Kaynağa Gözat


Lee Bin 1 yıl önce
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+ 53 - 0

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+# Fireball Projects
+# npm files
+# Logs and databases
+# files for debugger
+# OS generated files
+# WebStorm files
+# VS Code files

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+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+  "ver": "1.3.2",
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+  "importer": "scene",
+  "asyncLoadAssets": false,
+  "autoReleaseAssets": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.3",
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+  "importer": "folder",
+  "isBundle": false,
+  "bundleName": "",
+  "priority": 1,
+  "compressionType": {},
+  "optimizeHotUpdate": {},
+  "inlineSpriteFrames": {},
+  "isRemoteBundle": {},
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.3",
+  "uuid": "65fbd4ee-dbe7-43a0-a742-ef4689b89b0b",
+  "importer": "folder",
+  "isBundle": false,
+  "bundleName": "",
+  "priority": 1,
+  "compressionType": {},
+  "optimizeHotUpdate": {},
+  "inlineSpriteFrames": {},
+  "isRemoteBundle": {},
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+        CoinParticle: cc.Prefab,
+        Earn_num :cc.Prefab,
+        Car_level: cc.Label,
+        End:cc.Node
+    },
+    onLoad() {
+        // this.CoinParticle = cc.find("Canvas/Main/role/end/CoinParticle").getComponent(cc.ParticleSystem);
+        this.End = cc.find("Canvas/Main/role/end");
+        this.RunAction(this.node);
+    },
+    RunAction(node){
+        var placeAction = cc.place(425, 650);
+        var actionMove_1 = cc.moveTo(1, cc.v2(425, -650));
+        var actionMove_2 = cc.moveTo(0.4, cc.v2(-160, -820));
+        var actionMove_3 = cc.moveTo(0.5, cc.v2(-425, 0));
+        var actionMove_4 = cc.moveTo(0.5, cc.v2(-425, 650));
+        //发放奖励的回调
+        var finish = cc.callFunc(this.AddCore,this,this.Car_level);
+        var actionMove_5 = cc.moveTo(0.4, cc.v2(230, 820));
+        var array1 = [ cc.v2(425, -650),cc.v2(350,-780),cc.v2(230, -820)]
+        var array2 = [ cc.v2(-160, -820),cc.v2(-350,-780),cc.v2(-425, -650)]
+        var array3 = [ cc.v2(-425, 650),cc.v2(-350,780),cc.v2(-230, 820)]
+        var array4 = [ cc.v2(230, 820),cc.v2(350,780),cc.v2(425, 650)]
+        var actionCircle1 = cc.spawn(cc.cardinalSplineTo(0.3, array1, 0),cc.rotateBy(0.3, 90));
+        var actionCircle2 = cc.spawn(cc.cardinalSplineTo(0.3, array2, 0),cc.rotateBy(0.3, 90));
+        var actionCircle3 = cc.spawn(cc.cardinalSplineTo(0.3, array3, 0),cc.rotateBy(0.3, 90));
+        var actionCircle4 = cc.spawn(cc.cardinalSplineTo(0.3, array4, 0),cc.rotateBy(0.3, 90));
+        let speednum = 1 / Math.pow(0.97, Number(this.Car_level.string));
+        var ActionAll = cc.speed(cc.repeatForever(cc.sequence(placeAction,actionMove_1,actionCircle1,actionMove_2,actionCircle2,actionMove_3,finish,actionMove_4,actionCircle3,actionMove_5,actionCircle4)),speednum)
+        node.runAction(ActionAll);
+    },
+    AddCore(){
+        let level = this.Car_level.string;
+        let coin_earn = Number(Global.Cars[level].money_per_circle);
+        // console.log(Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin));
+        Storage.Set_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin, Number(Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin)) + coin_earn);
+        //撒花
+        // this.CoinParticle.resetSystem();
+        let sjb = cc.instantiate(this.CoinParticle);
+        sjb.parent = this.End;
+        this.showCoinAdd(coin_earn);
+    },
+    showCoinAdd(num) {
+        let earnnum = cc.instantiate(this.Earn_num);
+        earnnum.getComponent(cc.Label).string = num;
+        earnnum.parent = this.End;
+        // var placeAction = cc.place(-425, 0);
+        var actionhide = cc.hide();
+        var actionTo = cc.jumpTo(0.5, 0, 50, 50, 1);
+        var ActionAll = cc.sequence(actionTo,actionhide)
+        earnnum.runAction(ActionAll);
+    }

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "89d89780-066e-4c39-9fdf-5dd05e71eceb",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+        switch:cc.Sprite
+    },
+    onLoad() { 
+        this.node.on("click", this.automerge,this);
+    },
+    automerge() {
+        MyAudio.PlayEffect_button();
+        // this.showinterad();
+        if (!Global.endinit) {
+            Global.toast("请等待汽车加载完成!")
+            return;
+        }
+        if (Global.automerge) {
+          //关闭automerge
+            Global.automerge = false;
+            var self = this;
+            cc.resources.load("automerge/关", cc.SpriteFrame, function (err, spriteFrame) {
+                self.switch.spriteFrame = spriteFrame;
+                cc.director.getCollisionManager().enabled = false;
+            });
+            //取消定时器
+            this.unschedule(self.DoMerge);
+			Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('AutoMerg',false);
+        } else {
+            this.openautomerge();
+        }
+    },
+    openautomerge() {
+        Global.automerge = true;
+        //更换sprite
+        var self = this;
+        cc.resources.load("automerge/开", cc.SpriteFrame, function (err, spriteFrame) {
+            self.switch.spriteFrame = spriteFrame;
+            cc.director.getCollisionManager().enabled = true;
+        });
+        //定义一个一秒一次的计时器,来计算自动合并
+        this.schedule(self.DoMerge, 1);
+		Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('AutoMerg', true);
+    },
+    DoMerge() {
+        cc.find("Canvas/Main/role/Stop_cars/car_park").getComponent("CarManager").CheckAutoMerge();
+    },
+    showinterad(){
+        // 在适合的场景显示插屏广告
+        let interstitialAd = Global.interstitialAd;
+        if (interstitialAd) {
+            interstitialAd.show().catch((err) => {
+                 console.error(err)
+            })
+        }
+    }

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "ec81fa3f-af69-4e30-9cfb-85e04eef9e92",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 150 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+        Car_Parking_area:cc.Node,
+        Car_Price:cc.Label,
+        Car_Park: {
+            default: null,
+            type: cc.Prefab,
+        },
+        Cars_Run_detail: cc.Prefab,
+        Cars_Run_Area: cc.Node,
+        toast:cc.Label
+    },
+    onLoad() {
+        this.Cars_Run_Area = cc.find("Canvas/Main/role/Run_cars");
+        this.node.on('click', this.addcar, this);
+        this.updateAddCarButton();
+    },
+    // start () {
+    // },
+    addcar() {
+        if (!Global.endinit) {
+            Global.toast("请等待汽车加载完成!")
+            return;
+        }
+        if (this.Car_Parking_area.childrenCount < 15) {
+            this.consume();
+        }else{
+            //toast提示空余车位不足
+            Global.toast('车位不足');
+            // console.log('车位不足')
+        }
+    },
+    consume() {
+        let yuer = Number(Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin)) - Number(this.Car_Price.string);
+        if (yuer >= 0) {
+            Storage.Set_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin, yuer);
+            this.AddCarToPark();
+        } else {
+            Global.toast('余额不足');
+            Dialog.Init();
+            // console.log('余额不足')
+        }
+    },
+    AddCarToPark() {
+        let add_level = Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.buy_car_level);
+        if (add_level == 0) add_level = 1;
+        let node = cc.instantiate(this.Car_Park);
+        node.getChildByName("car_parking_pic").getChildByName("number").getComponent(cc.Label).string = add_level;
+        let pic_url = Global.Cars[add_level].car_park_pic
+        cc.resources.load(pic_url, cc.SpriteFrame, function (err, spriteFrame) {
+            node.getChildByName("car_parking_pic").getComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = spriteFrame;
+        });
+        node.parent = this.Car_Parking_area;
+        this.updateCarPrice(Number(this.Car_Price.string));
+        this.AddCarToRun(node,add_level);
+        this.updateAddCarButton();
+        MyAudio.PlayEffect_initcar();
+    },
+    updateCarPrice(num) {
+        let num_next = Math.trunc(num + 10);
+        this.Car_Price.string = num_next;
+        Storage.Set_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.buy_coin, num_next);
+    },
+    AddCarToRun(node,add_level) {
+        var car_run_node = cc.instantiate(this.Cars_Run_detail);
+        node.getComponent("CarBindRunAndPark").Bind(car_run_node);
+        let pic_url = Global.Cars[add_level].car_run_pic
+        cc.resources.load(pic_url, cc.SpriteFrame, function (err, spriteFrame) {
+            car_run_node.getComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = spriteFrame;
+        });
+        car_run_node.getChildByName("number_pic").getChildByName("level_number").getComponent(cc.Label).string = add_level;
+        car_run_node.parent = this.Cars_Run_Area;
+        cc.find("Canvas/Main/role/Stop_cars/car_park").getComponent("CarManager").AfterCarAddOrMerge();
+        //判断是否破纪录
+        if (Global.MaxCarLevel == 0 ) Global.MaxCarLevel = 1;
+    },
+    updateAddCarButton() {
+        let add_level = Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.buy_car_level);
+        if (add_level == 0) add_level = 1;
+        let pic_url = Global.Cars[add_level].car_park_pic;
+        var self = this;
+            cc.resources.load(pic_url, cc.SpriteFrame, function (err, spriteFrame) {
+                self.node.getChildByName('car_park').getComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = spriteFrame;
+            });
+        self.node.getChildByName('car_park').getChildByName('level').getComponent(cc.Label).string = add_level;
+        if (Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.buy_coin) == 0) {
+            self.node.getChildByName('Add').getChildByName('price').getComponent(cc.Label).string = 100;
+        } else {
+            self.node.getChildByName('Add').getChildByName('price').getComponent(cc.Label).string = Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.buy_coin);
+        }
+        // this.UpdateLowLevelCar(add_level);
+    },
+    //如果当前有低于新增按钮级别的车,免费帮忙升级
+    UpdateLowLevelCar(level) {
+        let nodelist = this.Car_Parking_area.children;
+        // let node_need_update = 0;
+        // var self = this;
+        for (let i in nodelist) {
+            let level_node = nodelist[i].getChildByName('car_parking_pic').getChildByName('number').getComponent(cc.Label).string;
+            if (Number(level_node) < level) {
+                //更新停車pic
+                nodelist[i].getChildByName('car_parking_pic').getChildByName('number').getComponent(cc.Label).string = level;
+                cc.resources.load(Global.Cars[level].car_park_pic, cc.SpriteFrame, function (err, spriteFrame) {
+                    nodelist[i].getChildByName('car_parking_pic').getComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = spriteFrame;
+                    //更新每秒收益值
+                    cc.find("Canvas/Main/role/Stop_cars/car_park").getComponent("CarManager").AfterCarAddOrMerge();
+                    let toast_label = cc.find('Toast').getComponent(cc.Label);
+                    if(cc.sys.language != cc.sys.LANGUAGE_CHINESE){
+                        toast_label.string = "Level " +level_node+ " car free upgrade to level " + level;
+                    } else {
+                        toast_label.string = "免费将" + level_node + "级车升级为" + level + "级车!";
+                    }
+                    setTimeout(function () {
+                        toast_label.string = '';
+                    },1000)
+                    // Global.toast("免费将" +level_node+ "级车升级为" + level + "级车!");
+                });
+                //更新跑动的pic和level
+                let runcar = nodelist[i].getComponent("CarBindRunAndPark").Bind_Car_Run;
+                if (runcar != null) {
+                    runcar.getChildByName('number_pic').getChildByName('level_number').getComponent(cc.Label).string = level;
+                    cc.resources.load(Global.Cars[level].car_run_pic, cc.SpriteFrame, function (err, spriteFrame) {
+                        runcar.getComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = spriteFrame;
+                    });
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "2442f937-e29a-41e1-a12b-f85e33004b09",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 24 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+        Bind_Car_Run:cc.Node
+    },
+    onLoad() { },
+    Bind(node){
+        this.Bind_Car_Run = node;
+    },
+    onDestroy() {
+        if (this.Bind_Car_Run != null) {
+            this.Bind_Car_Run.destroy();   
+        }
+    }

