '牛仔布', '2017-05-03 12:32:45', '2017-05-03 12:32:45', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('26', '5', '丝绸', '2017-05-03 12:32:45', '2017-05-03 12:32:45', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('27', '5', '化纤', '2017-05-03 12:32:45', '2017-05-03 12:32:45', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('28', '5', '混纺', '2017-05-03 12:32:45', '2017-05-03 12:32:45', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('29', '5', '雪纺', '2017-05-03 12:32:45', '2017-05-03 12:32:45', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('30', '5', '涤纶', '2017-05-03 12:32:45', '2017-05-03 12:32:45', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('31', '6', '短袖', '2017-05-03 12:33:33', '2017-05-03 12:33:33', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('32', '6', '长袖', '2017-05-03 12:33:33', '2017-05-03 12:33:33', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('37', '7', '圆点', '2017-05-03 12:34:20', '2017-05-03 12:34:20', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('38', '7', '卡通动漫', '2017-05-03 12:34:20', '2017-05-03 12:34:20', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('39', '7', '碎花', '2017-05-03 12:34:20', '2017-05-03 12:34:20', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('40', '7', '纯色', '2017-05-03 12:34:20', '2017-05-03 12:34:20', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('41', '7', '其他', '2017-05-03 12:34:20', '2017-05-03 12:34:20', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('42', '8', '圆领', '2017-05-03 12:35:16', '2017-05-03 12:35:16', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('43', '8', '方领', '2017-05-03 12:35:16', '2017-05-03 12:35:16', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('44', '8', '高领', '2017-05-03 12:35:16', '2017-05-03 12:35:16', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('45', '8', 'V字领', '2017-05-03 12:35:16', '2017-05-03 12:35:16', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('46', '8', '一字领', '2017-05-03 12:35:16', '2017-05-03 12:35:16', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('47', '8', '其他', '2017-05-03 12:35:16', '2017-05-03 12:35:16', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('48', '9', '吊带裙/背心裙', '2017-05-03 12:37:51', '2017-05-03 12:37:51', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('49', '9', '短袖', '2017-05-03 12:37:51', '2017-05-03 12:37:51', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('50', '9', '长袖', '2017-05-03 12:37:51', '2017-05-03 12:37:51', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('51', '9', '背带', '2017-05-03 12:37:51', '2017-05-03 12:37:51', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('52', '9', '衬裙', '2017-05-03 12:37:51', '2017-05-03 12:37:51', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('53', '10', '蛋糕裙', '2017-05-03 12:41:33', '2017-05-03 12:41:33', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('54', '10', '百褶裙', '2017-05-03 12:41:33', '2017-05-03 12:41:33', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('55', '10', '西装裙', '2017-05-03 12:41:33', '2017-05-03 12:41:33', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('56', '10', '荷叶边', '2017-05-03 12:41:33', '2017-05-03 12:41:33', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('57', '10', '拼接款', '2017-05-03 12:41:33', '2017-05-03 12:41:33', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('58', '10', '牛仔裙', '2017-05-03 12:41:33', '2017-05-03 12:41:33', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('59', '10', 'A字裙', '2017-05-03 12:41:33', '2017-05-03 12:41:33', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('60', '10', '背带款', '2017-05-03 12:41:33', '2017-05-03 12:41:33', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('61', '10', '公主裙', '2017-05-03 12:41:33', '2017-05-11 14:59:01', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('62', '11', '长裤', '2017-05-03 12:43:47', '2017-05-03 12:43:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('63', '11', '短裤', '2017-05-03 12:43:47', '2017-05-03 12:43:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('64', '11', '五分裤', '2017-05-03 12:43:47', '2017-05-03 12:43:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('65', '11', '七分裤', '2017-05-03 12:43:47', '2017-05-03 12:43:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('66', '11', '九分裤', '2017-05-03 12:43:47', '2017-05-03 12:43:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('67', '12', '常规', '2017-05-11 11:55:01', '2017-05-11 11:55:01', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('68', '12', '薄款', '2017-05-11 11:55:01', '2017-05-11 11:55:01', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('69', '12', '加厚', '2017-05-11 11:55:01', '2017-05-11 11:55:01', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('70', '12', '加绒', '2017-05-11 11:55:01', '2017-05-11 11:55:01', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('71', '13', '高腰', '2017-05-11 12:09:04', '2017-05-11 12:09:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('72', '13', '中腰', '2017-05-11 12:09:04', '2017-05-11 12:09:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('73', '13', '低腰', '2017-05-11 12:09:04', '2017-05-11 12:09:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('74', '13', '双裤腰', '2017-05-11 12:09:04', '2017-05-11 12:09:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('75', '10', '其他', '2017-05-11 14:59:01', '2017-05-11 14:59:01', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('76', '9', '无袖', '2017-05-11 16:06:36', '2017-05-11 16:06:36', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('77', '14', '小型', '2017-09-22 13:15:27', '2017-09-22 13:15:27', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('78', '14', '中型', '2017-09-22 13:15:27', '2017-09-22 13:15:27', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('79', '14', '大型', '2017-09-22 13:15:27', '2017-09-22 13:15:27', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('80', '15', '普通', '2017-09-22 13:15:50', '2017-09-22 13:15:50', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('81', '15', '中等', '2017-09-22 13:15:50', '2017-09-22 13:15:50', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('82', '15', '很强', '2017-09-22 13:15:50', '2017-09-22 13:15:50', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('83', '16', '折叠', '2017-09-22 13:16:06', '2017-09-22 13:16:06', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('84', '16', '长柄', '2017-09-22 13:16:06', '2017-09-22 13:16:06', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('85', '17', '柔软处理', '2018-05-15 09:57:59', '2018-05-15 09:57:59', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('86', '18', '中小童(3~8岁,100~140cm)', '2018-05-15 09:58:40', '2018-05-15 09:58:40', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('87', '19', '不连帽', '2018-05-15 09:59:34', '2018-05-15 09:59:34', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('88', '20', '广州', '2018-05-15 09:59:53', '2018-05-15 09:59:53', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('89', '21', '母女装', '2018-05-15 10:02:05', '2018-05-15 10:02:05', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('90', '22', '母女装', '2018-05-15 10:02:05', '2018-05-15 10:02:05', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('91', '23', '母女装', '2018-05-15 10:02:08', '2018-05-15 10:02:08', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('92', '17', '柔软处理,酵素洗', '2018-05-15 10:02:44', '2018-05-15 10:02:44', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('93', '7', '字母', '2018-05-15 10:03:07', '2018-05-15 15:42:44', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('94', '24', 'T恤', '2018-05-15 10:05:05', '2018-05-15 10:05:05', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('95', '22', '家庭装', '2018-05-15 10:07:50', '2018-05-15 10:07:50', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('96', '12', '普通', '2018-05-15 10:08:46', '2018-05-15 10:08:46', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('97', '25', '休闲裤', '2018-05-15 10:10:35', '2018-05-15 10:10:35', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('98', '26', '苎麻', '2018-05-15 10:11:59', '2018-05-15 10:11:59', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('99', '27', '55(%)', '2018-05-15 10:12:35', '2018-05-15 10:12:35', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('100', '26', '棉', '2018-05-15 10:13:25', '2018-05-15 10:13:25', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('101', '27', '100(%)', '2018-05-15 10:13:41', '2018-05-15 10:13:41', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('102', '27', '95(%)', '2018-05-15 10:17:01', '2018-05-15 10:17:01', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('103', '25', '裙裤', '2018-05-15 10:17:45', '2018-05-15 10:17:45', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('104', '17', '褶皱', '2018-05-15 10:20:48', '2018-05-15 10:20:48', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('106', '17', '酵素洗', '2018-05-15 10:21:14', '2018-05-15 10:21:14', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('107', '28', '裤套装', '2018-05-15 10:28:33', '2018-05-15 10:28:33', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('108', '29', '两件套', '2018-05-15 10:28:54', '2018-05-15 10:28:54', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('109', '5', '棉', '2018-05-15 15:40:01', '2018-05-15 15:40:01', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('110', '5', '苎麻', '2018-05-15 15:40:01', '2018-05-15 15:40:01', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('111', '7', '卡通动物', '2018-05-15 15:42:44', '2018-05-15 15:42:44', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('112', '9', '裙裤', '2018-05-15 16:35:19', '2018-05-15 16:35:19', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('113', '5', '竹节棉', '2018-05-21 15:18:05', '2018-05-21 15:18:05', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('114', '30', '套装', '2018-05-21 