@@ -0,0 +1,859 @@
+// index.js
+// 获取应用实例
+const app = getApp();
+var token = my.getStorageSync({'key':'token'}).data;
+const util = require('../../utils/utils.js');
+var mytime = null;
+let testToken = ''
+ data: {
+ cardBottom: [
+ {
+ id: 1,
+ name: '故障上报',
+ icon: 'icon-banshou',
+ url: '/pages/breakdown/breakdown'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 2,
+ name: '输码用车',
+ icon: 'icon-17-saoma',
+ url: '/pages/inputcode/inputcode'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 3,
+ name: '计费规则',
+ icon: 'icon-wenhao',
+ url: '/pages/charge_rule/charge_rule'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 4,
+ name: '个人中心',
+ icon: 'icon-wode',
+ url: '/pages/mine/mine'
+ }
+ ],
+ adFrame: false,//首页中间广告弹框
+ markers: [], //显示单车、停车的P
+ polygons: [], //区域
+ longitude: '', //113.786111
+ latitude: '', //34.78304
+ height1: '', //兼容自定义导航栏的高度
+ id: '', //停车区域的ID
+ stopP: false, //判断是否显示停车区域
+ polygons1: [], //可骑行区域 先用这个变量代表
+ controls: [], //地图上当前定位的箭头
+ background: false, //弹窗的背景颜色
+ realname: false, //当前是否已经实名
+ deposit: false, //当前是否交押金
+ userStatus: '', //用户的一些状态 是否交押金等 0
+ scanfail: false, //扫码失败弹窗
+ is_pay_order: false, //检测当前是否有订单未支付
+ is_ride_order: false,//是否有骑行中订单
+ is_punishment: false,//有违章订单
+ code: '', //点击立即用车 把编号赋值给code
+ over: false, //关闭图标
+ over1: false, //扫码失败关闭图标
+ location: '', //是否有位置权限
+ screenHeight: '', //屏幕可视高度
+ box_no: '', //中控编号
+ abnormal: '', //提示账号异常
+ mid: [],//顶部广告
+ ads: [],//首页中间广告
+ currentSwiper: 0,
+ center_currentSwiper: 0,
+ bike_no: undefined,
+ stopShow: false,
+ stop_info: [],
+ notice: [], //公告内容
+ animationData: {},
+ tabbar_index: 0,
+ zoom: 18,
+ versions: false, //版本过低弹窗
+ chooseSize: false,
+ animationData1: {},
+ arrowDown: '',
+ stop_type: '',
+ marqueePace: 0.6, //滚动速度
+ marqueeDistance: 520, //初始滚动距离 用到
+ size: 26, //用到
+ marqueeWidth: 520, //用到
+ length: '',
+ swiperCurrent: 0,
+ midbolear: '',
+ per_money: '',
+ img: app.globalData.imgUrl,
+ new_user_coupons: [],
+ scanCodeErr: false,//扫码失败弹框
+ },
+ onLoad: function (query) {
+ var that = this;
+ console.log(query)
+ my.setNavigationBar({
+ title: app.globalData.title
+ })
+ // if (query.scene) {
+ // app.globalData.id = query.scene
+ // }
+ this.setData({
+ height1: app.globalData.statusBarHeight,
+ screenHeight: app.globalData.screenHeight
+ })
+ my.getSystemInfo({
+ success: (res) => {
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ onShow: function () {
+ var that = this;
+ my.setNavigationBar({
+ title: app.globalData.title
+ })
+ token = my.getStorageSync({'key':'token'}).data
+ this.setData({
+ show: false,
+ midbolear: my.getStorageSync({'key':'midTimes'}).data,
+ polygons: []
+ })
+ that.location();
+ testToken = setInterval(function () {
+ let token=my.getStorageSync({'key':'token'}).data
+ if (token) {
+ console.log('0000')
+ clearInterval(testToken)
+ that.userState();
+ that.getUser();
+ } else {
+ console.log(token,'1')
+ }
+ }, 1000)
+ my.hideBackHome();
+ },
+ detail: function () {
+ var that = this;
+ if (that.data.mid[0].type == 'url') {
+ my.navigateTo({
+ url: '/' + that.data.mid[0].detail
+ })
+ }
+ },
+ //广告列表
+ adsList: function (id) {
+ var that = this;
+ var area_id = ''
+ if (id != undefined) {
+ area_id = id
+ } else {
+ area_id = 0
+ }
+ app.request("/ads?area_id=" + area_id + "&position[]=mid&position[]=header&position[]=footer", '', "GET").then(res => {
+ console.log(res)
+ if (res.status == 200 && res.data != '') {
+ if (res.data.header) {
+ console.log(res.data, 'ppppppppppppppppppppppppp')
+ that.setData({
+ ads: res.data.header
+ })
+ }
+ if (res.data.mid) {
+ that.setData({
+ mid: res.data.mid,
+ adFrame: true