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "339312c4-4fe9-4214-a714-3496d853525e",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 92 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {},
+    //检测需要自动合并的汽车
+    GetParkListLevel() {
+        var car_park_list = cc.find("Canvas/Main/role/Stop_cars/car_park").children;
+        var car_park_level_list = [];
+        for (const i in car_park_list) {
+            car_park_level_list.push(Number(car_park_list[i].getChildByName("car_parking_pic").getChildByName("number").getComponents(cc.Label)[0].string));
+        }
+        return car_park_level_list;
+    },
+    //自动合并汽车,传递不带停车位的node
+    // AutoMerge() {
+    //     console.log(this.nodelist);
+    //     if (this.nodelist.length != 2) {
+    //         return;
+    //     }
+    //     var node0_carmerge = this.nodelist[0].getComponent("CarMerge");
+    //     //var node1_carmerge = this.nodelist[1].getComponent("CarMerge");
+    //     var node0_box = this.nodelist[0].getComponent(cc.BoxCollider);
+    //     var node1_box = this.nodelist[1].getComponent(cc.BoxCollider);
+    //     // node0_carmerge.IsMoveNode = true;
+    //     node0_carmerge.onCollisionEnter(node1_box,node0_box);
+    //     this.nodelist = [];
+    // },
+    CheckAutoMerge() {
+        var car_park_list = cc.find("Canvas/Main/role/Stop_cars/car_park").children;
+        let car_park_level_list = this.GetParkListLevel();
+        let car_need_merge = [];
+        for (let i = 0; i < car_park_level_list.length;i++) {
+            for (let j = i + 1; j < car_park_level_list.length; j++){
+                if (car_park_level_list[i] == car_park_level_list[j]) {
+                    // console.log(i + ":"+j)
+                    car_need_merge.push(car_park_list[i].getChildByName("car_parking_pic"));
+                    car_need_merge.push(car_park_list[j].getChildByName("car_parking_pic"));
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if (car_need_merge.length > 0) {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (car_need_merge.length < 1) {
+            return
+        } else {
+            // this.nodelist = car_need_merge;
+            this.AutoMergeAction(car_need_merge);
+        }
+    },
+    AfterCarAddOrMerge() {
+        //更新每秒收益值
+         cc.find("Canvas/Main/Items/coin_bg/Coin_own").getComponent("Coin_refresh").Coin_refresh_per_circle();
+    },
+    AutoMergeAction(list) {
+        //node的父节点坐标
+        let nodepos0 = this.moveN1toN2(list[0],list[1]);
+        // let nodepos1 = nodelist[1].parent.position;
+        // console.log(nodepos0);
+        var action = cc.moveTo(0.4, nodepos0);
+        //var finish = cc.callFunc(this.AutoMerge, this);
+        // var allaction = cc.sequence(action, finish);
+        // console.log(list[1]);
+        list[1].getComponent("CarMerge").setIsMoveTrue();
+        list[1].runAction(action);
+    },
+     /** 把 node1移动到 node2的位置 */
+    moveN1toN2(node1, node2) {
+        let node1parentworld = node1.parent.convertToWorldSpaceAR(node1.position);
+        let node1innode2 = node2.parent.convertToNodeSpaceAR(node1parentworld);
+        return node1innode2;
+        // return node1.parent.convertToNodeSpaceAR(node2.parent.convertToWorldSpaceAR(node2.position))
+    }
+    // /** 获取把 node1移动到 node2位置后的坐标 */
+    // convertNodeSpaceAR(node1: cc.Node, node2: cc.Node) {
+    //     return node1.parent.convertToNodeSpaceAR(node2.parent.convertToWorldSpaceAR(node2.position))
+    // }

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "f6c14940-ef96-4098-a3bb-9b24f4cdc0a3",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 153 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+        Car_Park:cc.Node,
+        Car:cc.Prefab,
+        IsMoveNode:false,
+        Merge_TX: cc.Prefab,
+        Cars_Run_Area: cc.Node,
+        Cars_Run_detail: cc.Prefab,
+        Bind_Car_Run:cc.Node
+    },
+    onLoad() {
+        this.Cars_Run_Area = cc.find("Canvas/Main/role/Run_cars");
+    },
+    setIsMoveTrue() {
+        this.IsMoveNode = true;  
+    },
+    start () {
+        //监听拖动
+        this.registerEvent();
+    },
+    registerEvent() {
+        //touchstart 可以换成cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_START
+        this.node.on('touchstart', this.onEventStart, this);
+        //touchmove 可以换成cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_MOVE
+        this.Car_Park.on('touchmove', this.onEventMove, this);
+        //touchcancel 可以换成cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_CANCEL
+        this.Car_Park.on('touchcancel', this.onEventEnd, this);
+        //touchend 可以换成cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_END
+        this.Car_Park.on('touchend', this.onEventEnd, this);
+    },
+    onEventStart(event){
+        this.IsMoveNode = true;
+        cc.director.getCollisionManager().enabled = true;
+    },
+    onEventMove(event){
+        //将世界坐标转为本地坐标
+        var nodepos = this.node.parent.convertTouchToNodeSpace(event);
+        //将car移动到nodepos
+        this.Car_Park.setPosition(nodepos);
+        //console.log(nodepos)
+    },
+    onEventEnd(event){
+        //初始位置是120,100
+        this.Car_Park.setPosition(120,100);
+        this.IsMoveNode = false;
+        cc.director.getCollisionManager().enabled = false;
+    },
+    // update (dt) {},
+    //碰撞回调
+    /**
+    * 当碰撞产生的时候调用
+    * @param  {Collider} other 产生碰撞的另一个碰撞组件
+    * @param  {Collider} self  产生碰撞的自身的碰撞组件
+    */
+    onCollisionEnter: function (other, self) {
+        console.log(self.node.getChildByName("number").getComponents(cc.Label)[0].string);
+        if(this.IsMoveNode){
+            return
+        }
+        if (!Global.endinit) {
+            Global.toast("请等待汽车加载完成!")
+            return;
+        }
+        // console.log('on collision enter');
+       var self_level = Number(self.node.getChildByName("number").getComponents(cc.Label)[0].string);
+        var other_level = Number(other.node.getChildByName("number").getComponents(cc.Label)[0].string);
+        if (self_level == other_level) {
+            if (self_level == 25) {
+                //满级大佬,不给升级
+                return;
+            }
+           // other.node.parent.active = false;
+           other.node.parent.destroy();
+            this.addNewCar(self_level);
+       }
+    },
+    MergeCarAction(node){
+        let carnode = cc.instantiate(this.Merge_TX);
+        carnode.parent = node;
+    },
+    addNewCar(level) {
+        MyAudio.PlayEffect_initcar();
+        let kongpark = this.node.parent;
+        //this.node.active = false;
+        this.node.destroy();
+        var carnode = cc.instantiate(this.Car);
+        carnode.getChildByName("number").getComponent(cc.Label).string = level + 1;
+        let pic_url = Global.Cars[level+1].car_park_pic
+        cc.resources.load(pic_url, cc.SpriteFrame, function (err, spriteFrame) {
+            carnode.getComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = spriteFrame;
+        });
+        this.MergeCarAction(carnode);
+        carnode.parent = kongpark;
+        if (kongpark.getComponent("CarBindRunAndPark").Bind_Car_Run != null) {
+            kongpark.getComponent("CarBindRunAndPark").Bind_Car_Run.destroy(); 
+            // console.log("destroy")
+        }
+        carnode.parent.getComponent("CarBindRunAndPark").Bind(this.UpdateCar(level));
+        //console.log(cc.find('Canvas/Main/role/Stop_cars/car_park').children)
+        // this.UpdateCar(level);
+    },
+    //根据停车场车辆情况,更新跑道上车辆的信息,主要是每次merge后调用
+    //@level: 被合并的汽车的等级,跑道需要消灭1个该等级的车,然后升级一个该等级的车
+    UpdateCar(level) {
+        var car_run_node = cc.instantiate(this.Cars_Run_detail);
+        car_run_node.getChildByName("number_pic").getChildByName("level_number").getComponent(cc.Label).string = level + 1;
+        cc.resources.load(Global.Cars[level + 1].car_run_pic, cc.SpriteFrame, function (err, spriteFrame) {
+            car_run_node.getComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = spriteFrame;
+            //更新每秒收益值
+            cc.find("Canvas/Main/role/Stop_cars/car_park").getComponent("CarManager").AfterCarAddOrMerge();
+        });
+        car_run_node.parent = this.Cars_Run_Area;
+        //判断是否破纪录
+        if (level + 1 > Global.MaxCarLevel) {
+            Global.MaxCarLevel = level + 1;
+            this.updateWXRank();
+            if (Global.MaxCarLevel >= 8) {
+                //更新addcar级别
+                Storage.Set_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.buy_car_level, Global.MaxCarLevel - 6);
+                //更新addcar价格,原有价格翻倍
+                Storage.Set_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.buy_coin, Number(Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.buy_coin)) * 2);
+                //更新add按钮ui
+                cc.find('Canvas/Main/role/Stop_cars/Add_Car').getComponent('CarAddPark').updateAddCarButton();
+                setTimeout(function () {
+                    cc.find('Canvas/Main/role/Stop_cars/Add_Car').getComponent('CarAddPark').UpdateLowLevelCar(Global.MaxCarLevel - 6);
+                },1000)
+            }
+        }
+        return car_run_node;
+    },
+	updateWXRank(){
+        Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('LEVEL', Global.MaxCarLevel)
+	}

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "7845af93-5074-4e2c-a2a9-58866edf8c4d",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 51 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+        coin_number: cc.Label,
+        coin_earn_num: cc.Label,
+        Cars_Run_Area: cc.Node,
+        Cars_Own_Area:cc.Node,
+        // Car_Park_pic_area:cc.Node,
+    },
+    update () {
+        this.coin_number.string = Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin);
+    },
+    Coin_refresh_per_circle() {
+        var all_num = 0;
+        //通过bind方式删除runs的节点,不知道为啥比较慢,导致先获得收益,节点才删除掉,这里坐下延迟处理。
+        this.scheduleOnce(function () {
+            let cars_run = this.Cars_Run_Area.children;
+            for (const i in cars_run) {
+                let i_level = cars_run[i].getChildByName("number_pic").getChildByName("level_number").getComponent(cc.Label).string;
+                all_num += Global.Cars[i_level].money_per_circle;
+            }
+            // console.log(cars_run)
+            this.coin_earn_num.string = "+" + all_num + "/s";
+            Global.CurrCarsEarn = all_num;
+        },0.2)
+        this.storage_game_data();
+    },
+    storage_game_data() {
+        let cars_park = this.Cars_Own_Area.children;
+        let car_list = [];
+        for (const i in cars_park)  {
+            let i_level = cars_park[i].getChildByName("car_parking_pic").getChildByName("number").getComponent(cc.Label).string;
+            car_list.push(i_level)
+        }
+         //在这个地方存储当前车辆的游戏数据~
+        // console.log(car_list)
+        car_list = car_list.toString();
+        Storage.Set_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.cars_own, car_list);
+    }

