{% for t_n in table_names %} {% set i = loop.index0 %} {% set t_n_url = table_names_url[i] %} {% if has_query %} {% endif %} {% if has_query %} {% endif %} {% set display_field = Relation_getDisplayField(get_db, table_names_small[i]) %} {% for j in 0..tab_column[t_n]['COLUMN_ID']|length - 1 %} {% set tmp_column = t_n ~ '.' ~ tab_column[t_n]['COLUMN_NAME'][j] %} {% set click_field_param = [ table_names_small_url[i], tab_column[t_n]['COLUMN_NAME'][j]|url_encode ] %} {% if not Util_isForeignKeySupported(table_types[i]) %} {% set click_field_param = click_field_param|merge([tables_pk_or_unique_keys[tmp_column] is defined ? 1 : 0]) %} {% else %} {# if foreign keys are supported, it's not necessary that the index is a primary key #} {% set click_field_param = click_field_param|merge([tables_all_keys[tmp_column] is defined ? 1 : 0]) %} {% endif %} {% set click_field_param = click_field_param|merge([db]) %} {% if has_query %} {% endif %} {% if has_query %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ tab_pos[t_n] is not defined or tab_pos[t_n]['V'] is not empty ? 'v' : '>' }} {{ owner_out[i]|raw }} {{ table_names_small_out[i]|raw }}
{% endfor %}