xvying 2 gadi atpakaļ
100 mainītis faili ar 744 papildinājumiem un 736 dzēšanām
  1. 10 2
  2. 5 5
  3. BIN
  4. 362 362
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  59. 362 362
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+ 10 - 2

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ const install = (Vue, vm) => {
 		// baseUrl: 'http://mt.mentor.site.ximengnaikang.com/api',
-		baseUrl: '/api',
+		// baseUrl: '/api',
 		originalData: true,
@@ -29,7 +29,15 @@ const install = (Vue, vm) => {
 		// 方式一,存放在vuex的token,假设使用了uView封装的vuex方式,见:https://uviewui.com/components/globalVariable.html
 		// config.header.token = vm.token;
-		config.header.Authorization = vm.vuex_token;
+		config.header.Authorization = vm.vuex_token;
+		if (config.method.toUpperCase() == 'PUT') {
+			config.method = 'POST'
+			config.headers['X-HTTP-Method-Override'] = 'PUT'
+		}
+		if (config.method.toUpperCase() == 'DELETE') {
+			config.method = 'POST'
+			config.headers['X-HTTP-Method-Override'] = 'DELETE'
+		}
 		// 方式二,如果没有使用uView封装的vuex方法,那么需要使用$store.state获取
 		// config.header.token = vm.$store.state.token;

+ 5 - 5

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=zh-CN><head><meta charset=utf-8><meta http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible content="IE=edge"><link rel="shortcut icon" type=image/x-icon href=/static/logo.ico><meta name=viewport content="width=device-width,user-scalable=no,initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,minimum-scale=1"><title>智慧导师预约-教师端</title><style>::-webkit-scrollbar{
-                display: none;
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+                display: none;
+            }</style><script>document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
+				document.documentElement.style.fontSize = document.documentElement.clientWidth / 20 + 'px'
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+ 362 - 362

@@ -1,363 +1,363 @@
-(function(window, document, exportName, undefined) {
-    "use strict";
-    var isMultiTouch = false;
-    var multiTouchStartPos;
-    var eventTarget;
-    var touchElements = {};
-    // polyfills
-    if(!document.createTouch) {
-        document.createTouch = function(view, target, identifier, pageX, pageY, screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY) {
-            // auto set
-            if(clientX == undefined || clientY == undefined) {
-                clientX = pageX - window.pageXOffset;
-                clientY = pageY - window.pageYOffset;
-            }
-            return new Touch(target, identifier, {
-                pageX: pageX,
-                pageY: pageY,
-                screenX: screenX,
-                screenY: screenY,
-                clientX: clientX,
-                clientY: clientY
-            });
-        };
-    }
-    if(!document.createTouchList) {
-        document.createTouchList = function() {
-            var touchList = new TouchList();
-            for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
-                touchList[i] = arguments[i];
-            }
-            touchList.length = arguments.length;
-            return touchList;
-        };
-    }
-    /**
-     * create an touch point
-     * @constructor
-     * @param target
-     * @param identifier
-     * @param pos
-     * @param deltaX
-     * @param deltaY
-     * @returns {Object} touchPoint
-     */
-    function Touch(target, identifier, pos, deltaX, deltaY) {
-        deltaX = deltaX || 0;
-        deltaY = deltaY || 0;
-        this.identifier = identifier;
-        this.target = target;
-        this.clientX = pos.clientX + deltaX;
-        this.clientY = pos.clientY + deltaY;
-        this.screenX = pos.screenX + deltaX;
-        this.screenY = pos.screenY + deltaY;
-        this.pageX = pos.pageX + deltaX;
-        this.pageY = pos.pageY + deltaY;
-    }
-    /**
-     * create empty touchlist with the methods
-     * @constructor
-     * @returns touchList
-     */
-    function TouchList() {
-        var touchList = [];
-        touchList.item = function(index) {
-            return this[index] || null;
-        };
-        // specified by Mozilla
-        touchList.identifiedTouch = function(id) {
-            return this[id + 1] || null;
-        };
-        return touchList;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Simple trick to fake touch event support
-     * this is enough for most libraries like Modernizr and Hammer
-     */
-    function fakeTouchSupport() {
-        var objs = [window, document.documentElement];
-        var props = ['ontouchstart', 'ontouchmove', 'ontouchcancel', 'ontouchend'];
-        for(var o=0; o<objs.length; o++) {
-            for(var p=0; p<props.length; p++) {
-                if(objs[o] && objs[o][props[p]] == undefined) {
-                    objs[o][props[p]] = null;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * we don't have to emulate on a touch device
-     * @returns {boolean}
-     */
-    function hasTouchSupport() {
-        return ("ontouchstart" in window) || // touch events
-               (window.Modernizr && window.Modernizr.touch) || // modernizr
-               (navigator.msMaxTouchPoints || navigator.maxTouchPoints) > 2; // pointer events
-    }
-    /**
-     * disable mouseevents on the page
-     * @param ev
-     */
-    function preventMouseEvents(ev) {
-		// 注释启用默认事件
-        // ev.preventDefault();
-        // ev.stopPropagation();
-    }
-    /**
-     * only trigger touches when the left mousebutton has been pressed
-     * @param touchType
-     * @returns {Function}
-     */
-    function onMouse(touchType) {
-        return function(ev) {
-            // prevent mouse events
-            preventMouseEvents(ev);
-            if (ev.which !== 1) {
-                return;
-            }
-            // The EventTarget on which the touch point started when it was first placed on the surface,
-            // even if the touch point has since moved outside the interactive area of that element.