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "3bd1c19f-6a53-43b6-b007-4da1c5b4529d",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 289 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+        car_park: cc.Prefab,
+        car_run: cc.Prefab,
+        car_runs_area: cc.Node,
+        car_park_area: cc.Node,
+        coin_buy:cc.Label,
+    },
+    onLoad () {
+        //关闭多点触摸
+        cc.macro.ENABLE_MULTI_TOUCH = false;
+        //开启碰撞检测
+        // cc.director.getCollisionManager().enabled = true;
+        //设置初始金币
+        this.InitCoin(300);
+        this.InitCars();
+        this.InitCarPrice();
+        this.initAd();
+        if (cc.sys.platform === cc.sys.WECHAT_GAME) {
+            this.initCocosAnalystic('WECHAT');
+        } else if (cc.sys.platform === cc.sys.BYTEDANCE_GAME) {
+            this.initCocosAnalystic('TT');
+        } 
+    },
+    initAd(){
+        let self = this;
+        if (cc.sys.platform === cc.sys.WECHAT_GAME) {
+            Share.WX_TOP_SHARE();
+            self.init_wechat_Ad();
+        }else if(cc.sys.platform === cc.sys.BYTEDANCE_GAME){
+            self.init_tt_ad();
+        } else {
+            // dialog.getChildByName('Button').getChildByName('分享').active = false;
+            // this.androidad();
+        }
+    },
+    initCocosAnalystic(Platform) {
+        cocosAnalytics.init({
+			appID: "669708646",              // 游戏ID
+            version: "1.0.0",           // 游戏/应用版本号
+            storeID: Platform,     // 分发渠道
+            engine: "cocos",            // 游戏引擎
+        });
+        cocosAnalytics.enableDebug(false);
+		// 开始登陆
+		cocosAnalytics.CAAccount.loginStart({
+            channel: Platform,   // 获客渠道,指获取该客户的广告渠道信息   
+		});
+		// 登陆成功
+		cocosAnalytics.CAAccount.loginSuccess({
+			userID: '1',
+			age: 1,             // 年龄
+			sex: 1,             // 性别:1为男,2为女,其它表示未知
+            channel: Platform,   // 获客渠道,指获取该客户的广告渠道信息   
+		})
+	},
+    InitCarPrice () {
+        let coin_buy_num = Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.buy_coin)
+        if (coin_buy_num == 0) {
+            coin_buy_num = 100;
+        }
+        // console.log(coin_buy);
+        this.coin_buy.string = coin_buy_num;
+    },
+    InitCars() {
+        let car_list_str = Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.cars_own);
+        if (car_list_str == 0) {
+            Global.endinit = true;
+            return;
+        }
+        Global.endinit = false;
+        var car_list = car_list_str.split(",");//以逗号为分割点 
+        var self = this;
+        let i = 0;
+        this.schedule(function () {
+            let addnode = this.AddCarPark(car_list[i]);
+            addnode.getComponent("CarBindRunAndPark").Bind(this.AddCarsRun(car_list[i]));
+            i++;
+            MyAudio.PlayEffect_initcar();
+            if (i == car_list.length) {
+                Global.endinit = true;
+                //定义一个一秒一次的计时器,来计算自动合并
+                // self.schedule(self.updateCarImage, 10);
+            }
+        }, 0.2, car_list.length - 1, 0.5);
+        Global.MaxCarLevel = Math.max(...car_list);
+    },
+    InitCoin(num) {
+        if (Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin) == 0) {
+            Storage.Set_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin,num);
+        }
+    },
+    AddCarsRun(level) {
+        let node_run = cc.instantiate(this.car_run);
+        node_run.getChildByName("number_pic").getChildByName("level_number").getComponent(cc.Label).string = level;
+        let pic_url = Global.Cars[level].car_run_pic
+        cc.resources.load(pic_url, cc.SpriteFrame, function (err, spriteFrame) {
+            node_run.getComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = spriteFrame;
+        });
+        node_run.parent = this.car_runs_area;
+        //更新每秒收益值
+        cc.find("Canvas/Main/Items/coin_bg/Coin_own").getComponent("Coin_refresh").Coin_refresh_per_circle();
+        return node_run;
+    },
+    AddCarPark(level) {
+        let node_park = cc.instantiate(this.car_park);
+        node_park.getChildByName("car_parking_pic").getChildByName("number").getComponent(cc.Label).string = level;
+        let pic_url = Global.Cars[level].car_park_pic
+        cc.resources.load(pic_url, cc.SpriteFrame, function (err, spriteFrame) {
+            node_park.getChildByName("car_parking_pic").getComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = spriteFrame;
+        });
+        node_park.parent = this.car_park_area;
+        return node_park;
+    },
+    /*
+    合并升级之后偶现等级和图片对不齐,定时10秒更新一下
+    */
+    updateCarImage() {
+        let nodelist = this.car_park_area.children;
+        // let node_need_update = 0;
+        // var self = this;
+        for (let i in nodelist) {
+            let level_node = Number(nodelist[i].getChildByName('car_parking_pic').getChildByName('number').getComponent(cc.Label).string);
+                //更新停車pic
+            //nodelist[i].getChildByName('car_parking_pic').getChildByName('number').getComponent(cc.Label).string = level;
+            cc.resources.load(Global.Cars[level_node].car_park_pic, cc.SpriteFrame, function (err, spriteFrame) {
+                nodelist[i].getChildByName('car_parking_pic').getComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = spriteFrame;
+                //更新每秒收益值
+                //cc.find("Canvas/Main/role/Stop_cars/car_park").getComponent("CarManager").AfterCarAddOrMerge();
+                //Global.toast("免费将" +level_node+ "级车升级为" + level + "级车!");
+            });
+        }
+    },
+    init_wechat_Ad(){
+        // 创建激励视频广告实例,提前初始化
+        let videoAd = wx.createRewardedVideoAd({
+            adUnitId: 'adunit-05909f15fccafeaf'
+        })
+        videoAd.onLoad(() => {
+            console.log('激励视频 广告加载成功');
+            Global.wechatvideoid = videoAd;
+        })
+        videoAd.onError(err => {
+            console.log(err);
+            videoAd.load();
+        })
+        videoAd.onClose(res => {
+            // 用户点击了【关闭广告】按钮
+            // 小于 2.1.0 的基础库版本,res 是一个 undefined
+            if (res && res.isEnded || res === undefined) {
+                if (Global.outlinereward != -1) {
+                    let icon = Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin);
+                    Storage.Set_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin, Number(icon) + Global.outlinereward);
+                    Global.outlinereward = -1;
+                    self.node.getComponent('collect_coin_anim').onPlayCoinAni(self.node);
+                } else {
+                    // 正常播放结束,可以下发游戏奖励
+                    cc.find('Canvas/Main/role/Stop_cars/Add_Car').getComponent('CarAddPark').AddCarToPark();
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                Global.toast('播放中途退出,未获得奖励!')
+                // 播放中途退出,不下发游戏奖励
+            }
+            cc.find("Canvas/Main/Dialog").active = false;
+            cc.find("outline/outlinereward").active = false;
+        })
+        //插屏广告
+        // 定义插屏广告
+        let interstitialAd = null
+        // 创建插屏广告实例,提前初始化
+        if (wx.createInterstitialAd) {
+            interstitialAd = wx.createInterstitialAd({
+                adUnitId: 'adunit-64dcfc5de4ce7fc1'
+            })
+            Global.interstitialAd = interstitialAd;
+        }
+        //创建格子广告
+        const customAd = wx.createCustomAd({
+            adUnitId: 'adunit-6bd755b0b0ab3dbb',
+            style: {
+                left: 10,
+                top: 175,
+                width: 375 // 用于设置组件宽度,只有部分模板才支持,如矩阵格子模板
+            }
+        })
+        customAd.onError(err => console.log(err))
+        customAd.show()
+            .catch(err => console.log(err))
+            .then(() => Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('ShowNativeAd', true))
+    },
+    init_tt_ad(){
+        var self = this;
+        //banner
+        const { windowWidth, windowHeight } = tt.getSystemInfoSync();
+        const targetBannerAdWidth = 200;
+        const BannerAd = tt.createBannerAd({
+            adUnitId: 'bj8542ejfif02f8qnm',
+            adIntervals: 30,
+            style: {
+                verticalAlign: "bottom",
+                horizontalAlign: "center",
+                width: windowWidth,
+                top: windowHeight - 100, // 根据系统约定尺寸计算出广告高度
+            },
+        });
+        Global.bannerAd = BannerAd;
+        BannerAd.onResize(res => {
+            BannerAd.style.top = windowHeight - res.height;
+            BannerAd.style.left = (windowWidth - res.width) / 2; // 水平居中
+        });
+        BannerAd.onLoad(() => {
+            console.log('banner加载成功');
+            BannerAd.hide();
+            // try {
+            //     BannerAd.show();
+            // } catch (error) {
+            //     console.log(error);
+            // };
+        })
+        //插页
+        const InterstitialAd = tt.createInterstitialAd({
+            adUnitId: '2mqt6ck3nl7jkd8kcg'
+        });
+        Global.interstitialAd = InterstitialAd;
+        //激励视频
+        const videoAd = tt.createRewardedVideoAd({
+            adUnitId: "7mco5sm6co5ci28fj4",
+            // multiton: true,
+            // multitonRewardMsg: ['更多奖励1', '更多奖励2', '更多奖励3'],
+            // multitonRewardTimes: 3,
+            // progressTip: false,
+        });
+        Global.wechatvideoid = videoAd;
+        videoAd.onClose(res => {
+            // 用户点击了【关闭广告】按钮
+            if (res.isEnded) {
+                if (Global.outlinereward != -1) {
+                    let icon = Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin);
+                    Storage.Set_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin, Number(icon) + Global.outlinereward);
+                    Global.outlinereward = -1;
+                    self.node.getComponent('collect_coin_anim').onPlayCoinAni(self.node);
+                } else if(Global.PK_Double == 1){
+                    cc.find('Canvas/BG/弹窗/BG/video').getComponent("pk_reword").getdouble(2);
+                    Global.PK_Double = 0;
+                }else{
+                    // 正常播放结束,可以下发游戏奖励
+                    cc.find('Canvas/Main/role/Stop_cars/Add_Car').getComponent('CarAddPark').AddCarToPark();
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                Global.toast('播放中途退出,未获得奖励!')
+                // 播放中途退出,不下发游戏奖励
+            }
+            cc.find("Canvas/Main/Dialog").active = false;
+            cc.find("outline/outlinereward").active = false;
+        })
+        videoAd.load()
+            .then(
+                console.log('TT Video广告加载成功')
+                // videoAd.show()
+            )
+            .catch(
+                err => console.log(err.errMsg)
+            );
+    }
+    // update (dt) {},

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "c419349a-13de-4825-8a9e-704f9648ae70",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 35 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+    },
+    onLoad() {
+        this.node.on('click',this.callback,this)
+    },
+    callback() {
+        cc.find("Canvas/Main/Dialog").active = false;
+        switch (cc.sys.platform) {
+            case cc.sys.WECHAT_GAME:
+                Share.WX_Share_Default();
+                cc.find('Canvas/Main/role/Stop_cars/Add_Car').getComponent('CarAddPark').AddCarToPark();
+                break;
+            case cc.sys.BYTEDANCE_GAME:
+                Share.ByteDanceShare();
+				Global.hidebanner();
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+    }

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "75e621a1-aebf-4b21-83ea-7de72e884584",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+    },
+    onLoad() {
+		this.node.on('click', this.closephb,this);
+		// console.log('跳转一笔画');
+    },
+	openphb() {
+		cc.find('PHB').active = true;
+    },
+	closephb(){
+		cc.find('PHB').active = false;
+	}

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "3f5de34b-311e-4167-90fc-bb5cde05c731",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 46 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+    },
+    onLoad() {
+		this.node.on('click', this.mofangdou,this)
+		console.log('跳转魔方豆');
+    },
+    mofangdou() {
+		console.log('跳转魔方豆');
+		wx.navigateToMiniProgram({
+			appId: 'wxe10efe644afe23cf',
+			// path: 'page/index',
+			success(res) {
+				Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('JumpMofangdou', true);
+			},
+			fail(res){
+				Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('JumpMofangdou', false);
+			}
+		});
+    },
+	yibihua() {
+		console.log('跳转一笔画');
+		wx.navigateToMiniProgram({
+			appId: 'wxd611e89aeced9227',
+			path: 'page/index',
+			success(res) {
+				Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('JumpYibihua', true);
+			},
+			fail(res) {
+				Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('JumpYibihua', false);
+			}
+		});
+	}

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "64e26515-4185-4583-b4f7-9c13bfee0110",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 98 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+    },
+    onLoad() {
+		this.node.on('click', this.yibihua,this);
+		// console.log('跳转一笔画');
+    },
+    mofangdou() {
+		console.log('跳转魔方豆');
+		wx.navigateToMiniProgram({
+			appId: 'wxe10efe644afe23cf',
+			path: 'page/index',
+			success(res) {
+				Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('JumpMofangdou', true);
+			},
+			fail(res){
+				Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('JumpMofangdou', false);
+			}
+		});
+    },
+	yibihua() {
+		console.log('跳转一笔画');
+		wx.navigateToMiniProgram({
+			appId: 'wxd611e89aeced9227',
+			path: 'page/index',
+			success(res) {
+				Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('JumpYibihua', true);
+			},
+			fail(res) {
+				Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('JumpYibihua', false);
+			}
+		});
+	}, 
+	make7() {
+		console.log('跳转合成7');
+		wx.navigateToMiniProgram({
+			appId: 'wx404237303bd95608',
+			path: 'page/index',
+			success(res) {
+				Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('JumpMake7', true);
+			},
+			fail(res) {
+				Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('JumpMake7', false);
+			}
+		});
+	}, 
+	numbermerge() {
+		console.log('跳转数字消除2048');
+		wx.navigateToMiniProgram({
+			appId: 'wxee1fd4ac06b9fe6b',
+			path: 'page/index',
+			success(res) {
+				Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('Jump2048', true);
+			},
+			fail(res) {
+				Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('Jump2048', false);
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	colorballsort() {
+		// console.log('跳转数字消除2048');
+		wx.navigateToMiniProgram({
+			appId: 'wx130f3f7377b066d2',
+			path: 'page/index',
+			success(res) {
+				Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('JumpSORT', true);
+			},
+			fail(res) {
+				Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('JumpSORT', false);
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	colorballmatch() {
+		// console.log('跳转数字消除2048');
+		wx.navigateToMiniProgram({
+			appId: 'wx7598c5db65753d47',
+			path: 'page/index',
+			success(res) {
+				Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('JumpMATCH', true);
+			},
+			fail(res) {
+				Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('JumpMATCH', false);
+			}
+		});
+	}

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "61bfde88-0fdc-491e-85c8-b64a441de0c6",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+    },
+    onLoad() {
+		this.node.on('click', this.openphb,this);
+		// console.log('跳转一笔画');
+		this.initbmg();
+    },
+	openphb() {
+		if (Storage.Get_storage('BGM') == 1){
+			Global.BGM = 0;
+			Storage.Set_storage('BGM',0)
+			this.node.color = cc.Color.GRAY;
+		}else{
+			Global.BGM = 1;
+			Storage.Set_storage('BGM', 1);
+			this.node.color = cc.Color.WHITE;
+		}
+    },
+	initbmg(){
+		if (Storage.Get_storage('BGM') == 1) {
+			Global.BGM = 1;
+			this.node.color = cc.Color.WHITE;
+		} else {
+			Global.BGM = 0;
+			this.node.color = cc.Color.GRAY;
+		}
+	}

