/* @flow */ 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var Trie_1 = require("./Trie"); var linebreak_trie_1 = require("./linebreak-trie"); var Util_1 = require("./Util"); exports.LETTER_NUMBER_MODIFIER = 50; // Non-tailorable Line Breaking Classes var BK = 1; // Cause a line break (after) var CR = 2; // Cause a line break (after), except between CR and LF var LF = 3; // Cause a line break (after) var CM = 4; // Prohibit a line break between the character and the preceding character var NL = 5; // Cause a line break (after) var SG = 6; // Do not occur in well-formed text var WJ = 7; // Prohibit line breaks before and after var ZW = 8; // Provide a break opportunity var GL = 9; // Prohibit line breaks before and after var SP = 10; // Enable indirect line breaks var ZWJ = 11; // Prohibit line breaks within joiner sequences // Break Opportunities var B2 = 12; // Provide a line break opportunity before and after the character var BA = 13; // Generally provide a line break opportunity after the character var BB = 14; // Generally provide a line break opportunity before the character var HY = 15; // Provide a line break opportunity after the character, except in numeric context var CB = 16; // Provide a line break opportunity contingent on additional information // Characters Prohibiting Certain Breaks var CL = 17; // Prohibit line breaks before var CP = 18; // Prohibit line breaks before var EX = 19; // Prohibit line breaks before var IN = 20; // Allow only indirect line breaks between pairs var NS = 21; // Allow only indirect line breaks before var OP = 22; // Prohibit line breaks after var QU = 23; // Act like they are both opening and closing // Numeric Context var IS = 24; // Prevent breaks after any and before numeric var NU = 25; // Form numeric expressions for line breaking purposes var PO = 26; // Do not break following a numeric expression var PR = 27; // Do not break in front of a numeric expression var SY = 28; // Prevent a break before; and allow a break after // Other Characters var AI = 29; // Act like AL when the resolvedEAW is N; otherwise; act as ID var AL = 30; // Are alphabetic characters or symbols that are used with alphabetic characters var CJ = 31; // Treat as NS or ID for strict or normal breaking. var EB = 32; // Do not break from following Emoji Modifier var EM = 33; // Do not break from preceding Emoji Base var H2 = 34; // Form Korean syllable blocks var H3 = 35; // Form Korean syllable blocks var HL = 36; // Do not break around a following hyphen; otherwise act as Alphabetic var ID = 37; // Break before or after; except in some numeric context var JL = 38; // Form Korean syllable blocks var JV = 39; // Form Korean syllable blocks var JT = 40; // Form Korean syllable blocks var RI = 41; // Keep pairs together. For pairs; break before and after other classes var SA = 42; // Provide a line break opportunity contingent on additional, language-specific context analysis var XX = 43; // Have as yet unknown line breaking behavior or unassigned code positions exports.classes = { BK: BK, CR: CR, LF: LF, CM: CM, NL: NL, SG: SG, WJ: WJ, ZW: ZW, GL: GL, SP: SP, ZWJ: ZWJ, B2: B2, BA: BA, BB: BB, HY: HY, CB: CB, CL: CL, CP: CP, EX: EX, IN: IN, NS: NS, OP: OP, QU: QU, IS: IS, NU: NU, PO: PO, PR: PR, SY: SY, AI: AI, AL: AL, CJ: CJ, EB: EB, EM: EM, H2: H2, H3: H3, HL: HL, ID: ID, JL: JL, JV: JV, JT: JT, RI: RI, SA: SA, XX: XX, }; exports.BREAK_MANDATORY = '!'; exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED = '×'; exports.BREAK_ALLOWED = '÷'; exports.UnicodeTrie = Trie_1.createTrieFromBase64(linebreak_trie_1.base64); var ALPHABETICS = [AL, HL]; var HARD_LINE_BREAKS = [BK, CR, LF, NL]; var SPACE = [SP, ZW]; var PREFIX_POSTFIX = [PR, PO]; var LINE_BREAKS = HARD_LINE_BREAKS.concat(SPACE); var KOREAN_SYLLABLE_BLOCK = [JL, JV, JT, H2, H3]; var HYPHEN = [HY, BA]; exports.codePointsToCharacterClasses = function (codePoints, lineBreak) { if (lineBreak === void 0) { lineBreak = 'strict'; } var types = []; var indicies = []; var categories = []; codePoints.forEach(function (codePoint, index) { var classType = exports.UnicodeTrie.get(codePoint); if (classType > exports.LETTER_NUMBER_MODIFIER) { categories.push(true); classType -= exports.LETTER_NUMBER_MODIFIER; } else { categories.push(false); } if (['normal', 'auto', 'loose'].indexOf(lineBreak) !