/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */ /** * @fileoverview function used in this file builds history tab and generates query. * * @requires jQuery * @requires moves.js * @version $Id$ */ var history_array = []; // Global array to store history objects var select_field = []; // Global array to store informaation for columns which are used in select clause var g_index; var vqb_editor = null; /** * To display details of objects(where,rename,Having,aggregate,groupby,orderby,having) * * @param index index of history_array where change is to be made * **/ function detail (index) { var type = history_array[index].get_type(); var str; if (type === 'Where') { str = 'Where ' + history_array[index].get_column_name() + history_array[index].get_obj().getrelation_operator() + history_array[index].get_obj().getquery(); } if (type === 'Rename') { str = 'Rename ' + history_array[index].get_column_name() + ' To ' + history_array[index].get_obj().getrename_to(); } if (type === 'Aggregate') { str = 'Select ' + history_array[index].get_obj().get_operator() + '( ' + history_array[index].get_column_name() + ' )'; } if (type === 'GroupBy') { str = 'GroupBy ' + history_array[index].get_column_name(); } if (type === 'OrderBy') { str = 'OrderBy ' + history_array[index].get_column_name() + ' ' + history_array[index].get_obj().get_order(); } if (type === 'Having') { str = 'Having '; if (history_array[index].get_obj().get_operator() !== 'None') { str += history_array[index].get_obj().get_operator() + '( ' + history_array[index].get_column_name() + ' )'; str += history_array[index].get_obj().getrelation_operator() + history_array[index].get_obj().getquery(); } else { str = 'Having ' + history_array[index].get_column_name() + history_array[index].get_obj().getrelation_operator() + history_array[index].get_obj().getquery(); } } return str; } /** * Sorts history_array[] first,using table name as the key and then generates the HTML code for history tab, * clubbing all objects of same tables together * This function is called whenever changes are made in history_array[] * * * @param {int} init starting index of unsorted array * @param {int} finit last index of unsorted array * **/ function display (init, finit) { var str; var i; var j; var k; var sto; var temp; // this part sorts the history array based on table name,this is needed for clubbing all object of same name together. for (i = init; i < finit; i++) { sto = history_array[i]; temp = history_array[i].get_tab();// + '.' + history_array[i].get_obj_no(); for Self JOINS for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (temp > (history_array[j].get_tab())) {// + '.' + history_array[j].get_obj_no())) { //for Self JOINS for (k = i; k > j; k--) { history_array[k] = history_array[k - 1]; } history_array[j] = sto; break; } } } // this part generates HTML code for history tab.adds delete,edit,and/or and detail features with objects. str = ''; // string to store Html code for history tab for (i = 0; i < history_array.length; i++) { temp = history_array[i].get_tab(); // + '.' + history_array[i].get_obj_no(); for Self JOIN str += '

' + temp + '

'; str += '
\n'; while ((history_array[i].get_tab()) === temp) { // + '.' + history_array[i].get_obj_no()) === temp) { str += '
'; str += ''; } else { str += ''; } str += '' + '' + '' + ''; } else { str += '' + '' + '' + ''; } str += ''; i++; if (i >= history_array.length) { break; } str += '
'; if (history_array[i].get_and_or()) { str += '' + PMA_getImage('b_sbrowse', 'column name') + '' + history_array[i].get_column_name() + ''; if (history_array[i].get_type() === 'GroupBy' || history_array[i].get_type() === 'OrderBy') { str += '' + PMA_getImage('s_info', detail(i)) + '' + history_array[i].get_type() + '' + PMA_getImage('b_drop', PMA_messages.strDelete) + '' + PMA_getImage('s_info', detail(i)) + '' + history_array[i].get_type() + '' + PMA_getImage('b_edit', PMA_messages.strEdit) + '' + PMA_getImage('b_drop', PMA_messages.strDelete) + '
'; } i--; str += '