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "8610e4cc-232f-46ab-a67c-74471ed71a3c",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 82 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+		outlinereward:{
+			default: null,
+			type: cc.Node,
+		},
+		lb:{
+			default: null,
+			type: cc.Label,
+		},
+    },
+	onLoad(){
+		this.getrewardnum();
+	},
+	get(){
+		let self = this;
+		if(cc.sys.platform === cc.sys.ANDROID){
+			Global.outlinereward = Number(self.lb.string.replace(',', ''));
+			jsb.reflection.callStaticMethod("org/cocos2dx/javascript/admob/Reward", "ShowRewardADForOutLine", "()I");
+		}else{
+			let videoAd = Global.wechatvideoid;
+			if (videoAd == undefined || videoAd == null) {
+				Global.toast('暂无广告资源,请稍后再试!');
+				return;
+			}
+			console.log(videoAd)
+			// self.node.getComponent('collect_coin_anim').onPlayCoinAni(self.node);
+			videoAd.show().catch(() => {
+				// 失败重试
+				videoAd.load()
+					.then(() => videoAd.show())
+					.catch(err => {
+						console.log('激励视频 广告显示失败')
+						Global.toast('暂无广告资源,请稍后再试!');
+					})
+			}).then(() => {
+				// self.lb.string.replace(',','')
+				Global.outlinereward = Number(self.lb.string.replace(',', ''));
+				// console.log(Global.outlinereward);
+				window['closeoutline'] = 1;
+			})
+		}
+	},
+    close(){
+		this.node.active = false;
+		window['closeoutline'] = 1;
+		Global.hidebanner();
+	},
+	getrewardnum(){
+		let lasttime = Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.outlinetime);
+		console.log(lasttime)
+		if (window['closeoutline'] == 1){
+			this.outlinereward.active = false;
+			return;
+		}
+		if(lasttime == undefined || lasttime == null || lasttime == 0){
+			Storage.Set_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.outlinetime,new Date().getTime());
+			this.outlinereward.active = false;
+			window['closeoutline'] = 1;
+			return;
+		}
+		let rewardnum = (new Date().getTime() - Number(lasttime)) / 30;
+		this.lb.string = Math.trunc(rewardnum).toLocaleString();
+		this.outlinereward.active = true;
+		Global.showbanner();
+		Storage.Set_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.outlinetime, new Date().getTime());
+	}

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "c835fdd1-daa9-4187-9484-b41ebe342442",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.3",
+  "uuid": "1328cb8b-dae1-4445-a40a-3d8266a2a871",
+  "importer": "folder",
+  "isBundle": false,
+  "bundleName": "",
+  "priority": 1,
+  "compressionType": {},
+  "optimizeHotUpdate": {},
+  "inlineSpriteFrames": {},
+  "isRemoteBundle": {},
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 123 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+        mycar_node: cc.Node,
+        opposite_node: cc.Node,
+        pk_node: cc.Node,
+        reword_node: cc.Node,
+        reword_label: cc.Label,
+        Mycarrun: cc.Node,
+        opppositecarrun: cc.Node,
+    },
+    //定义PK比赛的奖金,赢了就是当前购买单价的10倍的奖金,输了就奖励当前产量的钱
+    onLoad() {
+        this.pk_node.active = true;
+        this.reword_node.active = false;
+        this.initUI();
+        this.initCars();
+        MyAudio.PlayEffect_startpk();
+        this.initAD();
+		if (cc.sys.platform == cc.sys.BYTEDANCE_GAME) {
+			Global.StartRecode();
+		}
+    },
+    start() {
+    },
+	initAD(){
+		if(cc.sys.platform != cc.sys.WECHAT_GAME){
+			return;
+		}
+        if(Global.bannerAd ==null){
+            let mSystemInfo = wx.getSystemInfoSync();
+            console.log(wx.getSystemInfoSync())
+            let bannerAd = wx.createBannerAd({
+                adUnitId: 'adunit-ccdf16b3db4f63e1',
+                adIntervals: 30,
+                style: {
+                    left: (mSystemInfo.windowWidth - 300) / 2,
+                    top: mSystemInfo.windowHeight - 100,
+                    width: 300
+                }
+            })
+            Global.bannerAd = bannerAd;
+            bannerAd.onError(err => {
+                console.log(err)
+            })
+            // 在适合的场景显示 Banner 广告
+            bannerAd.show()
+                .catch(err => console.log(err))
+                .then(() => console.log('banner 广告显示'))
+        }else{
+            Global.bannerAd.show()
+                .catch(err => console.log(err))
+                .then(() => console.log('banner 广告显示'))
+        }
+	},
+    //初始化UI
+    initUI() {
+        var mycar_action_1 = cc.place(-1000, -300);
+        var mycar_action_2 = cc.moveTo(0.5,cc.v2(0, -300));
+        //var mycar_action_3 = cc.blink(2, 5);
+        this.mycar_node.runAction(cc.sequence(mycar_action_1, mycar_action_2));
+        var oppositecar_action_1 = cc.place(1000, 450);
+        var oppositecar_action_2 = cc.moveTo(0.5, cc.v2(0, 450));
+        var finish = cc.callFunc(this.showpk,this)
+        //var oppositecar_action_3 = cc.blink(2, 5);
+        this.opposite_node.runAction(cc.sequence(oppositecar_action_1, oppositecar_action_2,finish));
+        this.scheduleOnce(function () {
+            this.reword_node.active = true;
+            this.pk_node.active = false;
+        }, 1.5);
+        this.reword_label.string = Number(Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.buy_coin)) * 3;
+    },
+    showpk() {
+        var PKaction_1 = cc.blink(0.5, 2);
+        this.pk_node.runAction(PKaction_1);
+    },
+    //确定双方出厂车辆,对方出场车辆根据任务记录,我方出场车辆取当前最大值
+    initCars() {
+        //取对方车辆等级
+        let self = this;
+        let level = Number(Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.pklevel)) + 1;
+        let run_pic_url = Global.Cars[level].car_run_pic
+        cc.resources.load(run_pic_url, cc.SpriteFrame, function (err, spriteFrame) {
+            self.opppositecarrun.getComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = spriteFrame;
+        });
+        let park_pic_url = Global.Cars[level].car_park_pic
+        self.opposite_node.getChildByName('car_parking_pic').getChildByName('number').getComponent(cc.Label).string = level;
+        cc.resources.load(park_pic_url, cc.SpriteFrame, function (err, spriteFrame) {
+            self.opposite_node.getChildByName('car_parking_pic').getComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = spriteFrame;
+        });
+        //取我方车辆等级
+        if (Global.MaxCarLevel == 0) Global.MaxCarLevel = 1;
+        let my_run_pic_url = Global.Cars[Global.MaxCarLevel].car_run_pic
+        let my_park_pic_url = Global.Cars[Global.MaxCarLevel].car_park_pic
+        self.mycar_node.getChildByName('car_parking_pic').getChildByName('number').getComponent(cc.Label).string = Global.MaxCarLevel;
+        cc.resources.load(my_run_pic_url, cc.SpriteFrame, function (err, spriteFrame) {
+            self.Mycarrun.getComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = spriteFrame;
+        });
+        cc.resources.load(my_park_pic_url, cc.SpriteFrame, function (err, spriteFrame) {
+            self.mycar_node.getChildByName('car_parking_pic').getComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = spriteFrame;
+        });
+	},
+    // update (dt) {},

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "2e376bc4-40e9-4e75-897b-fb1977fbf4d4",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+        toast: cc.Label,
+    },
+    onLoad() {
+        this.node.on('click',this.loadpk,this);
+    },
+    loadpk() {
+        MyAudio.PlayEffect_button();
+        if (!Global.endinit) {
+            Global.toast("请等待汽车加载完成!")
+            return;
+        }
+        if (Global.MaxCarLevel == 0) {
+            //提示先创建车辆
+            Global.toast('请先购买至少一辆车');
+            return
+        }
+		// Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('PK', 'Jump')
+        cc.director.loadScene("pk")
+    }
+    // update (dt) {},

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "1f3e2684-3a3a-4c96-81dc-ff3ecef0b754",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+    },
+    //定义PK比赛的奖金,赢了就是当前购买单价的10倍的奖金,输了就奖励当前产量的钱
+    onLoad() {
+        this.node.on('click',this.backgame,this);
+    },
+    backgame() {
+        MyAudio.PlayEffect_button();
+        MyAudio.StopEffect_pkbgm();
+        cc.director.loadScene("Main")
+		Global.bannerAd.hide();
+		Global.EndRecode();
+		let interstitialAd = Global.interstitialAd;
+		if (interstitialAd) {
+			interstitialAd.hide().catch((err) => {
+				console.error(err)
+			})
+		}
+    }
+    // update (dt) {},

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "a8afc125-9725-4fc0-810b-6258247e6e82",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+        coin_number: cc.Label,
+    },
+    //定义PK比赛的奖金,赢了就是当前购买单价的10倍的奖金,输了就奖励当前产量的钱
+    update() {
+        this.coin_number.string = Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin);
+    },
+    // update (dt) {},

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "868e7734-3466-4962-a1f7-f5fea5898ad8",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 128 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+        coin_number: cc.Label,
+        pic_toast: cc.Node,
+        pk_init_scripts: cc.Node,
+        fail_label:cc.Node,
+    },
+	onLoad() {
+		if(cc.sys.platform != cc.sys.BYTEDANCE_GAME){
+			cc.find('Canvas/BG/弹窗/BG/share').active = false;
+		}
+	},
+    //定义PK比赛的奖金,赢了就是当前购买单价的10倍的奖金,输了就奖励当前产量的钱
+    getreword() {
+		console.log('普通领取')
+         //领取奖励动画
+         this.node.getComponent('collect_coin_anim').onPlayCoinAni(this.node);
+         this.pic_toast.active = false;
+        Storage.Set_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin, Number(Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin)) + Number(this.coin_number.string));
+        //存储过关数据
+        if (!this.fail_label.active) {
+            let level = Number(Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.pklevel)) + 1;
+            Storage.Set_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.pklevel, level);
+        }
+        MyAudio.PlayEffect_getreword();
+        //重置pkinit
+        this.pk_init_scripts.getComponent('Pkinit').onLoad();
+		if (cc.sys.platform == cc.sys.BYTEDANCE_GAME) {
+			Global.hidebanner();
+		}
+	},
+	getreword_share() {
+		console.log('分享领取')
+		this.TTshare();
+		if (cc.sys.platform == cc.sys.BYTEDANCE_GAME) {
+			Global.hidebanner();
+		}
+	},
+	getreword_video() {
+		console.log('视频领取')
+		if (cc.sys.platform != cc.sys.ANDROID) {
+			let videoAd = Global.wechatvideoid;
+			// 用户触发广告后,显示激励视频广告
+			Global.PK_Double = 1;
+			videoAd.show().catch(() => {
+				// 失败重试
+				console.log('激励视频 广告显示失败1');
+				videoAd.load()
+					.then(() => videoAd.show())
+					.catch(err => {
+						console.log('激励视频 广告显示失败2');
+						Global.toast('广告播放失败!')
+					})
+			})
+			if (cc.sys.platform == cc.sys.BYTEDANCE_GAME) {
+				Global.hidebanner();
+			}
+		}else{
+			Admob.ShowInterstitialRewardAD();
+		}
+	},
+	getdouble(number){
+		//领取奖励动画
+		this.node.getComponent('collect_coin_anim').onPlayCoinAni(this.node);
+		this.pic_toast.active = false;
+		Storage.Set_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin, Number(Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin)) + Number(this.coin_number.string) * number);
+		//存储过关数据
+		if (!this.fail_label.active) {
+			let level = Number(Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.pklevel)) + 1;
+			Storage.Set_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.pklevel, level);
+		}
+		MyAudio.PlayEffect_getreword();
+		//重置pkinit
+		this.pk_init_scripts.getComponent('Pkinit').onLoad();
+	},
+	TTshare() {
+		let self = this;
+		if (cc.sys.platform === cc.sys.BYTEDANCE_GAME) {
+			if (Global.videoPath == null || Global.endtime - Global.starttime < 3500) {
+				self.ShowToast();
+			}
+			// 视频分享
+			tt.shareAppMessage({
+				channel: "video",
+				query: "",
+				// templateId: "1fidnqkeari9dnd18o", // 替换成通过审核的分享ID
+				title: "我的跑车PK胜利了!",
+				desc: "走到这里不容易,我的跑车终于赢啦!",
+				extra: {
+					videoPath: Global.videoPath, // 可用录屏得到的本地文件路径
+					videoTopics: ["我的跑车PK胜利了"],
+				},
+				success() {
+					console.log("分享视频成功");
+					self.getreword();
+					try {
+						Global.bannerAd.hide();
+					} catch (error) {
+						console.log(error);
+					};
+				},
+				fail(e) {
+					console.log("分享视频失败");
+					// self.ShowToast();
+				},
+			});
+		}
+	},
+	ShowToast() {
+		Global.toast('录屏低于3秒无法调起分享'); 
+	},
+    // update (dt) {},

