// pages/trip/trip.js var app = getApp() Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { windowHeight:'', height:'', order:'', date:[], markers:[], polyline:[], latitude:'', longitude:'', url:'', index:'', img:app.globalData.imgUrl }, onLoad: function (options) { var that = this; console.log(options,'传值') let order_no=options.order_no // my.getSystemInfo({ // success: function (res) { // console.log(res.windowHeight); // that.setData({ windowHeight: res.windowHeight}) // } // }) // this.setData({order:options.order}) // if(options.index){ // if (options.index == 0) { // that.setData({ // url : '/order?order_no=' // }) // } // if (options.index == 1) { // that.setData({ // url : '/rent/order?no=' // }) // } // this.setData({index:options.index}) // } // if(options.index){ // if (options.index == 'true') { // that.setData({ // url : '/order?order_no=' // }) // this.setData({index:0}) // } // if (options.index == 'false') { // that.setData({ // url : '/rent/order?no=' // }) // this.setData({index:1}) // } // } // var query = my.createSelectorQuery(); // query.select('.box').boundingClientRect(); // query.exec(function (res) { // console.log(res) // console.log(res[0].height) // that.setData({ height: res[0].height }); // }) // my.getLocation({ // type:'gcj02', // success: function(res) { // var latitude = res.latitude // var longitude = res.longitude // that.setData({ longitude: longitude, latitude: latitude }) // }, // }) // this.load(); this.getTrack(order_no); //获取行车轨迹及订单信息 }, // 获取行车轨迹及订单信息 getTrack(order_no){ var that = this; my.showLoading({ content: '加载中...', }) console.log(that.data.url) app.request('/order?order_no=' + order_no+'&include=locations','','GET').then(res=>{ console.log(res) if(res.status == 200){ my.hideLoading() that.setData({ date: res.data }); let points = res.data.locations.data; var center = parseInt(points.length/2) var obj = {}; obj.points = points; obj.width = 2; obj.color = '#f8c700'; obj.borderWidth = 1; obj.borderColor = '#f8c700'; that.setData({ polyline: that.data.polyline.concat(obj) }) if (points.length>0){ var maker = []; maker = maker.concat(points[0]); maker = maker.concat(points[points.length - 1]) for (var i = 0; i < maker.length; i++) { maker[i].width =32; maker[i].height = 32; maker[i].zIndex = 1111; } //在地图上显示两个坐标 maker[0].iconPath = 'http://resource.bike.hanyiyun.com/weapp/start1.png' maker[1].iconPath = 'http://resource.bike.hanyiyun.com/weapp/end1.png' that.setData({ markers: maker, longitude: points[center].longitude, latitude: points[center].latitude }) } else { my.getLocation({ type: 'gcj02', success: function (res) { var latitude = res.latitude var longitude = res.longitude that.setData({ longitude: longitude, latitude: latitude }) }, }) } } }) }, //计费规则 chargeRule:function(){ my.navigateTo({ url:'/pages/charge_rule/charge_rule', }) }, //不认可收费 noAgree:function(){ my.makePhoneCall({ number:my.getStorageSync({'key':'home'}).data.customer_service_phone, }) }, onReady: function () { }, onShow: function () { }, onHide: function () { }, onUnload: function () { }, onPullDownRefresh: function () { }, onReachBottom: function () { }, onShareAppMessage: function () { }, })