-            // also, when the target doesnt exist anymore, we update it
-            if (ev.type == 'mousedown' || !eventTarget || (eventTarget && !eventTarget.dispatchEvent)) {
-                eventTarget = ev.target;
-            }
-            // shiftKey has been lost, so trigger a touchend
-            if (isMultiTouch && !ev.shiftKey) {
-                triggerTouch('touchend', ev);
-                isMultiTouch = false;
-            }
-            triggerTouch(touchType, ev);
-            // we're entering the multi-touch mode!
-            if (!isMultiTouch && ev.shiftKey) {
-                isMultiTouch = true;
-                multiTouchStartPos = {
-                    pageX: ev.pageX,
-                    pageY: ev.pageY,
-                    clientX: ev.clientX,
-                    clientY: ev.clientY,
-                    screenX: ev.screenX,
-                    screenY: ev.screenY
-                };
-                triggerTouch('touchstart', ev);
-            }
-            // reset
-            if (ev.type == 'mouseup') {
-                multiTouchStartPos = null;
-                isMultiTouch = false;
-                eventTarget = null;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * trigger a touch event
-     * @param eventName
-     * @param mouseEv
-     */
-    function triggerTouch(eventName, mouseEv) {
-        var touchEvent = document.createEvent('Event');
-        touchEvent.initEvent(eventName, true, true);
-        touchEvent.altKey = mouseEv.altKey;
-        touchEvent.ctrlKey = mouseEv.ctrlKey;
-        touchEvent.metaKey = mouseEv.metaKey;
-        touchEvent.shiftKey = mouseEv.shiftKey;
-        touchEvent.touches = getActiveTouches(mouseEv, eventName);
-        touchEvent.targetTouches = getActiveTouches(mouseEv, eventName);
-        touchEvent.changedTouches = getChangedTouches(mouseEv, eventName);
-        eventTarget.dispatchEvent(touchEvent);
-    }
-    /**
-     * create a touchList based on the mouse event
-     * @param mouseEv
-     * @returns {TouchList}
-     */
-    function createTouchList(mouseEv) {
-        var touchList = new TouchList();
-        if (isMultiTouch) {
-            var f = TouchEmulator.multiTouchOffset;
-            var deltaX = multiTouchStartPos.pageX - mouseEv.pageX;
-            var deltaY = multiTouchStartPos.pageY - mouseEv.pageY;
-            touchList.push(new Touch(eventTarget, 1, multiTouchStartPos, (deltaX*-1) - f, (deltaY*-1) + f));
-            touchList.push(new Touch(eventTarget, 2, multiTouchStartPos, deltaX+f, deltaY-f));
-        } else {
-            touchList.push(new Touch(eventTarget, 1, mouseEv, 0, 0));
-        }
-        return touchList;
-    }
-    /**
-     * receive all active touches
-     * @param mouseEv
-     * @returns {TouchList}
-     */
-    function getActiveTouches(mouseEv, eventName) {
-        // empty list
-        if (mouseEv.type == 'mouseup') {
-            return new TouchList();
-        }
-        var touchList = createTouchList(mouseEv);
-        if(isMultiTouch && mouseEv.type != 'mouseup' && eventName == 'touchend') {
-            touchList.splice(1, 1);
-        }
-        return touchList;
-    }
-    /**
-     * receive a filtered set of touches with only the changed pointers
-     * @param mouseEv
-     * @param eventName
-     * @returns {TouchList}
-     */
-    function getChangedTouches(mouseEv, eventName) {
-        var touchList = createTouchList(mouseEv);
-        // we only want to return the added/removed item on multitouch
-        // which is the second pointer, so remove the first pointer from the touchList
-        //
-        // but when the mouseEv.type is mouseup, we want to send all touches because then
-        // no new input will be possible
-        if(isMultiTouch && mouseEv.type != 'mouseup' &&
-            (eventName == 'touchstart' || eventName == 'touchend')) {
-            touchList.splice(0, 1);
-        }
-        return touchList;
-    }
-    /**
-     * show the touchpoints on the screen
-     */
-    function showTouches(ev) {
-        var touch, i, el, styles;
-        // first all visible touches
-        for(i = 0; i < ev.touches.length; i++) {
-            touch = ev.touches[i];
-            el = touchElements[touch.identifier];
-            if(!el) {
-                el = touchElements[touch.identifier] = document.createElement("div");
-                document.body.appendChild(el);
-            }
-            styles = TouchEmulator.template(touch);
-            for(var prop in styles) {
-                el.style[prop] = styles[prop];
-            }
-        }
-        // remove all ended touches
-        if(ev.type == 'touchend' || ev.type == 'touchcancel') {
-            for(i = 0; i < ev.changedTouches.length; i++) {
-                touch = ev.changedTouches[i];
-                el = touchElements[touch.identifier];
-                if(el) {
-                    el.parentNode.removeChild(el);
-                    delete touchElements[touch.identifier];
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * TouchEmulator initializer
-     */
-    function TouchEmulator() {
-        if (hasTouchSupport()) {
-            return;
-        }
-        fakeTouchSupport();
-        window.addEventListener("mousedown", onMouse('touchstart'), true);
-        window.addEventListener("mousemove", onMouse('touchmove'), true);
-        window.addEventListener("mouseup", onMouse('touchend'), true);
-        window.addEventListener("mouseenter", preventMouseEvents, true);
-        window.addEventListener("mouseleave", preventMouseEvents, true);
-        window.addEventListener("mouseout", preventMouseEvents, true);
-        window.addEventListener("mouseover", preventMouseEvents, true);
-        // it uses itself!