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "d6ba8087-2dc7-4caa-9b8c-c7b19f38cafc",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 215 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+        mycar_runnode: cc.Node,
+        opposite_runnode: cc.Node,
+        endpic: cc.Node,
+        endcarnum: 0,
+        mylist: [],
+        opposite_list: [],
+        pic_toast: cc.Node,
+        reword_number:cc.Label,
+    },
+    onLoad() {
+        this.node.on('click',this.startpk,this);
+    },
+    startpk() {
+        MyAudio.PlayEffect_pkbgm();
+        let opposite_level = Number(Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.pklevel)) + 1;
+        this.endpic.active = false;
+        this.node.active = false;
+        this.my_list = this.GetRandomList(Global.MaxCarLevel);
+        this.opposite_list = this.GetRandomList(opposite_level);
+        this.MyCarAction( this.my_list);
+        this.OppositeCarAction(this.opposite_list);
+        Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('PK','Start')
+    },
+    OppositeCarAction(randomlist) {
+        //初始位置
+        let placeAction = cc.place(470, 0);
+        let actionMove_1_1 = cc.moveTo(randomlist[0]/2, cc.v2(470, -300));
+       let actionMove_1_2 = cc.moveTo(randomlist[1], cc.v2(-470, 300));
+        let actionMove_1_3 = cc.moveTo(randomlist[2]/2, cc.v2(470, 0));
+        let actionMove_2_1 = cc.moveTo(randomlist[5]/2, cc.v2(470, -300));
+        let actionMove_2_2 = cc.moveTo(randomlist[6], cc.v2(-470, 300));
+        let actionMove_2_3 = cc.moveTo(randomlist[7]/2, cc.v2(470, 0));
+        let finish1 = cc.callFunc(this.showendpic, this);
+        let finish2 = cc.callFunc(this.endpk, this);
+       //下半圆转弯
+       let down_point0 = cc.v2(470, -300);
+       let down_point1 = cc.v2(Math.cos(Math.PI / 8) * 470, -300 - Math.sin(Math.PI / 8) * 470);
+       let down_point2 = cc.v2(Math.cos(Math.PI / 4) * 470, -300 - Math.sin(Math.PI / 4) * 470);
+       let down_point3 = cc.v2(Math.cos(3 * Math.PI / 8) * 470, -300 - Math.sin(3 * Math.PI / 8) * 470);
+       let down_point4 = cc.v2(Math.cos(Math.PI / 2) * 470, -300 - Math.sin(Math.PI / 2) * 470);
+       let down_point5 = cc.v2(Math.cos(5 * Math.PI / 8) * 470, -300 - Math.sin(5 * Math.PI / 8) * 470);
+       let down_point6 = cc.v2(Math.cos(6 * Math.PI / 8) * 470, -300 - Math.sin(6 * Math.PI / 8) * 470);
+       let down_point7 = cc.v2(Math.cos(7 * Math.PI / 8) * 470, -300 - Math.sin(7 * Math.PI / 8) * 470);
+       let down_point8 = cc.v2(- 470, -300);
+       //上半圆
+       let up_point0 = cc.v2(-470, 300);
+       let up_point1 = cc.v2(Math.cos(Math.PI / 8) * -470, 300 + Math.sin(Math.PI / 8) * 470);
+       let up_point2 = cc.v2(Math.cos(Math.PI / 4) * -470, 300 + Math.sin(Math.PI / 4) * 470);
+       let up_point3 = cc.v2(Math.cos(3 * Math.PI / 8) * -470, 300 + Math.sin(3 * Math.PI / 8) * 470);
+       let up_point4 = cc.v2(Math.cos(Math.PI / 2) * -470, 300 + Math.sin(Math.PI / 2) * 470);
+       let up_point5 = cc.v2(Math.cos(5 * Math.PI / 8) * -470, 300 + Math.sin(5 * Math.PI / 8) * 470);
+       let up_point6 = cc.v2(Math.cos(6 * Math.PI / 8) * -470, 300 + Math.sin(6 * Math.PI / 8) * 470);
+       let up_point7 = cc.v2(Math.cos(7 * Math.PI / 8) * -470, 300 + Math.sin(7 * Math.PI / 8) * 470);
+       let up_point8 = cc.v2(470, 300);
+       let actionCircle1_1 = cc.spawn(cc.cardinalSplineTo(randomlist[3]*2.22, [down_point0,down_point1,down_point2,down_point3,down_point4,down_point5,down_point6,down_point7,down_point8], 0),cc.rotateBy(randomlist[3]*2.22, 180));
+       let actionCircle1_2 = cc.spawn(cc.cardinalSplineTo(randomlist[4]*2.22, [up_point0,up_point1,up_point2,up_point3,up_point4,up_point5,up_point6,up_point7,up_point8], 0), cc.rotateBy(randomlist[4]*2.22, 180)); 
+       let actionCircle2_1 = cc.spawn(cc.cardinalSplineTo(randomlist[8]*2.22, [down_point0,down_point1,down_point2,down_point3,down_point4,down_point5,down_point6,down_point7,down_point8], 0),cc.rotateBy(randomlist[8]*2.22, 180));
+       let actionCircle2_2 = cc.spawn(cc.cardinalSplineTo(randomlist[9]*2.22, [up_point0,up_point1,up_point2,up_point3,up_point4,up_point5,up_point6,up_point7,up_point8], 0), cc.rotateBy(randomlist[9]*2.22, 180)); 
+        let ActionAll = cc.sequence(placeAction,
+          actionMove_1_1, actionCircle1_1, actionMove_1_2, actionCircle1_2, actionMove_1_3,finish1,
+          actionMove_2_1,  actionCircle2_1,actionMove_2_2,actionCircle2_2,actionMove_2_3,finish2
+        );
+        this.opposite_runnode.runAction(ActionAll);
+    },
+    MyCarAction(randomlist) {
+       //初始位置
+       let placeAction = cc.place(400, 0);
+       //直线
+       let actionMove_1_1 = cc.moveTo(randomlist[0]/2, cc.v2(400, -300));
+       let actionMove_1_2 = cc.moveTo(randomlist[1], cc.v2(-400, 300));
+        let actionMove_1_3 = cc.moveTo(randomlist[2]/2, cc.v2(400, 0));
+        let actionMove_2_1 = cc.moveTo(randomlist[5]/2, cc.v2(400, -300));
+        let actionMove_2_2 = cc.moveTo(randomlist[6], cc.v2(-400, 300));
+        let actionMove_2_3 = cc.moveTo(randomlist[7]/2, cc.v2(400, 0));
+        let finish1 = cc.callFunc(this.showendpic, this);
+        let finish2 = cc.callFunc(this.endpk, this);
+       //下半圆转弯
+       let down_point0 = cc.v2(400, -300);
+       let down_point1 = cc.v2(Math.cos(Math.PI / 8) * 400, -300 - Math.sin(Math.PI / 8) * 400);
+       let down_point2 = cc.v2(Math.cos(Math.PI / 4) * 400, -300 - Math.sin(Math.PI / 4) * 400);
+       let down_point3 = cc.v2(Math.cos(3 * Math.PI / 8) * 400, -300 - Math.sin(3 * Math.PI / 8) * 400);
+       let down_point4 = cc.v2(Math.cos(Math.PI / 2) * 400, -300 - Math.sin(Math.PI / 2) * 400);
+       let down_point5 = cc.v2(Math.cos(5 * Math.PI / 8) * 400, -300 - Math.sin(5 * Math.PI / 8) * 400);
+       let down_point6 = cc.v2(Math.cos(6 * Math.PI / 8) * 400, -300 - Math.sin(6 * Math.PI / 8) * 400);
+       let down_point7 = cc.v2(Math.cos(7 * Math.PI / 8) * 400, -300 - Math.sin(7 * Math.PI / 8) * 400);
+       let down_point8 = cc.v2(- 400, -300);
+       //上半圆
+       let up_point0 = cc.v2(-400, 300);
+       let up_point1 = cc.v2(Math.cos(Math.PI / 8) * -400, 300 + Math.sin(Math.PI / 8) * 400);
+       let up_point2 = cc.v2(Math.cos(Math.PI / 4) * -400, 300 + Math.sin(Math.PI / 4) * 400);
+       let up_point3 = cc.v2(Math.cos(3 * Math.PI / 8) * -400, 300 + Math.sin(3 * Math.PI / 8) * 400);
+       let up_point4 = cc.v2(Math.cos(Math.PI / 2) * -400, 300 + Math.sin(Math.PI / 2) * 400);
+       let up_point5 = cc.v2(Math.cos(5 * Math.PI / 8) * -400, 300 + Math.sin(5 * Math.PI / 8) * 400);
+       let up_point6 = cc.v2(Math.cos(6 * Math.PI / 8) * -400, 300 + Math.sin(6 * Math.PI / 8) * 400);
+       let up_point7 = cc.v2(Math.cos(7 * Math.PI / 8) * -400, 300 + Math.sin(7 * Math.PI / 8) * 400);
+       let up_point8 = cc.v2(400, 300);
+       let actionCircle1_1 = cc.spawn(cc.cardinalSplineTo(randomlist[3]*2.22, [down_point0,down_point1,down_point2,down_point3,down_point4,down_point5,down_point6,down_point7,down_point8], 0),cc.rotateBy(randomlist[3]*2.22, 180));
+       let actionCircle1_2 = cc.spawn(cc.cardinalSplineTo(randomlist[4]*2.22, [up_point0,up_point1,up_point2,up_point3,up_point4,up_point5,up_point6,up_point7,up_point8], 0), cc.rotateBy(randomlist[4]*2.22, 180)); 
+       let actionCircle2_1 = cc.spawn(cc.cardinalSplineTo(randomlist[8]*2.22, [down_point0,down_point1,down_point2,down_point3,down_point4,down_point5,down_point6,down_point7,down_point8], 0),cc.rotateBy(randomlist[8]*2.22, 180));
+       let actionCircle2_2 = cc.spawn(cc.cardinalSplineTo(randomlist[9]*2.22, [up_point0,up_point1,up_point2,up_point3,up_point4,up_point5,up_point6,up_point7,up_point8], 0), cc.rotateBy(randomlist[9]*2.22, 180)); 
+       let ActionAll = cc.sequence(placeAction,
+          actionMove_1_1, actionCircle1_1, actionMove_1_2, actionCircle1_2, actionMove_1_3,finish1,
+          actionMove_2_1,  actionCircle2_1,actionMove_2_2,actionCircle2_2,actionMove_2_3,finish2
+        );
+       this.mycar_runnode.runAction(ActionAll);
+    },
+    /*
+    @level:汽车等级
+    */
+    GetRandomList(level) {
+        const DEFAULT_TIME = (3 / 5);
+        const DEFAULT_UP_DOWM = 0.05;
+        //每个段落的时间,在默认时间上下浮动5%;
+        //每提升一级,默认时间缩短5%,以保证级大一级极高概率赢
+        let Curr_level_default_time =DEFAULT_TIME * Math.pow(1-DEFAULT_UP_DOWM, level);
+        let timelist = [];
+        for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++){
+            timelist.push((1-Math.random() * DEFAULT_UP_DOWM) * Curr_level_default_time);
+        }
+        return timelist;
+    },
+    sum(list) {
+        let res = 0;
+        list.forEach(element => {
+            res += element;
+        });
+        return res;
+    },
+    showendpic() {
+        this.scheduleOnce(function () {
+            this.endpic.active = true;
+        },0.3)
+    },
+    endpk() {
+        //PK结束,我方胜利则发放奖金,对方胜利则显示失败。
+        if (this.endcarnum == 0) {
+            this.endcarnum += 1;
+            return;
+        }
+        if (this.endcarnum == 1) {
+            MyAudio.StopEffect_pkbgm();
+            this.showinterad();
+			Global.showbanner();
+            this.node.active = true;
+            this.pic_toast.active = true;
+            let res = this.sum(this.my_list) - this.sum(this.opposite_list);
+            let respicnode = cc.find('Canvas/BG/弹窗/BG/label');
+            if (res < 0) {
+                MyAudio.PlayEffect_pksuccess();
+                respicnode.getComponent('languagesprite').updatelanguage(respicnode.getComponent(cc.Sprite), "你赢了");
+                // cc.resources.load("automerge/你赢了", cc.SpriteFrame, function (err, spriteFrame) {
+                //     cc.find("Canvas/BG/弹窗/BG/label").getComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = spriteFrame;
+                // });
+                this.reword_number.string = Number(Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.buy_coin)) * 3;
+                cc.find("Canvas/BG/弹窗/BG/fail_label").active = false;
+            } else {
+                MyAudio.PlayEffect_pkfail();
+                this.reword_number.string = Number(Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.buy_coin));
+                cc.find("Canvas/BG/弹窗/BG/fail_label").active = true;
+                // console.log("对方胜利")
+                respicnode.getComponent('languagesprite').updatelanguage(respicnode.getComponent(cc.Sprite), "你输了");
+                //先判断小游戏平台,再判断原生平台
+                if (cc.sys.platform === cc.sys.WECHAT_GAME) {
+                    return;
+                }
+                //调用广告,奖励3个汽车钱
+                if (cc.sys.platform === cc.sys.ANDROID) {
+                    Admob.ShowInterstitialRewardAD();
+                    return;
+                } 
+            }
+            this.endcarnum = 0;
+        }
+		Global.EndRecode();
+    },
+    showinterad(){
+        // 在适合的场景显示插屏广告
+        let interstitialAd = Global.interstitialAd;
+        if (interstitialAd) {
+            interstitialAd.show().catch((err) => {
+                 console.error(err)
+            })
+        }
+    }
+    // update (dt) {},

