// TODO: change the axis /* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */ /** ** @fileoverview JavaScript functions used on tbl_select.php ** ** @requires jQuery ** @requires js/functions.js **/ /** ** Display Help/Info **/ function displayHelp () { $('
') .append(PMA_messages.strDisplayHelp) .appendTo('#page_content') .dialog({ width: 450, height: 'auto', title: PMA_messages.strHelpTitle }); return false; } /** ** Extend the array object for max function ** @param array **/ Array.max = function (array) { return Math.max.apply(Math, array); }; /** ** Extend the array object for min function ** @param array **/ Array.min = function (array) { return Math.min.apply(Math, array); }; /** ** Checks if a string contains only numeric value ** @param n: String (to be checked) **/ function isNumeric (n) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n); } /** ** Checks if an object is empty ** @param n: Object (to be checked) **/ function isEmpty (obj) { var name; for (name in obj) { return false; } return true; } /** ** Converts a date/time into timestamp ** @param val String Date ** @param type Sring Field type(datetime/timestamp/time/date) **/ function getTimeStamp (val, type) { if (type.toString().search(/datetime/i) !== -1 || type.toString().search(/timestamp/i) !== -1 ) { return $.datepicker.parseDateTime('yy-mm-dd', 'HH:mm:ss', val); } else if (type.toString().search(/time/i) !== -1) { return $.datepicker.parseDateTime('yy-mm-dd', 'HH:mm:ss', '1970-01-01 ' + val); } else if (type.toString().search(/date/i) !== -1) { return $.datepicker.parseDate('yy-mm-dd', val); } } /** ** Classifies the field type into numeric,timeseries or text ** @param field: field type (as in database structure) **/ function getType (field) { if (field.toString().search(/int/i) !== -1 || field.toString().search(/decimal/i) !== -1 || field.toString().search(/year/i) !== -1 ) { return 'numeric'; } else if (field.toString().search(/time/i) !== -1 || field.toString().search(/date/i) !== -1 ) { return 'time'; } else { return 'text'; } } /** ** Scrolls the view to the display section **/ function scrollToChart () { var x = $('#dataDisplay').offset().top - 100; // 100 provides buffer in viewport $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: x }, 500); } /** * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page */ AJAX.registerTeardown('tbl_zoom_plot_jqplot.js', function () { $('#tableid_0').off('change'); $('#tableid_1').off('change'); $('#tableid_2').off('change'); $('#tableid_3').off('change'); $('#inputFormSubmitId').off('click'); $('#togglesearchformlink').off('click'); $(document).off('keydown', '#dataDisplay :input'); $('button.button-reset').off('click'); $('div#resizer').off('resizestop'); $('div#querychart').off('jqplotDataClick'); }); AJAX.registerOnload('tbl_zoom_plot_jqplot.js', function () { var cursorMode = ($('input[name=\'mode\']:checked').val() === 'edit') ? 'crosshair' : 'pointer'; var currentChart = null; var searchedDataKey = null; var xLabel = $('#tableid_0').val(); var yLabel = $('#tableid_1').val(); // will be updated via Ajax var xType = $('#types_0').val(); var yType = $('#types_1').val(); var dataLabel = $('#dataLabel').val(); var lastX; var lastY; var zoomRatio = 1; // Get query result var searchedData; try { searchedData = JSON.parse($('#querydata').html()); } catch (err) { searchedData = null; } /** ** Input form submit on field change **/ // first column choice corresponds to the X axis $('#tableid_0').change(function () { // AJAX request for field type, collation, operators, and value field $.post('tbl_zoom_select.php', { 'ajax_request' : true, 'change_tbl_info' : true, 'server' : PMA_commonParams.get('server'), 'db' : PMA_commonParams.get('db'), 'table' : PMA_commonParams.get('table'), 'field' : $('#tableid_0').val(), 'it' : 0 }, function (data) { $('#tableFieldsId').find('tr:eq(1) td:eq(0)').html(data.field_type); $('#tableFieldsId').find('tr:eq(1) td:eq(1)').html(data.field_collation); $('#tableFieldsId').find('tr:eq(1) td:eq(2)').html(data.field_operators); $('#tableFieldsId').find('tr:eq(1) td:eq(3)').html(data.field_value); xLabel = $('#tableid_0').val(); $('#types_0').val(data.field_type); xType = data.field_type; $('#collations_0').val(data.field_collations); addDateTimePicker(); }); }); // second column choice corresponds to the Y axis $('#tableid_1').change(function () { // AJAX request for field type, collation, operators, and value field $.post('tbl_zoom_select.php', { 'ajax_request' : true, 'change_tbl_info' : true, 'server' : PMA_commonParams.get('server'), 'db' : PMA_commonParams.get('db'), 'table' : PMA_commonParams.get('table'), 'field' : $('#tableid_1').val(), 'it' : 1 }, function (data) { $('#tableFieldsId').find('tr:eq(2) td:eq(0)').html(data.field_type); $('#tableFieldsId').find('tr:eq(2) td:eq(1)').html(data.field_collation); $('#tableFieldsId').find('tr:eq(2) td:eq(2)').html(data.field_operators); $('#tableFieldsId').find('tr:eq(2) td:eq(3)').html(data.field_value); yLabel = $('#tableid_1').val(); $('#types_1').val(data.field_type); yType = data.field_type; $('#collations_1').val(data.field_collations); addDateTimePicker(); }); }); $('#tableid_2').change(function () { // AJAX request for field type, collation, operators, and value field $.post('tbl_zoom_select.php', { 'ajax_request' : true, 'change_tbl_info' : true, 'server' : PMA_commonParams.get('server'), 'db' : PMA_commonParams.get('db'), 'table' : PMA_commonParams.get('table'), 'field' : $('#tableid_2').val(), 'it' : 2 }, function (data) { $('#tableFieldsId').find('tr:eq(4) td:eq(0)').html(data.field_type); $('#tableFieldsId').find('tr:eq(4) td:eq(1)').html(data.field_collation); $('#tableFieldsId').find('tr:eq(4) td:eq(2)').html(data.field_operators); $('#tableFieldsId').find('tr:eq(4) td:eq(3)').html(data.field_value); $('#types_2').val(data.field_type); $('#collations_2').val(data.field_collations); addDateTimePicker(); }); }); $('#tableid_3').change(function () { // AJAX request for field type, collation, operators, and value field $.post('tbl_zoom_select.php', { 'ajax_request' : true, 'change_tbl_info' : true, 'server' : PMA_commonParams.get('server'), 'db' : PMA_commonParams.get('db'), 'table' : PMA_commonParams.get('table'), 'field' : $('#tableid_3').val(), 'it' : 3 }, function (data) { $('#tableFieldsId').find('tr:eq(5) td:eq(0)').html(data.field_type); $('#tableFieldsId').find('tr:eq(5) td:eq(1)').html(data.field_collation); $('#tableFieldsId').find('tr:eq(5) td:eq(2)').html(data.field_operators); $('#tableFieldsId').find('tr:eq(5) td:eq(3)').html(data.field_value); $('#types_3').val(data.field_type); $('#collations_3').val(data.field_collations); addDateTimePicker(); }); }); /** * Input form validation **/ $('#inputFormSubmitId').click(function () { if ($('#tableid_0').get(0).selectedIndex === 0 || $('#tableid_1').get(0).selectedIndex === 0) { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages.strInputNull); } else if (xLabel === yLabel) { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages.strSameInputs); } }); /** ** Prepare a div containing a link, otherwise it's incorrectly displayed ** after a couple of clicks **/ $('') .insertAfter('#zoom_search_form') // don't show it until we have results on-screen .hide(); $('#togglesearchformlink') .html(PMA_messages.strShowSearchCriteria) .bind('click', function () { var $link = $(this); $('#zoom_search_form').slideToggle(); if ($link.text() === PMA_messages.strHideSearchCriteria) { $link.text(PMA_messages.strShowSearchCriteria); } else { $link.text(PMA_messages.strHideSearchCriteria); } // avoid default click action return false; }); /** ** Set dialog properties for the data display form **/ var buttonOptions = {}; /* * Handle saving of a row in the editor */ buttonOptions[PMA_messages.strSave] = function () { // Find changed values by comparing form values with selectedRow Object var newValues = {};// Stores the values changed from original var sqlTypes = {}; var it = 0; var xChange = false; var yChange = false; var key; var tempGetVal = function () { return $(this).val(); }; for (key in selectedRow) { var oldVal = selectedRow[key]; var newVal = ($('#edit_fields_null_id_' + it).prop('checked')) ? null : $('#edit_fieldID_' + it).val(); if (newVal instanceof Array) { // when the column is of type SET newVal = $('#edit_fieldID_' + it).map(tempGetVal).get().join(','); } if (oldVal !