15:18:32', '2018-05-21 15:18:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('115', '27', '92%', '2018-05-21 15:35:33', '2018-05-21 15:35:33', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('116', '27', '85(%)', '2018-05-21 15:49:37', '2018-05-21 15:49:37', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('117', '6', '无袖', '2018-05-21 16:00:50', '2018-05-21 16:00:50', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('118', '27', '97(%)', '2018-05-21 16:01:09', '2018-05-21 16:01:09', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('119', '19', '连帽', '2018-05-21 16:05:22', '2018-05-21 16:05:22', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('120', '7', '植物', '2018-05-21 16:43:35', '2018-05-21 16:43:35', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('121', '31', '是', '2018-06-05 15:45:11', '2018-06-05 15:45:11', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('122', '31', '否', '2018-06-05 15:45:11', '2018-06-05 15:45:11', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('123', '32', '日本', '2018-06-05 15:45:39', '2018-06-05 15:45:39', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('124', '33', '有', '2018-06-05 15:46:07', '2018-06-05 15:46:07', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('125', '33', '无', '2018-06-05 15:46:07', '2018-06-05 15:46:07', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('126', '32', '韩国', '2018-06-05 17:48:50', '2018-06-05 17:48:50', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('127', '7', '卡通', '2018-06-06 11:52:43', '2018-06-06 11:52:43', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('128', '32', '中国', '2018-06-06 11:53:14', '2018-06-06 11:53:14', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('129', '32', '美国', '2018-06-07 11:01:58', '2018-06-07 11:01:58', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('130', '5', '帆布', '2018-06-07 15:33:34', '2018-06-07 15:33:34', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('131', '2', '欧式', '2018-06-07 15:33:55', '2018-06-07 15:33:55', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('132', '20', '山东', '2018-06-07 17:26:17', '2018-06-07 17:26:17', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('133', '2', 'OL通勤', '2018-06-08 14:12:32', '2018-06-08 14:12:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('134', '5', '粘纤', '2018-06-08 14:12:54', '2018-06-08 14:12:54', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('135', '26', '粘纤', '2018-06-08 14:13:55', '2018-06-08 14:13:55', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('136', '18', '不限', '2018-06-08 14:14:39', '2018-06-08 14:14:39', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('137', '5', '莫代尔', '2018-06-08 14:46:31', '2018-06-08 14:46:31', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('138', '26', '莫代尔', '2018-06-08 14:46:45', '2018-06-08 14:46:45', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('139', '27', '93.7(%)', '2018-06-08 14:47:16', '2018-06-08 14:47:16', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('140', '18', '幼儿装(1-3岁),小童装(4-6岁)', '2018-09-03 14:42:51', '2018-09-03 14:42:51', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('141', '48', '橡胶', '2018-09-03 14:43:17', '2018-09-03 14:43:37', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('142', '49', '低帮', '2018-09-03 14:43:53', '2018-09-03 14:43:53', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('143', '50', '低帮', '2018-09-03 14:43:55', '2018-09-03 14:43:55', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('144', '51', '帆布', '2018-09-03 14:44:11', '2018-09-03 14:44:11', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('145', '12', '普通厚', '2018-09-03 14:44:34', '2018-09-03 14:44:34', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('146', '52', '通用', '2018-09-03 14:45:08', '2018-09-03 14:45:08', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('147', '53', '透气,耐磨,防滑', '2018-09-03 14:45:57', '2018-09-03 14:45:57', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('148', '54', '车缝线', '2018-09-03 14:46:43', '2018-09-03 14:46:43', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('149', '55', '注塑鞋', '2018-09-03 14:47:08', '2018-09-03 14:47:08', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_attribute_value` VALUES ('150', '56', '棉质', '2018-09-03 14:47:30', '2018-09-03 14:47:30', null);
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-- Records of ibrand_goods_brand
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_brand` VALUES ('3', '米尔积分商品', '0', '100', '0', '', '', '2017-10-16 14:56:58', '2017-10-16 14:56:58', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_brand` VALUES ('4', '米尔', '1', '0', '0', '', '', '2017-11-09 16:31:27', '2017-11-09 16:31:27', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_brand` VALUES ('6', '27KIDS', '1', '0', '0', '', '', '2018-05-15 09:51:03', '2018-05-15 09:51:03', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_brand` VALUES ('7', 'suzyskids', '1', '0', '0', '', '', '2018-05-15 09:52:22', '2018-05-15 09:52:22', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_brand` VALUES ('8', 'unifriend', '1', '0', '0', '', '', '2018-05-21 14:25:24', '2018-05-21 14:25:24', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_brand` VALUES ('9', '简槑(mei)', '1', '0', '0', '', '', '2018-05-21 14:44:16', '2018-05-21 14:44:16', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_brand` VALUES ('10', '本比小熊', '1', '0', '0', '', '', '2018-05-21 15:04:47', '2018-05-21 15:04:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_brand` VALUES ('11', 'KINCHO日本金鸟', '1', '0', '0', '', '', '2018-06-05 15:58:27', '2018-06-05 15:58:27', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_brand` VALUES ('12', 'pawpawdog', '1', '0', '0', '', '', '2018-06-05 16:38:35', '2018-06-05 16:38:35', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_brand` VALUES ('13', '宝露露', '1', '0', '0', '', '', '2018-06-05 17:49:21', '2018-06-05 17:49:21', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_brand` VALUES ('14', 'kocotree', '1', '0', '0', '', '', '2018-06-06 11:51:53', '2018-06-06 11:51:53', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_brand` VALUES ('15', '一潘', '1', '0', '0', '', '', '2018-06-06 14:21:16', '2018-06-06 14:21:16', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_brand` VALUES ('17', 'Coppertone/水宝宝', '1', '0', '0', '', '', '2018-06-07 11:07:52', '2018-06-07 11:07:52', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_brand` VALUES ('18', '港升', '1', '0', '0', '', '', '2018-06-07 14:21:34', '2018-06-07 14:21:34', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_brand` VALUES ('19', 'sweet', '1', '0', '0', '', '', '2018-06-07 14:51:59', '2018-06-07 14:51:59', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_brand` VALUES ('24', '其他', '1', '0', '0', '', '', '2018-09-03 14:37:54', '2018-09-03 14:37:54', null);
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-- Table structure for ibrand_goods_category
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`category_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`created_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
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-- Records of ibrand_goods_category
-- ----------------------------
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('10', '9', '7', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('17', '16', '14', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('18', '17', '14', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('19', '18', '14', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('20', '19', '14', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('21', '20', '14', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('30', '29', '14', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('37', '36', '14', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('38', '37', '10', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('39', '38', '10', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('40', '39', '10', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('41', '40', '10', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('56', '45', '2', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('57', '45', '6', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('58', '46', '11', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('59', '46', '1', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('60', '46', '2', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('61', '46', '6', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('68', '48', '6', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('69', '49', '11', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('71', '49', '6', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('82', '52', '3', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('83', '52', '2', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('84', '52', '6', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('85', '52', '11', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('87', '47', '16', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('436', '136', '4', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('437', '136', '2', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('438', '136', '8', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('439', '137', '2', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('441', '138', '1', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('442', '138', '3', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('443', '138', '2', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('444', '138', '6', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('445', '139', '2', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('446', '139', '6', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('448', '139', '3', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('450', '140', '4', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('451', '140', '2', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('452', '140', '8', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('466', '144', '1', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('468', '144', '2', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('469', '144', '8', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('470', '144', '43', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('471', '143', '43', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('472', '142', '18', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('473', '142', '43', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('474', '141', '18', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('475', '141', '43', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('476', '140', '18', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('477', '140', '43', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('478', '139', '18', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('479', '139', '43', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('480', '138', '18', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('481', '138', '43', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('482', '137', '18', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('483', '137', '43', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('484', '136', '18', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('485', '136', '43', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('486', '135', '18', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('487', '135', '43', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('488', '134', '18', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('489', '134', '43', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('490', '145', '18', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('491', '145', '43', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('492', '145', '8', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('495', '145', '4', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('500', '146', '2', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('502', '147', '18', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('507', '147', '8', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('509', '148', '43', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('510', '148', '1', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('511', '148', '4', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('512', '148', '2', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('513', '148', '8', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('514', '149', '18', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('515', '149', '43', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('516', '149', '6', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('519', '149', '3', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('520', '150', '18', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('521', '150', '43', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('522', '150', '1', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('523', '150', '4', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('524', '150', '2', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('527', '151', '43', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('529', '151', '3', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('530', '151', '2', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('533', '152', '43', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('534', '152', '2', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('537', '153', '43', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('539', '153', '3', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('540', '153', '2', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('541', '153', '6', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('543', '154', '3', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('547', '154', '6', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('549', '155', '43', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('550', '155', '1', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('551', '155', '4', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('552', '155', '2', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('553', '155', '8', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('557', '156', '3', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('559', '156', '6', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('560', '157', '18', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('561', '157', '43', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('562', '157', '1', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('563', '157', '4', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('564', '157', '2', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('565', '157', '8', null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('568', '158', '31', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('569', '159', '45', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('570', '159', '46', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('571', '160', '45', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('572', '160', '46', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('573', '161', '45', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('574', '161', '47', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('575', '162', '45', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('576', '162', '47', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('577', '163', '11', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('578', '163', '18', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('579', '163', '43', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('580', '163', '1', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('581', '163', '4', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('582', '163', '2', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('583', '163', '8', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('584', '164', '18', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('585', '164', '43', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('586', '164', '2', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('587', '164', '6', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('588', '165', '18', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('589', '165', '43', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('590', '165', '6', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('591', '165', '2', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('592', '165', '1', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('593', '165', '3', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('594', '166', '48', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('595', '166', '49', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('596', '167', '48', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('597', '167', '49', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('598', '168', '11', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('599', '168', '18', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('600', '168', '43', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('601', '168', '2', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('602', '169', '48', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('603', '169', '49', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('604', '170', '20', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('605', '170', '24', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('606', '171', '50', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('607', '172', '53', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('608', '170', '11', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('609', '164', '11', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('610', '156', '11', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('611', '153', '11', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('612', '148', '11', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('613', '135', '11', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('614', '137', '11', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('615', '152', '11', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('617', '152', '10', null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_category` VALUES ('618', '152', '54', null, null);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for ibrand_goods_model
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ibrand_goods_model`;
CREATE TABLE `ibrand_goods_model` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`name` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`spec_ids` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`created_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`updated_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`deleted_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of ibrand_goods_model