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "0d9e36d0-b72c-411f-b6bd-3b8a662cdc3a",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 108 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+		coinParticle:{
+			default: null,
+			type: cc.Prefab,
+		},
+		earnMoney:{
+			default: null,
+			type: cc.Prefab,
+		},
+		lb:{
+			default: null,
+			type: cc.Label,
+		},
+    },
+	onLoad(){
+		cc.game.addPersistRootNode(this.node);
+		this.inittime();
+	},
+	inittime(){
+		let _this = this;
+		// let countDownNode = this.daojishi_string.getComponent(Label);
+		this.lb.string = '05:00';
+		let time = 180;
+		this.lb.schedule(function () {
+			time--;
+			let minute = Math.floor(time / 60);
+			let second = time % 60;
+			let timeStr = minute + ":" + second;
+			_this.lb.string = timeStr;
+			if (time == 0) {
+				cc.tween(_this.node)
+					.to(1, { scale: 1.2})
+					.to(1, { scale: 1 })
+					.union()
+					.repeatForever()
+					.start();
+				if (cc.sys.language != cc.sys.LANGUAGE_CHINESE) {
+					_this.lb.string = "Get"
+				} else {
+					_this.lb.string = "领取"
+				}
+			}
+		}, 1, time - 1, 0);
+	},
+	gettimereward(){
+		if (cc.sys.language != cc.sys.LANGUAGE_CHINESE) {
+			if (this.lb.string != 'Get') {
+				return;
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (this.lb.string != '领取') {
+				return;
+			}
+		}
+		let ani = this.node.getComponent(cc.Animation);
+		ani.play();
+		// ani.setCurrentTime(2);
+		// register event to all animation
+		this.finished()
+		this.inittime();
+		// this.node.getComponent('collect_coin_anim').onPlayCoinAni(this.node);
+	},
+	finished : function () {
+		// callback
+		console.log("finished")
+		this.scheduleOnce(()=>{
+			this.node.stopAllActions();
+			this.node.getComponent(cc.Animation).stop();
+		},1)
+		let icon = Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin);
+		Storage.Set_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin, Number(icon) + 10000);
+		let sjb = cc.instantiate(this.coinParticle);
+		sjb.parent = this.node;
+		this.showCoinAdd(10000)
+	},
+	showCoinAdd(num) {
+		let earnnum = cc.instantiate(this.earnMoney);
+		earnnum.setScale(0.5);
+		earnnum.getComponent(cc.Label).string = num;
+		earnnum.parent = this.node;
+		// var placeAction = cc.place(-425, 0);
+		var actionhide = cc.hide();
+		var actionTo = cc.jumpTo(0.5, 0, 50, 50, 1);
+		var ActionAll = cc.sequence(actionTo, actionhide)
+		earnnum.runAction(ActionAll);
+	}

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "75e60ace-4817-4e93-b06b-866949018134",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.3",
+  "uuid": "0bb4d150-01c3-4576-b040-16cd6fa02fd8",
+  "importer": "folder",
+  "isBundle": false,
+  "bundleName": "",
+  "priority": 1,
+  "compressionType": {},
+  "optimizeHotUpdate": {},
+  "inlineSpriteFrames": {},
+  "isRemoteBundle": {},
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 68 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+window.Admob = {
+    /**
+     * @returns 代表广告播放成功与否
+     */
+    ShowInterstitialRewardAD(){
+        let res = jsb.reflection.callStaticMethod("org/cocos2dx/javascript/admob/Interstitial_Reward", "ShowInterstitialRewardAD","()I");
+        return res;
+    },
+    ShowRewardAD(){
+        let res = jsb.reflection.callStaticMethod("org/cocos2dx/javascript/admob/Reward", "ShowRewardAD","()I");
+        return res;
+    },
+    GetRewardAD(){
+        let res = jsb.reflection.callStaticMethod("org/cocos2dx/javascript/admob/Reward", "GetRewardAD","()I");
+        return res;
+    },
+    GetInterstitialRewardAD(){
+        let res = jsb.reflection.callStaticMethod("org/cocos2dx/javascript/admob/Interstitial_Reward", "GetInterstitialRewardAD","()I");
+        return res;
+    },
+    /**
+     * @type 需要下发哪种奖励,对应storage中的游戏类型
+     * "coin":"1",
+        "buy_car_level":"2",
+        "buy_coin":"3",
+        "cars_own": "4",
+        "task": "5",s
+        "pklevel":"6"
+     * @reward 奖励内容
+     */
+    Reword(type, reward) {
+        switch (type) {
+            case "coin":
+                let type_now = Number(Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin));
+                Storage.Set_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin, type_now + reward);
+                Global.toast("广告奖励金币已到账")
+                break;
+            case "car":
+                cc.find('Canvas/Main/role/Stop_cars/Add_Car').getComponent('CarAddPark').AddCarToPark();
+			case "outline":
+                console.log('走到离线奖励这里' + Global.outlinereward);
+				let icon = Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin);
+                console.log('走到离线奖励这里' + icon);
+				Storage.Set_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin, Number(icon) + Global.outlinereward);
+                console.log('走到离线奖励这里' + Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin));
+				Global.outlinereward = -1;
+                window['closeoutline'] = 1;
+                cc.find('outline/outlinereward').active = false;
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+    },
+    ShowRewordDialog() {
+        if(cc.sys.language != cc.sys.LANGUAGE_CHINESE){
+            cc.find('Canvas/BG/弹窗/BG/fail_label').getComponent(cc.Label).string = "Ad reward credited";
+        } else {
+            cc.find('Canvas/BG/弹窗/BG/fail_label').getComponent(cc.Label).string = "广告奖励金币已到账";
+        }
+    }
+//     message: Level_Pass_Now
+// });
+//cc.sys.localStorage.setItem(key, value)

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "f98dfb82-7cf5-4808-8069-332a964544d2",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+    },
+    onLoad() {
+        this.node.on('click',this.callback,this)
+        console.log('update is already ok!')
+    },
+    callback() {
+        if (cc.sys.platform === cc.sys.WECHAT_GAME) {
+            // dialog.getChildByName('Button').getChildByName('视频').active = false;
+            this.wechatad();
+        }else if(cc.sys.platform === cc.sys.BYTEDANCE_GAME){
+			this.ttad();
+			Global.hidebanner();
+        } else {
+            dialog.getChildByName('Button').getChildByName('分享').active = false;
+            this.androidad();
+        }
+    },
+    androidad(){
+        console.log('AD is click!');
+        let adres = jsb.reflection.callStaticMethod("org/cocos2dx/javascript/admob/Reward", "GetRewardAD","()I");
+        console.log("是否有广告:"+adres)
+        if (adres) {
+            Admob.ShowRewardAD();
+        } else {
+            Global.toast("无可用广告")
+        }
+        cc.find("Canvas/Main/Dialog").active = false;
+    },
+    wechatad(){
+        let videoAd = Global.wechatvideoid;
+        // 用户触发广告后,显示激励视频广告
+        videoAd.show().catch(() => {
+        // 失败重试
+        videoAd.load()
+            .then(() => videoAd.show())
+            .catch(err => {
+                console.log('激励视频 广告显示失败');
+				Global.toast('广告播放失败!')
+            })
+        })
+	},
+	ttad(){
+		let videoAd = Global.wechatvideoid;
+		// 用户触发广告后,显示激励视频广告
+		videoAd.show().catch(() => {
+			// 失败重试
+			videoAd.load()
+				.then(() => videoAd.show())
+				.catch(err => {
+					console.log('激励视频 广告显示失败');
+					Global.toast('暂无广告资源,请稍后再试!');
+				})
+		})
+	}
+    // update (dt) {},

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "96772f5c-429a-4063-8742-1ca6501e9f88",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 42 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+window.MyAudio = {
+    PlayEffect_initcar() {
+        let audiocom = cc.director.getScene().getChildByName('Audio').getComponent('AudioComponent');
+		if (Global.BGM == 1) cc.audioEngine.play(audiocom.initcar, false, 0.5);
+    },
+    PlayEffect_mergecar() {
+        let audiocom = cc.director.getScene().getChildByName('Audio').getComponent('AudioComponent');
+		if (Global.BGM == 1) cc.audioEngine.play(audiocom.mergecar, false,0.5);
+    },
+    PlayEffect_startpk() {
+        let audiocom = cc.director.getScene().getChildByName('Audio').getComponent('AudioComponent');
+		if (Global.BGM == 1) cc.audioEngine.play(audiocom.startpk, false,0.5);
+    },
+    PlayEffect_getreword() {
+        let audiocom = cc.director.getScene().getChildByName('Audio').getComponent('AudioComponent');
+		if (Global.BGM == 1) cc.audioEngine.play(audiocom.getreword, false,0.5);
+    },
+    PlayEffect_button() {
+        let audiocom = cc.director.getScene().getChildByName('Audio').getComponent('AudioComponent');
+		if (Global.BGM == 1) cc.audioEngine.play(audiocom.button, false,0.5);
+    },
+    PlayEffect_pkbgm() {
+        let audiocom = cc.director.getScene().getChildByName('Audio').getComponent('AudioComponent');
+		if (Global.BGM == 1) cc.audioEngine.playMusic(audiocom.pkbgm, true);
+    },
+    StopEffect_pkbgm() {
+		if (Global.BGM == 1) cc.audioEngine.stopMusic();
+    },
+    PlayEffect_pksuccess() {
+        let audiocom = cc.director.getScene().getChildByName('Audio').getComponent('AudioComponent');
+		if (Global.BGM == 1) cc.audioEngine.play(audiocom.pksuccess, false,0.5);
+    },
+    PlayEffect_pkfail() {
+        let audiocom = cc.director.getScene().getChildByName('Audio').getComponent('AudioComponent');
+		if (Global.BGM == 1) cc.audioEngine.play(audiocom.pkfail, false,0.5);
+    },
+    PlayEffect_task() {
+        let audiocom = cc.director.getScene().getChildByName('Audio').getComponent('AudioComponent');
+		if (Global.BGM == 1) cc.audioEngine.play(audiocom.task, false,0.5);
+    }

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "2699d7bb-3b4c-48aa-85e9-d9d61cb7832c",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 29 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+ * 挂载到常驻节点即可
+ */
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+        mergecar: cc.AudioClip,
+        initcar: cc.AudioClip,
+        startpk: cc.AudioClip,
+        button: cc.AudioClip,
+        getreword: cc.AudioClip,
+        pksuccess: cc.AudioClip,
+        pkfail: cc.AudioClip,
+        task: cc.AudioClip,
+        pkbgm:cc.AudioClip
+    },
+    onLoad() {
+        cc.game.addPersistRootNode(this.node);
+     },

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "97efc791-5252-4cba-afa7-9497300be93b",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 217 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+window.Global = {
+   Cars:{
+    "1": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/0",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/0",
+        "money_per_circle": 50
+    },
+    "2": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/1",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/1",
+        "money_per_circle": 65
+    },
+    "3": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/2",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/2",
+        "money_per_circle": 85
+    },
+    "4": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/3",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/3",
+        "money_per_circle": 110
+    },
+    "5": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/4",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/4",
+        "money_per_circle": 143
+    },
+    "6": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/5",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/5",
+        "money_per_circle": 186
+    },
+    "7": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/6",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/6",
+        "money_per_circle": 241
+    },
+    "8": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/7",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/7",
+        "money_per_circle": 314
+    },
+    "9": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/8",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/8",
+        "money_per_circle": 408
+    },
+    "10": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/9",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/9",
+        "money_per_circle": 530
+    },
+    "11": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/10",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/10",
+        "money_per_circle": 689
+    },
+    "12": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/11",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/11",
+        "money_per_circle": 896
+    },
+    "13": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/12",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/12",
+        "money_per_circle": 1165
+    },
+    "14": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/13",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/13",
+        "money_per_circle": 1514
+    },
+    "15": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/14",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/14",
+        "money_per_circle": 1969
+    },
+    "16": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/15",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/15",
+        "money_per_circle": 2560
+    },
+    "17": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/16",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/16",
+        "money_per_circle": 3327
+    },
+    "18": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/17",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/17",
+        "money_per_circle": 4326
+    },
+    "19": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/18",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/18",
+        "money_per_circle": 5623
+    },
+    "20": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/19",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/19",
+        "money_per_circle": 7310
+    },
+    "21": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/20",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/20",
+        "money_per_circle": 9503
+    },
+    "22": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/21",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/21",
+        "money_per_circle": 12354
+    },
+    "23": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/22",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/22",
+        "money_per_circle": 16060
+    },
+    "24": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/23",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/23",
+        "money_per_circle": 20878
+    },
+    "25": {
+        "car_park_pic": "cars/car_park/24",
+        "car_run_pic": "cars/car_run/24",
+        "money_per_circle": 27142
+    }
+    },
+	BGM:0,
+    automerge: false,
+    MaxCarLevel: 0,//记录当前最大的汽车等级
+    CurrCarsEarn: 0,//记录当前的产量
+    endinit:false,
+    wechatvideoid:null,
+    interstitialAd:null,
+    bannerAd:null,
+    outlinereward:-1,
+    PK_Double: 0,
+    videoPath: null,
+    recorder: null,
+    endtime: 0,
+    starttime: 0,
+    showbanner(){
+         try {
+             Global.bannerAd.show();
+            } catch (error) {
+                console.log(error);
+            };
+    },
+    hidebanner(){
+        try {
+            Global.bannerAd.hide();
+        } catch (error) {
+            console.log(error);
+        };
+    },
+    toast(str) {
+        let toast_label = cc.find('Toast/lb').getComponent(cc.Label);
+        cc.find('Toast').active = true;
+        toast_label.unschedule(hidelabel);
+        if(cc.sys.language != cc.sys.LANGUAGE_CHINESE){
+            toast_label.string = MyLanguage[str].en;
+        } else {
+            toast_label.string = str
+        }
+        toast_label.scheduleOnce(hidelabel, 2)
+        function hidelabel() {
+            toast_label.string = '';
+            cc.find('Toast').active = false;
+        }
+    },
+	CocosAnalysticCustomEvent(key,vaule){
+        if (cc.sys.platform === cc.sys.ANDROID) {
+            return;
+        }
+		cocosAnalytics.CACustomEvent.onSuccess(key, {
+			'vaule':vaule
+		});
+    },
+    StartRecode() {
+        let self = this;
+        Global.starttime = new Date().getTime();
+        tt.getSystemInfo({
+            success(res) {
+                const screenWidth = res.screenWidth;
+                const screenHeight = res.screenHeight;
+                Global.recorder = tt.getGameRecorderManager();
+                var maskInfo = Global.recorder.getMark();
+                var x = (screenWidth - maskInfo.markWidth) / 2;
+                var y = screenHeight - 300;
+                Global.recorder.onStart((res) => {
+                    console.log("录屏开始");
+                    // do something;
+                });
+                //添加水印并且居中处理
+                Global.recorder.start({
+                    duration: 300,
+                    isMarkOpen: true,
+                    locLeft: x,
+                    locTop: y,
+                });
+            },
+        });
+    },
+    EndRecode() {
+        let self = this;
+        Global.endtime = new Date().getTime();
+        Global.recorder.onStop((res) => {
+            console.log(res.videoPath);
+            Global.videoPath = res.videoPath;
+        });
+        Global.recorder.stop();
+    },

