x_pi = 3.14159265358979324 * 3000.0 / 180.0; } /** * 判断一个坐标是否在圆内 * 思路:判断此点的经纬度到圆心的距离 然后和半径做比较 * 如果此点刚好在圆上 则返回true * @param $point ['longitude'=>'','latitude'=>''] array指定点的坐标 * @param $circle array ['center'=>['longitude'=>'','latitude'=>''],'radius'=>''] 中心点和半径 */ function is_point_in_circle($point, $circle) { $distance = $this->distance($point['latitude'], $point['longitude'], $circle['center']['latitude'], $circle['center']['longitude']); if ($distance <= $circle['radius']) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * 判断是否在圈内 * @param $point * @param $circles * @return bool|int|string * Author: Mead */ function is_point_in_circles($point, $circles) { $id = false; foreach ($circles as $key => $circle) { $distance = $this->distance($point['latitude'], $point['longitude'], $circle['parking_centre']['latitude'], $circle['parking_centre']['longitude']); if ($distance <= $circle['parking_radius']) { $id = $key; break; } } return $id; } /** * 计算两个点之间的距离 * @return float */ function distance($latitudeA, $lonA, $latitudeB, $lonB) { $earthR = 6371000.; $x = cos($latitudeA * $this->PI / 180.) * cos($latitudeB * $this->PI / 180.) * cos(($lonA - $lonB) * $this->PI / 180); $y = sin($latitudeA * $this->PI / 180.) * sin($latitudeB * $this->PI / 180.); $s = $x + $y; if ($s > 1) $s = 1; if ($s < -1) $s = -1; $alpha = acos($s); $distance = $alpha * $earthR; return $distance; } /** * 计算是否在区域内 * @param $point * @param $pts * @return bool|int|string * Author: Mead */ function is_point_in_polygons($point, $pts) { $id = false; foreach ($pts as $key => $pt) { $is_ok = $this->is_point_in_polygon($point, $pt); if ($is_ok) { $id = $key; break; } } return $id; } /** * 判断一个坐标是否在一个多边形内(由多个坐标围成的) * 基本思想是利用射线法,计算射线与多边形各边的交点,如果是偶数,则点在多边形外,否则 * 在多边形内。还会考虑一些特殊情况,如点在多边形顶点上,点在多边形边上等特殊情况。 * */ function is_point_in_polygon($point, $pts) { $N = count($pts); $boundOrVertex = true; //如果点位于多边形的顶点或边上,也算做点在多边形内,直接返回true $intersectCount = 0;//cross points count of x $precision = 2e-10; //浮点类型计算时候与0比较时候的容差 $p1 = 0;//neighbour bound vertices $p2 = 0; $p = $point; //测试点 $p1 = $pts[0];//left vertex for ($i = 1; $i <= $N; ++$i) {//check all rays // dump($p1); if ($p['longitude'] == $p1['longitude'] && $p['latitude'] == $p1['latitude']) { return $boundOrVertex;//p is an vertex } $p2 = $pts[$i % $N];//right vertex if ($p['latitude'] < min($p1['latitude'], $p2['latitude']) || $p['latitude'] > max($p1['latitude'], $p2['latitude'])) {//ray is outside of our interests $p1 = $p2; continue;//next ray left point } if ($p['latitude'] > min($p1['latitude'], $p2['latitude']) && $p['latitude'] < max($p1['latitude'], $p2['latitude'])) {//ray is crossing over by the algorithm (common part of) if ($p['longitude'] <= max($p1['longitude'], $p2['longitude'])) {//x is before of ray if ($p1['latitude'] == $p2['latitude'] && $p['longitude'] >= min($p1['longitude'], $p2['longitude'])) {//overlies on a horizontal ray return $boundOrVertex; } if ($p1['longitude'] == $p2['longitude']) {//ray is vertical if ($p1['longitude'] == $p['longitude']) {//overlies on a vertical ray return $boundOrVertex; } else {//before ray ++$intersectCount; } } else {//cross point on the left side $xinters = ($p['latitude'] - $p1['latitude']) * ($p2['longitude'] - $p1['longitude']) / ($p2['latitude'] - $p1['latitude']) + $p1['longitude'];//cross point of longitude if (abs($p['longitude'] - $xinters) < $precision) {//overlies on a ray return $boundOrVertex; } if ($p['longitude'] < $xinters) {//before ray ++$intersectCount; } } } } else {//special case when ray is crossing through the vertex if ($p['latitude'] == $p2['latitude'] && $p['longitude'] <= $p2['longitude']) {//p crossing over p2 $p3 = $pts[($i + 1) % $N]; //next vertex if ($p['latitude'] >= min($p1['latitude'], $p3['latitude']) && $p['latitude'] <= max($p1['latitude'], $p3['latitude'])) { //p.latitude lies between p1.latitude & p3.latitude ++$intersectCount; } else { $intersectCount += 2; } } } $p1 = $p2;//next ray left point } if ($intersectCount % 2 == 0) {//偶数在多边形外 return false; } else { //奇数在多边形内 return true; } } }