# DataFactory DataFactory allows you to easily generate and create test data using [**FactoryMuffin**](https://github.com/thephpleague/factory-muffin). DataFactory uses an ORM of your application to define, save and cleanup data. Thus, should be used with ORM or Framework modules. This module requires packages installed: ```json { "league/factory-muffin": "^3.0", "league/factory-muffin-faker": "^1.0" } ``` Generation rules can be defined in a factories file. You will need to create `factories.php` (it is recommended to store it in `_support` dir) Follow [FactoryMuffin documentation](https://github.com/thephpleague/factory-muffin) to set valid rules. Random data provided by [Faker](https://github.com/fzaninotto/Faker) library. ```php define(User::class)->setDefinitions([ 'name' => Faker::name(), // generate email 'email' => Faker::email(), 'body' => Faker::text(), // generate a profile and return its Id 'profile_id' => 'factory|Profile' ); ``` Configure this module to load factory definitions from a directory. You should also specify a module with an ORM as a dependency. ```yaml modules: enabled: - Yii2: configFile: path/to/config.php - DataFactory: factories: tests/_support/factories depends: Yii2 ``` (you can also use Laravel5 and Phalcon). In this example factories are loaded from `tests/_support/factories` directory. Please note that this directory is relative from the codeception.yml file (so for Yii2 it would be codeception/_support/factories). * You should create this directory manually and create PHP files in it with factories definitions following [official documentation](https://github.com/thephpleague/factory-muffin#usage). In cases you want to use data from database inside your factory definitions you can define them in Helper. For instance, if you use Doctrine, this allows you to access `EntityManager` inside a definition. To proceed you should create Factories helper via `generate:helper` command and enable it: ``` modules: enabled: - DataFactory: depends: Doctrine2 - \Helper\Factories ``` In this case you can define factories from a Helper class with `_define` method. ```php getModule('DataFactory'); // let us get EntityManager from Doctrine $em = $this->getModule('Doctrine2')->_getEntityManager(); $factory->_define(User::class, [ // generate random user name // use League\FactoryMuffin\Faker\Facade as Faker; 'name' => Faker::name(), // get real company from database 'company' => $em->getRepository(Company::class)->find(), // let's generate a profile for each created user // receive an entity and set it via `setProfile` method // UserProfile factory should be defined as well 'profile' => 'entity|'.UserProfile::class ]); } ``` Factory Definitions are described in official [Factory Muffin Documentation](https://github.com/thephpleague/factory-muffin) ### Related Models Generators If your module relies on other model you can generate them both. To create a related module you can use either `factory` or `entity` prefix, depending on ORM you use. In case your ORM expects an Id of a related record (Eloquent) to be set use `factory` prefix: ```php 'user_id' => 'factory|User' ``` In case your ORM expects a related record itself (Doctrine) then you should use `entity` prefix: ```php 'user' => 'entity|User' ``` ## Actions ### have Generates and saves a record,. ```php $I->have('User'); // creates user $I->have('User', ['is_active' => true]); // creates active user ``` Returns an instance of created user. * `param` $name * `param array` $extraAttrs * `return` object ### haveMultiple Generates and saves a record multiple times. ```php $I->haveMultiple('User', 10); // create 10 users $I->haveMultiple('User', 10, ['is_active' => true]); // create 10 active users ``` * `param` $name * `param` $times * `param array` $extraAttrs * `return` \object[]