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model` VALUES ('1', '裤子', '1,2', '2017-05-03 12:44:33', '2017-05-03 12:44:33', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model` VALUES ('2', '裙装', '1,2', '2017-05-11 12:01:15', '2017-05-11 12:01:15', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model` VALUES ('3', '上装', '1,2', '2017-05-11 12:12:14', '2017-05-11 12:12:14', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model` VALUES ('4', '伞', '1,2', '2017-09-22 13:16:21', '2017-09-22 13:16:21', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model` VALUES ('5', '玩具', '1,2', '2017-10-16 15:02:44', '2017-10-16 15:02:44', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model` VALUES ('7', '亲子装', '1,2', '2018-05-15 09:54:21', '2018-05-15 09:54:21', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model` VALUES ('8', '家居服/毛毯', '1,2', '2018-05-21 15:19:14', '2018-06-05 16:35:14', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model` VALUES ('9', '防晒服', '1,2', '2018-05-21 15:20:30', '2018-05-21 15:20:30', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model` VALUES ('11', '防蚊防晒', '1,2', '2018-06-05 15:57:05', '2018-06-05 15:57:05', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model` VALUES ('12', '帽子', '1,2', '2018-08-16 16:11:39', '2018-08-16 16:11:39', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model` VALUES ('13', '童鞋', '1,2', '2018-09-03 14:41:57', '2018-09-03 14:41:57', null);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation
-- ----------------------------
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CREATE TABLE `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`model_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`attribute_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`created_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`updated_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`deleted_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=143 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation
-- ----------------------------
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('2', '1', '2', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('3', '1', '3', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('4', '1', '4', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('5', '1', '5', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('6', '1', '11', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('7', '2', '2', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('8', '2', '3', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('9', '2', '4', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('10', '2', '5', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('13', '2', '9', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('19', '3', '4', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('20', '3', '5', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('21', '3', '6', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('25', '4', '15', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('26', '4', '16', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('28', '7', '2', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('29', '7', '3', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('30', '7', '4', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('31', '7', '5', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('36', '1', '18', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('38', '1', '25', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('39', '1', '26', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('40', '1', '27', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('47', '7', '26', null, null, null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('48', '7', '27', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('71', '9', '19', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_model_attribute_relation` VALUES ('73', '10', '2', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1918', '136', '0', '30125#-4', '69.00', '106.00', null, null, '1', '[\"10\",\"43\"]', '2018-08-08 21:25:03', '2018-08-08 21:25:03', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1922', '136', '0', '30125#-8', '69.00', '106.00', null, null, '1', '[\"28\",\"41\"]', '2018-08-08 21:25:04', '2018-08-08 21:25:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1923', '136', '0', '30125#-9', '69.00', '106.00', null, null, '1', '[\"28\",\"42\"]', '2018-08-08 21:25:04', '2018-08-08 21:25:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1924', '136', '0', '30125#-10', '69.00', '106.00', null, null, '1', '[\"28\",\"43\"]', '2018-08-08 21:25:04', '2018-08-08 21:25:04', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1929', '137', '8', '670#-3', '78.00', '129.00', null, null, '1', '[\"34\",\"42\"]', '2018-08-08 21:38:02', '2018-09-07 17:22:38', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1932', '138', '10', '30685#-1', '49.00', '73.00', null, null, '1', '[\"4\",\"39\"]', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1933', '138', '10', '30685#-2', '49.00', '73.00', null, null, '1', '[\"4\",\"40\"]', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1934', '138', '10', '30685#-3', '49.00', '73.00', null, null, '1', '[\"4\",\"41\"]', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1935', '138', '10', '30685#-4', '49.00', '73.00', null, null, '1', '[\"4\",\"42\"]', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1936', '138', '10', '30685#-5', '49.00', '73.00', null, null, '1', '[\"4\",\"43\"]', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1937', '138', '10', '30685#-6', '49.00', '73.00', null, null, '1', '[\"4\",\"44\"]', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1938', '138', '10', '30685#-7', '49.00', '73.00', null, null, '1', '[\"18\",\"39\"]', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1939', '138', '10', '30685#-8', '49.00', '73.00', null, null, '1', '[\"18\",\"40\"]', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1940', '138', '10', '30685#-9', '49.00', '73.00', null, null, '1', '[\"18\",\"41\"]', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1941', '138', '9', '30685#-10', '49.00', '73.00', null, null, '1', '[\"18\",\"42\"]', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', '2018-11-19 12:15:57', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1942', '138', '10', '30685#-11', '49.00', '73.00', null, null, '1', '[\"18\",\"43\"]', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1943', '138', '10', '30685#-12', '49.00', '73.00', null, null, '1', '[\"18\",\"44\"]', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1944', '138', '10', '30685#-13', '49.00', '73.00', null, null, '1', '[\"34\",\"39\"]', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1945', '138', '10', '30685#-14', '49.00', '73.00', null, null, '1', '[\"34\",\"40\"]', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1946', '138', '10', '30685#-15', '49.00', '73.00', null, null, '1', '[\"34\",\"41\"]', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1947', '138', '10', '30685#-16', '49.00', '73.00', null, null, '1', '[\"34\",\"42\"]', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1948', '138', '10', '30685#-17', '49.00', '73.00', null, null, '1', '[\"34\",\"43\"]', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1955', '138', '10', '30685#-24', '49.00', '73.00', null, null, '1', '[\"44\",\"47\"]', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', '2018-08-08 22:04:04', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1958', '139', '8', '690#-3', '78.00', '129.00', null, null, '1', '[\"1\",\"42\"]', '2018-08-09 10:37:53', '2018-08-23 10:24:26', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1959', '139', '8', '690#-4', '78.00', '129.00', null, null, '1', '[\"1\",\"43\"]', '2018-08-09 10:37:53', '2018-08-23 10:24:26', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1960', '139', '8', '690#-5', '78.00', '129.00', null, null, '1', '[\"1\",\"44\"]', '2018-08-09 10:37:53', '2018-08-23 10:24:26', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1961', '139', '8', '690#-6', '78.00', '129.00', null, null, '1', '[\"5\",\"40\"]', '2018-08-09 10:37:53', '2018-08-23 10:24:26', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1962', '139', '8', '690#-7', '78.00', '129.00', null, null, '1', '[\"5\",\"41\"]', '2018-08-09 10:37:53', '2018-08-23 10:24:26', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1963', '139', '8', '690#-8', '78.00', '129.00', null, null, '1', '[\"5\",\"42\"]', '2018-08-09 10:37:53', '2018-08-23 10:24:26', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1964', '139', '8', '690#-9', '78.00', '129.00', null, null, '1', '[\"5\",\"43\"]', '2018-08-09 10:37:53', '2018-08-23 10:24:26', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1967', '140', '8', '635#-2', '76.00', '110.00', null, null, '1', '[\"1\",\"41\"]', '2018-08-09 10:56:20', '2018-08-09 10:56:20', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1968', '140', '8', '635#-3', '76.00', '110.00', null, null, '1', '[\"1\",\"42\"]', '2018-08-09 10:56:20', '2018-08-09 10:56:20', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_product` VALUES ('1987', '140', '8', '635#-22', '76.00', '110.00', null, null, '1', '[\"37\",\"41\"]', '2018-08-09 10:56:21', '2018-08-09 10:56:21', null);
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-- Records of ibrand_goods_spec_relation