-        window.addEventListener("touchstart", showTouches, true);
-        window.addEventListener("touchmove", showTouches, true);
-        window.addEventListener("touchend", showTouches, true);
-        window.addEventListener("touchcancel", showTouches, true);
-    }
-    // start distance when entering the multitouch mode
-    TouchEmulator.multiTouchOffset = 75;
-    /**
-     * css template for the touch rendering
-     * @param touch
-     * @returns object
-     */
-    TouchEmulator.template = function(touch) {
-        var size = 0;
-        var transform = 'translate('+ (touch.clientX-(size/2)) +'px, '+ (touch.clientY-(size/2)) +'px)';
-        return {
-            position: 'fixed',
-            left: 0,
-            top: 0,
-            background: '#fff',
-            border: 'solid 1px #999',
-            opacity: .6,
-            borderRadius: '100%',
-            height: size + 'px',
-            width: size + 'px',
-            padding: 0,
-            margin: 0,
-            display: 'block',
-            overflow: 'hidden',
-            pointerEvents: 'none',
-            webkitUserSelect: 'none',
-            mozUserSelect: 'none',
-            userSelect: 'none',
-            webkitTransform: transform,
-            mozTransform: transform,
-            transform: transform,
-            zIndex: 100
-        }
-    };
-    // export
-    if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) {
-        define(function() {
-            return TouchEmulator;
-        });
-    } else if (typeof module != "undefined" && module.exports) {
-        module.exports = TouchEmulator;
-    } else {
-        window[exportName] = TouchEmulator;
-    }
+(function(window, document, exportName, undefined) {
+    "use strict";
+    var isMultiTouch = false;
+    var multiTouchStartPos;
+    var eventTarget;
+    var touchElements = {};
+    // polyfills
+    if(!document.createTouch) {
+        document.createTouch = function(view, target, identifier, pageX, pageY, screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY) {
+            // auto set
+            if(clientX == undefined || clientY == undefined) {
+                clientX = pageX - window.pageXOffset;
+                clientY = pageY - window.pageYOffset;
+            }
+            return new Touch(target, identifier, {
+                pageX: pageX,
+                pageY: pageY,
+                screenX: screenX,
+                screenY: screenY,
+                clientX: clientX,
+                clientY: clientY
+            });
+        };
+    }
+    if(!document.createTouchList) {
+        document.createTouchList = function() {
+            var touchList = new TouchList();
+            for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+                touchList[i] = arguments[i];
+            }
+            touchList.length = arguments.length;
+            return touchList;
+        };
+    }
+    /**
+     * create an touch point
+     * @constructor
+     * @param target
+     * @param identifier
+     * @param pos
+     * @param deltaX
+     * @param deltaY
+     * @returns {Object} touchPoint
+     */
+    function Touch(target, identifier, pos, deltaX, deltaY) {
+        deltaX = deltaX || 0;
+        deltaY = deltaY || 0;
+        this.identifier = identifier;
+        this.target = target;
+        this.clientX = pos.clientX + deltaX;
+        this.clientY = pos.clientY + deltaY;
+        this.screenX = pos.screenX + deltaX;
+        this.screenY = pos.screenY + deltaY;
+        this.pageX = pos.pageX + deltaX;
+        this.pageY = pos.pageY + deltaY;
+    }
+    /**
+     * create empty touchlist with the methods
+     * @constructor
+     * @returns touchList
+     */
+    function TouchList() {
+        var touchList = [];
+        touchList.item = function(index) {
+            return this[index] || null;
+        };
+        // specified by Mozilla
+        touchList.identifiedTouch = function(id) {
+            return this[id + 1] || null;
+        };
+        return touchList;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Simple trick to fake touch event support
+     * this is enough for most libraries like Modernizr and Hammer
+     */
+    function fakeTouchSupport() {
+        var objs = [window, document.documentElement];
+        var props = ['ontouchstart', 'ontouchmove', 'ontouchcancel', 'ontouchend'];
+        for(var o=0; o<objs.length; o++) {
+            for(var p=0; p<props.length; p++) {
+                if(objs[o] && objs[o][props[p]] == undefined) {
+                    objs[o][props[p]] = null;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * we don't have to emulate on a touch device
+     * @returns {boolean}
+     */
+    function hasTouchSupport() {
+        return ("ontouchstart" in window) || // touch events
+               (window.Modernizr && window.Modernizr.touch) || // modernizr
+               (navigator.msMaxTouchPoints || navigator.maxTouchPoints) > 2; // pointer events
+    }
+    /**
+     * disable mouseevents on the page
+     * @param ev
+     */
+    function preventMouseEvents(ev) {
+		// 注释启用默认事件
+        // ev.preventDefault();
+        // ev.stopPropagation();
+    }
+    /**
+     * only trigger touches when the left mousebutton has been pressed
+     * @param touchType
+     * @returns {Function}
+     */
+    function onMouse(touchType) {
+        return function(ev) {
+            // prevent mouse events
+            preventMouseEvents(ev);
+            if (ev.which !== 1) {
+                return;
+            }
+            // The EventTarget on which the touch point started when it was first placed on the surface,
+            // even if the touch point has since moved outside the interactive area of that element.
+            // also, when the target doesnt exist anymore, we update it
+            if (ev.type == 'mousedown' || !eventTarget || (eventTarget && !eventTarget.dispatchEvent)) {
+                eventTarget = ev.target;
+            }
+            // shiftKey has been lost, so trigger a touchend
+            if (isMultiTouch && !ev.shiftKey) {
+                triggerTouch('touchend', ev);
+                isMultiTouch = false;
+            }
+            triggerTouch(touchType, ev);
+            // we're entering the multi-touch mode!