== -1) { // U+2010, – U+2013, 〜 U+301C, ゠ U+30A0 if ([0x2010, 0x2013, 0x301c, 0x30a0].indexOf(codePoint) !== -1) { indicies.push(index); return types.push(CB); } } if (classType === CM || classType === ZWJ) { // LB10 Treat any remaining combining mark or ZWJ as AL. if (index === 0) { indicies.push(index); return types.push(AL); } // LB9 Do not break a combining character sequence; treat it as if it has the line breaking class of // the base character in all of the following rules. Treat ZWJ as if it were CM. var prev = types[index - 1]; if (LINE_BREAKS.indexOf(prev) === -1) { indicies.push(indicies[index - 1]); return types.push(prev); } indicies.push(index); return types.push(AL); } indicies.push(index); if (classType === CJ) { return types.push(lineBreak === 'strict' ? NS : ID); } if (classType === SA) { return types.push(AL); } if (classType === AI) { return types.push(AL); } // For supplementary characters, a useful default is to treat characters in the range 10000..1FFFD as AL // and characters in the ranges 20000..2FFFD and 30000..3FFFD as ID, until the implementation can be revised // to take into account the actual line breaking properties for these characters. if (classType === XX) { if ((codePoint >= 0x20000 && codePoint <= 0x2fffd) || (codePoint >= 0x30000 && codePoint <= 0x3fffd)) { return types.push(ID); } else { return types.push(AL); } } types.push(classType); }); return [indicies, types, categories]; }; var isAdjacentWithSpaceIgnored = function (a, b, currentIndex, classTypes) { var current = classTypes[currentIndex]; if (Array.isArray(a) ? a.indexOf(current) !== -1 : a === current) { var i = currentIndex; while (i <= classTypes.length) { i++; var next = classTypes[i]; if (next === b) { return true; } if (next !== SP) { break; } } } if (current === SP) { var i = currentIndex; while (i > 0) { i--; var prev = classTypes[i]; if (Array.isArray(a) ? a.indexOf(prev) !== -1 : a === prev) { var n = currentIndex; while (n <= classTypes.length) { n++; var next = classTypes[n]; if (next === b) { return true; } if (next !== SP) { break; } } } if (prev !== SP) { break; } } } return false; }; var previousNonSpaceClassType = function (currentIndex, classTypes) { var i = currentIndex; while (i >= 0) { var type = classTypes[i]; if (type === SP) { i--; } else { return type; } } return 0; }; var _lineBreakAtIndex = function (codePoints, classTypes, indicies, index, forbiddenBreaks) { if (indicies[index] === 0) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } var currentIndex = index - 1; if (Array.isArray(forbiddenBreaks) && forbiddenBreaks[currentIndex] === true) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } var beforeIndex = currentIndex - 1; var afterIndex = currentIndex + 1; var current = classTypes[currentIndex]; // LB4 Always break after hard line breaks. // LB5 Treat CR followed by LF, as well as CR, LF, and NL as hard line breaks. var before = beforeIndex >= 0 ? classTypes[beforeIndex] : 0; var next = classTypes[afterIndex]; if (current === CR && next === LF) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } if (HARD_LINE_BREAKS.indexOf(current) !== -1) { return exports.BREAK_MANDATORY; } // LB6 Do not break before hard line breaks. if (HARD_LINE_BREAKS.indexOf(next) !== -1) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB7 Do not break before spaces or zero width space. if (SPACE.indexOf(next) !== -1) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB8 Break before any character following a zero-width space, even if one or more spaces intervene. if (previousNonSpaceClassType(currentIndex, classTypes) === ZW) { return exports.BREAK_ALLOWED; } // LB8a Do not break between a zero width joiner and an ideograph, emoji base or emoji modifier. if (exports.UnicodeTrie.get(codePoints[currentIndex]) === ZWJ && (next === ID || next === EB || next === EM)) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB11 Do not break before or after Word joiner and related characters. if (current === WJ || next === WJ) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB12 Do not break after NBSP and related characters. if (current === GL) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB12a Do not break before NBSP and related characters, except after spaces and hyphens. if ([SP, BA, HY].indexOf(current) === -1 && next === GL) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB13 Do not break before ‘]’ or ‘!’ or ‘;’ or ‘/’, even after spaces. if ([CL, CP, EX, IS, SY].indexOf(next) !== -1) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB14 Do not break after ‘[’, even after spaces. if (previousNonSpaceClassType(currentIndex, classTypes) === OP) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB15 Do not break within ‘”[’, even with intervening spaces. if (isAdjacentWithSpaceIgnored(QU, OP, currentIndex, classTypes)) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB16 Do not break between closing punctuation and a nonstarter (lb=NS), even with intervening spaces. if (isAdjacentWithSpaceIgnored([CL, CP], NS, currentIndex, classTypes)) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB17 Do not break within ‘——’, even with intervening spaces. if (isAdjacentWithSpaceIgnored(B2, B2, currentIndex, classTypes)) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB18 Break after spaces. if (current === SP) { return exports.BREAK_ALLOWED; } // LB19 Do not break before or after quotation marks, such as ‘ ” ’. if (current === QU || next === QU) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB20 Break before and after unresolved CB. if (next === CB || current === CB) { return exports.BREAK_ALLOWED; } // LB21 Do not break before hyphen-minus, other hyphens, fixed-width spaces, small kana, and other non-starters, or after acute accents. if ([BA, HY, NS].indexOf(next) !== -1 || current === BB) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB21a Don't break after Hebrew + Hyphen. if (before === HL && HYPHEN.indexOf(current) !== -1) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB21b Don’t break between Solidus and Hebrew letters. if (current === SY && next === HL) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB22 Do not break between two ellipses, or between letters, numbers or exclamations and ellipsis. if (next === IN && ALPHABETICS.concat(IN, EX, NU, ID, EB, EM).indexOf(current) !== -1) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB23 Do not break between digits and letters. if ((ALPHABETICS.indexOf(next) !== -1 && current === NU) || (ALPHABETICS.indexOf(current) !== -1 && next === NU)) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB23a Do not break between numeric prefixes and ideographs, or between ideographs and numeric postfixes. if ((current === PR && [ID, EB, EM].indexOf(next) !== -1) || ([ID, EB, EM].indexOf(current) !== -1 && next === PO)) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB24 Do not break between numeric prefix/postfix and letters, or between letters and prefix/postfix. if ((ALPHABETICS.indexOf(current) !== -1 && PREFIX_POSTFIX.indexOf(next) !== -1) || (PREFIX_POSTFIX.indexOf(current) !== -1 && ALPHABETICS.indexOf(next) !== -1)) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB25 Do not break between the following pairs of classes relevant to numbers: if ( // (PR | PO) × ( OP | HY )? NU ([PR, PO].indexOf(current) !== -1 && (next === NU || ([OP, HY].indexOf(next) !== -1 && classTypes[afterIndex + 1] === NU))) || // ( OP | HY ) × NU ([OP, HY].indexOf(current) !== -1 && next === NU) || // NU × (NU | SY | IS) (current === NU && [NU, SY, IS].indexOf(next) !== -1)) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // NU (NU | SY | IS)* × (NU | SY | IS | CL | CP) if ([NU, SY, IS, CL, CP].indexOf(next) !== -1) { var prevIndex = currentIndex; while (prevIndex >= 0) { var type = classTypes[prevIndex]; if (type === NU) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } else if ([SY, IS].indexOf(type) !== -1) { prevIndex--; } else { break; } } } // NU (NU | SY | IS)* (CL | CP)? × (PO | PR)) if ([PR, PO].indexOf(next) !== -1) { var prevIndex = [CL, CP].indexOf(current) !== -1 ? beforeIndex : currentIndex; while (prevIndex >= 0) { var type = classTypes[prevIndex]; if (type === NU) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } else if ([SY, IS].indexOf(type) !== -1) { prevIndex--; } else { break; } } } // LB26 Do not break a Korean syllable. if ((JL === current && [JL, JV, H2, H3].indexOf(next) !== -1) || ([JV, H2].indexOf(current) !== -1 && [JV, JT].indexOf(next) !== -1) || ([JT, H3].indexOf(current) !== -1 && next === JT)) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB27 Treat a Korean Syllable Block the same as ID. if ((KOREAN_SYLLABLE_BLOCK.indexOf(current) !== -1 && [IN, PO].indexOf(next) !