'; } return str; } /** * To change And/Or relation in history tab * * * @param {int} index of history_array where change is to be made * **/ function and_or (index) { if (history_array[index].get_and_or()) { history_array[index].set_and_or(0); } else { history_array[index].set_and_or(1); } var existingDiv = document.getElementById('ab'); existingDiv.innerHTML = display(0, 0); $('#ab').accordion('refresh'); } /** * Deletes entry in history_array * * @param index index of history_array[] which is to be deleted * **/ function history_delete (index) { for (var k = 0; k < from_array.length; k++) { if (from_array[k] === history_array[index].get_tab()) { from_array.splice(k, 1); break; } } history_array.splice(index, 1); var existingDiv = document.getElementById('ab'); existingDiv.innerHTML = display(0, 0); $('#ab').accordion('refresh'); } /** * To show where,rename,aggregate,having forms to edit a object * * @param{int} index index of history_array where change is to be made * **/ function history_edit (index) { g_index = index; var type = history_array[index].get_type(); if (type === 'Where') { document.getElementById('eQuery').value = history_array[index].get_obj().getquery(); document.getElementById('erel_opt').value = history_array[index].get_obj().getrelation_operator(); document.getElementById('query_where').style.left = '530px'; document.getElementById('query_where').style.top = '130px'; document.getElementById('query_where').style.position = 'absolute'; document.getElementById('query_where').style.zIndex = '103'; document.getElementById('query_where').style.visibility = 'visible'; document.getElementById('query_where').style.display = 'block'; } if (type === 'Having') { document.getElementById('hQuery').value = history_array[index].get_obj().getquery(); document.getElementById('hrel_opt').value = history_array[index].get_obj().getrelation_operator(); document.getElementById('hoperator').value = history_array[index].get_obj().get_operator(); document.getElementById('query_having').style.left = '530px'; document.getElementById('query_having').style.top = '130px'; document.getElementById('query_having').style.position = 'absolute'; document.getElementById('query_having').style.zIndex = '103'; document.getElementById('query_having').style.visibility = 'visible'; document.getElementById('query_having').style.display = 'block'; } if (type === 'Rename') { document.getElementById('e_rename').value = history_array[index].get_obj().getrename_to(); document.getElementById('query_rename_to').style.left = '530px'; document.getElementById('query_rename_to').style.top = '130px'; document.getElementById('query_rename_to').style.position = 'absolute'; document.getElementById('query_rename_to').style.zIndex = '103'; document.getElementById('query_rename_to').style.visibility = 'visible'; document.getElementById('query_rename_to').style.display = 'block'; } if (type === 'Aggregate') { document.getElementById('e_operator').value = history_array[index].get_obj().get_operator(); document.getElementById('query_Aggregate').style.left = '530px'; document.getElementById('query_Aggregate').style.top = '130px'; document.getElementById('query_Aggregate').style.position = 'absolute'; document.getElementById('query_Aggregate').style.zIndex = '103'; document.getElementById('query_Aggregate').style.visibility = 'visible'; document.getElementById('query_Aggregate').style.display = 'block'; } } /** * Make changes in history_array when Edit button is clicked * checks for the type of object and then sets the new value * * @param index index of history_array where change is to be made **/ function edit (type) { if (type === 'Rename') { if (document.getElementById('e_rename').value !== '') { history_array[g_index].get_obj().setrename_to(document.getElementById('e_rename').value); document.getElementById('e_rename').value = ''; } document.getElementById('query_rename_to').style.visibility = 'hidden'; } if (type === 'Aggregate') { if (document.getElementById('e_operator').value !== '---') { history_array[g_index].get_obj().set_operator(document.getElementById('e_operator').value); document.getElementById('e_operator').value = '---'; } document.getElementById('query_Aggregate').style.visibility = 'hidden'; } if (type === 'Where') { if (document.getElementById('erel_opt').value !== '--' && document.getElementById('eQuery').value !== '') { history_array[g_index].get_obj().setquery(document.getElementById('eQuery').value); history_array[g_index].get_obj().setrelation_operator(document.getElementById('erel_opt').value); } document.getElementById('query_where').style.visibility = 'hidden'; } if (type === 'Having') { if (document.getElementById('hrel_opt').value !== '--' && document.getElementById('hQuery').value !