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }).catch(err => {
+ console.log(err)
+ })
+ },
+ //点击广告页
+ swiper: util.throttle(function (e) {
+ // console.log(e)
+ var type = e.currentTarget.dataset.type;
+ var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
+ var name = e.currentTarget.dataset.name;
+ var detail = e.currentTarget.dataset.detail;
+ var id = e.currentTarget.dataset.id;
+ if (type != 'clilk_null') {
+ if (type == 'wxUrl') {
+ my.navigateTo({
+ url: '/' + detail,
+ })
+ } else if (type == 'phone') {
+ my.makePhoneCall({
+ phoneNumber: detail,
+ })
+ } else if (type == 'toMiniProgram') {
+ my.navigateToMiniProgram({
+ appId: detail,
+ extraData: {
+ foo: 'bar'
+ },
+ // envVersion: 'develop',
+ success(res) {
+ // 打开成功
+ }
+ })
+ } else {
+ my.navigateTo({
+ url: '../swiper/swiper?type=' + type + '&url=' + id + '&name=' + name + '&detail=' + detail,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }, 1000),
+ //点击轮播图
+ swiperChange: function (e) {
+ if (this.data.currentSwiper == 0 && this.data.swiperCurrent > 1) { //卡死时,重置current为正确索引
+ this.setData({
+ currentSwiper: this.data.swiperCurrent
+ });
+ } else { //正常轮转时,记录正确页码索引
+ this.setData({
+ swiperCurrent: e.detail.current
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ //定位当前位置
+ posi: util.throttle(function () {
+ //点击定位
+ //这是一段注
+ var that = this;
+ my.showLoading({
+ content: '定位中'
+ })
+ my.getLocation({
+ type: 'gcj02',
+ success: (res) => {
+ console.log('经纬度为:+++++++++++++++++++++' + res.latitude + '++++++++' + res.longitude)
+ my.hideLoading()
+ that.setData({
+ longitude: res.longitude,
+ latitude: res.latitude
+ })
+ },
+ fail: function (err) {
+ my.hideLoading()
+ console.log(err, '定位失败打印')
+ my.showToast({
+ content: '定位失败',
+ icon: 'none'
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ }, 1000),
+ //点击扫描二维码
+ sweepCode: util.throttle(function () {
+ let that = this
+ console.log('点击扫码,‘iooooo')
+ if (!that.data.latitude && !that.data.longitude) {
+ that.setData({
+ background: true,
+ location: true
+ })
+ } else {
+ that.sweep_code()
+ }
+ }, 1500),
+ //骑行区禁停区车辆
+ home: function () {
+ //请求首页接口和一些设置。
+ console.log('测试')
+ var that = this;
+ if (that.data.longitude != '' && that.data.latitude != '') {
+ //116.411027
+ var data = {
+ 'lat': that.data.latitude,
+ 'lng': that.data.longitude
+ }
+ app.request("/pages/home?include=setting", data, "POST").then(res => {
+ console.log(res)
+ if (res.status == 200) {
+ var data = res.data;
+ console.log(data, '区域')
+ if (data.points != []) {
+ that.setData({
+ id: data.id,
+ polygons1: that.data.polygons.concat(data),
+ setting: data.setting,
+ per_money: Number(data.setting.starting_price),
+ polygons: []
+ })
+ if (!data.id) return
+ that.adsList(data.id),
+ that.ban_stop(data.id), that.setData({
+ polygons: that.data.polygons.concat(data)
+ })
+ }
+ clearInterval(mytime)
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ // that.notice();
+ }, 500)
+ if (res.data.status_code == 423) {
+ my.getLocation({
+ success: function (res) {
+ my.alert({
+ title: '提示',
+ content: '您附近暂无运营区域~',
+ })
+ var setting = {
+ is_deposit: 1
+ }
+ that.setData({
+ setting
+ })
+ },
+ fail: function (err) {
+ that.setData({
+ location: true
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ my.setStorageSync({'key':'setting',data:data.setting})
+ my.setStorageSync({'key':'home',data: data})
+ }
+ }).catch(err => {
+ console.log(err)
+ })
+ }
+ },
+ //停车区域
+ ban_stop: function (id) {
+ var that = this;
+ var data1 = {
+ 'area_id': id
+ }
+ app.request('/parking/stop-sites', data1, 'GET').then(res => {
+ console.log(res)
+ if (res.status == 200) {
