
 * This file is part of the Jiannei/lumen-api-starter.
 * (c) Jiannei <longjian.huang@foxmail.com>
 * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
 * with this source code in the file LICENSE.

return [
    | Repository Pagination Limit Default
    'pagination' => [
        'limit' => 15,

    | Fractal Presenter Config

    Available serializers:

    'fractal' => [
        'params' => [
            'include' => 'include',
        'serializer' => \Jiannei\Response\Laravel\Support\Serializers\ArraySerializer::class,

    | Cache Config
    'cache' => [
         | Cache Status
         | Enable or disable cache
        'enabled' => false,

         | Cache Minutes
         | Time of expiration cache
        'minutes' => 30,

         | Cache Repository
         | Instance of Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository
        'repository' => 'cache',

          | Cache Clean Listener
        'clean' => [
              | Enable clear cache on repository changes
            'enabled' => true,

              | Actions in Repository
              | create : Clear Cache on create Entry in repository
              | update : Clear Cache on update Entry in repository
              | delete : Clear Cache on delete Entry in repository
            'on' => [
                'create' => true,
                'update' => true,
                'delete' => true,

        'params' => [
            | Skip Cache Params
            | Ex: http://prettus.local/?search=lorem&skipCache=true
            'skipCache' => 'skipCache',

       | Methods Allowed
       | methods cacheable : all, paginate, find, findByField, findWhere, getByCriteria
       | Ex:
       | 'only'  =>['all','paginate'],
       | or
       | 'except'  =>['find'],
        'allowed' => [
            'only' => null,
            'except' => null,

    | Criteria Config
    | Settings of request parameters names that will be used by Criteria
    'criteria' => [
        | Accepted Conditions
        | Conditions accepted in consultations where the Criteria
        | Ex:
        | 'acceptedConditions'=>['=','like']
        | $query->where('foo','=','bar')
        | $query->where('foo','like','bar')
        'acceptedConditions' => [
        | Request Params
        | Request parameters that will be used to filter the query in the repository
        | Params :
        | - search : Searched value
        |   Ex: http://prettus.local/?search=lorem
        | - searchFields : Fields in which research should be carried out
        |   Ex:
        |    http://prettus.local/?search=lorem&searchFields=name;email
        |    http://prettus.local/?search=lorem&searchFields=name:like;email
        |    http://prettus.local/?search=lorem&searchFields=name:like
        | - filter : Fields that must be returned to the response object
        |   Ex:
        |   http://prettus.local/?search=lorem&filter=id,name
        | - orderBy : Order By
        |   Ex:
        |   http://prettus.local/?search=lorem&orderBy=id
        | - sortedBy : Sort
        |   Ex:
        |   http://prettus.local/?search=lorem&orderBy=id&sortedBy=asc
        |   http://prettus.local/?search=lorem&orderBy=id&sortedBy=desc
        | - searchJoin: Specifies the search method (AND / OR), by default the
        |               application searches each parameter with OR
        |   EX:
        |   http://prettus.local/?search=lorem&searchJoin=and
        |   http://prettus.local/?search=lorem&searchJoin=or
        'params' => [
            'search' => 'search',
            'searchFields' => 'searchFields',
            'filter' => 'filter',
            'orderBy' => 'orderBy',
            'sortedBy' => 'sortedBy',
            'with' => 'with',
            'searchJoin' => 'searchJoin',
            'withCount' => 'withCount',
            'cursor' => 'cursor',
    | Generator Config
    'generator' => [
        'basePath' => app()->path(),
        'rootNamespace' => 'App\\',
        'stubsOverridePath' => app()->path(),
        'paths' => [
            'models' => 'Repositories\\Models',
            'repositories' => 'Repositories\\Eloquent',
            'interfaces' => 'Contracts\\Repositories',
            'transformers' => 'Repositories\\Transformers',
            'presenters' => 'Repositories\\Presenters',
            'validators' => 'Repositories\\Validators',
            'controllers' => 'Http/Controllers',
            'provider' => 'RepositoryServiceProvider',
            'criteria' => 'Repositories\\Criteria',