## Codeception\Util\XmlBuilder
That's a pretty simple yet powerful class to build XML structures in jQuery-like style.
With no XML line actually written!
Uses DOM extension to manipulate XML data.
->val('useful item');
echo $xml;
This will produce this XML
- useful item
### Usage
Builder uses chained calls. So each call to builder returns a builder object.
Except for `getDom` and `__toString` methods.
* `$xml->node` - create new xml node and go inside of it.
* `$xml->node->val('value')` - sets the inner value of node
* `$xml->attr('name','value')` - set the attribute of node
* `$xml->parent()` - go back to parent node.
* `$xml->parents('user')` - go back through all parents to `user` node.
* `$xml->getDom` - get a DOMDocument object
* `$xml->__toString` - get a string representation of XML.
[Source code](https://github.com/Codeception/Codeception/blob/master/src/Codeception/Util/XmlBuilder.php)
#### __construct()
*public* __construct()
[See source](https://github.com/Codeception/Codeception/blob/2.2/src/Codeception/Util/XmlBuilder.php#L80)
#### __get()
*public* __get($tag)
Appends child node
* `param` $tag
* `return` XmlBuilder
[See source](https://github.com/Codeception/Codeception/blob/2.2/src/Codeception/Util/XmlBuilder.php#L93)
#### __toString()
*public* __toString()
[See source](https://github.com/Codeception/Codeception/blob/2.2/src/Codeception/Util/XmlBuilder.php#L165)
#### attr()
*public* attr($attr, $val)
Sets attribute for current node
* `param` $attr
* `param` $val
* `return` XmlBuilder
[See source](https://github.com/Codeception/Codeception/blob/2.2/src/Codeception/Util/XmlBuilder.php#L120)
#### getDom()
*public* getDom()
* `return` \DOMDocument
[See source](https://github.com/Codeception/Codeception/blob/2.2/src/Codeception/Util/XmlBuilder.php#L173)
#### parent()
*public* parent()
Traverses to parent
* `return` XmlBuilder
[See source](https://github.com/Codeception/Codeception/blob/2.2/src/Codeception/Util/XmlBuilder.php#L131)
#### parents()
*public* parents($tag)
Traverses to parent with $name
* `param` $tag
* `return` XmlBuilder
* `throws` \Exception
[See source](https://github.com/Codeception/Codeception/blob/2.2/src/Codeception/Util/XmlBuilder.php#L145)
#### val()
*public* val($val)
* `param` $val
* `return` XmlBuilder
[See source](https://github.com/Codeception/Codeception/blob/2.2/src/Codeception/Util/XmlBuilder.php#L106)