+ var data = res.data
+ console.log(data)
+ that.setData({
+ polygons2: data.polygons,
+ markers: that.data.markers.concat(data.centres),
+ polygons: that.data.polygons1.concat(data.polygons)
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ //附近车辆坐标
+ nearbyCars: function () {
+ //附近的车
+ var that = this;
+ that.setData({
+ markers: []
+ })
+ var data = {
+ "lat": that.data.latitude,
+ "lng": that.data.longitude
+ }
+ app.request("/bikes", data, "POST").then(res => {
+ // console.log(res)
+ if (res.status == 200) {
+ var makers = res.data
+ if (makers == '') {
+ my.showToast({
+ content: '附近暂无车辆',
+ icon: 'none'
+ })
+ that.setData({
+ markers: []
+ })
+ } else {
+ that.setData({
+ markers: makers
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }).catch(err => {
+ console.log(err)
+ })
+ },
+ //点击刷新
+ refresh: util.throttle(function () {
+ var that = this;
+ that.setData({
+ polygons: []
+ })
+ if (this.data.stopP == true) {
+ that.stopP(), my.showToast({
+ content: '刷新成功',
+ icon: 'none'
+ })
+ } else {
+ this.location(),
+ my.showToast({
+ content: '刷新成功',
+ icon: 'none'
+ })
+ }
+ }, 1500),
+ // //点击去实名认证
+ authentication: util.throttle(function () {
+ var state = my.getStorageSync({'key':'userState'}).data
+ if (state.is_bind_mobile == 0) {
+ my.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/real_name/real_name?state1=1&index=0',
+ })
+ } else if (state.is_bind_mobile == 1) {
+ my.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/real_name/real_name?state2=2&index=1',
+ })
+ }
+ this.setData({
+ background: false,
+ realname: false,
+ over: false
+ })
+ }, 1500),
+ //点击扫码开锁
+ sweep_code: util.throttle(function () {
+ var that = this;
+ console.log('ooooooo')
+ var userStatus = that.data.userStatus;
+ if (!userStatus) {
+ my.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/authorization/authorization',
+ })
+ } else {
+ that.jiance('scan');
+ }
+ }, 1500),
+ //扫码用车检测不可用车条件
+ jiance: function (source) {
+ var that = this;
+ var userStatus = that.data.userStatus;
+ var setting = my.getStorageSync({'key':'setting'}).data
+ //未绑定手机号
+ if (userStatus.is_bind_mobile == 0) {
+ my.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/authorization/authorization',
+ })
+ //未实名认证
+ } else if (userStatus.is_card_certified == 0 && setting.is_card == 1) {
+ my.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/real_name/real_name',
+ })
+ } else {
+ //有违章订单
+ if (userStatus.is_punishment) {
+ my.showToast({
+ content: '您当前有违章订单需要处理,请处理后再来用车吧',
+ icon: 'none'
+ })
+ return;
+ } else if (userStatus.is_ride_order != false && userStatus.is_ride_order != undefined) {
+ my.showToast({
+ content: '您有一个正在骑行中的订单',
+ icon: 'none'
+ })
+ return;
+ } else {
+ //有待支付骑行订单
+ if (userStatus.is_pay_order != false && userStatus.is_pay_order != undefined) {
+ my.showToast({
+ content: '你有未支付订单,请先支付',
+ icon: 'none'
+ })
+ return;
+ } else {
+ //没有押金没有免押券
+ if (userStatus.is_deposit == 0 && that.data.setting.is_deposit != 0 && userStatus.is_coupon_deposit_free == false) {
+ console.log('没有押金没有免押券')
+ my.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/ride_zige/ride_zige',
+ })
+ // my.navigateTo({
+ // url: '/pages/inputcode/inputcode',
+ // })
+ } else {
+ that.saoMa()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ //扫码事件
+ saoMa:function(){
+ let that=this
+ this.setData({
+ scanCodeErr: false
+ })
+ my.scan({
+ onlyFromCamera: true,
+ success: function (res) {
+ console.log(res, '扫码结果')
+ var index = res.result.lastIndexOf("\=");
+ var code = res.result.substring(index + 1, res.result.length);
+ console.log(code.length)
+ if (code.length == 9) {
+ that.getBikeMessage(code)