+            if (!isMultiTouch && ev.shiftKey) {
+                isMultiTouch = true;
+                multiTouchStartPos = {
+                    pageX: ev.pageX,
+                    pageY: ev.pageY,
+                    clientX: ev.clientX,
+                    clientY: ev.clientY,
+                    screenX: ev.screenX,
+                    screenY: ev.screenY
+                };
+                triggerTouch('touchstart', ev);
+            }
+            // reset
+            if (ev.type == 'mouseup') {
+                multiTouchStartPos = null;
+                isMultiTouch = false;
+                eventTarget = null;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * trigger a touch event
+     * @param eventName
+     * @param mouseEv
+     */
+    function triggerTouch(eventName, mouseEv) {
+        var touchEvent = document.createEvent('Event');
+        touchEvent.initEvent(eventName, true, true);
+        touchEvent.altKey = mouseEv.altKey;
+        touchEvent.ctrlKey = mouseEv.ctrlKey;
+        touchEvent.metaKey = mouseEv.metaKey;
+        touchEvent.shiftKey = mouseEv.shiftKey;
+        touchEvent.touches = getActiveTouches(mouseEv, eventName);
+        touchEvent.targetTouches = getActiveTouches(mouseEv, eventName);
+        touchEvent.changedTouches = getChangedTouches(mouseEv, eventName);
+        eventTarget.dispatchEvent(touchEvent);
+    }
+    /**
+     * create a touchList based on the mouse event
+     * @param mouseEv
+     * @returns {TouchList}
+     */
+    function createTouchList(mouseEv) {
+        var touchList = new TouchList();
+        if (isMultiTouch) {
+            var f = TouchEmulator.multiTouchOffset;
+            var deltaX = multiTouchStartPos.pageX - mouseEv.pageX;
+            var deltaY = multiTouchStartPos.pageY - mouseEv.pageY;
+            touchList.push(new Touch(eventTarget, 1, multiTouchStartPos, (deltaX*-1) - f, (deltaY*-1) + f));
+            touchList.push(new Touch(eventTarget, 2, multiTouchStartPos, deltaX+f, deltaY-f));
+        } else {
+            touchList.push(new Touch(eventTarget, 1, mouseEv, 0, 0));
+        }
+        return touchList;
+    }
+    /**
+     * receive all active touches
+     * @param mouseEv
+     * @returns {TouchList}
+     */
+    function getActiveTouches(mouseEv, eventName) {
+        // empty list
+        if (mouseEv.type == 'mouseup') {
+            return new TouchList();
+        }
+        var touchList = createTouchList(mouseEv);
+        if(isMultiTouch && mouseEv.type != 'mouseup' && eventName == 'touchend') {
+            touchList.splice(1, 1);
+        }
+        return touchList;
+    }
+    /**
+     * receive a filtered set of touches with only the changed pointers
+     * @param mouseEv
+     * @param eventName
+     * @returns {TouchList}
+     */
+    function getChangedTouches(mouseEv, eventName) {
+        var touchList = createTouchList(mouseEv);
+        // we only want to return the added/removed item on multitouch
+        // which is the second pointer, so remove the first pointer from the touchList
+        //
+        // but when the mouseEv.type is mouseup, we want to send all touches because then
+        // no new input will be possible
+        if(isMultiTouch && mouseEv.type != 'mouseup' &&
+            (eventName == 'touchstart' || eventName == 'touchend')) {
+            touchList.splice(0, 1);
+        }
+        return touchList;
+    }
+    /**
+     * show the touchpoints on the screen
+     */
+    function showTouches(ev) {
+        var touch, i, el, styles;
+        // first all visible touches
+        for(i = 0; i < ev.touches.length; i++) {
+            touch = ev.touches[i];
+            el = touchElements[touch.identifier];
+            if(!el) {
+                el = touchElements[touch.identifier] = document.createElement("div");
+                document.body.appendChild(el);
+            }
+            styles = TouchEmulator.template(touch);
+            for(var prop in styles) {
+                el.style[prop] = styles[prop];
+            }
+        }
+        // remove all ended touches
+        if(ev.type == 'touchend' || ev.type == 'touchcancel') {
+            for(i = 0; i < ev.changedTouches.length; i++) {
+                touch = ev.changedTouches[i];
+                el = touchElements[touch.identifier];
+                if(el) {
+                    el.parentNode.removeChild(el);
+                    delete touchElements[touch.identifier];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * TouchEmulator initializer
+     */
+    function TouchEmulator() {
+        if (hasTouchSupport()) {
+            return;
+        }
+        fakeTouchSupport();
+        window.addEventListener("mousedown", onMouse('touchstart'), true);
+        window.addEventListener("mousemove", onMouse('touchmove'), true);
+        window.addEventListener("mouseup", onMouse('touchend'), true);
+        window.addEventListener("mouseenter", preventMouseEvents, true);
+        window.addEventListener("mouseleave", preventMouseEvents, true);
+        window.addEventListener("mouseout", preventMouseEvents, true);
+        window.addEventListener("mouseover", preventMouseEvents, true);
+        // it uses itself!
