var initNum = 7; //倒计时数 var spaceNum = 1000; //文字倒计时间隔 var space = 1000; //环倒计时间隔 var begin = -(1 / 2 * Math.PI); var pai2 = 2 * Math.PI; var app = getApp(); import { BluetoothManager, BtErrorCode } from '../../service/BlueMgr' const bluM = new BluetoothManager; const util = require('../../utils/utils.js') Page({ data: { progress_txt: 60, count: 0, // 设置 计数器 初始为0 countTimer: null, // 设置 定时器 初始为null money: [], request_data: [], notice: false, order: '', screenHeight: '' }, closeLock: function (data) { var that = this; app.request('/bike/close-lock', data, 'POST').then(res => { console.log(res) if (res.statusCode == 200) { wx.reLaunch({ url: '../payment/payment?order=' + }) bluM.connectDeivece( => { console.log('lockbike') return bluM.lockBike() }, reject => {}) } else if (res.statusCode == 450) { // that.coundDown() } }).catch(err => { console.log(err) }) }, rent_closeLock: function (data) { var that = this; app.request('/rent/close-order', data, 'POST').then(res => { console.log(res) if (res.statusCode == 200) { wx.reLaunch({ url: '../payment/payment?order=' + + '&rent=rent' }) bluM.connectDeivece( => { console.log('lockbike') return bluM.lockBike() }, reject => {}) } else if (res.statusCode == 450) { that.coundDown() } }).catch(err => { console.log(err) }) }, onLoad: function (options) { console.log(options) this.setData({ screenHeight: app.globalData.screenHeight }) wx.showLoading({ title: '加载中...' }) var data = { bike_no: options.bike_no, order_no: options.order_no, lat:, lng: options.lng } this.setData({ request_data: data, order: options.order }) if (options.order == 'order') { app.request('/order/expect-order-money', data, 'POST').then(res => { console.log(res) if (res.statusCode == 200) { wx.hideLoading() this.setData({ money: }) } }) } else { app.request('/rent/expect-rent-order-money', data, 'POST').then(res => { console.log(res) if (res.statusCode == 200) { wx.hideLoading() this.setData({ money: }) } }) } }, notice: function () { this.setData({ notice: true }) }, notice_false: function () { this.setData({ notice: false }) }, kefu: function () { wx.makePhoneCall({ phoneNumber: wx.getStorageSync('home').customer_service_phone, }) }, close_bike: function () { if ( !== 0) { wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '您当前不在还车区,还车将收取' + + '调度费', confirmText: '确定还车', cancelText: '取消', success: (res) => { if (res.confirm) { if ( == 'rent') { console.log('rent') this.rent_closeLock( } else { this.closeLock( } } } }) }else{ if ( == 'rent') { console.log('rent') this.rent_closeLock( } else { this.closeLock( } } }, onReady: function () { this.drawCircle(60 / (60 / 2)) this.drawProgressbg(); this.countInterval() }, drawProgressbg: function () { // 使用 wx.createContext 获取绘图上下文 context var ctx = wx.createCanvasContext('canvasProgressbg') ctx.setLineWidth(6); // 设置圆环的宽度 ctx.setStrokeStyle('#cccccc'); // 设置圆环的颜色 ctx.setLineCap('round') // 设置圆环端点的形状 ctx.beginPath(); //开始一个新的路径 ctx.arc(55, 55, 50, -Math.PI / 2, 60, false); //设置一个原点(100,100),半径为90的圆的路径到当前路径 ctx.stroke(); //对当前路径进行描边 ctx.draw(); }, drawCircle: function (step) { var context = wx.createCanvasContext('canvasProgress'); // 设置渐变 var gradient = context.createLinearGradient(100, 50, 50, 100); context.setStrokeStyle("#F95A29"); context.setLineWidth(6); // context.setStrokeStyle(gradient); context.setLineCap('round') context.beginPath(); // 参数step 为绘制的圆环周长,从0到2为一周 。 -Math.PI / 2 将起始角设在12点钟位置 ,结束角 通过改变 step 的值确定 context.arc(55, 55, 50, -Math.PI / 2, step * Math.PI - Math.PI / 2, false); context.stroke(); context.draw() // this.drawCircle(60 / (60/2)) }, countInterval: function () { // 设置倒计时 定时器 每100毫秒执行一次,计数器count+1 ,耗时6秒绘一圈 this.countTimer = setInterval(() => { if ( <= 60) { /* 绘制彩色圆环进度条 注意此处 传参 step 取值范围是0到2, 所以 计数器 最大值 60 对应 2 做处理,计数器count=60的时候step=2 */ var time = - 1 this.drawCircle(time / (60 / 2)); if (time <= 0) { clearInterval(this.countTimer); time = 0; wx.navigateBack() } this.setData({ progress_txt: time }); } else { clearInterval(this.countTimer); } }, 1000) }, continue: function () { clearInterval(this.countTimer); wx.navigateBack() }, onShow: function () { }, onHide: function () { // clearInterval(this.countTimer); }, onUnload: function () { clearInterval(this.countTimer); }, onPullDownRefresh: function () { }, onReachBottom: function () { }, onShareAppMessage: function () { } })