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('112', '27', '1', '48', '通用', '2', '', '2017-10-18 23:16:49', '2017-10-18 23:16:49', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('113', '28', '2', '11', '绿色', '1', '', '2017-10-18 23:18:53', '2017-10-18 23:18:53', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('114', '28', '1', '48', '通用', '2', '', '2017-10-18 23:18:53', '2017-10-18 23:18:53', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('115', '29', '2', '18', '深蓝色', '1', '', '2017-10-18 23:19:58', '2017-10-18 23:21:48', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('116', '29', '1', '48', '通用', '2', '', '2017-10-18 23:19:58', '2017-10-18 23:21:48', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('117', '30', '2', '9', '军绿色', '1', '', '2017-10-18 23:25:57', '2017-10-18 23:25:57', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('118', '30', '1', '48', '通用', '2', '', '2017-10-18 23:25:57', '2017-10-18 23:25:57', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('119', '31', '2', '12', '翠绿色', '1', '', '2017-10-18 23:32:08', '2017-10-18 23:32:08', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('120', '31', '1', '48', '通用', '2', '', '2017-10-18 23:32:08', '2017-10-18 23:32:08', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('121', '32', '2', '19', '湖蓝色', '1', '', '2017-10-18 23:36:24', '2017-10-18 23:36:24', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('122', '32', '1', '48', '通用', '2', '', '2017-10-18 23:36:24', '2017-10-18 23:36:24', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('124', '33', '1', '48', '均码', '2', '', '2017-11-09 16:39:47', '2017-12-27 15:57:49', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('125', '34', '2', '7', '西瓜红', '1', '', '2017-11-09 17:38:05', '2017-11-09 17:38:05', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('126', '34', '1', '48', '通用', '2', '', '2017-11-09 17:38:05', '2017-11-09 17:38:05', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('127', '35', '2', '7', '西瓜红', '1', '', '2017-11-09 17:40:33', '2017-11-09 17:40:33', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('128', '35', '1', '48', '通用', '2', '', '2017-11-09 17:40:33', '2017-11-09 17:40:33', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('134', '37', '1', '48', '通用', '2', '', '2017-12-15 12:40:38', '2017-12-15 12:40:38', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('135', '38', '2', '5', '红色', '1', '', '2017-12-15 12:44:50', '2017-12-15 14:09:36', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('136', '38', '1', '48', '通用', '2', '', '2017-12-15 12:44:50', '2017-12-15 14:09:36', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('137', '39', '2', '1', '黑色', '1', '', '2017-12-15 14:01:39', '2017-12-15 14:01:39', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('138', '39', '1', '48', '通用', '2', '', '2017-12-15 14:01:39', '2017-12-15 14:01:39', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('140', '40', '1', '48', '均码', '2', '', '2017-12-15 14:05:10', '2017-12-27 16:01:58', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('144', '41', '1', '40', '90', '2', '', '2018-05-15 11:13:52', '2018-05-15 11:59:35', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('145', '41', '1', '41', '100', '2', '', '2018-05-15 11:13:52', '2018-05-15 11:59:35', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('146', '41', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-05-15 11:13:52', '2018-05-15 11:59:35', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('147', '41', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-05-15 11:13:52', '2018-05-15 11:59:35', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('148', '41', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-05-15 11:13:52', '2018-05-15 11:59:35', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('149', '41', '1', '45', '140', '2', '', '2018-05-15 11:13:52', '2018-05-15 11:59:35', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('150', '42', '2', '38', '花灰', '1', '', '2018-05-15 11:29:26', '2018-05-15 11:59:21', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('153', '42', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-05-15 11:29:26', '2018-05-15 11:59:21', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('154', '42', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-05-15 11:29:26', '2018-05-15 11:59:21', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('156', '42', '1', '45', '140', '2', '', '2018-05-15 11:29:26', '2018-05-15 11:59:21', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('163', '43', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-05-15 11:58:44', '2018-05-15 11:58:44', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('543', '88', '1', '51', '爸爸L码', '2', '', '2018-05-21 16:33:39', '2018-05-21 16:33:39', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('544', '88', '1', '52', '爸爸XL码', '2', '', '2018-05-21 16:33:39', '2018-05-21 16:33:39', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('545', '89', '2', '6', '猫头鹰', '1', '', '2018-05-21 16:39:50', '2018-05-21 16:41:08', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('546', '89', '2', '7', '猫咪', '1', '', '2018-05-21 16:39:50', '2018-05-21 16:41:08', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('547', '89', '2', '15', '蓝恐龙', '1', '', '2018-05-21 16:39:50', '2018-05-21 16:41:08', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('548', '89', '2', '17', '太阳花', '1', '', '2018-05-21 16:39:50', '2018-05-21 16:41:08', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('549', '89', '2', '22', '云朵', '1', '', '2018-05-21 16:39:50', '2018-05-21 16:41:08', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('550', '89', '2', '47', '小绿恐龙', '1', '', '2018-05-21 16:39:50', '2018-05-21 16:41:08', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('551', '89', '1', '40', '90', '2', '', '2018-05-21 16:39:50', '2018-05-21 16:41:08', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('552', '89', '1', '41', '100', '2', '', '2018-05-21 16:39:50', '2018-05-21 16:41:08', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('553', '89', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-05-21 16:39:50', '2018-05-21 16:41:08', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('554', '89', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-05-21 16:39:50', '2018-05-21 16:41:08', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('555', '89', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-05-21 16:39:50', '2018-05-21 16:41:08', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('556', '90', '2', '16', '军蓝', '1', '', '2018-05-21 16:49:44', '2018-05-21 16:49:44', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('557', '90', '2', '46', '白色', '1', '', '2018-05-21 16:49:44', '2018-05-21 16:49:44', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('558', '90', '1', '40', '90', '2', '', '2018-05-21 16:49:44', '2018-05-21 16:49:44', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('559', '90', '1', '41', '100', '2', '', '2018-05-21 16:49:44', '2018-05-21 16:49:44', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('560', '90', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-05-21 16:49:44', '2018-05-21 16:49:44', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('561', '90', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-05-21 16:49:44', '2018-05-21 16:49:44', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('562', '90', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-05-21 16:49:44', '2018-05-21 16:49:44', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('563', '90', '1', '45', '140', '2', '', '2018-05-21 16:49:44', '2018-05-21 16:49:44', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('564', '91', '2', '37', '男孩蝙蝠(超薄)', '1', '', '2018-05-21 17:03:06', '2018-05-21 17:03:06', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('565', '91', '2', '47', '中性黄色(超薄)', '1', '', '2018-05-21 17:03:06', '2018-05-21 17:03:06', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('566', '91', '1', '39', '80', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:03:06', '2018-05-21 17:03:06', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('567', '91', '1', '40', '90', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:03:06', '2018-05-21 17:03:06', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('568', '91', '1', '41', '100', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:03:06', '2018-05-21 17:03:06', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('569', '91', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:03:06', '2018-05-21 17:03:06', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('570', '91', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:03:06', '2018-05-21 17:03:06', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('571', '91', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:03:06', '2018-05-21 17:03:06', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('572', '91', '1', '45', '140', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:03:06', '2018-05-21 17:03:06', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('573', '92', '2', '17', '瀑布绿', '1', '', '2018-05-21 17:03:15', '2018-05-21 17:03:15', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('574', '92', '2', '31', '卡其', '1', '', '2018-05-21 17:03:15', '2018-05-21 17:03:15', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('575', '92', '1', '40', '90', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:03:15', '2018-05-21 17:03:15', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('576', '92', '1', '41', '100', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:03:15', '2018-05-21 17:03:15', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('577', '92', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:03:15', '2018-05-21 17:03:15', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('578', '92', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:03:15', '2018-05-21 17:03:15', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('579', '92', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:03:15', '2018-05-21 17:03:15', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('580', '92', '1', '45', '140', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:03:15', '2018-05-21 17:03:15', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('581', '93', '2', '11', '艾绿', '1', '', '2018-05-21 17:17:39', '2018-05-21 17:18:12', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('582', '93', '2', '31', '卡其', '1', '', '2018-05-21 