+        window.addEventListener("touchstart", showTouches, true);
+        window.addEventListener("touchmove", showTouches, true);
+        window.addEventListener("touchend", showTouches, true);
+        window.addEventListener("touchcancel", showTouches, true);
+    }
+    // start distance when entering the multitouch mode
+    TouchEmulator.multiTouchOffset = 75;
+    /**
+     * css template for the touch rendering
+     * @param touch
+     * @returns object
+     */
+    TouchEmulator.template = function(touch) {
+        var size = 0;
+        var transform = 'translate('+ (touch.clientX-(size/2)) +'px, '+ (touch.clientY-(size/2)) +'px)';
+        return {
+            position: 'fixed',
+            left: 0,
+            top: 0,
+            background: '#fff',
+            border: 'solid 1px #999',
+            opacity: .6,
+            borderRadius: '100%',
+            height: size + 'px',
+            width: size + 'px',
+            padding: 0,
+            margin: 0,
+            display: 'block',
+            overflow: 'hidden',
+            pointerEvents: 'none',
+            webkitUserSelect: 'none',
+            mozUserSelect: 'none',
+            userSelect: 'none',
+            webkitTransform: transform,
+            mozTransform: transform,
+            transform: transform,
+            zIndex: 100
+        }
+    };
+    // export
+    if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) {
+        define(function() {
+            return TouchEmulator;
+        });
+    } else if (typeof module != "undefined" && module.exports) {
+        module.exports = TouchEmulator;
+    } else {
+        window[exportName] = TouchEmulator;
+    }
 })(window, document, "TouchEmulator");

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+ 5 - 5

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-<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=zh-CN><head><meta charset=utf-8><meta http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible content="IE=edge"><link rel="shortcut icon" type=image/x-icon href=/static/logo.ico><meta name=viewport content="width=device-width,user-scalable=no,initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,minimum-scale=1"><title>智慧导师预约-教师端</title><style>::-webkit-scrollbar{
-                display: none;
-            }</style><script>document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
-				document.documentElement.style.fontSize = document.documentElement.clientWidth / 20 + 'px'
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+ 362 - 362

@@ -1,363 +1,363 @@
-(function(window, document, exportName, undefined) {
-    "use strict";
-    var isMultiTouch = false;
-    var multiTouchStartPos;
-    var eventTarget;
-    var touchElements = {};
-    // polyfills
-    if(!document.createTouch) {
-        document.createTouch = function(view, target, identifier, pageX, pageY, screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY) {
-            // auto set
-            if(clientX == undefined || clientY == undefined) {
-                clientX = pageX - window.pageXOffset;
-                clientY = pageY - window.pageYOffset;
-            }
-            return new Touch(target, identifier, {
-                pageX: pageX,
-                pageY: pageY,
-                screenX: screenX,
-                screenY: screenY,
-                clientX: clientX,
-                clientY: clientY
-            });
-        };
-    }
-    if(!document.createTouchList) {
-        document.createTouchList = function() {
-            var touchList = new TouchList();
-            for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
-                touchList[i] = arguments[i];
-            }
-            touchList.length = arguments.length;
-            return touchList;
-        };
-    }
-    /**
-     * create an touch point
-     * @constructor
-     * @param target
-     * @param identifier
-     * @param pos
-     * @param deltaX
-     * @param deltaY
-     * @returns {Object} touchPoint
-     */
-    function Touch(target, identifier, pos, deltaX, deltaY) {
-        deltaX = deltaX || 0;
-        deltaY = deltaY || 0;
-        this.identifier = identifier;
-        this.target = target;
-        this.clientX = pos.clientX + deltaX;
-        this.clientY = pos.clientY + deltaY;
-        this.screenX = pos.screenX + deltaX;
-        this.screenY = pos.screenY + deltaY;
-        this.pageX = pos.pageX + deltaX;
-        this.pageY = pos.pageY + deltaY;
-    }
-    /**
-     * create empty touchlist with the methods
-     * @constructor
-     * @returns touchList
-     */
-    function TouchList() {
-        var touchList = [];
-        touchList.item = function(index) {
-            return this[index] || null;
-        };
-        // specified by Mozilla
-        touchList.identifiedTouch = function(id) {
-            return this[id + 1] || null;
-        };
-        return touchList;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Simple trick to fake touch event support
-     * this is enough for most libraries like Modernizr and Hammer
-     */
-    function fakeTouchSupport() {
-        var objs = [window, document.documentElement];
-        var props = ['ontouchstart', 'ontouchmove', 'ontouchcancel', 'ontouchend'];
-        for(var o=0; o<objs.length; o++) {
-            for(var p=0; p<props.length; p++) {
-                if(objs[o] && objs[o][props[p]] == undefined) {
-                    objs[o][props[p]] = null;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * we don't have to emulate on a touch device
-     * @returns {boolean}
-     */
-    function hasTouchSupport() {
-        return ("ontouchstart" in window) || // touch events
-               (window.Modernizr && window.Modernizr.touch) || // modernizr
-               (navigator.msMaxTouchPoints || navigator.maxTouchPoints) > 2; // pointer events
-    }
-    /**
-     * disable mouseevents on the page
-     * @param ev
-     */
-    function preventMouseEvents(ev) {
-		// 注释启用默认事件
-        // ev.preventDefault();
-        // ev.stopPropagation();
-    }
-    /**
-     * only trigger touches when the left mousebutton has been pressed
-     * @param touchType
-     * @returns {Function}
-     */
-    function onMouse(touchType) {
-        return function(ev) {
-            // prevent mouse events
-            preventMouseEvents(ev);
-            if (ev.which !== 1) {
-                return;
-            }
-            // The EventTarget on which the touch point started when it was first placed on the surface,
-            // even if the touch point has since moved outside the interactive area of that element.
-            // also, when the target doesnt exist anymore, we update it
-            if (ev.type == 'mousedown' || !eventTarget || (eventTarget && !eventTarget.dispatchEvent)) {
-                eventTarget = ev.target;
-            }
-            // shiftKey has been lost, so trigger a touchend
-            if (isMultiTouch && !ev.shiftKey) {
-                triggerTouch('touchend', ev);
-                isMultiTouch = false;
-            }
-            triggerTouch(touchType, ev);
-            // we're entering the multi-touch mode!