+ // my.navigateTo({
+ // url: '/pages/use_bike/use_bike?code=' + code,
+ // })
+ } else {
+ console.log(res,'错误码')
+ // my.showModal({
+ // title:'提示',
+ // content:'非法码,请核对车码',
+ // showCancel:false
+ // })
+ that.setData({
+ scanCodeErr: true
+ })
+ }
+ },
+ fail: function (err) {
+ console.log('tuihui')
+ // that.setData({
+ // scanCodeErr: true
+ // })
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ //获取车辆信息
+ getBikeMessage: function (code) {
+ var that = this;
+ app.request('/bike/' + code, '', 'GET').then(res => {
+ console.log(res, '车辆信息--------------------')
+ my.hideLoading()
+ if (res.status == 200) {
+ if (res.data.is_link == 0) {
+ my.alert({
+ title: '提示',
+ content: '当前车子已下线请换辆车子骑行吧~',
+ success: function (res) {
+ my.reLaunch({
+ url: '/pages/index/index',
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ return;
+ } else if (res.data.put_status == 0) {
+ my.alert({
+ title: '提示',
+ content: '当前车子还未投放请换辆车子骑行吧~',
+ })
+ return;
+ } else if (res.data.is_low_battery_power == 0) {
+ my.alert({
+ title: '提示',
+ content: '当前车子电量过低请换辆车子骑行吧~',
+ })
+ return;
+ } else if (res.data.is_trouble == 1) {
+ my.alert({
+ title: '提示',
+ content: '当前车子出现故障请换辆车子骑行吧~',
+ })
+ return;
+ } else if (res.data.is_riding == 1) {
+ my.alert({
+ title: '提示',
+ content: '当前车子正在骑行请换辆车子骑行吧~',
+ })
+ return;
+ } else {
+ my.reLaunch({
+ url: '/pages/use_bike/use_bike?code=' + code,
+ })
+ }
+ }else{
+ my.alert({
+ title: '提示',
+ content: res.data.message,
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ //去支付未支付订单
+ go_pay: util.throttle(function () {
+ //点击去支付
+ this.setData({
+ is_pay_order: false,
+ })
+ var pay_order = ''
+ if (this.data.userStatus.is_pay_order !== false && this.data.userStatus.is_pay_order !== undefined) {
+ pay_order = this.data.userStatus.is_pay_order
+ }
+ my.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/pay/pay?order=' + pay_order,
+ })
+ }, 1500),
+ //点击查看正在进行中的订单
+ goUseBike: function () {
+ console.log(this.data.is_ride_order, 'this.data.is_ride_order')
+ my.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/use_bike/use_bike?order=' + this.data.is_ride_order,
+ })
+ },
+ //有违章订单
+ havePunishment: function () {
+ my.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/weizhang/weizhang',
+ })
+ },
+ onReady: function () {
+ },
+ kefu: util.throttle(function () {
+ my.makePhoneCall({
+ phoneNumber: my.getStorageSync({'key':'home'}).data.customer_service_phone,
+ })
+ }, 1500),
+ //用户状态
+ userState: function () {
+ var that = this;
+ var data = {
+ 'area_id': that.data.id
+ }
+ app.request("/user/status", data, "GET").then(res => {
+ console.log(res)
+ if (res.status == 200) {
+ that.setData({
+ userStatus: res.data,
+ is_pay_order: res.data.is_pay_order,
+ is_ride_order: res.data.is_ride_order,
+ is_punishment: res.data.is_punishment,
+ }), my.setStorageSync({'key':'userState',data: res.data})
+ }
+ }).catch(err => {
+ console.log(err)
+ })
+ },
+ getUser() {
+ app.request("/me", '', "GET").then(res => {
+ console.log(res)
+ 200 == res.status && my.setStorageSync({'key':'userInfo',data:res.data})
+ }).catch(err => {
+ console.log(err)
+ })
+ },
+ go_setting: util.throttle(function () {
+ //点击去设置位置权限
+ this.setData({
+ background: false,
+ location: false
+ })
+ my.openSetting({
+ success: function (res) {
+ }
+ })
+ }, 1500),
+ //点击已开启位置权限
+ open: util.throttle(function () {
+ this.setData({
+ background: false,
+ location: false
+ })
+ }, 1500),
+ location: function () {
+ //获取当前经纬度 如果未授权让用户去授权
+ console.log('dingwei')
+ var that = this;
+ my.showLoading({
+ content: '定位中...',
+ mask: true
+ })
+ my.getLocation({
+ type: 'gcj02',
