public static $magicMethods
public static atLeastOnce($params = null)
Checks if a method has been invoked at least one time.
If the number of invocations is 0 it will throw an exception in verify.
$user = Stub::make(
'getName' => Stub::atLeastOnce(function() { return 'Davert';}),
'someMethod' => function() {}
param mixed
StubMarshalerprotected static bindParameters($mock, $params)
param \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
$mockparam array
$paramsprivate static closureIfNull($params)
public static consecutive()
Stubbing a method call to return a list of values in the specified order.
$user = Stub::make('User', array('getName' => Stub::consecutive('david', 'emma', 'sam', 'amy')));
$user->getName(); //david
$user->getName(); //emma
$user->getName(); //sam
$user->getName(); //amy
ConsecutiveMappublic static construct($class, $constructorParams = null, $params = null, $testCase = null)
Instantiates a class instance by running constructor. Parameters for constructor passed as second argument Properties and methods can be set in third argument. Even protected and private properties can be set.
Stub::construct('User', array('autosave' => false));
Stub::construct('User', array('autosave' => false), array('name' => 'davert'));
Accepts either name of class or object of that class
Stub::construct(new User, array('autosave' => false), array('name' => 'davert'));
To replace method provide it's name as a key in third parameter and it's return value or callback function as parameter
Stub::construct('User', array(), array('save' => function () { return true; }));
Stub::construct('User', array(), array('save' => true }));
param mixed
$classparam array
$constructorParamsparam array
$paramsparam bool|\PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
objectpublic static constructEmpty($class, $constructorParams = null, $params = null, $testCase = null)
Instantiates a class instance by running constructor with all methods replaced with dummies. Parameters for constructor passed as second argument Properties and methods can be set in third argument. Even protected and private properties can be set.
Stub::constructEmpty('User', array('autosave' => false));
Stub::constructEmpty('User', array('autosave' => false), array('name' => 'davert'));
Accepts either name of class or object of that class
Stub::constructEmpty(new User, array('autosave' => false), array('name' => 'davert'));
To replace method provide it's name as a key in third parameter and it's return value or callback function as parameter
Stub::constructEmpty('User', array(), array('save' => function () { return true; }));
Stub::constructEmpty('User', array(), array('save' => true }));
param mixed
$classparam array
$constructorParamsparam array
$paramsparam bool|\PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
objectpublic static constructEmptyExcept($class, $method, $constructorParams = null, $params = null, $testCase = null)
Instantiates a class instance by running constructor with all methods replaced with dummies, except one. Parameters for constructor passed as second argument Properties and methods can be set in third argument. Even protected and private properties can be set.
Stub::constructEmptyExcept('User', 'save');
Stub::constructEmptyExcept('User', 'save', array('autosave' => false), array('name' => 'davert'));
Accepts either name of class or object of that class
Stub::constructEmptyExcept(new User, 'save', array('autosave' => false), array('name' => 'davert'));
To replace method provide it's name as a key in third parameter and it's return value or callback function as parameter
Stub::constructEmptyExcept('User', 'save', array(), array('save' => function () { return true; }));
Stub::constructEmptyExcept('User', 'save', array(), array('save' => true }));
param mixed
$classparam string
$methodparam array
$constructorParamsparam array
$paramsparam bool|\PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
objectpublic static copy($obj, $params = null)
Clones an object and redefines it's properties (even protected and private)
$objparam array
mixedprivate static doGenerateMock($args, $isAbstract = null)
public static exactly($count, $params = null)
Checks if a method has been invoked a certain amount of times. If the number of invocations exceeds the value it will immediately throw an exception, If the number is less it will later be checked in verify() and also throw an exception.
$user = Stub::make(
'getName' => Stub::exactly(3, function() { return 'Davert';}),
'someMethod' => function() {}
param int
$countparam mixed
StubMarshalerprivate static extractTestCaseFromArgs($args)
public static factory($class, $num = null, $params = null)
Creates $num instances of class through Stub::make
param mixed
$classparam int
$numparam array
arrayprivate static generateMock()
private static generateMockForAbstractClass()
Returns a mock object for the specified abstract class with all abstract methods of the class mocked. Concrete methods to mock can be specified with the last parameter
string $originalClassNameparam
array $argumentsparam
string $mockClassNameparam
boolean $callOriginalConstructorparam
boolean $callOriginalCloneparam
boolean $callAutoloadparam
array $mockedMethodsparam
boolean $cloneArgumentsreturn
Method available since Release 1.0.0throws
\InvalidArgumentExceptionprotected static getClassname($object)
should be simplifiedprotected static getMethodsToReplace($reflection, $params)
param \ReflectionClass
arraypublic static make($class, $params = null, $testCase = null)
Instantiates a class without executing a constructor. Properties and methods can be set as a second parameter. Even protected and private properties can be set.
Stub::make('User', array('name' => 'davert'));
Accepts either name of class or object of that class
Stub::make(new User, array('name' => 'davert'));
To replace method provide it's name as a key in second parameter and it's return value or callback function as parameter
Stub::make('User', array('save' => function () { return true; }));
Stub::make('User', array('save' => true }));
param mixed
$class - A class to be mockedparam array
$params - properties and methods to setparam bool|\PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
object - mockthrows
\RuntimeException when class does not existpublic static makeEmpty($class, $params = null, $testCase = null)
Instantiates class having all methods replaced with dummies. Constructor is not triggered. Properties and methods can be set as a second parameter. Even protected and private properties can be set.
Stub::makeEmpty('User', array('name' => 'davert'));
Accepts either name of class or object of that class
Stub::makeEmpty(new User, array('name' => 'davert'));
To replace method provide it's name as a key in second parameter and it's return value or callback function as parameter
Stub::makeEmpty('User', array('save' => function () { return true; }));
Stub::makeEmpty('User', array('save' => true }));
param mixed
$classparam array
$paramsparam bool|\PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
objectpublic static makeEmptyExcept($class, $method, $params = null, $testCase = null)
Instantiates class having all methods replaced with dummies except one. Constructor is not triggered. Properties and methods can be replaced. Even protected and private properties can be set.
Stub::makeEmptyExcept('User', 'save');
Stub::makeEmptyExcept('User', 'save', array('name' => 'davert'));
Accepts either name of class or object of that class
* Stub::makeEmptyExcept(new User, 'save');
To replace method provide it's name as a key in second parameter and it's return value or callback function as parameter
Stub::makeEmptyExcept('User', 'save', array('isValid' => function () { return true; }));
Stub::makeEmptyExcept('User', 'save', array('isValid' => true }));
param mixed
$classparam string
$methodparam array
$paramsparam bool|\PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
objectprivate static markAsMock($mock, $reflection)
Set __mock flag, if at all possible
param object
$mockparam \ReflectionClass
objectpublic static never($params = null)
Checks if a method never has been invoked
If method invoked, it will immediately throw an exception.
$user = Stub::make('User', array('getName' => Stub::never(), 'someMethod' => function() {}));
param mixed
StubMarshalerpublic static once($params = null)
Checks if a method has been invoked exactly one time.
If the number is less or greater it will later be checked in verify() and also throw an exception.
$user = Stub::make(
'getName' => Stub::once(function() { return 'Davert';}),
'someMethod' => function() {}
$userName = $user->getName();
$this->assertEquals('Davert', $userName);
param mixed
StubMarshalerpublic static update($mock, array $params)
Replaces properties of current stub
param \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
$mockparam array