-            if (!isMultiTouch && ev.shiftKey) {
-                isMultiTouch = true;
-                multiTouchStartPos = {
-                    pageX: ev.pageX,
-                    pageY: ev.pageY,
-                    clientX: ev.clientX,
-                    clientY: ev.clientY,
-                    screenX: ev.screenX,
-                    screenY: ev.screenY
-                };
-                triggerTouch('touchstart', ev);
-            }
-            // reset
-            if (ev.type == 'mouseup') {
-                multiTouchStartPos = null;
-                isMultiTouch = false;
-                eventTarget = null;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * trigger a touch event
-     * @param eventName
-     * @param mouseEv
-     */
-    function triggerTouch(eventName, mouseEv) {
-        var touchEvent = document.createEvent('Event');
-        touchEvent.initEvent(eventName, true, true);
-        touchEvent.altKey = mouseEv.altKey;
-        touchEvent.ctrlKey = mouseEv.ctrlKey;
-        touchEvent.metaKey = mouseEv.metaKey;
-        touchEvent.shiftKey = mouseEv.shiftKey;
-        touchEvent.touches = getActiveTouches(mouseEv, eventName);
-        touchEvent.targetTouches = getActiveTouches(mouseEv, eventName);
-        touchEvent.changedTouches = getChangedTouches(mouseEv, eventName);
-        eventTarget.dispatchEvent(touchEvent);
-    }
-    /**
-     * create a touchList based on the mouse event
-     * @param mouseEv
-     * @returns {TouchList}
-     */
-    function createTouchList(mouseEv) {
-        var touchList = new TouchList();
-        if (isMultiTouch) {
-            var f = TouchEmulator.multiTouchOffset;
-            var deltaX = multiTouchStartPos.pageX - mouseEv.pageX;
-            var deltaY = multiTouchStartPos.pageY - mouseEv.pageY;
-            touchList.push(new Touch(eventTarget, 1, multiTouchStartPos, (deltaX*-1) - f, (deltaY*-1) + f));
-            touchList.push(new Touch(eventTarget, 2, multiTouchStartPos, deltaX+f, deltaY-f));
-        } else {
-            touchList.push(new Touch(eventTarget, 1, mouseEv, 0, 0));
-        }
-        return touchList;
-    }
-    /**
-     * receive all active touches
-     * @param mouseEv
-     * @returns {TouchList}
-     */
-    function getActiveTouches(mouseEv, eventName) {
-        // empty list
-        if (mouseEv.type == 'mouseup') {
-            return new TouchList();
-        }
-        var touchList = createTouchList(mouseEv);
-        if(isMultiTouch && mouseEv.type != 'mouseup' && eventName == 'touchend') {
-            touchList.splice(1, 1);
-        }
-        return touchList;
-    }
-    /**
-     * receive a filtered set of touches with only the changed pointers
-     * @param mouseEv
-     * @param eventName
-     * @returns {TouchList}
-     */
-    function getChangedTouches(mouseEv, eventName) {
-        var touchList = createTouchList(mouseEv);
-        // we only want to return the added/removed item on multitouch
-        // which is the second pointer, so remove the first pointer from the touchList
-        //
-        // but when the mouseEv.type is mouseup, we want to send all touches because then
-        // no new input will be possible
-        if(isMultiTouch && mouseEv.type != 'mouseup' &&
-            (eventName == 'touchstart' || eventName == 'touchend')) {
-            touchList.splice(0, 1);
-        }
-        return touchList;
-    }
-    /**
-     * show the touchpoints on the screen
-     */
-    function showTouches(ev) {
-        var touch, i, el, styles;
-        // first all visible touches
-        for(i = 0; i < ev.touches.length; i++) {
-            touch = ev.touches[i];
-            el = touchElements[touch.identifier];
-            if(!el) {
-                el = touchElements[touch.identifier] = document.createElement("div");
-                document.body.appendChild(el);
-            }
-            styles = TouchEmulator.template(touch);
-            for(var prop in styles) {
-                el.style[prop] = styles[prop];
-            }
-        }
-        // remove all ended touches
-        if(ev.type == 'touchend' || ev.type == 'touchcancel') {
-            for(i = 0; i < ev.changedTouches.length; i++) {
-                touch = ev.changedTouches[i];
-                el = touchElements[touch.identifier];
-                if(el) {
-                    el.parentNode.removeChild(el);
-                    delete touchElements[touch.identifier];
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * TouchEmulator initializer
-     */
-    function TouchEmulator() {
-        if (hasTouchSupport()) {
-            return;
-        }
-        fakeTouchSupport();
-        window.addEventListener("mousedown", onMouse('touchstart'), true);
-        window.addEventListener("mousemove", onMouse('touchmove'), true);
-        window.addEventListener("mouseup", onMouse('touchend'), true);
-        window.addEventListener("mouseenter", preventMouseEvents, true);
-        window.addEventListener("mouseleave", preventMouseEvents, true);
-        window.addEventListener("mouseout", preventMouseEvents, true);
-        window.addEventListener("mouseover", preventMouseEvents, true);
-        // it uses itself!