== newVal) { selectedRow[key] = newVal; newValues[key] = newVal; if (key === xLabel) { xChange = true; searchedData[searchedDataKey][xLabel] = newVal; } else if (key === yLabel) { yChange = true; searchedData[searchedDataKey][yLabel] = newVal; } } var $input = $('#edit_fieldID_' + it); if ($input.hasClass('bit')) { sqlTypes[key] = 'bit'; } else { sqlTypes[key] = null; } it++; } // End data update // Update the chart series and replot if (xChange || yChange) { // Logic similar to plot generation, replot only if xAxis changes or yAxis changes. // Code includes a lot of checks so as to replot only when necessary if (xChange) { xCord[searchedDataKey] = selectedRow[xLabel]; // [searchedDataKey][0] contains the x value if (xType === 'numeric') { series[0][searchedDataKey][0] = selectedRow[xLabel]; } else if (xType === 'time') { series[0][searchedDataKey][0] = getTimeStamp(selectedRow[xLabel], $('#types_0').val()); } else { series[0][searchedDataKey][0] = ''; // TODO: text values } currentChart.series[0].data = series[0]; // TODO: axis changing currentChart.replot(); } if (yChange) { yCord[searchedDataKey] = selectedRow[yLabel]; // [searchedDataKey][1] contains the y value if (yType === 'numeric') { series[0][searchedDataKey][1] = selectedRow[yLabel]; } else if (yType === 'time') { series[0][searchedDataKey][1] = getTimeStamp(selectedRow[yLabel], $('#types_1').val()); } else { series[0][searchedDataKey][1] = ''; // TODO: text values } currentChart.series[0].data = series[0]; // TODO: axis changing currentChart.replot(); } } // End plot update // Generate SQL query for update if (!isEmpty(newValues)) { var sql_query = 'UPDATE `' + PMA_commonParams.get('table') + '` SET '; for (key in newValues) { sql_query += '`' + key + '`='; var value = newValues[key]; // null if (value === null) { sql_query += 'NULL, '; // empty } else if ($.trim(value) === '') { sql_query += '\'\', '; // other } else { // type explicitly identified if (sqlTypes[key] !== null) { if (sqlTypes[key] === 'bit') { sql_query += 'b\'' + value + '\', '; } // type not explicitly identified } else { if (!isNumeric(value)) { sql_query += '\'' + value + '\', '; } else { sql_query += value + ', '; } } } } // remove two extraneous characters ', ' sql_query = sql_query.substring(0, sql_query.length - 2); sql_query += ' WHERE ' + PMA_urldecode(searchedData[searchedDataKey].where_clause); // Post SQL query to sql.php $.post('sql.php', { 'server' : PMA_commonParams.get('server'), 'db' : PMA_commonParams.get('db'), 'ajax_request' : true, 'sql_query' : sql_query, 'inline_edit' : false }, function (data) { if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) { $('#sqlqueryresultsouter').html(data.sql_query); PMA_highlightSQL($('#sqlqueryresultsouter')); } else { PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); } }); // End $.post }// End database update $('#dataDisplay').dialog('close'); }; buttonOptions[PMA_messages.strCancel] = function () { $(this).dialog('close'); }; $('#dataDisplay').dialog({ autoOpen: false, title: PMA_messages.strDataPointContent, modal: true, buttons: buttonOptions, width: $('#dataDisplay').width() + 80, open: function () { $(this).find('input[type=checkbox]').css('margin', '0.5em'); } }); /** * Attach Ajax event handlers for input fields * in the dialog. Used to submit the Ajax * request when the ENTER key is pressed. */ $(document).on('keydown', '#dataDisplay :input', function (e) { if (e.which === 13) { // 13 is the ENTER key e.preventDefault(); if (typeof buttonOptions[PMA_messages.strSave] === 'function') { buttonOptions[PMA_messages.strSave].call(); } } }); /* * Generate plot using jqplot */ if (searchedData !