17:17:39', '2018-05-21 17:18:12', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('583', '93', '2', '35', '花灰', '1', '', '2018-05-21 17:17:39', '2018-05-21 17:18:12', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('584', '93', '1', '40', '90', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:17:39', '2018-05-21 17:18:12', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('585', '93', '1', '41', '100', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:17:39', '2018-05-21 17:18:12', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('586', '93', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:17:39', '2018-05-21 17:18:12', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('587', '93', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:17:39', '2018-05-21 17:18:12', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('588', '93', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:17:39', '2018-05-21 17:18:12', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('589', '93', '1', '45', '140', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:17:39', '2018-05-21 17:18:12', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('590', '94', '2', '6', '苹果(超薄纯棉)', '1', '', '2018-05-21 17:20:47', '2018-05-21 17:20:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('591', '94', '2', '7', '草莓(竹节棉)', '1', '', '2018-05-21 17:20:47', '2018-05-21 17:20:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('592', '94', '2', '14', '蝙蝠侠(超薄纯棉)', '1', '', '2018-05-21 17:20:47', '2018-05-21 17:20:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('593', '94', '2', '38', '恐龙(竹节棉)', '1', '', '2018-05-21 17:20:47', '2018-05-21 17:20:47', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('595', '94', '1', '41', '100', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:20:47', '2018-05-21 17:20:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('596', '94', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:20:47', '2018-05-21 17:20:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('597', '94', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:20:47', '2018-05-21 17:20:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('598', '94', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:20:47', '2018-05-21 17:20:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('599', '94', '1', '45', '140', '2', '', '2018-05-21 17:20:47', '2018-05-21 17:20:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('600', '95', '2', '4', '粉色', '1', '', '2018-05-25 13:03:57', '2018-05-25 13:03:57', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('601', '95', '2', '31', '米色', '1', '', '2018-05-25 13:03:57', '2018-05-25 13:03:57', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('603', '95', '1', '40', '90', '2', '', '2018-05-25 13:03:57', '2018-05-25 13:03:57', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('604', '95', '1', '41', '100', '2', '', '2018-05-25 13:03:57', '2018-05-25 13:03:57', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('605', '95', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-05-25 13:03:57', '2018-05-25 13:03:57', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('606', '95', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-05-25 13:03:57', '2018-05-25 13:03:57', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('607', '95', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-05-25 13:03:57', '2018-05-25 13:03:57', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('608', '96', '2', '16', '蓝色', '1', '', '2018-05-25 13:12:50', '2018-05-25 13:12:50', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('609', '96', '2', '35', '杏色', '1', '', '2018-05-25 13:12:50', '2018-05-25 13:12:50', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('610', '96', '1', '40', '90', '2', '', '2018-05-25 13:12:50', '2018-05-25 13:12:50', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('611', '96', '1', '41', '100', '2', '', '2018-05-25 13:12:50', '2018-05-25 13:12:50', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('612', '96', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-05-25 13:12:50', '2018-05-25 13:12:50', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('613', '96', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-05-25 13:12:50', '2018-05-25 13:12:50', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('614', '96', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-05-25 13:12:50', '2018-05-25 13:12:50', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('617', '97', '2', '27', '咖啡色', '1', '', '2018-05-25 13:46:10', '2018-05-25 13:46:10', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('620', '97', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-05-25 13:46:10', '2018-05-25 13:46:10', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('622', '97', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-05-25 13:46:10', '2018-05-25 13:46:10', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('633', '99', '1', '40', '90', '2', '', '2018-05-25 14:18:24', '2018-05-25 14:29:11', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('634', '99', '1', '41', '100', '2', '', '2018-05-25 14:18:24', '2018-05-25 14:29:11', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('635', '99', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-05-25 14:18:24', '2018-05-25 14:29:11', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('636', '99', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-05-25 14:18:24', '2018-05-25 14:29:11', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('637', '99', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-05-25 14:18:24', '2018-05-25 14:29:11', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('641', '100', '1', '41', '100', '2', '', '2018-05-25 14:35:25', '2018-05-28 15:10:23', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('642', '100', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-05-25 14:35:25', '2018-05-28 15:10:23', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('643', '100', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-05-25 14:35:25', '2018-05-28 15:10:23', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('644', '100', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-05-25 14:35:25', '2018-05-28 15:10:23', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('648', '101', '1', '41', '100', '2', '', '2018-05-25 14:57:20', '2018-05-25 14:57:20', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('649', '101', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-05-25 14:57:20', '2018-05-25 14:57:20', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('650', '101', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-05-25 14:57:20', '2018-05-25 14:57:20', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('651', '101', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-05-25 14:57:20', '2018-05-25 14:57:20', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('656', '102', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-05-25 15:13:59', '2018-05-25 15:13:59', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('670', '104', '1', '41', '100', '2', '', '2018-05-28 15:55:08', '2018-05-31 16:54:23', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('671', '104', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-05-28 15:55:08', '2018-05-31 16:54:23', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('672', '104', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-05-28 15:55:08', '2018-05-31 16:54:23', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('673', '104', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-05-28 15:55:08', '2018-05-31 16:54:23', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('674', '105', '2', '7', '焦糖', '1', '', '2018-05-28 17:52:27', '2018-05-31 16:53:40', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('675', '105', '2', '19', '蓝色', '1', '', '2018-05-28 17:52:27', '2018-05-31 16:53:40', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('676', '105', '1', '40', '90', '2', '', '2018-05-28 17:52:27', '2018-05-31 16:53:40', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('677', '105', '1', '41', '100', '2', '', '2018-05-28 17:52:27', '2018-05-31 16:53:40', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('678', '105', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-05-28 17:52:27', '2018-05-31 16:53:40', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('679', '105', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-05-28 17:52:27', '2018-05-31 16:53:40', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('680', '105', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-05-28 17:52:27', '2018-05-31 16:53:40', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('681', '106', '2', '22', '米色', '1', '', '2018-05-28 18:03:05', '2018-05-31 16:53:01', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('682', '106', '2', '36', '深灰', '1', '', '2018-05-28 18:03:05', '2018-05-31 16:53:01', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('683', '106', '1', '40', '90', '2', '', '2018-05-28 18:03:05', '2018-05-31 16:53:01', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('684', '106', '1', '41', '100', '2', '', '2018-05-28 18:03:05', '2018-05-31 16:53:01', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('685', '106', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-05-28 18:03:05', '2018-05-31 16:53:01', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('686', '106', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-05-28 18:03:05', '2018-05-31 16:53:01', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('687', '106', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-05-28 18:03:05', '2018-05-31 16:53:01', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('688', '107', '2', '4', '粉色', '1', '', '2018-05-28 