-        window.addEventListener("touchstart", showTouches, true);
-        window.addEventListener("touchmove", showTouches, true);
-        window.addEventListener("touchend", showTouches, true);
-        window.addEventListener("touchcancel", showTouches, true);
-    }
-    // start distance when entering the multitouch mode
-    TouchEmulator.multiTouchOffset = 75;
-    /**
-     * css template for the touch rendering
-     * @param touch
-     * @returns object
-     */
-    TouchEmulator.template = function(touch) {
-        var size = 0;
-        var transform = 'translate('+ (touch.clientX-(size/2)) +'px, '+ (touch.clientY-(size/2)) +'px)';
-        return {
-            position: 'fixed',
-            left: 0,
-            top: 0,
-            background: '#fff',
-            border: 'solid 1px #999',
-            opacity: .6,
-            borderRadius: '100%',
-            height: size + 'px',
-            width: size + 'px',
-            padding: 0,
-            margin: 0,
-            display: 'block',
-            overflow: 'hidden',
-            pointerEvents: 'none',
-            webkitUserSelect: 'none',
-            mozUserSelect: 'none',
-            userSelect: 'none',
-            webkitTransform: transform,
-            mozTransform: transform,
-            transform: transform,
-            zIndex: 100
-        }
-    };
-    // export
-    if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) {
-        define(function() {
-            return TouchEmulator;
-        });
-    } else if (typeof module != "undefined" && module.exports) {
-        module.exports = TouchEmulator;
-    } else {
-        window[exportName] = TouchEmulator;
-    }
+(function(window, document, exportName, undefined) {
+    "use strict";
+    var isMultiTouch = false;
+    var multiTouchStartPos;
+    var eventTarget;
+    var touchElements = {};
+    // polyfills
+    if(!document.createTouch) {
+        document.createTouch = function(view, target, identifier, pageX, pageY, screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY) {
+            // auto set
+            if(clientX == undefined || clientY == undefined) {
+                clientX = pageX - window.pageXOffset;
+                clientY = pageY - window.pageYOffset;
+            }
+            return new Touch(target, identifier, {
+                pageX: pageX,
+                pageY: pageY,
+                screenX: screenX,
+                screenY: screenY,
+                clientX: clientX,
+                clientY: clientY
+            });
+        };
+    }
+    if(!document.createTouchList) {
+        document.createTouchList = function() {
+            var touchList = new TouchList();
+            for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+                touchList[i] = arguments[i];
+            }
+            touchList.length = arguments.length;
+            return touchList;
+        };
+    }
+    /**
+     * create an touch point
+     * @constructor
+     * @param target
+     * @param identifier
+     * @param pos
+     * @param deltaX
+     * @param deltaY
+     * @returns {Object} touchPoint
+     */
+    function Touch(target, identifier, pos, deltaX, deltaY) {
+        deltaX = deltaX || 0;
+        deltaY = deltaY || 0;
+        this.identifier = identifier;
+        this.target = target;
+        this.clientX = pos.clientX + deltaX;
+        this.clientY = pos.clientY + deltaY;
+        this.screenX = pos.screenX + deltaX;
+        this.screenY = pos.screenY + deltaY;
+        this.pageX = pos.pageX + deltaX;
+        this.pageY = pos.pageY + deltaY;
+    }
+    /**
+     * create empty touchlist with the methods
+     * @constructor
+     * @returns touchList
+     */
+    function TouchList() {
+        var touchList = [];
+        touchList.item = function(index) {
+            return this[index] || null;
+        };
+        // specified by Mozilla
+        touchList.identifiedTouch = function(id) {
+            return this[id + 1] || null;
+        };
+        return touchList;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Simple trick to fake touch event support
+     * this is enough for most libraries like Modernizr and Hammer
+     */
+    function fakeTouchSupport() {
+        var objs = [window, document.documentElement];
+        var props = ['ontouchstart', 'ontouchmove', 'ontouchcancel', 'ontouchend'];
+        for(var o=0; o<objs.length; o++) {
+            for(var p=0; p<props.length; p++) {
+                if(objs[o] && objs[o][props[p]] == undefined) {
+                    objs[o][props[p]] = null;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * we don't have to emulate on a touch device
+     * @returns {boolean}
+     */
+    function hasTouchSupport() {
+        return ("ontouchstart" in window) || // touch events
+               (window.Modernizr && window.Modernizr.touch) || // modernizr
+               (navigator.msMaxTouchPoints || navigator.maxTouchPoints) > 2; // pointer events
+    }
+    /**
+     * disable mouseevents on the page
+     * @param ev
+     */
+    function preventMouseEvents(ev) {
+		// 注释启用默认事件
+        // ev.preventDefault();
+        // ev.stopPropagation();
+    }
+    /**
+     * only trigger touches when the left mousebutton has been pressed
+     * @param touchType
+     * @returns {Function}
+     */
+    function onMouse(touchType) {
+        return function(ev) {
+            // prevent mouse events
+            preventMouseEvents(ev);
+            if (ev.which !== 1) {
+                return;
+            }
+            // The EventTarget on which the touch point started when it was first placed on the surface,
+            // even if the touch point has since moved outside the interactive area of that element.
+            // also, when the target doesnt exist anymore, we update it
+            if (ev.type == 'mousedown' || !eventTarget || (eventTarget && !eventTarget.dispatchEvent)) {
+                eventTarget = ev.target;
+            }
+            // shiftKey has been lost, so trigger a touchend
+            if (isMultiTouch && !ev.shiftKey) {
+                triggerTouch('touchend', ev);
+                isMultiTouch = false;
+            }
+            triggerTouch(touchType, ev);
+            // we're entering the multi-touch mode!