== '') { history_array[g_index].get_obj().setquery(document.getElementById('hQuery').value); history_array[g_index].get_obj().setrelation_operator(document.getElementById('hrel_opt').value); history_array[g_index].get_obj().set_operator(document.getElementById('hoperator').value); } document.getElementById('query_having').style.visibility = 'hidden'; } var existingDiv = document.getElementById('ab'); existingDiv.innerHTML = display(0, 0); $('#ab').accordion('refresh'); } /** * history object closure * * @param ncolumn_name name of the column on which conditions are put * @param nobj object details(where,rename,orderby,groupby,aggregate) * @param ntab table name of the column on which conditions are applied * @param nobj_no object no used for inner join * @param ntype type of object * **/ function history_obj (ncolumn_name, nobj, ntab, nobj_no, ntype) { var and_or; var obj; var tab; var column_name; var obj_no; var type; this.set_column_name = function (ncolumn_name) { column_name = ncolumn_name; }; this.get_column_name = function () { return column_name; }; this.set_and_or = function (nand_or) { and_or = nand_or; }; this.get_and_or = function () { return and_or; }; this.get_relation = function () { return and_or; }; this.set_obj = function (nobj) { obj = nobj; }; this.get_obj = function () { return obj; }; this.set_tab = function (ntab) { tab = ntab; }; this.get_tab = function () { return tab; }; this.set_obj_no = function (nobj_no) { obj_no = nobj_no; }; this.get_obj_no = function () { return obj_no; }; this.set_type = function (ntype) { type = ntype; }; this.get_type = function () { return type; }; this.set_obj_no(nobj_no); this.set_tab(ntab); this.set_and_or(0); this.set_obj(nobj); this.set_column_name(ncolumn_name); this.set_type(ntype); } /** * where object closure, makes an object with all information of where * * @param nrelation_operator type of relation operator to be applied * @param nquery stores value of value/sub-query * **/ var where = function (nrelation_operator, nquery) { var relation_operator; var query; this.setrelation_operator = function (nrelation_operator) { relation_operator = nrelation_operator; }; this.setquery = function (nquery) { query = nquery; }; this.getquery = function () { return query; }; this.getrelation_operator = function () { return relation_operator; }; this.setquery(nquery); this.setrelation_operator(nrelation_operator); }; /** * Orderby object closure * * @param norder order, ASC or DESC */ var orderby = function (norder) { var order; this.set_order = function (norder) { order = norder; }; this.get_order = function () { return order; }; this.set_order(norder); }; /** * Having object closure, makes an object with all information of where * * @param nrelation_operator type of relation operator to be applied * @param nquery stores value of value/sub-query * @param noperator operator **/ var having = function (nrelation_operator, nquery, noperator) { var relation_operator; var query; var operator; this.set_operator = function (noperator) { operator = noperator; }; this.setrelation_operator = function (nrelation_operator) { relation_operator = nrelation_operator; }; this.setquery = function (nquery) { query = nquery; }; this.getquery = function () { return query; }; this.getrelation_operator = function () { return relation_operator; }; this.get_operator = function () { return operator; }; this.setquery(nquery); this.setrelation_operator(nrelation_operator); this.set_operator(noperator); }; /** * rename object closure,makes an object with all information of rename * * @param nrename_to new name information * **/ var rename = function (nrename_to) { var rename_to; this.setrename_to = function (nrename_to) { rename_to = nrename_to; }; this.getrename_to = function () { return rename_to; }; this.setrename_to(nrename_to); }; /** * aggregate object closure * * @param noperator aggregte operator * **/ var aggregate = function (noperator) { var operator; this.set_operator = function (noperator) { operator = noperator; }; this.get_operator = function () { return operator; }; this.set_operator(noperator); }; /** * This function returns unique element from an array * * @param arrayName array from which duplicate elem are to be removed. * @return unique array */ function unique (arrayName) { var newArray = []; uniquetop: for (var i = 0; i < arrayName.