18:11:36', '2018-05-31 16:52:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('689', '107', '2', '31', '卡其色', '1', '', '2018-05-28 18:11:36', '2018-05-31 16:52:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('690', '107', '1', '40', '90', '2', '', '2018-05-28 18:11:36', '2018-05-31 16:52:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('691', '107', '1', '41', '100', '2', '', '2018-05-28 18:11:36', '2018-05-31 16:52:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('692', '107', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-05-28 18:11:36', '2018-05-31 16:52:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('693', '107', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-05-28 18:11:36', '2018-05-31 16:52:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('694', '107', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-05-28 18:11:36', '2018-05-31 16:52:47', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('695', '108', '2', '4', '花草味', '1', '', '2018-06-05 16:26:05', '2018-06-07 13:59:29', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('696', '108', '2', '14', '水果味', '1', '', '2018-06-05 16:26:05', '2018-06-07 13:59:29', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('697', '108', '1', '62', '30个/袋', '2', '', '2018-06-05 16:26:05', '2018-06-07 13:59:29', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('698', '109', '2', '1', '黑兔子', '1', '', '2018-06-05 17:27:18', '2018-06-05 17:49:40', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('699', '109', '2', '4', '少女粉', '1', '', '2018-06-05 17:27:18', '2018-06-05 17:49:40', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('700', '109', '2', '19', '蓝色', '1', '', '2018-06-05 17:27:18', '2018-06-05 17:49:40', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('701', '109', '2', '34', '卡其兔子', '1', '', '2018-06-05 17:27:18', '2018-06-05 17:49:40', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('702', '109', '2', '35', '浅灰色', '1', '', '2018-06-05 17:27:18', '2018-06-05 17:49:40', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('703', '109', '2', '47', '黄色', '1', '', '2018-06-05 17:27:18', '2018-06-05 17:49:40', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('704', '109', '1', '53', '75*105加绒', '2', '', '2018-06-05 17:27:18', '2018-06-05 17:49:40', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('705', '109', '1', '54', '75*105单层', '2', '', '2018-06-05 17:27:18', '2018-06-05 17:49:40', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('706', '109', '1', '55', '110*130加绒', '2', '', '2018-06-05 17:27:18', '2018-06-05 17:49:40', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('707', '109', '1', '56', '110*130单层', '2', '', '2018-06-05 17:27:18', '2018-06-05 17:49:40', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('708', '109', '1', '57', '75*105羊羔绒', '2', '', '2018-06-05 17:27:18', '2018-06-05 17:49:40', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('709', '110', '2', '7', '60(g/ml)', '1', '', '2018-06-05 18:03:14', '2018-06-05 18:03:14', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('710', '110', '1', '39', '60(g/ml)', '2', '', '2018-06-05 18:03:14', '2018-06-05 18:03:14', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('711', '111', '2', '4', '玫粉色-升级版-顽皮熊', '1', '', '2018-06-06 12:43:29', '2018-06-15 13:08:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('712', '111', '2', '18', '藏蓝色-升级版-顽皮熊', '1', '', '2018-06-06 12:43:29', '2018-06-15 13:08:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('713', '111', '2', '19', '粉蓝色-升级版-顽皮熊', '1', '', '2018-06-06 12:43:29', '2018-06-15 13:08:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('714', '111', '2', '23', '深蓝色-升级版-顽皮熊', '1', '', '2018-06-06 12:43:29', '2018-06-15 13:08:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('715', '111', '2', '25', '粉紫色-升级版-顽皮熊', '1', '', '2018-06-06 12:43:29', '2018-06-15 13:08:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('716', '111', '1', '39', '儿童建议头围50-54cm', '2', '', '2018-06-06 12:43:29', '2018-06-15 13:08:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('717', '111', '1', '40', '成人建议头围54-57cm', '2', '', '2018-06-06 12:43:29', '2018-06-15 13:08:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('718', '111', '1', '41', '小童建议头围48-52cm', '2', '', '2018-06-06 12:43:29', '2018-06-15 13:08:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('719', '112', '2', '1', '黑色', '1', '', '2018-06-06 14:44:43', '2018-06-07 10:38:56', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('720', '112', '2', '2', '卡其色', '1', '', '2018-06-06 14:44:43', '2018-06-07 10:38:56', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('721', '112', '2', '3', '玫红色', '1', '', '2018-06-06 14:44:43', '2018-06-07 10:38:56', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('722', '112', '2', '4', '粉色', '1', '', '2018-06-06 14:44:43', '2018-06-07 10:38:56', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('723', '112', '2', '9', '草绿色', '1', '', '2018-06-06 14:44:43', '2018-06-07 10:38:56', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('724', '112', '2', '21', '藏青色', '1', '', '2018-06-06 14:44:43', '2018-06-07 10:38:56', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('725', '112', '2', '26', '紫色', '1', '', '2018-06-06 14:44:43', '2018-06-07 10:38:56', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('726', '112', '1', '39', '48-52cm', '2', '', '2018-06-06 14:44:43', '2018-06-07 10:38:56', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('727', '113', '2', '20', '蓝色', '1', '', '2018-06-07 12:02:47', '2018-06-13 15:19:00', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('728', '113', '1', '39', '237ml', '2', '', '2018-06-07 12:02:47', '2018-06-13 15:19:00', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('729', '114', '2', '17', '款式随机(固态)', '1', '', '2018-06-07 14:50:10', '2018-06-14 11:33:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('730', '114', '2', '25', '款式随机(液态)', '1', '', '2018-06-07 14:50:10', '2018-06-14 11:33:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('731', '114', '2', '46', '款式随机(小清新印花)', '1', '', '2018-06-07 14:50:10', '2018-06-14 11:33:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('732', '114', '1', '39', '4*3.5cm', '2', '', '2018-06-07 14:50:10', '2018-06-14 11:33:04', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('733', '115', '2', '2', '2号几何', '1', '', '2018-06-07 16:09:15', '2018-06-07 16:09:15', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('734', '115', '2', '4', '4号小三角', '1', '', '2018-06-07 16:09:15', '2018-06-07 16:09:15', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('735', '115', '2', '6', '6号白格', '1', '', '2018-06-07 16:09:15', '2018-06-07 16:09:15', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('736', '115', '2', '7', '7号黑格', '1', '', '2018-06-07 16:09:15', '2018-06-07 16:09:15', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('737', '115', '2', '13', '13号麦穗', '1', '', '2018-06-07 16:09:15', '2018-06-07 16:09:15', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('738', '115', '2', '16', '16号纸飞机', '1', '', '2018-06-07 16:09:15', '2018-06-07 16:09:15', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('739', '115', '2', '20', '20号黑圆点', '1', '', '2018-06-07 16:09:15', '2018-06-07 16:09:15', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('740', '115', '1', '39', '40*50cm', '2', '', '2018-06-07 16:09:15', '2018-06-07 16:09:15', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('741', '116', '2', '1', '黄条纹', '1', '', '2018-06-07 17:01:15', '2018-06-11 12:06:18', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('744', '116', '2', '28', '红条纹', '1', '', '2018-06-07 17:01:15', '2018-06-11 12:06:18', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('745', '116', '2', '30', '红点点', '1', '', '2018-06-07 17:01:15', '2018-06-11 12:06:18', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('746', '116', '2', '47', '黄圆点', '1', '', '2018-06-07 17:01:15', '2018-06-11 12:06:18', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('750', '118', '2', '2', '橘红色', '1', '', '2018-06-07 18:06:48', '2018-06-15 12:31:05', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('752', '118', '2', '11', '复古绿', '1', '', '2018-06-07 18:06:48', '2018-06-15 12:31:05', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('753', '118', '2', '17', '浅蓝色', '1', '', '2018-06-07 18:06:48', '2018-06-15 12:31:05', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('756', '118', '2', '37', '月光灰', '1', '', '2018-06-07 18:06:48', '2018-06-15 12:31:05', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('758', '118', '2', '46', '白色', '1', '', '2018-06-07 18:06:48', '2018-06-15 12:31:05', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('759', '118', '1', '40', '90', '2', '', '2018-06-07 18:06:48', '2018-06-15 12:31:05', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('760', '118', '1', '41', '100', '2', '', '2018-06-07 18:06:48', '2018-06-15 12:31:05', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('761', '118', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-06-07 18:06:48', '2018-06-15 12:31:05', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('762', '118', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-06-07 18:06:48', '2018-06-15 12:31:05', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('763', '118', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-06-07 18:06:48', '2018-06-15 12:31:05', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('766', '118', '1', '49', '160cm', '2', '', '2018-06-07 18:06:48', '2018-06-15 12:31:05', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('842', '123', '2', '46', '白色', '1', '', '2018-06-08 11:37:46', '2018-06-15 12:21:41', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('843', '123', '1', '40', '90', '2', '', '2018-06-08 