+            if (!isMultiTouch && ev.shiftKey) {
+                isMultiTouch = true;
+                multiTouchStartPos = {
+                    pageX: ev.pageX,
+                    pageY: ev.pageY,
+                    clientX: ev.clientX,
+                    clientY: ev.clientY,
+                    screenX: ev.screenX,
+                    screenY: ev.screenY
+                };
+                triggerTouch('touchstart', ev);
+            }
+            // reset
+            if (ev.type == 'mouseup') {
+                multiTouchStartPos = null;
+                isMultiTouch = false;
+                eventTarget = null;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * trigger a touch event
+     * @param eventName
+     * @param mouseEv
+     */
+    function triggerTouch(eventName, mouseEv) {
+        var touchEvent = document.createEvent('Event');
+        touchEvent.initEvent(eventName, true, true);
+        touchEvent.altKey = mouseEv.altKey;
+        touchEvent.ctrlKey = mouseEv.ctrlKey;
+        touchEvent.metaKey = mouseEv.metaKey;
+        touchEvent.shiftKey = mouseEv.shiftKey;
+        touchEvent.touches = getActiveTouches(mouseEv, eventName);
+        touchEvent.targetTouches = getActiveTouches(mouseEv, eventName);
+        touchEvent.changedTouches = getChangedTouches(mouseEv, eventName);
+        eventTarget.dispatchEvent(touchEvent);
+    }
+    /**
+     * create a touchList based on the mouse event
+     * @param mouseEv
+     * @returns {TouchList}
+     */
+    function createTouchList(mouseEv) {
+        var touchList = new TouchList();
+        if (isMultiTouch) {
+            var f = TouchEmulator.multiTouchOffset;
+            var deltaX = multiTouchStartPos.pageX - mouseEv.pageX;
+            var deltaY = multiTouchStartPos.pageY - mouseEv.pageY;
+            touchList.push(new Touch(eventTarget, 1, multiTouchStartPos, (deltaX*-1) - f, (deltaY*-1) + f));
+            touchList.push(new Touch(eventTarget, 2, multiTouchStartPos, deltaX+f, deltaY-f));
+        } else {
+            touchList.push(new Touch(eventTarget, 1, mouseEv, 0, 0));
+        }
+        return touchList;
+    }
+    /**
+     * receive all active touches
+     * @param mouseEv
+     * @returns {TouchList}
+     */
+    function getActiveTouches(mouseEv, eventName) {
+        // empty list
+        if (mouseEv.type == 'mouseup') {
+            return new TouchList();
+        }
+        var touchList = createTouchList(mouseEv);
+        if(isMultiTouch && mouseEv.type != 'mouseup' && eventName == 'touchend') {
+            touchList.splice(1, 1);
+        }
+        return touchList;
+    }
+    /**
+     * receive a filtered set of touches with only the changed pointers
+     * @param mouseEv
+     * @param eventName
+     * @returns {TouchList}
+     */
+    function getChangedTouches(mouseEv, eventName) {
+        var touchList = createTouchList(mouseEv);
+        // we only want to return the added/removed item on multitouch
+        // which is the second pointer, so remove the first pointer from the touchList
+        //
+        // but when the mouseEv.type is mouseup, we want to send all touches because then
+        // no new input will be possible
+        if(isMultiTouch && mouseEv.type != 'mouseup' &&
+            (eventName == 'touchstart' || eventName == 'touchend')) {
+            touchList.splice(0, 1);
+        }
+        return touchList;
+    }
+    /**
+     * show the touchpoints on the screen
+     */
+    function showTouches(ev) {
+        var touch, i, el, styles;
+        // first all visible touches
+        for(i = 0; i < ev.touches.length; i++) {
+            touch = ev.touches[i];
+            el = touchElements[touch.identifier];
+            if(!el) {
+                el = touchElements[touch.identifier] = document.createElement("div");
+                document.body.appendChild(el);
+            }
+            styles = TouchEmulator.template(touch);
+            for(var prop in styles) {
+                el.style[prop] = styles[prop];
+            }
+        }
+        // remove all ended touches
+        if(ev.type == 'touchend' || ev.type == 'touchcancel') {
+            for(i = 0; i < ev.changedTouches.length; i++) {
+                touch = ev.changedTouches[i];
+                el = touchElements[touch.identifier];
+                if(el) {
+                    el.parentNode.removeChild(el);
+                    delete touchElements[touch.identifier];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * TouchEmulator initializer
+     */
+    function TouchEmulator() {
+        if (hasTouchSupport()) {
+            return;
+        }
+        fakeTouchSupport();
+        window.addEventListener("mousedown", onMouse('touchstart'), true);
+        window.addEventListener("mousemove", onMouse('touchmove'), true);
+        window.addEventListener("mouseup", onMouse('touchend'), true);
+        window.addEventListener("mouseenter", preventMouseEvents, true);
+        window.addEventListener("mouseleave", preventMouseEvents, true);
+        window.addEventListener("mouseout", preventMouseEvents, true);
+        window.addEventListener("mouseover", preventMouseEvents, true);
+        // it uses itself!
+        window.addEventListener("touchstart", showTouches, true);
+        window.addEventListener("touchmove", showTouches, true);
+        window.addEventListener("touchend", showTouches, true);
+        window.addEventListener("touchcancel", showTouches, true);
+    }
+    // start distance when entering the multitouch mode
+    TouchEmulator.multiTouchOffset = 75;
+    /**
+     * css template for the touch rendering
+     * @param touch
+     * @returns object
+     */
+    TouchEmulator.template = function(touch) {
+        var size = 0;
+        var transform = 'translate('+ (touch.clientX-(size/2)) +'px, '+ (touch.clientY-(size/2)) +'px)';
+        return {
+            position: 'fixed',
+            left: 0,
+            top: 0,
+            background: '#fff',
+            border: 'solid 1px #999',
+            opacity: .6,
+            borderRadius: '100%',
+            height: size + 'px',
+            width: size + 'px',
+            padding: 0,
+            margin: 0,
+            display: 'block',
+            overflow: 'hidden',
+            pointerEvents: 'none',
+            webkitUserSelect: 'none',
+            mozUserSelect: 'none',
+            userSelect: 'none',
+            webkitTransform: transform,
+            mozTransform: transform,
+            transform: transform,
+            zIndex: 100
+        }
+    };
+    // export
+    if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) {
+        define(function() {
+            return TouchEmulator;
+        });
+    } else if (typeof module != "undefined" && module.exports) {
+        module.exports = TouchEmulator;
+    } else {
+        window[exportName] = TouchEmulator;
+    }
 })(window, document, "TouchEmulator");

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Daži faili netika attēloti, jo izmaiņu fails ir pārāk liels