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < newArray.length; j++) { if (newArray[j] === arrayName[i]) { continue uniquetop; } } newArray[newArray.length] = arrayName[i]; } return newArray; } /** * This function takes in array and a value as input and returns 1 if values is present in array * else returns -1 * * @param arrayName array * @param value value which is to be searched in the array */ function found (arrayName, value) { for (var i = 0; i < arrayName.length; i++) { if (arrayName[i] === value) { return 1; } } return -1; } /** * This function concatenates two array * * @params add array elements of which are pushed in * @params arr array in which elements are added */ function add_array (add, arr) { for (var i = 0; i < add.length; i++) { arr.push(add[i]); } return arr; } /* This function removes all elements present in one array from the other. * * @params rem array from which each element is removed from other array. * @params arr array from which elements are removed. * */ function remove_array (rem, arr) { for (var i = 0; i < rem.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) { if (rem[i] === arr[j]) { arr.splice(j, 1); } } } return arr; } /** * This function builds the groupby clause from history object * */ function query_groupby () { var i; var str = ''; for (i = 0; i < history_array.length;i++) { if (history_array[i].get_type() === 'GroupBy') { str += '`' + history_array[i].get_column_name() + '`, '; } } str = str.substr(0, str.length - 2); return str; } /** * This function builds the Having clause from the history object. * */ function query_having () { var i; var and = '('; for (i = 0; i < history_array.length;i++) { if (history_array[i].get_type() === 'Having') { if (history_array[i].get_obj().get_operator() !== 'None') { and += history_array[i].get_obj().get_operator() + '(`' + history_array[i].get_column_name() + '`) ' + history_array[i].get_obj().getrelation_operator(); and += ' ' + history_array[i].get_obj().getquery() + ', '; } else { and += '`' + history_array[i].get_column_name() + '` ' + history_array[i].get_obj().getrelation_operator() + ' ' + history_array[i].get_obj().getquery() + ', '; } } } if (and === '(') { and = ''; } else { and = and.substr(0, and.length - 2) + ')'; } return and; } /** * This function builds the orderby clause from the history object. * */ function query_orderby () { var i; var str = ''; for (i = 0; i < history_array.length;i++) { if (history_array[i].get_type() === 'OrderBy') { str += '`' + history_array[i].get_column_name() + '` ' + history_array[i].get_obj().get_order() + ', '; } } str = str.substr(0, str.length - 2); return str; } /** * This function builds the Where clause from the history object. * */ function query_where () { var i; var and = '('; var or = '('; for (i = 0; i < history_array.length;i++) { if (history_array[i].get_type() === 'Where') { if (history_array[i].get_and_or() === 0) { and += '( `' + history_array[i].get_column_name() + '` ' + history_array[i].get_obj().getrelation_operator() + ' ' + history_array[i].get_obj().getquery() + ')'; and += ' AND '; } else { or += '( `' + history_array[i].get_column_name() + '` ' + history_array[i].get_obj().getrelation_operator() + ' ' + history_array[i].get_obj().getquery() + ')'; or += ' OR '; } } } if (or !== '(') { or = or.substring(0, (or.length - 4)) + ')'; } else { or = ''; } if (and !== '(') { and = and.substring(0, (and.length - 5)) + ')'; } else { and = ''; } if (or !== '') { and = and + ' OR ' + or + ' )'; } return and; } function check_aggregate (id_this) { var i; for (i = 0; i < history_array.length; i++) { var temp = '`' + history_array[i].get_tab() + '`.`' + history_array[i].get_column_name() + '`'; if (temp === id_this && history_array[i].get_type() === 'Aggregate') { return history_array[i].get_obj().get_operator() + '(' + id_this + ')'; } } return ''; } function check_rename (id_this) { var i; for (i = 0; i < history_array.length; i++) { var temp = '`' + history_array[i].get_tab() + '`.`' + history_array[i].get_column_name() + '`'; if (temp === id_this && history_array[i].get_type() === 'Rename') { return ' AS `' + history_array[i].get_obj().getrename_to() + '`'; } } return ''; } /** * This function builds from clause of query * makes automatic joins. * * */ function query_from () { var i; var tab_left = []; var tab_used = []; var t_tab_used = []; var t_tab_left = []; var temp; var query = ''; var quer = ''; var parts = []; var t_array = []; t_array = from_array; var K = 0; var k; var key; var key2; var key3; var parts1; // the constraints that have been used in the LEFT JOIN var constraints_added = []; for (i = 0; i < history_array.length; i++) { from_array.push(history_array[i].get_tab()); } from_array = unique(from_array); tab_left = from_array; temp = tab_left.shift(); quer = '`' + temp + '`'; tab_used.push(temp); // if master table (key2) matches with tab used get all keys and check if tab_left matches // after this check if master table (key2) matches with tab left then check if any foreign matches with master . for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (K in contr) { for (key in contr[K]) {// contr name for (key2 in contr[K][key]) {// table name parts = key2.split('.'); if (found(tab_used, parts[1]) > 0) { for (key3 in contr[K][key][key2]) { parts1 = contr[K][key][key2][key3][0].split('.'); if (found(tab_left, parts1[1]) > 0) { if (found(constraints_added, key) > 0) { query += ' AND ' + '`' + parts[1] + '`.