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "cc97973a-e2fd-4107-b082-3b624ed6be27",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 63 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+window.MyLanguage = {
+    "挑战赢大奖": {
+        zh: "挑战赢大奖",
+        en:"Challenge"
+    },
+    "开始挑战": {
+        zh: "开始挑战",
+        en:"Challenge"
+    },
+    "自动合并": {
+        zh: "自动合并",
+        en:"Auto Merge"
+    },
+    "返回游戏":{
+        zh: "返回游戏",
+        en:"Back"
+    },
+    "领取":{
+        zh: "领取",
+        en:"Receive"
+    },
+    "快去合成更快的汽车吧": {
+        zh: "快去合成更快的汽车吧",
+        en:"Go craft faster cars"
+    },
+    "车位不足":{
+        zh: "车位不足",
+        en:"Insufficient parking space"
+    },
+    "余额不足":{
+        zh: "余额不足",
+        en:"Insufficient balance"
+    },
+    "请等待汽车加载完成!": {
+        zh: "请等待汽车加载完成!",
+        en:"Please wait for the car to load!"
+    },
+    "请先购买至少一辆车": {
+        zh: "请先购买至少一辆车",
+        en:"Please purchase at least one car first"
+    },
+    "广告奖励已到账": {
+        zh: "广告奖励已到账",
+        en:"Ad reward credited"
+    },
+    "免费领取": {
+		zh: "免费领取",
+		en:"Watch ads "
+    },
+    "无可用广告": {
+        zh: "无可用广告",
+        en:"No Ads!"
+    },
+    "免费获取一辆车": {
+        zh: "免费获取一辆车",
+        en:"Get a car for free!"
+	},
+	"免费领取": {
+		zh: "免费领取",
+		en: "Get Free!"
+	}

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "3ff776ef-2498-4c0a-8572-bcf56ae039f0",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 41 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - [Chinese] http://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/zh/scripting/class.html
+//  - [English] http://www.cocos2d-x.org/docs/creator/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - [Chinese] http://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/zh/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+//  - [English] http://www.cocos2d-x.org/docs/creator/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - [Chinese] http://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/zh/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+//  - [English] http://www.cocos2d-x.org/docs/creator/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+        safe_Time:1,
+        Already_click:false
+    },
+    onLoad () {
+        this.node.on('click',this.callback,this);
+    },
+    callback(){
+        var self = this;
+        if(self.Already_click == true){
+            return ;
+        }
+        self.node.getComponent(cc.Button).interactable = false;
+        self.Already_click = true;
+    },
+    update (dt) {
+        var self = this;
+        if(self.Already_click){
+            self.safe_Time -= dt;
+            // console.log(self.safe_Time)
+            if(self.safe_Time <= 0){
+                self.Already_click = false;
+                self.safe_Time = 1;
+                self.node.getComponent(cc.Button).interactable = true;
+            }
+        }
+    },

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "e979f650-e9b1-4bb9-9342-01ac69d504d8",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 51 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+window.Share = {
+    WX_Share_Default(){
+        wx.shareAppMessage({
+            title: '看我的'+Global.MaxCarLevel+'级跑车!'
+        })
+    },
+    WX_Share_Canvas() {
+        wx.onShareAppMessage(function () {
+            return {
+              title: '转发标题',
+              imageUrl: canvas.toTempFilePathSync({
+                destWidth: 500,
+                destHeight: 400
+              })
+            }
+          })
+    },
+		wx.showShareMenu({
+			success: (res) => {
+				console.log('开启被动转发成功!');
+			},
+			fail: (res) => {
+				console.log(res);
+				console.log('开启被动转发失败!');
+			}
+		});
+		wx.onShareAppMessage(function () {
+			return {
+				title: '看我的' + Global.MaxCarLevel + '级跑车!'
+				}
+		})
+	},
+    ByteDanceShare() {
+      // 以默认链接分享方式为例
+		tt.shareAppMessage({
+			title: '看我的' + Global.MaxCarLevel + '级跑车!',
+			desc: "从出租车一步一步合成超级跑车!",
+			// imageUrl: url,
+			query: "",
+			success() {
+				console.log("分享成功");
+				cc.find('Canvas/Main/role/Stop_cars/Add_Car').getComponent('CarAddPark').AddCarToPark();
+			},
+			fail(e) {
+				console.log("分享失败");
+			},
+		});
+    }

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "5885c4c3-d3d4-4171-9887-6d6547c11a44",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+window.Storage = {
+    GameMessageType:{
+        "coin":"1",
+        "buy_car_level":"2",
+        "buy_coin":"3",
+        "cars_own": "4",
+        "task": "5",
+        "pklevel":"6",
+		"outlinetime":'7'
+    },
+    Set_storage(Type, req) {
+        if (cc.sys.platform === cc.sys.WECHAT_GAME) {
+            wx.setStorageSync(Type,req);
+        } else {
+            cc.sys.localStorage.setItem(Type,req);
+        }
+    },
+    Get_storage (Type){
+        let rsp = 0;
+        if (cc.sys.platform === cc.sys.WECHAT_GAME) {
+            rsp = wx.getStorageSync(Type);
+        }else{
+            rsp = cc.sys.localStorage.getItem(Type);
+        }
+        if(!rsp){
+            rsp = 0;
+        }
+        return rsp;
+    },
+//     message: Level_Pass_Now
+// });
+//cc.sys.localStorage.setItem(key, value)

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "7979674a-4316-457b-876c-b06bdb851979",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 433 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+        success: cc.Node,
+        taskname: cc.Label,
+        // taskreword: cc.Label,
+        task_level_now: 0,//用来领取奖励的时候,记录当前完成的是哪一关,
+        Earn_num: cc.Prefab,
+    },
+    onLoad() {
+        this.Checktask();
+        this.schedule(this.Checktask, 1);
+        this.success
+            .on("click", this.GetReword, this);
+    },
+    Checktask() {
+        let next_task = Number(Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.task)) + 1;
+        //先init当前task
+        this.task_level_now = next_task;
+        this.success.active = false;
+        if (cc.sys.language != cc.sys.LANGUAGE_CHINESE) {
+            this.taskname.string = TaskDetail[next_task].task_name_en;
+        } else {
+            this.taskname.string = TaskDetail[next_task].task_name;   
+        }
+        // this.taskreword.string = TaskDetail[next_task].task_reword;
+        //this.node.runAction(cc.fadeIn(0.5));
+        //check任务是否完成
+        switch (TaskDetail[next_task].type) {
+            case 0:
+                this.CheckType0(next_task);
+                break;
+            case 1:
+                this.CheckType1(next_task);
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+    },
+    CheckType0(next_task) {
+        //每个游戏单独的方法
+        //检查汽车最大等级是否超过目标等级
+        if (Global.MaxCarLevel >= TaskDetail[next_task].task_target) {
+            //目标完成,发放奖励
+            this.showSuccess();
+        }
+    },
+    CheckType1(next_task) {
+        //检查当前汽车的产量
+        if (Global.CurrCarsEarn >=TaskDetail[next_task].task_target) {
+            //目标完成,发放奖励
+            this.showSuccess();
+        }
+    },
+    GetReword() {
+        MyAudio.PlayEffect_task();
+        this.success.active = false;
+        // this.node.runAction(cc.hide());
+        this.Checktask();
+        let reword = TaskDetail[this.task_level_now].task_reword;
+        Storage.Set_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin, Number(Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.coin)) + Number(reword));
+        Storage.Set_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.task, this.task_level_now);
+        this.node.getComponent('collect_coin_anim').onPlayCoinAni(this.node);
+        this.showCoinAdd(reword);
+        Global.CocosAnalysticCustomEvent('Task',this.task_level_now)
+    },
+    showSuccess() {
+        this.success.active = true;
+        let action = cc.repeatForever(cc.sequence(cc.scaleTo(0.5, 1.2), cc.scaleTo(0.5, 0.8)));
+        this.success.runAction(action);
+    },
+    showCoinAdd(num) {
+        let earnnum = cc.instantiate(this.Earn_num);
+        earnnum.getComponent(cc.Label).string = num;
+        earnnum.parent = this.node;
+        // var placeAction = cc.place(-425, 0);
+        var actionhide = cc.hide();
+        var actionTo = cc.jumpTo(0.5, 0, 150, 50, 1);
+        var ActionAll = cc.sequence(actionTo, actionhide)
+        earnnum.runAction(ActionAll);
+    },
+    1: {
+        "task_name": "合成2级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 2",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 2,
+        "task_reword": 1000
+    },
+    2: {
+        "task_name": "合成3级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 3",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 3,
+        "task_reword": 2000
+    },
+    3: {
+        "task_name": "合成4级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 4",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 4,
+        "task_reword": 3000
+    },
+    4: {
+        "task_name": "合成5级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 5",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 5,
+        "task_reword": 5000
+    },
+    5: {
+        "task_name": "合成6级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 6",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 6,
+        "task_reword": 7000
+    },
+    6: {
+        "task_name": "合成7级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 7",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 7,
+        "task_reword": 9000
+    },
+    7: {
+        "task_name": "合成8级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 8",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 8,
+        "task_reword": 15000
+    },
+    8: {
+        "task_name": "合成9级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 9",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 9,
+        "task_reword": 20000
+    },
+    9: {
+        "task_name": "合成10级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 10",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 10,
+        "task_reword": 30000
+    },
+    10: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到1000/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 1000/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 1000,
+        "task_reword": 40000
+    },
+    11: {
+        "task_name": "合成11级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 11",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 11,
+        "task_reword": 50000
+    },
+    12: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到1500/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 1500/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 1500,
+        "task_reword": 70000
+    },
+    13: {
+        "task_name": "合成12级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 12",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 12,
+        "task_reword": 90000
+    },
+    14: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到2000/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 2000/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 2000,
+        "task_reword": 110000
+    },
+    15: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到2500/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 2500/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 2500,
+        "task_reword": 130000
+    },
+    16: {
+        "task_name": "合成13级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 13",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 13,
+        "task_reword": 150000
+    },
+    17: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到3000/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 3000/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 3000,
+        "task_reword": 200000
+    },
+    18: {
+        "task_name": "合成14级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 14",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 14,
+        "task_reword": 250000
+    },
+    19: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到3500/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 3500/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 3500,
+        "task_reword": 300000
+    },
+    20: {
+        "task_name": "合成15级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 15",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 15,
+        "task_reword": 400000
+    },
+    21: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到4000/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 4000/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 4000,
+        "task_reword": 500000
+    },
+    22: {
+        "task_name": "合成16级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 16",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 16,
+        "task_reword": 700000
+    },
+    23: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到4500/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 4500/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 4500,
+        "task_reword": 900000
+    },
+    24: {
+        "task_name": "合成17级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 17",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 17,
+        "task_reword": 1500000
+    },
+    25: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到5000/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 5000/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 5000,
+        "task_reword": 2000000
+    },
+    26: {
+        "task_name": "合成18级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 18",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 18,
+        "task_reword": 3000000
+    },
+    27: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到6000/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 6000/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 6000,
+        "task_reword": 4000000
+    },
+    28: {
+        "task_name": "合成19级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 19",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 19,
+        "task_reword": 5000000
+    },
+    29: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到7000/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 7000/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 7000,
+        "task_reword": 6000000
+    },
+    30: {
+        "task_name": "合成20级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 20",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 20,
+        "task_reword": 8000000
+    },
+    31: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到9000/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 9000/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 9000,
+        "task_reword": 10000000
+    },
+    32: {
+        "task_name": "合成21级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 21",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 21,
+        "task_reword": 13000000
+    },
+    33: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到11000/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 11000/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 11000,
+        "task_reword": 16000000
+    },
+    34: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到13000/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 13000/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 13000,
+        "task_reword": 19000000
+    },
+    35: {
+        "task_name": "合成22级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 22",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 22,
+        "task_reword": 25000000
+    },
+    36: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到15000/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 15000/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 15000,
+        "task_reword": 30000000
+    },
+    37: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到17000/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 17000/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 17000,
+        "task_reword": 40000000
+    },
+    38: {
+        "task_name": "合成23级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 23",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 23,
+        "task_reword": 50000000
+    },
+    39: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到19000/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 19000/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 19000,
+        "task_reword": 60000000
+    },
+    40: {
+        "task_name": "合成24级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 24",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 24,
+        "task_reword": 80000000
+    },
+    41: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到25000/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 25000/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 25000,
+        "task_reword": 100000000
+    },
+    42: {
+        "task_name": "合成25级汽车",
+        "task_name_en": "Rise to level 25",
+        "type": 0,
+        "task_target": 25,
+        "task_reword": 150000000
+    },
+    43: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到35000/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 35000/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 35000,
+        "task_reword": 200000000
+    },
+    44: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到50000/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 50000/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 50000,
+        "task_reword": 250000000
+    },
+    45: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到100000/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 100000/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 100000,
+        "task_reword": 300000000
+    },
+    46: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到15000/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 15000/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 15000,
+        "task_reword": 400000000
+    },
+    47: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到200000/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 200000/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 200000,
+        "task_reword": 500000000
+    },
+    48: {
+        "task_name": "收益达到300000/s",
+        "task_name_en": "Gains reached 300000/s",
+        "type": 1,
+        "task_target": 300000,
+        "task_reword": 1000000000
+    }