+ success: (res) => {
+ console.log('经纬度为:+++++++++++++++++++++' + res.latitude + '++++++++' + res.longitude)
+ that.setData({
+ longitude: res.longitude,
+ latitude: res.latitude,
+ show: false
+ })
+ console.log(res, 'ppp')
+ that.home(), that.nearbyCars()
+ if (that.data.stopP == false) {
+ console.log('false')
+ } else {
+ that.stop()
+ }
+ my.hideLoading()
+ },
+ fail: function () {
+ my.hideLoading()
+ my.getSetting({
+ success: function (res) {
+ // console.log(res)
+ var statu = res.authSetting;
+ if (statu['scope.userLocation'] == false) {
+ that.setData({
+ background: true,
+ location: true
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ //底部跳转页面按钮(用户未授权和未实名认证的时候不可以跳转)
+ skipPage: function (e) {
+ console.log(e, 'oooooo')
+ let data = e.currentTarget.dataset.id
+ let that = this
+ var userStatus = that.data.userStatus;
+ console.log(that.data.latitude)
+ if (!that.data.latitude && !that.data.longitude) {
+ that.setData({
+ background: true,
+ location: true
+ })
+ } else {
+ if (data.id == 2) {
+ console.log(that.data.userStatus,'')
+ if (!userStatus) {
+ my.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/authorization/authorization',
+ })
+ } else {
+ that.jiance1();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!userStatus) {
+ my.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/authorization/authorization',
+ })
+ } else {
+ my.navigateTo({
+ url: data.url,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ //输码开锁检测
+ jiance1: function (source) {
+ var that = this;
+ let setting = my.getStorageSync({'key':'setting'}).data
+ var userStatus = that.data.userStatus;
+ //未绑定手机号
+ if (userStatus.is_bind_mobile == 1) {
+ my.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/authorization/authorization',
+ })
+ //未实名认证
+ } else if (userStatus.is_card_certified == 0 && setting.is_card == 1) {
+ my.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/real_name/real_name',
+ })
+ } else {
+ //有违章订单
+ if (that.data.userStatus.is_punishment) {
+ my.showToast({
+ content: '您当前有违章订单需要处理,请处理后再来用车吧',
+ icon: 'none'
+ })
+ return;
+ } else if (userStatus.is_ride_order != false && userStatus.is_ride_order != undefined) {
+ my.showToast({
+ content: '您有一个正在骑行中的订单',
+ icon: 'none'
+ })
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ //有待支付骑行订单
+ if (userStatus.is_pay_order != false && userStatus.is_pay_order != undefined) {
+ my.showToast({
+ content: '你有未支付订单,请先支付',
+ icon: 'none'
+ })
+ return;
+ } else {
+ //没有押金没有免押券
+ if (userStatus.is_deposit == 0 && that.data.setting.is_deposit != 0 && userStatus.is_coupon_deposit_free == false) {
+ console.log('没有押金没有免押券')
+ my.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/ride_zige/ride_zige',
+ })
+ } else {
+ my.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/inputcode/inputcode',
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // 客服
+ kefu: function () {
+ my.makePhoneCall({
+ phoneNumber: my.getStorageSync({'key':'home'}).data.customer_service_phone,
+ })
+ },
+ //附近还车点
+ findPark: function () {
+ my.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/parking/parking',
+ })
+ },
+ //关闭中间广告弹框
+ closeAdframe: function () {
+ this.setData({
+ adFrame: false
+ })
+ },
+ onHide: function () {
+ console.log('onHide')
+ this.setData({
+ bike_no: undefined,
+ background: false,
+ bluetooth: false,
+ location: false,
+ scanfail: false,
+ over1: false
+ })
+ // clearInterval(mytime)
+ },
+ // 去输码弹框
+ cancelErrFrame: function () {
+ this.setData({
+ scanCodeErr: false
+ })
+ },
+ goInputCode: function () {
+ my.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/inputcode/inputcode',
+ })
+ }