== null) { $('#zoom_search_form') .slideToggle() .hide(); $('#togglesearchformlink') .text(PMA_messages.strShowSearchCriteria); $('#togglesearchformdiv').show(); var selectedRow; var colorCodes = ['#FF0000', '#00FFFF', '#0000FF', '#0000A0', '#FF0080', '#800080', '#FFFF00', '#00FF00', '#FF00FF']; var series = []; var xCord = []; var yCord = []; var tempX; var tempY; var it = 0; var xMax; // xAxis extreme max var xMin; // xAxis extreme min var yMax; // yAxis extreme max var yMin; // yAxis extreme min var xVal; var yVal; var format; var options = { series: [ // for a scatter plot { showLine: false } ], grid: { drawBorder: false, shadow: false, background: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' }, axes: { xaxis: { label: $('#tableid_0').val(), labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer }, yaxis: { label: $('#tableid_1').val(), labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer } }, highlighter: { show: true, tooltipAxes: 'y', yvalues: 2, // hide the first y value formatString: '%s%s' }, cursor: { show: true, zoom: true, showTooltip: false } }; // If data label is not set, do not show tooltips if (dataLabel === '') { options.highlighter.show = false; } // Classify types as either numeric,time,text xType = getType(xType); yType = getType(yType); // could have multiple series but we'll have just one series[0] = []; if (xType === 'time') { var originalXType = $('#types_0').val(); if (originalXType === 'date') { format = '%Y-%m-%d'; } // TODO: does not seem to work // else if (originalXType === 'time') { // format = '%H:%M'; // } else { // format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'; // } $.extend(options.axes.xaxis, { renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer, tickOptions: { formatString: format } }); } if (yType === 'time') { var originalYType = $('#types_1').val(); if (originalYType === 'date') { format = '%Y-%m-%d'; } $.extend(options.axes.yaxis, { renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer, tickOptions: { formatString: format } }); } $.each(searchedData, function (key, value) { if (xType === 'numeric') { xVal = parseFloat(value[xLabel]); } if (xType === 'time') { xVal = getTimeStamp(value[xLabel], originalXType); } if (yType === 'numeric') { yVal = parseFloat(value[yLabel]); } if (yType === 'time') { yVal = getTimeStamp(value[yLabel], originalYType); } series[0].push([ xVal, yVal, // extra Y values value[dataLabel], // for highlighter // (may set an undefined value) value.where_clause, // for click on point key // key from searchedData ]); }); // under IE 8, the initial display is mangled; after a manual // resizing, it's ok // under IE 9, everything is fine currentChart = $.jqplot('querychart', series, options); currentChart.resetZoom(); $('button.button-reset').click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); currentChart.resetZoom(); }); $('div#resizer').resizable(); $('div#resizer').bind('resizestop', function (event, ui) { // make room so that the handle will still appear $('div#querychart').height($('div#resizer').height() * 0.96); $('div#querychart').width($('div#resizer').width() * 0.96); currentChart.replot({ resetAxes: true }); }); $('div#querychart').bind('jqplotDataClick', function (event, seriesIndex, pointIndex, data) { searchedDataKey = data[4]; // key from searchedData (global) var field_id = 0; var post_params = { 'ajax_request' : true, 'get_data_row' : true, 'server' : PMA_commonParams.get('server'), 'db' : PMA_commonParams.get('db'), 'table' : PMA_commonParams.get('table'), 'where_clause' : data[3] }; $.post('tbl_zoom_select.php', post_params, function (data) { // Row is contained in data.row_info, // now fill the displayResultForm with row values var key; for (key in data.row_info) { var $field = $('#edit_fieldID_' + field_id); var $field_null = $('#edit_fields_null_id_' + field_id); if (data.row_info[key] === null) { $field_null.prop('checked', true); $field.val(''); } else { $field_null.prop('checked', false); if ($field.attr('multiple')) { // when the column is of type SET $field.val(data.row_info[key].split(',')); } else { $field.val(data.row_info[key]); } } field_id++; } selectedRow = data.row_info; }); $('#dataDisplay').dialog('open'); } ); } $('#help_dialog').click(function () { displayHelp(); }); });