`' + key3 + '` = '; query += '`' + parts1[1] + '`.`' + contr[K][key][key2][key3][1] + '` '; } else { query += '\n' + 'LEFT JOIN '; query += '`' + parts[1] + '` ON '; query += '`' + parts1[1] + '`.`' + contr[K][key][key2][key3][1] + '` = '; query += '`' + parts[1] + '`.`' + key3 + '` '; constraints_added.push(key); } t_tab_left.push(parts[1]); } } } } } } K = 0; t_tab_left = unique(t_tab_left); tab_used = add_array(t_tab_left, tab_used); tab_left = remove_array(t_tab_left, tab_left); t_tab_left = []; for (K in contr) { for (key in contr[K]) { for (key2 in contr[K][key]) {// table name parts = key2.split('.'); if (found(tab_left, parts[1]) > 0) { for (key3 in contr[K][key][key2]) { parts1 = contr[K][key][key2][key3][0].split('.'); if (found(tab_used, parts1[1]) > 0) { if (found(constraints_added, key) > 0) { query += ' AND ' + '`' + parts[1] + '`.`' + key3 + '` = '; query += '`' + parts1[1] + '`.`' + contr[K][key][key2][key3][1] + '` '; } else { query += '\n' + 'LEFT JOIN '; query += '`' + parts[1] + '` ON '; query += '`' + parts1[1] + '`.`' + contr[K][key][key2][key3][1] + '` = '; query += '`' + parts[1] + '`.`' + key3 + '` '; constraints_added.push(key); } t_tab_left.push(parts[1]); } } } } } } t_tab_left = unique(t_tab_left); tab_used = add_array(t_tab_left, tab_used); tab_left = remove_array(t_tab_left, tab_left); t_tab_left = []; } for (k in tab_left) { quer += ' , `' + tab_left[k] + '`'; } query = quer + query; from_array = t_array; return query; } /** * This function is the main function for query building. * uses history object details for this. * * @ uses query_where() * @ uses query_groupby() * @ uses query_having() * @ uses query_orderby() * * @param formtitle title for the form * @param fadin */ function build_query (formtitle, fadin) { var q_select = 'SELECT '; var temp; if (select_field.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < select_field.length; i++) { temp = check_aggregate(select_field[i]); if (temp !== '') { q_select += temp; temp = check_rename(select_field[i]); q_select += temp + ', '; } else { temp = check_rename(select_field[i]); q_select += select_field[i] + temp + ', '; } } q_select = q_select.substring(0, q_select.length - 2); } else { q_select += '* '; } q_select += '\nFROM ' + query_from(); var q_where = query_where(); if (q_where !== '') { q_select += '\nWHERE ' + q_where; } var q_groupby = query_groupby(); if (q_groupby !== '') { q_select += '\nGROUP BY ' + q_groupby; } var q_having = query_having(); if (q_having !== '') { q_select += '\nHAVING ' + q_having; } var q_orderby = query_orderby(); if (q_orderby !== '') { q_select += '\nORDER BY ' + q_orderby; } /** * @var button_options Object containing options * for jQueryUI dialog buttons */ var button_options = {}; button_options[PMA_messages.strClose] = function () { $(this).dialog('close'); }; button_options[PMA_messages.strSubmit] = function () { if (vqb_editor) { var $elm = $ajaxDialog.find('textarea'); vqb_editor.save(); $elm.val(vqb_editor.getValue()); } $('#vqb_form').submit(); }; var $ajaxDialog = $('#box').dialog({ appendTo: '#page_content', width: 500, buttons: button_options, modal: true, title: 'SELECT' }); // Attach syntax highlighted editor to query dialog /** * @var $elm jQuery object containing the reference * to the query textarea. */ var $elm = $ajaxDialog.find('textarea'); if (! vqb_editor) { vqb_editor = PMA_getSQLEditor($elm); } if (vqb_editor) { vqb_editor.setValue(q_select); vqb_editor.focus(); } else { $elm.val(q_select); $elm.focus(); } } AJAX.registerTeardown('designer/history.js', function () { vqb_editor = null; history_array = []; select_field = []; $('#ok_edit_rename').off('click'); $('#ok_edit_having').off('click'); $('#ok_edit_Aggr').off('click'); $('#ok_edit_where').off('click'); }); AJAX.registerOnload('designer/history.js', function () { $('#ok_edit_rename').click(function () { edit('Rename'); }); $('#ok_edit_having').click(function () { edit('Having'); }); $('#ok_edit_Aggr').click(function () { edit('Aggregate'); }); $('#ok_edit_where').click(function () { edit('Where'); }); $('#ab').accordion({ collapsible : true, active : 'none' }); });