11:37:46', '2018-06-15 12:21:41', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('844', '123', '1', '41', '100', '2', '', '2018-06-08 11:37:46', '2018-06-15 12:21:41', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('845', '123', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-06-08 11:37:46', '2018-06-15 12:21:41', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('846', '123', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-06-08 11:37:46', '2018-06-15 12:21:41', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('847', '123', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-06-08 11:37:46', '2018-06-15 12:21:41', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('848', '123', '1', '45', '140', '2', '', '2018-06-08 11:37:46', '2018-06-15 12:21:41', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('849', '123', '1', '48', '150', '2', '', '2018-06-08 11:37:46', '2018-06-15 12:21:41', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('850', '123', '1', '49', '160', '2', '', '2018-06-08 11:37:46', '2018-06-15 12:21:41', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('852', '124', '2', '2', '杏粉', '1', '', '2018-06-08 12:09:32', '2018-06-14 11:51:00', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('853', '124', '2', '4', '粉色', '1', '', '2018-06-08 12:09:33', '2018-06-14 11:51:00', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('859', '124', '1', '39', 'M', '2', '', '2018-06-08 12:09:33', '2018-06-14 11:51:00', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('860', '124', '1', '40', 'L', '2', '', '2018-06-08 12:09:33', '2018-06-14 11:51:00', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('862', '124', '1', '42', 'XXL', '2', '', '2018-06-08 12:09:33', '2018-06-14 11:51:00', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('863', '125', '2', '1', '黑色', '1', '', '2018-06-08 14:11:14', '2018-06-08 14:15:05', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('864', '125', '2', '4', '粉色', '1', '', '2018-06-08 14:11:14', '2018-06-08 14:15:05', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('874', '125', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-06-08 14:11:14', '2018-06-08 14:15:05', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('875', '125', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-06-08 14:11:14', '2018-06-08 14:15:05', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('886', '126', '1', '41', 'XL', '2', '', '2018-06-08 14:46:08', '2018-06-08 15:15:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('887', '126', '1', '42', 'XXL', '2', '', '2018-06-08 14:46:08', '2018-06-08 15:15:32', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('888', '126', '1', '43', 'XXXL', '2', '', '2018-06-08 14:46:08', '2018-06-08 15:15:32', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('898', '127', '1', '41', 'XL', '2', '', '2018-06-08 15:07:42', '2018-06-11 13:07:32', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('900', '127', '1', '43', 'XXXL', '2', '', '2018-06-08 15:07:42', '2018-06-11 13:07:32', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1143', '156', '1', '41', '100', '2', '', '2018-08-16 15:00:34', '2018-09-11 16:48:28', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1144', '156', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-08-16 15:00:34', '2018-09-11 16:48:28', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1145', '156', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-08-16 15:00:34', '2018-09-11 16:48:28', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1146', '156', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-08-16 15:00:34', '2018-09-11 16:48:28', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1149', '157', '1', '41', '100', '2', '', '2018-08-16 15:11:31', '2018-08-20 17:00:55', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1150', '157', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-08-16 15:11:31', '2018-08-20 17:00:55', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1151', '157', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-08-16 15:11:31', '2018-08-20 17:00:55', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1152', '157', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-08-16 15:11:31', '2018-08-20 17:00:55', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1153', '157', '1', '45', '140', '2', '', '2018-08-16 15:11:31', '2018-08-20 17:00:55', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1154', '158', '2', '1', '黑色', '1', '', '2018-08-16 15:38:29', '2018-08-16 15:38:29', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1157', '158', '2', '47', '黄色', '1', '', '2018-08-16 15:38:29', '2018-08-16 15:38:29', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1158', '158', '1', '39', '(48-54cm)仅参考', '2', '', '2018-08-16 15:38:29', '2018-08-16 15:38:29', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1161', '159', '2', '47', '黄色', '1', '', '2018-08-16 16:18:30', '2018-08-16 16:18:30', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1179', '163', '1', '45', '140', '2', '', '2018-08-27 14:10:50', '2018-08-27 14:10:50', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1184', '164', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-08-27 14:22:16', '2018-09-11 16:47:51', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1185', '164', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-08-27 14:22:16', '2018-09-11 16:47:51', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1186', '164', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-08-27 14:22:16', '2018-09-11 16:47:51', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1205', '166', '1', '45', '27', '2', '', '2018-09-03 15:23:09', '2018-09-03 15:23:09', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1215', '167', '1', '41', '23', '2', '', '2018-09-03 15:59:21', '2018-09-03 15:59:21', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1229', '168', '1', '41', '100', '2', '', '2018-09-03 16:16:41', '2018-09-03 16:16:41', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1230', '168', '1', '42', '110', '2', '', '2018-09-03 16:16:41', '2018-09-03 16:16:41', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1231', '168', '1', '43', '120', '2', '', '2018-09-03 16:16:41', '2018-09-03 16:16:41', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1232', '168', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-09-03 16:16:41', '2018-09-03 16:16:41', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1233', '168', '1', '45', '140', '2', '', '2018-09-03 16:16:41', '2018-09-03 16:16:41', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1234', '169', '2', '1', '黑色', '1', '', '2018-09-04 19:07:50', '2018-09-06 12:04:17', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1235', '169', '1', '39', '23', '2', '', '2018-09-04 19:07:50', '2018-09-06 12:04:17', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1236', '169', '1', '40', '24', '2', '', '2018-09-04 19:07:50', '2018-09-06 12:04:17', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1237', '169', '1', '41', '25', '2', '', '2018-09-04 19:07:50', '2018-09-06 12:04:17', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1238', '169', '1', '42', '26', '2', '', '2018-09-04 19:07:50', '2018-09-06 12:04:17', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1239', '169', '1', '43', '27', '2', '', '2018-09-04 19:07:50', '2018-09-06 12:04:17', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1240', '169', '1', '44', '28', '2', '', '2018-09-04 19:07:50', '2018-09-06 12:04:17', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1259', '171', '1', '44', '130', '2', '', '2018-09-04 20:03:02', '2018-09-04 20:03:02', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1267', '172', '2', '31', '黄夹棕', '1', '', '2018-09-05 14:27:18', '2018-09-11 09:51:12', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1270', '172', '2', '47', '黄夹灰', '1', '', '2018-09-05 14:27:18', '2018-09-11 09:51:12', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_relation` VALUES ('1273', '172', '1', '41', '5-8岁', '2', '', '2018-09-05 14:27:18', '2018-09-11 09:51:12', null);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for ibrand_goods_spec_value
-- ----------------------------
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`name` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`rgb` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
`color` varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
`status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`created_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`updated_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`deleted_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of ibrand_goods_spec_value
-- ----------------------------
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_value` VALUES ('2', '2', '橘红色', 'ff7500', null, '1', null, null, null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_value` VALUES ('48', '1', '通用', null, null, '1', '2017-09-22 13:18:08', '2017-09-22 13:18:08', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_value` VALUES ('51', '1', '爸爸L码', null, null, '1', '2018-05-15 10:23:53', '2018-05-15 10:23:53', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_value` VALUES ('52', '1', '爸爸XL码', null, null, '1', '2018-05-15 10:23:53', '2018-05-15 10:23:53', null);
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INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_value` VALUES ('55', '1', '9码【110CM】套装', null, null, '1', '2018-05-15 10:26:12', '2018-05-15 10:26:12', null);
INSERT INTO `ibrand_goods_spec_value` VALUES ('56', '1', '11码【120CM】套装', null, null, '1', '2018-05-15 10:26:12', '2018-05-15 10:26:12', null);
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