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "93c49f7f-f8cf-498b-97b5-73365a7c3694",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+ * 挂载到常驻节点即可
+ */
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+    },
+    onLoad() {
+        cc.game.addPersistRootNode(this.node);
+     },

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "e7c31d4f-65d3-461b-899e-6cb6c865296b",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 90 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+ * 挂载到想要效果的节点
+ */
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+        /**
+        * 飞的金币预制
+        */
+        coinpre: cc.Prefab,
+        /**
+        * 目标节点
+        */
+        coinNode: cc.Node,
+        /**
+        * 生成金币个数
+        */
+        createcoin: 20,
+        /**
+        * 随机范围(random1~random2之间)
+        */
+        random1: -50,
+        random2:  50,
+        /**
+        * 生成到赋予位置的时间
+        */
+        createTime:  0.15,
+        /**
+        * 停留时间
+        */
+         standingTime:  0.2,
+        /**
+        * 金币移动速度
+        */
+         coinSpeed:  5000
+    },
+    onPlayCoinAni(startnode) {
+        let tempPlayer = this.moveN1toN2(startnode,this.coinNode)
+        for (let i = 0; i < this.createcoin; i++) {
+            let pre = cc.instantiate(this.coinpre)
+            pre.parent = this.coinNode
+            pre.setPosition(tempPlayer)
+            let rannumx = Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.random2 - this.random1 + 1) + this.random1)
+            let rannumy = Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.random2 - this.random1 + 1) + this.random1)
+            pre.runAction(cc.moveBy(this.createTime, rannumx, rannumy))
+            this.scheduleOnce(() => {
+                pre.stopAllActions()
+                let finshend = cc.callFunc(function () {
+                    pre.destroy()
+                    //this.coinNode.getComponent(cc.Animation).play()
+                    // if (i == this.createcoin - 1) {
+                    //     //结束
+                    //     // this.scheduleOnce(() => {
+                    //     //     callback()
+                    //     // }, 0.5)
+                    // }
+                }, this);
+                let pos = pre.getPosition()
+                let coinpos = cc.v2(0,0)
+                let playTime = pos.sub(coinpos).mag() / this.coinSpeed
+                pre.runAction(cc.sequence(cc.moveTo(playTime, coinpos.x, coinpos.y,1), finshend))
+            }, this.standingTime + this.createTime);
+        }
+    },
+    moveN1toN2(node1, node2) {
+        let node1parentworld = node1.convertToWorldSpaceAR(cc.v2(0,0));
+        let node1innode2 = node2.convertToNodeSpaceAR(node1parentworld);
+        return node1innode2;
+        // return node1.parent.convertToNodeSpaceAR(node2.parent.convertToWorldSpaceAR(node2.position))
+    },
+    // onLoad () {},
+    start () {
+    },
+    // update (dt) {},

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "e90fb6cb-1e36-444a-94a4-dd68eb1b322d",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.3",
+  "uuid": "0cf3c244-ebfd-424f-83d3-7b6c3d383d93",
+  "importer": "folder",
+  "isBundle": false,
+  "bundleName": "",
+  "priority": 1,
+  "compressionType": {},
+  "optimizeHotUpdate": {},
+  "inlineSpriteFrames": {},
+  "isRemoteBundle": {},
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+window.Dialog = {
+    Init() {
+        let dialog = cc.find("Canvas/Main/Dialog");
+        dialog.active = true;
+		Global.showbanner();
+        //当前级别
+        let add_level = Storage.Get_storage(Storage.GameMessageType.buy_car_level);
+        if (add_level < 1) add_level = 1;
+        let pic_url = Global.Cars[add_level].car_park_pic
+        cc.resources.load(pic_url, cc.SpriteFrame, function (err, spriteFrame) {
+            dialog.getChildByName('bg').getChildByName("car_parking_pic").getComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = spriteFrame;
+        });
+        dialog.getChildByName('bg').getChildByName("car_parking_pic").getChildByName("number").getComponent(cc.Label).string = add_level;
+        // console.log(cc.sys.platform )
+        if (cc.sys.platform === cc.sys.WECHAT_GAME) {
+            if(Global.wechatvideoid != null){
+                dialog.getChildByName('Button').getChildByName('视频').active = true;
+            }
+        }else if(cc.sys.platform === cc.sys.BYTEDANCE_GAME){
+            dialog.getChildByName('Button').getChildByName('视频').active = true;
+        } else {
+            dialog.getChildByName('Button').getChildByName('分享').active = false;
+        }
+    }

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "a1b77651-6983-4893-bf6c-fd2d643594d1",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+        // foo: {
+        //     // ATTRIBUTES:
+        //     default: null,        // The default value will be used only when the component attaching
+        //                           // to a node for the first time
+        //     type: cc.SpriteFrame, // optional, default is typeof default
+        //     serializable: true,   // optional, default is true
+        // },
+        // bar: {
+        //     get () {
+        //         return this._bar;
+        //     },
+        //     set (value) {
+        //         this._bar = value;
+        //     }
+        // },
+    },
+    // onLoad () {},
+    onLoad() {
+        this.node.runAction(cc.repeatForever(cc.rotateBy(1, 90)));
+    },
+    // update (dt) {},

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "98a26aef-6add-4e61-b62c-68c8a86757ec",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 46 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+        // foo: {
+        //     // ATTRIBUTES:
+        //     default: null,        // The default value will be used only when the component attaching
+        //                           // to a node for the first time
+        //     type: cc.SpriteFrame, // optional, default is typeof default
+        //     serializable: true,   // optional, default is true
+        // },
+        // bar: {
+        //     get () {
+        //         return this._bar;
+        //     },
+        //     set (value) {
+        //         this._bar = value;
+        //     }
+        // },
+    },
+    onLoad() {
+        //cc.log('guanbi')
+        this.node.on('click', this.callback, this);
+    },
+    callback() {
+        cc.log('guanbi')
+        this.node.parent.active = false;
+		if(cc.sys.platform == cc.sys.BYTEDANCE_GAME){
+			Global.hidebanner();
+		}
+    },
+    // update (dt) {},

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "394d2860-efdf-458d-a14b-4ff86c81440e",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * 挂载到需要多语言的label组件
+ */
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+        // label: cc.Label,
+        // type:  cc.String 
+    },
+    onLoad() {
+        let label = this.node.getComponent(cc.Label);
+        // let labelstring = label.string;
+        this.updatelanguage(label);
+    },
+    updatelanguage(lb) {
+        let str = lb.string;
+        if(cc.sys.language != cc.sys.LANGUAGE_CHINESE){
+            lb.string = MyLanguage[str].en;
+            //cc.log(MyLanguage[str].en)
+        }
+        //cc.log(MyLanguage[str].en)
+    }
+    // update (dt) {},

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "19b3884c-49b0-4b8b-9723-d9b4c178a4d5",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 61 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// Learn cc.Class:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/class.html
+// Learn Attribute:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/reference/attributes.html
+// Learn life-cycle callbacks:
+//  - https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html
+ * 挂载到需要多语言图片的节点
+ *  */
+    extends: cc.Component,
+    properties: {
+        // label: cc.Label,
+        type:  cc.String 
+    },
+    onLoad() {
+        let sp = this.node.getComponent(cc.Sprite);
+        // let labelstring = label.string;
+        if (this.type != undefined && this.type != null && this.type!='') {
+            this.updatelanguage(sp,this.type);   
+        }
+    },
+    updatelanguage(sp,type) {
+        // let self = this;
+        let pic_url;
+        if (cc.sys.language != cc.sys.LANGUAGE_CHINESE) {
+            pic_url = DuoyuyanSprite[type].en;
+        }else {
+            pic_url = DuoyuyanSprite[type].zh;
+        }
+        cc.resources.load(pic_url, cc.SpriteFrame, function (err, spriteFrame) {
+            sp.spriteFrame = spriteFrame;
+        });
+    }
+    // update (dt) {},
+window.DuoyuyanSprite = {
+    "我方赛车": {
+        en: "languageSprite/我方赛车en",
+        zh:"languageSprite/我方出战"
+    },
+    "对方赛车": {
+        en: "languageSprite/对方赛车en",
+        zh:"languageSprite/对方出战"
+    },
+    "你赢了": {
+        en: "languageSprite/youwinen",
+        zh:"languageSprite/你赢了"
+    },
+    "你输了": {
+        en: "languageSprite/youloseen",
+        zh:"languageSprite/你输了"
+	},
+	"离线奖励": {
+		en: "languageSprite/离线奖励en",
+		zh: "languageSprite/离线奖励"
+	}

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.0",
+  "uuid": "82d2d63a-8cf5-4499-b838-1bc8fdc262d9",
+  "importer": "javascript",
+  "isPlugin": false,
+  "loadPluginInWeb": true,
+  "loadPluginInNative": true,
+  "loadPluginInEditor": false,
+  "subMetas": {}

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+  "ver": "1.1.3",
+  "uuid": "f88932b1-bcc9-46e2-86d4-db124077b832",
+  "importer": "folder",
+  "isBundle": false,
+  "bundleName": "",
+  "priority": 1,
+  "compressionType": {},
+  "optimizeHotUpdate": {},
+  "inlineSpriteFrames": {},
+  "isRemoteBundle": {},
+  "subMetas": {}


+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+  "ver": "2.0.3",
+  "uuid": "e6e42705-ba7f-42b6-904e-4774bce54b7c",
+  "importer": "audio-clip",
+  "downloadMode": 0,
+  "duration": 5.590204,
+  "subMetas": {}


+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+  "ver": "2.0.3",
+  "uuid": "f8fdfeb1-d3aa-4a49-a9a9-32da55cafa6c",
+  "importer": "audio-clip",
+  "downloadMode": 0,
+  "duration": 3.761633,
+  "subMetas": {}


+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+  "ver": "2.0.3",
+  "uuid": "6355db32-1e4a-473b-a70f-cc035686078f",
+  "importer": "audio-clip",
+  "downloadMode": 0,
+  "duration": 1.567357,
+  "subMetas": {}


+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+  "ver": "2.0.3",
+  "uuid": "c93fa499-36d6-427f-881e-f65d7c4aa48a",
+  "importer": "audio-clip",
+  "downloadMode": 0,
+  "duration": 0.10425,
+  "subMetas": {}


+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+  "ver": "2.0.3",
+  "uuid": "12ac4bea-764c-4450-aff3-f2044fac7dea",
+  "importer": "audio-clip",
+  "downloadMode": 0,
+  "duration": 0.862041,
+  "subMetas": {}


+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+  "ver": "2.0.3",
+  "uuid": "df83cca2-14f0-4b54-b29a-389c4ae935d2",
+  "importer": "audio-clip",
+  "downloadMode": 0,
+  "duration": 1.436735,
+  "subMetas": {}


+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+  "ver": "2.0.3",
+  "uuid": "127205af-acaa-433b-b577-77d3c339064d",
+  "importer": "audio-clip",
+  "downloadMode": 0,
+  "duration": 1.515102,
+  "subMetas": {}


Bu fark içinde çok fazla dosya değişikliği olduğu için bazı dosyalar gösterilmiyor