== -1) || (KOREAN_SYLLABLE_BLOCK.indexOf(next) !== -1 && current === PR)) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB28 Do not break between alphabetics (“at”). if (ALPHABETICS.indexOf(current) !== -1 && ALPHABETICS.indexOf(next) !== -1) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB29 Do not break between numeric punctuation and alphabetics (“e.g.”). if (current === IS && ALPHABETICS.indexOf(next) !== -1) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB30 Do not break between letters, numbers, or ordinary symbols and opening or closing parentheses. if ((ALPHABETICS.concat(NU).indexOf(current) !== -1 && next === OP) || (ALPHABETICS.concat(NU).indexOf(next) !== -1 && current === CP)) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB30a Break between two regional indicator symbols if and only if there are an even number of regional // indicators preceding the position of the break. if (current === RI && next === RI) { var i = indicies[currentIndex]; var count = 1; while (i > 0) { i--; if (classTypes[i] === RI) { count++; } else { break; } } if (count % 2 !== 0) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } } // LB30b Do not break between an emoji base and an emoji modifier. if (current === EB && next === EM) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } return exports.BREAK_ALLOWED; }; exports.lineBreakAtIndex = function (codePoints, index) { // LB2 Never break at the start of text. if (index === 0) { return exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB3 Always break at the end of text. if (index >= codePoints.length) { return exports.BREAK_MANDATORY; } var _a = exports.codePointsToCharacterClasses(codePoints), indicies = _a[0], classTypes = _a[1]; return _lineBreakAtIndex(codePoints, classTypes, indicies, index); }; var cssFormattedClasses = function (codePoints, options) { if (!options) { options = { lineBreak: 'normal', wordBreak: 'normal' }; } var _a = exports.codePointsToCharacterClasses(codePoints, options.lineBreak), indicies = _a[0], classTypes = _a[1], isLetterNumber = _a[2]; if (options.wordBreak === 'break-all' || options.wordBreak === 'break-word') { classTypes = classTypes.map(function (type) { return ([NU, AL, SA].indexOf(type) !== -1 ? ID : type); }); } var forbiddenBreakpoints = options.wordBreak === 'keep-all' ? isLetterNumber.map(function (letterNumber, i) { return letterNumber && codePoints[i] >= 0x4e00 && codePoints[i] <= 0x9fff; }) : undefined; return [indicies, classTypes, forbiddenBreakpoints]; }; exports.inlineBreakOpportunities = function (str, options) { var codePoints = Util_1.toCodePoints(str); var output = exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; var _a = cssFormattedClasses(codePoints, options), indicies = _a[0], classTypes = _a[1], forbiddenBreakpoints = _a[2]; codePoints.forEach(function (codePoint, i) { output += Util_1.fromCodePoint(codePoint) + (i >= codePoints.length - 1 ? exports.BREAK_MANDATORY : _lineBreakAtIndex(codePoints, classTypes, indicies, i + 1, forbiddenBreakpoints)); }); return output; }; var Break = /** @class */ (function () { function Break(codePoints, lineBreak, start, end) { this.codePoints = codePoints; this.required = lineBreak === exports.BREAK_MANDATORY; this.start = start; this.end = end; } Break.prototype.slice = function () { return Util_1.fromCodePoint.apply(void 0, this.codePoints.slice(this.start, this.end)); }; return Break; }()); exports.LineBreaker = function (str, options) { var codePoints = Util_1.toCodePoints(str); var _a = cssFormattedClasses(codePoints, options), indicies = _a[0], classTypes = _a[1], forbiddenBreakpoints = _a[2]; var length = codePoints.length; var lastEnd = 0; var nextIndex = 0; return { next: function () { if (nextIndex >= length) { return { done: true, value: null }; } var lineBreak = exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; while (nextIndex < length && (lineBreak = _lineBreakAtIndex(codePoints, classTypes, indicies, ++nextIndex, forbiddenBreakpoints)) === exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED) { } if (lineBreak !== exports.BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED || nextIndex === length) { var value = new Break(codePoints, lineBreak, lastEnd, nextIndex); lastEnd = nextIndex; return { value: value, done: false }; } return { done: true, value: null }; }, }; }; //# sourceMappingURL=LineBreak.js.map